
1 Introduction

In September 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced the concept of the Silk Road Economic Belt during a visit to Kazakhstan. Just a few months later, China announced that the realization of the Silk Road Economic Belt would be seen as a key policy priority and also the concept of the Twenty-First Century Maritime Silk Road was declared. Both these concepts are part of the Chinese government’s action plan called The One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative, or later also termed the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The Belt and Road Initiative is a major concept put forward based on profound changes in the international and domestic situation and aims to coordinate the overall international and domestic situation. It is an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and furthermore it is in line with world peace and development. BRI is in accordance with the pursuit of the “Chinese Dream” of the great cause of national rejuvenation. The joint construction of BRI has specific connotations, implications, and requirements of the era and has gradually become the general consensus and common expectation of the international community, and it has received positive responses from the vast majority of countries and international organizations.

2 International Background of BRI

Complex and profound changes are taking place in the world. The underlying impact of the international financial crisis keeps emerging; the world economy is recovering slowly, and global development is uneven; the international trade and investment landscape and rules for multilateral trade and investment are undergoing major adjustments; the contagious diseases in this globe are the paramount challenge to people’s health; and countries still face big challenges to their development. The initiative to jointly build the Belt and Road, embracing the trend toward a multipolar world, economic globalization, and cultural diversity, is designed to uphold the global free trade regime and the open world economy in the spirit of open regional cooperation. It is aimed at promoting orderly and free flow of economic factors, highly efficient allocation of resources, and deep integration of markets; encouraging the countries along the Belt and Road to achieve economic policy coordination and carry out broader and more in-depth regional cooperation of higher standards; and jointly creating an open, inclusive, and balanced regional economic cooperation architecture that benefits all. Jointly building the Belt and Road is in the interests of the world community. Reflecting the common ideals and pursuit of human societies, it is a positive endeavor to seek new models of international cooperation and global governance, and it will inject new positive energy into world peace and development.

3 The Proposition of Belt and Road Initiative

3.1 One Belt

Silk Road Economic Belt is a new economic development area formed on the basis of the concept of Ancient Silk Road. The Silk Road Economic Belt, which links the Asia-Pacific Economic Circle to the east and the European Economic Circle to the west, is considered to be “the longest and most promising economic corridor in the world.”

This concept derives from the speech made by President Xi Jinping at the Indonesian Parliament On October 3, 2013; it goes, “China is willing to strengthen maritime cooperation with ASEAN countries, make good use of the China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation Fund established by the Chinese government, develop maritime cooperative partnership, and jointly build the “Maritime Silk Road“ in the 21st century.”

3.2 One Road

Twenty-First Century Maritime Silk Road is based on history, focusing on the new historical starting point of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of a strategic partnership between China and ASEAN, a strategic vision for the well-being of the people of the region.

Just as President Xi Jinping pointed out on September 7, 2013, in a speech at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan, “In order to make the economic ties between countries closer, mutual cooperation deepen, and development space wider, we can use innovative cooperation models to jointly build the “Silk Road Economic Belt,” and gradually form regional cooperation from point to point, from line to film.”

Regarding the geological location of BRI, it encompasses two different routes which draw insights from China’s ancient history. The “Silk Road Economic Belt” referred to as “One Belt,” starts from China and ends in Europe. The “Twenty-First Century Maritime Silk Road” is referred to as “One Road” for short, and it is along the Maritime Silk Road, from the coastal ports of China to the Indian Ocean through the South China Sea, extending to Europe and Africa, or from the coastal ports of China to the South Pacific through the South China Sea.

3.3 Comprehensive Network

Along the land silk road, the route ramifies into two directions. One extends through Central Asia and Russia to Europe, and the other crosses Pakistan all the way to the Indian Ocean, Central Asia, and West Asia to the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean countries. China is trying to develop new comprehensive partnerships with these countries and regions and plan to strengthen the infrastructure along the road. Like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan are all on the Silk Road, and the other five Observer countries and three dialogue partners are also along the Silk Road. China’s domestic core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt includes Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Shanxi, and Ningxia in the northwest, and Chongqing, Sichuan, Guangxi, and Yunnan in the southwest. The main waypoints of the Twenty-First Century Maritime Silk Road include Quanzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Haikou, Beihai, Hanoi, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Colombo, Calcutta, Nairobi, Athens, and Venice with a purpose to develop economic cooperation between China and Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and European countries. Xinjiang and Fujian will become China’s hub of the BRI and gain unprecedented development opportunities.

3.4 Policy Coordination

Policy communication is an important guarantee for the construction of the BRI. Under the premise of deepening the integration of interests, China endeavors to promote political mutual trust and reach a new consensus on cooperation in line with the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences. Countries along the route are expected to build an exchange mechanism for inter-governmental national policy communication and discuss economic development strategies and countermeasures.

3.5 Facility Connectivity

Infrastructure interconnection is a priority area of the “Belt and Road” construction. Based on respecting the sovereignty and security concerns of relevant countries, BRI promotes countries along the route to strengthen the docking of infrastructure construction plans and technical standard systems, and joint construction of international backbone channels, aiming to form an infrastructure network connecting various regions in Asia and between Asia, Europe, and Africa. In the process of carrying out facility connectivity, special emphasis is placed on the green and low-carbon construction and operation management of infrastructure.

4 Integration with International Organization and Countries along the Routes

4.1 Continuous Expansion of Strategic Cooperation

The BRI has received positive responses from more and more countries and international organizations, and it has become a popular international public product and international cooperation platform in the world today. As of the end of 2022, China has signed more than 200 cooperation documents on the joint construction of the BRI with 145 countries and 32 international organizations, covering investment, trade, finance, technology, society, humanities, people’s livelihood, and other fields. At the same time, China actively fulfills its international responsibilities, and under the framework of the joint construction of the BRI, deepens the connection with the development plans and policies of all parties. At the global level, the BRI is effectively aligned with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, forming a policy synergy to promote global common development. At the regional level, the BRI is effectively aligned with regional development plans or cooperation initiatives such as the overarching plan of ASEAN Connectivity, the African Union’s Agenda 2063, and the European Union’s Eurasian Connectivity Strategy to promote connectivity. BRI is supportive of consensus on the process of regional economic integration.

4.2 Fruitful Communication at the Summit Forum

Various systems and mechanisms for the joint construction of the BRI have gradually taken shape. Under the principle of extensive consultation, joint construction, and shared benefits, parties involved strive to build an international platform for extensive consultation, and the International Cooperation Summit Forum of the Belt and Road Initiative has become the highest-level international cooperation platform. In 2017 and 2019, China successfully hosted two International Cooperation Summit Forums. During the first summit forum, 29 heads of state, heads of government, and other leaders attended the forum, and more than 1600 representatives from more than 140 countries and more than 80 international organizations participated in the forum, resulting in 279 specific and practical achievements in 5 categories. At present, all these agreements have been implemented according to the planned schedule, and some of them have been transferred to normal work and will continue to be put forward. The second summit forum attracted more countries and international organizations to participate and therefore achieved more fruitful results. China proposed to build a global connectivity partnership to start a new journey of high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road. China has been preparing for the third summit forum since the zero-Covid-19 policy was lifted in September 2022.

5 The Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative

The Belt and Road Initiative originated in ancient China, but it has been endowed with a distinct connotation of the times. The “Vision and Actions for Jointly Building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Twenty-First Century Maritime Silk Road” (hereinafter referred to as the “Vision and Actions”) issued by the Chinese government clearly states, “Promoting the ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’ and the ‘twenty-first Century Maritime Silk Road’ the construction of the Silk Road is a major initiative and concept proposed by Xi Jinping to coordinate both domestic and international situations, conform to the trend of regional and global cooperation, and meet the development needs of countries and regions along the route. It is an initiative, not a strategy, and its goal is to build a community of responsibility, a community of interests, and a community of destiny in countries and regions along the ‘Belt and Road’.”( n.d.) Xi Jinping emphasized that the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative is “Combining the development of our country with the development of the countries along the route, combining the Chinese dream with the dreams of the people of the countries along the route, and giving the ancient Silk Road a brand-new era connotation.”

The “Belt and Road” construction is a long-term systematic project with far-reaching implications. As President Xi Jinping pointed out, “jointly building the Belt and Road opens up new space for world economic growth, builds a new platform for international trade and investment, expands new practices for improving global economic governance, and contributes to improving people’s well-being in all countries. New contributions have become a common road of opportunity and prosperity.” Facts have proved that the joint construction of the Belt and Road is mutually beneficial.

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    Forming a new pattern of comprehensive opening-up.

Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of reform and opening-up, pointed out, “The current world is an open world, and one is for foreign countries and the other is for domestic ones, that is, one region vs. another region, one sector vs. another sector.” Nowadays, both are closed. Today’s world is facing trade protectionism, unilateralism, and severe challenges of anti-globalization and isolationism, a trend of anti-globalization and anti-globalization is intensifying, and it is eroding the political and economic mutual trust between countries. An open China and an open world are facing increasingly prominent new contradictions and challenges. Build a new system of comprehensive opening-up and form a new pattern of comprehensive opening-up. The joint construction of the Belt and Road initiative is a major measure for China to implement all-round opening-up under the new historical conditions, and it is an important platform for forming a new pattern of comprehensive opening-up. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” will help to form a new pattern of domestic all-round opening to the outside world with mutual aid between the East, China, and the West, and coordination of land and sea. Since the reform and opening-up, my country has gradually expanded its opening to the outside world along the path of “special economic zones—coastal open cities—coastal economic open areas—riverside and inland open cities—border open cities—inland.” Although fruitful results have been achieved, there are still problems such as the lack of coordination between “bringing in” and “going out,” unbalanced development of opening-up between regions, and the overall level and overall level of opening-up is not high. Therefore, “we must focus on the ‘Belt and Road,’ insist on paying equal attention to bringing in and going global, follow the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits, and strengthen openness and cooperation in innovation capabilities.

The integration of national strategies such as the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, with the development of the West, the revitalization of the northeast, the rise of the middle, the development of the east, and the development of the border.

The combination of these two strategies and openness will lead to the formation of a situation of all-round opening-up and the joint development of the eastern, central, and western regions. Promoting the construction of the “Belt and Road” needs to follow an objective avenue. The economic law requires that we should pay equal attention to bringing in and going out and continuously improve the level of an open economy by cultivating new trade formats and models, innovating foreign investment methods, and optimizing regional opening-up layouts. The comprehensive opening of the new pattern provides a new platform and injects new vitality.

The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” will help to form a new pattern of all-round opening-up across the Eurasian continent and even the world. For a long time, the world open system has been dominated by a few Western countries such as the United States, and the rules of world trade, investment, and cooperation have also been established and implemented mainly by a few Western countries such as the United States. The role of status is extremely unbalanced, and there is a lack of fair voice and equal development rights. A small number of developed countries can take advantage of the right to formulate international rules, the right to price commodities, and the right to speak in international affairs to obtain huge profits, resulting in the ever-widening gap between the “North and South” in the world. Mutual respect, equal dialogue, wholehearted treatment, mutually beneficial cooperation, and win–win sharing among all parties involved in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” fully tap the potential of economic growth through each party’s best efforts, complement each other’s advantages and share interests, and continuously expand economic exchanges and cooperation, to promote the common economic development of all countries, and strive to provide a new platform and inject new vitality for the formation of a new pattern of all-round opening-up across the Eurasian continent and even the world.

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    Open up a new model of international cooperation.

President Xi Jinping pointed out, “From a historical perspective, human beings are in an era of great development, great change and great adjustment. The world’s multi-polarization, economic globalization, social informatization, and cultural diversification are developing in depth, and the general trend of peaceful development is becoming stronger and stronger. The pace of innovation continues to move forward. The connection between countries has never been closer than it is today, the yearning for a better life of the people of the world has never been stronger than today, and the means for mankind to overcome difficulties have never been as rich as today.” The “One Belt One Road” initiative complies with the requirements of the era of major development, transformation, and adjustment of human society and reflects the strong opposition of the international community to hegemonism and hegemony in international economic cooperation and exchanges. China has a strong desire to build a new type of international cooperative relationship with mutually beneficial cooperation, sharing, and win–win results as the core and to achieve common development.

The construction of the “Belt and Road” is not about starting from scratch and rebuilding, but to achieve strategic alignment and complementary advantages. Through the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” to build a new type of international cooperative relationship with mutually beneficial cooperation, sharing, and win–win as the core, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation with the United Nations Strategic alignment of multilateral and bilateral cooperation mechanisms such as the World Trade Organization, the World Trade Organization, and Free Trade Agreements; properly handle the strategies or plans formulated by relevant countries and regions that overlap with the “One Belt, One Road” radiation area, such as the “New Silk Road” of the United States, Russia’s “Eurasian Economic Union,” EU’s “Central Asia Partnership,” Japan’s “Silk Road Diplomacy,” Turkey’s “Brexit to Asia” strategy, India’s “Westward Strategy” plan, etc.; and handle national development strategies and policies established by countries within and outside the region. To this end, the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” needs to abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and adhere to open cooperation, harmony and inclusiveness, market operation, and mutual benefit and win–win results. In particular, the humanity should jointly advocate trade liberalism and oppose trade protectionism; advocate multilateralism and oppose unilateralism; advocate the spirit of cooperation and oppose isolationism; and jointly resist any acts that wantonly trample and undermine international rules. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” is an economic cooperation initiative, not a geopolitical alliance or military alliance; it is a process of openness and inclusiveness, not a closed-door clique or a China club. China welcomes all countries to play zero-sum games as long as they have the will. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative reflects the international community’s call for openness, equality, mutual benefit, and win–win cooperation and has created a new space for international economic cooperation. A new model of mutually beneficial cooperation, sharing, and win–win cooperation has been established. Countries regardless of size, strength, wealth, civilization, ethnicity, culture, religion, and differences, as long as they agree with the “Belt and Road”, they can participate in the discussion on an equal footing, co-construction, and sharing and can carry out extensive and in-depth equal cooperation to achieve a reasonable division of labor, sharing, and win–win and common development.

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    Adding new impetus for common development.

As an open platform for equal and mutually beneficial cooperation, the “Belt and Road” not only provides new opportunities for China’s development but also adds new impetus to the countries participating in the “Belt and Road” co-construction to ride on the express train of China’s development and to promote the prosperity and common development of the world economy. After a long period of rapid economic growth in China, labor cost advantages and demographic dividends have been reduced to varying degrees, and structural imbalances such as overcapacity have become increasingly prominent. Whether it is traditional industries such as cement, steel, coal, textiles, home appliances, automobile manufacturing, and civil engineering and construction, or a number of emerging high-tech industries such as photovoltaics and wind power, the utilization rate of their production capacity is generally low, and overcapacity problems occur to varying degrees. However, for most countries within and outside the “Belt and Road” region, China’s traditional industries and emerging industries have obvious advantages. In addition, many countries within and outside the “Belt and Road” region are still in the early stages of industrialization, with low levels of economic structure, lagging infrastructure construction, and backward industrial base development; there is huge potential for product demand and investment demand. Therefore, it is necessary to “actively promote the “Belt and Road” international cooperation, strive to achieve policy communication, facility connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bonds, create a new platform for international cooperation, and add new impetus to common development.”( n.d.)

The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” has distinct characteristics of openness, inclusiveness, and win–win results. More and more countries will inevitably participate in it, which will enable more and more countries to gain new impetus for development. The “Belt and Road” involves 65 countries with a population of 4.4 billion, accounting for 63% of the world’s population, with huge market potential. Not only that, the “Belt and Road” routes are also the most dynamic regions in the world’s economic development. The average annual growth of foreign trade and foreign capital inflows reached 13.9% and 6.5%, respectively, higher than the world average growth level. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” aims at openness and inclusiveness and insists on facing the world. As long as they agree with the Silk Road spirit, more than 230 countries in the world can participate in the joint construction. Therefore, both for the countries along the “Belt and Road,” and for some other countries in the world, they can share the development opportunities of the “Belt and Road” and reap the fruits of development. Not only that, in line with the new scientific and technological revolution and the new trend of industrial transformation, firmly grasp the development opportunities of networking, digitization and intelligence, in-depth exploration and active promotion of new technologies, new formats, and new models, and also enable participants to participate in the “Belt and Road” initiative. The establishment of a country has obtained a new path of development and new growth momentum, making it a powerful driving force for the economic growth and development of relevant countries and even the world.

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    Provide new solutions for global governance.

The world today is facing profound changes unseen in a century. The world is increasingly multipolar, the international balance of power is changing profoundly, and global challenges are increasing day by day. This requires not only further strengthening of global governance but also the need to adapt to the new requirements of the times and promote the reform of the global governance system. To jointly build the “Belt and Road” means to build the “Belt and Road” into a platform for establishing multiple cooperation, a multilateral trading system and realizing common development, a platform for conducting multilateral diplomacy and developing an all-round diplomacy, and an important practical platform for building a community with a shared future for mankind. Through exchanges and mutual learning, dialogue and consultation, and win–win cooperation, we will promote the development of global governance in a more fair and reasonable direction and help build a new type of international relations with mutually beneficial cooperation, sharing, and win–win results as the core. This reflects the interests of the vast majority of countries and meets the general requirements of people all over the world. As Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out, “The joint construction of the ‘Belt and Road’ complies with the inherent requirements of the reform of the global governance system, and demonstrates the need to help each other and share rights and responsibilities. The consciousness of a community with a shared future provides new ideas and solutions for improving the reform of the global governance system.”

At present, the instability and uncertainty of the world are becoming more and more prominent, economic growth is sluggish, the gap between the rich and the poor is intensifying, trade protectionism, unilateralism, populism, and isolationism are on the rise. “Jointly building the ‘Belt and Road’ is not only economic cooperation but also improving the global development model, 3-mode and global governance, and an important way to promote the healthy development of economic globalization,” which is related to the destiny of mankind and the bright future of world development.

The “Belt and Road” initiative is to make the “Belt and Road” a platform for equal communication, exchange, and cooperation between the people of the countries along the route and other countries in the world to promote the interconnection of the countries along the route and some other countries in the world, such as trade, investment, infrastructure, etc., and to promote science and technology. Cooperation and exchanges in education, culture, etc., effectively respond to global common challenges, solve common problems in the world, safeguard the common interests of all countries, adhere to the common values of mankind, accelerate the narrowing of the development gap between different countries and regions, and promote the common development of all countries in the world.

There is only one earth for human beings, and all countries coexist in the same world. They are interdependent and share weal and woe, becoming more and more a community with a shared future where you are in me. “To promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind with the joint construction of the ‘Belt and Road’ as a practical platform is proposed from the perspective of my country’s reform and opening up and long-term development. Wanbang’s view of the world occupies the commanding heights of international morality.”( n.d.) Taking the “Belt and Road” as a practical platform for building a community with a shared future for mankind is to fully implement mutual respect, equal treatment, mutual consultation and mutual understanding, openness and innovation, tolerance and reciprocity, and fairness and justice. The requirements of co-construction and sharing, harmony but difference, inclusiveness, respect for nature, green development, etc., enable all countries to promote common development in planning their own development, take into account the legitimate concerns of other countries when pursuing their own interests, and jointly build lasting peace, openness and inclusiveness, and common prosperity. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative essentially advocates peace and development, mutual benefit, and win–win results and enables participants to achieve common development. Therefore, all parties should take “hello, hello to me, hello to everyone” as the common concept of international cooperation and move forward together toward building a community with a shared future for mankind.

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    A new platform to enhance the well-being of all countries.

The “Belt and Road” originated from the ancient Chinese Silk Road, but it faces the future and belongs to the world. Historically, the ancient Silk Road was a road that brought well-being to the people of China and the countries along the route. The recovery of the ancient Silk Road will certainly help the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and enhance the well-being of all countries in the world. The Swedish explorer Sven Hedin predicted more than 80 years ago: “It is no exaggeration to say that this transportation line (the Silk Road) is the longest road through the whole old world. From a cultural-historical point of view of China, this is the most important link connecting all nations and continents that have ever existed on the earth … . If the Chinese government can revive the Silk Road and use modern means of transportation, it will surely help mankind.”

The Belt and Road Initiative proposed by the Chinese government not only inherits the spirit of the ancient Silk Road, absorbs the essence of the ancient Silk Road, but also enriches and deepens it, endows it with a specific era connotation, and injects new momentum into it. Seeking happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation, and great harmony for the world are the original aspiration, mission, and responsibility of the Communist Party of China. In 2012, Comrade Xi Jinping proposed the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and in 2013, he proposed the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative. This is not a historical coincidence but a mission. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” makes the “Chinese Dream” and the “World Dream” closely linked and mutually beneficial. It is not only a road of trade and friendship, but also a road of win–win and mutual prosperity. The joint construction of the “Belt and Road” can not only further reproduce the prosperous scene of the ancient Silk Road, “envoys meet each other, business travel is endless” and “ships are in the sea, I don’t know how many,” but also through the joint efforts of all countries in the world to create “people Yin Yin.” To this end, “We must adhere to dialogue and consultation, joint construction and sharing, win-win cooperation, and exchanges and mutual learning, seek the greatest common denominator of cooperation with countries along the route, and promote countries to strengthen political mutual trust, economic integration, and cultural exchanges, and advance the implementation one step at a time, grasp the results bit by bit, and promote the joint construction of the ‘Belt and Road’ to go deeper and more solid, and benefit the people of the countries along the route, promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.”

The development opportunities and achievements brought by the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative belong not only to China, but also to the world. In order to better promote the construction of the “Belt and Road,” allow countries and people around the world to fully share the development opportunities and achievements of the “Belt and Road,” and make the achievements of the “Belt and Road” truly benefit all parties, the Chinese government has successively issued the “Vision and Actions” Policy documents such as “Jointly Building the “Belt and Road”: Concepts, Practices and China’s Contributions” and Assumptions for Maritime Cooperation in the Construction of the “Belt and Road Initiative” have made arrangements for the construction of the “Belt and Road” and have made solid progress in practice. Since the Belt and Road Initiative was put forward, it has not only expanded China’s trade and investment, promoted China’s economic development, and enhanced the well-being of the Chinese people but also injected new momentum into the recovery of the world economy since the outbreak of the international financial crisis and has provided new impetus for the countries along the Belt and Road and some other countries in the world. Economic development has radiated new vitality and made new contributions to the continuous improvement of the well-being of people around the world.

6 Conclusion

BRI not only provides new opportunities for the development of countries around the world but also opens up new horizons for China’s opening-up and development. The initiative is of great significance to the economic development of China and the entire world and will certainly play an important role.

The “Belt and Road” is an important platform for building a “community of responsibility,” a “community of interests” that shares weal and woe, and a “community of destiny” for China, countries along the route, and other countries in the world. It is an important platform to promote mutually beneficial cooperation and achieve win–win symbiosis. Due to the different economic development conditions, levels, and quality of different countries, as well as different cultures, systems, ethnic groups, and religions, each country faces considerable differences in development issues and interest demands. Therefore, promoting the construction of the “Belt and Road” requires upholding the spirit of cooperation and understanding. In accordance with the requirements of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and win–win sharing, actively respond to the practical concerns of economic and social development of all parties and strive to come up with a rational, pragmatic, and feasible cooperation plan, strengthen communication and coordination between governments of various countries, and sign through equal consultation. The memorandum of understanding on the construction of the “Belt and Road” and the active implementation of relevant regulations and requirements will jointly create a good atmosphere for the construction of the “Belt and Road”; strategically connect the existing multilateral and bilateral cooperation and exchange mechanisms, establish and improve the “Belt and Road” cooperation and exchange mechanism, and effectively perform common responsibilities and obligation; strive to enhance the consensus on the construction of the “Belt and Road,” and jointly respond and cooperate to solve various contradictions, problems, and challenges faced by globalization. As Xi Jinping pointed out, “Human history tells us that it is not scary to have problems. What is scary is that we are afraid to face them and cannot find a solution to them. Facing the opportunities and challenges brought about by economic globalization, the correct choice is to make full use of all opportunities, cooperate to meet all challenges, and guide the direction of globalization in various arenas.”