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  • A 34-year-old patient

  • Low back pain (with buttock pain on the left) associated with morning stiffness that improved with exercise but not with rest

Fig. 1
figure 1

Axial TSE T2-weighted image with fat saturation (a) and coronal (b) and axial (c–d) SE T1-weighted image with fat saturation following the administration of contrast medium. Note bone marrow edema on the left sacroiliac joint (ab) and subchondral contrast enhancement (osteitis), associated with intra-articular enhancement (synovitis) (cd)

Follow-up after 12 months of TNF-blocker therapy

Fig. 2
figure 2

Axial TSE T2-weighted with fat saturation image (a) and axial and coronal SE T1-weighted image with fat saturation following the administration of contrast medium (b–c) demonstrating the resolution of acute inflammation of the left sacroiliac joint