
1 Introduction

Humour remains one of the most thorny aspects of intercultural communication. Understanding humour often requires recognition of implicit cultural references or, especially in the case of wordplay, knowledge of word formation processes and discernment of double meanings. These issues raise the question not only of how to translate humour across cultures and languages, but also how to even recognise it in the first place. Such tasks are challenging for humans and computers alike.

The goal of the JOKER track series at the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) is to bring together linguists, translators, and computer scientists in order to create reusable test collections for benchmarking and to explore new methods and evaluation metrics for the automatic processing of wordplay. In the 2022 edition of JOKER (see Sect. 2), we introduced pilot shared tasks for the classification, interpretation, and translation of wordplay in English and French, and made our data available for an unshared task [9].Footnote 1 For JOKER-2023, we intend to expand the set of languages in our tasks to include Spanish. We also somewhat simplify and streamline the slate of shared tasks, more closely patterning them after the high-level process used by human translators and focusing them on one type of wordplay – puns.

We choose to focus on puns because, despite recent improvements in the quality of machine translation based on machine learning, puns are often held to be untranslatable by statistical or neural approaches [1, 26, 33]. Punning jokes are a common source of data in computational humour research, in part because of their widespread availability and in part because the underlying linguistic mechanisms are well understood. However, past pun detection data sets [29, 39] are problematic because they draw their positive and negative examples from texts in different domains. In JOKER-2023 we attempt to avoid this problem by generating our negative examples by using naïve literal translations, or by slightly editing our positive examples, a technique pioneered by [38].

The three shared tasks of JOKER-2023 can be summarised as follows:

  1. 1.

    Detection and location of puns in English, French, and Spanish;

  2. 2.

    Interpretation of puns in English, French, and Spanish; and

  3. 3.

    Translation of puns from English to French and Spanish.

The unshared task of JOKER-2022 saw its data used for a pun generation task potentially aimed at improving interlocutor engagement in dialogue systems. JOKER-2023 will likewise have an unshared task that aims at attracting runs with other, possibly novel, use cases, such as pun generation or humorousness evaluation.

While JOKER-2022 proved to be challenging (with only 13% of evaluated translations being judged successful), this round’s larger data set and more constrained, interconnected tasks may present opportunities for better performance.

2 JOKER-2022: Results and Lessons Learnt

Forty-nine teams registered for JOKER-2022, 42 downloaded the data and seven submitted official runs for its shared tasks: nine for Task 1 on classification and interpretation of wordplay [10], four for Task 2 on wordplay translation in named entities [8], and six for Task 3 on pun translation [11]. One additional run was submitted for Task 1 after the deadline. Two runs were submitted for the unshared task, and new classifications were proposed by participants.

Participants’ scores on the wordplay classification part of Task 1 were uniformly high, which we attribute to the insufficient expressiveness of our typology and the class imbalance of our data. Due to the expense involved in revising the typology and applying it to new data, we have decided to drop wordplay classification from JOKER-2023. However, the interpretation part of the task – which required participants to determine both the location and (double) meaning of the wordplay instances – proved to be more challenging, and provoked great interest from the participants. Besides this, we note that providing the location and interpretation of a play on words may be more relevant for downstream processing tasks such as translation [24, p. 86]. For this reason, this part of the task will be repeated in JOKER-2023, albeit with new data.

JOKER-2022’s Task 2, on named entity translation, did not see much variety in the participants’ approaches, and their low success rates may be due to a lack of context in the data that would be too expensive for us to source. For these reasons, we have opted to discontinue this task for JOKER-2023.

Like Task 1, Task 3 of JOKER-2022 proved to be both popular and challenging, and so we are rerunning it in JOKER-2023 with new data. Task 3 moreover had the side-effect of producing a French-language corpus with positive and negative examples of wordplay, which some participants endeavoured to use for wordplay generation in French (following methods developed for English). The corpus was also reused by the French Association for Artificial Intelligence to organise a jam on wordplay generation in French during a week-long conference [3]. Of particular interest is how humans perceive the generated wordplay. Participants in the jam, for example, raised questions about how to evaluate the humorousness of the system output. Furthermore, a curated selection of sentences generated using our corpus with a large language modelFootnote 2 was used by some of the present authors during an outreach event, where a public audience was asked to guess if a given humorous sentence was created by an AI or a human. In JOKER-2023, we thus encourage unshared task submissions describing the use of our data for user perception studies and wordplay generation.

3 Shared Tasks

3.1 Task 1: Pun Detection and Location

Description. A pun is a form of wordplay in which a word or phrase evokes the meaning of another word or phrase with a similar or identical pronunciation [19]. Pun detection is a binary classification task where the goal is to distinguish between texts containing a pun and texts not containing a pun. Pun location is a finer-grained task, where the goal is to identify which words carry the double meaning in a text known a priori to contain a pun.

For example, the first of the following sentences contains a pun where the word propane evokes the similar-sounding word profane, and the second sentence contains a pun exploiting two distinct meanings of the word interest:

figure a

For the pun detection task, the correct answer for these two instances would be “true”, and for the pun location task, the correct answers are respectively “propane” and “interest”.

Data. The positive examples for Task 1, which will be used for both the detection and location subtasks, consist of short jokes (one-liners), each containing a single pun. These positive examples will be drawn from previously constructed corpora as well as collections that may not have been used in previous shared tasks.Footnote 3 In contrast to previously published punning data sets, our negative examples will be generated by the data augmentation technique of manually or semi-automatically editing positive examples in such a way that the wordplay is lost but most of the rest of the meaning remains.Footnote 4 In this way, we hope to better minimise the differences in length, vocabulary, style, etc. that were seen in previous pun detection data sets and that could be picked up on by today’s neural approaches. Negative examples will be used only for the pun detection subtask.

As usual with shared tasks, data for all tasks will be split into training and test sets, with the training set (including gold-standard labels) published as soon as available, and the test data withheld until evaluation phase.

English. Our training data will include positive examples from the corpora of SemEval-2017 Task 7 [29], SemEval-2021 Task 12 [35], and various other collections. Positive examples in the test data will be drawn, to the extent possible, from jokes not present in past data sets. As mentioned above, negative examples in both the training and test data will be produced by slightly perturbing the positive examples via data augmentation.

French. In 2022, we created a corpus for wordplay detection in French [9, 11] based on the translation of the corpus of English puns introduced at SemEval-2017 Task 7 [29]. Some of the translations were machine translations, and others were human translations sourced from a contest or from native francophone students translators. The majority of human translations (90%) preserved wordplay in some form, while only 13% of the machine translations did so. The resulting corpus is homogeneous, across positive and negative examples, in terms of vocabulary and text length, and it maintains the class balance of the original. However, there was an imbalance across the training and test sets with respect to machine vs. human translations, with more machine translations in the test set. This corpus will be improved and extended for use with JOKER-2023. In particular, we will correct the machine vs. human translation imbalance by sourcing additional, manually verified machine translations for the training set. We will also source new positive examples for our test set, and will apply the same data augmentation technique used for our English data.

Spanish. Our Spanish data set is collected from various web sources (blogs, joke compilations, humour forums, etc.) to which we apply the same data augmentation techniques as for the English data.

Evaluation. We follow (and thereby facilitate comparison with) SemEval-2017 Task 7 [29] by evaluating pun detection using the precision, recall, accuracy, and F-score measures as used in information retrieval (IR) [25, Sect. 8.3], and pun location using the corresponding variants of precision, recall, and F-score from word sense disambiguation (WSD) [31].Footnote 5

3.2 Task 2: Pun Interpretation

Description. In pun interpretation, systems must indicate the two meanings of the pun. The pun interpretation task at SemEval-2017 required systems to annotate the pun with senses from WordNet, and JOKER-2022 expected annotations according to a relatively complex, structured notation scheme. In JOKER-2023, semantic annotations will be in the form of a pair of lemmatised word sets. Following the practice used in lexical substitution data sets [27], these word sets will contain the synonyms (or absent any, the hypernyms) of the two words involved in the pun, excepting any synonyms/hypernyms that happen to share a spelling with the pun as written.Footnote 6 This annotation scheme removes the need for participating systems to directly rely on a particular sense inventory or notation scheme.

For example, for the punning joke introduced in Example 1 above, the word sets are {gas, fuel} and {profane}, and for Example 2, the word sets are {involvement} and {fixed charge, fixed cost, fixed costs}.

Data. The data will be drawn from the positive examples of Task 1, with the pun word annotated with two sets of words, one for each sense of the pun. Each set of words will contain synonyms or hypernyms of the sense or (in the case of heterographic puns) the latent target word.

Evaluation. Task 2 will be evaluated with the precision, recall, and F-score metrics as used in word sense disambiguation [31], except that each instance will be scored as the average score for each of its senses. Systems need guess only one word for each sense of the pun; a guess will be considered correct if it matches any of the words in the gold-standard set. For example, a system guessing {fuel}, {profane} would receive a score of 1 for Example 1, and a system guessing {fuel}, {prophet} would receive a score of 1/2.

3.3 Task 3: Pun Translation

Description. The goal of this task is to translate English punning jokes into French and Spanish. The translations should aim to preserve, to the extent possible, both the form and meaning of the original wordplay – that is, to implement the pun\(\rightarrow \) pun strategy described in Delabastita’s typology of pun translation strategies [5, 6]. For example, Example 2 might be rendered into French as J’ai été banquier mais j’en ai perdu tout l’intérêt. This fairly straightforward translation happens to preserve the pun, since interest and intérêt share the same ambiguity. Needless to say, this is coincidence does not hold for the majority of punning jokes in our data set (or generally, for that matter).

Data. We will provide an updated training and test set of English-French translations of punning jokes, and new sets of English-Spanish ones, similar to English-French data sets we produced for JOKER-2022 [9, 11].

Evaluation. As we have previously argued [9, 11], vocabulary overlap metrics such as BLEU are unsuitable for evaluating wordplay translations. We will therefore continue JOKER-2022’s practice of having trained experts manually evaluate system translations according to features such as lexical field preservation, sense preservation, wordplay form preservation, style shift, humorousness shift, etc. and the presence of errors in syntax, word choice, etc. The runs will be ranked according to the number of successful translations – i.e., translations preserving, to the extent possible, both the form and sense of the original wordplay. We will also experiment with other semi-automatic metrics.

4 State of the Art

Humour is part of social coexistence and therefore is part of interpersonal interactions. This places it in a complicated position, since the perception of humour can be somewhat ambiguous and depends on a number of subjective factors. Thus, dealing with humour, even in its written form, becomes a rather complex undertaking, even for those (computational) tasks that at the first sight seem trivial. Various studies have addressed these tasks, including the detection, classification, and translation of humour, and also determining whether the intention or interpretability of the translated humour is maintained. Some of the present authors have even designed evaluation campaigns for some of these tasks (e.g., [8, 10, 11, 29, 35]), aiming not just to support traditional NLP applications, but also to gain a broader knowledge of the structure and nuances of verbal humour.

Nevertheless, relatively few studies have been carried out on the machine translation (MT) of wordplay. One of the earliest of these [12] proposed a pragmatic-based approach to MT, but no working system was implemented. An interactive method for the computer-assisted translation of puns was recently implemented [24], but it cannot be directly applied for MT. Four teams participated in the pun translation task of JOKER-2022 [7, 14, 16]; their approaches relied variously on applications of transformer-based models or on DeepL.

Automatic humour recognition has become an emerging trend with the rise of conversational agents and the need for social media analysis [13, 15, 18, 22, 23, 30, 34]. While some systems have achieved decent performance on humour detection, location, and classification tasks [10, 29], the lack of high-quality training data has been a limiting factor for further progress, and especially in case of languages other than English [9]. As with translation, many of the JOKER-2022 classification task participants [2, 16] favoured applications of large language models such as Google T5 and Jurassic-1.

Other popular application areas in computational humour include humour generation and humorousness evaluation. Recent work in the former area includes template-based approaches for pun generation in English and French [17, 20, 36], as well as injecting humour into existing non-humorous English texts [37]. Though these tasks have been studied in a monolingual setting, it may be possible to adapt them for a translation task. Work in humorousness evaluation covers methods that attempt to quantify the level of humour in a text, or to rank texts according to their level of humour [4, 21, 28, 32, 40]. Such methods also have possible applications in humour translation (e.g., by verifying that a translated joke preserves the level of humour of the original).

5 Conclusion

This paper has described the prospective setup of the CLEF 2023 JOKER track, which features shared tasks on pun detection, location, interpretation, and translation. We will also welcome submissions using our data for other tasks, such as pun generation, offensive joke detection, or humour perception. Please visit the JOKER website at for further details on the track.