
1 Introduction

Environmental health elucidates the intricate relationship between human health and the environment we live in (APHA 2022). It is a subfield of public health that aims to promote human health and well-being. Neglecting environmental health could produce severe medical conditions and escalate into deficient communities. For instance, exposure to air pollution from vehicles and industrial sources can lead to respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and respiratory infections such as pneumonia (Li et al. 2003; Jiang et al. 2016a). Studies have shown that high levels of air pollution in urban areas are associated with increased hospital admissions for respiratory illnesses (Kuerban et al. 2020). Inhalation of air pollutants, such as particulate matter (PM) and gases, can trigger an inflammatory response in the respiratory system. Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause inflammation in the airways (Xing et al. 2016). This inflammation can lead to coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Other air pollutants, like ozone (O3)and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), can induce oxidative stress in the respiratory system. Oxidative stress occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the ability of the body’s antioxidant defenses to neutralize them. Prolonged exposure to oxidative stress can damage lung tissue and impair respiratory function, contributing to the development of respiratory diseases (Kelly 2003). Air pollutants can also directly affect the structure and function of the lungs, like causing bronchoconstriction and increased mucus production, making breathing more difficult (Laumbach and Kipen 2012).

Environmental factors including biological hazards have a profound impact on human health, causing a range of diseases and posing significant threat to public health and community safety. For example, waterborne diseases, which could be linked to inadequate water treatment and sanitation, can cause severe consequences on individual and community health. Coming into contact with microbial or fecal matter contaminated water could result in diarrheal diseases with symptoms like cholera, typhoid fever, and cryptosporidiosis (World Health Organization 2011). For example, in 2010, Haiti was stricken by the most deadly cholera epidemic in recent history. The United Nations peacekeeping mission inadvertently brought cholera to Haiti after a massive earthquake, and the disease was introduced into the country’s most extensive water system due to inadequate sanitation and water treatment. This led to nearly 10,000 deaths and hundreds of thousands falling ill, underlining the severe consequences of poor environmental health practices (Barzilay et al. 2013). Similarly, the outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1993, caused 400,000 positive cases, which marked the largest waterborne disease outbreak in US history (Mac Kenzie et al. 1994).

These are just a few examples of the intricate interaction between environment and human health. Despite the well-established links between environmental factors and serious health threats, implementing scientific knowledge into actionable data-driven measures remains a challenge (Fraisl et al. 2022). Several factors contribute to the gap. Addressing environmental health concerns often requires significant resources, including funding, infrastructure development, and capacity building. Resource limitations can hinder the implementation of effective interventions and preventive measures. Meanwhile, environmental health issues involve complex interactions between multiple factors, such as pollutants, exposure routes, and individual susceptibility. Likewise, as every decision has to go through the political decision-making processes, environmental health issues may not receive adequate attention or prioritization in policy-making and resource allocation, leading to limited action on prevention and mitigation strategies (Russell and Gruber 1987). Understanding and addressing these complexities require interdisciplinary collaboration and comprehensive approaches. Furthermore, these environmental health challenges may be intertwined with social, economic, and political factors (Pohjola and Tuomisto 2011). Overcoming governance, regulation, and stakeholder engagement barriers is crucial for translating scientific knowledge into actionable policies and practices.

This chapter will make an overview of the current data-driven research and analyze the intricate relationship between human health and the environment. It highlights the detrimental health impacts of air pollution, such as respiratory conditions, and waterborne diseases resulting from inadequate water treatment and sanitation. Data visualization techniques will be discussed for the implementation of a dashboard monitoring the air quality in a given community to illustrate the use of data-driven analytics into actionable results. The chapter emphasizes the need for practical actions to address these issues and bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and programmatic implementation. Key challenges will be discussed, including awareness gaps, resource constraints, complex interactions, and sociopolitical factors, as barriers to transforming scientific discoveries into actionable measures. By addressing these challenges, it would be possible to promote a healthier environment and safeguard human well-being.

2 Biological Hazards and Associated Diseases

As we dive into the expansive realm of environmental health, it is important to understand the spectrum of biological hazards that pose threats to human health and the subsequent health outcomes they can induce. Herein, we will examine air quality-related diseases, waterborne diseases, vector-borne diseases, and chemical exposure-related diseases to illustrate the complex interactions between the environment and human health. Each category will encompass an examination of the sources of these threats, their pathways into the human body, the symptoms and damage they cause, and current methods of prevention, cure, and mitigation.

2.1 Air Quality-Related Diseases

A host of pollutants, predominantly of anthropogenic origin, are detrimental to public health. The key offenders include PM, NO2, sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), O3, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) (WHO n.d.-a, -b). These pollutants primarily originate from human activities, including the combustion of fossil fuels, industrial operations, and the use of a myriad of chemical products (Perera 2018). Among these pollutants, PM – a composite of minuscule solid and liquid particles suspended in air – poses a significant health risk. The ability of these particles to infiltrate deep into lung tissue and permeate the bloodstream renders them particularly harmful (American Lung Association n.d.). PM is broadly categorized into PM2.5 and PM10, based on their respective diameters measured in micrometers. Both, being potential carriers of toxic compounds, are associated with a spectrum of health issues, including but not limited to respiratory diseases like asthma and bronchitis, cardiovascular conditions, and lung cancer (US EPA 2014). Gaseous pollutants such as NO2 and SO2, which primarily stem from the combustion of fossil fuels, have the potential to cause respiratory irritation (US EPA 2016). Symptoms caused by these environmental agents may include coughing and shortness of breath, and these gasses can exacerbate existing respiratory conditions. Chronic exposure can lead to the onset of respiratory diseases and compromise lung function. Another gas of concern is ground-level O3, formed by the interaction of sunlight with pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds. Ozone can initiate a plethora of health problems, ranging from chest discomfort and coughing to an augmented risk of infection, and COPD (Kim et al. 2020). Diseases related to poor air quality also include those caused by high pollen counts or extreme humidity conditions, such as mold growth leading to respiratory issues. In addition,

indoor air quality merits as much attention as outdoor air quality. Household activities such as cooking, heating, smoking, and the usage of cleaning products can result in elevated levels of indoor pollutants (WHO n.d.-a, -b). Given the considerable time individuals spend within indoor environments, these pollutants can be particularly harmful.

The health ramifications of poor air quality are not equally distributed among all strata of society. Certain demographics – children, the elderly, individuals with pre-existing health conditions, and those disadvantaged socioeconomically – tend to bear the brunt of these health implications (Hooper and Kaufman 2018). Multiple factors account for these disparities, including unequal levels of pollutant exposure and variable capacities to manage health threats. A growing body of evidence underpins the association of chronic exposure to high levels of air pollution with the development of asthma and other respiratory complications in children (Burbank and Peden 2018), diminished lung function growth, and neurodevelopmental issues. In adults, chronic exposure is associated with heightened risks of heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, and COPD (Alexeeff et al. 2021). Moreover, preliminary evidence hints at potential associations between air pollution and mental health, diabetes, and other health conditions (Alderete et al. 2018). Moreover, the consequences of poor air quality extend beyond the health of individuals, imposing substantial burdens on healthcare systems and economies. Health complications linked to poor air quality necessitate increased healthcare utilization, leading to elevated healthcare expenditures (Li et al. 2020). Additionally, they contribute to productivity losses due to absenteeism and diminished work capacity.

Treatment involves managing symptoms and primarily mitigating exposure. For example, asthma may be managed through the use of inhalers and other medication, while bronchitis might be treated with cough suppressants, rest, and hydration (Cleveland Clinic 2022). Both individual actions and broader public health measures are critical for prevention. Individuals can reduce their exposure to air pollution by checking daily air quality monitoring and forecasts and limiting outdoor activities during poor air quality time, and public health campaigns can raise risk awareness of air pollution (Brook et al. 2010). Likewise, scientific research has driven the development of interventions to reduce exposure to air pollution, such as advocating for stricter emission standards and implementing urban planning initiatives to improve air quality. Policies and regulations are also essential for improving air quality and preventing air quality-related diseases.

2.2 Waterborne Diseases

Waterborne diseases are predominantly triggered by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, most commonly introduced into water sources through fecal contamination (World Health Organization 2019). Inadequate sanitation and lack of access to clean drinking water significantly increase the incidence of waterborne diseases, especially in developing countries and post-disaster situations where the water supply infrastructure is compromised (Barzilay et al. 2013).

Pathogens and other agents from contaminated water can enter the human body through several pathways. These include ingestion (e.g., drinking contaminated water or eating food washed with it), contact with the skin (e.g., bathing in contaminated water), or through vectors (e.g., mosquitoes) that have bred in such water. Once ingested, these pathogens can affect various human organs, especially impacting the gastrointestinal tract (Kotloff et al. 2013).

Symptoms of waterborne diseases can range from mild gastrointestinal discomfort to severe dehydration and death. Diarrheal diseases such as cholera and cryptosporidiosis present symptoms including severe diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and fever (Troeger et al. 2017). In severe cases, these illnesses can lead to life-threatening dehydration or malnutrition, particularly among children.

Medical treatment for waterborne diseases typically involves rehydration therapy, antibiotics, and supportive care (Acheson 2009). For example, oral rehydration salts (ORS) are used to treat dehydration from cholera. Preventative measures primarily focus on improving water quality and sanitation. Water treatment methods, including filtration, chlorination, and the use of ultraviolet light, have been effective in eliminating pathogens. Public health campaigns for hand hygiene and safe food handling are also significant (WHO 2017). It is also crucial to preserve water quality and implement effective waste management systems. Stringent environmental regulations and regular monitoring of water sources help prevent waterborne disease outbreaks.

2.3 Vector-Borne Diseases

Vector-borne diseases are illnesses caused by pathogens transmitted to humans and animals by vectors such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Vector-borne pathogens usually enter the human body through the bites of infected vectors. Climate conditions like temperature, rainfall, and humidity can affect vector behavior and survival, and consequently the transmission of diseases (Ryan et al. 2019). Human activities like urbanization, deforestation, and poor waste management can create favorable breeding conditions for vectors. For example, the Aedes aegypti, a species of mosquito known for its preference to bite humans and commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, thrives in stagnant water and disposed tires often found in urban areas with poor sanitation (Messina et al. 2014; Kweka et al. 2018). They become carriers of the Zika virus when they feed on the blood of an infected individual. Once inside the mosquito’s body, the Zika virus replicates and multiplies, establishing an infection within the mosquito. The virus moves to the mosquito’s salivary glands, where it can be transmitted to a new host during subsequent feedings. When an infected mosquito bites a human, it injects saliva containing the Zika virus into the skin. The virus can then enter the human bloodstream through the mosquito’s saliva, initiating an infection. After entering the human body, the Zika virus replicates and spreads to various systems and disseminates through the bloodstream, allowing the virus to reach different organs and tissues throughout the body (Reynoso et al. 2023). One of the most significant impacts of Zika virus infection is its effect on the nervous system. The virus has been associated with neurological disorders, including microcephaly, a condition characterized by an underdeveloped brain and head size. Zika can also cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare neurological disorder that leads to muscle weakness and paralysis (Esposito and Longo 2017). In addition to neurological complications, Zika virus infection can cause a range of other health problems. Common symptoms in adults include fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis (red eyes). Some individuals may experience long-term complications, such as autoimmune and neurological disorders. Another important thing worrying us is that Aedes aegypti mosquitoes can also transmit the Zika virus vertically, from an infected pregnant woman to her fetus. This mode of transmission is a significant concern as it can result in severe birth defects and developmental abnormalities (Agusto et al. 2017).

Vector-Borne diseases can cause a wide range of symptoms depending on the specific pathogen involved. Malaria, for instance, causes fever, headache, and chills, and if not treated promptly, can lead to severe illness and death (World Health Organization 2020). Lyme disease, transmitted by tick bites, can cause fever, headache, fatigue, and a skin rash. If left untreated, the infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system (CDC 2022a).

Medical treatment for vector-borne diseases typically involves managing symptoms and eliminating the pathogen. Antimalarial drugs and antibiotics are developed for malaria and Lyme disease (CDC 2022a; World Health Organization 2020). Preventative measures involve reducing contact with vectors. These include using insect repellents, wearing protective clothing, and using bed nets in malaria-endemic areas. Community-wide strategies include vector control programs like environmental management (removing vector breeding sites), biological control (introducing predators), and chemical control (insecticides) (World Health Organization 2020). In addition, promoting sustainable urban planning and sanitation, implementing climate-adaptation measures to manage changing vector habitats, and improving surveillance and response systems for early detection and control of outbreaks are significant as both short- and long-term environmental health mitigation strategies (Ryan et al. 2019).

2.4 Chemical Exposure-Related Diseases

Exposure to harmful chemicals from industrial processes, improper waste disposal, pesticides, and household chemicals in the air, water, soil, or even everyday products can lead to a range of health conditions (Landrigan et al. 2018). For example, contracting lead, which often exists in peeling lead-based paint in old houses or contaminated water, can result in lead poisoning. Lead can enter our bodies through various routes like ingestion, inhalation, and dermal exposure. Once absorbed, lead is transported through the bloodstream to various organs and tissues. It can bind to red blood cells, which act as carriers, allowing lead to spread throughout the body. Lead has the ability to accumulate in different tissues and organs, with a particular affinity for bones, teeth, the brain, and kidneys. It can cross the blood-brain barrier, enabling its entry into the central nervous system, where it can have profound neurological effects. One of the key mechanisms of lead toxicity is its interference with enzymes and cellular function. Lead can disrupt the activity of enzymes involved in heme synthesis, which can lead to anemia. It can also interfere with calcium metabolism, disrupting bone health and contributing to the demineralization of bones (Goyer 1997). Moreover, our central nervous system is highly vulnerable to lead toxicity. Lead can affect the development and functioning of the brain, particularly in children whose brains are still developing. It can interfere with neurotransmitters, disrupt neuronal signaling, and impair cognitive function, leading to learning difficulties, developmental delays, and behavioral problems. In adults, lead exposure can cause neurological symptoms such as memory loss, mood disorders, and impaired coordination (Tyler and Allan 2014). The more concerning thing is that lead is not the only poison around. Similar to lead, asbestos, historically used in construction for its fire-resistant properties, can cause mesothelioma, a form of cancer (National Cancer Institute 2017).

When chemicals can enter the human body through inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact, these substances can interact with tissues and organs and damage them directly or indirectly. For instance, inhaled asbestos fibers can lodge in lung tissues, causing inflammation and scarring, which may eventually lead to mesothelioma (National Cancer Institute 2017).

Symptoms of chemical exposure-related diseases can vary widely depending on the specific chemical and the level and duration of exposure. Lead poisoning, for example, can cause developmental delay in children, abdominal pain, neurological changes, and anemia. In severe cases, it can lead to seizures, coma, or even death (CDC 2022b; Wani et al. 2015). Mesothelioma can cause symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue, and is often fatal (National Cancer Institute 2017).

Treatment for chemical exposure-related diseases often involves eliminating the source of exposure and managing symptoms. For lead poisoning, this might include chelation therapy to remove lead from the body and treating any symptoms or complications (CDC 2022b). For prevention, measures like using less hazardous alternatives, improving ventilation, and using personal protective equipment in occupational settings are usually suggested (Landrigan et al. 2018). Moreover, policy and regulations of limiting the release of harmful chemicals into the environment, promoting safer alternatives, and improving waste disposal practices are necessary. For example, the US Environment Protection Agency’s Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act list regulatory measures to prevent chemical exposure-related diseases (US EPA 2013).

In summary, actionable implementation of environmental science can be applied to manage and mitigate the impacts of environmental health hazards previously described like air quality-related diseases, waterborne diseases, vector-borne diseases, and chemical exposure-related diseases. This methodological approach can be implemented to understand and address the complex interactions between humans and their environment. Environmental science provides the foundation for identifying harmful elements in the environment, while it can be actionable by translating it into strategies that can be applied to reduce exposure and enhance health outcomes. This includes the development of effective treatments and preventative measures, such as improving sanitation, reducing contact with vectors, and managing chemical exposures. Moreover, these sciences can inform policies and regulations that further help to safeguard our environment and health. Ultimately, the actionable use of environmental science allows us to devise more effective strategies for mitigating environmental health risks and enhancing public health.

3 State of the Art Research in Environmental Health

In the following sections, we will discuss key advancements and ongoing challenges in emerging domains that directly intersect with environmental health. It begins with the nascent field of precision environmental health, followed by the studies of environmental epigenetics, nanotechnology for water purification, and ends with bioelectrochemical systems for waste treatment.

3.1 Precision Environmental Health

Precision environmental health is an emerging field and most of the advancements are definitely in the early stages or have limited practical application. For example, the work from Steinle et al. (2015) focused on developing personal air pollution sensors to measure an individual’s exposure to various pollutants. These wearable sensors provide real-time data on air quality and can be integrated with mobile devices. They offer personalized exposure information and enable individuals to make informed decisions about their daily activities. However, challenges such as sensor accuracy, calibration, and data interpretation need to be addressed before widespread adoption. Another well-known study by Wild (2012) introduces the concept of the exposome, which encompasses the totality of environmental exposures an individual experiences throughout their lifetime. It emphasizes the need to measure multiple environmental factors, including air pollution, water quality, chemical contaminants, and social determinants, to better understand their combined effects on individual health. The exposome approach requires advanced technologies, such as high-throughput omics techniques, to capture comprehensive exposure data. However, data integration and analysis remain significant challenges. Vandenberg et al. (2016) used advanced statistical and computational approaches to analyze the complex mixtures of environmental exposures as they think traditional single-chemical risk assessments may not adequately capture the health risks associated with exposure to multiple pollutants simultaneously. They proposed integrating high-dimensional exposure data, such as biomarkers and sensor measurements, with advanced statistical modeling techniques to identify exposure patterns and their health effects. However, the complexity of data analysis, data sharing, and standardization pose challenges to its practical implementation.

Certainly, the transition from academic research to real-world application in the field of precision environmental health faces numerous challenges. First, the development and validation of precise and reliable measurement tools, such as sensors and omics techniques, are still ongoing (Nieuwenhuijsen et al. 2014). Also, further improvements in accuracy, sensitivity, and affordability of these technologies are needed to facilitate widespread use in real-world settings. Besides, integrating and analyzing large and diverse datasets from multiple sources pose significant computational and analytical challenges. Regarding ethical concerns, precision environmental health involves the collection of sensitive personal data, which raises questions about privacy, data ownership, and ethical considerations (Vayena et al. 2018).

3.2 Environmental Epigenetics

Environmental epigenetics is another rapidly evolving data-driven field that explores how environmental factors can influence gene expression patterns through epigenetic modifications. Exciting research is thriving on this topic. For example, Feinberg (2018) studied how environmental exposures can modify epigenetic marks, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications, leading to changes in gene expression and disease susceptibility. Madrigano et al. (2012) investigated the epigenetic effects of air pollution on human health. Joubert et al. (2012) examined the relationship between environmental chemicals and DNA methylation patterns in adults. They discovered significant differential DNA methylation at 26 CpG sites (CpGs) across 10 genes, with replication of findings for CpGs in aryl-hydrocarbon receptor repressor (AHRR), cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily A member 1 (CYP1A1), and growth factor-independent 1 transcriptional repressor (GFI1) at strict statistical significance. AHRR and CYP1A1 are involved in tobacco smoke detoxification, while GFI1, previously unassociated with tobacco smoke responses, is involved in various developmental processes, which implicates epigenetic mechanisms in the pathogenesis of the adverse health outcomes associated with this important in utero exposure. However, most of these studies are still in the experimental stage, as environmental exposures are multifaceted, and it is challenging to attribute specific epigenetic changes to individual exposures. Understanding the cumulative effects of multiple exposures and their interactions requires holistic exposure assessment and study designs. Also, epigenetic modifications can vary across individuals and populations, making it challenging to establish consistent associations between environmental exposures and epigenetic changes, especially in long-term studies.

3.3 Nanotechnology for Water Purification

This is another exciting application to look forward to in environmental sustainability with direct implications on human health. Focusing on solutions to the waterborne diseases and water contamination, scientists try to purify the water using innovative nanomaterials, such as graphene oxide membranes, carbon nanotubes, nanocomposite materials, and nanocatalysts (Iravani 2021). These materials offer enhanced adsorption, filtration, and catalytic capabilities, effectively removing contaminants like heavy metals, organic pollutants, and microorganisms from water sources. The basic flow is to first synthesize advanced nanomaterials using techniques like sol-gel, hydrothermal, or chemical vapor deposition methods (Yoon et al. 2015), allowing precise control over material properties, such as size, shape, and surface functionality. Then modify the synthesized nanomaterials to enhance their adsorption or catalytic properties via surface functionalization or coating processes. Subsequently, integrating them into water treatment systems through various processes, including membrane filtration, adsorption, photocatalysis, and disinfection. Nanocomposite membranes with nanoscale pores selectively separate contaminants based on size, charge, and molecular interactions, effectively removing pollutants while allowing the passage of clean water. Those nanomaterials with high surface area and affinity for contaminants will serve as adsorbents to capture and immobilize pollutants through adsorption or chemisorption processes (Lim et al. 2021). Nanocatalysts, such as titanium dioxide nanoparticles, can be activated by light and generate reactive oxygen species that can degrade organic pollutants and destroy microbial pathogens. Another layer of filtering are antimicrobial nanomaterials which include silver nanoparticles or nanocomposites, and can exhibit strong bactericidal properties and remove harmful microorganisms.

Despite the promising advancements in nanotechnology for water purification, several factors hinder its widespread implementation in the real world (Gehrke et al. 2015). The production and large-scale deployment of advanced nanomaterials can be expensive, limiting their affordability and accessibility, especially in resource-limited areas. The manufacturing processes, stability, and performance of nanomaterials are still immature and need further optimization for real-world water treatment systems. The potential environmental and health risks associated with nanomaterials necessitate careful evaluation and regulation before widespread implementation. Comprehensive studies on their long-term effects are required to ensure their safe use. Lastly, integrating nanotechnology-based purification systems into existing water infrastructure and treatment plants requires careful consideration of compatibility, retrofitting, and operational feasibility, and have to go through the careful review, budgeting and decision-making processes by the water companies and operators.

3.4 Bioelectrochemical Systems for Waste Treatment

Waste generation and improper disposal are other factors that significantly impact the environment, leading to soil, air, and water pollution, and adversely affecting the environment and ultimately human health. This waste, whether it is industrial, domestic, or agricultural, often contains harmful substances that can infiltrate ecosystems and pose risks to human health. For example, hazardous waste may leach heavy metals into groundwater, or waste decomposition in landfills may release methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Therefore, effective waste treatment is crucial in mitigating these environmental impacts. There are many studies focusing on developing advanced technologies for waste treatment and to avoid waste from being directly released to our environment and affecting people’s health. Bioelectrochemical systems (BES), including microbial fuel cells (MFCs), microbial electrolysis cells (MECs), and electrochemical bioreactors, are one of the potential solutions for this task (Kato 2015). Here we briefly introduce how it works. First, BES harnesses the metabolic activities of diverse microbial communities, and these microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea, interact with the electrodes and catalyze various electrochemical reactions (Butti et al. 2016). Microbes at the anode oxidize organic compounds in the waste, releasing electrons and protons (Lovley 2006). This process is facilitated by the use of specific electrode materials and biofilm formation. The released electrons travel from the anode to the cathode through an external circuit. At the cathode, a reduction reaction occurs, typically involving oxygen or other electron acceptors. This reaction consumes electrons and protons, thereby completing the electrochemical circuit (He and Angenent 2006). As the organic compounds are oxidized at the anode, they are effectively broken down, leading to the degradation and removal of pollutants in the waste (Zhang et al. 2022).

Several challenges hinder their widespread implementation. Scaling up BES from lab-scale to practical applications poses challenges in terms of maintaining stable and efficient performance (Das et al. 2020). Ensuring long-term stability, preventing biofouling, and optimizing system design are critical for successful implementation. Another concern is that BES involves intricate microbial–electrode interactions and electrochemical processes. Similar to nanotechnology, this is very advanced technology and the side effects are not very clear. Understanding and controlling these complex dynamics require further research and advanced monitoring techniques. Meanwhile, the cost-effectiveness of BES, including electrode materials, membrane requirements, and system components, needs to be improved for practical implementation. Similarly, when it comes to practice, it will require modifications and adaptations to the current systems and need the decision makers, stakeholders, and users to go through the business deciding process together.

To conclude, the actionable component of environmental health is continuously expanding with the advent of novel fields such as precision environmental health, environmental epigenetics, nanotechnology for water purification, and bioelectrochemical systems for waste treatment. These cutting-edge disciplines enhance our ability to personalize exposure assessments, pinpoint epigenetic alterations induced by environmental factors, innovate sustainable water purification methods, and improve waste treatment practices. However, to transform these advancements into more actionable solutions, several hurdles need to be overcome, including technological maturity, data interpretation, privacy issues, scalability, and integration with existing infrastructure. Furthermore, careful consideration of cost-effectiveness, safety, and ethical implications is essential to ensure the broad implementation of these novel techniques. To navigate these challenges and to successfully translate scientific findings into actionable applications, a comprehensive approach, including cross-disciplinary collaboration, robust policy frameworks, and societal engagement, is needed. As environmental science continues to evolve and become more actionable, it holds the potential to provide insights that can drive interventions, promote environmental sustainability, and safeguard human health in an increasingly complex and changing world.

4 A Successful Use Case: Cheverly Community Air Quality Monitoring Dashboard

Limited access to data on environmental hazards and their impact on human health can hinder research progress or drag our capability of responding to environmental health issues behind. Dashboards and geographic information systems (GIS) are powerful tools that can be utilized to overcome challenges associated with data access, data quality, and data interpretation in the field of actionable science in environmental health (Few 2006). These tools provide valuable means to visualize, analyze, and communicate complex environmental data, enabling scientists to identify and prioritize environmental health problems, develop effective interventions, and communicate risks to the public. For example, dashboards offer a user-friendly interface that consolidates and presents data in an easily understandable format (Rojas et al. 2020). These visualizations can include real-time or historical data on environmental parameters such as air quality, water quality, or the presence of hazardous substances. By making such data accessible and readily available, dashboards enhance the ability of scientists and policymakers to identify and prioritize environmental health problems, facilitating evidence-based decision-making. Furthermore, environmental health problems are often complex and influenced by multiple factors, posing challenges in data interpretation. Dashboards can provide interactive features that allow users to explore and analyze data in different contexts, facilitating a deeper understanding of the relationships and interactions between environmental hazards and health outcomes (Batty 2015). For instance, users can filter data based on specific criteria, visualize spatial or temporal patterns, and identify correlations between different environmental variables and health indicators. These functionalities enhance the interpretability of data and aid in identifying potential causes and trends. In conjunction with dashboards, GIS plays an important role in environmental health science by providing spatial analysis capabilities. GIS allows scientists to map environmental hazards, overlay them with population data, and visualize their spatial distribution (Tim 1995). This enables the identification of populations that may be most vulnerable to certain hazards, such as communities living near industrial sites or areas prone to natural hazards. By integrating GIS data with demographic information, socioeconomic factors, and health data, scientists can gain insights into the spatial patterns of environmental health risks and develop targeted interventions to protect affected populations.

The use of dashboards and GIS in environmental health is a rapidly growing field. The integration of dashboards and GIS allows scientists, policymakers, and communities to collaborate more effectively in identifying, understanding, and addressing environmental health challenges. Air quality has a direct impact on their health and poor air quality resulting from pollution can lead to respiratory issues, heart disease, cancer, and premature death. Tools derived from actionable science, such as dashboards, can help address air quality-related health threats. By utilizing data to identify and prioritize problems, developing and implementing effective interventions, and communicating risks to the public, actionable science applied through the development of dashboards provides a pathway to mitigate the adverse health effects of air pollution. In the next sections we illustrate the implementation of dashboards for air quality data visualization.

4.1 Dashboard Purpose

The relationship between air quality and public health forms the foundation for actionable science in the realm of environmental health. Harnessing our understanding of how air quality profoundly impacts human well-being, we can forge pragmatic solutions aimed at mitigating the detrimental health consequences of poor air quality. An illustrative use case in this context is the implementation of an air quality monitoring dashboard, a tool designed to collect real-time data on air pollutants and present it in an accessible format. This dashboard empowers individuals, communities, and policymakers alike, enabling them to make informed decisions that safeguard public health. It furnishes actionable information that not only guides immediate interventions, such as the avoidance of outdoor activities during episodes of heightened pollution, but also informs the development of long-term strategies to curtail pollution sources and enhance air quality. This use case exemplifies how actionable science, firmly rooted in the intricate relationship between air quality and public health, holds the potential to drive tangible and impactful outcomes, fostering the well-being of communities at large.

Cheverly, Maryland, is a small town located in Prince George’s County, known for its close-knit community and suburban feel. The town had a population of about 6500 (US Census Bureau 2022). Cheverly is just over a mile away from Washington, DC, making it a popular residential area for people working in the city. It is located inside the Capital Beltway and has its own Metrorail station, providing easy access to the wider DC metropolitan area.

In 2021, Cheverly developed a community air quality monitoring (AQM) PurpleAir sensor network in partnership with the University of Maryland (UMD) and the Maryland Department of Environment. In 2022, the UMD team is expanding the sensor network into two neighboring communities. These communities are adjacent to heavy diesel traffic and industrial pollution sources as noted in Environmental Justice (EJ) screening tools. The Cheverly Community Air Quality Monitoring dashboard ( (Fig. 11.1) was created to address environmentally burdened communities’ need for Air Quality information to support policy and personal health decisions. This project was funded by the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) FUNding Friday Program.

Fig. 11.1
A screenshot of the Cheverly community air quality monitoring dashboard includes real-time air quality map, Air now interactive map, N O A A's national weather service, air now forecast, map of Baltimore, Washington, N W S radar, weather maps, E J screen, and E P A air quality and health brochure.

Overview of Cheverly Community Air Quality Monitoring Dashboard

4.2 Data and Methods

This comprehensive air quality monitoring dashboard encompasses an array of dynamic features designed to provide a holistic understanding of the environmental landscape. The interactive maps (e.g., AirNow Interactive Map and Air Quality Aware) offer a visual representation of air quality across different regions, facilitating localized assessments (Fig. 11.2). Graphs and charts elucidate trends and patterns, empowering users to discern fluctuations and correlations between air quality and various factors. Through guidance, blogs, and news updates, users gain access to expert insights and relevant information to navigate the intricacies of air quality management effectively. The dashboard goes beyond mere monitoring, extending to encompass air quality forecasts, weather data, demographic information, and a county zoning atlas. Each facet incorporates real-time or up-to-date data, ensuring that the community remains equipped with the most pertinent information to inform decision-making and prioritize public health concerns.

Fig. 11.2
A screenshot of the Air Now website with a map of eastern U S A titled interactive map of air quality. A drop-down menu on the left has the option for ozone and P M, P M 2.5 and P M 10 checked. Many regions on the map are marked.

Interactive Map of Air Quality on AirNow. (Screenshot taken on May 26, 2023)

The monitoring and forecasting data come from a variety of sources, including monitoring stations, satellite data, radar, and low-cost sensors. Traditional air quality monitoring stations are typically managed by government or environmental agencies. These stations measure a variety of pollutants, such as PM2.5 and PM10, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, and sometimes VOCs. Satellite-based remote sensing can provide data on air quality over broad geographic areas. Instruments on satellites can measure various aerosols and gases in the atmosphere (e.g., National Weather Service Radar Map) (Fig. 11.3). Online weather service, such as Meteoblue, utilizes various sources, including meteorological satellites, weather stations, weather prediction models, and radar, to capture weather information and generate weather maps (Fig. 11.4). In addition, low-cost sensors are increasingly being used to complement traditional monitoring stations. For example, PurpleAir makes sensors that empower Community Scientists who collect and share hyper-local air quality data with the public, public access to the map, and they offer a more cost-effective way to gather data, especially in areas where traditional monitoring is sparse. It displays current Air Quality Index (AQI) readings and a graph of 10 min PM2.5 AQI data for the previous 7 days currently exists (Fig. 11.5). The AQI was developed to monitor and communicate the level of air pollution, aiming to establish a standardized measure for assessing air pollution globally (AirNow n.d.). It quantifies the concentrations of different pollutants in the air – including the key offenders mentioned above – and converts these complex data into a simple scale ranging from 0 to 500. Lower AQI values indicate good air quality with minimal health concerns, while higher values signal potential health risks. The public, health officials, and environmental agencies use the AQI as a guide to understand air quality conditions and to take appropriate preventive or protective measures when required, such as limiting outdoor activities during high AQI readings (Kelly 2003).

Fig. 11.3
A screenshot of the national weather service website with a map of eastern U S A. A color spectrum at the bottom indicates that the data presented is for 26 May 2023, at 12:59 P M. Washington is indicated with a digital location pin.

National Weather Service Radar images. (Screenshot taken on May 26, 2023)

Fig. 11.4
A screenshot of the meteoblue website has a weather map of a region of U S A with the direction of rains and winds indicated. Options on a panel on the left include 7-day or 14-day weather, forecast, outdoor and sports, aviation, agriculture, history and climate and news.

MeteoBlue wind maps. (Screenshot taken on May 26, 2023)

Fig. 11.5
A screenshot of the purple air website has a map of a region of U S A. Several regions are indicated with numbered dots. A color spectrum at the bottom left indicates that the data presented is recorded on 26 May 2023, at 1:52 P M, E D T.

PurpleAir Real-Time Air Quality Map. (Screenshot taken on May 26, 2023)

4.3 Results and Applications

The Cheverly Community Air Quality Monitoring Dashboard yields impactful results, driving positive outcomes for public health and environmental management. As an example of actionable science in the environmental health field, it highlights the transformative applications that emerge for improved awareness and understanding, real-time monitoring and alerts, guidance for personal protection, policy development and decision-making, community engagement and collaboration, long-term environmental improvements, support for research and scientific studies, data validation and quality assurance, early warning systems, and emergency response, data integration and public health surveillance, and communication and public health education.

  1. 1.

    Improved Awareness and Understanding

The air quality dashboard is instrumental in raising public awareness about air quality issues. By providing accessible and visually appealing information, it educates individuals and communities about the health risks associated with poor air quality in Cheverly town and surrounding areas. The dashboard empowers people to take proactive measures to protect their health by understanding the impacts of pollutants and making informed decisions.

  1. 2.

    Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts

The dashboard facilitates real-time monitoring of air quality by collecting and displaying up-to-date data from various sources such as Meteoblue and AirNow. This enables users to stay informed about the current air quality conditions in the town and receive timely alerts or notifications when pollution levels exceed safe thresholds. Such real-time information empowers individuals to modify outdoor activities or take preventive measures to minimize exposure, safeguarding their well-being.

  1. 3.

    Guidance for Personal Protection and Emergency Response

With its comprehensive information and recommendations, the dashboard offers guidance on how individuals can protect themselves during periods of poor air quality. It provides valuable insights into suitable precautions, such as wearing masks, adjusting outdoor activities, or seeking shelter in environments with better air filtration. By promoting informed actions, the dashboard supports personal health protection strategies. Moreover, the dashboard serves as an early warning system during environmental emergencies or rapidly deteriorating air quality. It promptly alerts public health personnel to sudden spikes or significant changes in pollutant levels, for example, the abnormally high value in PurpleAir, enabling rapid response, and implementation of protective measures. The real-time information and alerts provided by the dashboard assist in coordinating emergency response efforts and mitigating potential health risks.

  1. 4.

    Policy Development and Decision-Making

As a powerful tool, the dashboard assists policymakers in evidence-based decision-making and policy development. It presents comprehensive data on air quality trends and spatial distribution, identifying pollution hotspots and areas with the greatest h0ealth risks. This enables policymakers to prioritize interventions and implement targeted policies and regulations, ultimately improving air quality and protecting public health in Cheverly community and surrounding areas.

  1. 5.

    Community Engagement and Collaboration

The air quality dashboard fosters community engagement by actively involving citizens in environmental health initiatives. It encourages individuals to participate by reporting observations, contributing data through citizen science projects, and sharing insights or concerns related to air quality. Throughout the dashboard development process, active involvement and valuable input were received from the UMD, NASA, ESIP, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), and the residents in the Cheverly community. This engagement cultivates a sense of ownership and collective responsibility for environmental well-being, fostering collaborations between communities, local authorities, and scientific organizations.

  1. 6.

    Long-Term Environmental Improvements

Through continuous monitoring and tracking of air quality data, the dashboard enables the evaluation of pollution reduction measures and interventions over time. It facilitates evidence-based decision-making for long-term environmental improvements. By assessing the impact of policy changes, technological advancements, and behavioral modifications on air quality and health outcomes, the dashboard guides future strategies for sustainable development and pollution control. The Cheverly community also set a precedent for other small towns and improved environmental health over time.

  1. 7.

    Support for Research and Scientific Studies

The air quality dashboard serves as a valuable resource for researchers conducting studies on environmental health. It provides access to real-time and historical air quality data, allowing researchers to analyze trends, identify patterns, and investigate the complex relationships between air pollution and health outcomes for local studies. The availability of comprehensive datasets through the dashboard contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

  1. 8.

    Data Integration, Communication, and Public Health Education

Seamless integration of air quality data with other public health information enhances the capabilities of researchers and public health personnel. The air quality dashboard facilitates the dissemination of air quality information, health advisories, and educational materials to the general public. Utilizing interactive features like maps, charts, and guidance, public health professionals convey complex information in a clear and accessible manner. The dashboard supports public health education initiatives, empowering individuals to make informed decisions, adopt healthy behaviors, and actively participate in efforts to improve air quality and protect residents health in the town of Cheverly.

4.4 What Makes the Dashboard Actionable?

This case study explores the advantages of actionable science in environmental health through the lens of a local air quality monitoring dashboard. Specifically, it examines how this dashboard exhibits advantages such as providing information at the right time, reaching the right people, fitting the scenario context, being on point, directly related, accurate, credible, and decisive.

  1. 1.

    Providing Information at the Right Time

The local air quality monitoring dashboard delivers information at the right time. By collecting and analyzing real-time air quality data, the dashboard ensures that users have access to up-to-date information regarding the air quality in their specific area. This timely information empowers individuals, communities, and public health authorities to make informed decisions promptly, take necessary precautions, and implement targeted interventions to protect public health.

  1. 2.

    Reaching the Right People

The dashboard demonstrates the advantage of reaching the right people effectively. It offers user-friendly interfaces, accessible visualizations, and multi-channel communication methods to disseminate air quality information widely. Whether through interactive maps, mobile applications, social media platforms, or email alerts, the dashboard ensures that information reaches diverse users, including individuals, community organizations, policymakers, and public health personnel. This broad outreach helps engage key stakeholders and facilitates collective action toward improving air quality and safeguarding public health. For example, the Cheverly Community Dashboard targeted users are Cheverly town residents, public health personnel, public policy makers, and researchers. Reaching the right people and providing useful information is one of the key purposes of this dashboard.

  1. 3.

    Fitting the Scenario Context

Actionable science in environmental health must be adaptable and context-specific. The local air quality monitoring dashboard excels in fitting the scenario context. It provides localized and customizable information, considering specific geographical areas, pollution sources, and population characteristics. By tailoring the data and recommendations to the local context, the dashboard addresses the unique challenges and needs of different communities, enhancing the relevance and effectiveness of interventions.

  1. 4.

    Being on Point and Directly Related

The dashboard’s advantage lies in being on point and directly related to the issue. It focuses specifically on air quality and its direct impact on public health. The information presented in the dashboard is concise, targeted, and explicitly addresses air pollution concerns, health risks, and recommended actions. This focused approach enables users to quickly grasp the essential information and take appropriate measures to protect themselves and their communities from the identified air quality risks.

  1. 5.

    Providing Accurate and Credible Information

Accuracy and credibility are paramount in actionable science. The local air quality monitoring dashboard ensures the provision of accurate and credible information. It relies on data collected from reputable monitoring stations and reliable sources, undergoing rigorous quality assurance processes. The transparency of data sources, methods, and quality control measures enhances the credibility of the information presented in the dashboard, fostering trust among users and stakeholders.

  1. 6.

    Making Decisive Actions

The ultimate goal of actionable science is to drive decisive actions. The local air quality monitoring dashboard facilitates this by offering precise and actionable recommendations based on the air quality data and associated health risks. Users can access specific guidelines for personal protection, receive alerts during high pollution episodes, and obtain information on policy measures and interventions. By providing users with the information required to make informed decisions, the dashboard empowers individuals, communities, and public health authorities to take decisive actions to improve air quality and protect human health.

4.5 What Hinders the Dashboard from Being Actionable?

While air quality monitoring dashboards offer numerous advantages, it is essential to acknowledge and address their limitations and challenges. This section explores the potential drawbacks and hurdles that may arise when utilizing air quality monitoring dashboards. By understanding these limitations, stakeholders can develop strategies to overcome challenges and maximize the effectiveness of these tools in promoting public health and environmental management.

  1. 1.

    Data Quality and Availability

One significant limitation is the quality and availability of data. Air quality monitoring dashboards rely on data collected from monitoring stations or sensors, and the quality of these stations may vary. Outdated or insufficient monitoring infrastructure can result in data gaps and inaccuracies. Additionally, accessing real-time data from certain sources or regions may pose challenges, affecting the comprehensiveness and reliability of the information presented on the dashboard.

  1. 2.

    Spatial and Temporal Resolution

The spatial and temporal resolution of air quality and public health data can pose limitations in actionable science. Monitoring stations may not encompass every location, resulting in spatial variability and potential disparities across different areas. Similarly, capturing short-term fluctuations in air quality can be challenging, impacting the temporal resolution of data. Moreover, assessing public health data related to air quality in small population groups while preserving privacy may prove challenging. These limitations can influence the precision and accuracy of the information presented through the dashboard, affecting its granularity and reliability.

  1. 3.

    Interpretation and Communication of Data

Effectively interpreting and communicating air quality data is crucial for the dashboard’s success. However, understanding complex data and translating it into actionable measures may be challenging for some individuals and communities. The dashboard must ensure the information is clear and understandable, accompanied by appropriate guidance and educational resources to facilitate informed decision-making.

  1. 4.

    Equity and Accessibility

Ensuring equitable access to the benefits of the dashboard is essential. However, specific populations, such as marginalized communities or those with limited internet access or digital literacy, may need help utilizing the dashboard effectively. Bridging the digital divide and addressing disparities in access and engagement is crucial to ensure that the benefits of the dashboard reach all segments of society.

  1. 5.

    Technological Infrastructure and Sustainability

Implementing and maintaining the technological infrastructure to support the dashboard can be resource-intensive. Regular updates, maintenance, and data management require dedicated resources and ongoing funding. Ensuring the long-term sustainability of the dashboard and its infrastructure is crucial to maintain its effectiveness and utility over time.

  1. 6.

    Dynamic Nature of Air Quality

Air quality is a dynamic phenomenon influenced by various factors, including weather patterns, human activities, and seasonal variations. The dashboard may face challenges in keeping up with these dynamics and providing real-time information that accurately reflects current air quality conditions. Continual monitoring, data validation, and updating models and algorithms are necessary to address this challenge effectively.

4.6 Looking into the Future: How Can We Enhance the Actionability of the Environmental Health Dashboard?

In this section of the chapter, we have described how GIS and dashboards in environmental science are transformative approaches that significantly enhance the actionability of environmental health data. GIS allows scientists to map environmental and biological hazards, overlay them with population data, and visualize spatial distribution, which aids in identifying populations most vulnerable to certain hazards and developing targeted interventions (Bodenhamer et al. 2015). Coupled with dashboards, this approach offers a user-friendly interface that consolidates and presents data in an easily understandable format, providing scientists and policymakers the ability to promptly identify, prioritize, and respond to environmental health problems. Environmental health dashboards can be enhanced to provide more actionable insights through several methods, guided by the principles of user-centered design, real-time data and alerts, spatial and temporal resolution, interactive visualizations, contextual information, and integration with actionable resources (Aigner et al. 2007; Jiang et al. 2016b).

Community-engaged and user-centered design is a design philosophy and a process in which the needs, wants, and limitations of communities and end users are given extensive attention at each stage of the design process (van Velsen et al. 2022). For environmental health dashboards, this could mean incorporating features that provide relevant, personalized information in a format that is easy for the user to understand and act upon. During the creation of the Cheverly Community Air Quality Monitoring Dashboard, different stakeholders from the government, university, and other public and private sectors were engaged and provided feedback. Engaging with users to get their feedback and understand their needs can lead to a more intuitive, user-friendly dashboard.

The integration of real-time data feeds and alerts is a crucial feature. This functionality ensures timely communication of environmental conditions like air and water quality, enabling users to make swift, health-preserving decisions. Customizable alerts can be designed to address users’ specific needs. Meanwhile, high-resolution data, both spatially and temporally, enable users to make more precise decisions. Providing data that is updated frequently (temporal resolution) and at a localized scale (spatial resolution) – for example, hourly air quality updates for specific neighborhoods – facilitates a nuanced understanding of environmental conditions.

Interactive visualizations and providing contextual information can make the data more engaging and easier to understand. Users could interact with the data, such as by clicking on a map to see detailed data and contextual information for a specific location, or adjusting a slider to see how air quality has changed over time. For example, if the dashboard shows that the AQI is 100, it could also explain what this means (e.g., that this is considered unhealthy for sensitive groups) and provide advice on what actions to take (e.g., limit outdoor activities).

Using air pollution as an example we illustrated how dashboards can offer interactive features that enable users to explore and analyze data within different contexts, further enhancing the interpretability of data and aiding in the identification of causes, trends, and impacts in human populations. The integration of real-time alerts, high-resolution spatial and temporal data, and interactive visualizations, all designed with user-centered principles, allows the environmental data to be more engaging, understandable, and actionable. Additionally, linking the dashboard to practical resources provides an effective conduit to drive decisive action. This dual approach of utilizing GIS and dashboards, backed by principles of timely communication, user-centered design, and actionable linkages, serves to turn environmental science data into effective interventions, making environmental science more practical. This approach could be expanded and implemented for other environmental hazards of human health described previously like environmental pollutants in water, and biological hazards like the emergence of new pandemics including COVID-19.

5 Discussion

Actionable implementation of environmental health is a rapidly evolving strategy that harnesses data to inform interventions and promote public health. By understanding the complex relationship between the environment and human well-being, actionable implementation of environmental health science enables evidence-based strategies to mitigate disease risks. This approach empowers individuals, communities, and policymakers to make informed decisions and take proactive steps toward promoting health and preventing diseases.

While the potential of actionable environmental health is substantial, there are challenges that need to be addressed to fully leverage its benefits. One significant challenge is the limited availability of sufficient data, which hinders the development of effective interventions. Bridging the gap between research findings and practical implementation is another crucial aspect, as even robust data may struggle to influence policy decisions. Furthermore, ensuring data quality and interpretation poses additional challenges due to the multifaceted nature of environmental health issues. Overcoming these challenges requires innovative approaches and collaborations among researchers, policymakers, and communities.

Despite the challenges, there are several reasons for optimism in the functionable implementation in environmental health. Technological advancements like the ones described in this chapter continue to expand data collection methods and improve our understanding of the relationship between environmental hazards and human health. Additionally, advancements in data analytics and modeling techniques enable researchers to analyze large datasets and identify patterns and associations between environmental exposures and health outcomes. Policymakers and decision-makers are increasingly recognizing the importance of evidence-based decision-making that creates a favorable environment for actionable strategies in environmental health. The integration of scientific knowledge into policy frameworks is essential for developing effective interventions and regulations. For instance, the adoption of emission standards for pollutants and the implementation of regulations to reduce exposure to hazardous substances are examples of evidence-based policies informed by actionable strategies in environmental health. By incorporating research findings into policy decisions, governments can prioritize public health and promote sustainable practices.

The growing public demand for effective interventions and policies further encourages the implementation of actionable strategies and fosters collaboration among stakeholders. Environmental health advocacy groups, community organizations, and concerned citizens play a crucial role in raising awareness about environmental health risks and advocating for evidence-based solutions. Their efforts create a sense of urgency and drive policymakers to take action in addressing environmental health challenges.

Looking ahead, there are important directions that can further advance the actionable implementation of environmental health. Efforts should focus on developing new technology and emerging cost-effective methods for data collection that provide a comprehensive understanding of environmental hazards and their impact on human health. Standardized protocols and quality control procedures are crucial for ensuring data reliability. Collaborations between researchers and citizen science initiatives can also enhance data collection and expand the reach of environmental health research. Additionally, the interpretation of complex environmental health data requires the development of innovative analytical approaches that can account for multiple factors and interactions. Integrating data from various sources, such as environmental monitoring, biomonitoring, and health records, can provide a more holistic understanding of the relationships between environmental exposures and health outcomes. Advanced statistical methods, machine learning, and modeling techniques can help uncover hidden patterns and associations in large datasets, guiding the development of targeted interventions.

Investment in actionable interventions is also essential for driving progress in environmental health. Governments, private organizations, and foundations should allocate resources to support research initiatives, infrastructure development, and capacity building. By strengthening the application of evidence-based practices, actionable strategies can have a significant impact on improving environmental health outcomes. Funding for research projects, training programs for environmental health professionals, and the establishment of data sharing platforms can enhance the implementation of actionable science and facilitate collaborations among researchers, policymakers, and communities.

6 Conclusions

In conclusion, actionable applications of environmental health is a rapidly evolving strategy that holds immense potential for revolutionizing human health. By utilizing data to answer critical questions about the relationship between the environment and human health, scientists can inform the development of interventions aimed at reducing the risk of disease. This evidence-based approach serves as a foundation for comprehensive public health strategies, empowering individuals, communities, and policymakers to make informed decisions and take proactive steps toward promoting health and preventing disease. As the implementation of actionable uses of environmental health continues to grow, we can anticipate the emergence of new and innovative interventions that have the potential to make a significant difference in the health of populations worldwide.

In this chapter, we have discussed how environmental health draws on diverse scientific fields and technologies to address and mitigate the impacts of environmental hazards, such as air and water pollutants, vector-borne diseases, as well as chemical exposure-related diseases. Cutting-edge technologies like nanotechnology can offer novel solutions to environmental issues, for instance, by developing effective means to remove pollutants from water, or by creating materials that reduce the emission of harmful substances. Likewise, precision environmental health leverages big data and genomics to tailor interventions to individual susceptibilities and exposures, facilitating personalized, effective action to protect health. Other technologies like environmental epigenetics reveal how environmental exposures can leave lasting marks on our genes, enhancing our understanding of the long-term health impacts of environmental hazards, and underscoring the necessity for proactive and preventative interventions. In this chapter, we also explored the integration of GIS and dashboards in environmental health for visualization, analysis, and communication of complex environmental data, illustrating the implementation of this approach using air pollution data, making this information accessible and actionable. GIS empowers the identification and spatial analysis of at-risk populations, while dashboards provide user-friendly, real-time interfaces for data interpretation and decision-making. These advancements in technologies and methodologies are transforming the field of environmental health, making it more actionable by providing precise, timely, and effective tools for mitigating environmental health risks. By addressing the challenges mentioned in this chapter and advancing the field through collaboration, research, and increased investment, the actionable implementation of environmental health will play a leading role in improving and safeguarding the health of populations. Through these collective efforts, we can strive toward a healthier, sustainable future for all.