
1 Introduction

Personal data are increasingly disseminated over the Web through mobile devices and smart environments. They are exploited for developing more and more sophisticated services and applications. All these advances come with serious risks for privacy breaches that may reveal private information wanted to remain undisclosed by data producers. It is therefore of utmost importance to help them to identify privacy risks raised by requests of service providers for utility purposes. In [1], we have presented a formal framework supporting utility-aware privacy preservation in the setting of applications where service providers request collecting data from data producers to perform useful aggregate data analytics. The approach that we promote to face the privacy versus utility dilemma in this setting can be summarized as follows:

  • Data producers specify by a set of privacy queries (kept secret) the (possibly aggregated) data they do not want to be disclosed.

  • Data consumers make explicit by a set utility queries the data they request to each data producer for offering them services in return.

  • The compatibility between privacy and utility queries is automatically verified, and in case of incompatibility data producers get an explanation that can be exploited later to help them find an acceptable privacy-utility trade-off.

In this paper, we demonstrate PrivEx an interactive user interface that we have builtFootnote 1 on top of the implementation of the formal results presented in [1] for detecting automatically privacy risks raised by utility queries. The user interface PrivEx provides several types of support to data producers in their management of the tension between the privacy risks and the utility of the data they accept to publish. First, it presents in an interpretable form the requests of a service provider for utility purpose. Second, it provides a form-based interface for guiding data producers in construction of privacy queries. Third, it detects the privacy risks and provides a factual explanation for each detected privacy risk. Last, it provides several options for modifying the utility queries to reduce the detected privacy risks.

2 Smart Meter Use Case

We consider a smart meter scenario inspired by a real-world use case provided by the Irish Social Science Data Archive (ISSDA) Commission for Energy Regulation (CER)Footnote 2. This dataset includes time series of electrical consumptions of different house owners. In addition, pseudonymized metadata are available on customers’ demographics, home sizes and equipment associated to the electric consumption time series. For capturing the properties describing the smart meter data and the associated customers’ metadata in a uniform way, we have designed a simple RDFS ontologyFootnote 3.

This ontology provides a shared vocabulary used by service providers to express their utility queries (as illustrated in Fig. 1) and by data producers to express their privacy queries (as shown in Fig. 2).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Example of 3 utility queries expressed in their textual and SPARQL-like syntax

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Example of 2 privacy queries expressed in their textual and SPARQL-like syntax

In their most general form, the (privacy and utility) queries have 4 parts: (i) a core pattern that specifies the combinations between properties to be satisfied by the requested data; (ii) a constraints part on the values of some of the properties for filtering more precisely the requested data; (iii) a result defining the target properties the values of which must be returned by the query evaluation, and possibly an aggregate function to be computed on groups; and (iv) a time window part, if the aggregate function is computed on a dynamic property (such as issda:consumption), to specify the time intervals over which the aggregation must be computed.

Time windows are specified with two parameters: a size to express the duration of each time window, and a step to express the time interval separating consecutive time windows, which can thus be sliding (like in the UQ3 query in Fig. 1 or tumbling (like in the PQ2 query in Fig. 2).

3 Demonstration Scenario

In the demo, the following functionalities of PrivEx will be demonstrated.

  1. 1.

    Guided construction of privacy queries: The form-based interface facilitates the step by step construction of each privacy query as illustrated in Fig. 3. In first step, the user enters the textual description of the query to be constructed. The second step (construction of the core pattern of each query) is guided by the display of the ontology to help the user choose properties. For the other parts, the user is guided by the interface to enter their choices easily. During the demo, the attendees can see the interactive construction of privacy query PQ2.

  2. 2.

    Detection and explanation of privacy risks: Each detected privacy risk comes with an explanation based on the proof produced by the incompatibility checking algorithm described in [1]. Each privacy risk is explained using two different levels as illustrated in Fig. 4. The first level simply points out the privacy queries likely to be violated by some utility queries that are also shown to the user. The second level exhibits the corresponding privacy risk by providing a counter example in the form of synthetic data built from the ontology and the (utility and privacy) queries involved. In the demo, attendees can see the explanation for each detected privacy risk.

  3. 3.

    Guided negotiation to reduce privacy risks: As illustrated in Fig. 5, the interface lists several options for negotiating the utility queries involved in privacy risks, either by refusing to answer them, or by modifying their result, or by generalizing their conditions, or by changing the aggregate function, or by changing the time window size or step. In the demo, attendees can observe how the interface guides users for interactively removing or reducing the privacy risks.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Screenshot of the steps followed for the construction of privacy query PQ2

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Screenshot illustrating the explanation of detected privacy risk

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Screenshot of the interface for guiding the negotiation of privacy risks

The functionalities of PrivEx are demonstrated in a demo video that is accessible via the following link: