

GPS positions are used to describe animal movements and to derive a large set of information, for example, on animals’ behaviour, social interactions and environmental preferences. GPS data are related to (and must be integrated with) many other information that together can be used to describe the complexity of movement ecology. This can be achieved through proper database data modelling. A data model describes what types of data are stored and how they are organised. It can be seen as the conceptual representation of the real world in the database structures that include data objects (i.e. tables) and their mutual relationships. In particular, data modelling becomes a key step when database systems grow in size and complexity, and user requirements become more sophisticated: it permits easy updates of the database structure to accommodate the changing goals, constraints, and spatial scales of studies and the evolution of wildlife tracking systems. Without a rigorous data modelling approach, an information system might lose the flexibility to manage data efficiently in the long term, reducing its utility to a simple storage device for raw data, and thus failing to address many of the necessary requirements.

To model data properly, you have to clearly state the biological context of your study. A logical way to proceed is to define (1) very basic questions on the sample unit, i.e. individual animals and (2) basic questions about data collection.

  1. 1.

    Typically, individuals are the sampling units of an ecological study based on wildlife tracking. Therefore, the first question to be asked while modelling the data is: ‘What basic biological information is needed to characterise individuals as part of a sample?’ Species, sex and age (or age class) at capture are the main factors which are relevant in all studies. Age classes typically depend on the speciesFootnote 1. Other information used to characterise individuals could be specific to a study, for example in a study on spatial behaviour of translocated animals, ‘resident’ or ‘translocated’ is an essential piece of information linked to individual animals. All these elements should be described in specific tables.

  2. 2.

    A single individual becomes a ‘studied unit’ when it is fitted with a sensor, in this case to collect position information. First of all, GPS sensors should be described by a dedicated table containing the technical characteristics of each device (e.g. vendor, model). Capture time, or ‘device-fitting’ time, together with the time and a description of the end of the deployment (e.g. drop-off of the tag, death of the animal), are also essential to the model. The link between the sensors and the animals should be described in a table that states unequivocally when the data collected from a sensor ‘become’ (and cease to be) bio-logged data, i.e. the period during which they refer to an individual’s behaviour. The start of the deployment usually coincides with the moment of capture, but it is not the same thing. Indeed, moment of capture can be the ‘end’ of one relationship between a sensor and an animal (i.e. when a device is taken off an animal) and at the same time the ‘beginning’ of another (i.e. another device is fitted instead).

Thanks to the tables ‘animals’, ‘sensors’, and ‘sensors to animals’, and the relationships built among them, GPS data can be linked unequivocally to individuals, i.e. the sampling units.

Some information related to animals can change over time. Therefore, they must be marked with the reference time that they refer to. Examples of typical parameters assessed at capture are age and positivity of association to a disease. Translocation may also coincide with the capture/release time. If this information changes over time according to well-defined rules (e.g. transition from age classes), their value can be dynamically calculated in the database at different moments in time (e.g. using database functions). You will see an example of a function to calculate age class from the information on the age class at capture and the acquisition time of GPS positions for roe deer in Chap. 9.

The basic structure ‘animals’, ‘sensors’, ‘sensors to animals’, and, of course, ‘position data’, can be extended to take into account the specific goals of each project, the complexity of the real-world problems faced, the technical environment and the available data. Examples of data that can be integrated are capture methodology, handling procedure, use of tranquilizers and so forth, that should be described in a ‘captures’ table linked to the specific individual (in the table ‘animals’). Finally, data referring to individuals may come from several sources, e.g. several sensors or visual observations. In all these cases, the link between data and sample units (individuals) should also be clearly stated by appropriate relationships.

At the moment, there is a single table in the test database that represents raw data from GPS sensors. Now, you can start including more information in new tables to represent other important elements involved in wildlife tracking. This process will continue throughout all the following chapters.

In this chapter’s exercise, you will include two new tables: one for GPS sensors and one for animals, with some ancillary tables (age classes, species).

Import Information on GPS Sensors and Add Constraints to the Table

In the subfolder \tracking_db\data\animals and \tracking_db\data\sensors of the test data setFootnote 2, you will find two files: animals.csv and gps_sensors.csv. Let us start with data on GPS sensors. First, you have to create a table in the database with the same attributes as the .csv file and then import the data into it. Here is the code of the table structure:

The only field that is not present in the original file is gps_sensors_id. This is an integerFootnote 3 used as primary key. You could also use gps_sensors_code as primary key, but in many practical situations it is handy to use an integer field.

You add a field to keep track of the timestamp of record insertion:

Now, you can import data using the COPY command:

At this stage, you have defined the list of GPS sensors that exist in your database. To be sure that you will never have GPS data that come from a GPS sensor that does not exist in the database, you apply a foreign keyFootnote 4 between main.gps_data and main.gps_sensors. Foreign keys physically translate the concept of relations among tables.

This setting says that in order to delete a record in main.gps_sensors, you first have to delete all the associated records in main.gps_data. From now on, before importing GPS data from a sensor, you have to create the sensor’s record in the main.gps_sensors table.

You can add other kinds of constraints to control the consistency of your database. As an example, you check that the date of purchase is after 2000-01-01. If this condition is not met, the database will refuse to insert (or modify) the record and will return an error message.

Import Information on Animals and Add Constraints to the Table

Now, you repeat the same process for data on animals. Analysing the animals’ source file (animals.csv), you can derive the fields of the new main.animals table:

As for main.gps_sensors, in your operational database, you can use the serial data type for the animals_id field. Age class (at capture) and species are attributes that can only have defined values. To enforce consistency in the database, in these cases, you can use lookup tables. Lookup tables store the list and the description of all possible values referenced by specific fields in different tables and constitute the definition of the valid domain. It is recommended to keep them in a separated schema to give the database a more readable and clear data structure. Therefore, you create a lu_tables schema:

You set as default that the user basic_user will be able to run SELECT queries on all the tables that will be created in this schema:

Now, you create a lookup table for species:

You populate it with some values (just roe deer code will be used in our test data set):

You can do the same for age classes:

You populate it with some valuesFootnote 5:

At this stage, you can create the foreign keys between the main.animals table and the two lookup tables:

For sex class of deer, you do not expect to have more than the two possible values: female and male (stored in the database as ‘f’ and ‘m’ to simplify data input). In this case, instead of a lookup table you can set a check on the field:

Whether it is better to use a lookup table or a check must be evaluated case by case, mainly according to the number of admitted values and the possibility that you will want to add new values in the future.

You should also add a field to keep track of the timestamp of record insertion:

As a last step, you import the values from the file:

To test the result, you can retrieve the animals’ data with the extended species and age class description:

The result of the query is:

You can also create this query with the pgAdmin tool ‘Graphical Query Builder’ (Fig. 3.1).

Fig. 3.1
figure 1

pgAdmin GUI interface to create queries

First Elements of the Database Data Model

In Fig. 3.2, you have a schematic representation of the tables created so far in the database, and their relationships. As you can see, the table animals is linked with foreign keys to two tables in the schema where the lookup tables are stored. In fact, the tables lu_species and lu_age_class contain the admitted values for the related fields in the animals table. The table gps_data, which contains the raw data coming from GPS sensors, is linked to the table gps_sensors, where all the existing GPS sensors are stored with a set of ancillary information. A foreign key creates a dependency, for example, the table gps_data cannot store data from a GPS sensor if the sensor is not included in the gps_sensors table.

Fig. 3.2
figure 2

Tables stored in the database at the end of the exercise for this chapter. The arrows identify links between tables connected by foreign keys

Note that, at this point, there is no relation between animals and the GPS data. In other words, it is impossible to retrieve positions of a given animal, but only of a given collar. Moreover, you cannot distinguish between GPS positions recorded when the sensors were deployed on the animals and those that were recorded for example, in the researcher’s office before the deployment. You will see in the following chapter how to associate GPS positions with animals.