1 Introduction

Process discovery is one of the most investigated process mining techniques [43]. It deals with the automatic learning of a process model from a given set of logged traces, each one representing the digital footprint of the execution of a case.

If we focus on the way process discovery techniques see the model-extraction task, we can divide them into two broad categories. The first category is constituted by works that tackle the problem of process discovery with one-class supervised learning techniques (see, e.g., [1, 3, 4, 23, 44]). These works are driven by the assumption that all available log traces are instances of the process to be discovered and constitute the wast majority of works in the process discovery spectrum. The second category comprises works that intend model-extraction as a two-class supervised task, which is driven by the possibility of partitioning the log traces into two sets according to some business or domain-related criteria. Usually, these sets are referred to as positive and negative examples, and the goal is to learn a model that characterizes one set w.r.t. the other. These works are traditionally less represented (see [16, 21, 31]). Nonetheless, few recent works [15, 26, 39] have highlighted the importance of performing model-extraction as a two-class supervised task with different motivations: first, the actual existence of positive and negative examples in real use cases [26, 39]; second, the need to balance accuracy and recall [39]; and third, the need to discover a particular process variant (e.g., the process characterizing “fast” traces) against the one that characterizes other variants, thus using the labels positive and negative to distinguish between two classes of examples [15]. Hereafter, we refer to miners of the first and second category as unary and binary miners, respectively.

A problem that remains unsolved in process discovery, in general, and in binary miners, in particular, is the need to select, among all possible discovered models, the ones that fit better the expectations of expert users, that is, users who are knowledgeable about the specific domain and because of this have specific desiderata and expectations. This is true for the traditional discovery of procedural and declarative models, where the discovered model that accepts all the positive examples is usually too complex (e.g., too spaghetti like), and mechanisms are introduced to “select” specific behaviors. Examples of criteria for this selection can be the frequency of a certain element (e.g., an activity or a path), or the presence of certain modeling patterns (e.g., a specific declarative pattern). The problem becomes even more compelling when we approach process discovery as a two-class supervised task. In fact, as recently shown in [39], perfect binary miners, able to discover models that accept all positive examples and none of the negative examples, do not necessarily exist. In such cases, many sub-optimal models can be returned, leading to the issue of identifying criteria for preferring one model or the other.

In this paper, we address the problem of inserting expert user preferences, (hereafter expert preferences) in the discovery of declarative process models as a two-class supervised task. We start from a recent work [15] that introduces the NegDis binary miner for the Declare modeling language [36] (introduced in Sect. 2). Being NegDis based on the logic-based framework ASP [12], it provides a formal framework with a clear semantics that allows the users to “prioritize” the discovery results. In this work, we extend NegDis by introducing the ASPrin tool [11], so as to support the notion of expert preferences while remaining within the context of a formal, logic-based semantics. The following contributions are provided:

  1. (i)

    we introduce and motivate two types of expert preferences: the first one on the Declare patterns to be used in the discovery task, and the second one on the activities appearing in the output model. Moreover, we discuss also a third type of preference coming from the combination of the first two (Sect. 3).

  2. (ii)

    we extend the original mechanism of NegDis (Sect. 4), by incorporating the ASPrin tool [11] into it. This allows us to integrate within a single framework both the expert preferences, as well as the original NegDis mechanism based on model subsumption (that is treated as a preference as well). In this way, we retain the original ability of obtaining models that vary in generality/specificity, or simplicity.

  3. (iii)

    we provide some hints about the implementation (Sect. 5);

  4. (iv)

    we report on exploratory experiments applying an instantiation of NegDis to the data sets used in [24, 39] (Sect. 6).

Related works (Sect. 7) and final considerations (Sect. 8) conclude this work.

Table 1. Declare templates

2 The Modeling Language

The discovery approach we introduce in this paper is based on Declare, a language for describing declarative process models first introduced in [36]. A Declare model consists of a set of constraints applied to (atomic) activities. Constraints are, in turn, based on templates. Templates are abstract parameterized patterns and constraints are their concrete instantiations on real activities. Templates have a graphical representation and their semantics can be formalized using different logics, the main one being LTL for finite traces, making them verifiable and executable. Each constraint inherits the graphical representation and semantics from its template. The major benefit of using templates is that analysts do not have to be aware of the underlying logic-based formalization to understand the models. They work with abstract representations of templates, while the underlying formulas remain hidden. Table 1 summarizes the main Declare constructs used in this paper. The reader can refer to [36] for a full description of the language.

3 Why Preferences on the Discovered Models?

Users look for discovering models for a variety of reasons. A common one is related to the need of having a description/explanation of a process. Other reasons might be, for example, the need for detecting process deviations or process drifts. Or, as in the case of NegDis, expert users might be interested in understanding, from a model viewpoint, what distinguishes one set of traces from another.

Depending on the discovery technique and the target language, many alternative models might describe the same process. For example, both BPMN and Declare allow us to describe the same process using different constructs or templates. However, not all the discovered models are equivalentFootnote 1, and even when they are equivalent, there could be too many models to choose from.

Since the availability of many models might, in turn, hinder the usefulness of the discovery approach, the expert user would need a criterion for selecting few models among the many discovered. Preferences on the discovered models represent then a way for prioritizing the discovered models based on the expert user’s needs. In particular, we envisage three different types of preferences: preferences over activities, preferences over templates, and a combination of both.

3.1 Preferences over Process Activities

A first type of preferences on the discovered models is strictly related to the application domain. Indeed, depending on the expert user’s goals, models that focus more on certain activities might be preferable.

Example 1

Let us consider a “loan scenario”, where a bank receives a request for a loan, evaluates it, and provides an answer. Let us assume that process instances have been classified into two sets, for example including successful and unsuccessful applications. The bank employee will look then for a model that helps her to understand the differences. Of course, the employee will not directly look into the logs, which, for simplicity, we can suppose to be as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} L^{+}&= \{\ \langle \textsf{loanRequest}, \textsf{requestEval}, \textsf{notifyOutcome} \rangle \ \} \\ L^-&= \{\ \langle \textsf{requestEval}, \textsf{loanRequest} \rangle \ \} \end{aligned}$$

where the positive example set \(L^+\) contains only one trace (composed of three activities), and the negative example set \(L^-\) contains a single trace as well.

If the employee is an employee working in the marketing department, she could have in mind the bank slogan “we always answer our customers”. Hence, she would be surely interested in the notifyOutcome activity. By specifying such preference, the discovery algorithm would return two models both involving the preferred activityFootnote 2:

$$\begin{aligned} M_1&= \{ \mathsf {response(requestEval, notifyOutcome)}\} \\ M_2&= \{ \mathsf {existence(notifyOutcome)}\} \end{aligned}$$

      \(\square \)

Generally speaking, being able to specify a preference for models that refer to specific activities allows expert users to answer the question “Is it possible to discriminate between two sets of traces by looking at certain activities?”. The discovery process becomes, in this way, domain-driven: many models describe the process, but those ones that focus on certain domain aspects should be returned before others.

3.2 Preferences over Declare Templates

Process description languages like, e.g., BPMN and Declare, are quite rich in their expressiveness, and allow us to describe a process using different constructs or templates. This leads to the availability of alternative models that could be equivalent or not. Unfortunately, even when restricting our attention to equivalent models only, it is easy to see that they might not convey the information in exactly the same way to users.

Case 1: Equivalent models. Let us consider first the case where a discovery algorithm provides as output two equivalent models. If from a “conformance viewpoint” nothing changes, from a high-level viewpoint different models might bear subtle meaning distinctions, as shown in the following example.

Example 2

Let us assume to have the following log, whose traces have been classified into two sets:

$$\begin{aligned} L^+ = \{\ \langle \textsf{a}, \textsf{b}\rangle ,\ \langle \textsf{b}, \textsf{a} \rangle \ \}&L^- = \{\ \langle \textsf{a}\rangle ,\ \langle \textsf{b} \rangle \ \} \end{aligned}$$

Alternative models allowing us to represent the traces that belong to \(L^+\) and exclude the ones that belong to \(L^-\) are:

$$\begin{aligned} M_1&= \{ \mathsf {existence(a),existence(b)}\}\\ M_2&= \{ \mathsf {existence(a), responded\_existence(a, b)}\} \\ M_3&= \{ \mathsf {existence(b), responded\_existence(b, a)}\} \\ M_4&= \{ \mathsf {existence(a), co\_existence(a, b)}\} \\ M_5&= \{ \mathsf {existence(b), co\_existence(a, b)}\} \end{aligned}$$

From a logical viewpoint, models \(M_1\)\(M_5\) are equivalent. However, models \(M_2\)\(M_5\) suggest that what distinguishes the traces in \(L^+\) from the traces in \(L^-\) is a relation between activities a and b: indeed, these models contain a binary constraint, whose purpose is to highlight a relation between these two activities. Model \(M_1\), instead, does not tell us anything about possible links between activities a and b, and a user might conclude that no relation exists between them.    \(\square \)

Declare binary templates, by their nature, suggest a link between activities. Hence, a discovery algorithm that would return models with relation constraints would emphasize such links. The user would be left with the burden of understanding if such links are mere coincidences or artifacts of the discovery technique, or if rather some new knowledge has been discovered about the process.

We can imagine scenarios where expert users prefer models containing the minimum number of binary templates, so as not to incur into the risk of perceiving in-existent relations. On the other hand, we can easily think about situations where an expert user is actively looking for relations. In both cases, preferences on which Declare templates should be preferably included into a model would allow the expert user to tailor the discovery process to her needs.

Notice also that Example 2 might mislead the reader to think that preferences over templates is a matter of unary vs. binary constraints only. This is not the case, since equivalence is a logic property that stems from the interplay between all the constraints within each single model. Models with many binary constraints might be proved to be equivalent, as shown in the following example.

Example 3

Let us consider the following log:

$$\begin{aligned} L^+ = \{\ \langle \textsf{a}, \textsf{b} \rangle ,\ \langle \textsf{a}, \textsf{b}, \textsf{c} \rangle , \langle \textsf{a}, \textsf{c}, \textsf{b} \rangle \ \}&L^- = \{\ \langle \textsf{a} \rangle , \langle \textsf{a}, \textsf{c} \rangle \ \} \end{aligned}$$

Two alternative models that accept the positive traces and reject the negative ones are:

$$\begin{aligned} M_1 = \{ \mathsf {absence2(a),response(a,b)}\}&M_2 = \{ \mathsf {absence2(a),alternate\_response(a, b)}\} \end{aligned}$$

Models \(M_1\) and \(M_2\) are equivalent due to the interplay of the constraint absence2 with the the response and the alternate_response constraints: roughly speaking, being activity a forbidden to appear more than once, the effects of the stricter constraint alternate_reponse are nullified.    \(\square \)

Case 2: Non-equivalent models. Let us consider now the case where alternative non-equivalent models are discovered. This might happen because a log is usually a partial view of all the possible execution traces. Not-yet-seen traces are unknown w.r.t. the classification, but different models could classify them in different manners. Different models would shape the unknown differently.

Example 4

Let us consider the following log:

$$\begin{aligned} L^+ = \{\ \langle \textsf{a}, \textsf{b} \rangle ,\ \langle \textsf{b}, \textsf{a} \rangle \ \}&L^- = \{\ \langle \textsf{a} \rangle \ \} \end{aligned}$$

Alternative models that accept the traces in \(L^+\) and discard the ones in \(L^-\) are:

$$\begin{aligned} M_1 = \{ \mathsf {existence(a),existence(b)}\}&M_2 = \{ \mathsf {responded\_existence(a, b)}\} \end{aligned}$$

Let us consider then the trace \(\langle \textsf{b} \rangle \), that was not recorded in the log. Model \(M_1\) would reject it, whereas model \(M_2\) would accept it.    \(\square \)

Example 4 shows how traces not appearing in the log used for the discovery might be classified differently by the discovered models. A preference elicitation mechanism would allow the expert user to decide how the not-yet-seen traces would be classified, in a restricting or in a broader way. Another example is given below.

Example 5

Let us consider the following log:

$$\begin{aligned} L^+ = \{\ \langle \textsf{a}, \textsf{b} \rangle ,\ \langle \textsf{a}, \textsf{b}, \textsf{c} \rangle , \langle \textsf{a}, \textsf{c}, \textsf{b} \rangle \ \}&L^- = \{\ \langle \textsf{a} \rangle , \langle \textsf{a}, \textsf{c} \rangle \ \} \end{aligned}$$

Two non-equivalent models that accept the positive examples and reject the negative ones are:

$$\begin{aligned} M_1 = \{ \mathsf {response(a,b)}\}&M_2 = \{ \mathsf {alternate\_response(a, b)}\} \end{aligned}$$

   \(\square \)

Both models in Example 5 suffice to classify a trace into one or the other class. However, model \(M_2\) is stricter, since it accepts less traces and rejects more traces than \(M_1\). A expert user might express her preference for stricter or more general models.

3.3 Preferences over both Activities and Templates

The third type of preferences on the discovered models is a straightforward combination of the preference types introduced in Subsects. 3.1 and 3.2. Domain-related knowledge would drive the attention to certain activities, and preferences over templates would allow focusing on certain relation types.

Example 6

Let us consider again the “loan scenario” and the log:

$$\begin{aligned} L^+&= \{\ \langle \textsf{loanRequest}, \textsf{requestEval}, \textsf{notifyOutcome} \rangle \ \} \\ L^-&= \{\ \langle \textsf{requestEval}, \textsf{loanRequest} \rangle \ \} \end{aligned}$$

Let us consider now the viewpoint of an employee working in the internal auditing department. Given that the wrong execution order of certain activities might be a symptom of some fraud, the employee would like to focus the attention over templates of type response and/or precedence, and, in particular, over those constraints involving the requestEval activity. The discovery algorithm would exploit such preference by looking for models with the elicited features, and would provide in output:

$$\begin{aligned} M&= \{ \mathsf {precedence(requestEval,loanRequest)}\} \end{aligned}$$

   \(\square \)

Notice that Example 6 shares the exact same log as Example 1. However, the output is completely different: the preferences are used, indeed, to guide the search for a model, which is of interest for the expert user.

4 Discovering Business Processes from Positive and Negative Traces

Our approach is based on the NegDis binary miner [15], which, given two input sets of positive and negative examples, aims at extracting a model accepting all positive traces and rejecting all negative ones. In this work, we enrich NegDis with the possibility to express domain-dependent preferences on the discovered models. Therefore, we report some definitions and explanations from [15] that are useful to understand our approach.

NegDis starts from a certain language bias: given a set of Declare templates D and a set of activities A, we indicate with D[A] the set of all possible groundings of templates in D w.r.t. A, i.e., all the constraints that can be built using activities in A.

We respectively denote with \(L^+\) and \(L^-\) the sets of positive and negative examples in the input event log. NegDis starts by considering a, possibly empty, initial model P, that is a set of Declare constraints known to characterize the examples in \(L^+\). The goal of NegDis is to refine P taking into account both the positive and the negative examples.

Definition 1

Given the initial model P, a candidate solution for the discovery task is any set of constraints \(S\subseteq D[A]\) s.t. (i) \(P\subseteq S\); (ii) \(\forall t\in L^+\) we have \(t\models S\); (iii) S maximizes the set \(\{t\in L^-\mid t\not \models S\}\).

Declare templates can be organized into a hierarchy of subsumption [19] according to the logical implications derivable from their semantics. Consistently with this concept, we introduce the following definition of generality relation between models.

Definition 2

A model \(M\subseteq D[A]\) is more general than \(M'\subseteq D[A]\) (written as \(M \succeq M'\)) when for any \(t\in A^*\), \(t\models M' \Rightarrow t\models M\) , and strictly more general (written as \(M \succ M'\)) if M is more general than \(M'\) and there exists \(t'\in A^*\) s.t. \(t'\not \models M'\) and \(t'\models M\).

NegDis integrates the subsumption rules introduced in [19], into the deductive closure operator.

Definition 3

Given a set R of subsumption rules, a deductive closure operator is a function \(cl_R: \mathcal {P}(D[A])\rightarrow \mathcal {P}(D[A])\) that associates any set \(M \in D[A]\) with all the constraints that can be logically derived from M by applying one or more deduction rules in R.

For brevity, in the rest of the paper, we will omit the set R and we will simply write cl(M) to indicate the deductive closure of M. The complete set of employed deduction rules is available in the source code [42].Footnote 3

Conceptually, the NegDis approach can be seen as a two-step procedure: in the first step, a set of candidate constraints is built, and then solutions are selected among subsets of candidates via an optimization algorithm. The set of candidate constraints is composed of those in D[A] that accept all positive examples and reject at least a negative one. To build this set, NegDis constructs a compatibles set, i.e., the set of constraints that accept all traces in \(L^+\):

$$\begin{aligned} {compatibles(D[A], L^+)} = \{c\in D[A]~|~\forall t\in L^+,~ t\models c \} \end{aligned}$$

Then, it defines the sheriffs function to associate to any trace t in \(L^-\) the constraints of compatibles that reject t:

$$\begin{aligned} {\textit{sheriffs}}(t) = \{c\in {compatibles}~|~t\not \models c\} \end{aligned}$$

The sheriffs function is used to construct the set of all candidate constraints from which a discovered model is derived, i.e., the set \(\mathcal {C} = \bigcup _{t\in L^-} \textit{sheriffs}(t)\) of all the constraints in D[A] accepting all positive traces and rejecting at least one negative trace. The solution space is therefore:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {Z}=\{M\in \mathcal {P}(\mathcal {C})\mid \forall t\in L^-~t\not \models M\cup P \text { or } {\textit{sheriffs}}(t) = \emptyset \} \end{aligned}$$

Due to the fact that not all the pairs of negative and positive sets of traces can be perfectly separated using Declare  [39], there can be traces in \(L^-\) for which the \({\textit{sheriffs}}\) is empty, meaning that those traces cannot be excluded by any model that guarantees the acceptance of all the positive ones.

The second step of NegDis uses an optimization strategy to identify the solutions; in [15], two different criteria were taken into account: generality (or conversely, specificity), and simplicity. If the user is interested in the most general model, then NegDis employs the closure operator cl to select the models \(S \in \mathcal {Z}\) with the less restrictive behavior. If the user wants the simplest model, NegDis looks for the solutions with minimal closure size. In case of ties, the solution with the minimal size is preferred.

5 Adding Preferences to Process Discovery: An Implementation Through ASPrin

5.1 Specifying the Preferences

As discussed in Sect. 3, in this work we support three different types of preferences. Preferences over domain activities are simply expressed through ASP Prolog facts of the type:

$$\begin{aligned} \texttt {good\_action(X).} \end{aligned}$$

where X is a placeholder for an activity name. The intended meaning is that models containing Declare constraints about the the action X should be preferred to models that do not contain it.

Analogously, to specify a preference for a Declare template, we simply add a sentence of the type:

$$\begin{aligned} \texttt {good\_constraint(X).} \end{aligned}$$

where X now is a placeholder for a template name. Again, the intended meaning is about preferring models containing the specified templates, to other models.

Finally, to express a preference that is a combination of the previous types, we allow the user to write facts like:

$$\begin{aligned} \texttt {good\_constraint\_action(decl(Template, Action1 [, Action2])).} \end{aligned}$$

where Template is a placeholder for the Declare template name, Action1 is the placeholder for the activity name and, in case the preferred template is a binary one, Action2 is the placeholder for the second activity. It is worthy to mention that it is possible to express several preferences at the same time: the intended meaning is that models satisfying more preferences are preferable to models that satisfy less preferences.

5.2 Exploiting ASPrin for Searching Preferred Models

At a first glance, one could think that the \({\textit{sheriffs}}\) function in Eq. 2 includes all that we need to generate “preferred” models. Indeed, a naive idea would be to select exactly one constraint from each \({\textit{sheriffs}}(t)\ne \emptyset \) for \(t\in L^-\) according to some preferences. However, this solution does not take into account the interplay among constraints. In particular, some constraints might be more general than others, or even there might be cases in which two constraints imply the validity of a third one. This would clearly interfere with the validity of the specified preferences.

For this reason, we cannot use any combinatorial optimizer to enforce the preferences, but we need a system enabling some form of constraint propagation. In [15], we use Answer Set Programming (ASP) by leveraging the underlying rule based formalism enabling propagation, and weak constraints for optimization [12, 20]. The encoding of the optimization problem follows the Generate and Test ASP paradigm where part of the rules select a candidate ASP model (e.g., a subset of \(\mathcal {C}\)) and a set of constraints filters only the relevant models (e.g., those “rejecting” all the negative examples). Weak constraints are used to assign a preference value to any ASP model, i.e., a violated weak constraint does not reject the model but assigns a penalty to it. In [15], simple weak constraints were used to implement subsumption preferences; however, specifying more complex preferences between ASP models (like the ones presented so far) using weak constraints would become unmanageable and error-prone.

To tackle this issue, in this work, we exploit the ASPrin tool [11], which layers upon the clingo ASP solver [20], enabling the specification of complex preference relations through user-defined types and their arguments. ASPrin provides a general framework for optimizing qualitative and quantitative preferences in ASP. While ASPrin comes with a library of predefined preference types (subset, pareto, lexicographic, etc.), it is readily extensible by new customized preference types. Preferences can be defined and aggregated by means of higher level types, making ASPrin the perfect tool to support the preferences introduced in Sect. 3. Moreover, ASPrin provides a simple way to implement the “generality” and “simplicity” criteria discussed in Sect. 4.

Describing the ASPrin language and the precise encoding of the optimization problem is outside the scope of this paper (the full code is available in [42] while a detailed description of how we encoded the process discovery problem using the ASPrin framework is available in [14]). However, in abstract wording, we use two different predicates, which are explicitly represented by means of their template and activities as predicate arguments. This enables the characterization of the ASP models, e.g., by prioritizing those in which specific templates and/or activities are selected or excluded. These preferences can be combined with domain-independent preferences, e.g., on the size of the discovered models to provide a fine-grained ordering among them.

6 Evaluating the Discovery

In Sect. 3, we introduced the preference types through simple toy-like examples. The interested reader, however, might wonder about the usability and efficacy of our approach when applied to real-life cases. We explored the applicability of our approach using two real-life event logs, namely DREYERS (492 positive traces and 208 negative ones) and CERV (55 positive traces and 102 negatives traces).Footnote 4 In both cases, we were able to find ten models satisfying the given preferences in a computation time between 1 and 3 s, using a normally-equipped laptop.

6.1 The DREYERS Log

The DREYERS log describes the Dreyer Foundation’s processes pertaining to their support to legal and architectural projects, and it has been used in [17, 39]. Each application to request the Foundation’s support goes through a pre-screen that can lead to an initial rejection. The remaining applications undergo a review, in which at least one of the reviewers must be a lawyer or an architect, depending on the application type. The review phase is followed by a board meeting, where applications to be supported are selected and eventually funded. Two sets of log traces are available in the dataset: a positive one collecting executions that did not fail and a negative one representing executions that were reset due to a system failure.

Using this dataset, we played a sort of “investigation game”, and explored the hypothesis that the type of application (architect- or lawyer- type) might affect the process outcome. To this end, we initially specified a preference good_action(Lawyer Review), and later on a preference good_action(Architect Review). In both cases, more than one model satisfying the preferences were found. However, the two sets of models are identical (except for the architect/lawyer activity), showing that the process is independent of the application domain. We report an example of a model obtained when specifying the preference for models containing activity Architect Review:

$$\begin{aligned} M_1 = \{&\mathsf { alternateresponse(Undo\ payment, First\ payout)} \\&\mathsf { chainprecedence(Fill\ out\ application, Initial\ Rejection)} \\&\mathsf { choice(Round\ ends, Change\ phase\ to\ Abort)} \\&\mathsf { notchainsuccession(Receive\ final\ report, First\ payout)} \\&\mathsf { notchainsuccession(Change\ phase\ to\ Preparation, Approve\ application)} \\&\mathsf { notchainsuccession(Change\ phase\ to\ Preparation, Execute\ Pre\ decision)} \\&\mathsf { notchainsuccession(Set\ to\ Pre\ approved, Round\ Ends)} \\&\mathsf { notsuccession(Architect\ Review, Approval\ on\ to\ the\ board)} \ \} \end{aligned}$$
Table 2. Traces ruled out by each constraint of model \(M_1\).

Notably, as shown in Table 1, this model is able to discriminate between positive and negative examples except for three negative traces (two variants), that cannot be ruled out without discarding also some positive examples.

We continued our investigation by focusing on activity Initial Rejection. We report here one of the returned models:

$$\begin{aligned} M_2 = \{&\mathsf { absence2(Initial\ rejection)} \\&\mathsf { choice(Round\ Ends, Applicant\ informed)} \\&\mathsf { notchainsuccession(Set\ to\ Pre\ approved, Round\ Ends)} \\&\mathsf { notchainsuccession(Receive\ final\ report, First\ payout)} \\&\mathsf { notchainsuccession(Change\ phase\ to\ Preparation, Approve\ application)} \\&\mathsf { notchainsuccession(Change\ phase\ to\ Preparation, Execute\ Pre\ decision)} \\&\mathsf { notsuccession(Lawyer\ Review, Change\ phase\ to\ review)} \\&\mathsf { response(Undo\ payment, First\ payout) } \ \} \end{aligned}$$

Model \(M_2\) highlights the fact that some negative traces can be distinguishable from the positive ones because of the repetition of Initial Rejection: some traces, indeed, reported the execution of the activity twice, thus indicating an attention point for the process analyst.

Finally, we did compare the effect of discovering models with or without the two preferred activities. For this we asked NegDis to extract 10 optimal models with no preferences, 10 with the Architect Review preference and 10 with the Initial Rejection preference, and we pairwise compared the models with no preference and the ones with a preferred activity. When imposing no preferences, activity Architect Review shows up in only 4 of the 10 discovered models. Imposing the usage of Initial Rejection is instead “unnecessary” (a posteriori), as this activity is also present in all 10 models discovered without specifying any preference.

6.2 Evaluation on the CERV Log

CERV is an event log that describes a process pertaining to the cervical cancer screening in an Italian screening center, and it has been used in previous works [15, 24]. The screening program is composed of five phases, organized sequentially: screening planning, invitation management, first level test with pap-test, second level test with colposcopy (only if the first test is positive), and eventually biopsy (if the second test gives a positive response). Several subjects do not respect the planned protocol: e.g., subjects might not show up at the first test, even if they have chosen a time slot. Moreover, a number of subjects prefer to consult physicians they trust more, in case of a positive response. As it commonly happens in socio-technical systems, a large variety of process instances appear in the log, not all them being compliant with the protocol. Hence, the traces have been labeled by a domain expert as belonging either to the positive or the negative set, depending on their compliance with the adopted protocol.

We investigated the log by eliciting two preferences over the precedence and succession templates:

$$\begin{aligned} \texttt {good\_constraint(precedence).}\\ \texttt {good\_constraint(succession).} \end{aligned}$$

The first two returned models are:

$$\begin{aligned} M_1 = \{&\mathsf { alternateresponse(send\ positive\ pap\ test\ result, take\ a\ colposcopy\ examination)} \\&\mathsf { chainprecedence(invite, take\ a\ pap\ test\ examination)} \\&\mathsf { exclusivechoice(send\ pap\ test\ sample, reject)} \\&\mathsf {precedence(send\ colposcopy\ uncertain\ result, send\ biopsy\ sample)} \ \} \\ \\ M_2 = \{&\mathsf { alternateresponse(send\ positive\ pap\ test\ result, take\ a\ colposcopy\ examination)} \\&\mathsf { chainprecedence(invite, take\ a\ pap\ test\ examination)} \\&\mathsf { exclusivechoice(send\ pap\ test\ sample, reject)} \\&\mathsf {succession(send\ colposcopy\ uncertain\ result, send\ biopsy\ sample)} \ \} \end{aligned}$$

In model \(M_1\), the precedence constraint implies that if a biopsy is executed, then the colposcopy examination has provided an uncertain result before. The second model is identical to the first one, except for the constraint related to our preference. Interestingly, the succession relates the same activities involved in the precedence constraint in the first model. The difference between the two models lies in the logical relation between precedence and succession: a trace that violates the former will always violate the latter (but not vice versa ). It is then up to the domain expert to prefer a stricter or a more general behavior.

Finally, we did compare the effect of discovering models with or without the two preferred templates, by extracting 10 optimal models with no template preferences, and 10 each with the Precedence and Succession preference respectively. Interestingly enough, imposing the Precedence preference results in being extremely useful in this scenario. In fact, none of the 10 models discovered with no preferred template did contain a Precedence pattern. Similarly with Succession, which appears in only 1 of the 10 models discovered without specifying any preference.

7 Related Work

When processes are loosely-structured, procedural discovery could produce spaghetti-like models [15, 28]. In that case, declarative approaches are more suitable for the purpose since they briefly list all the required or prohibited behaviors without explicitly specifying all possible process paths.

Over the last decade, several works focused on declarative process discovery [18, 19, 30, 38]. In [18, 30], the authors propose to build the set of all possible candidate Declare constraints considering all the activities that appear in the log, and check them against the whole log until certain levels of recall and specificity are reached. Techniques to refine the business model excluding vacuously satisfied constraints are the focus of the subsequent works by Schunselaar et al. [38], whereas Di Ciccio et al. [19] propose an approach to filter out frequent redundancies and inconsistencies. All the cited declarative approaches do not deal with negative examples. Nonetheless, interestingly from our point of view, in [29], the authors present an approach to specify “crisp” preferences that filter out constraints (discovered from positive examples only) that are not in line with some user knowledge. Differently from this approach, our approach allows the user to use preferences to “prioritize” the discovered models without necessarily filter out the ones that do not agree with the specified preferences.

Negative examples are instead actively employed in the declarative discovery approaches [7, 8, 15, 16, 24, 25, 39]. The technique by Lamma et al. [24, 25] learns integrity constraints expressed as logical formulas, and translates them into the equivalent DecSerFlow constructs [2]. Bellodi et al. [7, 8] employ the same approach and automatically convert the results into Markov Logic formulas—statistical relational learning is used to determine the weight of each formula. Analogously, Chesani et al. [16] propose to learn a set of SCIFF rules [5] and translate them into ConDec constraints [35]. The approach that we adopt in this work instead, is the one presented in [15], which directly learns Declare constraints without any intermediate language. This approach is grounded on a SAT-based solver analogously to the works in [13, 32, 37], where simple Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas are generated to analyze sets of positive and negative examples. Particularly relevant for our work is the contribution by Slaats et al. [39], which proposes a binary classification procedure for process discovery evaluated on a set of real-life logs with negative examples from industry.

Our notion of negative example is similar to the definitions of syntactical and semantic noise of [22] since our approach is able to extract both the syntactic information that characterizes the positive examples w.r.t. negative ones, and the relevant semantic difference between traces that have been partially or totally modified at a certain point in time. In this sense, our work is also closely related to deviance mining approaches [33], i.e., techniques to extract the relevant details characterizing those traces that deviate from the expected behavior. Whereas some deviance mining approaches [6, 40] focus on the differences between models discovered from deviant and non-deviant traces, others [9, 10, 27, 34, 41] intend deviance mining as a sort of sequence classification for the discovery of activity patterns discriminating between different sets of traces.

8 Conclusions

In this paper, we address the problem of inserting expert preferences in the discovery of declarative process models as a two-class supervised task. In particular, we extend the NegDis binary miner for the Declare modeling language with preferences over Declare templates and activities appearing in the model (plus a combination of the two). The computation of the preferred models, which take into account the preferences posed by the expert user, is performed using ASPrin, a general framework for computing optimal ASP models with preferences. The provided approach is described by means of motivating examples and an application to the real-life event logs DREYERS and CERV shows how to describe - in a discriminative manner - execution traces on the basis of preferred activities and Declare patterns. Future works will include a wider evaluation, which will also involve end-users. This will enable the assessment of the potential benefits of involving users (through their preferences) in the loop of process discovery.