
1 Introduction

Emotion recognition is a popular research topic in computer vision and pattern recognition. With the development of artificial intelligence and deep learning technology, as well as the widespread application of emotion recognition in the fields of emotion computing [1], human-computer interaction [2], auxiliary medical [3], intelligent monitoring and security, entertainment industry [4], remote education [5], emotional state analysis [6] and other fields have attracted the attention of many researchers. Emotions play an active and important role in daily human communication. It can be expressed by detecting physiological signals such as breathing, heart rhythm, and body temperature and by detecting emotional behaviors such as facial expressions, language, and posture. Among them, facial expressions contain rich human emotion information. Emotional changes in human hearts will lead to different degrees of changes in facial expressions, indicating the daily emotions of human beings as well as subtle and complex emotional changes. In addition, emotional recognition based on facial expression recognition [7,8,9] is simple, and facial expression images are easy to capture.

The research and development of facial expression recognition can accelerate the advancement of research and technological development in machine vision, human-computer interaction, psychology, etc., and help demonstrate and analyze new interdisciplinary theories and methods. Facial expression recognition methods are divided into traditional methods and deep learning-based methods. The traditional FER method includes three steps: pre-processing (detection, alignment, etc.), feature extraction, and face image classification. Unlike traditional FER, deep learning-based methods allow end-to-end learning directly from the input image, reducing reliance on pre-processing and the cost of manually extracting features. Because deep neural networks’ automatic learning has the advantage of discrimination, the FER method based on deep learning is better than the traditional FER method [10,11,12]. GPU computing technology development further promotes facial expression recognition based on deep learning to become the mainstream of today’s research. There are also many research achievements in facial expression recognition based on deep learning.

Zou et al. [7] improved the convolutional neural network by using batch regularization, ReLU activation function, and Dropout technology. Singh et al. [8] studied the static images based on CNN in the cases of pre-processing and without pre-processing, respectively. Mohan et al. [10] proposed a FER-net network, which first automatically learns facial image features through the FER-net network and then recognizes them through the Softmax classifier. Xie et al. [11] designed two CNNs to extract local features and global features of the face images and obtain rich face information by fusing the two features to complete the classification.

The above-mentioned facial expression recognition method based on deep learning separately completes face image detection and classification tasks independently. With the rapid development of object detection technology based on deep learning, it is possible to simultaneously complete detection and classification tasks. In 2015, Redmon et al. [13] proposed YOLO (You Only Look Once), which was the first one-stage detector. Later, YOLOv2(YOLO9000) [14], YOLOv3 [15], and YOLOv4 [16] were extended on the basis of YOLO. Yolo divided the image into different regions and simultaneously predicted each region’s bounding box and possibilities. To improve accuracy, YOLOv2 first modified the pre-trained classification network’s resolution to 448 \(\times \) 448 and then removed the fully connected layer (to obtain more spatial information) and used anchor boxes to predict bounding boxes. YOLOv3 introduces the FPN structure to realize multi-scale prediction. The backbone feature extraction network uses a better classification network, Darknet53, and the classification loss function uses Binary Cross-entropy Loss instead of Softmax. YOLOv4 has been improved on the basis of YOLOv3, mainly by changing the backbone feature extraction network Darknet53 into CSPDarknet53 and enhancing the feature extraction network using SPP and PANET structures as well as data augmentation techniques. In 2016, Liu et al. [17] proposed the SSD model. SSD adopts the structure of the pyramidal feature hierarchy and introduces the prior box, which has the advantage of mean Average Precision (mAP) compared with YOLO. In 2017, Lin et al. [18] proposed RetinaNet. RetinaNet alleviates the problem of data imbalance by introducing a focal loss function.

Although the above one-stage object detection methods have achieved excellent results in many fields, they are rarely used in FER tasks to the best of our knowledge. In this paper, we have applied FER tasks based on one-stage object detection methods. First, we manually annotated the RAF-DB dataset. Then based on YOLOV3, the SE [19] module is combined with the Backbone module to improve the ability to enhance the feature extraction network. We also discussed the performance changes caused by the lightweight enhanced feature networks.

2 Methodology

2.1 Model Architecture

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The architecture of FER-YOLO, which includes the backbone network (red dashed line), enhance feature extraction network (blue dashed line) and result prediction. (Color figure online)

In this paper, the FER-YOLO network model architecture based on FER is shown in Fig. 1. The backbone feature extraction network uses Darknet-53’ with the fully connected layer removed. Enhance feature extraction network fuses three scales feature maps. In order to improve the performance of the feature extraction network, the SE module is introduced into the Res5 residual block (Res5-SE). Res5-SE aims to extract more useful information from the deep features of the backbone network. Compared with datasets dedicated to object detection, although the facial expression dataset has a single characteristic, it still contains many environmental backgrounds. In the facial expression recognition task, pre-processing is usually carried out to remove the image background and reduce the difficulty of recognition. Unlike other general facial expression recognition methods, FER-YOLO input data does not have any pre-processing steps. Our input data contains a lot of background information and the size of the input image is \( 416 \times 416 \times 3\).

Finally, output the prediction results corresponding to the three feature layers, and the shape of the output layer is \(13 \times 13 \times 36, 26 \times 26 \times 36\) and \(52 \times 52 \times 36\). \(36=3 \times (7+4+1)\), where, 3 is the three prior boxes, 7 is the number of expression categories, 4 is the parameters of x, y, w, and h, and 1 is the detection of objects.

2.2 Channel Attention

Fig. 2.
figure 2

FER-YOLO channel attention, including squeeze module (red dotted line), excitation module (blue dotted line) and reweight module (green dotted line). (Color figure online)

In order to enable the FER-YOLO network to learn more discriminative features and improve accuracy, this paper uses the channel attention mechanism to re-calibrate the depth feature maps extracted by the backbone network. Equivalent to input enhanced feature extraction network information is more discriminant.

As shown in Fig. 2, FER-YOLO channel attention consists of the squeeze module (red dotted line), the excitation module (blue dotted line), and the reweight module (green dotted line). The squeezing operation compresses each feature channel of the output \(\mathbf {U}\) (\(\mathbf {U} \in R^{W \times H \times C}\)) of the backbone through the global average pooling layer to obtain a \(1 \times 1 \times C\) real number sequence. The excitation module is composed of two fully connected layers, in which the scaling parameter r is used to reduce the number of channels and thus reduce the amount of calculation. Empirically, here we set it to 4. After the channel attention, the input and output shapes are the same, but each position’s value has been re-corrected.

2.3 Depth-Wise Separable Convolution

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Standard convolution vs depth-wise separable convolution (a)

In 2012, Mamalet et al. [20] first proposed depth-wise separable convolution. Depth-wise separable convolution (DSC)consists of depth-wise convolution (DW) and point-wise convolution (PW). The standard convolution (SC) operation is that all channels in the corresponding image region are considered simultaneously. Different from the standard convolutional network, the convolution kernel is first divided into single channels. The convolution operation is performed on each channel without changing the depth of the input feature image. In this way, the output feature map with the same number of channels as the input feature map is obtained. However, this operation independently performs convolution operations on each channel of the input layer, and there is no information exchange between channels. Therefore, \(1\times 1\) convolution is needed to increase the information exchange between channels. The separation of channels and regions can accelerate the training process, and the trained model has fewer parameters and faster speed, which is suitable for lightweight models.

As shown in Fig. 3, given the input feature maps size is \(m \times m \times N\), and the kernel size is \(m \times k \times k \times N \times w\), and the stride is 1, the parameters (P) of standard convolution is:

$$\begin{aligned} P(SC)=k \times k \times N \times w \end{aligned}$$

And the floating point operations (FLOPs) is:

$$\begin{aligned} FLOPs(SC)=m \times m \times k \times k \times N \times w \end{aligned}$$

For the depth-wise separable convolution, the number of parameters and FLOPs are:

$$\begin{aligned} P(DSC)= P(DW)+P(PW)= k \times k \times N + N \times w \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} FLOPs(DSC)= FLOPs(DW)+FLOPs(PW) \\ = m \times m \times k \times k \times N + m \times m \times N \times w \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} F_{P}=\frac{P(DSC)}{P(SC)}=\frac{1}{w}+\frac{1}{k^{2}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} F_{FLOPs}=\frac{FLOPs(DSC)}{FLOPs(SC))}=\frac{1}{w}+\frac{1}{k^{2}} \end{aligned}$$

It can be seen from Eq. (6) and Eq. (5) that the depth-wise separable convolution has advantages in terms of the number of parameters and the FLOPs.

3 Experimental Results and Analysis

3.1 Implementation Details

Our experiment is implemented by using the PyTorch framework on a workstation computer with the following specifications: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980XE CPU @ 3.00GHz, 125 GB RAM, and GeForce RTX 2080 Ti.

Table 1. The sample statistics of RAF-DB dataset.
  1. 1)

    Facial expression dataset: The experiment in this paper is based on the RAF-DB dataset [21], which is an unconstrained large-scale facial expression recognition dataset of various sizes. For end-to-end experiment, we manually annotated them. It is worth pointing out that we did not perform any pre-processing such as face alignment. The RAF-DB dataset contains 12,271 training images and 3,068 test images. The details are shown in Table 1.

  2. 2)

    Parameter settings: We use the Adam optimization method for all models, with 16 bacth-size samples for end-to-end training. To be fair, we train all network models for 160 epochs and set the initial learning rate to 0.001, which is multiplied by 0.9 times every 5 epochs. During the training process, we initialize the FER-YOLO model network’s parameters with the weights of DarkNet53 pre-trained on the COCO dataset. It is worth pointing out that all models in this paper only initialize the backbone network’s weights.

Table 2. Ablation experiments for FER-YOLO and some of its deformation. Legend: “Angry” (Ang); “Disgust” (Dis); “Fear” (Fea); “Happy” (Hap); “Neutral” (Neu); “Sad” (Sad) and “Surprise” (Sur)

3.2 Ablation Experiments

We conducted experiments on the FER-YOLO network model and its deformation. The test results on the test set are shown in Table 2. FER-YOLO* indicates that FER-YOLO removes the first feature fusion channel, which is the prediction result of \(52 \times 52 \times 36\). In the same way, YOLOv3* represents YOLOv3 removes the first feature fusion channel. FER-YOLO-L means that the depth-wise separable convolution replaces the standard convolution in the enhanced feature extraction network in FER-YOLO, thereby lightweight FER-YOLO. Similarly, YOLOv3*-L, YOLOv3-L, and FER-YOLO*-L represents the lightweight of YOLOv3*, YOLOv3, and FER-YOLO*, respectively.

We use depth-wise separable convolution instead of standard convolution in the enhanced feature extraction network to explore these two different convolutions’ impact on network performance. From the theoretical analysis of Sect. 2 B, it can be seen that compared to standard convolution, depth-wise separable convolution can indeed greatly reduce model parameters. From the experimental results in Table 2, it can be seen that the depth-wise separable convolution reduces the network model parameters used in this paper by approximately 15M. For different network structures, the depth-wise separable convolution replaces the standard convolution, and mAP may not be improved. And our experimental results show that in the RAF-DB dataset, a small receptive field has a large impact on mAP. If the small receptive field is removed, the network will miss small face images, and the mAP of the FER-YOLO network will be reduced from 76.77% to 69.98%.

Figure 4 shows the detection results of the FER-YOLO network model on the RAF-DB test dataset. The corresponding categories and scores are the prediction results and confidence scores of the detected images, respectively. We can see that the FER-YOLO network model can successfully detect facial expressions in images with complex backgrounds and accurately locate and predict them.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Test sample detection results.

3.3 Comparisons with State-of the Art Methods

In Table 3, we compare the FER-YOLO network model with one-shot object detection state-of-the-art methods. Black bold font represents the best result.

The results show that our proposed FER-YOLO network model is better than the one-shot object detection model considered in this paper. Compared with YOLOv4 and YOLOv3, mAP has increased by 3.13% and 3.03%, respectively. The Average precision (AP) of the FER-YOLO network model in the categories of “Angry”, “Disgust”, “Fear” and “Surprise” is higher than the other one-shot object detection methods listed in the paper. The AP values of “Happy”, “Neutral”, and “Sad” are lower than the highest RetinaNet by 0.1%, 7.62%, and 2.14%, respectively.

Table 3. Comparisons with one-shot object detection state-of the art methods. Legend: “Angry” (Ang); “Disgust” (Dis); “Fear” (Fea); “Happy” (Hap); “Neutral” (Neu); “Sad” (Sad) and “Surprise” (Sur)

3.4 Real-Time Facial Expression Detection via Camera

We use the real-time camera to read the face image for detection and classification directly. The results are shown in Fig. 5. As shown in Fig. 5, the FER-YOLO network model’s performance in real-time detection through the camera is also prominent, which can accurately locate the face image and perform the correct classification.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Detected facial expressions via real-time camera.

4 Conclusion

In this paper, we design a FER-YOLO network model for facial expression recognition. This model’s backbone is combined with the SE module to improve the performance of the enhanced feature extraction network. Experiments were performed on the manually annotated RAF-DB dataset. The experimental results show that FER-YOLO achieves better results compared with other one-shot object detection methods. It provides a reference for one-shot object detection methods based on expression recognition.