
1 Introduction

Enterprise Architecture (EA) has received a lot of attention from researchers over the last decade [6, 9, 10, 13] and it has developed into the most accepted tool for graphical representation of different domains (i.e. organizational, business, technology, application etc.) in a firm. Its use has been demonstrated for portfolio analysis, cost benefit calculation, relating business goals to IT infrastructure and requirement analysis [13, 14]. A major reason for this wide adoption of EA is its ability to give a holistic view of the current state of an enterprise and its internal and external dynamics [13]. Owing to these features, EA models are an obvious starting point to aid decision making in an enterprise [2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14]. An EA model has to be analyzed to obtain relevant information to aid in decision making. The nature of such an analysis will depend on the decisions to be made. In this paper, we present lightweight metrics to aid decision makers in answering the following questions:

  • how critical an organisational asset (process/function/service/hardware) is?

  • whether one asset is more critical than the other?

  • is a certain asset easily replaceable?

  • how will the business be affected if an asset is removed or is unavailable?

These are typical questions which are often raised in board room discussions. They can only be answered if we know how critical a certain asset is for value creation [14, 15]. Since every asset of a firm can be modeled as an element in an EA model, by measuring the criticality of that element in a EA model, we can make an estimation of the criticality of that asset in real life. In this paper we propose simple metrics to measure the criticality of an EA element. We don’t propose a works-for-all analysis approach and neither do we propose to sideline existing analysis approaches. On the contrary, we propose that different analysis approaches (aimed at answering the same questions), including those presented in this paper, should be used together. Yet, these approaches must not be cumbersome or too complicated. The contribution of our approach are metrics to aid decision making, harnessing the information contained in an EA and bringing EA to the board room (with minimum effort).

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Existing EA approaches and their classification are discussed in Sect. 2 followed by Sect. 3 in which we present our metrics. Usage of the metrics is demonstrated with an example case in Sect. 4. We discuss our results and limitations in Sects. 5 and 6 respectively. The paper is concluded in Sect. 7.

2 Background

There exist various EA analysis approaches. In Subsect. 2.1 we discuss some of these approaches, their classification and their applicability. In Subsect. 2.2 we briefly clarify why we used ArchiMate EA modeling language as a base for developing our metrics.

2.1 Previous EA Analysis Techniques

Two important classifications of EA analysis approaches are discussed here. The first classification, shown in Table 1, proposed by [3], classifies EA analysis approaches based on aspect of analysis (Body of Analysis), the time phase of the analysis (Time Reference), the technique used for analysis (Analysis Technique), property to be analyzed (Analysis Concern) and whether the analysis module accesses itself (Self Referentiality). In the second classification, proposed by [11], shown in Table 2, EA analysis approaches are classified based on analysis type.

Table 1. Classification EA analysis approaches [3]
Table 2. Classification based on analysis type [11]

In [2] a recent selection of 6 EA analysis approaches which are consistently referred to in literature is given. Below, we examine 4 of these approaches which align to our goal of measuring the criticality of EA elements.

EA Analysis Using XML [5].

In this paper a methodology is proposed for static and dynamic analysis of an EA model primarily using XML (Extensible Markup Language) and RML (Rule Markup Language). A predefined XML vocabulary is used to first encode an EA model in XML for static analysis and then enriched by RML rules for dynamic analysis. This allows simulations to be run over architecture instances. The authors are of the view that by this methodology EA architects can understand the EA model better.

EA Analysis Using EID [9].

The authors investigate many languages to support the EA analysis for better decision making. They finally propose an extended influence diagram (EID) as the most suitable technique since it allows handling decision uncertainty at varied abstraction levels. The influence diagram can be seen as an algorithm which is run on an instance of the EA model (which serves as the data for the algorithm). EID can be used by the decision makers to decide between two or more alternative organizational states.

EA Analysis Using AHP [4].

A six-step method (having further sub-steps) involving Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy AHP is presented in this paper. The motive is to evaluate different EA models (based on a quality attribute) and choose the one which best fits a given scenario. The attribute or property to be measured is broken down into multiple criteria and sub-criteria.

EA Dependency Analysis Using Fault Tress and Bayesian Networks (BN) [6].

Bayesian networks and fault trees are used in [6] to evaluate the feasibility of different scenarios. The authors propose an extension to an existing EA metamodel for application of their approach. For each scenario a new BN has to be made.

Some other EA analysis approaches include an EA analysis method based on Decision Design graphs [12] which is used to make a metamodel for capturing decision relationship dependencies. The authors clearly mention the considerable effort which is involved in this approach. [7] proposes a four-step decision support system based on mapping EA elements and relationships to a Bayesian Belief Network (BBN). In [10] four separate metamodels are combined into one and then used for assessing application usage, system availability, service response time and data accuracy.

All these approaches address criticality of an EA element in their own way, yet there are some implementation roadblocks. Although these approaches claim and demonstrate sufficient accuracy of results yet they are either too mathematical and require special skills (e.g. [4, 9]), demand ample amount of effort (e.g. [4, 12]), use an intermediate mapping step (on which an EA is mapped) (e.g. [57, 10]), ignore the need to include human inputs or are just too cumbersome (e.g. [4, 5, 9]). Approaches which are too mathematical or demand significant manual effort usually don’t have an associated tool to assist (or automate) the analysis, such that the underlying calculations are hidden. Moreover, if the EA model to be analyzed is mapped to an meta-model, a decision tree, a Bayesian network, an ontology, etc. then there is a risk of loosing critical information contained in the EA model which can compromise the correctness of results. Ideally, an EA analysis approach should have three necessary features. Firstly, it should provide accurate and consistent results. Secondly, it should involve minimum of time, effort and cost. Finally, it should be easy to explain to high level managers. We are of the view that if the reasoning behind an analysis approach is too complex then its results would be less prone to acceptance and critique. Although the existing approaches promise consistent results yet they rarely stress upon making the analysis lightweight, fast and simple.

2.2 ArchiMate® EA Modeling Language

Our EA analysis metrics are based on ArchiMate® which is adopted by the Open Group® as a standard language for Enterprise Architecture modeling. It is widely used by academics and practitioners in the EA domain [15]. Since most of the EA analysis approaches use ArchiMate for evaluation, it will be easier for researchers to compare the results of our approach.

3 Metrics for Enterprise Architecture Analysis

Previous research has shown that ArchiMate models can be successfully transformed to graphs for analysis purpose [8, 14, 15]. Elements of the model have been treated as nodes of the graph and the relationships between the elements as edges. Concepts from graph theory like in-degree and out-degree have already been used in [8] for calculation of workload and performance measures. An EA model can also be traversed just like a graph as shown in [14, 15]. Our metrics build upon these previous results.

3.1 Metrics for Criticality Based on Relationships


Based on the number of relationships which an element has, we define the degree of that element. The degree of an element measures its connectedness with other elements. The more relationships an element has, the higher its degree. Consider an example of a typical relationship between ArchiMate elements shown in Fig. 1. There exists a used by relationship between a Business Service and an Application service.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An ArchiMate relationship

Depending on the element, there are two views on this relationship (Fig. 2), (a) Business service uses (and thus, depends on) the Application service and (b) Application service is used by (and thus, supports) the Business service. Adopting this approach for all relationships, the In-degree of element E is defined as the number of elements on which E depends and the Out-degree is defined as the number of elements which depend on E. Table 3 shows for each ArchiMate relationship which view is used for calculating the in-degree and out-degree. A high value for in-degree is an indication that the element is highly dependent on other elements. The out degree of an element is a measure of criticality of that element. Therefore, an element having a high out-degree has high chances of being a key resource of the firm.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Reading an ArchiMate relationship

Table 3. ArchiMate relationships and their weights

Relationship Score.

Two elements having the same out-degree can still be much different in their criticality, owing to the types of relationships involved. To incorporate the type of relationship in measuring the criticality of an element we use the concept of relationship weight. Each relationship in ArchiMate can be assigned a weight [14, 15] (Table 3) which is a measure of the coupling and thus the dependency between two elements [15]. The Relationship Score (RS) of any element E, is the weighted mean of all out-degree relationships

$$ {\mathbf{RS}} ({\mathbf{E}}) = \frac{1}{\varvec{n}}\sum\nolimits_{{\varvec{k} = 1}}^{\varvec{n}} {\left( {\varvec{W}_{\varvec{k}} } \right)} $$

where, the summation is over all out-degree relationships of E, n = total number of out-degree relationships of E and \( W_{k} \) = weight of relationship k. As an example, we calculate the RS of 3 elements from Fig. 3 (see Tables 4 and 5).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

An example EA snippet

Table 4. Relationship in Fig. 3 and their weights
Table 5. Calculation of Relationship Score

Absolute Relationship (AR).

ArchiMate elements which are not directly connected by a relationship might still be indirectly connected [1]. Here we are interested in an indirect out-degree relationship between a source element and a target element, which exists if there is a path to traverse from source to target via out-degree relationships r1, r2,r3…rn. AR is the normalized weighted sum of all such out-degree relationships

$$ AR \left( {a,b} \right) = \frac{1}{n}\sum\nolimits_{k = 1}^{n} {\frac{1}{k}(W_{k} )} $$

where, a is the target element, b is the source element, n is the number of out-degree relationships between b and a in a single path and Wk = weight of the relationship rk.

The summation adds the effect of all the relationships from b and a. The division by k (inside the summation) gives each successive relationship in the path, a lesser weightage than the previous one. The division by n (outside the summation) normalizes the result of the summation. Had there been a direct relationship between a and b, its weight would have been AR(a,b). There can be more than one path from b to a, resulting in more than one value of AR. In such a case, AR with higher value is chosen. This is done to pick the strongest relationship between a and b. If there does not exist any path from b to a, it implies that a and b are independent of each other and AR(a,b) equal to 0. Taking the example of Fig. 3, we calculate the AR (Planning, Planning Server) and AR (Planning, Database Server), Table 6. Based on the AR values we can deduce that the Planning Server is more tightly coupled to Planning service than the Database Server.

Table 6. AR calculation

3.2 Metrics for Criticality Based on Element Type

Till now we have not included the type of an element for determining its criticality. As an example, Quality Manager (modeled as a Role in ArchiMate) in most cases, will be more important than, say, a Display Terminal (modeled as Node in ArchiMate). This suggests that, to claim that an element is more critical than another element solely based on relationships is not be sufficient. An element having an out-degree 2 can be more critical than an element having an out-degree 4.

Automatic Weight (atw).

Although ArchiMate specification [1] do not assign a value to each element based on its type, yet, it does classify elements into active, behavior and passive elements. Elements are also classified based on layers i.e. Business, Application and Technology layer. This leads to a table of elements divided in 9 blocks as shown in Table 7. Behavior elements (e.g. business service, application service, infrastructure service etc.) are the most important in a firm because they create value and are the building blocks for value creation [15]. Passive elements (e.g. data object and representation) are less important. In between the behavior and passive elements lie the active elements (e.g. Actor, Application Component etc.).

Table 7. Automatic weights to ArchiMate elements

Assigned Weight (asw).

IT architects and process managers owing to their experience can make well informed and rational estimations over the criticality of elements in an EA model. Their knowledge and experience is impossible to automate. So, in addition to automatic weight, the IT-architect/process manager can assign an additional weight to element, called the assigned weight.

One way to do this is to use a Likert Scale between 1 and 5, where 5 denotes the most important elements and 1 denotes the least important element. Weight of an element is thus defined as the weighted mean of its automatic weight and assigned weight. We are of the view that assigned weight should be given more importance than automatic weight. Therefore, we multiply the assigned weight by factor t, called the preference factor.

$$ W\left( E \right) = \frac{1}{(t + 1)}(atw + t \times asw) $$

3.3 Metrics for Criticality Based on Relationship and Element Type

Importance of an Element.

To get an even better measure of the criticality of an element, E, metrics based on its relationships and its type can be combined. The weight of an element E, W(E) and its relationship score RS(E) can be used to obtain its importance, I(E). (See Eq. 4).

Impact Factor.

Using Absolute Relationship (AR) between two elements (a,b) and the weight of element b, we can define impact factor (IF) which predicts the impact on a if b is removed. Different IF’s can be compared to assess the impact of two or more elements over a. (See Eq. 5).

$$ I\left( E \right) = \left[ {W\left( E \right) \times RS\left( E \right)} \right] $$
$$ IF\left( {a, b} \right) = \left[ {W\left( b \right) \times AR\left( {a,b} \right)} \right] $$

4 Application of Metrics for EA Analysis

Case Description:

Figure 4 shows an EA snippet of a Newspaper Publisher [14]. To boost sales, it provides gifts to customers who purchase a monthly subscription. The business service Customer Acquisition performs the task of acquiring new customers and the business service, Provide Gift to Customer performs the task of obtaining, managing and sending the gifts to the customers. Financial Service, is responsible for managing the accounts. The application and infrastructure elements which support these services are also shown in Fig. 4. The IT department has suggested many changes in the IT infrastructure to higher level management. One of the proposed changes is to combine the Web Server and the Database Server to reduce maintenance cost and free up hardware. The management is considering to implement this proposal but before that it wants some questions to be answered. Q1: Which is/are the most critical element(s) for the business service Provide Gifts to Customer. Q2: Is, Provide Gifts to Customer, affected by a change in the servers? Q3: If the server(s) are down during migration, which of them would affect Provide Gift to Customer most?

Fig. 4.
figure 4

An Example EA Model in ArchiMate

4.1 Most Critical Element(s)

Concentrating on the right side of the model in Fig. 4, we see that 3 elements, namely, Inventory Requirement Status, Logistic Application and Inventory List of Advertising Gift have out-degree of 2 each. All other elements have a maximum out degree of 1. To further investigate the criticality of each of these three elements we calculate their Relationship Score (RS) as shown in Table 8.

Table 8. Calculation of RS

RS shows that Inventory Requirement Status and Logistic Application have same criticality. Let us now calculate the weight and importance of these elements to investigate their criticality further. For the purpose of this example, assume the assigned weights of Inventory Requirement Status and Logistic Application are 2 and 4 respectively and preference factor (t) is 2. Their automatic weights will be the same (Table 7), i.e. 8. Therefore,

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {W_{Logistic Application} = \frac{1}{{\left( {2 + 1} \right)}}\left( {8 + 2 \times 4} \right) = 5.33 \;{\text{and}}} \\ {I\left( {Logistic Application} \right) = 21.32} \\ {W_{Inventory Req. Status} = \frac{1}{{\left( {2 + 1} \right)}}\left( {8 + 2 \times 2} \right) = 4 \;{\text{and}}} \\ {I\left( {Inventory Req. Status} \right) = 16} \\ \end{array} $$

A1: Based on the values of Importance we conclude that Logistic Application is the most critical element, followed by Inventory Req. Status for the business service Provide Advertising Gift.

4.2 Impact of the Servers

There is no direct relationship between Provide Advt. Gift to Customer and the servers. We compute AR for both servers to measure the indirect relationships (Table 9).

Table 9. Calculation of AR

A2: Based on the calculation of AR we can conclude that each server has a relationship with the service, having weights 2.36 and 1.93.

If we assume the assigned weights of both the servers to be the same (say 3) and t as 2, their weights turn out to be 3.33 each. Thus,

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {I.F\left( {Provide gift to customer, Database Server} \right) = 3.33 \times 2.36 = 7.85} \\ {I.F\left( {Provide gift to customer, Web Server} \right) = 3.33 \times 1.93 = 6.42} \\ \end{array} $$

A3: Comparing the value of I.F, the Database server, impacts the service 20 % more as compared to the web server.

5 Discussion

We have presented and demonstrated the use of lightweight metrics for criticality and impact of EA elements in an ArchiMate model. These metrics will aid managers in decision making. In Table 10 we use the classification proposed by [3] (Table 1) to classify our approach. Moreover, based on Table 2, our approach falls under the following analysis types: dependency, coverage, interface, complexity and benefit analysis. Due to space constraints the justification for the classification under each of these analysis types is not discussed further. Figure 5 shows a diagrammatic representation of the metrics.

Table 10. Classification of our approach according to [3]
Fig. 5.
figure 5

Diagrammatic representation of the metrics

6 Limitation and Future Works

The metrics based deduction depends on the correctness of the EA model. Therefore, if the EA model is incorrect it might lead to incorrect metric values leading to incorrect deductions. This is called empirical uncertainty. We have used an example case of ArchiMate, but application of the metrics over different EA modeling techniques is yet to be investigated. Our research also opens many areas for future research. Firstly, the metrics can be incorporated into existing EA modeling tools e.g. BiZZDesign Architect®, such that the values for the metrics could be directly obtained from the tool. Secondly, combination of the metrics with other analysis method has to be investigated. We would like to re-iterate that our metrics might be used in conjunctions with other analysis techniques. This is an ongoing research. Lastly, interviews with practitioners in the field of EA are needed to evaluate the applicability and correctness of the metrics.

7 Conclusion

EA analysis is important for decision making yet it was found that most EA analysis in literature are too arduous. We have presented intuitive, simple and lightweight metrics for EA analysis. These metrics are based on basic properties of elements in an ArchiMate EA model. They are neither too complex nor use an intermediate mapping tool. These metrics will aid the decision making in companies by measuring the criticality and impact of assets. By the use of these metrics EA models can become more relevant for board room discussion and trigger greater understanding among managers. Only then the true potential of EA’s can be harnessed.