
1 Introduction

With the growth of international market, E-commerce websites have to cope with not only monolingual but also multilingual queries, in order to serve cross-border customers. For example, a seller from America can serve customers from Southeastern Asia. In this case, the product information is written in English, while the query may be in Thai, Filipino, or Bahasa Indonesia. The products remain monolingual for two reasons. Firstly, it requires non-trivial efforts for sellers to provide multilingual item descriptions; Secondly, building the multilingual item indexes with the machine translation is limited by the quality of the machine translation. We refer to the product retrieval [12, 27] in this setting as cross-lingual product retrieval (CLPR), where the product descriptions and the user queries are in different languages. As more sellers are expanding their business in emerging markets, the CLPR setting is becoming popular.

However, few studies explored CLPR, due to the lack of in-domain dataset, especially for the state-of-the-art deep learning models which heavily depends on large-scale training samples. Although [28] and [17] paid their attention to out-of-domain cross-lingual retrieval tasks, these studies may fail to generalize to the E-commerce domain due to non-trivial domain discrepancy. Figure 1 provides the taxonomy of information retrieval datasets from the domain and the language aspects.

To fill the gap, we collect and release the first large-scale cross-lingual product retrieval dataset (CLPR-9M). We construct the training set by extracting query-product pairs from real-world user logs. Since labeling the negative samples requires non-trivial efforts, past studies obtained the negatives by sampling with the human-crafted strategy, which has achieved reasonable performance [6, 7, 21, 27]. In our dataset, we provide the irrelevant query-product pairs from two sampling strategies, including random sampling and category-based sampling. In total, the training set is composed of 9 million query-product relevant pairs that are from 10 categories. The queries are in Russian, Spanish, and English, while the product titles are in English only. To evaluate the generalization ability of the retrieval model, we provide the high-quality test set with three labels (relevant, weak relevant, and irrelevant) by carefully manual annotation. As shown in Fig. 2, we provide several samples from the proposed dataset.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Taxonomy of information retrieval (IR) datasets. We divided the information retrieval into monolingual and cross-lingual settings. Our work in this paper is to provide benchmarks for the cross-lingual IR in E-commerce domain. LETOR [15] and MULTI-8 [22] are the monolingual IR datasets in Wikipedia. Wikipedia (DE-EN) [19], CLIR [18] and BI-139 [22] are the datasets for cross-lingual IR in Wikipedia.

Building cross-lingual retrieval models has its unique challenges, such as how to bridge the lexical gap between languages [14]. Recently, the pretrained language models, such as multilingual BERT (M-BERT) [5] and XLM [11] can induce shared cross-lingual semantic space by learning the pretrained tasks based on sentence-aligned parallel data. We finetune the pretrained cross-lingual language model on the dataset, and provide extensive experiments to explore the loss function and negative sampling strategy. For the loss function, we propose a bi-log loss that maximizes the log-likelihood of positives from query and item directions. For the negative sampling, we compare random sampling, category-based sampling, and mixes of them. The experiments show that random negative sampling with bi-log loss can achieve a decent performance.

2 Related Work

2.1 Product Retrieval Datasets

The monolingual datasets (e.g., CIKM Cup 2016 Track 2 [1] and eBay Sigir Ecom 2019 [2]) have enabled the development of product retrieval for E-commerce search. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no public large-scale dataset for the cross-lingual product retrieval task. A similar effort is cross-lingual information retrieval datasets for general domains, such as Wikipedia (DE-EN) [19], CLIR [18], and BI-139 [22]. They may not be applied to the E-commerce domain due to the non-trivial domain discrepancy. In addition, the multilingual queries of these datasets are extracted from the title or the first sentence of the document, rather than real-world user inputs. The relevance label is determined by various hand-crafted rules, such as smoothing out the BM25 score into discrete relevance labels in [22]. Our contribution differs from the above studies in three aspects: 1) CLPR-9M is the first large-scale dataset for cross-lingual information retrieval in E-Commerce search; 2) All multilingual search queries are from real users, and the dataset is closer to the real-world application; 3) CLPR-9M provides a high-quality benchmark by human annotation with finer-grained levels of relevance.

2.2 Product Retrieval Methods

With the success of deep learning, a large number of neural network based models have been proposed to enhance traditional product retrieval methods (e.g., BM25[16], LSI [4]) and learning to rank methods [10]. The neural retrieval models represent queries and products as dense vectors, which are further exploited to produce relevance scores. Particularly, DSSM [7] and its variant CDSSM [21] have pioneered the context of using deep neural networks for relevance scoring. Van Gysel et al. [23] proposed a latent vector space model (LSE) to learn the query and product representations with the entities as bridge. Zhang et al. [27] proposed two tower model to achieve the personalized and semantic retrieval goal. These methods have shown promising results on monolingual product retrieval tasks.

Nevertheless, due to the lack of large-scale public datasets, few studies in terms of deep model explore the cross-lingual scenario, especially for the E-commerce domain. Existing cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) systems usually adopt a translation-based approach that consists of three stages, including language identification, machine translation, as well as monolingual information retrieval [3, 13, 29]. However, the performance of the translation-based approaches is limited by the quality of the language identification and machine translation [29]. Recently, multiple pretrained language models have been developed, such as M-BERT [5] and XLM [11], that model the underlying data distribution and learn the linguistic patterns or features across languages and have been applied in cross-lingual information retrieval [9]. In this way, the cross-lingual information retrieval can be trained end-to-end, thus avoids the error propagation from language identification and machine translation.

3 Dataset

In this section, we introduce the construction of the CLPR-9M dataset. The dataset is composed of a set of query-product triplets \(\{\mathbf {q}_n,\mathbf {i}_n,r_n\}_{n=1}^N\), where \(\mathbf {q}_n\), \(\mathbf {i}_n\), and \(r_n\) denote the query, product, and the semantic relevance between the query and the product, respectively. The query \(\mathbf {q}_n\) is a sequence of m words, and there is \(\mathbf {q}_n=\{q_{1,n},q_{2,n},\cdots ,q_{m,n}\}\). Similarly, the product \(\mathbf {i}_n\), which is also a sequence of k words, is denoted by \(\mathbf {i}_n=\{i_{1,n},i_{2,n},\cdots ,i_{k,n}\}\). There are 3 possible values for the relevance with 0 to represent irrelevant, 1 to represent weak relevant and 2 to represent relevant. In the following, we describe the collection of the training set and the annotation of the test set, followed by a brief summary of dataset statistics.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The samples of the dataset CLPR-9M. For each query-product pair, we provide the query language, the query content, the item title, the item category and relevance label. The terms in item title denoted what the product is are marked in red. (Color figure online)

3.1 Training Data Mining

The training set is mined from real-world user logs. Since it is difficult to determine whether a query-product pair is weakly related from the user logs, the relevance is a binary value in the training set. A semantically relevant query-product pair is considered as a positive sample, and similarly, an irrelevant pair is negative. Recent studies [6, 27] suggest that using click results as positives and randomly sampling negatives can provide a reasonable model performance. Inspired by the previous studies, we randomly sample clicked pairs of 10 categories from online 1-month logs as the positives. The category of the query-product pair is determined by that of the product. There are several sampling strategies to obtain negative pairs. We provide negatives with two sampling strategies: Random sampling (for each query, we randomly sample products from all candidate products as negatives) and Category-based sampling (for a positive pair \(\{\mathbf {q}_n,\mathbf {i}_n\}\), randomly sample products under the same domain of \(\mathbf {i}_n\) as irrelevant products). Compared with random sampling, category-based sampling can produces hard negatives, since the products under the same domain tend to be similar.

3.2 Human Annotated Test Set

To build the test set, we first select the query-product pairs clicked by users as seed positive samples. Then, for a query in an arbitrary seed positive pair, we obtain the potential irrelevant products with three sampling strategies, and hence form potential negative pairs. To include more hard negatives, we added Unclicked Impressed Sampling: random sampling the products impressed to the user but not clicked, except for Random sampling and Category-based sampling. Notice that we do not utilize Unclicked Impressed Sampling to form the negatives in the training data, since the impressed products usually have some degree of relevance with search queries and the users do not click them may due to personal preference. Finally, each query-product pair is rated by two bilingual experts with three labels, namely “relevant”, “weak relevant”, and “irrelevant”. The annotation instruction is provided in the Appendix. A pair with same labels from two bilingual experts is accepted; otherwise, the third language expert will make a decision.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The number of positive samples per category in the training set.

3.3 Dataset Statistics

The dataset contains 10 categories, and a total of 9 million query-product pairs for training, 21, 700 pairs for testing. The training dataset contains 3 million relevant query-product pairs, 3 million irrelevant query-product pairs from random sampling, and 3 million irrelevant query-product pairs from category-based sampling. Figure 3 shows the number of query-product pairs for each category in the training set. In both the training and test set, the product title is in English, and the search queries have 3 languages, namely English(En), Russian(Ru) and Spanish(Es). Table 1 shows the statistics per language of the dataset. If all the tokens of a query appear in the product title, the query-product pair is considered as an “exact-match” pair; otherwise, it is an “inexact-match” pair. The inexact-match pairs cannot be handled by simple template matching methods, making the CLPR task challenging. The number of inexact-match pairs is 2.44 times larger than that of exact-match pairs, which indicates that CLPR on the CLPR-9M is indeed a demanding task.

Table 1. The statistics for the training and the test dataset. For each language X, we show the total number of queries (\(\#\)Query) in language X, and the number of query product pairs (\(\#\)QP pairs) where the query in language X. The number of products is shown in column \(\#\)Product.

3.4 Human Evaluation on Dataset Quality

To evaluate the quality of the training data, we hire the bilingual expert to evaluate the relevance of 20,000 query product pairs randomly selected from the training data. For the positives in the training data, the accuracy of the labels is \(80\%\). The error rate of the negatives is \(0.02\%\) and \(2\%\) for random sampling and category-based sampling, respectively. Besides, the agreement rate of two raters for test data annotation is \(96.1\%\).

4 Baseline Approaches

In this section, we present a neural network retrieval model as a baseline model for the CLPR task on the CLPR-9M dataset. Motivated by the framework in [6], the model first converts the query and the product tokens into embeddings, and then generates a relevance score based on the extracted embeddings. An overview of the model is shown in Fig. 4. In the following, we first describe the method to extract embeddings and the scoring function to measure relevance. Then we explore two design choices, namely negative sampling strategies and loss functions.

4.1 Retrieval Model

As shown in 4, there are two major components in the retrieval model, namely the embedding model that encodes the query and product tokens into dense vectors and the scoring function that measures the relevance of the query-product pair. Both the query encoder and the product encoder adopt the same multi-layer transformer architecture, and the parameters are shared. With the self-attention mechanism [24], the transformer-based encoder outputs context-based token embeddings. The query embedding \(\vec {q_n}\) and product embedding \(\vec {i_n}\) are obtained by the average pooling of the token embeddings. The encoders are initialized with the pre-trained cross-lingual language model, such as M-BERT [5] and XLM [11]. However, existing public pretrained language models are trained on the Wikipedia corpus, which may not generalize to the E-commerce domain. To avoid the domain discrepancy, we utilize the E-commerce corpus to learn the cross-lingual language model, denoted as EXLM, with the pretrained task proposed in XLM [11]. In detail, the Translation Language Modeling is trained with translated query pairs, and the Masked Language Modeling is trained with monolingual queries and English item titles.

After obtaining the query and item embeddings, we choose cosine similarity as the score function \(S(q_n,i_n)\) which is commonly used in the retrieval task [6]:

$$\begin{aligned} S(q_n,i_n) = \frac{\vec {q_n} \cdot \vec {i_n}}{\Vert \vec {q_n} \Vert \Vert \vec {i_n} \Vert }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\cdot \) denotes the dot-product of two vectors and \(\Vert \cdot \Vert \) is the \(l_2\)-norm of the vector.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The model architecture for CLPR with the batch negatives. The query embedding and item embedding is obtained by average pooling of outputs of multi-layer transformers. The transformers are initialized by the pre-trained cross-lingual model (M-BERT, XLM etc.). The solid line in the batch denotes the positive pairs. The dotted line denotes the batch negatives obtained in two ways. One is combining the irrelevant items with the query (the green dotted line), and the other is combining the irrelevant queries with the item (the red dotted line). (Color figure online)

4.2 Negative Sampling

Labeling negative samples for the retrieval task requires a large amount of labor and time cost. In the past studies, negatives are usually obtained by sampling based on human-crated rules. Here, we compared several sampling strategies, including random sampling, category-based sampling and a mixing strategy that combines random sampling and category-based sampling.

  • Random sampling: for each query, we randomly sample items from all candidate items as negatives.

  • Category-based sampling: for a positive pair \(\{q_n,i_n\}\), randomly sample items under the same domain of \(i_n\) as irrelevant items.

  • Mixing strategies: compared with random sampling, category-based sampling can produces hard negatives, since the items under the same domain tend to be similar. We explore two ways to combine the two sampling strategies. One is to train the model with random sampling first and then with category-based sampling (Random -> Category). The other is to train the model with category-based sampling first and then train with random sampling (Category -> Random).

Both random sampling and category-based sampling are computational expensive, with computational complexity \(O(N_q \times N_i)\), where \(N_q\) is the number of queries and \(N_i\) is the candidate item pool size. To reduce computational complexity, the batch negative is adopted to approximate random sampling, where the irrelevant items for the query are the positive items from other queries in the same batch, as shown in Fig. 4. To implement category-based sampling with batch negatives, we organize the positive pair with the same category together.

4.3 Loss Function

We consider two popular loss functions for the retrieval task, namely the triplet loss [20, 25] and the log-likelihood loss [21, 26]. The triplet loss enforces a positive pair, denoted by \(\{q_n, i_n^+\}\), to separate from a negative pair, denoted by \(\{q_n, i_n^-\}\), by a distance margin m and is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_{triplet} = \sum _{n=1}^{N}max(0, D(q_n, i_n^+)-D(q_n, i_n^-)+m), \end{aligned}$$

where D(uv) is a distance metric between vectors u and v, and is defined as \(1-S(u,v)\) in this paper.

The log-likelihood objective with the softmax function aims to place positives over the negatives. For the positive pair \(\{q_n, i_n^+\}\), we can utilize the irrelevant item \(i_n^-\) for query \(q_n\) to compose the negative sample \(\{q_n, i_n^- \}\) or the irrelevant query \(q_n^-\) for item \(i_n\) to compose the negative sample \(\{q_n^-, i_n \}\). Thus, we can compute two log loss, one with \(\{q_n, i_n^-\}\) as negatives (denotes as q-log loss) and the other with \(\{q_n^-, i_n \}\) as negatives (denoted as i-log loss). The q-log loss and i-log loss are defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_{q\_log} = -\frac{1}{N}\sum _{n=1}^N\log \frac{exp(S(q_n,i_n))}{exp(S(q_n,i_n)) + \sum _{i_k^-\in I_{q_n}} exp(S(q_n,i_k^-))}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_{i\_log} = -\frac{1}{N}\sum _{n=1}^N\log \frac{exp(S(q_n,i_n))}{exp(S(q_n,i_n)) + \sum _{q_k^-\in I_{i_n}} exp(S(q_k^-,i_n))}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(I_{q_n}\) is the set of irrelevant items for the query \(q_n\), and \(I_{i_n}\) is the set of irrelevant queries for the item \(i_n\). The sum of \(\mathcal {L}_{q-log}\) and \(\mathcal {L}_{i\_log}\) is denoted as bi-log loss \(\mathcal {L}_{bi\_log}\). Figure 4 illustrates the bi-log loss computed with batch negatives.

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_{bi\_log} = \mathcal {L}_{q\_log} + \mathcal {L}_{i\_log}. \end{aligned}$$

5 Experiments

5.1 Evaluation Metrics

AUC is widely used to evaluate the product retrieval system. However, it cannot measure the effectiveness of an individual query, since it is computed over the whole test set. Inspired by the Group AUC (GAUC) proposed in [30], we define GAUC for the retrieval task as the mean of the AUC for each query. Both AUC and GAUC can only measure the ability to distinguish relevant and irrelevant pairs. To measure the ability to distinguish relevant, weak relevant, and irrelevant query-product pairs, we utilize NDCG [8], which is a popular metric for the ranking algorithms. In detail, the NDCG computes the similarity between the ranking results for each query and that based on relevance labels, and then is averaged over all test queries. Notice that the weak relevant label is used as irrelevant label when computing the AUC and GAUC metric.

Table 2. AUC of different negative sampling strategies on the CLPR task.

5.2 Experimental Setting

The query encoder and item encoder are initialized with the pretrained cross-lingual language model, the 12-layer transformers with 768 hidden size. The max sequence length of the query encoder and the item encoder is 20 and 40, respectively. To finetune the pretrained cross-lingual language model, we use the Adam optimizer with \(\beta _1 = 0.9\), \(\beta _2 = 0.999\), L2 weight decay of 0.01, and learning rate of \(3\times 10^{-5}\). The margin value in the triplet loss and bi-log loss is set to 0.2, which leads to the best performance. We train all models by 10 epoches with a batch size of 512.

5.3 Effect of Negative Sampling

Table 2 shows the performance of various negative sampling strategies, including category-based sampling (Category), random sampling (Random), transferring random sampling to category-based sampling (Random -> Category), and transferring category-based sampling to random sampling (Category -> Random). All sampling strategies are implemented with batch negatives. Although category-based sampling may produce hard negatives, random sampling exhibits better performance than category-based sampling. This shows that the presence of easy negatives in training data is necessary. Besides, mixing easy and hard negatives in the training process is advantageous. Our experiment shows that transferring easy to hard achieves better performance than transferring hard to easy negatives. Consequently, transferring random sampling to category-based sampling (Random -> Category) is applied as the default in subsequent experiments.

5.4 Effectiveness of Bi-Directional Log Loss

We compare two loss functions, the triplet loss and our proposed bi-log loss. Since the bi-log loss is the sum of q-log loss and i-log loss, we further analyse the effectiveness of these two losses, respectively. Table 3 shows the results obtained with various loss functions. The i-log loss achieves better performance than the q-log loss, indicating forming the negatives by sampling the irrelevant multi-lingual queries given the item is more effective in the CLPR task. Although using q-log and i-log loss independently cannot achieve better performance than using the triplet loss, bi-log loss performs the best in terms of the AUC metric on all language pairs. This observation suggests that the q-log loss and i-log loss are complementary to each other.

Table 3. AUC of various loss functions on the CLPR task.
Table 4. AUC, GAUC and NDCG of different models on CLPR task

5.5 Main Results

Given the best negative sampling strategy and loss function explored in the above sections, we explore the model architectures and the pretrained cross-lingual language models in this section. The best performance is reported as the baseline of the CLPR-9M dataset. Table 4 shows the results in terms of various evaluation metrics (AUC, GAUC and NDCG). M-Bert+FT and EXLM+FT finetune the pretrained models M-Bert and EXLM respectively. The overall performance of the models by finetuning pretrained language models achieves better performance than DSSM. The performance of EXLM+FT is better than that of M-Bert+FT, which indicates that the pretraining with parallel corpora and in-domain data can facilitate the CLPR learning. For all models, the English-English language direction achieves the best performance. This suggest that cross-lingual training is more challenging than monolingual training. The best performance is reported as the baseline of the CLPR-9M dataset.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

AUC of XLM+Bilog on different categories.

5.6 Effect of the Category

Figure 5 illustrates the AUC on 10 categories for the best model. We find that the different categories have various levels of learning hardness. For example, the performance of the category Sports & Entertainment with the largest training data size ranked ninth place, while the category Jewelry & Accessories outperforms other categories with the medium training data size.

6 Conclusions

We construct CLPR-9M, a large-scale cross-lingual product retrieval benchmark. The CLPR-9M includes the training data by sampling online click logs, and the manually labelled test data. We conduct extensive experiments comparing different negative sampling strategies, and baseline models. Additionally, cross-lingual data facilitates the study of the cross-lingual language model.