
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

8.1 Books (Authored, Co-authored or Edited)


The Industries of London. (Hutchinson, London).


London 2000. (Faber, London).


Labour’s New Frontiers. (Ed.) (Deutsch, London).


Land Values. (Ed.) (Sweet and Maxwell, London).

Londra nel 2000. (Marsilio Editori, Padova).


The World Cities. (Weidenfeld, London). French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish translations published simultaneously.

Von Thünen’s Isolated State. (Ed.) (Pergamon Press, Oxford).


An Advanced Regional Geography of Northern and Western Europe. With R.J. Harrison Church, G.R.P. Lawrence, W.R. Mead, and Alice Mutton (London, Hulton)


London 2000. Second edition. (Faber and Faber, London).


Theory and Practice of Regional Planning. (Pemberton, London).


The Containment of Urban England. With R. Drewett, H. Gracey, R. Thomas (Allen and Unwin, London).

Planning and Urban Growth: An Anglo-American Comparison. With M. Clawson (Johns Hopkins, Baltimore).


Urban and Regional Planning. (Penguin, Harmondsworth and David and Charles, Newton Abbot).

The Penguin World Atlas. (Ed.) (Penguin, Harmondsworth).


Europe 2000. (Duckworth, London).

The World Cities. Second edition. (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London).


Issues in Urban Society. (Ed., with R. Davies). (Penguin, London).


Great Planning Disasters. (Weidenfeld, London). Paperback edition, 1981 (Penguin, London).

Growth Centres in the European Urban System. With D. Hay (Heinemann, London).

The Penguin World Atlas. Second edition. (Penguin, London).


The Inner City in Context. (ed.) (Heinemann, London).

Transport and Public Policy Planning. (Ed., with D. Banister). (Mansell, London).


The Penguin World Travel Guide. With M. Hall. (Penguin, London).

The World Cities. Chinese edition. (Progress Publishers, Peking).

Europe 2000. Chinese edition. (Academia Sinica, Nanking).

Urban and Regional Planning. Second edition. (Penguin, London).

Great Planning Disasters. American edition, with new introduction. (University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles).


The World Cities. Third edition. (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London).


The Future of Urban Form: The Impact of New Technology. (Ed., with J. Brotchie, P. Newton, P. Nijkamp). (Croom Helm, London and Sydney).

Silicon Landscapes. (Ed., with A. Markusen). (Allen and Unwin, Boston).

Can Rail save the City? The Impacts of Rail Rapid Transit and Pedestrianisation on British and German Cities. With C. Hass-Klau. (Gower, Aldershot).


High Tech America: The What, How, Where and Why of the Sunrise Industries. With A. Markusen and A. Glasmeier (Allen and Unwin, Boston).


Western Sunrise: Genesis and Growth of Britain’s High Tech Corridor. With M. Breheny, D. Hart and R. McQuaid (Allen and Unwin, London).

The Spatial Impact of Technological Change. (Ed., with J. Brotchie and P. Newton). (Croom Helm, London).


The Carrier Wave: New Information Technology and the Geography of Innovation, 18462003. With P. Preston (Unwin Hyman, London).

Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design in the Twentieth Century. (Basil Blackwell, Oxford).


London 2001. (Unwin Hyman, London).


The Rise of the Gunbelt: The Military Remapping of Industrial America. With A. Markusen, S. Campbell and S. Deitrick (Oxford U.P., New York).

Cities of the 21st Century: New Technologies and Spatial Systems. (Ed., with J. Brotchie, M. Batty and P. Newton). (Melbourne: Longman Cheshire).


Multilateral Cooperation for Development in the Twenty-First Century: Training and Research for Regional Development. (Ed., with R. de Guzman, C.M. Madduma Bandara, A. Kato). Nagoya: United Nations Centre for Regional Development.


Technopoles of the World: The Making of 21st-Century Industrial Complexes. (With M. Castells). London: Routledge.

Las Tecnópolis del Mundo: La Formación de los Complejos Industriales del Siglo XXI. (With M. Castells). Madrid: Alianza Editorial.


Cities in Competition: Productive and Sustainable Cities for the 21st Century. (Ed., with J. Brotchie, M. Batty, E. Blakely, and P. Newton. Melbourne: Longman Australia.


Four World Cities: a Comparative Study of London, Paris, New York and Tokyo. London: Llewelyn Davies. (By Llewelyn-Davies, UCL Bartlett School of Planning and Comedia; Projector Director and Co-Author).

The PeopleWhere Will They Go? National Report of the TCPA Regional Inquiry into Housing Need and Provision in England. (Ed., with M. Breheny). London: Town and Country Planning Association.

Urban and Regional Planning. Chinese edition. Taipei: Chu Liu Book Company.

Ciudades del Mañana: Historio del Urbanismo en el Siglo XX. Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal.


Sociable Cities: The Legacy of Ebenezer Howard (with C. Ward). Chichester: Wiley.

Cities in Civilization: Culture, Technology and Urban Order. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

East West Perspectives on 21st Century Urban Development: Sustainable Eastern and Western Cities in the New Millennium. (ed. with Brotchie, J., Newton, P., Dickey, J.) Aldershot: Ashgate.


Sustainable Cities or Town Cramming? London: Town and Country Planning Association.


Urban 21: World Report on the Urban Future 21 (with Pfeiffer, U.). Berlin: Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing.

Urban Future 21: A Global Agenda for Twenty-First Century Cities. (with Pfeiffer, U.) London: Spon.

Urban 21: Der Expertbericht zur Zukunft der Städte. (with Pfeiffer, U.) Stuttgart: Deustche Verlags-Anstalt.


Cities of Tomorrow. Third edition. Oxford: Blackwell.

Urban and Regional Planning. Fourth edition. London: Routledge.

Working Capital: Life and Labour in Contemporary London. (with Buck, N., Gordon, I., Harloe, M., Kleinman, M), London: Routledge.


To-Morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform. Edited, with an introduction, by Hall, P., Hardy, D. and Ward, C. London: Routledge.


Shrinking to Grow? The Urban Regeneration Challenge in Leipzig and Manchester. (With Mace, A., Gallent, N., Porsch, L., Braun, R., Pfeiffer, U.) (2004) London: Institute of Community Studies.


The Polycentric Metropolis: Learning from Mega-City Regions in Europe (with Pain, K.). London: Earthscan.


London Voices London Lives: Tales from a Working Capital. Bristol: Policy Press.


Urban and Regional Planning. Chinese Edition. Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press.


Urban and Regional Planning. (with Tewdwr-Jones M.) Fifth Edition. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-56652-0 (hbk.)


Good Cities, Better Lives: How Europe Discovered the Lost Art of Urbanism. London, Routledge.

Sociable Cities: The 21st Century Reinvention of the Garden City. (with Ward C.) London, Routledge

8.2 Contributions to Books


The Development of Communications, and Industrial London: a General View. In Coppock, J.T. and Prince, H. (eds.), Greater London, 52–79. London: Faber and Faber.

General Introduction to the Excursions in Central London. In: Clayton, K.M. (ed.), Guide to London Excursions. London: Philip.


Land Use and Development. In: Institution of Civil Engineers, Conference on Transportation Engineering. London: I.C.E.


Urbanisation and the British Countryside: Note Towards a Research Project. In: Darling, F.F. and Milton, J.P. (eds.), Future Environments of North America. New York: Natural History Press.


London. In: Encyclopedia Britannica. London: Encyclopedia Britannica Publications.


The Urban Culture and the Suburban Culture. In: Eels, R., Walton, C. (eds.), Man in the City of the Future. New York: Collier-Macmillan.


Transportation. In: Cowan, P. (ed.), Developing Patterns of Urbanisation. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd.

Regional Planning and Airport Location. In: Institution of Civil Engineers, World Airports: The Way Ahead. London: Evans.


Britain 2000: Speculations on a Future Society. In: Chisholm, M. (ed.), Resources for Britain’s Future. Newton Abbot: David and Charles; London: Penguin.

Spatial Structure of Metropolitan England and Wales. In: Chisholm, M., Manners, G. (eds.), Spatial Policy Problems of the British Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P.


The Pattern of Cities to Come. In: Barker, P. (ed.), One for Sorrow, Two for Joy. London: Allen and Unwin.

Planning Environment. In: Townsend, P. and Bosanquet, N. (eds.), Labour and Inequality. London: Fabian Society.


Manpower and Education. In: Cowan, P. (ed.), The Future of Planning. London: Heinemann.


England circa 1900. In: Darby, H.C. (ed.), A New Historical Geography of England. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P.


Geography. In: Barker, P. (ed.), The Social Sciences Today. London: Edward Arnold.


A Review of Policy Alternatives. In: Kehoe, D., Morley, D., Proudfoot, S., Roberts, N.A. (ed.), Public Land Ownership: Frameworks for Evaluation. Lexington: D.C. Heath.


The Declining Metropolis: Patterns, Problems and Policies in Mainland Europe (with D. Metcalf.) In: Levin, C.W. The Mature Metropolis. Lexington: Lexington Books.


The Geographer’s View of Planning. In: Goodall, B., Kirby, A. (eds.), Resources and Planning. Oxford: Pergamon.

The European Experience in a National Policy for Balanced Urban Growth. In: The White House Conference on Balanced National Growth and Economic Development. Final Report, Vol. 3, Appendix. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.


Models of Development Strategy: A Critique. In: Rho, Y.-H., Hwang, M.-C. (eds.), Metropolitan Planning: Issues and Policies. Seoul: Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements.


Technological Implementation Problems in the Development Process. In: Proceedings of the 7th EAROPH Congress, Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur: The Malaysian Organisation for Human Settlements.

Transportation. In: Cameron, G. (ed.), The Future of the Conurbations. London: Longman.


Urban Change in Europe. In: Pred, A. (ed.) Space, Time and Geography: Essays Dedicated to Torsten Hägerstrand. Lund: CWK Gleerup.


The Contribution of Scientific Research on Regional Affairs to Regional Policy-Making: The Case of the United Kingdom. In: Research and Policy-Making: The Case of Regional Policy. Paris: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Decentralization without End? A Re-evaluation. In: Patten, J.A. (ed.) The Expanding City: Essays in Honour of Jean Gottmann. London: Academic Press.

Have Cities a Future? In: Social and Urban Change: Its Impact on the Building Industry. (First National Conference, Building Science Forum of Australia, New South Wales Division, Proceedings). Sydney: Building Science Forum.

Changing Development Hierarchies in the Development Process: An International Comparison. International Geographical Union, Working Group on the Great Metropolitan Cities, Proceedings. Rio de Janeiro: International Geographical Union.

Housing, Planning, Land and Local Finance: The British Experience. In: Lefcoe, G. (ed.) Urban Land Policy for the 1980s. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath. Reprinted, Urban Law and Policy, 6, 1983, 75–86.


Metropolis 1890–1940: Challenges and Responses. In: Sutcliffe, A. (ed.), Metropolis 18901940. London: Mansell; Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Postscript: Metropolis 1940–1990. In: Ibid., 431–445.

Geography: Descriptive, Scientific, Subjective and Radical Images of the City. In: Hollister, R., Rodwin, L. (ed.) Cities of the Mind: Images and Themes of the City in the Social Sciences. New York: Plenum Press.

Utopian Thought: A Framework for Social, Economic and Physical Planning. In: Alexander, P., Gill, R. (ed.) Utopias. London: Duckworth.

Ebenezer Howard. In: Barker, P. (ed.) Founders of the Welfare State. London: Heinemann.

The New Geography of Innovation. In: Bryant, C. (ed.) Waterloo Essays in Geography, Vol. 1, Regional Economic Development. Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo.

The Urban Culture and the Suburban Culture: A New Look at an Old Paper. In: Agnew, J.A., Mercer, J., Sopher, D.E. (ed.) The City in Cultural Context, 120–133. Boston: Allen and Unwin.


The World and Europe. In: The Future of Urban Form: The Impact of new Technology. (ed. with Brotchie, J., Newton, P., Nijkamp, P.) London and Sydney: Croom Helm,

Optimism and Pessimism in future Planning. In: Ibid.

The Geography of the Fifth Kondratieff. In: Silicon Landscapes. (ed. with A. Markusen). Boston: George Allen and Unwin.

The American Computer Software Industry: Economic Development Prospects (with A.R. Markusen, R. Osborn and B. Wachsman). In: Ibid.

High Technology and Regional-urban Policy (with A.R. Markusen). In: Ibid.

Dutch Urban Planning within the Perspective of European Development. In: Dutt, A.K., Costa, F.J. (ed.) Public Planning in the Netherlands: Perspectives and Change since the Second World War. Oxford: Oxford U.P.

Urban Transportation: Paradoxes for the 1980s. In: Jansen, G.R.M., Nijkamp, P., Ruijgrok C.J. (ed.) Transportation and Mobility in an Era of Transition. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Common Problems—Different Solutions? In: Strategies for Urban Revival: Report of 8th International INTA Conference, 2128 October 1984. The Hague: International New Towns Association.

Grosse Planungskatastrophen. In: Einem, E. von (ed.) Die Rettung der kaputten Stadt. Berlin: Transit.


The State of Cities and the State of Planning. In: Hutchinson, B., Batty, M. (ed.) Advances in Urban Systems Modelling. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Poblacio’n y crisis urbana. In: Olano, A. (ed.) Tendencia’s demograficas y Planifacio’n economica. Madrid: Ministerio de Economi’a y Hacienda.

National Capitals, World Cities and the New Division of Labour. In: Ewers, H.-J., Goddard, J.B., Matzerath, H. (ed.) The Future of the Metropolis: Berlin-London-Paris-New York: Economic Aspects. Berlin: de Gruyter.


Metropolitan Settlement Strategies. In: Rodwin, L. (ed.), Shelter, Settlement and Development. London: Allen and Unwin.

Perspectives on Post-Industrial Society and The Geography of High-Technology Industry: An Anglo-American Comparison. In Brotchie, J., Hall, P., Newton, P. (ed.) The Spatial Impact of Technological Change. London: Croom Helm.

La Metropoli Sovraffollata e il suo Centro Storico. In: Studi Centro storico Napoli (ed.) Il Regno del Possibile. Naples: Edizione 24 Ore del Sole.


Urban Growth and Decline in Western Europe. In: Dogan, M., Kasarda, J. (ed.) The Metropolis Era, Vol. I, A World of Giant Cities. Newbury Park and London: Sage.

The Intellectual History of Long Waves. In: Young, M., Schuller, T. (ed.) The Rhythms of Society. London and New York: Routledge.

The Creation of the American Aerospace Complex, 1955–65: A Study in Industrial Inertia. In: Breheny, M. (ed.) Defence Expenditure and Regional Development. London and New York: Mansell.

Regions in the Transition to the Information Economy. In: Sternlieb, G., Hughes, J.W. (ed.) America’s New Market Geography: Nation, Region and Metropolis, 137–160. New Brunswick: Rutgers University, Center for Urban Policy Research.

Introduction (with C. Hass-Klau). In: Hass-Klau, C. (ed.) New Life for City Centres: Transport and Conservation in British and German Cities. London: Anglo-German Foundation.


The Rise and Fall of Great Cities: Economic Forces and Population Responses. In: Lawton, R. (ed.) The Rise and Fall of Great Cities: Aspects of Urbanization in the Western World. London and New York: Belhaven Press.

London 2001. In: Breheny, M., Congdon, P. (ed.) Growth and Change in a Core Region: The Case of South East England. (London Papers in Regional Science, 20). London: Pion.

Regional Development and Planning. (With R. Bromley, A. Dutt, D. Mookherjee, J.E. Benhart). In: Gaile, G.L., Willmott, C.J. (ed.) Geography in America. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill.


High Technology Industry and the European Scene. In: Urban Challenges, 117–133. Stockholm: Statens offentliga utredningar, 1990:33.

Europe after 1992. In: Urban Challenges, 179–185. Stockholm: Statens offentliga utredningar, 1990:33.

Gibt es sie noch - die Stadt? In: Schabert, T. (ed.) Die Welt der Stadt, 17–42. Munich: Piper.


The British Enterprise Zones. In: Green, R.E. (ed.) Enterprise Zones: New Directions in Economic Development. Newbury Park and London: Sage.

The Pentagon and the Gunbelt. In: Kirby, A. (ed.) The Pentagon and the Cities (Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, 40), 53–76. Newbury Park and London: Sage.

Metropolens Framtid. In: The Soul and Form of the City (Framtider, 10/3), 10–13.

Managing Growth in the World’s Cities. In: Canadian Urban Institute, Planning the Toronto Region: Lessons from Other Places: Proceedings (Urban Focus Series, 909), 5–19. Toronto: Canadian Urban Institute.

Anonimia e Identità nella Supermetropoli. In: Nicolin, P. (ed.). Atlante Metropolitano 19–25. Milan: Electra.

The Restructuring of Urban Economics: Integrating Urban and Sectoral Policies. In: Fox-Przeworski, J., Goddard, J., de Jong, M. (ed.) Urban Regeneration in a Changing Economy: The International Perspective, 5–23. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Keynote Address. In: Bayliss, D. (ed.) Orbital Motorways: Proceedings of the Conference Organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in Stratford upon Avon on 2426 April 1990. London: Thomas Telford.

Structural Transformation in the Regions of the United Kingdom. In: Rodwin, L. and Sazanami, H. (ed.) Industrial Change and Regional Economic Transformation: The Experience of Western Europe, 39–69. London: Unwin Hyman.

Europe’s Regional-Urban Futures. (With R. Camagni, P. Cheshire, J.-P. de Gaudemar, L. Rodwin and F. Snickars). In: Rodwin, L. and Sazanami, H. (ed.) Industrial Change and Regional Economic Transformation: The Experience of Western Europe, 301–318. London: Harper Collins.

Moving Information: A Tale of Four Technologies. In: Brotchie, J., Batty, M., Hall, P., Newton, P. (ed.) Cities of the 21st Century. London: Routledge.


New Technologies, Participation, Integration and Lifestyle. In: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Cities and New Technologies, 255–262. Paris: OECD.

The Pentagon and the Gunbelt (with A. Markusen). In: Kirby, A. (ed.) The Pentagon and the Cities (Urban Affairs Annual Reviews, 40), 53–76. Newbury Park and London: Sage.

New Technologies, Participation, Integration and Lifestyle. In: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Cities and New Technologies, 255–262. Paris: OECD.

Transport: Maker and Breaker of Cities. In: Mannion, A.M., Bowlby, S.R. (ed.) Environmental Issues in the 1990s, 265–276. Chichester: John Wiley.


Priorities in Urban and Economic Development. In: Summers, A.A., Cheshire, P.C., Senn, L. (ed.) Urban Change in the United States and Western Europe: Comparative Analysis and Policy, 55–85. Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute Press. (Second Edition: 1999).

Comments on Dutch Planning. In: Faludi, A. (ed.) Dutch Strategic Planning in International Perspective, 37–45. Amsterdam: Netherlands Universities Institute for Coordination of Research in Social Sciences (SISWO Publication 372).

Cities and Regions in a Global Economy. In: Hall, P., Guzman, R. de, Madduma Bandara, C.M., Kato, A. (ed.) Multilateral Cooperation for Development in the Twenty-First Century: Training and Research for Regional Development, 6–26. Nagoya: United Nations Centre for Regional Development.

Der Einfluss des Verkehrs und der Kommunikationstechnik auf Form und Funktion der Stadt. In: Finke, L. et al., Zukunft Stadt 2000: Stand und Perspektiven der Stadtentwicklung, 383–449. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt.

Red Viaria Principal y Desarrollo Urbano. In: Anon: Movilidad y Territorio en las grandes Ciudades: El Papel de la Red Viaria. Madrid: Communidad de Madrid, Consejería de Transportes and Spain, Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transportes y Medio Ambiente, Dirección General de Planificación Intermodal del Transporte en las Grandes Ciudades.

The Changing Role of Capital Cities: Six Types of Capital City. In: Taylor, J., Lengellé, J.G., Andrew, C. (ed.) Capital CitiesLes Capitales: Perspectives InternationalesInternational Perspectives, 69–84. Ottawa: Carleton U.P.


The Disappearing City. In: Cuadrado-Roura, J.R., Nijkamp, P., Salva, P. (ed.) Moving Frontiers: Economic Restructuring, Regional Development and Emerging Networks, 23–35. Aldershot: Avebury.

London 1994: Retrospect and Prospect. In: Simmie, J. (ed.) Planning London, 172–187. London: UCL Press.

Vision for the Future. [Report of the 2nd Annual Vision for London Lecture 1994]. London: Vision for London.


Il Futuro della Metropoli e sua Forma. In: Boscacci, F., Camagni, R. (ed.) Tra Città e Campagna, 89–112. Milan: Il Mulino.

Towards a General Urban Theory. In: Brotchie, J., Batty, M., Blakely, E., Hall, P., Newton, P. (ed.) Cities in Competition: Productive and Sustainable Cities for the 21st Century, 3–31. Melbourne: Longman Australia.

The Future of Planning. In: Giersch, H. (ed.) Urban Agglomeration and Economic Growth, 257–272. Berlin: Springer.

The Roots of Urban Innovation: Culture, Technology and Urban Order. In: Anon, Cities and the New Global Economy: Conference Proceedings Volume 1, 275–293. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

A European Perspective on the Spatial Links between Land Use, Development and Transport. In: Banister, D. (ed.) Transport and Urban Development, 65–88. London: Spon.

Summary and Conclusions (with D. Banister). In: Banister, D. (ed.) Transport and Urban Development, 278–287. London: Spon.

Can Cities be Sustainable? In: Serageldin, I., Cohen, M.A., Sivaramakrishnan, K.C. (ed.) The Human Face of the Urban Environment: Proceedings of the Second Annual World Bank Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Development, 32–38. Washington, DC: The World Bank.


London and Berlin in the Next Century: Where Will They Position Themselves? In: Aaronovitch, S. et al., Unemployment and the Economy of the City: London and Berlin Compared, 12–18. London: Anglo-German Foundation.

The European City—Past and Future. In: Denmark, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Spatial Planning Department (ed.) The European CitySustaining Urban Quality: A Working Conference, Copenhagen, 2428 April 1995. Part 1: Keynote Speeches and Workshop Conclusions, 18–27. Copenhagen: Miljø & Energi Ministeriet.

High-Technology Industry in the New York Metropolitan Area: A View from History. In: Raymond, S.U. (ed.) The Technology Link to Economic Development: Past Lessons and Future Imperatives. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 787), 42–66.

Strategic Metropolitan Planning: The London Experience. In: Bell, J.K., Webber, S. (ed.) Urban Regions in a Global Context: Directions for the Greater Toronto Area. (Proceedings of a Conference, University of Toronto, October 1820, 1995), 7–18. Toronto: University of Toronto, Centre for Urban and Community Studies and Program in Planning.

Creative Cities. In: Hardy, S., Malbon, B., Taverner, C. (ed.) The Role of Art and Sport in Local and Regional Economic Development, 107–113. (Proceedings of the Regional Studies Association, Annual Conference, November 1996). London: Regional Studies Association.

Foreword. In: Banham, R. A Critic Writes: Essays by Reyner Banham, xi–xv. Berkeley: University of California Press.


Den Europeiska Staden - förr och i Framtiden. In: Nyström, L. (ed.) Stadslandskapet: Sönderfall eller Läkning, 13–24. Karlskrona: Stadsmiljörådet. (Framtidsstaden, IV).

Foreword. In: Banham, R. A Critic Writes: Essays by Reyner Banham, xi–xv. Berkeley: University of California Press.

The University and the City. In: University of Copenhagen, Centre of Excellence, 30–48. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen.

The View from London Centre: Twenty-five Years of Planning at the DOE. In: Blowers, A., Evans, R. (ed.) Town Planning into the 21st Century, 119–136. London: Routledge.

Contributor to: Santer, J., Delors, J. (ed.) La Commission Européenne à l’Écoute du Changement. Rennes: Éditions Apogée (Collection Politique Européenne).

Sesso, Nevrosi e Impotenza Politica: la Trista Storia della Regional Planning Association of America. In: Ventura, F. (ed.) Alle Radici della Città Contemporanea: Il Pensiero di Lewis Mumford, 133–154. Milan: CittàStudiEdizioni.

Reflections on Swedish Planning. In: Guinchard, C.G. (ed.) Swedish Planning: Towards Sustainable Development, 31–33. Gävle: Swedish Society for Town and Country Planning.


Information Technology, Globalization and Regional Development. In: Gravesteijn, S.G.E., van Griensven, S., de Smidt, M.C. (ed.) Timing Global Cities (Nederlandse Geografische Studies 241), 101–115. Utrecht: Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskunding Genootschap/Vereninging van Utrechtse Geografie Studenten VUGS.]

Changing Geographies: Technology and Income. In: Schön, D.A., Sanyal, B., Mitchell, W.J. (ed.) High Technology and Low-Income Communities: Prospects for the Positive Use of Advanced Information Technology, 43–68. Cambridge, Mass: M.I.T. Press.

Amendola, G. (1998) Interview with Peter Hall, Urban Planner. In: Council of Europe (1998) Culture and Neighbourhoods: Perspectives and Keywords, 39–57. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing.


Planning for the Mega-City: A New Eastern Asian Urban Form? In: Brotchie, J., Newton, P., Hall, P., Dickey, J. (ed.) East West Perspectives on 21st Century Urban Development: Sustainable Eastern and Western Cities in the New Millennium, 3–36. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Creative Cities and Economic Development. In: Anon, World Urban Economic Development: The Official Business and Technology Briefing for the World Competitive Cities Congress, 1921 May 1999, Washington, D.C., 24–27. London: World Markets Research Centre.

The Future Planning of City Regions. In: Gaffikin, F., Morrissey, M. (ed.) City Visions: Imagining Place, Enfranchising People, 61–78. London: Pluto Press.

The Regional Dimension. In: Cullingworth, J.B. (ed.) British Planning: 50 Years of Urban and Regional Policy, 76–90. London: Athlone.

Priorities in Urban and Economic Development. In: Summers, A.L., Cheshire, P.C., Senn, L. (ed.) Urban Change in the United States and Western Europe: Comparative Analysis and Policy (Second Edition), 57–88. Princeton: Princeton U.P.

Future Urban Lifestyles. In: Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung, Urban Future: Preparatory Expertises (Overviews) for the World Report on Urban Future for the Global Conference on the Urban Future URBAN 21, 31–40. Berlin: Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (Forschungen, Heft 92).

The Creative City in the Third Millennium. In: Verwijnen, J., Lehtovuori, P. (ed.) Creative Cities: Cultural Industries, Urban Development and the Information Society, 36–57. Helsinki: University of Art and Design.

Redefining Europe’s Cities. In: Bellet, C., Llop, J.M. (ed.) Ciudades Intermedias: Urbanización y Sostenibilidad, 93–108. Lleida: Milenio.


Innovative Cities. In: Anon, Structural Change in Europe: Innovative Cities and Regions, 31–35. Bollschweil: Hagbarth.

The Centenary of Modern Planning. In: Freestone, R. (ed.) Urban Planning in a Changing World: The Twentieth Century Experience, 20–39. London: Spon.

The Evolution of Post-War Town Centres. In: Falk, N. (ed.) The Renaissance of Post-War Town Centres. London: Urbed.


Global City-Regions in the Twenty-first Century. In: Scott, A.J. (ed.) Global City-Regions: Trends, Theory, Policy, 59–77. Oxford: Oxford U.P.

Urban Development and Research Needs in Europe. In: CERUM (Centre for Regional Science) Urban Design for Sweden and Europe: Conference Report, June 20–21, 2000. Umeå: CERUM.


Introduction: London: Creative City. In: Pick, C. (ed.) Dynamic Environments: London’s New Entrepreneurs at Work, 8–12. London: Workspace Group.

The Creativity of Cities: An Idea whose Time has Come. In: Netherlands, Deltametropolis Association, Generating Culture: Roots and Fruits, 30–45. Den Haag: Deltametropole/Ministerie van VROM (Forum).

Die Europäische Stadt, 2025: Dilemmata und Lösungen der Zukunft. In: Mayr, A., Meurer, M., Vogt, J. (ed.) Stadt und Region; Dynamik von Lebenswelten, 42–56. Leipzig: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie.

Christaller for a Global Age: Redrawing the Urban Hierarchy. In: Mayr, A., Meurer, M., Vogt, J. (ed.) Stadt und Region; Dynamik von Lebenswelten, 110–128. Leipzig: Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie.


Introduction, Commentary and Postscript. (with Hardy, D., Ward, C.) (2003) In: Howard, E., To-Morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform. London: Routledge.

La Città Sostenibile in un’Epoca di Globalizzione. In: Girard, F.F., Forte, B., Cerreta, M., De Toro, P., Forte, F. (ed.) L’Uomo e la Città: Verso uno Sviluppo Umano e Sostenibile, 94–110. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

Geographers and the Urban Century. In: Johnson, R., Williams, M. (ed.) A Century of British Geography, 545–562. Oxford: Oxford U.P.

Smart Growth on Two Continents. In: Neal, P. (ed.) Urban Villages: and the Making of Communities, 33–47. London: Spon.

Australian Planning: Millennial Reflections. In: Toon, J., Falk, J. (ed.) Sydney: Planning or Politics: Town Planning for the Sydney Region since 1945, 15–26. Sydney: University of Sydney, Planning Research Centre.

The Sustainable City in an Age of Globalization. In: Fusco Girard, L., Forte, B., Cerreta, M., De Toro, P., Forte, F. (ed.) The Human Sustainable City: Challenges and Perspectives from the Habitat Agenda, 55–70. Aldershot: Ashgate.


Where it’s Happening: Innovation, Clustering and Dynamic Cities in the New EU. In: Anon, Innovative City and Business Regions (Structural Change in Europe, 3), 19–26. Bollschweil: Hagbarth.

The Changing European Urban System. In: Portas, N., Domingues, A., Cabral, J. (ed.) Políticas Urbanas: Tendências, Estratégias e Oportunidades, 226–235. Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Londres: La Transformacion de una Ciudad (London: A City Transformed). In: Dirección General de Arquitectura y Vivienda (ed.) Ciudad+Arquitectura:Londres (City+Architecture: London), 9–21. Sevilla: Egondi Artes Gráficas.

Learning from Manchester (with Mace, A.). In: Daldrup, E.L., Doehler-Behzadi, M. (ed.) Plus Minus Leipzig 2030: Stadt in Transformation/Transforming the City, 82–91. Wuppertal: Müller+Busmann.

Mega-Projects and Mini-Projects. In: Robinson, P., McCarthy, J., Forster, C. Urban Reconstruction in the Developing World: Learning through International Best Practice, 14–24. Sandown, SA: Heinemann.

London: Competitiveness, Cohesion and the Policy Environment. (with Gordon, I. et al.). In: Boddy, M., Parkinson, M. (ed.) City Matters: Competitiveness, Cohesion and Urban Governance, 71–90. Bristol: Policy Press.

European Cities in a Global World. In Eckardt, F., Hasenpflug, D. (ed.) Urbanism and Globalization, 31–46. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

The Key to Creativity. In: Wood, P. (ed.) Intercultural City Reader, 26–36. (Intercultural City Series: Book 1). Stroud: Comedia.

Megaciudades, Ciudades Mundiales y Ciudades Globales. In: Ramos, A.M. (ed.) Lo Urbano: en 20 Autores Contemporáneos. Barcelona: Edicions UPC.


Integrated Urban Transport and Urban Planning: as the Maker and Breaker of Cities (with Hickman, R.). In: Anon, Entrepreneurial Spirit in Cities and Regions (Structural Change in Europe, 4), 86–92. Bollschweil: Hagbarth.

Retro Urbanism: On the Once and Future TOD. In: Saunders, W.S. (ed.) Sprawl and Suburbia, 122–129. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.


From Coronation to Jubilee. In: Buonfino, A., Mulgan, G. (ed.) Porcupines in Winter: The Pleasures and Pains of Living Together in Modern Britain, 16–22. London: Young Foundation.

Seven Types of Capital City. In: Gordon, D.L.A. (ed.) Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities, 8–14. London: Routledge.

What is the Future of Capital Cities? In: Gordon, D.L.A. (ed.) Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities, 270–274. London: Routledge.

Jean Gottmann (1915–1994). (With Johnston, R., Clout, H.) In: Armstrong, P.H., Martin, G.J. (ed.) Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies, 25, 42–59. London: Continuum.

London: A Millennium-Long Battle, A Millennial Truce? In: Tewdwr-Jones, M., Allmendinger, P. (ed.) Territory, Identity and Spatial Planning: Spatial Governance in a Fragmented Nation, 167–182. London: Routledge.

Central Lancashire: The Necessary Mythical Beast? In: Northwest Regional Development Agency and Centre for Cities at ippr (2006) Cities Northwest, 39–43. Warrington: NWDA.

The Land Fetish: Densities and London Planning. In: Kochan, B. (ed.) London: Bigger and Better?, 84–93. London: LSE London, London School of Economics and Political Science.

Why Some Cities Flourish while Others Languish. In: UN-Habitat, The State of the World’s Cities Report, 2006/2007, 13. London: UN-Habitat/Earthscan.

Heathrow: A Retirement Plan. (With Hall, T.) London: Town and Country Planning Association.


Planning and Sustainable Development of Metropolitan Capital Regions. In: Dirección General de Urbanismo y Planificacíon Regional. Consejeria de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio (2007) Capital Regions Conference: Congress Patron, Sir Peter Hall, Madrid, May 2006, 25–47. Madrid: Communidad de Madrid.

The United Kingdom’s Experience in Revitalizing Inner Cities. In: Ingram, G., Hong, Y.-H. (ed.) Land Policies and their Outcomes: Proceedings of the 2006 Land Policy Conference, 259–283. Cambridge, Mass: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Delineating Urban Territories: Is this a Relevant Issue? In; Cattan, N. (ed.) Cities and Networks in Europe: A Critical Approach of Polycentrism, 3–14. Montrouge: Éditions John Libbey Eurotext.

Evolution of Strategic Planning and Regional Development. In: Dimitriou, H., Thompson, R. (ed.) Strategic Planning for Regional Development in the U.K.: A Review of Principles and Practice, 10–27. London: Routledge.

Europe’s Multi-Centred Urban Regions. In: Cities and Regions: Facing Up to Change (Structural Change in Europe, 5), 24–26, 79. Bollschweil: Hagbarth Publications.

The Production of Affordable Housing in the U.K. (With Gallent, N.) In: (Anon) A Tale of Two Cities: China-UK Comparative Study on Housing Provision for Low-Income Urban Residents, 59–107. Guangdong: Cultural and Educational Section of the British Consulate-General.

Land, Shelter, Transport: The Latin American Way. In: Freire, M., Lima, R., Cira, D., Ferguson, B., Kessides, C., Mota, J.A., Motta, D. (ed.) Land and Urban Policies for Poverty Reduction, 21–33. Washington, DC: World Bank.

Measuring a Polycentric Europe: Whose Space of Flows? In: (Anon) Geophilia: O Sentir e os Sentidos da Geografia: Homenagem a Jorge Gaspar, 613–635. Lisbon: Centro de Estudos Geográficos da Universidade de Lisboa.

Preface: Land, Shelter, Transport: The Latin American Way. In: Freire, M. et al. (ed.) Land and Urban Policies for Poverty Reduction: Proceedings of the Third International Urban Research Symposium held in Brasilia, April 2005, 21–33. Brasilia: The World Bank and Institute for Applied Economic Research

Spaces and Flows in Contemporary Europe. In: Anon, Demain la Ville/De Stad van Morgen/The City of Tomorrow: International Colloquium on the Future of Cities, 109–124. Brussels: Regional Centre for Urban Development.


Planning London—A Conversation with Peter Hall. In: Imrie, R., Lees, L., Raco, M. (ed.) Regenerating London: Governance, Sustainability and Community in a Global City, 24–39. London: Routledge. ISBN 13: 978-0-415-43366-2.

Geography and Planning: A New Version of an Old Story? In: Turan, N., Ramos, S. (ed.) New Geographies 1: After Zero, 146–154. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-1-934519-20-9.

Sociable Cities: The Legacy of Ebenezer Howard. (with Ward C.) Chinese edition. Beijing: China Architecture and Building Press. ISBN 978-7-112-10795-7.

Better Rail Stations: An Independent Review presented to Lord Adonis, Secretary of State for Transport. (with Green C.) London: Queen’s Printer and Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery. No ISBN.

Top Ten Planning Ideas. In: Hack, G., Birch, E.L., Sedway, P.H., Silver, M.J. (ed.) Local Planning: Contemporary Principles and Practice, 165–172. Washington, DC: ICMA. (An ICMA Green Book). ISBN 978-0-87326-148-7.

L’Art de transformer les Métropoles au XXIe Siècle. (with Balducci, A, Leboreiro, Lecroart, P.) (Les Cahiers de l’IAU île-de-France, 151, 80–84. ISSN 0153-6184.


Sin Plan: Un Experimento sobre la Libertad. (with Banham, R., Barker, Price, C.) In: Walker, E. (ed.) Lo Ordinario, 37–59. Barcelona: Editorial Gustave Gill. ISBN 978-84-252-2330-3.

The Polycentric Metropolis: A Western European Perspective on Mega-City Regions. In: Xu, J., Yeh, A.G.O. (ed.) Governance and Planning of Mega-City Regions: An International Comparative Perspective, 29–50. Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-56089-4 (hbk), 978-0-203-86551-4 (ebk).


Looking Backward, Looking Forward: The City Region of the Mid-21st Century. In: Neuman, M., Hull, A. (ed.) The Futures of the City Region, 15–29. London: Routledge. ISBN 13: 978-0-415-58803-4.

Regions and Regional Policy: a Global View. In: Richardson, H.W., Bae, C.-H.C., Choe, S.-C. (ed.) Reshaping Regional Policy, 21–40. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978-1-84980-280-2.

Acting or Reacting: How Cities, City Regions and Landscapes are changing the Urban System in Europe. In: Altrovk, U., Aring, J., Hahne, U., Reuther, I. (ed.) Gewinnen Verlieren Transformieren: Die Europäischen Stadtregionen in Bewegung, 189–204. Berlin: Reimer. ISBN 978-3-496-01436-2.


Balancing European Territory: The Challenge of the Post-Neoliberal Era in Ganser R. and Piro R. (eds.) Parallel Patterns of Shrinking Cities and Urban Growth: Spatial Planning for Sustainable Development of City Regions and Rural Areas. 27–44. Farnham, UK: Ashgate


Apologia Pro Vita Sua. In Tewdwr-Jones M., Phelps N., and Freestone R. (eds.) The Planning Imagination: Peter Hall and the Study of Urban and Regional Planning. London, Routledge: 269–284.


High-speed Trains and Spatio-Economic Impacts: A British-French Comparison on Two Scales: Intra- and Inter-regional. In Hickman R., Givoni M., Bonilla D. and Banister D. (eds.) International Handbook on Transport and Development. London: Edward Elgar: 301–317.

A History of Contemporary Planning: Personal Stories, Personal Journeys in Britain and America. In Haselberger B. and Saija L., (eds.) Encounters in Planning Thought: Autobiographical Essays from Key Thinkers in Planning (Forthcoming)

8.3 Periodicals: Articles and Research Journal Papers


The Location of the Clothing Trades—East London, 1851–1951. Transactions, Institute of British Geographers, 28, 155–78.


The East London Footwear Industry: An Industrial Quarter in Decline. East London Papers, 5, 3–22.


New Techniques in Regional Planning: Experience of Transportation Studies. Regional Studies, 1, 17–21.

Regional Planung in London und Sudost England. Bauwelt, 58, 1216–19.

Planning for Urban Growth: Metropolitan Area Plans and Their Implications for South East England. Regional Studies, 2, 101–134.


Transportation. Urban Studies, 6, 408–76. Subsequently published in P. Cowan (ed.), Developing Patterns of Urbanization (Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh).


Beyond the Fringe? Design, 280, 25–29 (with M. Marcus.)


Forecasting the Quality of Life in Urban Europe. Greater London Council IntelligenceUnit Quarterly Bulletin, 5–16.

Regional and Urban Planning: A View from Great Britain. Technology and Society, 8, 82–84.

Urban Europe 2000: Progress of a Research Project. Futures, 5, 449–456.


The Containment of Urban England. Geographical Journal, 140, 386–417.

The New Political Geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 63, 48–52.

La estructura espacial de la economia espanola: su reciente desarrollo y planificacion future. Revista Espanala de Economia, 413, 147–170.


Urban and Regional Planning in Britain and America: Ends and Means. Planning Outlook, 20, 19–22.

Urban Structure and Modal Split in the Journey to Work, with R.J. Sammons. Urban Studies, 14, 1–9.


How to Build London’s Ringways at Low Cost and Almost No Environmental Pain, with E. Smith and V. Evelyn. The London Journal, 3, 3–23.

The Roots of Urban Change. The Ditchley Journal, 5/1, 20–27.

Cities in Europe 2000. Futures, 10, 469–475.

Can Cities Survive?: The Potential and Limits of Planning. The Ditchley Journal, 5/2, 33–41.


Private Enterprise in the Contemporary City. The Ditchley Journal, 6/1, 5–15.


Great Planning Disasters. Futures, 12, 45–50.

Finance and Land Use in Urban Development. The Ditchley Journal, 6/2, 23–35.

New Trends in European Urbanization. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 451, 45–51.

Making Cities Liveable. The Ditchley Journal, 7/2, 24–37.


The Life and Death of a Quasi-Quango: The South East Economic Planning Council. The London Journal, 6, 196–206.

The Geographer and Society. Geographical Journal, 147, 145–152.


The new Political Geography: Seven Years On. Political Geography Quarterly, 1, 65–76.

Enterprise Zones: British Origins, American Adaptations. Built Environment, 7, 5–12.

Enterprise Zones: A Justification and Response. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 6, 416–421 and 443–445.

Regional Development in the EEC: A Look Back and a Look Forward. Built Environment, 7, 229–232.

Keys to Regional Growth. Society, 19/5, 48–52.

Ebenezer Howard. Town and Country Planning, 52, 1983, 42–47.


Whither Regional Planning? The Planner, 69, 113–4.

The Anglo-American Connection: Rival Rationalities in Planning Theory and Practice, 1955–1980. Environment and Planning, A, 5, 41–46.

Land Use Change and Transport Policy. Habitat International, 7, 67–77.

Changing Urban Hierarchies in the Development Process: A Comparison. Habitat International, 7, 129–135.


Have our Cities got a Future? Town and Country Planning, 53, 78–80.

Metropolitan High-Technology Industry in the Mid 1970s: Can Everyone have a Slice of the High-Tech Pie? (with A. Glasmeier and A. Markusen) Berkeley Planning Journal, 1, 131–142.

Have Cities a Future? Futures, 16, 344–350.

Enterprises of great Pith and Moment? Town and Country Planning, 53, 296–298.

Cities of the Future. In: Council of Europe, Urban Renaissance in Europe: Study Series, 22, 27–32.

Demographic Development and Revitalization of the City. Toshi-Mondai Kenkyu, 1–18. Osaka: Osaka University.

The Corridors of Change. ESRC Newsletter, 53, 20–21.


21st Century Britain. The Geographical Magazine, 57, 1985, 228–230.

The Decline of the Cities: A Problem with its Roots in the distant Past. Town and Country Planning, 54, 40–43.

The People: Where Will they Go? (The first J.R. James Memorial Lecture). The Planner, 71/4, 3–12.

Revitalisation of Inner City Areas—A Summing Up. In: International Federation for Housing and Planning, 1984 Papers and Proceedings, 37th World Congress, Berlin (West), 97–100.

Winning back the City. Australian Planner, 23/2, 16–18.

Capitales nacionales, Ciudades internacionales y la nueva Division de Trabajo. Estudios Territoriales, 19, 21–30.


Scenarios for Europe’s Cities. Futures, 18, 2–8.

From the unsocial City to the social City. (The sixth J.R. James Memorial Lecture). The Planner, 72/3, 17–24.

Cities of the Aged. Populi, 13/1, 45–51.

Can Rail save the City?. Plan Canada, 26/4, 99–103 (with C. Hass-Klau).

Urban Actors: Puppets, Ad Libbers, or Something in Between? Berkeley Planning Journal, 3, 67–75 (with the members of CP 250).

Completing the grand Design. Town and Country Planning, 55, 233–235.

The New Zealand urban System: Deurbanisation at the southern Periphery of the Urban World. New Zealand Geographer, 42, 65–69.

Can Rail save the City?: The Impacts of Rail Rapid Transit on British and German. Cities, UITP Review, 3/1986, 203–217 (with C. Hass-Klau).


Key to Success for Cities. Town and Country Planning, 56, 50–52 (with P. Cheshire).

The Anatomy of Job Creation: Nations, Regions and Cities in the 1960s and 1970s. Regional Studies, 21, 95–106.

Urban Development and the Future of Tourism. Tourism Management, 8, 129–130.

Las Ciudades de Europa: Un Problema Europeo? Una Profesion Europea? Urbanismo, 1, 25–31.

Great Opportunity in Central London. Town and Country Planning, 56, 236–7 (With N. Falk).

North-South Divide: Time for equal Ways to succeed. Town and Country Planning, 56, 323–325.

Biotechnology: The next Industrial Frontier. Built Environment, 13, 145–146.

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: From a new Science to a new Industry. Built Environment, 13, 147–151.

Where Biotechnology locates. (With M.M. Webber, L. Bornstein, R. Grier). Built Environment, 13, 152–156.


The Coming Revival of Town and Country Planning. Journal of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, 136, 417–430. Also in Town and Country Planning, 57, 40–45.

The Industrial Revolution in Reverse? The Planner, 74, 15–19.


Arcadia for Some: The Strange Story of Autonomous Housing. Housing Studies, 4, 149–154.

The Turbulent Eighth Decade: Challenges to American City Planning. Journal of the American Planning Association, 55, 275–282.

Strategic Areal Development in Managing Metropolitan Metamorphosis and Development. Regional Development Dialogue, 10/4, 1–19.

London 2001. Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique, 5/3, 128–137.

The Planners’ World. Futures, 21, 498–507.

Planning for a Golden Age. The Planner, 75/29, 20–24.

Transitional Stress and the Crisis of Those without Hope. Town and Country Planning, 59, 331–333.


Three Systems, Three Separate Places. Journal of the American Planning Association, 57, 16–19.

Managing Growth in the World’s Cities. Berkeley Planning Journal, 6, 19–35.

Transit Joint Development in the USA: An Inventory and Policy Assessment. (With J. Landis and R. Cervero). Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 9, 431–452.


Britain’s Cities in Europe. Town and Country Planning, 62, 7–13.

Cities in the Informational Economy. Urban Futures: Issues for Australia’s Cities, 5, 1–12.

Metropoliternes Fremtid. HUG: Tidsskrift for Kultur og Politik, 62, 66–72.

Waterfronts, a New Urban Frontier/Waterfront: una Nouva Frontiera Urbana. Aquapolis, 1, 6–17.

East Thames Corridor: The Second Golden Age of the Garden Suburb. Urban Design Quarterly, 43, 2–9.

Agenda for a New Government. (Proceedings of the Town and Country Planning School). The Planner, Supplement, 30–34.


Planning in the 1990s: An International Agenda. European Planning Studies, 1, 3–12.

Forces Shaping Urban Europe. Urban Studies, 30, 883–898.

Urban Development and Urban Policy: Where have we come from? (Bossom Lectures on Planning for the Future City). RSA Journal, 141, 511–522.

The Second Railway Age (with D. Banister). Built Environment, 19, 157–162.


Fifty Years of Post-War Planning: Comment on Barry Cullingworth’s Paper. Town Planning Review, 65, 297–299.

Squaring the Circle: Can we Resolve the Clarkian Paradox? In: Shape, Rules, and Design: Essays in Honour of the 60th Birthday of the Founding EditorLionel March. Environment and Planning B, 21, s79–s94.

Die Zukunft der Planung. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 136, 37–52.

On Values and Role Models: The Making of a Planner. Regenerating Cities, 7, 12–18.

Time Again for Rail? Access, 4, 2–7.


The Future of Cities in Western Europe. European Review, 3, 161–169.

Planning Strategies for Cities and Regions. Town & Country Planning, 64, 139–142.

Conference Report: ‘Seizing the Moment—London Planning 1944–1994’. The London Journal, 20, 91–94.

Bringing Abercrombie Back from the Shades: A Look Forward and Back. Town Planning Review, 66, 227–241.

Planning and Urban Design in the 1990s. Urban Design Quarterly, 56, 14–21.

Planifier les Bassins Métropolitains. Metropolis, 104/105, 6–8.

Taming the Monster We Love. Town and Country Planning, 64, 295–297.

Planning Strategies for UK Cities and Regions. Property Review, 5, 302–305.


Four Million Households—Where Will They Go? (With M. Breheny). Town and Country Planning, 65, 39–41.

The Global City. International Social Science Journal, 147, 15–23.

London’s Wild East: Planning Lessons from Las Vegas. Planning in London, 16, 25–28.

It All Came Together in California. City, 1/2, 4–12.

Revisiting the Nonplace Urban Realm: Have we Come Full Circle? International Planning Studies, 1, 7–16.

So Where Will They Go? (With M. Breheny). Town and Country Planning, 65, 200–205.

GTVs and Regional Power. Planning in London, 18, 10–11.

Where Will the People Go? Agenda, 1/1, 13–16.

Cities of People and Cities of Bits. Demos, 9, 25–26.

The Geography of the Information Economy. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 21, 199–208.

Where Will They Go? A Response to the Response. Town and Country Planning, 65, 290–291. (With M. Breheny).

1946–1996—From New Town to Sustainable Social City. Town and Country Planning, 65, 295–297.

Ealing, The Queen of London’s Victorian Railway Suburbs. Urban Design Studies, 2, 31–44.


Establishment Man or Maverick? Interview with Peter Hall. City, 5–6, 159–173.

Die europäische Stadt: Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Die Alte Stadt, 1/97, 18–34.

Face the Future—Just like Ebenezer Howard. Planning in London, 21, 14–17.

The Future of the Metropolis and its Form. Regional Studies, 31, 211–220.

Reflections Past and Future on Planning Cities. Australian Planner, 34, 83–89.

Le New Towns in Gran Bretagna: Passato, Presente e Futuro. Urbanistica, 107, 141–145.

The University and the City. GeoJournal, 41, 301–309.

Modelling the Post-Industrial City. Futures, 29, 311–322.

The Urban Challenge. UK CEED Bulletin, 40, 14–15.

The Next 50 Years. Town and Country Planning, 66, 285–289.

The Great Housing Land Debate. Parliamentary Review—Town Planning Review, Winter 1997, 42–43.


To-Morrow for Today. Town and Country Planning, Special Supplement, 2–3.

The Three Magnets re-interpreted. Town and Country Planning, Special Supplement, 68.

“A Telegram from the Queen”: The Centenary of Modern Planning. Planning History, 20/3, 8–11.


Transport Corridors for the Randstad. Stedebouw & Ruimtelijke Ordening, 79/3, 23–27.

I Motori della Concorrenza Economica Globale. Urbanistica, 111, 55–57.

How Cities Can be Expected to Change. Australian Planner, 36, 66–71.

The Future of Cities. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 23, 173–185.

Sustainable Cities or Town Cramming. RSA Journal, 148/4, 72–80.

Creative Cities. Cities and Design: An Academic Journal for Intercity Networking, 7/8, 1–24. (In Mandarin).


The Dumills—Londoners 2000. The View from 1963, and the 1963 View from 2000. Town and Country Planning, 69, 44–46.

Creative Cities and Economic Development. Urban Studies, 37, 639–649.

Urban 21: Global Conference in Berlin. Deutschland, 4/2000, 24–30.

Planning and Project in the Present-Day City. Cartas Urbanas, 6, 86–97.

Cidades Inovadoras. Desenvolvimento Urbano e Meio Ambiente, 40, 1–4.

Planifación y Gestión de la Ciudad para la Sociedad Emergente. Urban, 4, 14–30.

The Grid as Generator. ArqArchitectural Research Quarterly, 4, 309–10.


L’Invité: Peter Hall. Urbanisme, 315, 14–22.

High-Speed Rail Comes to London. Access, 19, 26–31.

The Changing Urban Hierarchy in England and Wales, 1913–1998 (with S. Marshall and M. Lowe). Regional Studies, 35, 775–807.

Who’s Up and Who’s Down in the Urban Hierarchy. Town and Country Planning, 70, 268–9.


Knowledge Society and 21st Century Planning. (Interview with So-Sik, Yang). Planning and Policy (Korea), 2005/09, 81–91.

Blowing Up Bridges. Town and Country Planning, 71, 51.

New Towns—Just History, or an Idea for Today? (with N. Schoon). Town and Country Planning, 71, 189–191.

Growth Area Studies and North Sea Fog. Town and Country Planning, 71, 258–259.


The End of the City? Alpbacher Architektgespräche 2002 (Albach Architecture Forum 2002 Discussion), n.p. Albach: Europäisches Forum Albach.

The End of the City? “The Report of My Death was an Exaggeration”. City, 7, 141–152.

Jean Gottmann 1915–1994. (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, II). (With Clout, H.) Proceedings of the British Academy, 120, 201–215.

Cities in Civilization: Culture, Innovation and Urban Order. Journal of Irish Urban Studies, 2/2, 1–14.


The Buchanan Report: 40 years On. ICE: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 157, 7–14.

Walking the Walk. (RTPI Annual Lecture 2003). Town and Country Planning, 73, 54–59.

THEME: The Papers of Peter Hall. (In Mandarin). Urban Planning Overseas, 19/4, 4–34.

The Global City. Urban Planning Overseas, 2004/4, 6–16 (in Mandarin).

Creativity, Culture, Knowledge and the City. Built Environment, 30, 256–258.

Multifunctional Urban Planning of Mega-City-Regions. (With Priemus, H.) Built Environment, 30, 338–349.


Making Places of Delight. Town and Country Planning, 74, 14–15.

Towards Joined-up Planning—Making a Start in West London (with N. Falk). Town and Country Planning, 74, 128–131.

Are America and Europe Alien Worlds in Planning? Harvard Design Magazine, 22, 87–94.

Knowledge Society and 21st Century Urban Planning. Planning and Policy (Korea Institute for Human Settlements), 2005/09, 83–91.

La Nuova Era del Treno. Implicazioni per città e Regioni. Parametro, 258259, 32–35.

Apologia Pro Vita Sua. Balzan Prize Committee Lecture.


Changing Travel to Work Patterns in South East England (With Titheridge, H.). Journal of Transport Geography, 14, 60–75.

Re-Urbanizing the Suburbs? The Role of Theatre, The Arts and Urban Studies. (With Hall, P.) City, 10, 377–392.

A New Geography of Britain: Analects for a Non-Autobiography. Town and Country Planning, 75, 304–308.


Des Docklands à Thames Gateway: Rééquilibrer le Développement de Londres vers l’Est. Cahiers de l’Institut d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme de la Région d’Ile-de-France, 146, 39–46.

New East Manchester: Urban Renaissance or Urban Opportunism? (With Mace, A., Gallent, N.) European Planning Studies 15(1), 51–65.

Beyond the Automobile? Access, 30, 10–15.

Melvin M. Webber: Maker and Breaker of Planning Paradigms. Access, Special Issue, Winter 20067, 17–22.


New New Towns. Blueprint, 263, 46–49.

From Metropolis to Polyopolis (with Pain, K.) Urban Planning International, 23, 15–27.

From Strategy to Delivery: Policy Responses (with Pain, K.) Urban Planning International, 23, 28–40.

Comment on Historical ICE Paper. Urban Planning and Design (Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 161), DP1, 23–26.

Informational Quantity versus International Quality: The Perils of Navigating the Space of Flows (with Pain, K.). Regional Studies, 42, 1065–1077.

London Voices, 1957–2007: From Family and Kinship to London Lives. City 12, 50–63

Key Issues for Planning Futures and the Way Forward (with Davoudi S. and Power A.) Twenty First Century Society, 3, 229–247


Magic Carpets and Seamless Webs: Opportunities and Constraints for High Speed Trains in Europe. Built Environment, 35, 59–69. ISSN 0263-7960.

Chinese Urban Growth in a Global Perspective. Urban Planning International, 24, 9–15. ISSN 1673-9493.

Gathering Evidence for Collective Reformation. Town and Country Planning, 78, 152–154. ISSN 0040-9960.

Looking Backward, Looking Forward: The City Region of the Mid-21st Century. Regional Studies, 43, 803–817. ISSN 0034-3404.

The Polycentric Metropolis: A Western European Perspective on Mega-City Regions. Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, 2/3, Series 6, 1–17. ISBN 978-7-100-06733-1.


Die Zukunft der Städte im Zeitalter der wissensbasisierten Ökonomie. In: RegioPol: Zeitschrift für Regionalwirtschaft, 1+2 2011, Urbane Zukunft in der Wissensökonomie, 35–46. ISSN 2192-1601.

The impacts of High-Speed Trains on British Economic Geography: a Study of the UK’s InterCity 125/225 and its Effects. (with Chen C-L.) Journal of Transport Geography, 19, 689–704. ISSN 0966-6923.

High-Speed Gateways. (with Wray I.) Town and Country Planning, 80, 322–327. ISSN 0040-9960.


New Perspectives on Transportation and Urban Density. Urban Solutions, 1, 32–37. ISSN 2301-3540.

All change in the Lower Lea Valley. Australian Planner, 49, 193–194. ISSN 0729-3682.

The wider spatial-economic impacts of high-speed trains: a comparative case study of Manchester and Lille sub-regions. (with Chen C-L.). Journal of Transport Geography, 24, 89–110. ISSN 0966-6923.

Drawing on the Garden City Prescription. Town and Country Planning, 82(11), 475–478


Using HS2 to irrigate the Regions (with Chen C-L.) Town and Country Planning. 82(4) 170–174

Refreshing the Parts that Other Transport cannot Reach. Town and Country Planning. 82(3), 121–132


We have a problem—so what to do? Town and Country Planning, 114–117

High-speed north: Building a Trans-pennine Mega-city (with Thrower D. and Wray I.) Town and Country Planning 83(4), 160–167

Apologia pro vita sua. Town and Country Planning, 317–325