
1 Introduction

The prior study [68] on security warning points to the lack of comprehension, where technical jargons [4, 68], and habituation [3, 5, 50, 61] lead users to ignore a security notifier. In these contexts, little study, to date, focused on the Windows notifier presented to users while installing an application from an unknown publisher. However, installing such applications can lead to malware infection [25, 26, 68]. The Windows operating system accounts for over 76% of global desktop operating systems [54]Footnote 1 with over 1.4 billion devices of Windows 10 aloneFootnote 2; we believe that it is high time to focus on improving the design of Windows security notifiers to help users with better comprehension and informed decision making.

To address this challenge, we designed a security notifier where we leveraged reflective design [42] with multiple persuasion techniques, including ethos, pathos, and logos [12, 15]. We then investigated the following research questions, where we evaluated the designed security notifier (treatment) and compared that with the existing one (control): (RQ1): What are the user perceptions about the existing security notifier presented to them while installing an application from an unknown publisher? (RQ2): How can we help users better understand the security risks of ignoring such notifiers and making an informed decision in the process?

To answer these questions, we conducted a lab and an online study in North America (USA and Canada). In the lab study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with nine participants. The findings from our lab study reveal the participants’ perceptions towards the existing and the designed notifier. We further improved our designs based on the feedback from the lab study and evaluated the updated designs through an online study with 256 participants on Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk).

Our findings from the online study show that reflection with persuasion in security warnings can be helpful while supporting the users to understand and combat the risks associated with applications from unknown publishers. Overall, our study contributes to advancing the HCI and Security community’s understanding of end users’ needs and expectations in helping them make an informed decision while installing the application from an unknown publisher in the Windows operating system. We provide recommendations based on our findings, including moving towards more reflective and contextualized interventions in future designs.

2 Related Work

Prior research [3,4,5, 48, 50, 68] showed that users often ignore security warnings due to lack of comprehension, past experiences without consequences, optimism bias and the habituation to the warning. However, a little study focused on the Windows notifier presented to users while installing an application from an unknown publisher. Installing such applications can lead to malware infection [25, 26, 68]. Moreover, with over 76% of the global market share, the Windows operating system is by large the most widely used desktop operating system. The mass availability of applications from unknown publishers in Windows situates its users in a vulnerable position where they may face malware infections from installing such applications. Our study focuses on improving this existing security notifier to address the users’ behavior and motivations behind ignoring security warnings.

2.1 Lack of Comprehension

Prior literature showed that users need help understanding the security warnings [4]. The study of Sharek et al. [55] reported that users needed to learn to differentiate between fake and real internet popup warnings. The study of Sunshine et al. [57] further reported that users struggled to understand the SSL warnings in the browsers as they lacked knowledge about the situation and the harm related to man-in-the-middle attacks. Prior works [21, 70] have further reported that users struggle to understand the context of the warning, which leads to poor comprehension and risky behavior. Further, a set of literature [14, 68, 70] reported the use of technical jargon as one of the major factors leading to difficulty for users in understanding the security warnings. The study of Bravo-Lillo et al. [14] also reported that novice users need help understanding technical wordings even when they have heard about it. Therefore, our study avoids technical terms, like ransomware and malware, to create user-friendly notifiers.

2.2 Past Experience

Prior works point towards the non-consequential experience of ignoring warnings as a significant factor for ignoring the same or similar security warnings [50, 61]. In cases of informing, warning, or notifying users about consequences through security notifiers, most of the users tend to disregard those security warnings passing on the same message when they do not face any negative consequences, which inevitably leads to habituation [3, 5, 48, 61]. The study of Amran et al. [3] reported that the habituation mechanism becomes universal if there is no adverse effect when a user ignores security dialog. Moreover, habituation to frequent non-security related notifications does carry over to a one-time security warning [61]. Windows provides similar notifications for installing applications from both verified and unknown publishers, which may magnify habituation to the latter.

According to Brustoloni and Villamarin-Salomon [16], habituation occurs as users learn to avoid context-sensitive guidance (CSG). As a consequence, CSG’s purpose is to prompt the user to provide them with appropriate background information in order to help them make better security decisions. Based on the latest investigation and assessments, polymorphic alerts and iterative design are a few methods used to enhance security warnings to overcome habituation [5, 16]. Therefore, our study uses multiple variations of the warning, created in an iterative design process through user feedback (see Sect. 5).

2.3 Optimism Bias

Prior literature from psychology [63] showed that individuals routinely overestimate their abilities and underestimate the risk they face compared to others, termed optimism bias. The study of Cho et al. [18] reported that individuals display a strong optimistic bias about online privacy risks, judging themselves to be significantly less vulnerable than others to these risks. Further, people tend to believe that specific security software like antivirus would protect them from any security threats [50]. There is also a common misconception among the participants regarding malware having an instantly visible effect [50]. Users want to believe that they cannot be the target, assuming that they have nothing valuable on their computer [50]. The study of Wu et al. [65] also reported that users ignored the warnings when they believed the web content seemed legitimate. Therefore, our study considers optimism bias as one of the primary reasons why users ignore security warnings.

3 Design Principles

Prior works [21, 34, 48, 65] found that users routinely ignore contextual warnings – such as banners or pop-ups. However, they notice interstitial interventions that interrupt their primary task. Therefore, we design and study multiple variations of interstitial interventions. These interventions start by shifting the primary task of the users from installing an application to self-reflection, where they are urged to reflect and understand why they want to ignore the warning (see Sect. 3.1). We then contextualize the information presented by the notifier where we focus on challenging the user’s particular reason for ignoring the notifier (see Sect. 3.2). Finally, we leverage persuasion methods to present the contextualized information to motivate the users to avoid installing applications from unknown publishers (see Sect. 3.3).

3.1 Reflection on Rationales

Reflection refers to people’s self examination of their own actions, understanding, and monitoring of progress [42]. Reflective designs have shown to promote conscious thought and decision making and help the users take a moment to realize their actions [23, 40,41,42]. Moreover, prior literature [6, 29, 38, 47] from psychology, marketing and human computer interaction showed that reflective designs are useful in increasing engagement and thoughtful decision making. Therefore, we translate and deploy reflective design in this study where users are urged to reflect on their own potential actions and understand their rationales behind it. To achieve that, we use the reasons behind ignoring security warnings (see Sect. 2) to create the reflective design (see the central interface in Fig. 2). In the reflective design, we intervene the task of installing the application from an unknown publisher and ask them to identify their reason for ignoring the notifier.

3.2 Contextualization

Contextualization in design is the process of understanding the underlying context, rationale or intention (e.g., why do users ignore security warnings?) and designing the required artifact based on the identified context [28, 66]. Works [7, 8, 24, 45] from education and human computer interaction used contextualization in designing education content and web warnings respectively. The findings from these studies points towards the importance of contextualizing the information provided to the users. Further, prior literature [31, 37, 50] showed that users ignore warnings that provide generic information which they perceive as distant harm. Studies from psychology [49, 60] suggest conveying negative impacts as it is more effective than citing advantages. Studies from Xu et al. [67], and Kaiser et al. [34] also showed that the conveyance of specific harm to the users is an effective deterrent in convincing them to avoid risky activities. Therefore, we use the rationale selected by the users in our reflective intervention to contextualize the information in our warnings.

3.3 Persuasion Modes

We contextualized the harm based on their rationale for ignoring the warning. However, prior works pointed to the benefits of persuasion in order to motivate users to comply with the warnings [33, 52]. The objective of the warning is not only to inform but also to persuade users to avoid risky activities without hindering their freedom of choice [33]. Hence, we use Aristotle’s Rhetoric [15] (ethos, pathos, logos) to illustrate the contextualized harm to persuade users to avoid installing applications from unknown publishers. Ethos is persuasion using authority or credibility of character [15]. Pathos is an appeal to emotion of the user [15]. Logos is an appeal to logic by using statistics, facts, and figures [15]. Prior works [12, 19, 30, 39] from psychology and political science used Aristotle’s Rhetoric to understand persuasive communication. In our study, we use these rhetorics to persuade the users by appealing to authority, emotion or logic.

4 Lab Study Methodology

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Control condition for both lab and online study

We used the existing Windows notifier as the control condition (see Fig. 1). We then created warning designs (see Fig. 2) adapting design recommendations from prior literature [12, 39, 42, 46, 48, 49, 60] which we call treatment condition. Using these designs, we conducted the lab study.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Treatment condition and the flow of interaction in the lab study. (The flow is the same in online study.)

In the lab study, we conducted semi-structured interviews (see Sect. 4.1) with nine participants online through Zoom/Skype between March and April 2021. The participants for the study were recruited using snowball sampling via email. A participant had to be at least 18 years old to participate in this study. Details of the participants are available in Table 1. The Institutional Review Board approved the study at our university.

Table 1. Demographic Information of the Lab Study Participants

4.1 Study Procedure

When a participant showed interest in participating in our study, we emailed them the informed consent document (ICD). Once they agreed to the ICD, we scheduled an online interview through Zoom or Skype. In the interview, the participants were presented with the same scenario for the control and treatment conditions in which the notifier occurred. Then, the participant interacted with the notifier and answered interview questions focused on understanding their perceptions and behavior. At the end of the interview, the participants were asked to complete a demographics survey. After completing the interview, each participant was sent an email thanking them for participating in this study.

4.2 Analysis

The audio recordings from the interview were transcribed. Then, we performed thematic analysis on our transcriptions [9, 11, 13, 56]. Two independent researchers coded each transcript, where they read through the transcripts of the first few interviews, developed codes, compared them, and then iterated again until we had developed a consistent codebook. After the codebook was finalized, two researchers independently coded the remaining interviews. Both researchers spot-checked the other’s coded transcripts and found no inconsistencies. Finally, we organized and taxonomized our codes into higher-level categories.

5 Design Evolution

In this section, we will present the qualitative feedback from the participants on our designs and the changes we have made to address the issues raised by them. For consistency, we use these terms throughout the manuscript based on the frequency of comments in participants’ responses: a few (0–10%), several (10–25%), some (25–40%), about half (40–60%), most (60–80%), and almost all (80–100%).

In the lab study, most participants reported that the control condition (see Fig. 1) needed to be more specific and clear as the notifier was unable to provide sufficient context for them to make an informed decision. In contrast, they found the treatment condition (see Fig. 2) to be informative; one of them stated, “This [treatment] version of notifier was really like something that I was looking forward to that really solved my problem that I was facing in the previous notifier with clearly identifying what might be the issue that you are facing or what might be the consequences of you trying to access this [application from unknown publisher].” (P7).

Our participants also reported satisfaction with the presentation of options that account for the reasons behind a user’s intention to ignore a warning. One of them mentioned, “It also showed options that I don’t understand this warning, or that I have already used this application before ... so that I know beforehand that, these are certain things that I will have to keep in mind when I try to access this application, ... so I can use this application fully prepared.” (P4). The effectiveness of the thought-provoking questions can be attributed to the reflective design that we discussed in Sect. 3. This motivated us to retain the reflective design in our interventions for the online study.

However, the persuasion-based designs also needed improvements as presented below which we addressed through focus group discussions between the authors.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Logos treatment condition in the online study

5.1 Inducing Focus

For the designs used in our lab study, we combined the three rhetorics for the treatment condition, which resulted in increased information (see Fig. 2). Some participants in the lab study found the amount of text and information in the treatment condition overwhelming. One of them reported, “... it [treatment condition] was more clustered than I wanted to. There are certain points that are highlighted, but I would also suggest that it be more visual than more textual. So just by looking at it, we can understand that there are certain issues there that we might come across.” (P1). Therefore, to reduce the cognitive burden [36, 58, 59], we focused on creating multiple variations of the designs focused on a particular rhetoric (see Fig. 3, 4, and 5). Moreover, as the amount of information was reduced with increased focus, we could replace texts in the design with graphical components. These changes were also motivated by prior works [25, 27, 43, 44], which use graphics to increase perception speed and memorability of the information.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Pathos treatment condition in the online study

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Ethos treatment condition in the online study

5.2 Design Identity

In the lab study, some participants found it challenging to differentiate the designs for the three reflective options (scenarios). One of them reported, “... the three instructions were on a similar fashion. Only on the bubble of the computer representative in the instruction was changed. So, what I could suggest is you have three instructions on like different graphical format or different visual format, so that they can be separated distinctly.” (P1). To help participants avoid mistaking the different designs as the same, we imbued each design with different graphics to create their identity. Since graphics are more memorable and perceived faster [43, 44], we believed the changes would help the participants identify the designs for the different options.

5.3 Overcoming Experience Bias

A few of our participants reported on their experiences installing applications from unknown publishers where they faced no problems and argued against the warning we had presented. They mentioned that there are many applications from unknown publishers that are from unverified publishers. In such cases, the notification occurs, but it is not always an infected software. To overcome this bias based on the user’s experience, we changed the sentiment of the design to convey that not having problems before does not mean there will be no problems this time. We also provided scenarios depicting the severe consequences when one might face problems to dissuade the users from avoiding the warning. Prior works [34, 67] have also shown that conveying relevant adverse harm can effectively deter users from risky activities.

6 Online Study Methodology

We changed the treatment conditions’ design based on the lab study findings (see Sect. 5). Then, we used them in an online study conducted through Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) with 256 participants. We created our system for data collection, as we had multiple variations of interactive designs, which were not feasible for existing survey systems. We selected the widely used User Experience Questionnaire plus (UEQ+) scaleFootnote 3 [51] to understand the user experience and the effectiveness of the warnings. We presented the questions in random order in the survey, with some reversed to avoid bias [20, 64]. Additionally, we used nine attention-check questions in random order, following procedures suggested by prior works [32, 35].

Table 2. Demographic Information of the Participants in the Online Study (N = Number of Participants)

6.1 Participant Recruitment

We recruited participants using Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk). While imperfect, MTurk can provide data of at least the same quality as methods traditionally used in research, as long as the experiment is designed carefully [10, 17]. Participants had to be 18 or older and live in the United States or Canada to participate in our study. We compensated the participants with USD 2.5 for the study, which took approximately 15 min, even if they failed the attention check questions. In our analysis, we only used responses from the participants who correctly answered all nine of our attention check questions. The summary of the participants’ demographics is available in Table 2.

6.2 Procedure

Participants interested in our study would first accept the task in Mturk and review the ICD provided in the survey. Clicking the link to our online study system meant that the participants agreed to the ICD. The participants were greeted with information about the survey in our system. Then, the participants interacted with one of the four conditions (Control, Ethos, Pathos, and Logos). Moreover, the three treatment conditions had designs for the reflective rationales that the users could select. A survey including open-ended questions followed each design. Finally, the participants answered questions about their demographics and prior knowledge about applications from unknown publishers. At the end of the study, we provided the participants with a seven-digit code, which they entered into the Mturk Survey to complete the study.

6.3 Analysis

We use statistical tests to analyze our quantitative results. We consider results to be significant when we find p< .05, but further highlight results with lower p values. When comparing two conditions, we use a Wilcoxon signed rank test for the matched pairs of subjects and a Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test for unpaired results. Wilcoxon tests are similar to t-tests but do not assume the distributions of the compared samples, which is appropriate for our collected data.

For the qualitative results from the open-ended questions, we performed thematic analysis, where two independent researchers coded the responses and later discussed and resolved the discrepancies in the codes.

7 Online Study

After making changes based on the suggestions from the lab study, we created a survey system to conduct an online study in Amazon Mechanical Turk (see Sect. 4). Each user was either provided with the control condition (see Fig. 1) or one of the three treatment conditions (see Fig. 3, 4, and 5). The three scenarios (see Sect. 4) in treatment conditions were presented randomly to mitigate order effects. We observed that the randomization was successful, as there is a lack of significant order effects between the three conditions (see Table 3).

Table 3. Order effects between the different scenarios of treatment condition
Fig. 6.
figure 6

Average ratings for different notifier variations

7.1 User Ratings: Sensemaking in the Context of Warning Design

Figure 6 provides the average scores along with UEQ recommended category (color-coded) for all the 24 variations of the warnings we have used in the online study.

In light of the UEQ benchmarkFootnote 4, we observed that all the warnings had above-average scores for usefulness. That implies most users consider it important to be notified about applications from unknown publishers. One of the participants reported, “This alert is useful when you want to ensure the security of your PC and avoid accidental changes to important settings.” However, only Logos was rated above average in terms of effectiveness. The high scores in the effectiveness measure may be due to the factual information presented in Logos, which some participants reported as their primary reason for liking the warning. One of them said, “I like that it provides information about the number of attacks that have happened, and it makes me really think if it is worth it to download the app.”

We also observed that all treatment condition warnings were considered above average in trustworthiness whereas the control condition was not. Most participants preferred the contextualized information about the application (see Sect. 3), which increased their trust in the warning. Further, the reflective nature of the treatment condition (see Sect. 3) helped increase the users’ trust in the warning. Most participants liked the specific scenarios addressed by the warning to persuade them to avoid installing the application. One of them mentioned, “I like the fact that the notifier will tell you exactly some of the issues you will experience if the unknown publisher has a virus that will infect your system later.” Similarly, the participants reported on particular scenarios and how the treatment condition works, convincing them to avoid the application installation. One of them said, “It addresses a common misconception that if you have downloaded software from an unknown publisher before and didn’t get a virus or malware that it is OK to do so this time.”

Finally, we observed that both Ethos and Logos performed above average in terms of perspicuity, quality, and stimulation. We had mixed responses for these measures, which we explore in detail in Sect. 7.3.

7.2 Control vs. Treatment Conditions

As we discussed the average ratings of the warnings, next, we compared the three variations of our treatment condition with the control condition (see Fig. 7). We observed that Logos and Ethos performed significantly better than the Control in terms of trustworthiness. That could be due to the factual nature of Logos and the portrayal of a credible source in Ethos, which are both lacking in the control condition [12, 19, 30, 39]. Some of our participants also mentioned these traits of the designs; where one of the participants talking about Ethos reported, “I like how it seems credible based on the name tag next to the man.”

Fig. 7.
figure 7

P-values from the significance tests between the control condition and variations of treatment condition

The added useful information and the thought-provoking nature of the warnings mentioned by some of our participants could have resulted in significantly higher scores in perspicuity, stimulation, and usefulness for Logos. One participant, when mentioning Logos, said, “It’s relevant and timely: The user’s behavior, location, or preference triggers the notification. It’s personal: The content of the push appeals to the user as an individual. It’s actionable: The push makes it clear what the user should do next.”

Fig. 8.
figure 8

P-values from the significance tests between different variations of treatment condition

7.3 Comparison Between the Treatment Conditions

We compared the three variations of the treatment conditions with each other (see Fig. 8). We observed that Logos performed significantly better than Pathos and Ethos in terms of perspicuity, stimulation, and usefulness. Qualitative responses from about half of the participants indicate that they liked the factual information presented in Logos, which immediately motivated them to avoid the warning. One of them said, “This notice is very clear that there is a serious issue with this app. If these stats are true then I would never download something like this.”

Further, Logos was rated significantly higher than Pathos for information quality and trustworthiness. As we discussed above, participants found the factual information in Logos helpful which could have also increased their perceptions of trustworthiness and quality of information. Similarly, Ethos was also rated significantly higher than Pathos for information quality and trustworthiness. Ethos uses credible and authoritative sources to provide relevant information to the users. Some users reported that such a delivery helped them make an informed decision. One of them reported. “That [security expert] gives me specific information ‘unknown publisher’ so if I know the publisher and feel comfortable I can feel safe to install it.”

Fig. 9.
figure 9

P-values from the significance tests between different rhetoric used in scenario 1 of treatment condition

7.4 Scenario-Based Evaluation: Rhetoric Behind the Interventions

In this section, we focus on each of the three scenarios we addressed as part of our reflective design and understand the rhetoric that can be useful for these scenarios.

Scenario I: Lack of Comprehension. Figure 9 summarizes the significance tests performed between the persuasion principles for scenario 1.

In this scenario where users did not understand the warning, we observed that both Logos and Ethos performed significantly better than Pathos regarding perspicuity, information quality, and trustworthiness. Comments from some of our participants revealed that they liked the easy-to-comprehend Logos and Ethos warnings. One of them said, “It warns you in a clear and concise way what could happen by installing unknown apps and programs. It is also easy to read, and the colors are easy on the eyes.” Moreover, participants found the idea of helping the users by first understanding their level of knowledge preferable which could have resulted in higher scores for information quality and trustworthiness. One of them said, “I like that it goes in-depth about what it means only after you said you don’t understand. Good for people who aren’t familiar with technology that much.”

On the other hand, some participants found the storytelling in Pathos challenging to understand. One of them said, “I like that it is trying to be fun and interesting, it just isn’t very understandable because of it. I also like the colors and pictures used.” However, some participants thought Pathos was playful and exciting. One of them said, “I like the way the images look, I also like it shows the hacker guy, and then you having your files locked so kind of hits harder and just like the look. Also, it tells you what could happen, like one of the worst cases of what could happen but does it in a way that’s more playful”

In conclusion, for the scenario, both Logos and Ethos performed significantly better than Pathos and should be considered in future designs to increase the understanding of the users.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

P-values from the significance tests between different rhetoric used in scenario 2 of treatment condition

Scenario II: Past Experience. In the second scenario of the user’s past experience, we observed that Logos performed significantly better than Pathos in terms of stimulation, trustworthiness, and usefulness (see Fig. 10). Some participants found Logos to be thought-provoking considering how it challenges our primary task to understand and decide in an informed manner. One of them said, “I feel like sometimes we get too busy to care about things and just accept whatever notifications when we are for instance trying to install a video game and our friends are waiting on us to complete the install. This actually happened just last night.” Some participants found the facts and statistics helpful, whereas a few found the graphics in Logos, particularly representative. One of them reported, “I like the detailed pictorial representation in the notifier. I like it because it clearly indicates the possibility of an app not being safe even if it has been previously tested to be safe due to a past user experience.”

Moreover, Logos performed significantly better than both Pathos and Ethos in terms of perspicuity, where some participants mentioned the ease of understanding the logical reasoning provided in the Logos. In conclusion, for scenario II, Logos performed the best, but there was a significant difference between Logos and Ethos in only one measure.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

P-values from the significance tests between different rhetoric used in scenario 3 of treatment condition

Scenario III: Optimism Bias. In the final scenario of optimism bias, we observed that Logos performed significantly better than both Pathos and Ethos in terms of Perspicuity, Stimulation and Usefulness (see Fig. 11). Qualitative responses revealed that some participants found the image used in the Logos design interesting, which could have resulted in higher scores for stimulation. One of them reported, “Best thing is the image of the screen peeling back to reveal a possible ransomware warning. I like how you still have the choice to proceed or not though.” While about half of the participants found the logical reasoning easy to understand, some participants also expressed that the warning addressed the optimism bias appropriately making it useful. One of them said, “I think the good thing is that it makes you think, it makes you question whether it is worth it to download the app. It gives you facts, and then states you could be one of them, because I think people believe things happen to other people, not to themselves.”

Fig. 12.
figure 12

P-values of significance tests showing the impact of various factors on the ratings of the warnings

7.5 Impact of User Demographics on Warning Perceptions

We observed that the user demographics had varying impacts on the warning ratings (see Fig. 12). The ratings for the warnings are significantly higher for all measures except novelty for participants with a higher understanding and knowledge about the applications from unknown publishers. We further observed that there is no significant difference in ratings between the users who have seen the existing Windows notifier and the users who have not.

Moreover, female participants rated the warnings significantly higher than their male counterparts in terms of stimulation. Younger participants (18–39) rated the warnings significantly higher than older participants (older than 39) regarding attachment, information quality, stimulation, trustworthiness, and usefulness. In addition, less-educated participants (high school or less) rated the warnings significantly higher than highly-educated participants (2-year college degree or more) in effectiveness, novelty, perspicuity, and information quality. Similarly, participants with computing backgrounds rated the warnings significantly higher regarding stimulation and usefulness. These findings imply that certain groups of participants may benefit more from the use of persuasion-based interventions.

8 Discussion

Our findings report on the perceptions of the users towards applications from unknown publishers and the effectiveness of the reflective rhetoric-based notifiers against them. In this section, we discuss the possible implications of our findings and provide suggestions to consider in future designs.

8.1 Moving Towards Reflective Design

Prior literature [22, 69] reported the behavior and perceptions of users towards security warnings where they consider it the secondary task. In our study, the user is also primarily motivated to install the application from an unknown publisher. However, dealing with security warnings becomes a secondary task. Therefore, reflection is an essential step in the design of security warnings that intervenes the users to take a moment to identify their rationale in doing a risky activity. Our findings show that the use of reflective designs can be a practical approach in convincing users to avoid installing applications from unknown publishers (see Sect. 7.1 and 5). However, few works in computer science have used reflective designs that first aim to understand the context of the users and then present information based on the identified context. Our work provides the direction for future works to adopt and evaluate the reflective designs in various security warnings and beyond the scope of such interventions.

8.2 Addressing Habituation

Our findings highlight the importance of contextualizing the warning where participants appreciated addressing their selected rationale for installing applications from unknown publishers (see Sect. 7.4). In our designs, the contextualization of information and persuasion modes (see Sect. 3) have further resulted in polymorphic warnings. The study of Vance et al. [62] reported habituation as a significant inhibitor to the effectiveness of security warnings. However, prior works [5, 16] showed that the use of polymorphic warnings could prevent habituation in the long term. Moreover, our findings show a significant impact of users’ understanding of the applications from unknown publishers on the performance of the interventions (see Sect. 7.5). Therefore, understanding the reason behind the user’s tendency to do a risky activity should be considered an important context in designing future security warnings. By doing that, we can address specific issues that the users face while simultaneously avoiding habituation.

8.3 Limitations and Future Work

Our study was limited to participants from the U.S. and Canada. However, recent HCI studies [1, 2, 53] highlight the importance of looking beyond Western contexts. Hence, future works should include participants from diverse regions to understand their perceptions and create effective interventions.

In our lab study, we interviewed nine participants by following widely-used methods for qualitative research [9, 11, 13, 56]. We acknowledge the limitations of these studies, that a different set of samples might yield varying results. Thus, we do not draw any quantitative, generalizable conclusion from the lab study. Instead, we conduct an online study with sufficient statistical power, leveraging the findings from the lab study to reach generalizable results.

Our study focuses on a single security intervention, whereas further work is needed to understand the validity of the results for different warnings and designs. As we continuously improve designs in future iterations, we should move from just informing the user to promoting reflection where we can motivate and help them in context.