
1 Introduction

\(\mu \)C/OS-III [10] is a preemptive real-time kernel that manages unlimited number of tasks. It is important to ensure that applications running under \(\mu \)C/OS-III work correctly and timely. \(\mu \)C/OS-III based applications consist of a number of tasks, which are scheduled by the operating system (OS) kernel. How to ensure schedulability of tasks in these applications is critical.

There are two kinds of methods that are often used to determine schedulability of real-time tasks. One is based on mathematical analysis [35, 11] and the other one is based on formal methods [2, 17, 18]. Effective solutions for a class of problems can be obtained by mathematical analysis. While for flexible realistic systems, adopting mathematical manual analysis will be quite complex and error prone. As a complement, formal methods are used. The main work is to formalize the problem in some formal languages, and determine the schedulability by verifying whether the model possesses the corresponding properties by a supporting tool. The validity of the verification result relies on whether the formalization is consistent with the original problem.

In [9], an abstract formal model to represent AUTOSAR OS programs for determining schedulability properties is proposed where the tasks are periodical and the deadlines and periods of tasks coincide. In [12], schedulability of preemptive event-driven asynchronous real-time systems is analyzed by a conservative approximation method on composable timed automata models. In [1], timed automata is used to find optimal schedules for the classical job-shop problem. In [13], the Uppaal model-checker is applied for schedulability analysis of a system with single CPU, fixed priorities preemptive scheduler, mixture of periodic tasks and tasks with dependencies.

Modeling, Simulation and Verification Language (MSVL) is an executable subset of Projection Temporal Logic (PTL) [7]. TMSVL [8] is a Timed version of MSVL, which is designed to model, simulate and verify real-time systems. A toolkit MSV has been developed to support the above three missions. In particular, a unified model checker can be used to verify whether or not a real-time system satisfies a specified property. An advantage of TMSVL model checking over other model checking approaches is that the model of the system and the property to be verified are both defined in TMSVL. Further, the verification process can be automatically performed with MSV.

In this paper, we verify schedulability of \(\mu \)C/OS-III based applications. The multi-task system consists of independent tasks, synchronous tasks, and tasks with the same priority, which are scheduled by the OS kernel. First, we model the OS scheduler and different kinds of tasks with TMSVL. Then the schedulability of the systems is formalized and the schedulability of tasks is verified with MSV.

The paper is organized as follows. The next section introduces the preliminaries of TMSVL. In particular, how timeout, delay, and timeout after time delay constraints are formalized in TMSVL is introduced. Section 3 gives an overview of \(\mu \)C/OS-III and Sect. 4 discusses the model checking process of a \(\mu \)C/OS-III multi-task application. Finally, conclusion and future work are drawn in Sect. 5.


MSVL is a temporal logic programming language consists of conjunction, selection, sequence, parallel, branching, loop as well as projection statements. TMSVL is a real-time extension of MSVL where quantitative temporal constraints are employed to limit the time duration bounded on statements or programs. Real variables T and Ts are used to describe time and time increment, respectively.

2.1 Statements in TMSVL

TMSVL consists of arithmetic expressions, boolean expressions, and basic statements. The arithmetic expression e and boolean expression b are defined by the following grammar:

where n is a constant, x is a variable; \(\bigcirc x\) and denote the value of x at the next and previous state over an interval, respectively.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Basic TMSVL statements

Elementary statements of TMSVL are defined in Fig. 1. First, MSVL statements are included. Suppose \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) are arithmetic expressions and tp a TMSVL statement, the time constraint statement \((t_1,t_2)tp\) means that tp is executed over the time duration from \(t_1\) to \(t_2\). Two possible interpretations of formula \((t_1,t_2)tp\) are shown in Fig. 2. The black dots are states and are represented by \(s_0,s_1,\ldots ,s_k,\ldots ,s_{l_2}\), respectively. We specify \(s_k\) as the current state here, thus \(s_0,\ldots ,s_{k-1}\) are the previous states and \(s_{k+1},\ldots ,s_{l_2}\) the future ones. \(s_{l_2}\) is the terminal state. An interval is a sequence of states, for example \(s_0, s_1,\ldots , s_{l_2}\) constitute an interval. Figure 2(a) shows the case \(t_1>T\) and Fig. 2(b) the case \(t_1=T\). The formula tp in \((t_1,t_2)tp\) must terminate just when \(T=t_2\), otherwise \((t_1,t_2)tp\) is false. \(tp_1\wedge tp_2\) means that \(tp_1\) and \(tp_2\) are executed concurrently, and terminate at the same time. Selection statement \(tp_1\vee tp_2\) means \(tp_1\) or \(tp_2\) is executed. \(tp_1;tp_2\) means that \(tp_2\) is executed after \(tp_1\) finishes. Parallel statement \(tp \parallel tq\) means that tp and tq are executed in parallel, while they are not required to terminate at the same time. Conditional and while constructs are consistent with that in general programming languages such as C and Java. Projection statement \((tp_1,\ldots ,tp_m)~\mathsf {prj}~tp\) means that tp is executed in parallel with \(tp_1;tp_2;\ldots ;tp_m\) over an interval obtained by taking the endpoints of the intervals over which \(tp_1,\ldots ,tp_m\) are executed. An endpoint denotes the first or the last state of an interval. Taken \((tp_1,tp_2,tp_3)~\mathsf {prj}~tp\) as an example. We assume \(tp_3\) terminates before tp. The semantics of \((tp_1,tp_2,tp_3)~\mathsf {prj}~tp\) is intuitively depicted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Semantics of time constraint statement

Fig. 3.
figure 3

An example of projection structure

2.2 Normal Form and Normal Form Graph for TMSVL

Execution of TMSVL programs depends on the transformation of TMSVL programs into normal forms. A TMSVL program p is in its normal form if p is written as:

$$\begin{aligned} p\equiv \bigvee \limits ^{l_1}_{i=1}p_{ei}\wedge \varepsilon \vee \bigvee \limits ^{l_2}_{j=1} p_{cj} \wedge \bigcirc p_{fj} \end{aligned}$$

where \(l_1,l_2,i,\) and \(j\in N_0\), \(l_1+l_2 \ge 1\), and \(p_{fj}\) is a TMSVL program; \(p_{ei}\) and \(p_{cj}\) are formulas of the form: \(x_1=e_1\wedge \ldots \wedge x_m=e_m\). \(\varepsilon \) means the termination of a program. That is there does not exist a next state. \(\bigcirc p_{fj}\) means that \(p_{fj}\) will be executed at the next state. It has been proved that any TMSVL program can be transformed into normal form.

Given a TMSVL program p, we can construct a graph named Normal Form Graph (NFG) [6, 14, 16] that explicitly illustrates the state space of the program. An NFG is a directed graph, denoted as \(G=<V,A>\), with a node in the set V of nodes representing a program in TMSVL and an arc in the set A of arcs representing a state. In fact, NFG determines the models that satisfy the corresponding TMSVL program.

Suppose that the sets V and A are empty initially, NFG \(G=<V,A>\) of a TMSVL program p can be constructed by determining the set of nodes V and the set of arcs A inductively as follows:

  1. 1.

    \(V=V\cup \{p\}\);

  2. 2.

    \(\text{ for } \text{ any } \text{ node }~q\in V\backslash \{\varepsilon ,false\}, ~\text{ if }~q\equiv \bigvee \limits ^{l_1}_{i=1}q_{ei}\wedge \varepsilon \vee \bigvee \limits ^{l_2}_{j=1}q_{cj}\wedge \bigcirc q_{fj},~\)then \(V=V\cup \{\varepsilon ,~q_{fj} \}\) and \(A=A\cup \{ (q,q_{ei},\varepsilon ),~ (q,q_{cj},q_{fj})\}\) for each i and j with \(1\le i\le l_1\) and \(1\le j\le l_2\).

An element in the set of arcs A is a triple. For instance, \((q,q_{ei},\varepsilon )\) denotes a directed arc from nodes q to \(\varepsilon \) with the arc labeled with \(q_{ei}\).

2.3 Timeout in TMSVL

It is necessary to confine the time for waiting for a particular condition to become true such that the waiting is terminated when the time expires. Timeout on waiting is a practical method usually adopted in real-time systems and protocols. A maximum waiting time is given in advance, so the waiting process stops finally in one of the following cases: (1) the events waited occur; (2) the event does not occur but the waiting time expires. The two cases are formalized separatively in time delay and timeout constraints first. Then the constraint named timeout after time delay which combines time delay and timeout constraints is introduced to express the scenario of timeout on waiting or on other process.

Time delay constraint \(\{d_1,d_m\}p\) (\(d_1\) and \(d_m\) are non-negative reals and \(d_1\le d_m\)) represents that the statement p starts at the current time and terminates after at least \(d_1\) time units and at most \(d_m\) time units. \(d_1\) and \(d_m\) provides the upper and lower limits of the time that is taken for p to execute. The statement p is the TMSVL formalism of the waiting process or other real-time process. The constraint for time delay is expressed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \{ d_1,d_m \} p \mathop {=}\limits ^\mathrm{def}( T,T + d_1 )p \vee \ldots \vee ( T,T + d_i )p \vee \ldots \vee ( T,T + d_m )p \end{aligned}$$

where \(d_i=d_{i-1} + Ts ~\text{ and }~1< i\le m\). It is a disjunction of time constraint statements starting at T and ending at any time within \(T+d_1\) and \(T+d_m\).

Timeout constraint \((t_1@t_m)p\) means that p starting at \(T=t_1\) terminates when \(T=t_m\) naturally or forcibly. If p is not finished when \(T=t_m\), it is terminated forcibly. Otherwise, p finishes just when \(T=t_1\) naturally. Its definition is given as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} (t_1@t_m)p \mathop {=}\limits ^\mathrm{def}(t_1,t_m)~p^1_{c} \wedge (t_2,t_m) p^2_{c} \wedge \ldots \wedge (t_m,t_m)(p^m_{e}\vee p^m_{c}) \end{aligned}$$

where \(t_1,\ldots ,t_m\) are the time values of m consecutive states respectively. \(p_c^i\) represents a state formula obtained by the state reduction on p when \(T=t_i\) (\(1\le i \le m \)). \(p_e^m\) represents a terminal state formula indicating that p finishes naturally when \(T=t_m\).

Combining the two constraints above, we derive the timeout after time delay constraint, denoted as \(\{d_1@d_m\}p\). The definition is given as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \{ d_1@d_m \} p \mathop {=}\limits ^\mathrm{def}(T,T + d_1 )p \vee \ldots \vee ( T,T + d_i )p \vee \ldots \vee ( T,T + d_{m-1} )p \vee ( T@T + d_m )p \end{aligned}$$

where \(d_i=d_{i-1} + Ts ~\text{ and }~1< i\le m\). In the timeout after time delay constraint, when the time delay reaches the upper bound \(d_m\) but p still does not finish, p will be terminated forcibly.

3 \(\mu \)C/OS-III Overview

\(\mu \)C/OS-III is different from \(\mu \)C/OS-II mainly in two aspects: (1) task management; (2) OS kernel service.

3.1 Task Management

\(\mu \)C/OS-III supports multitasking and allows the applications to have any number of tasks. The maximum number of tasks available only limited by and depends on the configurations of hardware systems. Tasks of embedded systems typically take the form of an infinite loop.

In order to implement a specific functionality, tasks are usually not completely independent in realistic applications. They need to synchronize and communicate. \(\mu \)C/OS-III uses semaphores, task semaphores, event flags, messages and message queues to synchronize and communicate between tasks. Compared with \(\mu \)COS-II, task semaphore is a newly introduced synchronous mechanism. It can be directly signaled by a task to another one without creation.

3.2 OS Kernel Services

The kernel is an important part of OS and its primary duty is tasks scheduling. \(\mu \)C/OS-III kernel is preemptive and it uses priority-based scheduling. Tasks priority is specified by users when tasks are created. Different \(\mu \)C/OS-III tasks may have the same priority. For this reason, round robin scheduling [15] is adopted in the kernel scheduler. Each task is assigned a duration of time (namely time quantum) to perform. The task is blocked when the time quantum runs out and the following task which is ready gets the turn to execute. A task finishes or being blocked before the quantum running out also yields the processor to other ready tasks. A list is needed for recording the ready tasks and arranges them in order of the earliest ready time. When a task runs out of quantum, it is moved to the end of the list. \(\mu \)C/OS-III scheduler differs from that of \(\mu \)C/OS-II for it utilizes round robin to priority-based scheduling to deal with tasks with the same priority. Task scheduling is triggered in the following situations: (1) a task is added or deleted, or the priority of a task is changed; (2) a task delays itself, or the delay ends; (3) the event a task requests becomes available.

4 Modeling and Verification of a \(\mu \)C/OS-III Multi-task Application

In this section, an abstract \(\mu \)C/OS-III multi-task application is given. In order to verify schedulability, the \(\mu \)C/OS-III kernel is formalized. Then, the TMSVL formalism of different kinds of tasks including dependent (periodic and non-periodic) tasks and tasks with synchronizations is given. Meanwhile, the property to be verified is expressed in TMSVL. Finally, The toolkit MSV is used to verify the schedulability of the tasks in the application.

4.1 A Multi-task Application

The application consists of five user tasks: task\(_0\), task\(_1\), task\(_2\), task\(_3\), and task\(_4\) with the priorities being 5,6,7,7,8. Larger number represents lower priority. Thus, task\(_0\) has the highest priority, followed by task\(_1\), then task\(_2\) and task\(_3\) which have the same priority, and finally task\(_4\). The five tasks are responsible for different functionalities. The relationship of tasks is given in Fig. 4. task\(_0\) and task\(_2\) are synchronized through task semaphore \(se_0\). task\(_0\) sends out \(se_0\) to activate task\(_2\). If task\(_2\) cannot receive \(se_0\), it waits infinitely. Similarly, task\(_1\) and task\(_3\) are synchronized through \(se_1\). But task\(_3\) waits no more than to time units for \(se_1\). task\(_4\) is an independent task.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The relationship between task\(_0\) and task\(_2\), task\(_1\) and task\(_3\)

In Fig. 5, task\(_0\) executes Computation \(_1\) first. Then it releases the semaphore \(se_0\) after Computation \(_0\). Finally, task\(_0\) delays for \(t_0\) time units. The structure of task\(_1\) is the same as task\(_0\). task\(_2\) and task\(_3\) share the same priority. They also have similar structures, so we just give the pseudo-code of task\(_2\). It requests \(se_0\) first. pend(se \(_0\) , to ) means that the waiting time for \(se_0\) is at most to time unites, specially, \(to<0\) means there is no time limit on waiting \(se_0\). The first argument \(se_0\) is an integer variable representing the semaphore being requested and the second argument is the time limit for waiting for the signal. For task\(_2\), since \(to<0\), it executes Computation \(_2\) only after receiving the signal \(se_0\). When the execution of Computation \(_2\) is finished, it goes on the requesting for \(se_0\) for the next execution. task\(_4\) performs computation and delays for \(t_4\) time units when the computation finishes.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Tasks pseudo-code

4.2 TMSVL Model of OS Kernel

The OS kernel model consists of the variables which represent the OS objects (e.g. the ready tasks, the highest priority ready task) and the TMSVL model of the OS scheduler.

Kernel Variables. We use an array rd to represent whether each task in it is ready. The index of rd is the task number and smaller index corresponds to higher priority. For index i, if task i is ready, \(rd[i]=1\); otherwise, \(rd[i]=0\). rd is initialized to zero. The variable runTaskID stores the task number of the currently running task. The float variable Quan stores the time quantum for scheduling the same priority tasks in round-robin manner.

A List variable l is used to store the ready tasks for each priority when round robin scheduling is enabled. The definition of List is as follows:

figure a

The first member in List stores the identifier of a task, and the second member is a List pointer pointing to the next List element. When a task is ready, it is added to the end of l.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

TMSVL model of the scheduler

Kernel Services. In the TMSVL model of the kernel service, we use Q and \(M\_Robin\) to represent the OS scheduler and the round robin scheduling modules. Q is given in Fig. 6 and it finds the ready task with the highest priority by conjunctions of the if statements and stores the task’s number in runTaskID. The number of if statements is the number of priorities used by tasks. For a priority which corresponds to more than one task, an if statement is enough and round robin scheduling \(M\_Robin\) is invoked in that case. In Fig. 6, task\(_2\) and task\(_3\) have the same priority.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

TMSVL model of the round robin scheduling

\(M\_Robin\) is given in Fig. 7. We use several functions to express the operation on the List l. In Line 1, size(l) returns the number of elements in l. If size(l) \(>0\), l is not empty, the statements in Lines 2–13 are executed. The head of l is running first (Line 2). The function head() is used to obtain the taskID of the first element in l. It takes only one List type argument and returns an integer representing the first element’s taskID of the List l. Lines 3–4 show the case where neither does the first element of l run out of the quantum nor does it finish at the next state and the head element goes on running at the next state. Lines 6–8 show the second case where the task corresponding to head(l) finishes. In this case, the task is removed from l. Here we use the function popHead(l) to represent this operation. Next, we need to test whether l is empty after popHead(l) and if l is not empty, the task corresponding to the head of l gets the processor by setting runTaskID to the value of head(l) at the next state. Lines 10–12 show the case where the task is not finished but runs out of the time quantum at the next state. In this case, the task is moved from the head to the tail of l and the task corresponding to the new head gets the chance to run at the next state. The function MoveHeadToTail() moves the head of l to the tail and makes the head of l change (Line 10).

4.3 TMSVL Model of a Multi-task System

The multi-task system consists of five parallel tasks. Let M_task \(_{i}\) represent the user task\(_i\) (i=0,1,2,3,4). We denote the model of the multi-task system as M. Thus M \(\equiv \) \(||_{i=0}^4\) M_task \(_i\).

Fig. 8.
figure 8

TMSVL model of tasks 0, 1, 4

We use float array elements C[i], ac[i] and acD[i] to represent the required computation time, the accumulated running time and the accumulated delay time of \(task_i\) in the current period, respectively. Boolean array elements wait[i] and ex[i] are used to indicate whether task\(_i\) is at the waiting and the executing state, respectively.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

TMSVL model of tasks signaled by other tasks

Figure 8 shows the TMSVL model of task\(_0\), task\(_1\) and task\(_4\). A new computation circle starts in Line 2. Then the task waits its turn to run (Line 3). Lines 4–8 shows the task starts running in a new circle, during this period, it can be preempted by tasks with higher priorities. Lines 5–7 corresponds to the case where the task is running and Line 8 stands for the situation where the task is preempted. task\(_0\) and task\(_1\) signal to other tasks and delay themselves upon finishing the computations. task\(_4\) just delays after finishing its computation. In Line 7, \(se_i\) is increased by 1 at the next state when task\(_i\) finishes at the next state, the value of i is 0 or 1. When task\(_i\) finishes a computation, namely, ac[i]=C[i], it delays for dly[i] time units. This is represented by the time constraint statement in Lines 9–10. During this period, rd[i] is 0. When the delay ends, task\(_i\) becomes ready by setting rd[i] to 1.

The models for task\(_2\) and task\(_3\) are given in Fig. 9. Before a new computation starts, first, the task needs to test whether the requested task semaphore has been sent out (Line 2). \(se_{i-2}\le 0\) (i=2,3) means that the task semaphore has not been sent out and the task has to wait and be at the waiting state (Lines 3–4). {0@to}await( \(se_{i-2}>0\) ) means the waiting on se\(_{i-2}>0\) is no more than to time units. When the semaphore is received or not received in to time units, the task stops waiting and turns to the ready state by setting rd[i] to 1 and wait[i] to 0 (Line 5). Then the task waits its turn to run (Line 6–7). Lines 8–15 shows the task starts running in a new circle, during this period, it can be preempted by tasks with higher priorities. Lines 10–14 corresponds to the case where the task is running and Line 15 stands for the situation where the task is preempted. When \(ac[i]=C[i]\), namely, task\(_i\) finishes the computation of the current period, \(se_{i-2}\) is decreased. When the computation of the current circle completes, the program goes to Line 2 to repeat the process above.

4.4 Verification of Schedulability

In the previous section, we model the OS scheduler and different kinds of \(\mu \)C/OS-III tasks (independent tasks, synchronous tasks) with TMSVL. Based on the TMSVL model, the property to be verified is formalized.

Schedulability is an important property for real-time multi-task systems. It means that all the tasks scheduled can finish within the given deadline. In other words, each task can finish in a given time duration from the moment it is ready. Schedulability of N tasks is expressed in TMSVL denoted as PSch below.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} PSch\mathop {=}\limits ^\mathrm{def}\ \wedge _{i=0}^{N}(rd[i]=1 \wedge ac[i]=0 \rightarrow (\{Ts,D[i]\}true;ac[i]=C[i]))^{+} \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

Here, D[i] is the deadline for task\(_i\). C[i] and ac[i] are the computation time and accumulated running time which are given in the previous section. In PSch, ‘\(+\)’ is derived from the sequential operator ‘\(\,\varvec{;}\,\,\)’. Suppose p is a TMSVL statement, \(p^{+}\) means that the number of p in \(p;p;\ldots ;p\) can be any positive integer.

With the TMSVL model of a \(\mu \)C/OS-III multi-task application and the property described in TMSVL. Whether the property is valid on the application can be automatically checked by the toolkit MSV. In this section, we verify schedulability for the multi-task application given in the previous subsection.

The deadlines for the 5 tasks are stored in the array D where \(D[5]=\){0.03, 0.04, 0.13, 0.23, 0.25}. The computation time for each task is stored in the array C where \(C[5]=\){0.03, 0.04, 0.06, 0.09, 0.12}. The delay time of the five tasks are stored in the array dly where \(dly[5]=\{0.3,0.2,0,0,0.3 \}\). The waiting time to on request for \(se_1\) is set to 0.03. we assume the tasks are started at the same time \(T=0\).

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Verification result

The verification result for the application is shown in Fig. 10. There are 770 nodes and 770 arcs on the counterexample. Each node represents a program while each arc represents a state which shows the executing of the application at different time. The root node is a double circle, it represents the TMSVL model of the application. Other node represents the future part produced by executing the program that the precursor node represents, and the current part is represented by an arc. For example, arc 0 and node 1 are the executing results of node 0. The arcs are state formulas while the nodes are TMSVL programs which are required to be further executed.

In Fig. 10, we can see that arc 0 represents the state that \(T=0\), task\(_0\), task\(_1\) and task\(_4\) are ready since the first, second and fifth elements in rd is 1, and task\(_0\) starts executing since \(runTaskID=0\). After 0.03 s, task\(_0\) finishes and activates task\(_2\), that is, task\(_2\) is ready at \(T=0.03\) for the first time. When \(T=0.17\), task\(_2\) finishes, for the accumulated time ac[2] is equal to C[2]. We can see that task\(_2\) finishes after 0.14 s from the time it is activated which is greater than the give deadline. So the schedulability for task\(_2\) is violated which leads to the violation of PSch.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Verification result

The property PSch is too strict for it requires all the tasks should finish in the given deadlines. We can relax the schedulability requirements by ignoring the deadline for task\(_2\) and task\(_3\). Thus the property can be represented as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} PSch_{0,1,4}\mathop {=}\limits ^\mathrm{def}\ \wedge _{i=0,1,4}(rd[i]=1 \wedge ac[i]=0 \rightarrow (\{Ts,D[i]\}true;ac[i]=C[i]))^{+} \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

\(PSch_{0,1,4}\) just requires that task\(_0\), task\(_1\) and task\(_4\) always finish in the given deadline. The verification result is shown in Fig. 11, there is no counterexample, so we can conclude that task\(_0\), task\(_1\) and task\(_4\) are always finished in their deadline. When the schedulability of a set of tasks is violated, we need to determine which tasks violated the property. In this case, verifying schedulability of a single task at one time instead of the whole is efficient.

5 Conclusion

We present a unified model checking approach to verify schedulability of multi-task application running under \(\mu \)C/OS-III. The OS scheduler which combines priority based scheduling and round-robin scheduling is modeled in TMSVL. Tasks synchronization with timeout and delay mechanism are also formalized in TMSVL. With the toolkit MSV, a multi-task system running under \(\mu \)C/OS-III is formalized and verified. The mechanism that time intervals are adjustable for modeling improves the efficiency of verification. In the near future, we will put TMSVL into practise and verify more realistic industrial applications.