
1 Introduction

We introduce a query refinement technique for explicit queries addressed by users to a system during a conversation. Retrieval based on these queries can be erroneous, due to their inherent ambiguity. The proposed technique uses the local context of the conversation to properly answer the users’ information needs, without the need for explicit query refinement, which would interrupt users from their discussion. For instance, in the example discussed throughout the paper (see Sect. 5.4 and the Appendix), people are talking about the design of a remote control, and a participant needs more information about the acronym “LCD”. Our goal is to find the most helpful Wikipedia pages to answer users’ information needs in the context of designing a remote control.

Previous query refinement techniques enrich queries either interactively, or automatically, by adding relevant specifiers obtained from an external data source. However, interacting with users for query refinement may distract them from their current conversation, while using an external data source outside the users’ local context may cause misinterpretations. For example, the acronym “LCD” can be interpreted as the ‘lowest common denominator’ or the ‘Lesotho Congress for Democracy’, in addition to ‘liquid-crystal display’, which is the correct interpretation in this case. To address this issue, several techniques have attempted to use the local context of users’ activities, without requiring user interaction [1, 8]. However, as we will show, they are not entirely suitable for a conversational environment, because of the nature of the vocabulary and the errors introduced by the ASR, such as ‘recap’ in the dialogue example of the paper.

In this paper, the local context of an explicit query is represented by a keyword set that is automatically obtained from the conversation fragment preceding each query as in [15, 16]. We assign a weight value to each keyword, based on its topical similarity to the explicit query, to reduce the effect of the ASR noise, and to recognize appropriate interpretations of the query. In order to evaluate the improvement brought by this method, we constructed the AREX dataset (AMI Requests for Explanations and Relevance Judgments for their Answers, now publicly available). This dataset contains a set of explicit queries inserted in several conversations of the AMI Meeting Corpus [9], along with a set of human relevance judgments over sample retrieval results from Wikipedia for each query; it is accompanied by an automatic evaluation metric based on Mean Average Precision (MAP). The results show the superiority of our technique over previous ones and its robustness against unrelated keywords or ASR noise.

The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we review existing methods for query refinement. In Sect. 3, we describe the proposed query refinement method using conversational context. Section 4 explains how the AREX dataset was constructed and specifies the evaluation metric. Section 5 presents and discusses the experimental results obtained both with ASR output and with human-made transcripts of the AMI Meeting Corpus.

2 Related Work

Several methods for the refinement of explicit queries asked by users have been proposed in the field of information retrieval, and are often classified into query expansion techniques and relevance feedback ones [11]. Query expansion generates one or more hypotheses for query refinement by recognizing possible interpretations of a query, based on knowledge coming either directly from the document corpus over which retrieval is performed [2, 3, 10, 24, 29] or from Web data or personal profiles in the case of Web search [12, 13, 21, 30]. Query expansion techniques select suggestions for query refinement either interactively or automatically [11]. For instance, relevance feedback gathers judgments obtained from the users on sample results obtained from an initial query [19, 25, 26].

These methods are not ideal for refinement of explicit queries asked during a conversation, because they require users to interrupt their conversation. On the contrary, our overall goal is to estimate users’ information needs from their explicit queries with as little intrusion as possible. Moreover, using the local context for query refinement instead of external, non-contextual resources has the potential to improve retrieval results [8].

To the best of our knowledge, two previous systems have utilized the local context for the augmentation of explicit queries. The JIT-MobIR system for mobile devices [1] used contextual features from the physical and the human environment, but the content of the activities itself was not used as a feature. The WATSON system [8] refined explicit queries by concatenating them with keywords extracted from the documents being edited or viewed by the user. However, in order to apply this method to a retrieval system for which the local context is a conversation, the keyword lists must avoid considering irrelevant topics from ASR errors. Moreover, unlike written documents which follow generally a planned and focused structured, in a conversation users often turn from one topic to another, and adding such a variety of keywords to a query might deteriorate the retrieval results [4, 11].

3 Content-Based Query Refinement

The system that we have been building is the Automatic Content Linking Device [22, 23], which monitors a conversation between its users, such as a business meeting, and makes spontaneous recommendations of relevant documents, but also allows the users to formulate explicit spoken queries to retrieve documents. In this paper, our focus is the second functionality. The documents can be retrieved from the Web or a specific repository: in the experiments presented here, this repository is always the English Wikipedia obtained using the Freebase Wikipedia Extraction (WEX) datasetFootnote 1 from Metaweb Technologies (version dated 2009-06-16).

The users can simply address the system by using a pre-defined unambiguous name, which is robustly recognized by the real-time ASR component of the ACLD [14]. More sophisticated strategies for addressing a system in a multi-party dialogue context have been studied [6, 28], but they are beyond the scope of this paper, which is concerned with processing the query itself. Once the results are generated by the system, they are displayed on a shared projection screen or on each user’s device.

To answer an explicit query \(Q\), the process of query refinement starts by modeling the local context using the transcript of the conversation fragment preceding the query. We use the same fixed length for all the fragments, though more sophisticated strategies are under consideration too. From the local context, we extract a set of keywords \(C\) using a diverse keyword extraction technique that we previously proposed [15, 16], which maximizes the coverage of the fragment’s topics with keywords. We then weigh the extracted keywords by using a filter that assigns a weight \(m_{i}\), with \(0 \le m_{i}<1\), to each keyword \(kw_{i} \in C\setminus Q\) based on the normalized topical similarity of the keyword to the explicit query, as formulated in the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} m_{i}=\frac{\sum _{z \in Z} p(z|Q) p(z|kw_{i})}{\sqrt{\sum _{z \in Z} p(z|kw_{i})^2} \sqrt{\sum _{z \in Z} p(z|Q)^2}} \end{aligned}$$

In this equation, \(Z\) is the set of abstract topics which correspond to latent variables inferred using a topic modeling technique over a large collection of documents, and \(p(z|kw_{i})\) is the distribution of topic \(z\) in relation to the keyword \(kw_{i}\). Similarly, \(p(z|Q)=(\sum _{q \in Q}{p(z|q)})/|Q|\) is the averaged distribution of topic \(z\) in relation to the query \(Q\) made of query words \(q\).

The topic distributions are created using the LDA topic modeling technique [5], implemented in the Mallet toolkit [20]. The topic models are learned over a large subset of the English Wikipedia with around 125,000 randomly sampled documents [18]. Following several previous studies, we fixed the number of topics at 100 [7, 18].

Each query \(Q\) is thus refined by adding additional keywords extracted from the fragment, with a certain weight. Note that we do not weigh all the words of the fragment, but only those selected as keywords, in order to avoid expanding the query with words that are relevant to one of the query aspects but not to the main topics of the fragment. We obtain a parametrized refined query \(RQ(\lambda )\) which is a set of weighted keywords, i.e. pairs of (word, weight):

$$\begin{aligned} RQ(\lambda )=\{(q_{1}, 1), \ldots , (q_{|Q|}, 1), (kw_{1}, m_{1}^{\lambda }), \ldots , (kw_{|C|}, m_{|C|}^{\lambda })\} \end{aligned}$$

In other words, the refined query contains the words from the explicit query with weight 1, and the expansion keywords with a weight proportional to their topic similarity to the query.

The \(\lambda \) parameter has the following role. If \(\lambda =\infty \), the refined query is the same as the initial explicit query (with no refinement) because \(0 \le m_{i}<1\). By setting \(\lambda \) to \(0\), the query is like the one used in the Watson system [8], giving the same weight to the query words and to the keywords representing the local context. Because the keywords are related to topics that have various relevance values to the explicit query, we will set the intermediate value \(\lambda =1\) in our experiments, to weigh each keyword based on its relevance to the topics of the query. The value of \(\lambda \) could be optimized if more training data were available.

4 Dataset and Evaluation Method

Our experiments are conducted on the AREX dataset (“AMI Requests for Explanations and Relevance Judgments for their Answers") which we constructed and made publicly available at The dataset contains a set of explicit queries, inserted at various locations of the conversations in the AMI Meeting Corpus [9], as explained in Sect. 4.1. The dataset also includes relevance judgments gathered using a crowdsourcing platform over the documents retrieved for four queries prepared by the four different methods described in Sects. 4.2 and 5. These judgments can be used as ground truth to evaluate a retrieval system automatically.

4.1 Explicit Queries in the Dataset

The AMI Meeting Corpus contains conversations about designing remote controls, in series of four scenario-based meetings each, for a total of 138 meetings. Our dataset is made of a set of explicit queries with the time of their occurrence in the AMI Corpus. Since the number of naturally-occurring queries in the corpus is insufficient for evaluating our system, we artificially generated and inserted a number of queries, using the following procedure.

Initially, utterances containing an acronym X are automatically detected, for two reasons. First, acronyms are one of the typical items which are likely to require explanations because of their potential ambiguity. Second, several acronyms already appear in explicit queries that occurred naturally in the AMI Corpus. Nevertheless, our query expansion technique is applicable to any explicit query.

We formulate explicit queries such as “I need more information about X”, and insert them after the utterances containing the acronym (see for instance the example in the Appendix). Seven acronyms, all-but-one related to the domain of remote controls, are considered: LCD (liquid-crystal display), VCR (videocassette recorder), PCB (printed circuit board), TFT (thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display), NTSC (National Television System Committee), IC (integrated circuit), and RSI (repetitive strain injury). These acronyms occur 74 times in the scenario-based meetings of the AMI Corpus and are accompanied by 74 different conversation fragments in the AREX dataset.

We used both manual and ASR transcripts of the fragments from the AMI Corpus in our experiments. The ASR transcripts were generated by the AMI real-time ASR system for meetings [14], with an average word error rate (WER) of 36 %. In addition, for experimenting with a variable range of WER values, we have simulated the potential speech recognition mistakes as in [16], by applying to the manual transcripts of these conversation fragments three different types of ASR noise: deletion, insertion and substitution. In a systematic manner, i.e. altering all occurrences of a word type, we randomly selected the conversation words, as well as the words to be inserted, from the vocabulary of the English Wikipedia. The percentage of simulated ASR noise varied from 10 % to 30 %, as the best recognition accuracy reaches around 70 % in conversational environments [17]. However, noise was never applied to the explicit query itself.

4.2 Evaluation Using the Dataset

Ground Truth Relevance Judgments. Following a classical approach for evaluating information retrieval [27], we build a reference set of retrieval results by merging the lists of the top 10 results from four different query expansion methods used to answer users’ explicit queries. The retrieval results are obtained by the Apache Lucene search engine over the English Wikipedia. Three of the methods are listed in Sects. 3 and 5, and the last one builds a query which consists of only the keywords extracted from conversation fragments, with no words from the queries. We found that each explicit query had at least 31 different results for all the 74 fragments, and we decided to limit the reference set to 31 documents for each query.

Each fragment is about 400 words long, for the following reason. We computed the sum of the weights assigned to the keywords extracted from each fragment by RQ(1) which weighs keywords based on their relevance to the query topics. Then we averaged them over 25 queries, which were randomly selected from the AREX dataset to serve as a development set for tuning our hyper-parameters. The values obtained from five repetitions of the experiment with the fragment lengths varying from 100 to 500 words in increments of 100 were, respectively: 2.14, 2.32, 2.08, 2.08, and 2.08. Since there is no variation in these values for the last three values, we set fragment size to 400 words. We have also limited the weighting to the first 10 keywords extracted from each fragment, following several previous studies [11], thus speeding up the query processing.

We designed a set of tasks to gather relevance judgments for the reference set from human subjects. We showed to the subjects the transcript of the conversation fragment ending with the query: “I need more information about X” with ‘X’ being one of the acronyms considered here. This was followed by a control question about the content of the conversation, and then by the list of 31 documents from the reference set. The subjects had to decide on the relevance value of each document by selecting one of the three options among ‘irrelevant’, ‘somewhat relevant’ and ‘relevant’ (noted below as \(A=\{a_{0}, a_{1}, a_{2}\}\)).

We collected judgments for the 74 queries of our dataset from 10 subjects per query. The tasks were crowdsourced via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, each judgment becoming a “human intelligence task" (HIT). The average time spent per HIT was around 2 min. For qualification control, we only accepted subjects with greater than 95 % approval rate and with more than 1000 previously approved HITs, and we only kept answers from the subjects who answered correctly the control questions. We applied furthermore a qualification control factor to the human judgments, in order to reduce the impact of “undecided” cases, inferred from the low agreement of the subjects. We compute the following measure of the uncertainty of subjects regarding the relevance of document \(j\): \(H_{tj} = -\sum _{a\in A}(s_{tj}(a) \ln (s_{tj}(a)) / \ln |A|)\), where \(s_{tj}(a)\) is the proportion in which the 10 subjects have selected each of the allowed options \(a \in A\) for the document \(j\) and the conversation fragment \(t\). Then, the relevance value assigned to each option \(a\) is computed as \(s'_{tj}(a)=s_{tj}(a) \cdot (1 - H_{tj})\), i.e. the raw score weighted by the subjects’ uncertainty.

Scoring a List of Documents. Using the ground truth relevance of each document in the reference set, weighted by the subjects’ uncertainty, we will measure the MAP score at rank \(n\) of a candidate document result list. We start by computing \(gr_{tj}\), the global relevance value for the conversation fragment \(t\) and the document \(j\) by giving a weight of 2 for each “relevant” answer (\(a_2\)) and 1 for each “somewhat relevant” answer (\(a_1\)).

$$\begin{aligned} gr_{tj}=\frac{s^{'}_{tj}(a_1)+2s^{'}_{tj}(a_2)}{s^{'}_{tj}(a_0)+s^{'}_{tj}(a_1)+2s^{'}_{tj}(a_2)} \end{aligned}$$

Then we calculate \(AveP_{tk}(n)\) the Average Precision at rank \(n\) for the conversation fragment \(t\) and the candidate list of results of a system \(k\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} AveP_{tk}(n)=\sum _{i=1}^n P_{tk}(i)\triangle r_{tk}(i) \end{aligned}$$

where \(P_{tk}(i)=\sum _{c=1}^i gr_{tl_{tk}(c)}/i\) is the precision at cut-off \(i\) in the list of results \(l_{tk}\), \(\triangle r_{tk}(i) = gr_{tl_{tk}(i)} / \sum _{j \in l_t} gr_{tj}\) is the change in recall from document in rank \(i-1\) to rank \(i\) over the list \(l_{tk}\), and \(l_t\) is the reference set for fragment \(t\).

Finally, we compute \(MAP_{k}(n)\), the MAP score at rank \(n\) for a system \(k\) by averaging the Average Precisions of all the queries at rank \(n\) as follows, where \(|T|\) is the number of queries.

$$\begin{aligned} MAP_k(n) = \sum _{t=1}^{|T|} \frac{AveP_{tk}(n)}{ |T|} \end{aligned}$$

Comparing Two Lists of Documents. We compare two lists of documents obtained by two systems \(k_1\) and \(k_2\) through the percentage of the relative MAP at rank \(n\) improvement, defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \%RelativeScore_{k_1,k_2}(n) =\frac{MAP_{k_1}(n)-MAP_{k_2}(n)}{MAP_{k_2}(n)} \times 100. \end{aligned}$$

5 Experimental Results

We defined in Sect. 3 three methods for expanding queries based on the values of \(\lambda \) in Eq. 2. The first method has \(\lambda =\infty \) and is therefore noted RQ \((\infty )\) – it only uses explicit query keywords, with no refinement. The second one refines explicit queries using the method of the Watson system [8], with \(\lambda =0\), hence noted RQ \((0)\). The third method has \(\lambda =1\) and is noted RQ \((1)\) – this is the novel method proposed here, which expands the query with keywords from the conversation fragment based on their topical similarity to the query. Comparisons are performed over the human-made transcripts and the ASR output, using as a test set the remaining 49 queries not used for development.

5.1 Variation of Fragment Length

We study first the effect of the fragment length on the retrieval results of the three methods, RQ(1), RQ \((\infty )\), and RQ \((0)\). Keyword sets used for expansion are extracted here from the manual transcript of the conversation fragments preceding the 49 queries of the testset. The fragments have a fixed-length per experiment, but we ran our experiments over lengths from 100 to 500 words.

The relative MAP scores of RQ(1) over RQ \((\infty )\) for different ranks \(n\) from \(n=1\) to \(n=4\) are provided in Fig. 1a, demonstrating the superiority of RQ \((\infty )\) at \(n=1\). However, RQ(1) surpasses RQ \((\infty )\) for ranks 2, 3 and 4. The improvement over RQ \((\infty )\) slightly decreases by increasing the conversation fragment length, likely because of the topic drift in longer fragments. Indeed, when increasing the fragment length, the proposed method RQ(1) behaves more similarly to RQ \((\infty )\) by assigning small weight values (close to zero) to the candidate expansion keywords.

The relative MAP scores of RQ(1) over RQ \((0)\) are reported at ranks \(n=1\) and \(n=2\) in Fig. 1b. We do not report values for higher ranks, because of the lack of enough judgments for the retrieval results of RQ(0) among the reference set. The improvements over RQ \((0)\) at rank \(n=1\) are approximately the same for different fragment lengths. They, nevertheless, vary a lot with the length of fragments when looking at rank \(n=2\). The improvement is minimum at length 200 words, likely due to more relevant candidate expansion keywords at this length compared to the others. As shown above, the average sum of the weights of the expansion keywords is maximized by our method, RQ(1), at length 200 words. When the length decreased or increased from 200 words, the query topics are not completely covered, or the topics are changed respectively. Therefore, the improvement over RQ \((0)\) is increased by decreasing or increasing the length from 200 words at rank \(n=2\), thus showing that RQ(1) is more robust to out-of-topic keywords than RQ \((0)\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Relative MAP scores of RQ(1) against RQ \((\infty )\) up to rank 4 (a), and against RQ \((0)\) up to rank 2 (b). The scores were obtained using manual transcripts with fragment lengths of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 words. RQ(1) outperforms the other two methods, except for \(RQ(\infty )\) at rank \(n=1\).

5.2 Comparisons on Manual Transcripts

We now compare the proposed method RQ \((1)\) with two methods, RQ \((0)\) and RQ \((\infty )\) over the manual transcripts of the 49 conversation fragments, for ranks \(n\) from \(n=1\) to \(n=8\), with fragments of 400 words preceding each query. The improvements obtained by RQ \((1)\) over the two others are represented in Fig. 2 (the results for 400 words from Fig. 1 are reused in this figure).

The relative MAP scores of RQ(1) over RQ \((\infty )\), except at rank \(n=1\), demonstrate the significant superiority of RQ \((1)\) over RQ \((\infty )\) (between 7 % to 11 %) up to rank \(n=6\) on average. There are also on average small improvements around 2 % over RQ \((\infty )\) at ranks \(n=7\) and \(8\), because of retrieving the documents which are relevant to both the queries and the fragments by RQ \((\infty )\) (which does not disambiguate the query) at ranks \(n=1,7\) and \(8\).

The relative MAP scores of RQ \((1)\) over RQ \((0)\) show significant improvements of more than 15 % for ranks \(n=1\) and \(n=2\). Although the scores decrease from rank 2, they remain considerably high at around 7 %.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Relative MAP scores of RQ \((1)\) over the two baseline methods RQ(\(\infty \)) and RQ \((0)\) up to rank 8, obtained over the manual transcript of the 49 fragments of 400 words. RQ(1) surpasses both methods for ranks 2 to 8.

5.3 Comparisons on ASR Transcripts

We applied the explicit query expansion methods to our dataset using the ASR transcripts of the conversations, in order to consider the effect of ASR noise on the retrieval results of the expanded queries. We experimented with real ASR transcripts with an average word error rate of 36 % and with simulated ones with a noise level varying from 10 % to 30 %. We computed the average of the scores over five repetitions of the experiment with simulated ASR transcripts, which are randomly generated, and provide below the relative MAP scores of RQ \((1)\) over RQ \((\infty )\) up to rank 3, and over RQ \((0)\) up to rank 2. Moreover, upon manual inspection, we found that there are many relevant documents retrieved in the presence of ASR noise, which have no judgment in the AREX dataset, because they do not overlap with the 31 documents obtained by pooling four methods.

First we compared the two contextual expansion methods, RQ \((0)\) and RQ \((1)\), in terms of the proportion of noisy keywords that each method added to the refined queries. This proportion was computed by summing up the weight value of the keywords used for query refinement that were in fact ASR errors (their set is noted \(N_{j}\)), normalized by the sum of the weight value of all keywords used for the refinement of the query \(j\), as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} pn_{j}=\frac{\sum _{kw_{i} \in (C_{j} \cap N_{j})} m_{i}^\lambda }{{\sum _{kw_{i} \in C_{j}} m_{i}^\lambda }} \times 100\,\% \end{aligned}$$

We averaged these values over the 49 explicit queries and the five experimental runs with different random ASR errors. The results shown in Table 1 reveal that the proposed method, RQ \((1)\), is more robust to the ASR noise than RQ \((0)\).

Table 1. Proportion of noisy keywords added to queries depending on ASR noise on RQ \((1)\) and RQ \((0)\). The proportions are computed over 49 explicit queries from AREX, for a noise level varying from 10 % to 30 %. RQ \((1)\) is clearly more robust to noise than RQ \((0)\).

We also represent the relative scores of RQ \((1)\) over RQ \((0)\) in Fig. 3b. The improvement over RQ \((0)\) increases when the percentage of noise added to the fragments increases, and shows that our method exceeds RQ \((0)\) considerably. Moreover, we compare the retrieval results of RQ \((1)\) and RQ \((\infty )\) (which does not consider context) in noisy conditions, in Fig. 3a. Although the improvement over RQ \((\infty )\) slightly decreases with the noise level, RQ \((1)\) still outperforms RQ \((\infty )\) in terms of relevance, and is generally more robust to ASR noise.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Relative MAP scores of RQ \((1)\) against RQ \((\infty )\) up to rank 3 (a), and against RQ \((0)\) up to rank 2 (b), obtained over the real or simulated ASR transcripts. The results show that RQ(1) outperforms the other two methods.

5.4 Examples of Expanded Queries and Retrieval Results

To illustrate how RQ \((1)\) surpasses the other techniques, we consider an example from one of the queries of our dataset, using the ASR transcript of the conversation fragment given in Appendix of this paper. The query is: “I need more information about LCD”. So the query bears on the acronym “LCD”. The list of keywords extracted for this fragment is the following, where three keywords (‘recap’, ‘sleek’, and ‘snowman’) are in fact ASR noise: \(C =\{\)‘interface’, ‘design’, ‘decision’, ‘recap’, ‘user’, ‘control’, ‘final’, ‘remote’, ‘discuss’, ‘sleek’, ‘snowman’\(\}\).

The proposed method RQ \((1)\) assigns, in this particular example, a weight of zero to keywords from ASR noise and to those unrelated to the conversation topics. So its corresponding expanded query is: \(RQ(1)=\{\)(lcd,1.0), (control,0.7), (remote,0.4), (design,0.1), (interface,0.1), (user,0.1)\(\}\).

RQ \((0)\) assigns a weight 1 to each keyword of the list \(C\) and uses all of them for expansion, regardless of their importance to the query. Therefore, the expanded query contains many more irrelevant words. Finally, RQ \((\infty )\) does not expand the query so it considers only ‘lcd’.

The retrieval results up to rank 8 obtained for the three methods are displayed in Table 2. All the results of RQ \((1)\) are related to ‘liquid-crystal display’, which is the correct interpretation of the query, while RQ \((\infty )\) provides three irrelevant documents: ‘lowest common denominator’ (a mathematic function), ‘LCD Soundsystem’ (an American dance band), and ‘Pakalitha Mosisili’ (a politician at Lesotho Congress for Democracy). None of the results provided by RQ \((0)\) addresses ‘liquid-crystal display’ directly, due to irrelevant keywords added to the query from topics unrelated to the conversation or from ASR noise.

Table 2. Examples of retrieved Wikipedia pages (ranked lists) using three methods. Results of RQ(1) are more relevant to the query and conversation topics.

6 Conclusion

The best method for contextual query refinement appears to be the proposed method RQ \((1)\) over both manual and ASR transcripts. Although, RQ \((\infty )\) outperforms RQ(1) at rank \(n=1\), the scores of RQ(1) show a significant improvement up to rank \(n=8\) over manual transcripts and up to rank \(n=3\) over ASR ones. Moreover, RQ \((1)\) outperforms RQ \((0)\) on both manually-made and ASR transcripts. The scores also demonstrate that the proposed method RQ(1) is robust to various ASR noise levels and to the length of the conversation fragment used for expansion. The dataset accompanying these experiments, AREX, is public and can be used for future comparisons of conversational query-based retrieval systems.

In future work, we plan to setup experiments with human subjects in a scenario that encourages them to use spoken queries during a task-oriented conversation, and confirm the superiority of our proposal with respect to the state-of-the-art through evaluation on a deployed system.