
1 Introduction

Nowadays, the data is increasing at tremendous speed in terms of volume and number of features. The major difficulty is called as ‘the curse of dimensionality’ [20]. The learning algorithms are greatly affected by the dimensionality of the data. The task of dimension reduction is the process of reducing the number of features or variables of an object under consideration.

Dimension reduction and feature selections are two techniques which can reduce the attributes of data for classification tasks. But still there lies some difference in both the techniques. Dimensionality reduction is creating new attributes as a combination of the old attributes like in PCA (Principal Component Analysis) whereas in feature selection some attributes whose information overlap with other attributes called redundant attributes are removed from the dataset. PCA involves feature transformation and obtains a set of transformed features rather than a subset of the original features [17]. Dimension reduction of the Big Data (i.e. Voluminous data) can help in the easy processing of data for some decision-making. Generally, there are four types of feature selection techniques filter, wrapper, embedded and hybrid technique. The filter approach to feature selection is to remove the features based on the general characteristics of the training data without involving any learning algorithm [4, 6]. The wrapper method involves a classification algorithm to determine the efficiency of the subset generated. The embedded methods are specific to the learning algorithm and during its training phase feature selection algorithms are applied. Hybrid approach which has been recently been proposed for high dimensional data is a combination of both filter and wrapper method [1, 2], [4], [5].

Janecek et al. [6] have proven by experimental results that among the feature selection methods, wrappers tend to produce the smallest feature subsets with very comprehensive classification accuracy, in many cases the best overall dimension reduction methods. But the wrapper method is computationally expensive as it needs the learning algorithm to evaluate the selected features performance and find the final selected set. When there is a small set of features wrapper can be applied, but when the number of features becomes very large, filter model is usually chosen due to its computational accuracy and efficiency [4]. In high dimensional dataset, feature selection becomes more efficient than a dimension reduction technique of PCA.

This work is based on feature selection using a filter approach. A new algorithm which can efficiently remove both irrelevant and redundant features for Big Data has been developed. Here, we have experimentally shown its performance by taking some of the high dimensional data sets. Our method calculates Gain Ratio between each feature and the class attributes. The feature having highest gain ratio value becomes the first node of the list. Second highest gain ratio value feature is now considered. It’s gain ratio is calculated with the first feature and if it satisfies the condition then it is added to the list otherwise ignored. This method is based on the multiple feature correlation technique in which next feature’s correlation is checked with the correlation of all the features present in the list. If the feature not present in the list satisfies the condition, then it is added to the list otherwise it is denied and not involved in further computations. Final list depict the set of selected features. Multiple feature correlation technique reduces the number of computations and produces a subset of independent feature free from overlap of information contained in them. The Proposed algorithm is tested on 9 datasets from different domains (image, microarray and text data). Our method has been compared with two filter feature selection algorithms: Fast-Correlation based Filter (FCBS) [4] and FAST [7] and it shows that the Proposed algorithm outperforms them in terms of classification accuracy, runtime and number of features selected in most data sets.

The rest of the paper has been organized as follows: in Sect. 2, related work will be explained. In Sect. 3, we describe the theoretical background. Section 4 discusses the complete algorithm with an example. Section 5 gives the result and comparisons with other algorithm based on dimension of data sets and domain. Finally, in Sect. 6 we draw conclusions based on the experimental results.

2 Related Work

Feature selection aims to find the subset of features from the original set of features by removing irrelevant and redundant features. Within the filter model of feature selection there have been many algorithms proposed such as Relief [11], Relief-F [12], FOCUS, FOCUS-2[13], Correlation based Feature Selection (CFS) [8], FCBS[4], FAST[7]. Relief [11] and Correlation based Feature Selection (CFS) [8] methods remove only the irrelevant features. The algorithms proposed later remove both irrelevant and redundant features.

Liu and Yu [10], has given that the general process of feature selection is divided into four processes: subset generation, subset evaluation, stopping criterion and subset validation.

Each of the algorithms described in literature uses one of the subset generation techniques either complete search, sequential search or random search, all of either in forward, backward or bidirectional directions [3, 10]. After generating a subset, this subset needs to be evaluated. Form data set with ‘n’ features 2n subsets can be generated. A search algorithm is often employed to find the optimal feature subsets. To find which the optimal subset is, each algorithm has an evaluation technique based on different heuristics. Generally, the statistics used as evaluation measures are distance based measures, Information gain [4], correlation coefficient [9], consistency measures [3]. The process terminates when it reaches a stopping criterion.

CFS (Correlation-based Feature Selection), one of the feature selection method uses forward greedy feature selection method. It is based on the hypothesis that a good feature subset is the one that contains features highly correlated to the class, yet uncorrelated to each other [8].

Fast-Correlation based Filter (FCBS) algorithm given by Yu and Liu [4] removes both irrelevant and redundant features by the use symmetric uncertainty as an evaluation measure. It uses the concept of correlation based on information theory of mutual information and entropy to calculate the uncertainty of a random variable. It removes features by performing a pairwise correlation.

Recently, an algorithm named FAST has been developed by Song et al. (2013) which uses symmetric uncertainty as an evaluation measure to remove both irrelevant and redundant features. It generates a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) by calculating the correlation of each feature with every other feature. Then it partitions the MST in forest with each tree representing a cluster, represented features are then selected from each cluster. These representative features form a final subset of features.

Quite different from FAST algorithm, our Proposed algorithm uses Gain Ratio as an evaluation measure to remove irrelevant and redundant features. It does not calculate the correlation of each feature with every other feature instead, it calculates correlation with only those present in the feature subset formed. The problem becomes NP-hard if data are high dimensional and we keep on finding correlation of each feature with every other feature in the dataset. Unlike, FCBF it does not perform pairwise correlation, instead it performs a correlation with all present in the feature subset. It is a greedy forward selection method and adds features in forward direction.

3 Theoretical Background

Entropy is a measure of uncertainty of a random variable. If X is a discrete random variable with alphabet x and probability mass function p(x) = PR {X = x}. The probability mass function is denoted by p(x). The entropy H(X) of a discrete random variable X is defined by:

$$ {\text{H}}\left( {\text{X}} \right) = - \sum\nolimits_{\text{x}} {{\text{p}}({\text{x}})\log_{2} {\text{p}}({\text{x}})} $$

Information gain is a measure of the amount of information that one random variable contains about another random variable. The information gain I (X; Y) give the relation between two variables. Information gain or Mutual Information [16] is given by

$$ \begin{aligned} {\text{I}}\left( {{\text{X}};{\text{ Y}}} \right) & = {\text{H}}\left( {\text{Y}} \right){-}{\text{H}}\left( {{\text{Y}}|{\text{X}}} \right) = {\text{H}}\left( {\text{X}} \right){-}{\text{H}}\left( {{\text{X}}|{\text{Y}}} \right) \\ & = {\text{H}}\left( {\text{Y}} \right) + {\text{H}}\left( {\text{X}} \right){-}{\text{H}}\left( {{\text{X}},{\text{ Y}}} \right) \\ \end{aligned} $$

Where H (X), H (Y) is the individual entropies of two random variables X and Y. Entropy of X is based on the individual probabilities of variables in X. It gives the diversification in values.

Our algorithm is based on the concept of information theory. It is based on the assumption that if there are two different random variables, then larger the value of information gain between them, stronger the relationship they share. Theorem 1 as given in [14].

Theorem 1:

For any discrete random variable Y and Z I(Y;Z) \( \ge \) 0. Moreover, I(Y;Z) = 0 if and only if Y and Z are independent.

Let D be a full feature set, fi \( \in \) D be one of the feature. C is the target class attribute. The definitions can be defined as follows:

Definition 1 (Relevance):

A feature fi is relevant to the class C if and only if GR(fi,C) \( \ge \theta \) i.e. the gain ratio value between a feature and class attribute should be greater than a predefined threshold \( \theta \).

Definition 2 (Redundancy):

Let D be a full set of features in the dataset, Two features fi and fj are redundant peers if and only if GR(fi,fj) > GR(fi,C) \( \mathop \cap \nolimits \) GR(fi,fj) > GR(fj,C). Otherwise they are not redundant.

Redundant features are those that contain much of the common information. Definition 2 indicates that a feature is redundant to other feature in the dataset, if the correlation between them is greater than the correlation of feature with the Class C. Here, Information gain (I) is used to measure the correlation between the two features. The drawback of information gain is that it is biased towards the feature with all different values. It prefers to select the attribute having large number of different values in its instances. For example, consider an attribute student_ID in the students’ record data that has all different values in it. Therefore, the information gained on this attribute will be maximal. To overcome this drawback, we use an extension of information gain known as gain ratio, which overcomes this bias. It normalizes information gain using a “split info” value defined as:

$$ {\text{SplitInfoB}}\left( {\text{D}} \right) = - \sum\nolimits_{{{\text{i}} = 1}}^{\text{u}} {\frac{{|{\text{D}}_{\text{i}} |}}{{|{\text{D}}|}}} \times { \log }_{2} (\frac{{|{\text{D}}_{\text{i}} |}}{{|{\text{D}}|}}) $$

The data set D is split into u portions of attribute B. \( |{\text{D}}_{\text{i}} | \) is total number of tuples in the ith portion and \( \left| {\text{D}} \right| \) is the number of attributes in complete dataset. Splitinfo gives the information generated after partitioning whereas information gain, measures the information with respect to classification that is obtained based on the same partitioning. The gain ratio is defined as

$$ {\text{Gain Ratio}}\left( {\text{B}} \right) = {\text{Gain}}\left( {\text{B}} \right)/{\text{SplitInfo}}\left( {\text{B}} \right) $$

Definition 3 (maxGR):

It is the largest value of Gain ratio(GR) found after calculating the gain ratio of the new feature fi (fi \( \in \) D) with all the features already present in the tree.

Suppose at any step (i-1), some features are already present in tree U. To add a new feature fi (fi \( \in \) D\Ui-1) to the tree find GR (fi; fj) for each feature fj \( \in \) U. The largest value of GR (fi; fj) is the maxGR value.

Definition 4 (Relevantf):

It gives us the relation between the feature fi (fi \( \in \) D) and the class C. The relevance between the feature and the class is found on the basis of the value of the Gain ratio value between them. It is denoted by GR (f, c).

Definition 5 (Redundantf):

A feature is added as the tree node if, fi \( \in \) D and maxGR(X;Y) < GR(Y,C). This means that both features (X,Y) are not correlated with each other.

Our algorithm is based on the assumption that stronger the relation between two variables, larger the value of gain ratio they will have. A feature becomes redundant if its relation is stronger with any of the feature already present in the feature subset than its relation with its class attribute.

4 Algorithm and Analysis

The Proposed algorithm depicted in Figs. 1 and 2 is based on the methodology of gain ratio as described before. Input to the algorithm is all the features given in the data set D = {f1,f2,……fm}and Class C. The first task is to remove the irrelevant features. Relevantf gives the value of GR(fi,C). If this value is greater than the predefined threshold, then those features are kept as relevant ones, others are ignored.

Fig. 1.
figure 1


Fig. 2.
figure 2

The subroutine of the algorithm

The next step is to remove redundant features. To do this, first arrange the list of all relevant features (D′) found along with their Gain ratio value (G′) in descending order. The first feature in the D′ list will be the feature having the highest value of gain ratio with the class. According to our assumption made the first feature in D′ is most relevant and has to be kept.

To find correlation in polynomial time, we arrange it in descending order and find correlation of new feature with every feature in tree U ignoring redundant features found.

This step starts with an empty list named T. First add the first feature from D′ and keeps on adding non redundant features into it. Check the first feature with every other feature in terms of the redundancy, according to Definition 5. The features found redundant with the first feature is ignored and their redundancy is never again checked with any other feature.

Suppose at any step (i-1), some features are already present in Tree U. To add a new feature fi (fi \( \in \) D\Ui-1) to the list first it finds GR (Us-1; fi). The following criterion is used:

$$ {\text{f}}_{{({\text{i}})}} = {\text{argmax GR}}\left( {{\text{U}}_{{{\text{s}} - 1}} ;{\text{f}}_{\text{i}} } \right) $$

This means that from the feature in the list which has the largest value of GR with fi is picked.

This approach maximizes the gain ratio between feature subset found and the class attribute. If maxGR with all features in U at step i-1 is less than GR of new feature and class C then a new feature gets added to the list. If this condition is not satisfied, then the feature has lost the opportunity to be added in the list and hence ignored. Figure 1 gives a method to remove the irrelevant features. The remaining features are then arranged in descending order. Pass the first node to list T, the first element from D′. Then T is passed to the subroutine sub given in Fig. 2. Figure 2 keeps on adding the new features to T according to maxGR explained in Definition 3. If maxGR(X;Y) > GR(Y,C) then the algorithm will ignore the feature and move to the next feature. Suppose the number of features found after removing irrelevant features is k. The searching process terminates when all the ‘k’ features in the dataset have been examined.

To clarify the search procedure, we explain the algorithm through an example. Let the set of features in the dataset is D = {a,b,c,d,e,f} and the class attribute is C. ‘m’ is the number of features in the dataset. Here, m = 6. Suppose after going through steps 1 to 5 in Fig. 1 all feature’s Relevantf value except feature f satisfies the predetermined threshold and gets added in the Snewlist. Snewlist becomes {a,b,c,d,e}. k i.e. the number of features in Snewlist becomes 5. To further process Snewlist, it is arranged in descending order in G’{a, d, b, e, c} according to their gain ratio value with the class. Figure 3 depicts the search procedure to add the new feature to the empty data structure T. First the list T is empty \( \varDelta T = \{ \} \). At level 1, the first node ‘a’, from G′ is taken and added to the list. Second value from G’ i.e. d is taken. Calculate GR (a, d) and compare it with GR (d, class C) according to step 6 of Fig. 2. ‘d’ satisfies the condition so list adds ‘d’ to itself.. Pick the third element from G′ which is ‘b’. Calculate GR (a, b) and GR (d, b). Pick the maximum GR value from them and compare it with GR (b, class). According to steps 6 to 8 of Fig. 2, it does not satisfy the condition, so it is not added to the list and it never used again in further comparisons. The next element from the list is ‘e’. Repeat the same steps with e as done with last element ‘b’. Here, we found that e satisfies the condition so it is added to the T. The last element is ‘c’ Calculate GR (a, c), GR (d, c) and GR (e, c). Take out the maximum value of GR out of these three values and Compare it with GR (c, Class). It is observed that c does not satisfy the condition so it is filtered out. Finally \( \varDelta T \) at level-5 contains the feature subset after removing both irrelevant and redundant features.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Depicting the search procedure

5 Empirical Study

5.1 Datasets

In our experiment we have employed 11 datasets which are from different domains, text, image, Microarray. The number of features varies from 36 to 10, 000 features. The data sets used in the experiments are taken from the UCI machine learning repository [18], and [21]. Microarray datasets of Colon_l [22] actually contained 22883 features, but a preprocessing strategy [23] has reduced the features to 8826. Leukemia [24] is one of the cancer classification data which comes under microarray domain has also been pre-processed. The features with a value less than 20 and more than 16000 were removed. The summary of a data set is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Summary of data sets

5.2 Experimental Results and Comparisons

To verify the experimental results three parameters percentage of selected features, runtime and Classification accuracy has been calculated. Two feature selection algorithms FCBF and FAST have been compared with the Proposed algorithm on these three parameters. In the performed experiments, the relevant threshold, \( \theta \) is the GR((ain Ratio) value of the m/logm┘th ranked feature for all the datasets. This threshold is as a suggestion given by Yu and Liu [4]. By applying, 10-fold cross validation classification accuracies of three different classifiers (Naïve Bayes, C4.5, and IB1) on all the datasets accurate results could be achieved.

The Proposed algorithm has also been compared with FCBF and FAST on the basis of multi-criteria Metric EARR (Extended Adjusted Ratio of Ratios) proposed by Wang [15]. Under one unified metric, the classification accuracy with a runtime and number of features selected are integrated. This unified metric EARR evaluates the performance by taking the ratio of the metric values. Let D = {D1,D2,….,Dn} be a set of n data sets, and A = {A1,A2,….An) be a set of M FSS algorithms. Then, the EARR of \( A_{i} \) to \( A_{j} \) over \( D_{k} \) be defined as:

$$ EARR_{{A_{i} ,A_{j} }}^{{D_{k} }} = \frac{{acc_{i}^{k} /acc_{j}^{k} }}{{1 + \propto .\log \left( {t_{i}^{k} /t_{j}^{k} } \right) + \beta .{ \log }(n_{i}^{k} /n_{j}^{k} )}} \,( 1\le i \ne j \le M,1 \le k < N $$

\( \propto \) and β are user defined parameters, which tells us how much importance should be given to the runtime and number of features selected respectively. acc ki is the accuracy of ith algorithm of ‘k’ th dataset. t ki and n ki are the runtime and number of selected features of dataset ‘k’ on ith algorithm respectively.

This will allow the user to tell how much the runtime and feature selected should dominate accuracy. When comparing multiple feature selection algorithms, it takes the arithmetic mean of the \( EARR_{{A_{i} ,A_{j} }}^{{D_{k} }} \) of Ai to another algorithm Aj on D. It is defined as:

$$ EARR_{{A_{i} }}^{{D_{k } }} = \frac{1}{M - 1}\sum\nolimits_{j = 1\& j \ne i}^{M} {EARR_{{A_{i} ,A_{j} }}^{{D_{k} }} } $$

The larger the value of EARR, better is the corresponding algorithm on a given data set D [15].

5.3 Dimension Wise Comparison of Feature Selection Algorithms

Tables 2 and 3 depict the comparison of low dimensional data set and large dimensional data set respectively, of three feature selection algorithm on the basis of three parameters (percentage of feature selected, runtime and accuracy of three different classifiers). According to our assumption low dimension datasets consisting of less than 200 features and high dimensional data sets are datasets with features greater than 200 or more. Accuracy on all three classification algorithm on all the data sets is conducted in Weka [19].

Table 2. Comparison of feature selection algorithm for low- dimensional data sets
Table 3. Comparison of feature selection algorithm for large – dimensional data sets

We observe from Tables 2 and 3 that the Proposed algorithm is performing better in terms of percentage of the selected features and runtime for large dimensional data rather than for low dimensional data. The Proposed algorithm is securing first position for all the evaluation metrics for Arcene data, PIX10P,ORL10P set which have around 10, 000 features. So, we can say that this technique works well on large dimensional data sets.

5.4 Domain Wise Comparison of Feature Selection Algorithms

Data sets used in the experiments belongs to three types of Domain Text, Image and Microarray. Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 gives the average values obtained domain wise for three performance metrics (Percentage of selected features, Runtime and Classification accuracy). If we observe the percentage of the selected features and runtime in Tables 4 and 5, data sets in image domain are showing a comparable performance. In case of text dataset, there is an improvement in some cases. Table 4 elaborates averages of the three feature selection algorithm on each data set domain wise.

Table 4. Comparison based on percentage of selected features
Table 5. Comparison based on runtime
Table 6. Average accuracy domain wise for Naïve Bayes classifier
Table 7. Average accuracy domain wise for C4.5 classifier
Table 8. Average accuracy domain wise for IB1 classifier

Table 4 shows that the Proposed algorithm selects fewer features than FCBF and FAST in all three domains text, Image and Microarray. Further Comparisons depicts that:

  1. 1.

    For text datasets, Proposed algorithm selects 5.89 percent of the features. FCBF and FAST have a margin of 1.28 percent between them.

  2. 2.

    For image datasets, Proposed algorithm ranks 1 by selecting 0.334 percent of features with a margin of 0.15 from FCBF and 5.25 from FAST.

  3. 3.

    For Microarray datasets, Proposed algorithm selects 1.25 and 6.7 lesser percentages of features than FCBF and FAST respectively.

If we observe the runtime, the Proposed algorithm is showing a significant improvement compared to FAST and FCBF algorithm in all the domains. Table 5 depicts the average runtime of all three algorithms domain wise.

For text data set, the Proposed algorithm is 39.05 times faster at runtime than FAST. For Image data set, it is 3,264.49 times faster than the FAST algorithm. In case of microarray data, the runtime of Proposed algorithm has decreased by 5.22 and 15.39 as compared to FCBF and FAST respectively.

Tables 6, 7, 8 depicts the 10-fold cross validation classification accuracies of three classifiers on 11 data sets domain wise.

We observe that Naïve Bayes classification accuracy after applying feature selection algorithm has a positive improvement in all the domains. It is noted that:

  1. 1.

    Under Image dataset domain FCBF, FAST is 86.8 percent and 86.2 percent better in accuracy than Proposed algorithm.

  2. 2.

    For Arcene dataset, i.e. a large dimensional dataset the Naïve Bayes classification accuracy of Proposed algorithm has been increased by 6, 7 times by FCBF and FAST respectively.

  3. 3.

    For WarpAR10p, datasets i.e. a large dimensional dataset the Naïve Bayes classification accuracy of Proposed algorithm has been increased by 17.34 and 18.81 times for FCBF and FAST respectively.

  4. 4.

    The Proposed algorithm has increased the classification accuracy of the Naïve Bayes classifier by 0.9 times than that of FAST and is performing almost the same in case of FCBF for WarpPie10p dataset.

  5. 5.

    For microarray dataset Colon_l Naïve Bayes accuracy of Proposed algorithm has increased by 38.7 percent and 86.5 percent from FCBF and FAST respectively.

For C4.5 classifier, we observe from Table 7 that:

  1. 1.

    For Image dataset, FCBF and FAST have 9.02, 7.08 lesser accuracy value than the Proposed algorithm.

  2. 2.

    For Arcene dataset, one of a large dimensional data set in image domain the classification accuracy of Proposed algorithm has been increased by 10, 9 times by FCBF and FAST respectively.

  3. 3.

    For WarpAR10p datasets i.e. a large dimensional image datasets the classification accuracy of Proposed algorithm has been increased by 16.15 and 14.38 times for FCBF and FAST respectively.

  4. 4.

    For WarpPIE10p dataset Proposed algorithm is performing almost in a similar way as FCBF and FAST.

  5. 5.

    In case of microarray datasets Tox-171 the accuracy of Proposed algorithm has increased 3 times from FAST and FCBF. In case of Colon_l it has increased 13.53 times and 12.85 times for FCBF and FAST respectively.

We observed the classification accuracies for IB1 classifier in Table 8 and noted that:

  1. 1.

    For Image dataset FCBF and FAST have a difference of 3.69 and 1.82 respectively, than Proposed algorithm.

  2. 2.

    For Arcene dataset, i.e. a large dimensional dataset the classification accuracy of Proposed algorithm has been decreased by 3, 1 margin by FCBF and FAST respectively.

  3. 3.

    For WarpAR10p datasets one of a large dimensional datasets the classification accuracy of Proposed algorithm has been increased by 8.46 and 10.82 value for FCBF and FAST respectively.

  4. 4.

    For WarpPie10p dataset Proposed algorithm is performing almost in a similar way as FCBF and FAST.

  5. 5.

    For microarray data, Proposed algorithm has increased the classification accuracy for Tox-171 and Colon_l dataset by 5.4 percent and 1.4 percent by FAST algorithm.

In order to further explore, which feature selection algorithm is performing better, a unified, multi-criteria metric EARR (Wang et al. 2013) has been used. We have taken number of features selected, runtime and Naïve Bayes classification accuracies values from Tables 4, 5, 6 respectively. Using Eq. 5, we calculate the EARR values of Proposed algorithm with FCBF and FAST on all datasets. Table 9 depicts the different EARR values found between two different algorithms.

Table 9. EARR values calculated to compare two algorithms

According to Wang et al., the value of EARR Ai, Aj is greater than (or equal to, or smaller than) that of EARR Ai, Aj indicates that Ai is better than (or equal to, or worse than) Aj.

The Proposed algorithm when compared with FCBF on Image dataset, the EARR (Proposed, FCBF) value is 1.15 which is greater than EARR (FCBF, Proposed) in value of 0.868 at α = β=0. 001. When comparing Proposed algorithm with FAST on image data set gives a value of EARR (Proposed, FAST) as 1.16 and EARR (FAST, Proposed) as 0.85. Here also we can say that Proposed is better than FAST.

The EARR value of text dataset at α = β=0. 001, when compared with FCBF is EARR (Proposed, FCBF) is 0.905 and EARR (FCBF, Proposed) is1.115. Comparing Proposed algorithm with FAST algorithm gives a value of EARR (Proposed, FAST) as 0.965 and EARR (FAST, Proposed) as 1.035.Here we found that FCBF and FAST are better than Proposed.

For Microarray dataset, EARR value (Proposed, FCBF) is a 1.411 and EARR value (FCBF, Proposed) is 0.708. This implies that Proposed algorithm is better than FCBF. In case of FAST algorithm, EARR (Proposed, FAST) is 0.931 and EARR (FAST, Proposed) is 1.072 indicates FAST is better than Proposed.

So, from Table 9 it can be observed that the value of EARR Proposed algorithm is better in case of an image dataset when compared with both FCBF and FAST. The Proposed algorithm is also better than FCBF in case of microarray data. However, for text datasets FCBF and FAST are better than the Proposed algorithm.

6 Conclusion

In this paper, a new feature selection technique which can work well on high dimensional data has been introduced. To reach this goal a correlation based filter approach using gain ratio is implemented to find the optimal and complete feature subset. The Proposed algorithm can eliminate both irrelevant and redundant features. By extensive experiments and calculations, we have shown that it works well for large dimensions (thousands of features) data set for classification.

The performance of the Proposed algorithm has been compared with two of the existing feature selection algorithms FCBF and FAST on the different data sets. Datasets belong to three domain, text, image and microarray data. We found that the proposed method ranks 1 for image data set and microarray dataset in case of three classifiers naïve Bayes, C4.5 and IB1. Comparing the Proposed algorithm on a unified metric, also led us to decide that the Proposed algorithm is better for the image dataset than FCBF and FAST. FCBF and FAST are good alternatives for text dataset and micro array data sets.

Our further work will be to extend this method for much higher dimensionality (more than ten thousand features). We will try to explore the different methodology which can improve text data.