
1 Introduction

The multi-agent systems paradigm emphasises the thinking of systems as multiple intelligent entities. This paradigm is becoming very popular, not only because of the rise of the use of artificial intelligence techniques but also because it naturally meets the current demand to design and implement distributed intelligent systems such as smart homes, smart cities, and personal assistants, for instance, also facilitating the integration between those systems. Nowadays, we are able to argue that multi-agent systems are one of the most powerful paradigms for implementing complex distributed systems powered by artificial intelligence techniques [11], for example, incorporating argumentation-based reasoning and communication [22, 24], modelling and reasoning about uncertain information and theory of mind [27, 31], and many other techniques.

Multi-agent systems are built upon core concepts such as distribution, reactivity, and individual rationality. To support the development of multi-agent systems, a large number of tools have been developed, such as agent-oriented programming languages and methodologies [4]. Consequently, practical applications of multi-agent technologies have become a reality, many of them solving complex and distributed problems [10, 23, 32, 33]. In addition, it also allows the execution of various tasks and makes it possible the integration with various technologies, for example, chatbot technologies [8, 9].

The Multi-Agent Programming Contest (MAPC) was created with the aim of exploring the potential of multi-agent systems, providing challenging scenarios to explore agent-oriented programming languages, platforms and methodologies for developing multi-agent systems. Also, MAPC provides reference problems in which different researchers can compare their results, such as benchmarks. MAPC 2022 brought the Agents Assemble III scenario, including a normative system, the idea of agents roles, and complex tasks agents should exhibit attitudes of collaboration and coordination in order to score points. In this paper, we describe the solution proposed by the LI(A)RA team for the MAPC 2022 scenario. LI(A)RA is a project, created in 2022, for teaching agent technologies for undergraduate students at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The project also aims to research the software engineering process behind participating in the contest. The proposed solution was implemented using Jason Platform [5], focusing on (i) a purely declarative implementation, which aligns with the purpose of the original language, and (ii) distributed mechanisms for coordination and collaboration.

This paper is organised as follows. First, in Sect. 2 we describe the Agents Assemble III scenario used during the Multi-Agent Programming Contest 2022, pointing out the differences between this year’s scenario and the previous ones, also highlighting the main challenges in this new scenario according to our point of view. In Sect. 3, we describe the implementation of LI(A)RA’s solution for the MAPC 2022 scenario, including the methodology applied during development and the agents’ strategies implemented according to different aspects of the Agents Assemble III scenario, for example, movement strategies, synchronisation strategies, among others. In Sect. 4, we describe our results in the MAPC 2022 contest. Finally, in Sect. 5, we present our conclusions, pointing out some future directions our team intend to adopt.

2 The Agents Assemble III Scenario

In 2022, the Multi-Agent Programming Contest brought a revision from the scenario presented in the previous MAPC 2019Footnote 1 and 2020/2021Footnote 2, named the Agents Assemble III. The main difference regarding the previous year’s scenario was: (i) considering roles for agents and establishing different capabilities for agents according to their roles. Also introducing role zones, which are places in the environment agent could adopt and change roles; and (ii) a normative system in which agents would be punished according to they violate the norms established during the simulation.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Example of the Agent Assemble World. (Color figure online)

In the Agents Assemble III scenario, agents are situated in a grid world environment with limited local vision, and they are required to organise and coordinate themselves to assemble and deliver complex structures made of blocks, which are called “tasks”. In Fig. 1, we can observe an example of an instance of the Agents Assemble III World, in which we are able to observe the following aspects:

  1. 1.

    blue numbered small squares and green numbered small lozenges represent agents, in which agents with the same colour and format are from the same team. All matches are between two teams, which is why there are two teamsFootnote 3 in the grid world in Fig. 1.

  2. 2.

    large blue and red translucent lozenges represent role and goal zones, respectively. Role zones (large blue translucent lozenges) are regions in which an agent is able to change its role, choosing among the different roles available during a particular match, which will enable it to execute particular actions during the simulation. Goal zones (large red translucent lozenges) are regions in which agents are able to deliver tasks. Agents are required to be at a goal zone in order to deliver tasks, also respecting the specificity of each task (form of the structure made of blocks, relative position of the agent delivering the tasks, etc.).

  3. 3.

    black blocks are obstacles that agents cannot go through, they can deviate or clearFootnote 4 obstacles in order to move through the grid. For example, blue agent number 15 (at the bottom left in Fig. 1) is clearing an obstacle that was north of it (clear actions plot red outline lozenge in the environment).

  4. 4.

    blocks with different shades of yellow represent the dispensers. Dispensers can be used by agents to request blocks. When an agent requests a block from a dispenser, the dispenser generates a block over the dispenser, and the block becomes available to agents to attach it. Dispensers only generate blocks of their type, for example, a dispenser of the type “b1” only generates blocks of the type “b1”. Figure 1 shows two different dispensers, one of the type “b1” and one of the type “b0”.

  5. 5.

    finally, we also are able to observe, in Fig. 1, agent 19’s range of vision, highlighted by the lighter region around it. Agents have a limited local vision, and an agent is able to observe only those things within its range of vision. For example, agent 19 is perceiving the adversary agent 19, the goal zone, and obstacles within its range of vision.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Examples of Tasks.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Example of a Crowded Goal Zone.

There are many challenges associated with the MAPC 2022 scenario, some of them already known from previous contests, and new challenges consequence of the addition of roles and normative specifications. Below we emphasise the most challenging aspects of the MAPC 2022 scenario according to our point of view.

  • The absence of absolute position: one of the most challenging aspects of the MAPC 2022 (also 2019 and 2020/2021) scenario is the absence of absolute position. It means, all agents start in a different position on the computational grid which implements the environment, and all of them understand they are at the coordinates \(x = 0\) and \(y = 0\) at the beginning of the match. Consequently, when agents reach important regions of the world (for example, goal zones and dispensers), the perspective of those things’ position is different from each other. For example, the dispenser “b1” in Fig. 1 is at position(3,-12) (\(x=3\) and \(y=-12\)) for blue agent 19, and at position(-7,-1) for the blue agent 4 (considering that Fig. 1 shows the configuration of the match at the start point, in which agents understand they are at the coordinates \(x = 0\) and \(y = 0\)).

  • The uncertainty of success when executing actions: another challenging aspect of the MAPC 2022 scenario is that agents randomly fail to execute their actions. It means, an agent only knows if its actions had the expected result after executing the actions and perceiving its success during the next step of the environment simulation. For example, when an agent executes the action to move north, it is expected the agent to leave its current position, let’s say position(10,10), and ends at the north of it, i.e., at position(10,9). However, at the current configuration of the scenario, the agent only knows if it actually moved after, when it perceives the next step of the simulation (it requires the agent to perceive if it had succeeded in executing that action), perceiving a change in its position.

  • The complex tasks: another challenging aspect of the MAPC 2022 scenario are the complex tasks, ranging from task formed by 1 to 4 blocks in different configurations. Figure 2 shows some examples of tasks that appeared during a match. Not only do agents need to cooperate and coordinate to build and deliver the tasks formed by more than one block, but also it requires delivering the tasks in specific regions of the environment called goal zones. Goal zones were scarce, they became crowded during most of the matches, and they also became regions of interest by other teams that applied aggressive strategies in which they attacked other agents (by executing clear actions at other agents and their blocks) trying to deliver tasks.

  • The crowded goal zones: another challenging aspect of the MAPC 2022 scenario is the scarce goal zones (sometimes very small ones). This aspect of the simulation was problematic in finding space to build and deliver the complex tasks, given that agents should find the appropriate space between other agents to build and deliver the task on those zones. Figure 3 shows an example of a crowded goal zone, in which the LI(A)RA (green) agents 4 and 2 are delivering a task of two blocks, and agents 3, 9 and 12 are waiting for other agents to build the complex task and deliver it. Also, Fig. 3 shows 4 agents from another team also approaching the goal zone to deliver tasks.

  • The random clear events: another challenging aspect of the MAPC 2022 scenario is the random clear events that occur randomly in the world. They are challenging aspects because they basically reset agents when they occur over agents, taking the energy from the agents and (mostly of the time) destroying the blocks they were carrying.

  • Selecting one action by step: an aspect of the MAPC 2022 scenario that changes how to implement the system is that agents are able to execute only one action by step of the simulation, then, if the simulation has 600 steps, agents will execute at most 600 actions during the simulation. While it makes the matches fair in the sense all agents from all teams will execute at most the same number of actions, it also changes how we implement agents, being necessary to think about a strategy in which agents will choose one action for each step, sending the action at the correct time, i.e., sending their 30th action between the 30th and 31st step of the simulation.

3 Implementation

3.1 Technology

To implement the LI(A)RA team’s solution for the Multi-Agent Programming Contest 2022, we have used the Jason platform [5]. Jason extends the AgentSpeak(L), an abstract logic-based agent-oriented programming language introduced by Rao [30], which is one of the best-known languages inspired by the BDI (Beliefs-Desires-Intentions) architecture [6], one of the most studied architectures for cognitive agents. Also, Jason is part of the JaCaMo Framework [3], which allows us to implement complex multi-agent systems encompassing all dimensions necessary, named agents, environment, and organisation.

In Jason, besides agents are implemented based on the BDI architecture [6], they also are defined with a plan library that provides the know-how for agents, inspired by the procedural reasoning system (PRS) [14], providing an architecture that combines practical reasoning and planning, in which agents are able to handle challenging tasks in a dynamic environment. The agents’ knowledge is defined through beliefs and, as usual, the knowledge available for agents may not necessarily be complete or accurate, considering the environment may be large and may change the agent has not perceived.

In Jason, beliefs and goals are represented by predicates and a set of n terms of first-order logic, as follows:

figure a

For example, the triggering event role(worker) is composed of the predicate ‘role’ and the term ‘worker’, meaning the agent has perceived it is playing a role named worker.

Furthermore, predicates can be annotated with meta-information related to that information, as introduced in [5] also used by others [16, 17, 21]. The syntax for annotated predicates is as follows:

figure b

where each ann_i represents the SPSVERBc5th annotation for that particular predicate, with the following syntax:

figure c

where an atom (called functor) is followed by a number of terms (called arguments). This extension of the language provides more expressiveness, as pointed out by [21] in the context of argumentation. A common meta-information originally used in Jason Platform [5] is the source of information, for example:

figure d

described that mary has said that john likes ice cream, i.e., mary is the source of the information likes(john,icecream).

In Jason, agents are able to represent the information they believe to be true, for example, likes(john,icecream), and information they believe to be false, for example, \(\lnot \) likes(john,icecream), and, using negation as failure, they are able to query information they have no knowledge about, for example, not(likes(john,icecream)) and not( \(\lnot \) likes(john,icecream)), representing that the agent does not know if likes(john,icecream) is true or false.

Plans are composed of a triggering event, a context, and the body of the plan, which represent a recipe (set of ordered actions and sub-goals) to achieve that particular goal. The body of a plan may include updates to the belief base, actions and (sub)goals. Triggering events are used to react to the addition (or deletion) of beliefs or goals. The context establishes the precondition for the plan, defining what must be true in order for the plan to be executed. The following example shows the abstract syntax of Jason plans:

figure e

For example, agents would be able to react to the perception of a role zone, creating a goal to move to that particular role zone using the following plan:

figure f

in this particular plan, the context for executing this plan requires that the agent is not moving to any role zone, i.e., not(movintToRoleZone(_,_)), and it is playing a role during the simulation that is different from the expected role it should be playing (given the strategy adopted by our team), i.e., my_expected_role(MyRole)  & not(role(MyRole)).

In the agent’s plan library, there may be several plans to react to the same triggering event corresponding to a goal, an external event, etc. and they represent choices an agent can make to achieve their goals. While sophisticated plan selection functions can be implemented, originally, in the Jason Platform, plans are analysed using the order they have been declared in the plan library of an agent, similar to architecture with vertically layered priorities [18].

For example, the piece of code below contains 4 plans that implement 4 different ways an agent may achieve the goal !moveTo(X,Y), implementing a very simple movement strategy that could be used in MAPC 2022 scenario. When an agent creates a goal, for example, !moveTo(10,20), it will verify which plans could be used to achieve that particular goal, i.e., which plans apply at that current moment of its execution. Then, the agent will use the first plan which applies to try to achieve its goal. Considering a particular scenario in which the agent is at position(5,10), then there are two plans the agent could use to achieve the goal moveTo(10,20), named plan1 and plan3. However, considering the original implementation for the plan selection, the agent will prioritise always horizontal movement over vertical movement, i.e., going east first, executing the action move(e), until reaching position(10,10), then the first plan will not be applicable anymore, and the only applicable plan will be the plan3, when the agent will go south, executing the action move(s), until reaching the position position(10,20), achieving its goal.

This plan selection mechanism specifies a very important aspect of the technology, which must be considered in order to adequately implement strategies. For example, the example below shows a very simple movement strategy, and it could implement a different movement strategy by just reordering plans 3 and 4 first, prioritising vertical movement over horizontal ones.

figure g

Another important aspect of a multi-agent system is communication. In Jason platform, agents are able to communicate using already implemented internal actions with the following format:

figure h

in which receiver is the agent (or set of agents) that will receive that particular message, performative indicates the performative used in that particular message, which will provide the intention behind that communication, providing meaning for that communication together with the content of that message. For example, an agent named ag_11 is able to tell other agents about a role zone it found during its execution using the following message:

figure i

in which the agent sends a message to agents ag_1,ag_2 and ag_3, telling that it has found a role zone at coordinate (10,20), i.e., roleZone(10,20). All agents will receive that information and they will believe that roleZone(10,20)[source(ag_11)]. Although Jason platform provides a set of predefined performatives with well-defined semantics [35] based on the KQML [12], other performatives can be easily added, extending those already available, for example, to allow sophisticated dialogues based on argumentation [25, 26, 28, 29].

Furthermore, an agent program can be implemented in different modules/files and integrated into a single agent, each module providing part of its knowledge and capabilities [15, 20], i.e., part of its beliefs and plans, respectively. Although there are many sophisticated manners to approach modules of agent programs, as pointed out by [20], we use a very simple approach in which agent knowledge and plans can be implemented in different files and after that integrated into an agent program. For example, imagine we implemented strategies for moving, attacking, and exploring the MAPC scenario in different files named: move.asl, attack.asl and explore.asl. Then, in order to have an agent that integrates the strategies for movingFootnote 5 and exploring, we only need to include both files as part of the agent program as follows:

figure j

In case we would have an agent that integrates the strategies for exploring and attacking, we would include the correspondents files as part of the agent program as follow:

figure k

3.2 Methodology

The multi-agent system was implemented using an incremental approach. Incremental approaches, also called evolutionary approaches, are widely acknowledged in the literature and they arise from the need for flexibility in the process of development. The incremental approach consists of incremental developments, where parts of the software are postponed in order to produce some useful set of functions earlier in the development project [7]. The basic idea in the incremental approach is to expand increments of an operational software product [2]. That means, each stage of development, is not intended to produce a complete system, but to produce multiple versions of the system, in which each new version adds new functionalities. Figure 4 shows a generic representation for the incremental approach, in which new “modules” are added to the system.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The Incremental Approach.

There are many specific models that may be accommodated under the incremental approach. One of the most interesting is the Extreme Programming (XP) [1], which normally is used in projects with uncertainty or changing requirements, and it is an example of agile approaches [13], which aim at supporting changes and rapid feedback during software development.

We found this approach very adequate for our team, given the technology used, as described in Sect. 3.1, and the methodology used to implement our solution, in which all members implemented parts of the system, aligning the project during a weekly meeting. Also, XP requires comprehensive documentation, which was a goal for our team.

It is important to note that an incremental approach allows us to think about the system in a more modular way, in which modules of behaviour/capabilities can be implemented and tested, individually and integrated. In particular, we have implemented the modules presented in Table 1, implementing different strategies used during the MAPC 2022, which we will discuss in the next section.

Table 1. Modules Implemented.

A challenge for an incremental and modular approach to development is the documentation and standardisation of code. While the documentation was basically made towards commentating on the code, all developers shared a table of predicates used during implementation, presented in Tables 4, 5, and 6. One of the benefits of using a declarative programming language is that the code provides most of the semantics necessary to understand it, but even though, the developers have shared those tables containing a short description of all predicates used in the agents’ code.

This approach of sharing the used predicates also is important when programming different modules, even from the perspective of a single developer, because predicates declared, added, or defined in a particular module may be necessary for other modules. For example, the module named “strategy” uses predicates declared all over the other modules, most of them basically keeping the information of what that particular agent is doing in that particular step of the simulation, corresponding to the general strategy for our agents we will describe in the next section.

3.3 Strategies

An important aspect of our implementation, which also defines most of how we implemented our strategies, is that all agents are instances of the same code. On the one hand, this aspect of the implementation makes it more difficult to think of a solution. On the other hand, it explores the implementation of agents that show characteristics of adaptability, autonomy, and flexibility. Also, it is aligned with the characteristics of the MAPC 2022 environment, in which agents are able to execute one action by step of the simulation, deciding which action to execute based on the information they perceived during the previous steps. That means agents will execute a new action towards reacting to the perception of a new step in the simulation, deciding what to do based on their own execution (considering all information it acquires) during the match.

Considering both aspects of the scenario and implementation, we adopt a strategy in which agents react to the perception of each step of the simulation than reasoning about what they should do based on the current state of the environment around each agent and its previous actions and perceptions, memorising what they are doing at that particular step, and then executing the selected action in the environment. When they perceive the next step of the simulation, they remember what they were doing in the previous step, reasoning about the next action to execute according to that information.

In our strategy, agents may reach a state in which they remember they are doing concurrent activities, for example, the activities of exploring and helping, indicating they remember to be exploring the environment and also helping other agents to complete a task in the previous steps of the simulation. To deal with concurrent goals, we implemented a plan library with priorities based on the memory of agents. That means, for example, agents should always prioritise finishing a task in which they are helping other agents than exploring. The piece of code below shows an example of how this strategy is implemented:

figure l

In the example above, we show part of the agents’ plan library with n plans, in which the agent will prefer to select plan 1 than plan 2 (if plan 1’s context applies). In this example, agents prioritise helping other agents than collecting blocks, and exploring has the lower priority in the example above.

In the MAPC 2022 scenario, there is information that is worth agents remembering and information that we believed not to be worth agents remembering, given the dynamics of the environment. For example, in our implementation, agents remember the position of important components, such as role zones, goal zones, and dispensers. Even though the goal zones disappeared eventually, they were less dynamic than obstacles and blocks. We choose to implement agents that will not remember the position of those things with a higher probability of disappearing or changing position. Further, it is the memory (its beliefs) that make agents, which are all instances of the same code, show different behaviour. This is because those memories will enable the context of other plans, with higher priority, in the agent plan library.

For example, all agents start with the goal of finding a role zone to change their roles according to our strategy, which will enable them to execute a set of predefined actions in the environment of the contest. When an agent knows the position of a role zone, it will move towards that zone, otherwise, it will explore the environment to find a role zone, and then move towards the zone to change its role. The piece of code below shows an example of this strategy:

figure m

In the example above, first, the agent tries to execute the plan1, but if it does not know the position of a role zone then that plan does not apply, i.e., it does not have any valid unification for roleZone(X,Y)[source(memory)]. In the case plan1 does not apply, the agent tries to execute the plan2 (if that context applies), in which the agent creates a goal for exploring the environment, i.e., !explore. When that agent finds a roles zone, exploring the environment, it will memorise the information of the coordinates of the role zone it found, i.e., roleZone(X,Y)[source(memory)], then the context of the plan1 will apply, and then the agent will select that plan during the next step of the simulation, starting to move towards that role zone using that plan, i.e., creating the goal !moveTo(X,Y) in which X and Y are the coordinates to the role zone.

A strategy for implementing the proposed solution, adopted by our team, was implementing plans from lower priority to higher priority, in which higher priority plans have a dependence on beliefs (memories of what the agent is currently doing) achieved by the complete execution of lower priority plans. That means the context of plans with higher priority depends on the memories that only will be obtained during the execution of plans with lower priority. In the example above, the memory roleZone(X,Y)[source(memory)] will be obtained by executing the plan2, in particular, the plan to achieve the sub-goal !explore. Then, after knowing that information, the context of plan1 will apply and that will be the selected plan in the next step of the simulation, given it has priority over the plan2.

Using this development strategy based on the priority of plans, we implemented specific strategies for different activities agents should execute during the matches, among them: movement and exploration strategies and a strategy for dealing with norms, a synchronisation strategy based on encounters, a strategy for sharing information, a strategy for creating groups of agents, and a strategy for delivering tasks. We discuss them below.

Movement and Exploration Strategies. During some test matches, we observed that obstacles, in general, were very disturbing for agents trying to move. Also, the proportion of obstacles increased according to the simulation changed from one round to another. Considering that obstacles should be disturbing for agents from other teams too, we focused on implementing a movement strategy that cleared as less obstacles as possible (different from most of the other teams, from this and previous years of the contest), keeping the obstacles on the grid world to disturb other agents trying to move on the environment.

The first aspect of the movement strategy implemented was the exploration, in which agents should explore the environment until being able to do something useful for the team, for example, carrying blocks and helping others to build complex tasks. At the beginning of a match, agents start to explore a particular direction, for example, north – exploring(n) – and, aiming to avoid clearing obstacles, they deviate obstacles going to side directions prioritising clockwise, i.e., in case an agent is exploring to the north and there is an obstacle at the north of agent, but there is no obstacle at east, then it would go east until be able to go north again. In case there is an obstacle at the north and east of the agent, then it goes west (only if didn’t come from that direction in the previous step of the simulation). Otherwise, when the agent is blocked by obstacles at the north, east, and west, then the agent executes the clear action targeting the obstacles in the north, allowing it to move to the north. This exploration strategy avoids clearing so many obstacles while also avoids agents to move in circles (or even being trapped at some small portion of the grid world).

A complexity to movement strategies, in the scenario of MAPC 2022, is related to agents moving while carrying blocks. As a coherent simulation, the scenario establishes that obstacles block agents either for obstructing the agent trying to move directly or for obstructing blocks attached to agents trying to move. That means, when agents are moving with blocks attached to them, they have to worry about obstacles obstructing not only their path but also the blocks’ path to which they are attached. For example, if the agent has a block attached to the east of it, and the agent is trying to move north, then the agent needs a clear path both north of it and north of the block. However, if the agent has a block attached south of it, and it is trying to move north, then the agent does not need to worry about obstacles blocking the block.

Considering the complexity of moving with blocks, our team thought about two strategies (i) first, we believe to be the more common, is to use the same strategy for exploration, but also clearing obstacles obstructing blocks attached to the agent in order to move; and (ii) second, which we end using, is to rotate the block attached to the agent to the opposite direction the agent is moving, i.e., if the agent is moving north, it rotates the block to the south. The second alternative was more attractive to our team because it aligns with our strategy of clearing fewer obstacles as possible. Also, this strategy of moving with blocks attached to the agent in the opposite direction it is moving also become a very elegant movement strategy. Figure 5 shows an example of an agent using this strategy, in which agent 2 approached the dispenser b1, collected a block and it is moving away without clearing many obstacles. It makes hard, for other agents, to approach the dispenser than when the agents clear all obstacles on the way, because the dispenser will still be surrounded by obstacles.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Example of movement clearing few obstacles to collect a block.

Strategies for Dealing with Norms. Analysing the phenoms related to norms, we observed that by limiting agents to carry at most 1 block, we avoid most of the penalties applied when breaking the norms. Also, this strategy aligns with the movement strategy that works only for agents carrying a unique block.

Synchronisation Strategy Based on Encounters. An important aspect for agents to work together in the scenario proposed in the MAPC 2022 was the need for synchronisation of agents, regarding their coordinates. This issue comes from the characteristic of the scenario in which there is no absolute position in the grid world from the perspective of agents. That means, agents start the simulation at different positions on the grid and each agent believes it started at position zero – position(0,0). That means, when agents move and find important elements on the grid, for example, dispensers of blocks, they will have a different perspective of the position of those elements. In order to coordinate tasks, cooperate and share information it was necessary to implement a strategy for synchronisation.

There would be centralised solutions for synchronisation, but in order to keep our implementation completely distributed, we implement a synchronisation strategy focusing on encounters. That means, when agents encounter each other in the grid world, they are able to communicate and synchronise their relative positions, creating filters for the position of those teammates they encountered during a match. We also used this idea of encounter to create groups of agents, which are dynamic and the process depends on these encounters.

For example, in Fig. 1, agents 3 and 4 are inside each other range of vision, which means they can perceive each other. This is what we call an encounter – when both agents are inside each other range of vision.

The synchronisation strategy occurs as follows: when an agent perceives another agent inside its range of vision, it executes a broadcast message, informing it can perceive the teammate at the coordinates (XMate,YMate) regarding its current position (XMy,YMy) during the step S of the simulation, also keeping a believe found_mate(XMate,YMate,XMy,YMy,S) with that information. At the next step of the simulation, S+1, the agent verifies if there is any match from the broadcasts it receives from other agents and those teammates found and stored by itself, comparing the relative position as follows:

figure n

in which XO, YO, XF and YF are the position they found each other, thus if the difference between those values is equal to zero, that means the agent TeamMate is the same agent found by it at that step of the simulation. By understanding whom it has found, the agent is able to create a filter using the following equation:

figure o

in which it calculates the relative position of the other agent regarding its position.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Example of an encounter.

Note that there are two different pieces of information they are able to infer from this communication process: (i) when agents enter inside the range of vision of each other, they only perceive there is another agent from the same team inside their range of vision. Thus, they communicate the relative position they found the teammate, using that information to understand which agent they have found (both agents execute the same process and they are able to understand they found each other); and (ii) when agents understand they found each other, they are able to create the filter for the relative position of the teammate, using that filter always it is necessary, for example, translating the coordinates of information received from teammates to its relative position using the filter. Figure 6 shows an example of agents 1 and 19 encountering each other, in which the green lozenges are their range of vision.

Strategy for Sharing Information. After creating filters for other agents’ coordinates, agents are able to share information regarding the position of important elements. We implement a strategy in which agents share information about the coordinates of dispensers, goal zones, and role zones. Other elements we identify to be very dynamic, and it would not be worthy to share that information, for example, obstacles that could easily be cleared by other agents (from the same team or from the other team).

The implemented strategy for sharing information is as follows: (i) when an agent finds an element it is worthy to share its coordinates, for example, a dispenser, it sends to all agents it knows a filter the position of that element, already applying the filter, translating the coordinates to the relative position of the receiver of that message, also sending the list of agents it is sharing the information; (ii) when an agent receives a message sharing the information of an element from the grid world, with a list of other receivers, it stores the information in its belief base, and it verifies which other agents (who are not in the list) it knows the filter (those it could also share the information and did not receive yet), then it sends the coordinates of that element applying the filter for each receiver, but now without a list of receivers; (iii) when an agent receives a message sharing the information of an element from the grid world, but without the list of other receivers, it only stores that information in its belief base.

That means agents propagate information on two levels. The first level is when an agent shares information about a relevant element itself found in the grid world, and the second level is when agents share information that was shared by agents who found those relevant elements in the grid world. This strategy was used considering the strategy for creating groups of agents we will discuss next, in which agents only share information with groups directly connected by members.

Strategy for Creating Groups of Agents. We create a strategy in which agents form groups dynamically, depending on the encounters that occurs during each match. The basic idea is that agents which encounter each other will belong to an implicit group, and they are able to collaborate. An agent is able to belong to more than one implicit group of agents, for example, imagine that agent ag1 encounters agents ag2, ag3, ag4 and ag5, then ag1 is able to collaborate with each of those agents individually and request collaboration from all of them. However, ag2 only will be in the same implicit group of agent ag3 if it encountered ag3 during the match.

We choose to implement this strategy for creating implicit groups of agents because of other decisions we made regarding other strategies, for example, focusing only on delivering small tasks (with less than 3 blocks). Thus fewer agents are required to deliver a task, and we realised that the encounters that occurred during the matches were enough to form groups large enough to deliver those tasks.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Allocation Help Protocol.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Example of a task being delivered.

Strategy for Delivering Tasks. We implemented a relatively simple task delivery strategy. When an agent is able to contribute to completing a new task, it queries all agents belonging to its implicit group, asking the distance required to them to help deliver the task in a particular goal zone, according to the protocolFootnote 6 shown in Fig. 7. Then, when other agents are able to help (they are not helping another agent with another task), they answer the query informing the distance needed to reach the goal zone with the necessary block. Then, the agent which requested help chooses the close agent to help it, informing the winning agent, and they start moving towards the goal zone to deliver the task.

Figure 8 shows an example in which agent 7 will deliver the task2 (from the task border at left of the figure) which is worth $40. Note that tasks also have the requirement of a specific position for the agent that will deliver the task, in the case of task2, it requires the agent to be north of the block b0. Also, we are able to observe in Fig. 8, agent 16 helping to build that task, positioning the block b1 according to the task2 requirement. Also, Fig. 3 shows agent 4 delivering the task3 with help of agent 2.

3.4 Tests

The test strategy was based on using different combinations for the multiple modules described in Sect. 3.2, executing the system, and observing the agents’ behaviour and the score agents made during different simulations. During tests, we fixed some issues related to scenarios/situations we did not predict during the implementation. One of the issues fixed after executing some tests was related to strategies for avoiding and deviating from other agents, mainly in the crowded goal zones. Also, we realised that for some goal zones, agents which were not synchronised could try to deliver tasks at the same position, thus we implemented a strategy in which agents wait in a safe zone until their teammate approach to deliver the task they are helping.

4 Results

In the MAPC 2022, the LI(A)RA team ends in 4th place, tied with the GOAL-DTU team. During the contest, we won one round against the FIT BUT team, 2 rounds against the GOAL-DTU team (winning that match), and lose all rounds against GOALdigger and MMD. Our total score was 9 points (regarding the 3 rounds our implementation won). Table 2 shows the final scores for all teams.

Table 2. Final Scores.

Analysing the matches, our multi-agent system did not score many points against teams with more aggressive adversarial attitudes, which means, teams that implemented strategies for attacking agents from other teams. These attitudes were unexpected, given there is no history of this kind of attitude from other teams in the past, although the scenario is very favourable for this kind of attitude, in which agents can clear other agents taking their energy. Thus, competing with teams exhibiting these attitudes and having not expected such attitudes, our multi-agent system was vulnerable to other teams’ attacks.

Attacking other agents during the match has shown to be a very interesting strategy, keeping agents responsible to attack others close to goal zones, in which they could not only take the energy of other agents but also destroy their blocks, which required the agents of other teams to search for blocks again. We intend to explore these attitudes in future participation in the MAPC.

Table 3 shows some estimated metrics about the teams’ implementations collected by the organisers of MAPC 2022 and shared with all teams. In Table 3 is possible to note that: (i) our team had a larger number of developers, which we consider a challenge for this kind of development; (ii) our multi-agent system was developed in fewer hours than most of the other teams, we are the second team which expended fewer hours implementing the system, but GOAL-DTU has already participated in the previous year, then those metrics may be related only to increments made for this year scenario, while we started our implementation this year; (iii) our implementation is the shorter on; however, it is important to mention that it is difficult to count lines of code of different programming languages fairly; and (iv) we are the only team which use Jason platform.

Table 3. Estimated metrics.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we described the LI(A)RA team’s implementation for the MAPC 2022 scenario called Agents Assemble III. Besides summarising the main challenges related to the MAPC 2022 scenario from our perspective, we focused on: (i) describing the technology used to implement our multi-agent system; (ii) detailing the methodology used by our team to implement the multi-agent system, which was a modular and incremental approach; and (iii) describing the strategies we implemented for agents, according to different activities they could execute in the MAPC 2022 scenario.

There were very interesting behaviours that could be observed in the MAPC 2002 contest from other teams, for example, more competitive attitudes in the sense of attacking agents from other teams with the clear events, which surprised our team. We did not implement any strategy for agents to defend themselves from attacks, and we believe those attitudes were decisive in the final scores. Also, we realised our implementation may be shorter than all others, also we dedicate considerably less time to planning and implementing the multi-agent system than the teams with higher scores. Finally, we also did not finish the implementation of all modules we intended during the planning phase, which also may have compromised our scores.

We intend to participate next year, starting the planning phase early, dedicating more time to the implementation phase, also exploring approaches for creating modules of agent-oriented programs already developed over the Jason Platform, as the approach presented in [19].

Table 4. Predicates used in the implementation.
Table 5. Predicates used in the implementation.
Table 6. Predicates used in the implementation.