
Since the Great Industrial Revolution occurred 300 years ago, the continuous improvement of efficiency and productivity has always been the focal point of innovations that drive the advancement of society and the well-being of humankind. While massive inventions have been implemented in the manufacturing process to facilitate the production function and maintain high-performance levels seemingly effortlessly.

The human factor, however, had been long overlooked or even ignored. Throughout the history of industrial revolutions, we have witnessed the same consequences: every time there was a great invention that drastically improved efficiency and productivity, it was always accompanied by a large number of workers losing their jobs. Global corporations have long been using machines and technology to pursue their profitability goals. These technological advancements, despite having great potential to uplift the economic standards of societies and the people, have been noticed to adversely impact the workforce, their job prospects, and the planet. One thing common in the industrial revolution from Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0 has been the constant innovation and creation of newer machines, technologies, and agile production processes while intentionally or unintentionally overlooking how these developments were gradually eliminating the workforce from the organizational landscape and damaging our planet.

For instance, the First Industrial Revolution, which began in the late eighteenth century with the introduction of water and steam power, saw the transition from manual labor to machines. This resulted in job loss for many skilled artisans and craftspeople who could not compete with the efficiency of the new machines. Later, in the late nineteenth century, when electricity and mass production techniques were widely used, lots of skilled craftsmen, as well as workers in agriculture and textiles, had all lost their jobs, as machines could do the work more efficiently. Then not so long ago, the advent of computers and automation resulted in job loss in a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to finance. Many low-skilled jobs were automated, and some higher-skilled jobs, such as those in accounting and data entry, were also affected. The latest example is the debut of Chat GPT and GPT-5—the most advanced AI technology that has made so many things so easy, yet again, at the cost of people losing their jobs.

Humans have worked so hard to invent technologies and processes to continuously improve efficiency and productivity. The end result, however, is that humans are replaced by machines and have lost their jobs—which is contradictory to the notion that technological advancements improve the well-being of society as a whole. For centuries, organizations have relentlessly pursued the highest standards of efficiency and productivity in the name of improving human well-being. However, in the process, corporations have forgotten the genuine purpose of all the inventions and innovations in the first place.

It is argued that a balanced societal and economic structure requires the long-term prosperity of human society beyond efficiency and productivity. There needs to be serious consideration for fairness, equality, inclusivity, resilience, and sustainability. In response to this realization, we have seen the start of a global movement from the European Union, Japan, and China, promoting Society 5.0, which incorporates Industry 5.0, and aims to strike a balance between the advancement of technologies and the well-being of humans, or a balance between efficiency, productivity, prosperity of mankind, and care for the planet. The term Industry 5.0 was first populated by the EU (European Union) in 2021 in their published report “Industry 5.0: Towards a Sustainable, Human-centric, and Resilient European Industry.” The document highlighted a shift in the European economic players’ mindset from a product-first to a human-first approach. EC’s report develops the concept of Industry 5.0 based on initial discussions by Germany in 2011 under “Industry 4.0″ about the ever-changing role of workers. However, the primary focus of Industry 4.0 was the acceleration of production processes through digitalization.

The focus of Industry 5.0, in comparison, is quite different. In addition to Industry 4.0 from Germany, EC’s 2021 report also acknowledged that the concept of Industry 5.0 was influenced by Society 5.0—The concept of Society 5.0 was first presented by Keidanren of Japan in 2016 and has subsequently been promoted by the Japanese government. In the “Societies” concept, the way in which people ensure their livelihood is directly related to the way they build their society. By introducing Society 5.0, Japan essentially takes the digitalization and transformation dimensions to update the national strategy, policy, and philosophy.

Global corporations have long been using machines and technology to pursue their profitability goals. These technological advancements, despite having great potential to uplift the economic standards of societies and the people, have been noticed to adversely impact the workforce, their job prospects, and the planet. One thing common in the industrial revolution from Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0 has been the constant innovation and creation of newer machines, technologies, and agile production processes while intentionally or unintentionally overlooking how these developments were gradually eliminating the workforce from the organizational landscape and damaging our planet. To this end, Industry 5.0 is revolutionary in the sense that it proposes a very different approach for industries and economies to succeed in a sustainable manner.

The concept of Industry 5.0 emerged as a response to the growing concern that automation and digitization, which were the main focus of Industry 4.0, would lead to the replacement of human workers by machines. Some experts believed that this would have a negative impact on society, leading to increased unemployment and inequality.

To tackle this problem, a variety of participants, including governments, industry associations, and academic institutions, are collectively raising awareness about the concept of Industry 5.0. Industry 5.0 aims to combine the strengths of human workers with those of machines to create a more efficient and productive manufacturing process. The idea is to focus on tasks that require human intuition, creativity, and problem-solving skills while leaving the more routine and repetitive tasks to machines. While Industry 4.0 focused on the integration of digital technologies such as automation, robotics, and the Internet of Things into the manufacturing process, Industry 5.0 takes this a step further by emphasizing the importance of human skills and collaboration.

The key idea behind Industry 5.0 is that humans and machines should work together in a more integrated and collaborative way to achieve better results. This involves using advanced technologies to enhance human skills and capabilities rather than simply replacing human workers with machines. For example, instead of using robots to perform all tasks on a production line, humans could work alongside robots to perform more complex or creative tasks, while robots handle repetitive or dangerous tasks. Industry 5.0 also emphasizes the importance of customization and personalization in manufacturing. Rather than mass-producing standardized products, manufacturers are increasingly turning to digital technologies to create more personalized and customized products that better meet the needs of individual consumers. This involves using technologies such as 3D printing, artificial intelligence, and advanced materials to create products that are tailored to individual preferences and needs.

This chapter attempts to highlight the gradual transition toward Industry 5.0, with an emphasis on the relationship between the human workforce and corporations’ goals for efficiency and productivity. At the outset of the chapter, we will provide an overview of related work from the field. This will be followed by a review of the evolution of the industry from the First Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s–early 1800s, or Industry 1.0, to its most recent development, Industry 5.0. The chapter engages with the discussion of how different Industry 5.0 is from previous industrial evolutions (from Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0), what initiatives and movements we can expect from Industry 5.0, and ultimately, what impact Industry 5.0 will have on the human factor in the industry, namely the workforce, while efficiency and productivity are no longer, at the center of innovation. The authors will outline the factors that have impacted the relationship between productivity, efficiency, and workforce well-being at different periods of the industrial revolution. The chapter will examine different interpretations, initiatives, and practices of Industry 5.0 and different economic systems around the globe. We will conclude our chapter with a forward-looking view into the future of the workforce under Industry 5.0.

Related Works

Dmitry Ivanov (2023) propose a framework for Industry 5.0, which includes the integration of humans, machines, and data to achieve a human-centric and sustainable manufacturing system (The Industry 5.0 framework: viability-based integration of the resilience, sustainability, and human-centricity perspectives). Morandini and Fraboni et al. (2023 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Workers’ Skills: Upskilling and Reskilling in Organisations) discuss the impact of Industry 5.0 on the workforce, focusing on the need for upskilling and reskilling to meet the demands of the changing manufacturing landscape.

Kagermann et al. (2013) discuss the evolution from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0, highlighting the importance of a human-centered approach and the integration of new technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain. Zhihan Lv (2023, Digital Twins in Industry 5.0) examine the role of digital twins in Industry 5.0, which can facilitate the integration of the physical and digital worlds and enable predictive maintenance and optimization.

Wang et al. (2021) discuss the role of digital transformation in Industry 5.0, emphasizing the importance of data-driven decision-making and the integration of new technologies such as 5G and edge computing. Wang et al. (2021) examine the challenges and opportunities of Industry 5.0 in the context of global supply chains, proposing a framework for supply chain digital transformation that includes real-time monitoring, data sharing, and automation. Almada-Lobo et al. (2015) discuss the impact of Industry 5.0 on the manufacturing ecosystem, emphasizing the need for collaboration and knowledge sharing among stakeholders to enable innovation and value creation. Garau and Vanino (2020) examine the opportunities and challenges of Industry 5.0 for small and medium-sized enterprises, highlighting the importance of a human-centered approach and the integration of new technologies such as AI and robotics.

Zhang and Bai (2020) propose a human-centric development model for Industry 5.0, which includes the integration of humans, machines, and data to enable personalized and adaptive manufacturing. Examine the impact of Industry 5.0 on the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, proposing a framework for intelligent manufacturing that includes the integration of new technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain. Sahlab et al. (2021) discuss the challenges and opportunities of Industry 5.0 in the context of smart factories, emphasizing the need for a human-centric approach and the integration of new technologies such as 5G and cloud computing. Adel (2022) examine the future of Industry 5.0, discussing the potential for new business models, value creation, and societal impact, and emphasizing the need for a human-centered and sustainable approach.

Overall, these works highlight the importance of a human-centered approach in Industry 5.0, as well as the integration of new technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain. They also discuss the implications for workforce development and management, digital transformation, sustainability, and collaboration among stakeholders in the manufacturing ecosystem.

From Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0

The evolution of Industry 5.0 represents a significant progression from the early days of manufacturing during Industry 1.0. From the invention of simple machines and processes such as the sewing machine and the combustion engine, to more sophisticated technologies, including computers, and robots, the industrial revolution is responsible for shaping the world in its existing form. Here’s a brief overview of the key stages in the evolution of the manufacturing industry.

Industry 1.0: The first industrial revolution began in the late eighteenth century and continued halfway through the nineteenth century. Industry 1.0 represented a visible transition from manual/labor-intensive production approaches to mechanization processes that transformed the ways goods were produced and consumed. Steam power was used to drive machines, and this enabled production on a previously unseen scale and marked the beginning of the modern era of manufacturing. The establishment of large-scale factories resulted in the mass production of goods and fueled economic growth globally. Some of the milestones of Industry 1.0 include:

  • Mechanization of the textile industry that boosted productivity and significantly reduced costs.

  • Steam-powered engine invention by James Watt, provided a new means of goods transportation. Transportation was further supported by using coal as fuel.

  • Infrastructural development of canals, roads, and railway networks facilitated the easy movement of goods and workforce across national and international borders.

  • Introduction of smelting processes caused a surge in iron production, leading to the drastic expansion of the iron and steel industry.

  • Establishment of factories centralized the human and capital resources and streamlined the production activity leading to economies of scale.

Industry 2.0: The second industrial revolution took place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and was characterized by the widespread adoption of electricity generated by fossil power and the introduction of the production line. The use of electricity allowed machines to be powered more efficiently, and this led to the development of faster and more reliable production processes. During this phase, industries made significant progress on the transportation front that ensured faster and more efficient delivery of goods. The invention of the telegraph further supported the evolution by enabling long-distance communication, allowing for efficient message transfer within business and social settings. Some of the major inventions of this phase include:

  • Electricity generation and distribution meant the invention of new tools and machinery that were used to improve both means of production and transportation.

  • The introduction of the assembly line technique, pioneered by Henry Ford in the early twentieth century, facilitated the mass production of complex goods while maintaining quality via the standardization of products and processes.

  • The mechanical harvesting tools greatly benefited the agricultural industry production.

  • Advanced methods of transportation, such as automobiles and airplanes, increased the outreach of produced goods.

Industry 3.0: The third industrial revolution, also known as the Digital Revolution, began in the 1970s and continued to the twenty-first century. This phase was characterized by the widespread use of computers and automation in the manufacturing process. The introduction of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) allowed for more precise and efficient production processes. The invention of the internet in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century further supported the industrial revolution by supporting the integration and expansion of production processes and supply chain processes locally as well as globally. Although the invention of computers and the internet opened new avenues for growth and expansion, it also caused job loss as industries started replacing manual labor with computers. The focus quickly shifted from human well-being and support to mass production and efficiency at the expense of cutting jobs from the economy.

Industry 4.0: The fourth industrial revolution began in the late twentieth century and is currently at the center of industry development. It is characterized by the integration of digital technologies such as automation, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) into the manufacturing process. This has led to the development of “smart factory” that includes flexible production systems that are capable of responding to changing demands in real time. Despite the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, this era widened the job security issues first rendered visible in Industry 3.0. Robots could easily replace humans and work longer hours with more efficiency. Industrialists started viewing the workforce as a liability and hired people only in more specialized roles that required critical thinking and creativity. Some of the main technological innovations during this phase include:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI technology is unique as it has the ability to improvise its function by reflecting on the experience. The use of AI technology has enhanced human–machine collaboration to optimize manufacturing processes using predictive maintenance. AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends to predict future needs and can be used to optimize production processes and improve product quality. AI can also be used to monitor machines and predict when maintenance of production units is needed, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

  • Robotics: Robotics is another key technology in Industry 4.0. Robots can be used to perform repetitive and dangerous tasks, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and creative tasks. Robots can also work collaboratively with humans, enhancing their capabilities and increasing productivity. In addition, robots can be used for quality control and inspection, reducing defects, and improving product quality.

  • Internet of Things (IOT): The IOT technology connects technological devices with each other and with humans and facilitates information sharing in real time. IoT monitors and supports production processes remotely, allowing for flexibility and efficiency in the industrial landscape.

  • Big Data Analytics: This technology can digitally store, utilize, and interpret large data sets collected from a variety of sources. Big companies use this analysis to understand customers’ needs and wants and address these expectations by modifying their products and manufacturing processes.

  • Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is a step forward in the industrial revolution as it facilitates remote access to data by making it centrally available. This enables companies and their employees to process data and collaborate with team members virtually. Cloud computing has helped industries in reducing costs and improve information security.

Overall, the evolution of the manufacturing industry from Industry 1.0 to Industry 5.0 represents a long and continuous process of innovation and improvement that has transformed how we produce goods and services. Each stage has brought new technologies and new ways of working that have increased productivity, efficiency, and flexibility, and we can expect this trend to continue as we move into the future.

Industry 5.0—Forward Thinking Approach

In their quest for maximizing production, efficiency, and profits—manufacturers in the previous industrial revolution phases largely ignored issues pertaining to human rights and the impacts of mass production on the ecosystem. This neglect was evident from the multinational companies’ strategies, be it Nike’s 1990s case of operating sweatshops and child labor exploitation In East Asia, Joe Fresh’s ignorance of poor working conditions in their Bangladesh garment factory that eventually resulted in the building collapse killing thousands of workers, Zara’s nonpayment of factory workers in Turkey, or Volkswagen’s scandal of faking the emission results to boost sales while ignoring the severe environmental damage. Although Industry 5.0 is built around the technologies introduced in Industry 4.0, it is different as it focuses on human-centric and value-based production. Industry 5.0 is striving to find a balance between the drive for production, workers’ safety and well-being, and environmental sustainability.

In our previous discussion of Industry 3.0 and Industry 4.0, we highlighted how the modernization of production processes and digitalization of work resulted in undermining the value of human capital. Industry 5.0 was characterized by a deliberate attempt to put humans back in the picture. Still in its infancy, Industry 5.0 aims to foster collaboration between humans and machines rather than using machines to facilitate human ouster from the industries and production process. This was followed by a perceptive shift from viewing employees as mere operators of the machines and digital tools to valuable partners who will work alongside machines, robots, and advanced applications such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in critical roles to ensure equality, respect, and efficiency in the production process.

Industry 5.0 also marks a departure from intense productivity focus to a sustainability focus. This view promotes the notion of balancing the need for production and cost efficiency with the creation of technologies that are socially and environmentally friendly. This collaborative approach has a dual focus; addressing the climate change challenges and the concerns for inequality. To achieve this, Industry 5.0 places emphasis on sustainable manufacturing practices that aim to minimize waste, conserve resources, and reduce the environmental impact of production processes. This involves the incorporation of cutting-edge technologies such as smart sensors and data analytics to optimize energy use, reduce waste, and minimize the carbon footprint of manufacturing activities.

Overall, Industry 5.0 represents an exciting new era in manufacturing that is characterized by greater collaboration, customization, and sustainability. As this trend continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative and transformative technologies being developed that will help to reshape the manufacturing industry for the twenty-first century and beyond. The new agile technologies are capable of producing more at a lower cost in less time. It will be possible for companies to increase their production while using fewer resources and selling the products for less. However, this will not be possible without a trained and highly skilled workforce.

Although Industry 5.0 emphasizes multiple ways in which human–machine collaboration can occur, it also raises concerns regarding the implications of automation on the existing and future workforce. Since human–computer collaboration requires a constant investment in human reskilling and upskilling to enable them to work with dynamic technologies, it also means that humans have to be flexible and ready to adapt to their ever-changing roles. To this end, Industry 5.0, needs to establish a supportive work environment that focuses on employee well-being and job safety.

Future Implications of Industry 5.0

Central tenets of Industry 5.0 are people (workforce and customers), sustainable practices, and safe technologies. Although it has already laid a solid foundation for a collaborative approach to achieving efficiency and productivity, there is still room for improvement. Going forward, we believe Industry 5.0 will focus on the following areas for its growth.

  1. 1)

    Integrated Technologies: Industry 5.0 revolves around automation and digitization (carried forward from Industry 4.0) and its interaction with humans to improve workforce experiences. These technologies are designed to work in collaboration with the workforce and facilitate the completion of hazardous aspects of production and ensure workers’ safety. As a result, workers can focus on more complex and creative jobs. Cobots, Augmented Reality, Internet Of Things, Additive Manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Blockchain technologies are some of the modern integrated technologies. These collaborative technologies, although smart enough to make complex decisions based on algorithms, still rely on human interaction to provide huge data sets for decision accuracies. The integrated technologies are also human-dependent for understanding the specific business or customers’ needs. For instance, Chat GPT and other AI tools are capable of generating a waste amount of information within seconds; however, they can’t do so without getting efficient/intelligent prompts from humans using them.

  2. 2)

    Customer-centric Production: Following Industry 4.0 s blueprints, Industry 5.0 facilitates a more agile, flexible, efficient, and customized production approach. The notion of a customer-centric approach enables the industry to understand customers’ expectations and needs and modify the production processes accordingly. Such initiatives will foster strong human collaboration between the workforce, customers, manufacturers, suppliers, management, and technology such as data analytics.

  3. 3)

    Sustainable Business Approach: According to the “World Economic Forum” 54% of Earth’s power is used for supporting production and manufacturing activities across the globe and causes 20% of emissions. Gradually moving away from mass manufacturing is not only a cost-effective approach but also environmentally beneficial, as it reduces the wastage of resources, controls pollution, and encourages the use of renewable energy sources. A future trend will be rethinking the impacts of mass manufacturing on the environment and promoting biodegradable, recyclable, and reusable products. The use of sustainable technologies and their impact is covered in detail in the “Technology Megatrend” chapters in this book.

  4. 4)

    Open-source Manufacturing: Industry-wide collaborations to share ideas, creativity, and technology-based approaches will be the new norm. Companies will be open to sharing their design and process ideas to achieve cost efficiency. Another milestone for Industry 5.0 will be to include Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in this exchange of resources and promote equal access to sophisticated technologies to bridge the gap between giant manufacturers and SMEs.

  5. 5)

    Post-pandemic world: COVID has helped businesses recognize the need for adaptability and shifting traditional work from designated office spaces to flexible working patterns such as remote working, working from home, and telecommuting. It is important to note that none of these work arrangements would be possible without robust technological systems in place. However, the adoption of these technologies is aimed at facilitating the workforce and reducing environmental damage rather than threatening the job security of workers. To this end, organizations are implementing technologies to support alternative work arrangements, reduce the carbon footprint from the daily commute to the offices, offer flexibility, promote employee well-being, and increase efficiency. During COVID, the healthcare sector also relied on Industry 4.0 technologies to track and treat patients affected by the virus while practicing social distancing.

Impacts of Industry 5.0 on the Future of the Workforce

Industry 5.0 offers multiple benefits that bypass the typical organizational concerns of job creation, expansion of business activity, and profit maximization. The fifth industrial revolution is based on the planet and society’s first approach. The core values driving Industry 5.0 are respect, trust, and well-being of the planet and the workforce. Rather than focusing aggressively on technological advancements, this era attempts to highlight the value of soft skills such as emotional intelligence, communication, and collaboration. The projected impacts of human–technology interaction on the future of the workforce include:

  • Human–Machine Interfaces: It is expected that future technologies will be more human centric. Industry 5.0 emphasizes a collaborative approach that combines human intelligence and advanced technologies for value creation. Some of the noticeable human–technology collaborations include machine learning used to analyze exceptionally large data sets, and BMIs (Brain–Machine Interfaces) to operate technologies using brain waves to improve decision-making processes. With the help of technology, workers will be able to implement their most creative ideas and solutions, not previously possible. The capabilities offered by the technologies will also aid the workforce in thinking out of the box to propose solutions to complex business situations and issues that machines cannot.

  • Technical Skills Upgradation: While humans will be able to utilize the new technologies to their advantage, however, uncovering their full potential will also require constant upskilling of the workforce to engage meaningfully with the collaborative technologies. Humans will be expected to demonstrate proficiency in technical and problem-solving skills to keep pace with technological evolution. For instance, the introduction of the concept of “intelligent healthcare” is revolutionary as it helps doctors diagnose the disease with precision and make quick decisions on effective treatments. However, doctors need to have skills to work with Machine Learning systems and to use and interpret the results generated by smart wearable technologies such as smartwatches and intelligent sensors that monitor patients’ ongoing health conditions. Humans also need to learn how to best use the cobots and robots to achieve desired goals. Although humans possessing the updated skills and knowledge will be able to thrive in these new job roles, it might also cause displacement of the workforce lacking the required technical skills or failure to update the skills in a timely manner.

  • Soft Skills: Although the human–machine interrelationship is supposed to create many new job opportunities, these ventures are largely contingent upon the demonstration of high level of skill both technical and soft. Especially soft skills, including communication and emotional intelligence, will guarantee human presence in the workplace in the long run due to technologies’ inability to demonstrate these skills. Despite their wide range of functionality, machines cannot take into account differences of opinion, collaborate with teams, sense emotional issues faced by the team members, and think logically and creatively. Industry 5.0 stresses that for all these competencies and skills, the workforce will continue to play an important role in the industries. A 2021 study by Chin also asserts that the emotional stability of the workforce has a significant impact on organizational performance and productivity.

  • Health and Safety of Workforce: One of the key aspects of Industry 5.0 is to promote the concept of a safe workplace. To this end, machines, robots, and other technologies will be used to perform riskier jobs in unsafe conditions, thus taking off the burden of physically challenging jobs and controlling workers’ fatigue. This will supposedly reduce workplace accidents and injuries significantly. In fact, robots are already being used to perform jobs “such as welding and painting in car factories and loading and unloading heavy consignments in warehouses” (Yli-Ojanper et al., 2019 as cited in Maddikunta et al., 2022, p. 12). To enhance the safety of workforce wearable devices such as smart glasses have been introduced. These intelligent devices provide real-time data on health and safety risks involved in the manufacturing process.

Global Viewpoint on Industry 5.0: Germany, Japan, the USA, China (MH)

As we discussed previously, Industry 5.0 is a concept that builds upon the Industry 4.0 paradigm, which focuses on the digitalization of manufacturing and production processes. Industry 5.0 envisions a future where humans and machines work together to achieve more sustainable and customized production, with a focus on human-centered design and creativity.

From the global viewpoint, although the consensus is that Industry 5.0 is to transform the industry from an efficiency and productivity-oriented approach toward a more balanced ecosystem that emphasizes people, planet, resilience, and sustainability, different steps are taken by different nations in achieving this seemingly similar goal. Among them, Germany, Japan, the USA, and China are the ones playing leading roles in this transformation.

Germany: Germany has been a leader in Industry 4.0 and is now pushing ahead with Industry 5.0. The country has a well-established manufacturing sector and is home to many innovative companies, such as Siemens and Bosch. Germany has also been investing heavily in research and development in areas such as AI, robotics, and 3D printing. Some of Germany’s key accomplishments in Industry 5.0 include the development of the Industry 4.0 platform, which aims to create a standardized approach to the integration of IT and manufacturing, and the establishment of the Smart Factory KL research facility, which is focused on developing smart manufacturing solutions.

Japan: Japan has a long history of manufacturing excellence and is now at the forefront of the development of smart factories and advanced robotics. The country has been investing heavily in research and development in areas such as industrial IoT, AI, and robotics, and has launched several initiatives to promote the adoption of these technologies in manufacturing. Some of Japan’s key accomplishments in Industry 5.0 include the development of advanced humanoid robots, such as Pepper and ASIMO, and the establishment of the Connected Industries Forum, which aims to promote collaboration and innovation in manufacturing.

China: China has emerged as a major player in Industry 5.0 in recent years, thanks to its massive manufacturing sector and ambitious plans for technological development. The country has been investing heavily in areas such as 5G, AI, and robotics, and has launched several initiatives to promote the adoption of these technologies in manufacturing. Some of China’s key accomplishments in Industry 5.0 include the development of the Made in China 2025 plan, which aims to transform China into a world leader in advanced manufacturing, and the establishment of the China Industrial Internet Consortium, which is focused on promoting the development and adoption of industrial IoT technologies.

The USA: The USA has a long history of innovation and technological development, and is now at the forefront of the development of Industry 5.0 technologies such as AI and robotics. The country is home to many innovative companies, such as Tesla and Google, and has been investing heavily in research and development in these areas. Some of the USA’s key accomplishments in Industry 5.0 include the development of the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership, which is focused on promoting innovation in manufacturing, and the establishment of the Manufacturing USA initiative, which is focused on accelerating the adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies.

Overall, there is a growing interest in Industry 5.0 as a way to drive innovation and productivity, and to create more sustainable, efficient, and human-centric manufacturing systems around the world. While each country may have its own unique approach, they are all working toward the same goal of using technology to enhance the capabilities of humans and machines in manufacturing and production and to achieve the ultimate people-planet-prosperity.

Cyber-Physical Systems Versus Human-Cyber-Physical Systems and Human in the Loop Versus Human on the Loop

While many technologies are common in both Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0, for instance, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Robotics, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), 5G Networks, Advanced Materials, Digital Twins, and more, the main dividing line that separates Industry 5.0 from Industry 4.0 lays in the application and promotion of CPS vs. HCPS, and of HITL vs. HOTL.

CPS stands for Cyber-Physical Systems, which are systems that combine physical components, such as machines and sensors, with digital components, such as software and algorithms, to create a more efficient and automated manufacturing process. CPS are designed to be autonomous and can be controlled and monitored remotely, which can lead to improved quality control, better resource utilization, and increased productivity. In terms of applications, CPS are used in a wide range of industries such as manufacturing, transportation, energy, healthcare, and smart cities. They are used to monitor and control physical systems, such as machines or power grids, in real time. CPS can detect anomalies or faults and take corrective actions to prevent or mitigate potential problems.

Industry 4.0 relies on CPS to transform manufacturing into digitalization and intelligence.

On the other hand, HCPS stands for Human-Cyber-Physical Systems. HCPS are similar to CPS in that they integrate physical components with computational and communication components. HCPS are used in applications where the human element is critical, such as healthcare, rehabilitation, and education. For example, HCPS can be used in the field of medical robotics to provide assistance to surgeons during complex procedures, or in physical therapy to help patients recover from injuries or disabilities. HCPS can also be used in education to provide personalized learning experiences to students based on their individual needs and abilities.

Industry 5.0 emphasizes more on a HCPS-based approach.

The main difference between CPS and HCPS is the level of interaction with humans. CPS are designed to operate autonomously in industries such as manufacturing and transportation, while HCPS are designed to work collaboratively with humans in areas such as healthcare and education. In HCPS, the human is an integral part of the system and is involved in decision-making and control, whereas in CPS, the system is largely automated and operates without human intervention.

Just like CPS in Industry 4.0 and HCPS in Industry 5.0 both reflect the different levels of interaction between humans and the respective virtual or physical manufacturing systems, HITL (Human-in-the-loop) and HOTL (human-on-the-loop) are two concepts related to the interaction between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) systems.

HITL refers to a scenario where humans are an integral part of the decision-making process and are responsible for making the final decision. In this scenario, the machine performs the initial processing of data and provides recommendations or suggestions to the human, who then makes the final decision based on their experience and judgment. HITL is often used in high-risk scenarios such as medical diagnosis, financial trading, and autonomous vehicles.

For example, in a chatbot system, a human operator may be involved in the conversation with the user when the chatbot is unable to answer a question. The operator provides the necessary information to the chatbot, which can then use it to respond to the user. In this scenario, the human is in the loop, and the AI system depends on the human’s input to function effectively.

On the other hand, HOTL refers to a scenario where humans are involved in the decision-making process but only as overseers or supervisors. In this scenario, the machine performs the majority of the processing of data and makes recommendations to the human, who then reviews and approves the recommendation or takes corrective action if necessary. HOTL is often used in scenarios where there is a high volume of data to be processed, such as fraud detection, quality control, and customer service.

For example, in an autonomous vehicle, the AI system is responsible for driving the vehicle, but a human is monitoring the vehicle’s operation to ensure that it is functioning correctly and taking appropriate action if necessary. In this scenario, the human is in the loop, overseeing the AI system’s operation.

Overall, both HITL and HOTL have their advantages and disadvantages. HITL provides a high level of human oversight and control, which can be crucial in high-risk scenarios but can also be time consuming and expensive. HOTL, on the other hand, provides a high level of automation and efficiency, but can also be prone to errors and may require significant human oversight to ensure accuracy and fairness. The choice of HITL vs. HOTL depends on the specific application and the desired balance between automation and human control.

Human-Cyber-Physical-System (HCPS), Cyber-Physical-System (CPS), Human-in-the-Loop (HITL), and Human-on-the-Loop (HOTL) are all important concepts in Industry 5.0, together, these concepts can have a significant impact on Industry 5.0. CPS can help to create a more efficient and automated manufacturing process, while HCPS can ensure that the manufacturing process is more inclusive, collaborative, and safe. HITL can be used in high-risk scenarios to ensure that the final decision is made by a human expert, while HOTL can provide human oversight and decision-making in manufacturing processes. Overall, the combination of CPS, HCPS, HITL, and HOTL can help to create a more integrated, efficient, and inclusive manufacturing process that benefits both workers and manufacturers in Industry 5.0.

Predestination—What Is in it for Humans in the Next 10 Years? 50 Years?

It is difficult to predict exactly what will happen after Industry 5.0, as technological development is constantly evolving and influenced by a wide range of factors such as market demand, technological breakthroughs, and societal changes. However, there are some trends and developments that are likely to shape the future of manufacturing and technology more broadly:

  1. 1)

    Autonomous Systems: As artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies continue to advance, we may see the development of more autonomous systems that are able to operate and make decisions independently, without human intervention.

  2. 2)

    Quantum Computing: Quantum computing is an emerging technology that has the potential to revolutionize computing, enabling faster and more powerful processing of data. In the future, we may see the development of new applications and industries that are enabled by quantum computing.

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    Biotechnology: The development of biotechnology is already having a profound impact on medicine and healthcare, and in the future, we may see the continued development of new technologies and applications in areas such as genomics, synthetic biology, and biomanufacturing.

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    Sustainability: As concerns about climate change and environmental degradation continue to grow, we may see a greater emphasis on the development of sustainable technologies, such as renewable energy, clean transportation, and sustainable materials.

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    Hyper-Connected Manufacturing: As more and more machines and devices become connected to the Internet and each other, we can expect to see increasingly interconnected and automated manufacturing systems. This could enable real-time monitoring, control, and optimization of production processes, as well as more advanced forms of collaborative robotics and human–machine interaction.

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    Materials Science and Nanotechnology: Advances in materials science and nanotechnology could enable the creation of new materials with novel properties and applications, leading to new manufacturing processes and products. For example, nanomaterials could enable more efficient and sustainable energy storage and conversion, or new forms of sensing and actuation.

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    Augmented and Virtual Reality: Augmented and virtual reality technologies are already being used in manufacturing for training, design, and maintenance applications. In the future, these technologies could become more sophisticated and integrated, enabling more immersive and interactive manufacturing experiences.

The future of technological advancement in manufacturing is likely to be characterized by continued automation, interconnectivity, and innovation in materials science and biotechnology. As new technologies emerge and converge, we can expect to see new forms of collaboration and competition among manufacturers, as well as new opportunities for value creation and disruption.

With the continued development in technology advancement, the impact on the workforce will be reflected in the following areas:

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    New Forms of Collaboration: Industry 5.0 is characterized by increased collaboration between humans and machines, rather than a replacement of humans by machines. This could lead to new forms of teamwork and collaboration, as humans and machines work together to achieve common goals.

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    Upskilling and Reskilling: As manufacturing becomes more automated and technology driven, there will be an increasing need for workers with advanced technical skills, such as programming, data analysis, and robotics. This could lead to a greater emphasis on upskilling and reskilling programs, to ensure that workers can adapt to changing job requirements and remain employable.

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    Greater Flexibility and Autonomy: Industry 5.0 may enable greater flexibility and autonomy for workers, as automation takes care of routine tasks and workers are freed up to focus on more creative and complex tasks. This could lead to more fulfilling and rewarding work experiences, as well as a better work-life balance.

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    Shifts in Job Roles and Career Paths: The rise of Industry 5.0 is likely to lead to changes in job roles and career paths, as some tasks become automated and new roles emerge. This could require workers to be more adaptable and flexible, and to develop new skills and competencies over time.

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    Ethical and Social Implications: The increasing integration of machines and humans in the manufacturing process raises a range of ethical and social issues, such as the impact on employment, the use of personal data, and the potential for bias and discrimination. It will be important to address these issues to ensure that Industry 5.0 is developed in a way that benefits society as a whole.

Industry 5.0 represents the next stage of manufacturing, where humans and machines work together in a collaborative and complementary way. This paradigm shift in manufacturing has significant implications for the future of the workforce beyond efficiency and productivity.

With Industry 5.0, there will be a greater emphasis on creativity, problem solving, and interpersonal skills. This is because humans will work alongside machines to complete complex tasks that require both technical expertise and human judgment. Workers will need to be able to communicate effectively with machines and with each other, and they will need to have a deep understanding of the technology they are working with. In addition, Industry 5.0 will create new opportunities for workers to engage in meaningful and fulfilling work. With machines handling routine and repetitive tasks, humans will be able to focus on tasks that require creativity, innovation, and emotional intelligence. Industry 5.0 also has the potential to promote greater work-life balance and employee well-being. This could lead to reduced work-related stress and improved physical and mental health. Finally, Industry 5.0 will require a more diverse and inclusive workforce. As machines become more integrated into the manufacturing process, workers from a range of backgrounds and skill levels will be needed to manage and operate them. Another potential trend is the rise of decentralized and distributed manufacturing, enabled by technologies such as 3D printing and blockchain. This could lead to new opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and a more diverse and flexible workforce, but could also require new models of governance, regulation, and coordination. Sustainability and social responsibility are also likely to be increasingly important considerations in the workforce of the future, with a greater emphasis on circular economy principles, responsible production and consumption, and ethical labor practices.

In conclusion, Industry 5.0 represents a new era of manufacturing that has the potential to revolutionize the future of the workforce beyond efficiency and productivity. Workers who can adapt to this new way of working and who possess the necessary human skills and qualities will be well positioned to thrive in this new era of manufacturing.

Overall, the future of the workforce after Industry 5.0 is likely to be characterized by greater integration of humans and machines, a shift toward more creative and strategic roles for humans, the rise of decentralized and distributed manufacturing, and a greater focus on sustainability and social responsibility.