
1 Introduction

In recent years convolutional neural networks (CNN) have gained increasing popularity for complex machine learning tasks, such as semantic segmentation. In semantic segmentation, one segments object from different classes without differentiating multiple instances within a single class. In contrast, instance segmentation explicitly takes multiple instances into account, which involves simultaneous localization and segmentation. While U-net variants [23] still represent the state-of-the-art to address semantic segmentation, Mask-RCNN and its variants dominate instance segmentation [11]. The scarcity of training data often hinders the application of back-bone-dependent Mask RCNNs, while U-Nets have proven to be less data-hungry [5].

However, many semantic segmentation tasks feature relevant instance imbalance, where large instances dominate over smaller ones within a class, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Instances can vary not only with regard to size but also texture and other morphological features. U-nets trained with existing loss functions, such as Soft Dice [6, 18, 19, 24, 28], cannot address this. Instance imbalance is particularly pronounced and significant in medical applications: For example, even a single new multiple sclerosis (MS) lesion can impact the therapy decision. Despite many ways to compensate for class-imbalance [2, 9, 22, 28], there is a notable void in addressing instance imbalance in semantic segmentation settings. Additionally, established metrics have been shown to correlate insufficiently with expert assessment [16].

Contribution: We propose blob loss, a novel framework to equip semantic segmentation models with instance imbalance awareness. This is achieved by dedicating a specific loss term to each instance without the necessity of instance-wise prediction. Blob loss represents a method to convert any loss function into a novel instance imbalance aware loss function for semantic segmentation problems designed to optimize detection metrics. We evaluate its performance on five complex three-dimensional (3D) semantic segmentation tasks, for which the discovery of miniature structures matters. We demonstrate that extending soft Dice loss to a blob loss improves detection performance in these multi-instance semantic segmentation tasks significantly. Furthermore, we also achieve volumetric improvements in some cases.

Related Work: Sirinukunwattana et al. [27] suggested an instance-based Dice metric for evaluating segmentation performance. Salehi et al. [24] were among the first to propose a loss function, called Tversky loss, for semantic segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions in magnetic resonance imaging (MR), trying to improve detection metrics. Similarly, Zhu et al. [32] introduced Focal Loss, initially designed for object detection tasks [17], into medical semantic segmentation tasks.

There have been few recent attempts aiming for a solution to instance imbalance. Zhang et al. [30] propose an auxiliary lesion-level sphere prediction task. However, they do not explicitly consider each instance separately. Shirokikh et al. [25] propose an instance-weighted loss function where a global weight map is inversely proportional to the size of the instances. However, unlike size, not all types of imbalance, such as morphology or texture, can be quantified easily, limiting the method’s applicability.

2 Methods

First, we introduce the problem of instance imbalance in semantic segmentation tasks. Then we present our proposed blob loss functions.

Problem Statement: Large foreground areas dominate the calculation of established volumetric metrics (or losses); see Fig. 1. This is because the volumetric measures only accumulate true or false predictions on a voxel level but not at the instance level. Therefore, training models with volumetry-based loss functions, such as soft Dice loss (dice), often leads to unsatisfactory instance detection performance. To achieve a better instance detection performance, it is necessary to take instance imbalance into account. Instance imbalance can be of many categories, such as morphology and texture. Importantly, instance imbalance often cannot be easily specified and quantified for use in CNN training, for example, as instance weights in the loss function. Thus, using conventional methods, it is difficult to incorporate instance imbalance in CNN training. Our objective is to design loss functions to compensate for the instance imbalance while being agnostic to the instance imbalance type. Therefore, we aim to dissect the image domain in an instance-wise fashion:

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Problem statement (left): The Dice coefficient (DSC) for the segmentation with vs. without a lesion, encircled in green, is: 0.9806. Therefore, the segmentations are hardly distinguishable in terms of DSC. However, from a clinical perspective, the difference is important as the detection of a single lesion can affect treatment decisions. Comparison of segmentation performance (right): Maximum intensity projections of the FLAIR images overlayed with segmentations for dice and blob dice. Lesions are colored according to their detection status: Green for true positive; Blue for false positive; Red for false negative. For this particular patient, applying the transformation to a blob loss improves F1 from 0.74 to 1.0 and the volumetric Dice coefficient from 0.56 to 0.70 and the latter is caused by an increase in volumetric precision from 0.48 to 0.75, while the volumetric sensitivity remains constant at 0.66.

blob loss Formulation: Consider a generic volumetric loss function \(\mathcal {L}\) and image domain \(\varOmega \) and foreground domain P. Formally our objective is to find an instance-specific subdomain \(\varOmega _{n}\subseteq \varOmega \) corresponding to the \(n^{th}\) instance such that \(\mathcal {L}\) acting on \(\varOmega _{n}\) is aware of instance imbalance. The criteria to obtain these subsets \(\{\varOmega _{n}\}_{n=1}^{N}\) are such that \(\varOmega _{i}\cap \varOmega _{j}\cap P = \phi ; \forall (i,j),~s.t.~ 1\le i,j \le N, i\ne j\) and \(\cup _{n=1}^{N} \varOmega _{n}= \varOmega \). In simple terms, the subsets \(\{\varOmega _{n}\}_{n=1}^{N}\) need to be mutually exclusive regarding foreground and collectively exhaustive with regard to the whole image domain.

To formalize blob loss, we address instance imbalance within a binary semantic segmentation framework. At the same time, we remain agnostic towards particular instance attributes and do not incorporate these in the loss function. To this extent, we propose to leverage the existing reference annotations and formally propose a novel family of instance-aware loss functions.

Consider a segmentation problem with N instances; for different input images, N can vary from few to many. Specifically, we propose to compute the instance-specific domain \(\varOmega _{n}\) by excluding all but the \(n^{th}\) foreground from the whole image domain \(\varOmega \), see Eq. (1):

$$\begin{aligned} \varOmega _n = \varOmega \setminus \cup _{j=1,\,j\ne n}^N P_j \end{aligned}$$

where \(P_j\) is the foreground domain for \(j^{th}\) instances of P. This masking process is illustrated by Fig. 2. It is worth noting that the background voxels are included in every \(\varOmega _n\).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Masking process described in Eq. (2). Left: the global ground truth label (GT), with the \(n^{th}\) instance highlighted in green. Middle: The loss mask \(\varOmega _n\) for the \(n^{th}\) instance (MASK) for multiplication with the network outputs. Right: the label used for the computation of the local blob loss for the \(n^{th}\) instance. This process is repeated for every instance.

We propose to convert any loss function \(\mathcal {L}\) for binary semantic segmentation into an instance-aware loss function \(\mathcal {L}_{blob}\) defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_{blob}\left( (p_i)_{i\in \varOmega }, (g_i)_{i\in \varOmega }\right) = \frac{1}{N} \sum _{n=1}^{N} \mathcal {L} \left( (p_i)_{i\in \varOmega _n}, (g_i)_{i\in \varOmega _n} \right) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\{g_i\}_{i\in \varOmega }\) is the ground-truth segmentation, \(\{p_i\}_{i\in \varOmega }\) is the predicted segmentation, N is the number of instances in the foreground.

As our goal is to assign equal importance to all instances irrespective of their size, shape, texture, and other topological attributes, we average over all instances.

To compute the total loss for a volume, we combine the instance-wise Loss component from Eq. (2) with a global component to obtain the final Loss:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_{total} = \alpha \mathcal {L}_{global} + \beta \mathcal {L}_{blob} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) denote the weights for the global and instance constraint \(\mathcal {L}_{blob}\). We (anonymously) provide a sample Pytorch implementation of a dice-based blob loss on GitHub. In order to accelerate our training, we precompute the instances, here defined as connected components using cc3d [26], version 3.2.1.

Model Training: For all our experiments, we use a basic 3D U-Net implemented via MONAI inspired by [8] and further depicted in supplementary materials. Furthermore, we use a dropout ratio of 0.1 and employ mish as activation function [20]. Otherwise, we stick to the default parameters of the U-Net implementation.

Loss Functions for Comparison: As baselines we use the MONAI implementations of soft Dice loss (dice) and Tversky loss (tversky) [24]. For tversky, we always use the standard parameters of \(\alpha \) = 0.3 and \(\beta \) = 0.7 suggested by the authors in the original publication [24]. For comparison we create blob dice, by transforming the standard dice into a blob loss using our conversion method Eq. (2). The final loss is obtained by employing dice in the \(\mathcal {L}_{global}\) and \(\mathcal {L}_{blob}\) terms of the proposed total loss Eq. (3). In analog fashion, we derive blob tversky. Furthermore, we compare against inverse weighting (iw), the globally weighted loss function of Shirokikh et al. [25]. For this, we use the official GitHub implementation to compute the weight maps and loss and deploy these in our training pipelines.

Training Procedure: Our CNNs are trained on multiple cuboid-shaped crops per batch element, with higher resolution in the axial dimension, enabling the learning of contextual image features. The crops are randomly sampled around a center voxel that consists of foreground with a 95% probability. We consider one epoch as one full iteration of forward and backward passes through all batches of the training set. For all training, Ranger21 [29] serves as our optimizer. For each experiment, we keep the initial learning rate (lr) constant between training runs. Depending on the segmentation task, we deploy varying suitable image normalization strategies. For comparability, we keep all training parameters except for the loss functions constant on a segmentation task basis and stick to this standard training procedure.

Training-Test Split and Model Selection: Given the high heterogeneity of our bio-medical datasets and the limited availability of high-quality ground truth annotations due to the very costly labeling procedures requiring domain experts, we do not set aside data for validation and therefore do not conduct model selection. Instead, inspired by [13], we split our data 80:20 into training and test set and evaluate on the last checkpoint of the model training. As an exception, the MS dataset comes with predefined training, validation, and test set splits; therefore, we additionally evaluate the best model checkpoint, meaning the model with the lowest loss on the validation set. As we are more interested in blob loss’ generalization capabilities than exact quantification of improvements on particular datasets, we prioritize a broad validation on multiple datasets over cross-validation.

Technical Details: Our experiments were conducted using NVIDIA RTX8000, RTX6000, RTX3090, and A6000 GPUs using CUDA version 11.4 in conjunction with Pytorch version 1.9.1 and MONAI version 0.7.0.

2.1 Evaluation Metrics and Interpretation

Metrics: We obtain global, volumetric performance measures from pymia [14]. In addition to DSC, we also evaluate volumetric sensitivity (S), volumetric precision (P), and the Surface Dice similarity coefficient (SDSC). To compute instance-wise detection metrics, namely instance F1 (F1), instance sensitivity (IS) and instance precision (IP), we employ a proven evaluation pipeline from Pan et al. [21].

Interpretation: By design, human annotators tend to overlook tiny structures. For comparison, human annotators initially missed 29% of micrometastases when labeling the DeepMACT light-sheet microscopy dataset [21]. Therefore, the likelihood of a structure being correctly labeled in the ground truth is much higher for foreground than for background structures. Additionally, human annotators have a tendency to label a structure’s center but do not perfectly trace its contours. Both phenomena are illustrated in Fig. 3. These effects are particularly pronounced for microscopy datasets, which often feature thousands of blobs. These factors are important to keep in mind when interpreting the results. Consequently, volumetric - and instance sensitivity are much more informative than volumetric and instance precision.

3 Experiments

To validate blob loss, we train segmentation models on a selection of datasets from different 3D imaging modalities, namely brain MR, thorax CT, and light-sheet microscopy. We select datasets featuring a variety of fragmented semantic segmentation problems. For simplicity, we use the default values \(\alpha = 2.0\) and \(\beta = 1.0\) across all experiments.

Multiple Sclerosis (MRI): The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) dataset, comprising 521 single timepoint MRI examinations of patients with MS, was collected for internal validation of MS lesion segmentation algorithms. The patients come from a representative, institutional cohort covering all stages (in terms of time from disease onset) and forms (relapsing-remitting, progressive) of MS. A 3D T1w and a 3D FLAIR sequence were acquired on a 3 T Philips Achieva scanner. All 3D volumes feature 193 \(\times \) 193 \(\times \) 229 voxels in 1mm isotropic resolution. The dataset divides into a fixed training set of 200, a validation set of 21, and a test set of 200 cases. The annotations feature a total of 4791 blobs, with 25.69 ± 23.01 blobs per sample. Expert neuroradiologists annotated the MS lesions manually and ensured pristine ground truth quality with consensus voting.

For all training runs of 500 epochs, we set the initial learning rate to 1e2 and the batch size to 4. The networks are trained on a single GPU using 2 random crops with a patch size of 192 \(\times \) 192 \(\times \) 32 voxels per batch element after applying a min/max normalization. As the MS dataset comes with a predefined validation set of 21 images, we also save the checkpoint with the lowest loss on the validation set and compare it to the respective last checkpoint of the training. In addition to the standard dice, we also compare against tversky. Furthermore, we conduct an ablation study to find out how the performance metrics are affected by choosing different values for \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \).

Liver Tumors - LiTS (CT): To develop an understanding of blob loss performance on other imaging modalities, we train a model for segmenting liver tumors on CT images of the LiTS challenge [4]. The dataset consists of varying high-resolution CT images of the abdomen. The challenge’s original task was segmenting liver and liver tumor tissue. As we are primarily interested in segmenting small fragmented structures, we limit our experiments to the liver area and segment only liver tumor tissue (in contrast to tumors, the liver represents a huge solid structure, and we are interested in blobs). We split the publicly available training set into 104 images for training and 27 for testing. The annotations were created by expert radiologists and feature a total of 908 blobs, with 12.39 ± 14.92 blobs per sample.

For all training runs of 500 epochs, we set the initial learning rate to 1e2 and the batch size to 2. The networks are trained on two GPUs in parallel using 2 random crops with a patch size of 192 \(\times \) 192 \(\times \) 64 voxels per batch element. We apply normalization based on windowing on the Hounsfield (HU) scale. Therefore, we define a normalization window suitable for liver tumor segmentation around center 30 HU with a width of 150 HU, and 20% added tolerance.

DISCO-MS (Light-Sheet Microscopy). To develop an understanding for blob loss performance on other imaging modalities, we train a model for segmenting Amyloid plaques in light-sheet microscopy images of the DISCO-MS dataset [3].

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Zoomed in 2D view on a volume of the SHANEL [31] dataset. The overlayed labels are colored according to a 3D connected component analysis. The expert biologists did not label each foreground object in every slice, e.g., the magenta-colored square. Furthermore, the contours of the structures are imperfectly segmented, for instance, the red label within the bright green circle. These effects can partially be attributed to the ambiguity of the light-sheet microscopy signal [15]. However, they are also observed in the human annotations of the MS and LiTS dataset. (Color figure online)

The volumes of 300 \(\times \) 300 \(\times \) 300 voxels resolution contain cleared tissue of mouse brain. We split the publicly available dataset into 41 volumes for training and six for testing. The annotations feature a total of 988 blobs, with 28.32 ± 24.44 blobs per sample. Even though the label quality is very high, the results should still be interpreted with care following the guidelines in Sect. 2.1.

For all training runs of 800 epochs, we set the initial learning rate to 1e3 and the batch size to 6. As our initial model trained with dice does not produce satisfactory results, we furthermore try learning rates of 1e2, 3e4 and 1e4, following the heuristics suggested by [1] without success. The networks are trained on two GPUs in parallel using 2 random crops with a patch size of 192 \(\times \) 192 \(\times \) 64 per batch element. The images are globally normalized, using a minimum and maximum threshold defined by the 0.5 and 99.5 percentile.

SHANEL (Light-Sheet Microscopy). For further validation, we evaluate neuron segmentation in light-sheet microscopy images of the SHANEL dataset [31]. The volumes of 200 \(\times \) 200 \(\times \) 200 voxels resolution contain cleared human brain tissue from the primary visual cortex, the primary sensory cortex, the primary motor cortex, and the hippocampus. We split this publicly available dataset into nine volumes for training and three for testing. The annotations feature a total of 20684 blobs, with 992.14 ± 689.39 blobs per sample. As the data is more sparsely annotated than DISCO-MS, F1 and especially DSC should be interpreted with great care, as described in Sect. 2.1.

For all training runs of 1000 epochs, we set the initial learning rate to 1e3 and the batch size to 3. The networks are trained on two GPUs in parallel using 6 random crops with a patch size of 128 \(\times \) 128\(\,\times \) 32 per batch element, with min/max normalization.

DeepMACT (Light-Sheet Microscopy). For further validation, we evaluate the segmentation of micrometastasis in light-sheet microscopy images of the DeepMact dataset [21]. The volumes of 350\(\,\times \,\)350 \(\times \) 350 resolution contain cleared tissue featuring different body parts of a mouse. We split the publicly available dataset into 115 images for training and 19 for testing. The annotations feature a total of 484 blobs, with 6.99 ± 8.14 blobs per sample. As the data is sparsely annotated, F1 and especially DSC should be interpreted with great care, as described in Sect. 2.1.

For all training runs of 500 epochs, we set the initial learning rate to 1e2 and the batch size to 4. The networks are trained on a single GPU using 2 random crops with a patch size of 192 \(\times \) 192 \(\times \) 48. The images are globally normalized based using a minimum and maximum threshold defined by the 0.0 and 99.5 percentile.

4 Results

Table 1 summarizes the results of our experiments. Across all datasets, we find that extending dice to a blob loss helps to improve detection metrics. Furthermore, in some cases, we also observe improvements in volumetric performance measures. While model selection seems not beneficial on this dataset, employing blob loss produces more robust results, as both the dice and tversky models suffer performance drops for the best checkpoints. Notably, even though tversky was explicitly proposed for MS lesion segmentation, it is clearly outperformed by dice, as well as blob dice and blob tversky. Further, even with the mitigation strategies suggested by the authors, inverse weighting produced over-segmentations.

Table 1. Experimental results for five datasets. For all training runs with blob loss we use \(\alpha = 1\) and \(\beta =2\). Note that the results for LiTS are based on a different, more challenging test set and are therefore not comparable with the public leaderboard of the LiTS challenge. For DISCO-MS, the dice model completely over-segments and produces dissatisfactory results. Therefore, we try two additional training runs with reduced learning rates following the heuristics suggested by [1], resulting in similar over-segmentation. The same problem is observed for inverse weighting (iw). Shirokikh et al. [25] themselves note the stability problems of the method and suggest lowering the learning rate to \(1-e3\).
Table 2. Ablation analysis on the blob loss’ hyperparameters \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) for the MS lesions dataset. We observe that blob loss seems to be quite robust with regard to hyperparameter choice, as long as the global term remains present, compare Eq. (3). The default parameters \(\alpha = 2\) and \(\beta = 1\) provide the best results.

Table 2 summarizes the results of the ablation study on \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) parameters of blob loss. We find that assigning higher importance to the global parameter by choosing \(\alpha \) = 2 and \(\beta \) = 1 seems to produce the best results. Overall, we find that blob loss seems quite robust regarding the choice of hyperparameters as long as the global term remains included by choosing a \(\alpha \) greater than 0.

5 Discussion

Contribution: blob loss can be employed to provide existing loss functions with instance imbalance awareness. We demonstrate that the application of blob loss improves detection- and in some cases, even volumetric segmentation performance across a diverse set of complex 3D bio-medical segmentation tasks. We evaluate blob loss’ performance in the segmentation of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions in MR, liver tumors in CT, and segmentation of different biological structures in 3D light-sheet microscopy datasets. Depending on the dataset, it achieves these improvements either due to better detection of foreground objects, better suppression of background objects, or both. We provide an implementation of blob loss leveraging on a precomputed connected component analysis for fast processing times.

Limitations: Certainly, the biggest disadvantage of blob loss is the dependency on instance segmentation labels; however, in many cases, these can be simply obtained by a connected component analysis, as demonstrated in our experiments. Another disadvantage of blob loss compared to other loss functions are the more extensive computational requirements. By definition, the user is required to run computations with large patch sizes that feature multiple instances. This results in an increased demand for GPU memory, especially when working with 3D data (as in our experiments). However, larger patch sizes have proven helpful for bio-medical segmentation problems, in general, [12]. Furthermore, according to our formulation, blob loss possesses an interesting mathematical property, it penalizes false positives proportionally to the number of instances in the volume. Additionally, even though blob loss can easily be reduced to a single hyperparameter, and it proved quite robust in our experiments, it might be sensitive to hyperparameter tuning. Moreover, by design blob loss can only improve performance for multi-instance segmentation problems.

Interpretation: One can only speculate why blob loss improves performance metrics. CNNs learn features that are very sensitive to texture [10]. Unlike conventional loss functions, blob loss adds attention to every single instance in the volume. Thus the network is forced to learn the instance imbalanced features such as, but not limited to morphology and texture, which would not be well represented by optimizing via dice and alike. Such instance imbalance was observed in the medical field, as it has been shown that MS lesions change their imaging phenotype over time, with recent lesions looking significantly different from older ones [7]. These aspects might explain the gains in instance sensitivity. Furthermore, adding the multiple instance terms leads to heavy penalization on background, which might explain why we often observe an improvement in precision, see supplementary materials.

Outlook: Future research will have to reveal to which extent transformation to blob loss can be beneficial for other segmentation tasks and loss functions. A first and third place in recent public segmentation challenges using a compound-based variant blob loss indicate that blob loss might possess broad applicability towards other instance imbalanced semantic segmentation problems.