Chemical name, alternative names

Chemical structure

Cyclo [l-arginylglycyl-l-α-aspartyl-d-phenylalanyl-N6-[2,6-anhydro-7-deoxy-7-[[2-fluoro-1-oxopropyl]amino]-l-glycero-l-galacto-heptonoyl]-l-lysyl]

Route of Synthesis

Two-step synthesis from 18F-fluoride with initial production of 18F propionate prosthetic group then coupling to galacto-RGD (Haubner et al. 2004).

Normal Biodistribution and Excretion

Rapid clearance from blood pool with primarily renal excretion. Low background activity in lungs and muscle.

Activity Administered

200 MBq.

Radiation Dosimetry

Effective dose equivalent (mSv/MBq): 0.019 (4 mSv/200 MBq).

Organ doses (mGy/MBq): bladder wall, 0.22; kidneys, 0.03; liver, 0.02 (Beer et al. 2006).

Patient Preparation

No specific preparation.

Clinical Utility

Imaging of angiogenesis. Has been evaluated in sarcoma, melanoma, renal cell cancer, head and neck, breast cancer, and glioblastoma multiforme. Detection of primary tumour is high, but lower detection rate for lymph nodes and distant metastases. Also taken up in some chronic inflammatory lesions (Beer et al. 2007; Haubner et al. 2014).