
1 Introduction

Health is the foundation of human existence, the first demand of social development and the eternal theme of building a harmonious society. With the continuous progress of society and the rapid development of China’s economy, people’s material base is abundant, and health has become a problem that people pay more and more attention to. The concept of integration of sports and medicine originated from the United States. It advocates the combination of sports and medical care, carries out medical judgment and sports intervention on healthy people, sub-health people and patients, urges healthy people to cultivate good physical fitness, enhances disease resistance, and helps sub-health people and patients recover as soon as possible. In recent years, fitness and health preservation have been widely valued by people. The integration of correct and reasonable physical fitness methods and scientific fitness and health preservation has gradually been pursued by more and more people.

The integration of sports and medicine is a treatment method that aims at solving health problems or medical problems and combines sports with non-medical means to solve chronic disease problems. However, at present, the vast majority of people do not know how to exercise and keep fit scientifically, nor do they know the practice methods and time of using China’s traditional sports to exercise and keep fit. There are even many people who do not realize the need to conform to the biological rhythm of the human body and the time rhythm of traditional sports when using our traditional sports for fitness and health preservation. Instead, they practice at any time according to their subjective ideas, or mistakenly refer to some theories without scientific basis. It is of great significance to organize scientific exercises and promote the improvement of the health literacy of the whole people through the integration of physical construction and physical medicine.

As a new model under the strategic background of healthy China, sports rehabilitation came into being [1,2,3]. The exercise rehabilitation described in this paper is neither a special means in rehabilitation medicine nor a certain stage in “comprehensive rehabilitation”. It is an emerging specialty intersected by clinical medicine, rehabilitation medicine and sports human science. Therefore, the practice time of traditional sports will go against the biological rhythm of the human body, and the practice will often have no effect, or even backfire and affect human health. As an important part of Chinese traditional culture, Chinese traditional fitness culture inherits the essence of Chinese traditional philosophy, traditional Chinese medicine and Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. So far, sports rehabilitation is still a relatively unfamiliar term for the general public. In the context of the healthy China strategy, people begin to realize that the integration of sports and medical treatment will greatly improve their health level, and to a large extent, public attitudes can promote or hinder the development of a new technology or emerging industry. On the basis of “harmony between man and nature”, Chinese traditional fitness and health preservation sports follow the principle of yin-yang balance in traditional Chinese medicine. Although western sports have entered China, it can not hide the infinite charm of Chinese traditional sports culture, which is still favored by many fitness and health lovers at home and abroad. Therefore, based on this background, this study investigates and analyzes the cognition of traditional sports health preservation. The cognition investigation of sports rehabilitation not only conforms to the social development trend, but also is the theoretical basis for solving a series of current health problems.

2 Construction of Cognitive Model of Traditional Sports Health Preservation from the Perspective of Sports Medicine Integration

2.1 Human Biorhythm Feature Recognition

Chinese traditional health preservation thought advocates the holistic view of “the unity of heaven and man”. Heaven generally refers to objective things and their change laws, including the change laws of nature and human society. Man is not only an integral part of natural things, but also one of the members of society. He is the interdependence of nature and society. “Harmony between man and nature” refers to the harmonious unity of man, nature and society. A person’s life is a process of gradual change from birth to growth, then to aging and finally to death. In this process, various physiological functions of the human body are constantly changing. Although today’s medical treatment, science and technology continue to develop and progress, and various anti-aging methods emerge in endlessly, it still can not stop the natural trend of people getting old gradually. According to the changes of people’s psychological and physiological functions over time, modern research divides people’s life into different stages with different standards. It is mainly manifested in the unity of man and nature. It is said that man should merge with nature, and man is a kind of natural things. Human life is the essence of natural things, and is constantly gaining the essence of nature. Since mankind comes from heaven and earth, it should follow the law of nature and follow the laws of nature. China’s traditional numerology science has also found the existence of human annual rhythm for a long time. Human annual rhythm is affected not only by natural laws and numbers, but also by other factors such as the revolution of the moon. Chinese traditional health experts believe that human life activities should conform to the four seasons according to the natural law. For example, according to the change law of seasonal climate, such as spring temperature, summer heat, long summer, autumn dryness and winter cold, people should adapt to spring, long summer, autumn harvest and winter storage [4, 5]. According to the health preservation theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the process of human life from growth and development to aging is divided into six cycles, as shown in Fig. 1:

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Human growth and development process

It can be seen from Fig. 1 that the growth and development process of the human body mainly includes: preschool development, growth, maturity, menopause, aging and longevity aging. In addition to the integration of human and nature, the integration of human and society, as one of the members of society, can only improve the quality of life by relying on and integrating into society. There are many kinds of people and things in society. If a person’s understanding is not deep enough, his logical thinking is not clear, his guiding ideology and method of adjusting his mind and nourishing his spirit are not correct, and his emotional fluctuations and sudden changes are not handled well, he will often involve the five internal organs and lead to diseases. According to the mutual opposition, dependence, growth and decline, and transformation of yin and Yang, traditional health preservation takes physical exercise as the basic means and method, starts with the Yin and Yang in the internal and external environments that affect human health, and adjusts the balance of yin and Yang of the body through the implementation of various health preservation methods, so as to achieve the goal of sufficient and full body spirit, nourishing yin and Yang, healthy body and prolonging life. For example, according to the laws of the seasons, traditional health preserving exercises in spring and summer are conducted by using some traditional sports functions that nourish Yang and Yin, such as walking, climbing, traveling and other relaxing, relaxing and blood calming health preserving activities. In autumn and winter, some traditional sports health preserving functions that nourish yin and yang are used for training. In the process of human life activities, it is a normal phenomenon that the dynamic balance of life activities can be maintained through biological restraint between various tissues and organs or various physiological functions of the body.

2.2 Design Behavior Output Framework of Sports Medicine Integration

To understand the integration of sports and medicine, it is necessary to define the concepts of “body” and “medicine”. “Body” refers to “Sports”. Etymologically, it is a physical education activity aimed at health. The integration of sports and medicine literally means the integration of “Sports” and “medical treatment”. Its essential connotation is to integrate sports health resources and medical health resources in the context of integrating national fitness into national health, so as to realize the optimal allocation of health promotion resources. In the cognitive model, a complete behavior output process must go through internal thinking activities such as perception, decision-making and learning, as well as the behavior output process of decomposing the behavior scheme into meta behavior.

Next, we study the behavior output framework of how to decompose intention into meta behavior. Specifically, it is a comprehensive application of sports technology, medical technology and other health promotion means to people’s scientific fitness, disease prevention, disease treatment and rehabilitation, so as to obtain the whole life cycle process of health promotion. It is a good prescription to promote the construction of healthy China. In a dynamic environment, the agent will constantly respond to environmental changes and make independent decisions, which will produce a large number of unpredictable high-level behaviors. It is impossible to model each complex high-level behavior one by one and store it in the agent’s knowledge base. For example, the basic operations of the army are clearly defined in the operation manual, such as when to use radio communication means, how to communicate, precautions, etc.

With the progress of modern society and the acceleration of human urbanization, the development of people’s lifestyle has fundamentally changed. Under the living state of being far away from nature, lack of exercise and surplus nutrition, sports participation, exercise load, exercise intensity and scientific degree can not meet the requirements of health. The integration of sports and medicine has the safety of sports, which is reflected in that the safety problem in sports involves many factors. A feasible method is to define a set of meta behaviors, and define a set of behavior operations and a behavior synthesis framework on the meta behaviors. In this way, the high-level behavior can be synthesized by meta behavior through certain operations. This not only greatly improves the flexibility of behavior output, but also reduces the difficulty of system implementation. Based on the above ideas, a behavior output framework is proposed. From the perspective of exercise alone, exercise directly affects the safety of heart, kidney and other organ functions, the normal value of blood glucose, skeletal muscle injuries and other sports safety problems. For example, sudden cardiac death caused by improper exercise intensity often occurs. Rhabdomyolysis caused by excessive exercise intensity is also common. An action plan is a target task set, and the task can be subdivided into the method or process of completing the task, which can form a four-layer behavior output hierarchy, as shown in Fig. 2:

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Behavior output hierarchy

As can be seen from Fig. 2, the behavior output hierarchy includes: target layer, task layer, method layer and meta behavior layer. In the traditional cognitive model of sports health preservation, the effectiveness of sports medicine integration exercise is reflected in that the ultimate effect of exercise is to promote health positively and improve body function through excessive recovery. So as to prevent the occurrence of diseases, or promote the treatment and rehabilitation of diseases. The meta behavior layer can directly interact with the physical model of the subject and the environment model of the system to produce various realistic effects, such as the effects of explosion, movement of the subject and so on. In the cognitive model, the process of computer problem solving is to search the state space and find the knowledge related to the problem in the state space. However, the search space for many interesting problems often grows exponentially and cannot be completed within the time frame that people can tolerate. Heuristic search is the primary tool to deal with this combinatorial explosion problem. The common feature of semiotic models is production rules. The effect of exercise can only be brought into full play through the accumulation of a certain period of time in a gradual process. The continuity of sports medicine integration movement is reflected in that the prevention of chronic diseases or the promotion of chronic disease rehabilitation by sports as a non-medical means all require long-term exercise persistence and life cycle. The lack of continuity of exercise is the biggest obstacle affecting the effect of rehabilitation treatment of various chronic diseases. The rehabilitation effect of exercise is significant and irreplaceable. Scientific exercise can greatly shorten the hospital stay, reduce the drug risk and the possibility of complications [6, 7]. Production rule is the replacement operation of symbol string. In fact, it is an abstract symbol, which is similar to the relationship between mathematical symbols and numbers. Mathematical symbols are the replacement of numbers. Therefore, production system is recognized as a natural structure for modeling problem solving methods, realizing search algorithms and constructing cognitive models. If people want to use cognitive model to solve specific engineering applications, they need to write application programming interfaces for the core of the model. A large part of the efforts made on the interface in different projects are repetitive work. The main reason is that the current cognitive model interface is not encapsulated and is not flexible for our tasks. Adhere to physical exercise, not only for health, but also for physical and mental pleasure. The personalized and emotional design of sports can promote the sustainability of sports, and then produce the sustainable effect of sports on health. The defensive nature of sports medicine fusion disease. The simple health promotion thought of “treating disease without disease” in traditional medicine gives new enlightenment to modern health promotion business. The integration of sports and medicine advocates the use of health resources at all levels of province, city, county, town and village, give full play to the voice of doctors and give full play to the disease prevention effect of sports.

2.3 Build a Cognitive Model of Traditional Sports Health Preservation

Traditional sports health preservation refers to the physical exercise, physical exercise type health physiology and stimulation system that integrates Chinese traditional life science ideas and methods, adjusts human posture, breathing and mind, strengthens body coordination, prolongs body life, enhances body function and excavates body potential. If the external conditions change, the reaction system will also change.

Based on the meaning of sports and medical integration and cognitive governance, sports and medical integration cognitive governance is the practical application of cognitive governance theory in the field of sports and medical integration. It is a cross class, cross department and cross organization horizontal governance pattern. It is a way for government departments, health service departments, the public and basic autonomous organizations to form a governance body to recognize and govern sports and medical integration. The main purpose of most traditional fitness and health preserving sports in China is fitness and health preserving. Under the influence of the theory of heaven and man, most of our traditional fitness and health preserving sports conform to the biological rhythm of the human body. Based on the common value pursuit, all subjects share the governance rights on an equal basis, which is both independent and symbiotic. Therefore, the concept of cognitive governance of sports and medical integration is defined as: it refers to a governance system based on health promotion, in which the government’s leading departments, sports departments, health departments, health service departments, social autonomous organizations, social citizens and other multiple subjects strengthen cooperation and interaction between subjects through legal norms, dialogue and consultation, interest checks and balances, responsibility transmission and other governance means, so as to achieve the integration of sports and medical services, so as to maximize national health and promote public interests.

At the same time, some of China’s traditional fitness and health preserving sports are also used as carriers of China’s national traditional culture and often as carrying tools in festivals. The main function of China’s traditional fitness and health preserving sports in this environment is not fitness and health preserving, but carrying China’s national traditional culture through festivals. Therefore, some of the time rhythms of traditional fitness and health preserving sports in China are closely related to the biological rhythm of the human body, while others are not closely related to the biological rhythm of the human body, and are more consistent with the festival rhythm. Through combing, it is found that the time rhythm of Chinese traditional fitness and health preservation sports is related to the biological rhythm of the human body. Order parameter and self-organization are the core concepts of cognitive theory. These two concepts and their extensions form a profound and rich theoretical composition of cognitive theory. Combined with corresponding medical resources, the concept of order parameter in Landau’s phase transition theory is used as a theoretical guide to solve the self-organization problem. In the traditional cognitive model of sports health preservation, the choice of achievements is determined by the utility value of a set of achievements. The utility of results is defined as:

$$ H_{p} = R_{p} - \eta + \sum {\frac{{\left\| {\eta - 1} \right\|}}{{R_{p} }}} $$

In formula (1), \(R\) represents a subset of candidate operators, \(\eta\) represents candidate operators, and \(p\) represents the result matching probability. According to formula (1), the expression formula of the matching relationship between the possibility and utility of the model results is obtained:

$$ R_{p} = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^{m} {\frac{{\mu + d^{2} }}{{\eta_{mn} }}} $$

In formula (2), \(\mu\) represents the specific relationship object, \(d\) represents the noise controlling the utility, and \(m,n\) represents the action objectives of the subject and the object respectively. Order parameter is a macro parameter in the collective operation of many subsystems. This parameter can express the overall behavior of the system. Based on the above reasons, order parameter is introduced into the system as macro parameter, and in the process of system evolution, order parameter can contribute to the formation of new structure of the system. It can be seen that the influence of traditional fitness and health preservation sports on people’s sleep has been scientifically confirmed. At the same time, some researchers have found that circadian clock genes are closely related to sleep. To a certain extent, sleep can affect the body’s circadian clock. For example, with the accelerated pace of life, staying up late, working overtime and working shifts has become a common phenomenon, which not only affects people’s sleep, but also disrupts the body’s biological clock and causes physical discomfort. In other words, order parameters are generated in the process of competition and cognition among a large number of subsystems within the body. At the same time, the formation of order parameters plays a role of servitude or domination of subsystems to the whole system, which plays an important role in the evolution of cognition. Since belief is defined as the accumulation of existing evidence, the current belief value of each attribute in the belief database is jointly determined by the belief value of the previous time and the perceived value of the current time (or the result obtained by interacting with other subjects), which is calculated according to the following formula:

$$ S = \frac{{\left\| {1 - \gamma } \right\|}}{{\sum {m + n} }} $$

In formula (3), \(\gamma\) represents the attention weight of current belief related elements. Therefore, the order parameter measures and reflects the effect of subsystem cooperation of the whole system. It represents the participation degree of subsystem in cognitive operation and expresses the ordered type and structure of the system. There is also cross time zone travel, which will also affect the body’s biological clock due to the confusion of sleep time. In addition, researchers from a biological rhythm research laboratory in the United States pointed out that for most people, sleeping in on weekends is not a good thing, which will delay your sleep time and lead to the disorder of your biological clock. In addition, the occurrence of insomnia, depression, Alzheimer’s disease and many other diseases are related to the disorder of the biological clock. In short, the human biological clock is easy to be disturbed by the influence of environmental factors, and then affect human health. Studies have found that many circadian clock disorders are related to sleep, that is, by regulating sleep, we can regulate biological rhythm to a certain extent. In the operation of the human body as a whole, many order parameters promote the orderly evolution of the system in the relationship of competition and cooperation. Self organization is another core concept of cognitive theory. From the perspective of systematics and physics, the whole can be divided into “organized” and “basically unorganized”. The whole composed of many interconnected subsystems is an organized whole. This whole shows two forms. One form of whole is that its subsystems can independently complete the interaction and connection, and the other form of whole is that each subsystem interacts under the influence of some external mechanism. From the above, it is known that correct, reasonable and rhythmic exercise, China’s traditional fitness and health preservation sports have a certain regulatory effect on sleep. Therefore, we can reasonably use China’s traditional fitness sports to regulate sleep, and then indirectly regulate the biologic rhythm of the human body.

3 Application Test

3.1 Test Preparation

This experiment is carried out under the operating system of Ubuntu. The development environment is My Eclipse + Flex Builder plug-in. FlexBuilder develops the presentation layer. My Eclipse uses the framework Spring + Hibernate to build the service development platform. In the computer hardware configuration, the CPU uses Intel Core i7 9600k, and the graphics card uses NVIDIA GeForce RTX 20700 with 8 G video memory. The application server is a famous open source project JDK + Tomcat, the background database is MySQL, and the system modeling and drawing tool is My Eclipse UML.

3.2 Test Results

In order to test the application effect of the traditional sports health preservation cognitive model constructed this time, the experimental test is carried out. The traditional sports health preservation cognitive model based on neural network and the traditional sports health preservation cognitive model based on ant colony algorithm are selected for comparative test with the traditional sports health preservation cognitive model in this paper. Test the processing time of the three cognitive models under different data scales. The test results are shown in Table 1-Table 4:

Table 1. Processing time of 50MB data scale model (MS)

It can be seen from Table 1 that the average processing time of the traditional sports health preservation cognitive model and the other two cognitive models are 2.497 ms, 3.976 ms and 4.374 ms respectively.

Table 2. Processing time of 100MB data scale model (MS)

It can be seen from Table 2 that the average processing time of the traditional sports health preservation cognitive model and the other two cognitive models are 4.114 ms, 7.872 ms and 8.152 ms respectively.

Table 3. Processing time of 150MB data scale model (MS)

It can be seen from Table 3 that the average processing time of the traditional sports health preservation cognitive model and the other two cognitive models are 10.642 ms, 14.668 ms and 14.356 ms respectively.

Table 4. Processing time of 200MB data scale model (MS)

It can be seen from Table 4 that the average processing time of the traditional sports health preservation cognitive model in this paper and the other two cognitive models are 13.723 ms, 18.208 ms and 18.946 ms respectively. The traditional sports health preservation cognitive model in the expository text takes less processing time and has better application effect.

In order to further verify the effect and feasibility of the traditional sports health care cognitive model from the perspective of physical and medical integration, the cognitive effect of this model is verified by using the coverage rate. The coverage rate is an important indicator of the completion of the test model and a measure of the usability of the test. It is based on the user’s test and determines the coverage rate according to the number of users covered in the cognitive process and the comparison with the remaining users, Calculate whether the algorithm coverage cognitive model is effective. If there are no errors or unexpected test results, it indicates that the coverage is good. The calculation formula is as follows:

$$ F_{GL} = \frac{{R_{1} \times R_{2} }}{R} \times 100\% $$

In formula (4), \(R_{1}\) represents the recommendation list, \(R_{2}\) represents the user set, and \(R\) represents the item set. The comparative analysis results are shown in Fig. 3:

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Comparison results of coverage under different models

It can be seen from Fig. 3 that, in the absence of accidents, the coverage of the model in this paper is high. After comparison, the coverage of the model in this paper is closest to the ideal state, which indicates that the coverage is smooth and complete.

4 Concluding Remarks

The traditional sports health care cognitive model designed in this paper, from the perspective of physical and medical integration, combined with the laws of physical movement, can face the needs of real health, and can be flexibly used in different fields of the life cycle such as health care, body strengthening, heart strengthening and medical treatment. The promotion of sports health preserving thoughts on mental health is realized through the assimilation of individual psychology by sports health preserving culture. At the same time, the theory and method of defense and treatment advocated by the thought of physical health preservation will also play a positive role in avoiding and getting rid of psychological diseases for individuals. Through the above research, the following conclusions are obtained:

  1. (1)

    From the perspective of physical and medical integration, the construction and processing of the traditional sports health care cognitive model takes less time, and the application effect is better.

  2. (2)

    The coverage of this model is high. After comparison, the coverage of this model is closest to the ideal state, which indicates that the coverage is smooth and complete.

Fund Project. Supported by Changsha Medical University special funds of Hunan Provincial Key Young Teacher Training Program, Xiangjiaotong [2018] No.574–26.