1 Introduction

Cross-Domain Solutions (CDS) are widely deployed by the Department of Defense (DoD) for secure and timely sharing of information across security domains to support joint, interagency, and multinational mission operations. A transfer CDS filters and passes information flows between different security domains to protect against a wide range of data threats. Filters are a critical component of a CDS, performing a variety of functions such as data verification, inspection, sanitization, cleansing, and transformation to mitigate threats. Examples of such filtering include removing potential malware from the data via normalization, removing particular parts of the data via redaction, or transforming the data to new forms (e.g., reducing precision of coordinates or imagery or converting between protocols). The CDS ensures that the filtered data complies with the security policy. CDSs are widely deployed across the DoD, and are starting to be deployed for securing commercial operational networks [2, 19].

Given that software-based CDSs are too complex to be able to prove their security mathematically, significant engineering thought has gone into successfully building CDSs that are secure by design, as defined for example by the National Security Agency’s (NSA) Raise The Bar (RTB) strategy [17]. The pillars of the RTB strategy are the least privilege and least knowledge, and the Redundant, Always Invoked, Independent Implementations, and Non-Bypassable (RAIN) principles. Briefly, these principles ensure that failure of a single security-relevant component (e.g., a filter or a domain separation component) results in contained damage and does not compromise the whole CDS.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A decentralized CDS distributes security relevant components over low assurance devices while providing end-to-end provable guarantees of the integrity of the filtering pipeline. This enables secure cross-domain information sharing at the tactical edge where access to a centralized enterprise or tactical CDS may not be available.

As a result, CDS platforms used by the DoD today are trusted. Their centralized and protected implementations (software and configurations) contribute to the high level of trust placed in them. Additionally, the community has started to consolidate CDS deployments on the enterprise, to gain a better picture of all existing network cross-connects. We argue that such centralization of the CDS and reliance on always-on connectivity to the enterprise introduce risk to mission success especially in Disconnected, Intermittent, Limited bandwidth (DIL) tactical environments where connectivity is intermittent.

In this work, we describe how to decentralize the CDS by distributing its security relevant components across existing low-assurance tactical edge devices while still providing the desired high-assurance guarantees required of CDSs (Fig. 1). A decentralized CDS capability complements today’s enterprise and tactical CDSs enabling secure cross-domain information sharing when access to the enterprise or single-device tactical CDSs is not available. Decentralization additionally protects against the centralized CDS becoming a single point of failure or compromise. The resulting Decentralized CDS (DCDS) can initially support a limited and well-defined subset of information flows that are necessary for effective operations in disconnected tactical environments.

A key technical challenge with decentralization is ensuring end-to-end correctness and security of the CDS filtering pipeline despite individual components of the pipeline being untrusted. Today’s enterprise and tactical CDSs employ trusted operating systems and/or trusted hardware, ensuring system integrity using mechanisms such as Trusted Platform Module based trusted boot, Mandatory Access Control, Discretionary Access Control, and OS-level integrity monitoring. The strategic combination of these security mechanisms provides the basis for building the trusted filtering pipelines adhering to the RAIN principles. When decentralizing the CDS such that its components run on different edge platforms, we can no longer assume the platforms are trusted yet we must still ensure the integrity of the end-to-end filtering pipeline.

With the help of advanced cryptography and specifically verifiable computation, we instantiate a proof-of-concept filtering pipeline where different filters reside on different untrusted edge platforms, and the end-to-end integrity of the pipeline is provably guaranteed. Specifically, in our DCDS setting, a sensor produces and signs content (imagery in this case). The content is passed through a pipeline of compute nodes each of which performs permissible filtering on the content before forwarding it to the next node in the pipeline. The filtered content arrives at a trusted domain boundary (the verifier), which verifies the authenticity and integrity of the final result, i.e., it verifies that the final transformed content is a compliant transformation of the original content and is authentic, before passing the content across the domain boundary.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Two instantiations of a decentralized CDS filtering pipeline with three filters \(F_0\), \(F_1\), \(F_2\). Sensor produces and signs images that get filtered on the way to a domain boundary (the verifier). Each filter acts as a prover generating a proof of the integrity of its local computation. The domain boundary accepts and passes the filtered images if and only if the cryptographic proof(s) \(\pi _i\) associated with the filtered content is/are valid; (a) proofs are recursively composed using proof carrying data and the domain boundary only needs the last proof \(\pi _3\), or (b) all intermediate proofs are aggregated at the domain boundary.

As shown in Fig. 2, we describe two alternative decentralized CDS architectures with similar trust assumptions but different performance tradeoffs. A key theme in our design is that every (untrusted) filtering node must furnish a cryptographic proof of correctness of its local filtering computation. The first architecture (Fig. 2(a)) is implemented as an application of Proof-Carrying Data (PCD) [9, 10], whereby the intermediate proofs are recursively composed in order to attest to the integrity of the end-to-end filtering pipeline. PCD is a cryptographic scheme that allows recursive composition of cryptographic proofs of computational integrity. Each party involved in the computation, receives one or more inputs \(I_{i}\) where each input is associated with a short cryptographic proof \(\pi _i\). The party performs a local computation on the received inputs and on its local inputs and produces an output \(I_{i+1}\) along with a short cryptographic proof \(\pi _{i+1}\). Given a cryptographic proof \(\pi _i\), any party can verify the integrity of the full computation history up to step \(i-1\). Verification is public and is very fast, on the order of milliseconds, and proofs are very short on the order of hundreds of bytes. In this PCD setting, the trusted domain boundary receives a single proof that attests to the authenticity and integrity of the entire end-to-end distributed filtering computation.

The second architecture (Fig. 2(b)) is implemented using a Trusted Proof Aggregator (TPA). Each filtering node at step i performs a local computation on the input \(I_i\) and forwards the output \(I_{i+1}\) to the next node in the pipeline for additional filtering. Additionally, node i produces a tuple \((h_{i+1}, \pi _{i+1})\) corresponding to a hash and a cryptographic proof, that it forwards to the domain boundary. The domain boundary node aggregates and checks each of the individual proofs to verify the integrity of the end-to-end filtering computation. Our TPA architecture exploits the fact that the boundary node must be trusted regardless of whether we use PCD or other designs, since the boundary node ultimately makes the decision on whether to pass content across the boundary or not. This insight allows us to aggregate the proof verification at the trusted boundary node using simple proof chaining. Proof chaining is simpler and admits a set of optimization that enhance its performance relative to the recursive proof composition design. Proof verification is a lightweight operation that can be efficiently lowered to hardware on the boundary node (such as an FPGA) and placed along with other hardware-based functions such as the diode responsible for one way transfers.

We use filtering of bitmap images as the example data type in this paper since most bitmap image formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, and TIFF can be converted into raw bitmaps without losing information, and in fact this is a common normalization step used by CDSs today for filtering images [17]. We implement bitmap filtering adhering to NSA’s Inspection and Sanitization guide for Bitmaps [11], filtering both header and pixel data. Our most performant implementation takes around 15 s to filter a \(250\times 250\) pixel image for a single step of the pipeline. This is \(20\times \) faster than the baseline PCD system. Our optimizations reduce the total number of constraints by \(30 \times \) allowing scaling to \(13\times \) larger images than baseline within the same memory budget. Finally, we significantly reduce the end-to-end latency of the pipeline by having the filtering nodes prove in parallel. This means our speedups relative to baseline increase with the depth of the pipeline. Our predicates can be used to filter text documents, not just images, by treating characters as pixels.

Our work makes the following novel contributions:

  • Design, implementation, and performance evaluation of two alternative architectures for decentralizing the CDS that achieve provable end-to-end authenticity and integrity guarantees with different performance tradeoffs; to our knowledge, this is the first application of verifiable computation to decentralizing cross domain solutions.

  • Implementation and optimization of compliance predicates for bitmap filtering. Our optimizations collectively deliver \(20\times \) speedups over prior work for image authentication from PCD [18] at the \(250\times 250\) image size, and \(13\times \) image scaling. In addition, the end-to-end latency of our filtering pipeline is very weakly dependent on the pipeline’s depth.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Relevant background on cryptographic protocols is presented in Sect. 2. We present the two DCDS designs in Sect. 3, followed by the implementation details in Sect. 4, and the optimizations in Sect. 5. We evaluate the performance of the design in Sect. 6. Finally, related and future work is presented in Sect. 7 before concluding.

2 Background

We review the definitions of arithmetic circuits, preprocessing zk-SNARKs, and proof carrying data, and we refer the reader to [6] for details.

2.1 Arithmetic Circuit Satisfiability in Field \(\mathbb {F}\)

An \(\mathbb {F}\)-arithmetic circuit \(C:\mathbb {F}^n \times \mathbb {F}^h \rightarrow \mathbb {F}^l\) is defined by the relation \(\mathcal {R}_C=\{(x, a): C(x, a)=0\}\). Here a is called the witness (auxilliary input) and x is the public input and the output is 0. The language of the circuit is defined by \(\mathcal {L}_C=\{x:\exists a, C(x,a)=0\}\). Here \(x \in \mathbb {F}^n\) (i.e., x is represented as n field elements), \(a \in \mathbb {F}^h\), and the output in \(\mathbb {F}^l\). A hashing circuit for example takes the (private) input/witness a and its hash x, and asserts that \(H(a)=x\).

2.2 Preprocessing zk-SNARK

A preprocessing zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (pp-zk-SNARK or simply zk-SNARK) for \(\mathbb {F}\)-arithmetic circuit satisfiability comprises three algorithms (GPV), corresponding to the Generator, the Prover, and the Verifier.

  • \(G(\lambda , C) \rightarrow (\mathsf {pk}, \mathsf {vk})\) Given a security parameter \(\lambda \) and the \(\mathbb {F}\)-arithmetic circuit C, sample a keypair comprising a public proving key \(\mathsf {pk}\) and a public verification key \(\mathsf {vk}\).

  • \(P(\mathsf {pk}, x, a) \rightarrow (\pi )\) Given the public prover key \(\mathsf {pk}\) and any \((x,a) \in \mathcal {R}_C\), generate a succinct proof \(\pi \) attesting that \(x \in \mathcal {L}_C\)

  • \(V(\mathsf {vk}, x, \pi ) \rightarrow b \in \{0,1\}\) checks that \(\pi \) is a valid proof for \(x \in \mathcal {L}_C\).

The zk-SNARK is the basic cryptographic building block we use to instantiate both CDS architectures.

2.3 Proof Carrying Data (PCD)

Proof carrying data allows distributed computation among mutually-untrusted parties [6, 9]. Each party receives s input messages each of size n from other parties \(\mathbf {z_{in}}\in \mathbb {F}^{s.n}\), adds its local input \(z_{\mathsf {loc}}\in \mathbb {F}^{n_l}\) of size \(n_l\) to it, and produces an output \(z \in \mathbb {F}^{n}\) along with a succinct proof which is sent to downstream parties in the computation graph. Here s is referred to as the arity.

A compliance predicate \(\prod \) defines the valid local computation performed at each party. Given a message z and a proof, the goal of PCD is to ensure \(\prod \)-compliance i.e., that every local party’s computation along the sequence of computations that produced z satisfies \(\prod \). The predicate \(\prod \) is represented as an \(\mathbb {F}\)-arithmetic circuit with inputs \((z, \mathbf {z_{in}}, z_{\mathsf {loc}}, b_{\mathsf {base}})\) where \(b_{\mathsf {base}}\in \mathbb {F}\) denotes whether the local party is the base party i.e., has no predecessors in the computation graph.

A PCD system comprises algorithms \((\textit{Generator}, \textit{Prover}, \textit{Verifier})\), corresponding to the generator, prover, and verifier.

  • \({\boldsymbol{Generator}}(\lambda , \prod ) \rightarrow (\mathsf {pk}, \mathsf {vk})\) Given a security parameter \(\lambda \) and the compliance predicate \(\prod \) expressed as a \(\mathbb {F}\)-arithmetic circuit, sample a keypair comprising a public proving key \(\mathsf {pk}\) and a public verification key \(\mathsf {vk}\).

  • \({\boldsymbol{Generator}}(\mathsf {pk}, \mathbf {z_{in}}, \mathbf {\pi _{in}}, z_{\mathsf {loc}}, z) \rightarrow (z, \pi _{out})\) Given the public prover key \(\mathsf {pk}\), a set of input messages \(\mathbf {z_{in}}\) with corresponding compliance proofs \(\mathbf {\pi _{in}}\), local input \(z_{\mathsf {loc}}\), and output z, generate a succinct proof \(\pi _{out}\) attesting that z is \(\prod \)-compliant.

  • \({\boldsymbol{Verifier}}(\mathsf {vk}, z, \pi ) \rightarrow b \in \{0,1\}\) checks that z is \(\prod \)-compliant.

Appendix A reviews an instantiation of PCD from zk-SNARK and elaborates on the performance of such system in terms of circuit size and prover algorithm space and time complexity.

3 Decentralized CDS Designs

We present two designs for a DCDS filtering pipeline. The first is a direct application of PCD whereby integrity proofs are recursively composed as content gets transformed along the filtering pipeline, while the second design relies on a trusted aggregator to perform the proof composition. In our simplified transfer CDS scenario, the domain boundary node must be trusted as it ultimately has to make the decision on whether to pass filtered content across the domain boundary. This is true regardless of the design, whether centralized or decentralized. We leverage this inherent trust assumption in order to design the trusted aggregator, which significantly enhances the efficiency of the filtering pipeline while providing similar assurances.

3.1 DCDS from Recursive Proof Composition

Our PCD design is inspired by [18], where the authors implement a compliance predicate for image authentication under a set of permissible transformations. Figure 2(a) presents a high level overview of the approach. Consider an existentially unforgeable signature scheme \(\mathcal {S}=(G_S, S_S, V_S)\) with private signing key \(v_s\) and public verification key \(p_s\) (e.g., ECDSA), and let H be a collision-resistant hash function. The sensor produces an image \(I_0\), hashes it to \(h_0=H(I_0)\), signs the hash using its private signing key \(v_s\) to produce \(\sigma _h\), and sends the tuple \((I_0, h_0, \sigma _h)\) to a successor filtering node \(F_0\). Filter \(F_0\) performs a permissible filtering computation on the input image \(I_0\) (e.g., redaction, cropping, rotation, scaling, and so on) as defined by the compliance predicate \(\prod \), generates the filtered output image \(I_1\) along with cryptographic proof \(\pi _1\), and forwards the tuple \((I_1, \pi _1, h_0, \sigma _h)\) to the next filter in the pipeline, and so on. Finally, the domain boundary node checks the authenticity of the image and the integrity of the end-to-end filtering pipeline simply by checking the last proof \(\pi _3\). Verifying \(\pi _3\) ensures that the filtered image \(I_3\) has a permissible provenance i.e., \(I_3\) is the output of a set of \(\prod \)-compliant computations on an original input image whose hash is \(h_0\), and that \(\sigma _h\) is a valid signature of \(h_0\) under \(v_s\).

The compliance predicate \(\prod (z_{in}, z_{\mathsf {loc}}, z_{out}, b_{\mathsf {base}})\) for image authentication, i.e., the local computation that each node must perform, is shown in Algorithm 1. The base filtering node (which has no inputs, and has the original signed image from the sensor, and has \(b_{\mathsf {base}}=1\)) verifies in the PCD that \(h_{in} = H(I_{in})\) is a valid hash of the original image \(I_{in}=I_0\). The base node, and every successor filtering node along the way, verify that \(h_{in}==h_{out}\), i.e., the hash is passed through the computation unchanged, and verify that the output image \(I_{out}==F(I_{in}, \gamma )\) is a valid filtering transformation of the input image \(I_{in}\) according to \(z_{\mathsf {loc}}=(F, \gamma )\) where F is the filtering transformation identifier and \(\gamma \) is metadata for the transformation such as size for cropping or scaling factor.

The domain boundary verifies that,

  • the PCD proof is valid, i.e., \(\textit{Verifier}(\mathsf {vk}, z_{in}, \pi _{in})==0\) which ensures that \(I_{in}\) is a permissible provenance and it is authentic, and

  • the signature \(\sigma _h\) is a valid signature of \(h_{in}\) under \(p_s\) where \(p_s\) is the public verification key, and this step as in [18] is performed outside-the-PCD for efficiency reasons as this avoids having to implement signature verification in the PCD. More formally, it checks \(V_S(p_s, h_{in}, \sigma _h)==0\)

With this scheme, only the base node runs the hashing functionality in the PCD. An efficient hashing circuit from [18] from subset-sum exists already (it is required for the PCD system itself). A hash fits in one element, and the ECDA 384-bit signature fits in two elements (recall each element is 298 bits). The security of this design follows directly from [18]. We describe the implementation of the bitmap filtering transformation F in more detail in Sect. 4, and the performance optimizations in Sect. 5.

figure a

3.2 DCDS from Proof Aggregation

Our proof aggregation DCDS design is shown in Fig. 2(b) and provides similar assurances. Our instantiation of the proof aggregation is however more efficient primarily because of using a more efficient hashing circuit and parallelization as we shall describe in Sect. 5.4 and Sect. 5.5. As with the PCD design, the sensor produces an image \(I_0\), hashes it to \(h_0=H(I_0)\), signs the hash using its private signing key \(v_s\) to produce \(\sigma _h\). It sends the tuple \((h_0, \sigma _h)\) directly to the boundary node (the verifier), and it sends the image \(I_0\) to the successor filtering node \(F_0\). Each filtering node i in the pipeline uses pp-zk-SNARK prover algorithm to generate a proof \(\pi _{i+1}\) attesting to the following statements:

  1. 1.


  2. 2.


  3. 3.


Formally, node i computes \(P(\mathsf {pk}, (h_i, h_{i+1}), (I_i, I_{i+1})) \rightarrow (\pi _{i+1})\), where the hashes are the public input and the images are the private witness. Node i directly sends the tuple \((\pi _{i+1}, h_{i+1})\) to the domain boundary. Notice that both the proof and the hash are very small on the order of hundreds of bytes, incurring little extra communication cost. The last filtering node in the pipeline (node 2 in Fig. 2(b)) additionally sends its output filtered image (\(I_3\)) to the domain boundary.

Given the final transformed image \(I_n\) (for an n step pipeline) and all the intermediate hashes and proofs \(((h_n, \pi _n), \ldots , (h_{1}, \pi _1), h_0, \sigma _h)\), the boundary node verifies the following conditions:

  • \(h_{n}==H(I_{n})\), this is performed outside the SNARK

  • \(V(\mathsf {vk}, (h_i, h_{i+1}), \pi _{i+1})==0\), \(\forall i \in [0, n-1]\)

  • \(V_S(p_s, h_0, \sigma _h)==0\), i.e., \(\sigma _h\) is a valid signature of \(h_0\) under the public verification key \(p_s\); this is also performed outside the SNARK

The boundary node passes the filtered image across the boundary if and only if all these conditions are met.

The security of this scheme follows from the following facts. If \(H(I_n)==h_n\) and \(V(\mathsf {vk}, (h_{n-1}, h_{n}), \pi _{n})==0\), then \(I_n\) must equal \(F_n(I_{n-1})\) for some \(I_{n-1}\). Similarly, recursively verifying each of the proofs proves there is some original image \(I_0\) from which \(I_n\) is derived according to a sequence of valid filters \(F_i\). If in addition \(\sigma _h\) is a valid signature on \(h_0\), the domain boundary can prove that \(I_0\) is authentic (produced by the sensor with possession of the signing key).

4 Implementation

We implement, optimize, and evaluate bitmap (BMP) image filtering for both the recursive proof composition and proof aggregation DCDS designs. We evaluate the implemented compliance predicate in terms of the total number of image pixels \(N = w \times h\), where w and h are the width and height of the image. Our C++ implementation is built on top of libsnark [3].

In general, a BMP file consists of five main parts; a file header, image header, color table, pixel array, and an International Color Consortium (ICC) color profile. The image header is the most complex from a compatibility standpoint due to the varying versions. However, the BITMAPINFOHEADER format introduced in Windows 3.0 is the most commonly used format for compatibility reasons and is the focus of this work. We disregard bitmaps with the optional ICC color profile since these are less common and are only supported under version 5 image headers. And we only consider uncompressed bitmaps with 24 bit color depths, as these are most common in practice.

Bitmap Inspection and Sanitization. We implement a compliance predicate \(\prod \) adhering to the National Security Agency’s Inspection and Sanitization guide (ISG) for Bitmaps [11]. The ISG provides an analysis on various elements that are contained within the BMP file structure and how they can be a cause for concern for either hiding sensitive data or attempts to exploit a system. We implement a majority of the recommendations for mitigating these threats.

  • File Header Compliance The file header is a 14-byte structure that stores general information about the BMP. It begins with the magic bytes 0x424D, and then defines the file size, reserved bytes, and offset address of the pixel data.

  • Image Header Compliance The BMP Info Header image header type is 40 bytes and contains general information about the size, compression type, number of planes, resolution, and bit count of the BMP. The ISG outlines data attack and data hiding concerns with BMP image headers. Most attacks are prevented though the zeroing out of unused fields, or ensuring that default values are used. Our compliance predicate ensures the size of the image header is 40 bytes, the colors used value equals 0 (no color table present), the colors important value equals 0 (default value indicating that all colors are required), compression value equals 0 (compression not used), number of planes equals 1 (only supported value for BMP files), and that the width and height fields correspond to the size of the image.

  • Color Table The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) states that the color table is optional in Bitmaps with \(\ge 8\) bit color depths. Additionally, the NSA’s inspection and sanitization guide for BMP files recommends removing the color table in BMP files with 24 bit color depths. For this reason, we only consider BMP files without a color table present.

  • Bitmap Pixel Filtering In addition to filtering the headers of the BMP file, our compliance predicate filters the BMP pixels. We implement a simple compliance predicate (filter) for redaction which performs any of the following: identity transformation, blacking out of image pixel regions, and/or cropping the images in a single compliance predicate.Footnote 1 The transformation is defined by a \(w \times h\) redaction matrix R of boolean values. The constraints over R require that \(R_{i,j} \times I_{i,j} = O_{i,j}\) where I is the input pixel matrix, and O is the output pixel matrix. The booleanity of R is enforced by requiring \(R_{i,j} \times (1 - R_{i,j}) = 0\). This simple compliance predicate can simultaneously do cropping, black-out boxes, and identity transformations using only 2N multiplication gates.

5 Baseline and Optimizations

We implement several optimizations and evaluate their performance against a strong baseline. We show a \(20\times \) speedup in prover time over the state-of-the-art [18], allowing us to filter over large \(900\times 900\) images. We describe the baseline and each of the optimizations next.

5.1 PCD Baseline

The baseline is based on the state-of-the-art image authentication from PCD [18]. Given that the source code of [18] is not publicly available, we implemented our BMP filtering predicate within libsnark’s [3] PCD implementation which uses BCTV14 [6] pp-zk-SNARK for recursive proof composition over the MNT4 and MNT6 cycles of elliptic curves. Following [18], we also use the subset-sum hash function for hashing field elements, and we implement digital signatures outside the PCD. We verified that the number of constraints in our baseline circuit closely match those reported in [18].

5.2 Switching to Groth16

We switch to the Groth16 proving system [16] from BCTV14 [6], and implement the Groth16 verifier circuit in the PCD. The Groth16 proving system has faster verification and size-optimal proofs for pairing-based arguments. Faster verification and smaller proofs naturally imply less computation in the proof verification portion of the prover’s circuit as there are fewer input wires and fewer gates. As a concrete comparison, Groth16 proofs consist of only 2 \(\mathbb {G}_1\) elements and 1 \(\mathbb {G}_2\) element compared to BCTV’s proofs of 7 \(\mathbb {G}_1\) elements and 1 \(\mathbb {G}_2\) element. The smaller Groth16 proofs result in a verification savings of 9 fewer pairings and 4 fewer pairing-product equations used for verifying proofs.

More importantly, the Groth16 prover requires fewer multi-exponentiations compared to BCTV14. Groth16 uses \(5m - 2n\) less exponentiations in \(\mathbb {G}_1\) and \(m - n\) less exponentiations in \(\mathbb {G}_2\), where \(m \ge n\) represent the number of wires and n the number of multiplication gates respectively. We also use the asymmetric bilinear map construction for efficiency. Asymmetric elliptic curves are more practically and efficiently realizable for higher security levels [12]. Note that the savings in exponentiations mainly apply to dense R1CS statements. In other words, if the majority of R1CS constraints involve wires that carry a 1 or a 0, then the multi-exponentiations become cheap, in which case Groth16 doesn’t help reduce the prover cost.Footnote 2 This is indeed the case for our prover’s circuit since the majority of the constraints are due to booleanity, the unpacking of field elements to bits for hashing. However, when combined with our second optimization (next section) which significantly reduces the booleanity constraints, the savings become more noticeable.

5.3 Reducing Booleanity Constraints

The PCD hashing circuit hashes the bit representation of the string \(\mathsf {vk} || z\) where \(\mathsf {vk}\) is the verification key and z is the input message which includes the image in our application. Unpacking of these field elements to bits in order to hash them is very expensive. The overall size of the main PCD circuit \(C_{\mathsf {pcd}}\) is \(|\prod | + s\cdot 89412 + (1+s)\cdot N\cdot 298 + 11925\) gates, where s is the arity (number of incoming messages to each node) and N is the input size (see Appendix A and [6] § 5 for details). The term \(11920 + (1+s)\cdot N\cdot 298\) costs around 10 million gates for even a small \(128\times 128\) image where \(N=16384\) pixels or field elements each is 298 bits (the arity \(s=1\)).

The binary representation of the verification key is 11920 bits (gates). On the other hand, the binary representation of the inputs z costs \((1+s)\cdot N\cdot 298\) gates since each element of the input is represented with \(\lceil \log r_4 \rceil = 298\) bits (gates). However, since we know that each element of the input message (a raw pixel) is represented with fewer than 32 bits, we can truncate the input before hashing it. We unpack each pixel f to its binary representation and enforce \(f = \sum _{i=1}^{32} b_i \cdot 2^{i - 1}\) for each bit \(b_i\) of f. Implicit in this constraint is that the 266 most significant bits of f must equal 0 if it holds, thereby avoiding the booleanity checks on those values. This optimization reduces the booleanity gates by a factor of \(298/32=9.3\times \). For a \(128\times 128\) image, the resulting circuit is reduced from 10 million to about 1 million gates. It also reduces the number of variables (wires in the circuit) and accordingly the proving key size by about \(6\times \).

Table 1(b) shows the significant improvements resulting from these first two optimizations. Specifically, at the \(250\times 250\) image size, we see around \(9\times \) reduction in number of constraints in the circuit (from 37.8M to 4.3M), \(5\times \) reduction in prover time, and \(6.6\times \) reduction in peak memory utilization at the prover.

5.4 Algebraic Hash Functions

In both the PCD and proof aggregation settings, the vast majority of the compliance predicate’s constraints are due to the hashing of input and output images. Even with the booleanity optimization, the booleanity constraints continue to dominate the cost of our circuit. Traditional hashing algorithms such as SHA are complex and not well-suited for SNARK applications since they require converting \(\mathbb {F}_p\) elements to bits, incurring a non-trivial \(\lceil \log (p)\rceil \) multiplication gates per field element cost. This roughly amounts to 1 constraint per bit per field element and dominates our circuit’s overall cost. For this reason, recent work has proposed algebraic hash functions whose domain is \(\mathbb {F}_p\) [15].

We instantiate the Poseidon hash function [15] over \(\mathbb {F}_p\) and analyze the performance benefits. First, we observe that Poseidon achieves on the order of 0.3 constraints per bit, compared to the subset-sum’s cost of 1 constraint per bit (due to the unpacking of bits from \(\mathbb {F}^{m}_p\)). However, our booleanity optimization from earlier reduced the cost from 1 constraint per bit to around 0.1 constraints per bit. We observe that rather than truncating the field elements for the algebraic hashing gagdet, we can instead pack multiple pixels into a single field element. For the BN254 curve, we are able to squeeze 7 pixels into a single 254 bit field element. We use a pixel packing gadget that ensures for a field element \(X \in \mathbb {F}_p\) and a set of pixel values f, \(\sum _{i=0}^6 2^{32i} \cdot f[i] == X\).

We implement the Poseidon hashing for the proof aggregation setting only, since integrating it into PCD is non trivial and beyond the scope of this paper. The results are shown in Table 1(c), showing an additional \(3\times \) reduction in number of constraints in the circuit translating to \(5\times \) speedups in prover time at the \(250\times 250\) image size. Note that the difference in performance between Table 1(c) and Table 1(b) is primarily because of the Poseidon hashing, i.e., we expect the two sets of results to be close once Poseidon is integrated into PCD. This is because the number of constraints for PCD’s unique verification circuit (the V component of \(C_{\mathsf {pcd}}\)) are very small relative to the number of constraints due to the compliance predicate (the \(\prod \) component of \(C_{\mathsf {pcd}}\)).

5.5 Reducing Pipeline Latency

The end-to-end latency of the DCDS filtering pipeline is defined as the time from image publication at the sensor until the filtered content crosses the boundary (or fails). As shown in Fig. 2, this latency depends on the depth of the pipeline, the number of filtering steps in our example. In a naive instantiation of the DCDS pipelines of Fig. 2 whereby each filter generates the proof and forwards the output(s) to the next filter in the pipeline, the end-to-end latency \(t_k\) for a pipeline of depth k is \(O(k t_{prover})\), where \(t_{prover}\) is the prover time (the time each filter needs in order to produce a proof over its computation). For example, Table 1(b) (Table 1(c)) show the prover time to be 62 s (15 s) for a \(250\times 250\) image. Multiplying these numbers by the depth of the pipeline can get expensive.

We make \(t_k\) independent of k in the proof aggregation setting of Fig. 2(b) i.e., \(t_k \approx O(t_{prover})\). When a filter node \(F_i\) receives its input image \(I_i\), it natively executes the equivalent traditional filtering software to produce the filtered output image \(I_{i+1}\). Let \(t_{F_i}\) denote this native execution latency, and note that this \(t_{F_i}\) is orders of magnitude faster than \(t_{prover}\). Node \(F_i\) forwards \(I_{i+1}\) to the next filtering node in the pipeline. In parallel to the native execution, Node \(F_i\) runs the expensive prover algorithm on the input image and forwards \((h_{i+1}, \pi _{i+1})\) to the boundary node as described in Sect. 3.2. As soon as \(F_{i+1}\) receives \(I_{i+1}\) from \(F_{i}\), it can immediately begin performing its local computation, rather than waiting on \(F_{i}\) to produce \((h_i, \pi _i)\). For a pipeline of depth k, it can be shown that the end-to-end latency \(t_k\) is reduced from \(k(t_{prover} + t_{comm} + t_{verifier})\) to \((\sum _{i=0}^{k-1} t_{F_i})+ t_{prover} + k(t_{comm} + t_{verifier})\), where \(t_{comm}\) is the one-hop communication latency.

A similar approach can be used to reduce the latency of the PCD setting (Fig. 2(a)). At first glance, it appears that one cannot parallelize the distributed computation since each sequential hop requires a proof of correctness from the previous DCDS node. However, we observe that the majority of the prover’s computation is independent of the previous proof, and can accordingly start in parallel. For example, a monolithic prover can split the circuit into two sections (a) and (b) such that (a) corresponds to wire values independent of the previous proof \(\pi _{i - 1}\) and (b) corresponds to wire values dependent on \(\pi _{i-1}\). The prover then applies techniques from [20] to compute a proof \(\pi _i\) by first computing the values associated with (a), and later computing the values associated with (b) when \(\pi _{i-1}\) arrives. It can be shown that the majority of the prover’s computation involves wire values independent of the previous proof \(\pi _{i-1}\), and therefore the majority of the distributed PCD computation can be performed in parallel by forwarding native execution output. We leave this PCD Implementation for future work.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Comparison of baseline, optimized PCD, and aggregation designs in terms of prover’s time (seconds) for different image sizes. The x-axis is quadratic.

6 Performance Evaluation

We evaluate the performance (compute and memory costs) of the designs for a single hop of the filtering pipeline in terms of the prover time (time for each filter \(F_i\) to produce a proof on its local computation) and peak memory, and verifier time (time for the boundary node to verify a single proof \(\pi _{i+1}\)), for different image sizes. The prover’s memory footprint includes loading the proving key \(\prod \) corresponding to the compliance predicate \(\mathsf {pk}\), where the size of the proving key in MB is denoted by \(|\mathsf {pk}|\), and \(|\prod |\) is the size of the compliance predicate in terms of number of R1CS constraints. Table 1 shows the performance results of three different systems on an AWS c5.18xlarge instance with 72 cores and 144 GB RAM. Table 1(a) shows the results for the baseline PCD system of Sect. 5.1. The baseline prover algorithm runs out of memory for images larger than \(250 \times 250\) pixels. At the \(250 \times 250\) image size, the filtering predicate has more than 37M constraints and takes the prover more than 5 min and around 100 GB of memory to generate a proof! The proof size \(|\pi |\) is 2988 bits.

Table 1(b) shows enhanced performance of the baseline PCD system when incorporating the Groth16 and Booleanity optimizations described in Sect. 5. The optimizations result in \(5\times \) speedup in prover time at the \(250 \times 250\) image size, and the reduction in prover memory allow increasing the image size by \(9\times \) before running out of memory. The proof size is reduced to 1493 bits.

Table 1(c) shows the performance of the proof aggregation system with comparable assurances, including Groth16 and algebraic hash optimizations from Sect. 5. At the \(250 \times 250\) image size, the optimized proof aggregation system delivers \(20\times \) speedups in prover time. Additionally, proof verification time is constant (independent of the input image size) since constant-size hashes make up the public input of the circuit. In this proof aggregation design however, the aggregator must verify k proofs for a depth k pipeline each on the order of 5 ms as shown in Table 1(c). The \(30\times \) reduction in number of R1CS constraints further enables scaling to large \(900\times 900\) image sizes, a \(13\times \) larger scale than baseline. The proof size is 1019 bits.

Finally, Fig. 3 compares the three proof systems in terms of prover time showing the relative speedups attained and the resulting increase in image scale. Note that the x-axis in the figure is quadratic, and the scaling is linear in pixels.

Table 1. Performance of the DCDS proof system for a single hop computation on an AWS c5.18xlarge instance with 72 cores and 144 GB RAM. \(|\prod |\) is the number of R1CS constraints in the DCDS circuit which contains the predicate. Generator, prover, verifier times are in seconds. \(|\pi |\) is the proof size in bits, and Mem is prover’s memory in GB. The table compares three systems: (a) unoptimized PCD based proof system, (b) Optimized PCD based proof system, and (c) optimized proof aggregation based proof system. The \(250\times 250\) image size results are highlighted for comparison.

7 Related and Future Work

To our knowledge, this is the first design and implementation of a CDS filtering pipeline based on verifiable computation. Furthermore, we are not aware of any work on decentralizing the CDS architecture across several potentially untrusted devices. Our work is inspired by PhotoProof [18], which describes an image authentication proof-of-concept library using the proof-carrying data scheme of [6]. PhotoProof demonstrated the feasibility of distributed image filtering, however, PhotoProof’s ability to scale to larger images was largely limited due to the unavailability of modern algebraic hashing techniques [1, 15] and optimized proof systems [16].

In terms of future work, we identify the following three thrusts:

  • Expressiveness, Performance, and Security. The ability to efficiently filter more complex data types is critical for CDS adoption and for mission enablement. In addition to bitmap filtering, we implemented filters for redacting text documents that use the same principles as the BMP filters discussed here (treating characters in the document like pixels), and we plan to continue enhancing the expressiveness and efficiency of these predicates. Additionally, we plan to experiment with newer constructions of PCD based on accumulation schemes [8], which realize recursive proof composition without the sublinear-time verification requirement. These constructions may permit higher levels of security avoiding for example the limitations inherent to PCD constructions from cycles of elliptic curves [6], while additionally providing post-quantum security properties.

  • Confidentiality Protection The present DCDS design is primarily concerned with protecting the integrity of the filtering pipeline even when computed on low assurance devices. A filtering node in the current design sees the plaintext input images as well as the witness, both of which may need to be confidential. We plan to extend the design such that the filtering nodes are able to perform a verifiable computation over encrypted data keeping both the input and the witness private from the filtering node. This problem is akin to verifiable and private delegation of computation [13]. However, these protocols require ideas from fully-homomorphic encryption (FHE) and verifiable computations simultaneously and are currently expensive. We are experimenting with simpler partially homomorphic schemes that are efficient and suffice for some of the desired computations.

  • Hardware Acceleration To support filtering of information flows that require low latency, the prover time must be further reduced. Consider for example the pp-zk-SNARK prover’s optimized algorithm is defined [5] (see § 4.3 and Fig. 10-b in [5]). There are two main operations the prover runs: computing the coefficients h of a polynomial H(z), and computing the proof \(\pi \) using 8 large multi-scalar multiplications of the form \(\alpha _1 P_1 + \ldots + \alpha _n P_n\) where \(P_i\) are elements of group \(G_1\) (or \(G_2\)) and \(\alpha _i\) are scalars. Both of these sets of operations can directly benefit from hardware acceleration. We will investigate using GPU or FPGA implementations of FFTs over big integers and multi-scalar multiplications. We expect this may lead to up to two orders of magnitude speedups for large circuits.

8 Conclusion

This paper presents a first step towards building decentralized and provably secure cross domain solutions, allowing secure composition of CDS components (such as content filters) running on untrusted edge devices. A decentralized CDS capability complements today’s enterprise and tactical CDS enabling secure cross-domain information sharing when access to the enterprise or single-device tactical CDSs is not available, such as with the disconnected, intermittent, and limited tactical edge. We show that instantiating such a decentralized capability can be made practical, for the simple image filtering predicates considered in this paper. We expect the active research efforts for enhancing the practicality of verifiable computations will render this paradigm increasingly more practical in the future.