
9.1 Introduction

As per latest insight, various reports suggest that the global gluten-free products market size is estimated for USD 5.7 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 8.3 billion by 2025 at the rate of CAGR of 8.1% ( CAGR). The market is driven by the mounting prevalence of celiac disease and trends in towards health. Over the last decades, it has been witnessed that globally companies in the area of gluten free sector are experiencing greater demand from consumers with intolerance towards gluten. This trend will definitely continue to rise and overall rapidly move up the market.

figure a

Figure Global Gluten Free Products Market Share by distribution Channel, 2019 (%). (Source :

9.2 Impact of COVID-19 on the Current Market Size and Forecast

The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to bring some negative impact on the global impact primarily due to importing and exporting the end products, owing to the limited international trading activities (Miranda et al. 2014). However, we are optimistic that post-pandemic, the market for gluten-free products is projected to witness an upward growth trend, owing to the rise in consumers preferring gluten-free and other free-from foods, as a result of a shift in the consumption lifestyles towards healthier eating (Table 9.1).

Table 9.1 List of global companies in gluten free space

9.3 Market Dynamics – Drivers and Opportunities

With the advent of better and more reliable diagnostic methods, we are able to witness and capture celiac disease data. This data captures the prevalence of celiac disease worldwide which will in turn boost the market of gluten free products in coming decade. Thus, in terms of drivers, more simple and reliable diagnostics methods will create more opportunities in the space of gluten free product development and global outreach. Another reason for upwards market growth will also be due to increased incidence of non-celiac gluten sensitivity as well as other related inflammatory diseases, and autoimmune disorders. This is supported by active participation of various government campaigns worldwide.

9.4 Challenges

If we globally analyze the nutritional information about the gluten free products, one of the concern is the lack of adequate fibers in the products (Gallagher, 2009; Rosell & Matos, 2015). This ultimately leads to the alignments of the digestive system. We need Gluten-free products lacks an adequate amount of dietary fibers, resulting in constipation and other ailments of digestive system. We need to address this challenge in the near future to further uplift the market of gluten free products globally.

In the article, we have attempted to present the data for the gluten free Bread and Pasta which currently holds the prime categories for the growth of gluten free market globally.

9.5 Bakery Market – Gluten Free

Bakery products as per current market dynamics has one of the is largest share for the year 2020. Figure below presents the market dynamics across the global for the bread and bread related products in the retail market. With the rise in global celic disease, in proportion the market for the gluten free bread will also witness upward trends since customers would look for alternative to wheat based bread and bakery products (Foschia et al. 2016; Amanda topper 2017; Grandview research 2020) (Figs. 9.1 and 9.2 and Tables 9.2 and 9.3).

Fig. 9.1
figure 1

Asia Pacific (APAC) Retail Market Overview: Bread & Bread Products, 2020

Fig. 9.2
figure 2

EMEA retail market overview: bread & bread products, 2020

Note: Market figures for 2020 onwards are estimations created prior to the global COVID-19 outbreak Base: bubble size is based on market volume (kg); CAGR is based on market growth in value over the last five years in local currency

Source: Mintel Market Sizes

Table 9.2 List of gluten free bread along with countries
Table 9.3 List of gluten free pasta along with countries

9.6 Gluten-Free Pasta Market Outlook – 2025

Apart from the bread segment, gluten free pasta market is also rapidly growing (refer to figure below) . Current estimate suggest that the market was around $909.8 million in 2017 and by 2025 it is projected to reach $1,289.2 million with the impressive CAGR of 4.5%. Various key food manufacturers strategize on coming up with free-from food products that cater to the requirement of food intolerant consumers owing to the growth in concern of the consumers about the ingredients in the food. Gluten-free pasta is one of these which eventually triggers gluten-free pasta market growth in terms of value sales (Fig. 9.3).

Fig. 9.3
figure 3

Global gluten free pasta market by region

9.7 Conclusions

In conclusion, the market for gluten free products will continue to rise. With recent advancement in science and technology and better methods to detect gluten intolerance, the market would continue to expand. Bakery and pasta segment would continue to lead the space of gluten free market. Innovation around bakery and pasta would drive the market to greater heights. However, we would need better and nutritious products that is designed by keeping consumer’s requirement in mind.