
37.1 Introduction

As a result of the realization of the state program of education development in RK for 2011–2020 it was pointed out that a uniform system would be provided. It would be a system ensuring training of professionals who are capable of finding creative approaches to any problem, understand the professional importance of their specialty and competitive specialists in their field. The program promotes the training of the future specialists conforming to modern requirements. Considering that this program is directed towards improvement of the knowledge quality in a new economic and welfare environment, necessity of reforming the education system of RK will be revealed. There are some features in the professional activity of the teachers. These are their ability to accept creatively scientific and pedagogical ideas, possession of the pedagogical competence and corresponding the theory and methods of teaching (Elaine 2007).

37.2 Complexity of High Quality Training

There is a growing realization that the development of employees’ knowledge and skills in relation to teaching and community engagement requires the same deliberate nurturing that the development of research capacity has always enjoyed in some institutions (Odina 2012). The “sink or swim” orthodoxy in relation to new staff joining academia is no longer tenable. Nevertheless the whole process of training and the resulting quality of the trained people is no bed of roses.

To contribute to the transformation of the academic workforce nationally and in recognition of the complexity of academic work, there is need to develop a proposal for a structured, nationally funded and co-ordinated endeavour to grow the next generation of employees (Elaine 2007). This is because we may train individuals whose quality may add absolutely nothing to organizational growth and development.

Career warns training planners about the other factors involved in determining whether training is needed which include the complexity of the work environment, the rapid pace of organizational and technological change, and the growing number of jobs in fields that constantly generate new knowledge, and thus, require new skills. In addition, advances in learning theory have provided insights into how adults learn, and how training can be organized most effectively for them.

Meanwhile (Seefeldt and Peters 2000) add challenges arising from high caseloads, computer problems, and large amounts of paperwork.

It is however (Odina 2012) who draws a clear analysis by sifting out the major aspects of complexity related to training. These are:

Inappropriate Training

When performance problems arise, the usual response is to provide training. However, training may not always be the appropriate solution. Training is often given as a reaction to perceived needs without taking time to analyze the root cause of performance issues. A training-needs assessment looks at gaps between current and desired performance, analyzes core problems and recommends interventions. Sometimes, the right response may not be training but other management solutions, such as improving work process, changing the work environment or communicating expectations.

Training Costs

Training is an expense that some companies are not willing to pay. Small organizations may not be able to afford to hire a training consultant or to send their employees to formal training programs. But training is now more accessible through the use of technology. Online courses have made it easier and less costly to train. Organizations can also use other training tools that do not cost anything, such as mentoring, on-the-job training and shadowing.

Return on Investment

Training is an investment that must show returns. Often, it is difficult to see the actual impact of training. An evaluation form completed at the end of training only shows participant reactions. Senior management needs concrete proof, such as increase in productivity and sales. Training must also result in a decrease in errors, customer complaints, accidents and down time. Training becomes of value when it contributes to the bottom line. The HR department must provide metrics that support the training expense.

Elaine (Elaine 2007) offers her own version of complexity of training high quality employees citing the following:

Time Constraints

Who has time to train? Assigning a mentor is a good idea, but it is hard to be assured that that mentor is giving the other employees the proper training.

High Rate of Turnover

we give employee training to new employees, but how do we guarantee that they won’t take that training and move on? Then we have to begin again with another new hire.

Overwhelming employees with too much information

we have safety training, program training, procedure training…not only new employees, but seasoned employees alike can be inundated with too much training. How do we prioritize and manage a training program?

Inexperienced employees

we hire someone we know is right for the job, but they’re fresh out of college and while they may be somewhat knowledgeable, they’re not necessarily trained for the actual job, or the work environment in general.

The uniqueness of each employee

Each of the employees is different and the way they learn is different, too. How can we be assured that each of our employees is retaining the information that they’re being trained on?

Such issues and questions attract not only serious concern and debate but also guide the training system for future specialists in varying organizations. In this study, the Main Problems of the High Quality Training of the Future Specialists are explored bearing in mind that the undertaking is largely complex so to speak.

37.3 Problems of the Training of the Specialists in Foreign Countries

The long-term analysis of changes in the system of higher education of both the near and far became the main mechanism for a quality education in many countries, therefore, the number of students who want to be educated abroad increases each time. Due to the widely developed industrial system in such countries, highly qualified specialists is a value of these countries and one of the significant factors for cultural progress. Education is a basic element of each country which allows such a country to compete with other countries.

The policy of the education’s consideration as a scientific social factor which creates conditions for development of the future experts from the people’s progressive point of view is widely spread in the countries with a developed system of higher education (Turkey, Japan, England, Germany, Sweden, Finland, and France). The main reason for such a policy is that the content of education in these countries is based on achievements of psychology; therefore, this system is more psychological in comparison with the system of the future teachers’ training in other countries of CIS. Special attention is paid on an individual training and goes for storing of the training material and self-government of the students in many developed countries.

For this reason students’ independent study is carried out by teachers and estimation of the education is carried out on the basis of the requirements of international quality management and the main attention is directed to vocational training in the developed countries. In CIS countries, namely in Russia and Kazakhstan, the main attention is paid to general scientific training. Kazakhstan always pays great attention to:

  • intensification of the training process by paying much attention to the student’s independent work in the developed countries;

  • realization of the programs for training of the highly qualified specialists;

  • strengthening of the individual forms of the education;

  • implementation of the modern methods and techniques of the training.

The major mode of being considered highly educated is getting higher education at a university in many developed countries of the world. In Japan 78.3 %, in France 85 %, in the USA of 91 % get university education and this is the only way to become full-fledged specialists within the higher education arena. Higher education is supplemented with education in colleges in Germany. The highest professional schools-colleges were opened for the new directions in the training of future specialists in 1970–1980. Future of higher education institutions in Turkey and in the world, higher education institutions of future have been discussed intensly in terms of purposes, structure and all dimensions (Erçetin 2001a, b, c, 2002). The necessity in non-traditional educational institutions recently increased due to information technologies and their demand in society. This is the way how we came to the education system integration by diversification of the old methods of the education system.

Carrying out the comparative and pedagogical analysis of the education systems is a methodical problem. The main aim is determination of higher education’s position in social-economic and scientific-technical progress of the country. From this point of view, it is important to analyze higher education in the developed countries in a systematic way. World competition, objective conditions and requirements of scientific progress are the reasons of searching for mechanisms of the professional specialists’ training. Changes in education are clearly noticeable nowadays as follows:

  • development of the higher education system in a macrostructure “science-manufacture”;

  • diversification of the educational institutions’ functions by models of the chosen specialties;

  • development of the structure on the training of the versatile specialists;

  • establishment of the departments for the training of the specialists in separate educational institutions;

  • development of continuous education;

  • development of post-graduate educational activity;

  • providing organized research work in the higher education system;

  • training of specialists by inquiries and requirements of the manufactures.

For Kazakhstan which develops gradually, it is necessary to define the scientific and methodical bases for the development of the training of the future specialists and to develop the strategy of certain actions. Any action has to be scientifically reasonable, to have aim and an opportunity to be realized, only then it will have any results (Erçetin and Kayman 2014).

37.4 The Quality of Higher Education at the Training Specialists

Quality of the training of specialists which is a basis of our research, has to answer the purpose of the specialists training, norms, standards and requirements of the consumers, here inquiries of consumers are defined by applications which are submitted for the professional transformation. This concept is closely connected with the concept “quality of the higher education”. They can be defined as follows:

The quality of higher education is a compliance of the aspects of the higher education to the purposes, needs, requirements, norms and standards of the educational process (Erçetin et al. 2013a). Quality of the future specialists training is described by the following indicators: deep studying of a subject; development of the aspiration to creativity; existence of the internal mechanism for knowledge of the unknown; motive for development of the ability to the independent work; existence of interest in the subjects; knowledge of the fundamental basis of science; new technologies of education; knowledge of pedagogics and psychology for organization of the educational process; existence of qualities such as independence, leadership and creativity.

There are ways of ensuring the quality of the education in science which include:

  1. 1.

    Ensuring the authority of a traditional institution of higher education, which means that the graduate of such an institution of higher education has a great opportunity for a good employment.

  2. 2.

    Ensuring compliance to the scientific standard, knowledge satisfying the client is considered as qualitative.

  3. 3.

    Providing for various manager-client requirements

  4. 4.

    Granting love and desire of consumer quality of education in the institution of higher education

  5. 5.

    Bringing democratic advantage to the region where the institution of higher education is located.

As it is specified in the World declaration adopted in the international conference, the quality of higher education is a multi-sided concept, covering complete university structures: training and academic programs, educational and research works, professional staff, students, educational material and resources (Erçetin et al. 2013b).

The problem encountered in training of specialists is considered up to these days. In a broad meaning the quality of higher education is defined by its compliance to requirements of the development of future and current social and economic state of the society, so as to measure how it is capable of satisfying inquiries of the society and people.

37.5 The Problem of the High Quality Training of the Future Specialists

It should be noted that the training by new technologies is systematically used. It seems valuable in analyzing the condition of the present vocational training of the future specialists. It is possible to refer to retraining of the specialists as interactive education, or even training by different technological methods. Modernization of the educational system is the requirement of the society nowadays. Modernization of the educational system has 3 stages in Kazakhstan.

  • The first is optimization of the educational institutions and implementation of the modern technologies and techniques in the educational process.

  • Second is paying special attention to the improvement of the quality of the teaching staff. It is necessary to treat more strictly the requirements of the development of teachers’ qualifications. The integration centers for increasing of the teachers’ qualifications have to work in each region.

  • Third is the availability and advantage of the education services, and also drawing up an independent system for the qualification.

The modernization of the educational process in the training of the specialists has began to take root in the educational system. For instance, modern academic independence completely changed the education system. The basic principle of academic independence is that student learns subjects according to his own choice of specialization. Elective courses are trained in compliance with inquiries of the labor market. Strengthening of the directions and inquiries concerning the modernization of the educational process is planned. Moreover, there was much attention paid to studying of the languages, electronic education, inclusive education, solutions of the problems with small schools and preparation for 12 years studying. Training of highly intellectual future specialists, owning information technologies and directed to research work has to be qualitative. Training of the school teachers and scientists must follow the order in educational centers of training.

The institutions of higher education use different innovative methods for training of high quality specialists for competitiveness of Kazakhstan. The program “academic mobility” is widely used in many universities of the country. Allocation of a large number of grants, considering local specializations, modernization of the training material and development of online methods of studying are the main props of higher education in RK (Erçetin et al. 2013b).

While training future specialists, the quality of the education is always actual. It has some reasons thus:

  • Change of the values system in a quickly developing society. People realized that the necessity of knowledge is not only for its facts and descriptions, but for predictive researches as well.

  • Different quality of training programs, curricula and educational methodical complexes.

  • Different material, social and intellectual opportunities of the graduates.

The major catalyst in the realization of educational reform is the teacher. The state social inquiry directs that teachers have a duty to formulate a competent personality who is ready to make a crucial decision at the level of kindergarten or school, and capable with solidarity and unindifferent to the country’s future. The social truth and tendencies indicating it in the education system are directed to the qualified and professionally cultural specialists. It gives a huge opportunity to the consideration of the pedagogical services directed to corresponding developments of a new generation and getting quality education as process of studying is under control of the administration of the educational organizations and the teachers (Erçetin 2002).

Leadership and chaos can be considered fundamentally interconnected, topics of chaos and leadership have been classified, unitized and graded in a variety of ways (Erçetin et al. 2013a). There are good examples of people dealing with chaos and this is true especially for the managers at schools (Erçetin et al. 2013b). When the organization envisions the future and possible probabilities, it will challenge change and uncertainty, and will make the chaos an opportunity to success (Erçetin and Kayman 2014).

37.6 Main Conditions for Ensuring the Quality of the Training of the Future Specialists

Main conditions:

  • usage of the technologies on the health care which grant a chance to create an educational process without harm and excess physical and psychological pressure for the younger generation;

  • high quality of programs and methodical books which create the opportunity for carrying out the educational process according to the modern requirements and levels;

  • development of environment knowledge, activity, expressing of own opinion in children and the assistance of the help to get used to the conditions of the world around.

Each of the conditions mentioned above is widely used at the high quality training of the future specialists. In our opinion, it is impossible to provide performance of each condition without the qualified teacher who organizes successfull development of the child. It is possible to list some qualities which should be owned by the modern future specialist:

  • creativity and desire for self-development;

  • motivation and readiness for modernization;

  • understanding modern opportunities of educational institutions;

  • ability and requirement for reflection.

We define the quality of the training of the future specialists by creation of a pedagogical process during the practice in the educational institutions and determining the level of professional skills like adoption of the correct decisions and competence of the teacher. Therefore, the parts of the professional qualification of the future specialists for successful organization of the educational process should be noted, these are: the organizational and methodical; educational; and scientific research. The organizational and methodical part of pedagogical qualification is a versatile content of the educational process, the choice of the technologies and correction of the activity system of the teacher, besides, this part helps to solve problems which can be arise between pupils, parents and the management of the school and also to achieve the objectives of education and a sociality of the younger generation (Erçetin 2002).

An essential part of the training of the future specialists is its didactic theory, professional education, skill and system of experiences. Education is a theoretical and practical aspect of the children’s preschool education, and also gives the chance to seize organizational—methodical bases and the moral and personal contents of the development of the child in establishment of preschool education. It is necessary to undertake useful and creative methods for the development of the child on lessons at ensuring educational process for children of the preschool age. Essential research part of the pedagogical skill is a basis for the further development of the teacher’s pedagogical activity. It gives the chance to make out a difference of psychological-pedagogical and methodical information.

The modern system of professional education demands from the teacher not only understanding of their pedagogical duties, but also mastering reflexive part of the skill for communication with colleagues and administrations. Realization of that part depends on critical thinking, aspiration and competent analysis, ability to prove the positions and an aquisition of any information by teachers.

37.7 Development Factors of the Level of the Professional Qualification of the Future Specialists

There a number of factors which influence the level of professional qualification of future specialists as follows:

  • knowledge of the methods and the techniques for the organization of the educational process for the preschool children;

  • ratio of the pedagogical process participants (psychological-pedagogical and anatomo-physiological features) and the contents of variable pedagogical process;

  • knowledge of the conditions for realization of the pedagogical processes (psychology and pedagogical, hygienic), etc.;

  • ability to analyze the maintenance of different educational programs, their comparison and ability to distinguish marked-out features from other programs;

  • ability to analyze the methodical literature connected with the different programs, ability of the choice of the necessary descriptions and didactic materials conforming to the certain requirements of the program;

  • ability to distinguish the maintenance of the organization of children’s life and features of the pedagogical conditions conforming to the requirements of the program and definition of the methods in education and training of the preschool children;

  • ability to analyze and estimate the duty, role and place of the teacher in the educational program within the alternative preschool institutions (Erçetin 2001a).

Generally, all substructural parts of the professional qualification are directed to the practical activities of the preschool specialists, namely, the ability to resolve different pedagogical issues. Professional training of the teacher, that is his knowledge and practice acquired in the course of teaching and ability to rally personal and social features and values as well are the main compound of the professional qualification so, it is the factor for increasing the quality of education level in the preschool institutions.

37.8 Conclusion

We consider that it is necessary to make the right choice, to modelize, create a favorable situation for the communication of the teacher and student, to keep professional ethics and norms, to provide qualitative knowledge in the vocational training of future specialists. The modern labor market has a great influence on the requirements of the training of the future specialists such as being educated, creatively intelligent, be able to apply the knowledge in practice in any sphere. Therefore, the aspiration of the universities in the training of responsible, qualified, competitive and versatily developed competent specialists is an obvious process in the present stage. Because the society needs specialists who are really steady in terms of frequent changes of the contents and descriptions of the social and economic and as well spiritual development.