Chemical name and alternative names

Chemical structure


Route of Synthesis

Coupling of 4-18F-fluorobenzaldehyde with aminooxy-functionalised precursor to form oxime.

Normal Biodistribution and Excretion

Initial high uptake in liver, spleen, and heart wall followed by clearance. Excretion is 37% via kidneys and 20% via liver. Biological half-life in whole blood is 0.25 h (McParland et al. 2008).

Activity Administered

370 MBq.

Radiation Dosimetry

Effective dose equivalent (mSv/MBq): 0.026 (10 mSv/370 MBq).

Organ doses (mGy/MBq): urinary bladder wall, 0.12; kidneys, 0.10; cardiac wall 0.06 (McParland et al. 2008).

Patient Preparation

Patient preparation is not standardised yet.

Clinical Utility

Targets αvβ3 integrin for imaging angiogenesis. Has been shown to be taken up in breast cancer, melanoma, and renal tumours (Tomasi et al. 2011; Mena et al. 2014; Sharma et al. 2015, 2020).