Chemical name and alternative names

Chemical structure

Anti-1-amino-3-18F-fluorocyclobutane-1-carboxylic acid;


Axumin™ (Blue Earth Diagnostics)

Route of Synthesis

Nucleophilic attack of 18F-fluoride on triflate precursor, followed by deprotection with HCl and purification using solid phase extraction cartridges.

Normal Biodistribution and Excretion

Highest initial uptake in liver, bone marrow, and lung. Very little urinary or hepatobiliary excretion (~3% in urine over 4 h) (Sörensen et al. 2013).

Activity Administered

370 MBq.

Radiation Dosimetry

Effective dose equivalent (mSv/MBq): 0.022 (8 mSv/370 MBq).

Organ doses (mGy/MBq): pancreas, 0.10; cardiac wall, 0.05; uterine wall, 0.04 (McParland et al. 2013).

Patient Preparation

Patients should avoid significant exercise for 1 day before imaging. Patients should not eat or drink for 4 h before imaging.

Clinical Utility

Amino acid transport in tumours. Particularly useful in prostate cancer because of lack of urinary activity (Nanni et al. 2016, 2020; Marcus et al. 2020).