1 Stating the Problem

We now begin the study of the statistical problem that forms the principal subject of this book, the problem of hypothesis testing. As the term suggests, one wishes to decide whether or not some hypothesis that has been formulated is correct. The choice here lies between only two decisions: accepting or rejecting the hypothesis. A decision procedure for such a problem is called a test of the hypothesis in question.

The decision is to be based on the value of a certain random variable X, the distribution \(P_\theta \) of which is known to belong to a class \(\mathcal{P}=\{P_\theta ,\theta \in \Omega \}\). We shall assume that if \(\theta \) were known, one would also know whether or not the hypothesis is true. The distributions of \(\mathcal{P}\) can then be classified into those for which the hypothesis is true and those for which it is false. The resulting two mutually exclusive classes are denoted by H and K, and the corresponding subsets of \(\Omega \) by \(\Omega _H\) and \(\Omega _K\) respectively, so that \(H\cup K=\mathcal P\) and \(\Omega _H\cup \Omega _K=\Omega \). Mathematically, the hypothesis is equivalent to the statement that \(P_\theta \) is an element of H. It is therefore convenient to identify the hypothesis with this statement and to use the letter H also to denote the hypothesis. Analogously we call the distributions in K the alternatives to H, so that K is the class of alternatives.

Let the decisions of accepting or rejecting H be denoted by \(d_0\) and \(d_1\) respectively. A nonrandomized test procedure assigns to each possible value x of X one of these two decisions and thereby divides the sample space into two complementary regions A and R. If X falls into A, the hypothesis is accepted; otherwise it is rejected. The set A is called the region of acceptance, and the set R the region of rejection or critical region.

When performing a test one may arrive at the correct decision, or one may commit one of two errors: rejecting the hypothesis when it is true (error of the first kind or Type 1 error) or accepting it when it is false (error of the second kind or Type 2 error). The consequences of these are often quite different. For example, if one tests for the presence of some disease, incorrectly deciding on the necessity of treatment may cause the patient discomfort and financial loss. On the other hand, failure to diagnose the presence of the ailment may lead to the patient’s death.

It is desirable to carry out the test in a manner which keeps the probabilities of the two types of error to a minimum. Unfortunately, when the number of observations is given, both probabilities cannot be controlled simultaneously. It is customary therefore to assign a bound to the probability of incorrectly rejecting H when it is true and to attempt to minimize the other probability subject to this condition. Thus one selects a number \(\alpha \) between 0 and 1, called the level of significance, and imposes the condition that

$$\begin{aligned} P_{\theta } \{\delta (X)=d_1\}=P_{\theta }\{X\in R\}\le \alpha \qquad \mathrm{for~all}\quad \theta \in \Omega _H. \end{aligned}$$

Subject to this condition, it is desired to minimize \(P_\theta \{\delta (X)=d_0\}\) for \(\theta \) in \(\Omega _K\) or, equivalently, to maximize

$$\begin{aligned} P_{\theta } \{\delta (X)=d_1\}= P_{\theta }\{X\in R \}\qquad \mathrm{for~all}\quad \theta \in \Omega _K. \end{aligned}$$

Although (3.1) usually implies that

$$\begin{aligned} \sup _{\Omega _H}P_{\theta }\{X\in R \}=\alpha , \end{aligned}$$

it is convenient to introduce a term for the left-hand side of (3.3): it is called the size of the test or critical region R. The condition (3.1) therefore restricts consideration to test whose size does not exceed the given level of significance. The probability of rejection (3.2) evaluated for a given \(\theta \) in \(\Omega _K\) is called the power of the test against the alternative \(\theta \). Considered as a function of \(\theta \) for all \(\theta \in \Omega \), the probability (3.2) is called the power function of the test and is denoted by \(\beta (\theta )\).

Although we may formally decide between accepting H when \(X \in A\) and rejecting H when \(X \in R\), it must be emphasized that “accepting” H does not prove that H is true. Failure to reject H may result from insufficient data or poor power, so that accepting H should be interpreted as the data provide insufficient evidence against the null hypothesis.

The choice of a level of significance \(\alpha \) is usually somewhat arbitrary, since in most situations there is no precise limit to the probability of an error of the first kind that can be tolerated.Footnote 1 Standard values, such as 0.01 or 0.05, were originally chosen to effect a reduction in the tables needed for carrying out various tests. By habit, and because of the convenience of standardization in providing a common frame of reference, these values gradually became entrenched as the conventional levels to use. This is unfortunate, since the choice of significance level should also take into consideration the power that the test will achieve against the alternatives of interest. There is little point in carrying out an experiment which has only a small chance of detecting the effect being sought when it exists. Surveys by Cohen (1962) and Freiman et al. (1978) suggest that this is in fact the case for many studies. Ideally, the sample size should then be increased to permit adequate values for both significance level and power. If that is not feasible one may wish to use higher values of \(\alpha \) than the customary ones. The opposite possibility, that one would like to decrease \(\alpha \), arises when the latter is so close to 1 that \(\alpha \) can be lowered appreciably without a significant loss of power (cf. Problem 3.11). Rules for choosing \(\alpha \) in relation to the attainable power are discussed by Lehmann (1958), Arrow (1960), and Sanathanan (1974), and from a Bayesian point of view by Savage (1962, pp. 64–66). See also  Rosenthal and Rubin (1985).

Another consideration that may enter into the specification of a significance level is the attitude toward the hypothesis before the experiment is performed. If one firmly believes the hypothesis to be true, extremely convincing evidence will be required before one is willing to give up this belief, and the significance level will accordingly be set very low. (A low significance level results in the hypothesis being rejected only for a set of values of the observations whose total probability under hypothesis is small, so that such values would be most unlikely to occur if H were true.)

Let us next consider the structure of a randomized test. For any values x, such a test chooses between the two decisions, rejection or acceptance, with certain probabilities that depend on x and will be denoted by \(\phi (x)\) and \(1-\phi (x)\) respectively. If the value of X is x, a random experiment is performed with two possible outcomes R and \(\bar{R}{}\), the probabilities of which are \(\phi (x)\) and \(1-\phi (x)\). If in this experiment R occurs, the hypothesis is rejected, otherwise it is accepted. A randomized test is therefore completely characterized by a function \(\phi \), the critical function, with \(0\le \phi (x)\le 1\) for all x. If \(\phi \) takes on only the values 1 and 0, one is back in the case of a nonrandomized test. The set of points x for which \(\phi (x)=1\) is then just the region of rejection, so that in a nonrandomized test \(\phi \) is simply the indicator function of the critical region.

If the distribution of X is \(P_\theta \), and the critical function \(\phi \) is used, the probability of rejection is

$$ E_{\theta }\phi (X)=\int \phi (x)\,dP_\theta (x), $$

the conditional probability \(\phi (x)\) of rejection given x, integrated with respect to the probability distribution of X. The problem is to select \(\phi \) so as to maximize the power

$$\begin{aligned} \beta _\phi (\theta )=E_{\theta }\phi (X)\qquad \mathrm{for~all}\quad \theta \in \Omega _K \end{aligned}$$

subject to the condition

$$\begin{aligned} E_\theta \phi (X)\le \alpha \qquad \mathrm{for~all}\quad \theta \in \Omega _H. \end{aligned}$$

A level \(\alpha \) test that maximizes (3.4) is called a most powerful (MP) level \(\alpha \) test. The same difficulty now arises that presented itself in the general discussion of Chapter 1. Typically, the test that maximizes the power against a particular alternative in K depends on this alternative, so that some additional principal has to be introduced to define what is meant by an optimum test. There is one important exception: if K contains only one distribution, that is, if one is concerned with a single alternative, the problem is completely specified by (3.4) and (3.5). It then reduces to the mathematical problem of maximizing an integral subject to certain side conditions. The theory of this problem, and its statistical applications, constitutes the principle subject of the present chapter. In special cases it may of course turn out that the same test maximizes the power of all alternatives in K even when there is more than one. Examples of such uniformly most powerful (UMP) tests will be given in Sections 3.4 and 3.7.

In the above formulation the problem can be considered a special case of the general decision problem with two types of losses. Corresponding to the two kinds of error, one can introduce the two-component loss functions,

$$ \begin{array}{ll} L_1(\theta ,d_1)=1\mathrm{~~or~~}0&{}\qquad \mathrm{as}\qquad \theta \in \Omega _H \mathrm{~or~} \theta \in \Omega _K,\\ L_1(\theta ,d_0)=0&{}\qquad \mathrm{for~all~~}\theta \end{array} $$


$$ \begin{array}{ll} L_2(\theta ,d_0)=0\mathrm{~~or~~}1&{}\qquad \mathrm{as}\qquad \theta \in \Omega _H \mathrm{~or~}\theta \in \Omega _K,\\ L_2(\theta ,d_1)=0&{}\qquad \mathrm{for~all~~}\theta ~. \end{array} $$

With this definition the minimization of \(EL_2(\theta ,\delta (X))\) subject to the restriction \(EL_1(\theta ,\delta (X))\le \alpha \) is exactly equivalent to the problem of hypothesis testing as given above.

The formal loss functions \(L_1\) and \(L_2\) clearly do not represent in general the true losses. The loss resulting from an incorrect acceptance of the hypothesis, for example, will not be the same for all alternatives. The more the alternative differs from the hypothesis, the more serious are the consequences of such an error. As was discussed earlier, we have purposely foregone the more detailed approach implied by this criticism. Rather than working with a loss function which in practice one does not know, it seems preferable to base the theory on the simpler and intuitively appealing notion of error. It will be seen later that at least some of the results can be justified also in the more elaborate formulation.

2 The Neyman–Pearson Fundamental Lemma

A class of distributions is called simple if it contains a single distribution, and otherwise it is said to be composite. The problem of hypothesis testing is completely specified by (3.4) and (3.5) if K is simple. Its solution is easiest and can be given explicitly when the same is true of H. Let the distributions under a simple hypothesis H and alternative K be \(P_0\) and \(P_1\), and suppose for a moment that these distributions are discrete with \(P_i \{ X=x \}=P_i(x)\mathrm{~for~}i=0,1\). If at first one restricts attention to nonrandomized tests, the optimum test is defined as the critical region S satisfying

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{x\in S}P_0(x)\le \alpha \end{aligned}$$


$$ \sum _{x\in S}P_1(x)=\mathrm{maximum~.} $$

It is easy to see which points should be included in S. To each point are attached two values, its probability under \(P_0\) and under \(P_1\). The selected points are to have a total value not exceeding \(\alpha \) on the one scale, and as large as possible on the other. This is a situation that occurs in many contexts. A buyer with a limited budget who wants to get “the most for his money” will rate the items according to their value per dollar. In order to travel a given distance in the shortest possible time, one must choose the quickest mode of transportation, that is, the one that yields the largest number of miles per hour. Analogously in the present problem the most valuable points x are those with the highest value of

$$ r(x)=\frac{P_1(x)}{P_0(x)}. $$

The points are therefore rated according to the value of this ratio and selected for S in this order, as many as one can afford under restriction (3.6). Formally this means that S is the set of all points x for which \(r(x)>c\), where c is determined by the condition

$$ P_0\{X\in S\}=\sum _{x:r(x)>c} P_0(x)=\alpha ~. $$

Here a difficulty is seen to arise. It may happen that when a certain point is included, the value \(\alpha \) has not yet been reached but that it would be exceeded if the point were also included. The exact value \(\alpha \) can then either not be achieved at all, or it can be attained only by breaking the preference order established by r(x). The resulting optimization problem has no explicit solution. (Algorithms for obtaining the maximizing set S are given by the theory of linear programming.) The difficulty can be avoided, however, by a modification which does not require violation of the r-order and which does lead to a simple explicit solution, namely by permitting randomization.Footnote 2 This makes it possible to split the next point, including only a portion of it, and thereby to obtain the exact value \(\alpha \) without breaking the order of preference that has been established for inclusion of the various sample points. These considerations are formalized in the following theorem, the fundamental lemma of Neyman and Pearson.

Theorem 3.2.1

Let \(P_0\) and \(P_1\) be probability distributions possessing densities \(p_0\) and \(p_1\) respectively with respect to a measure \(\mu \).Footnote 3

(i)Existence. For testing \(H:p_0\) against the alternative \(K:p_1\) there exists a test \(\phi \) and a constant k such that

$$\begin{aligned} E_0\phi (X)=\alpha \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \phi (x)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ccl} 1 &{} when &{}\quad p_1(x)>kp_0(x),\\ 0 &{} when &{}\quad p_1(x)<kp_0(x).\end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

(ii)Sufficient condition for a most powerful test. If a test satisfies (3.7) and (3.8) for some k, then it is most powerful for testing \(p_0\) against \(p_1\) at level \(\alpha \).

(iii)Necessary condition for a most powerful test. If \(\phi \) is most powerful at level \(\alpha \) for testing \(p_0\) against \(p_1\), then for some k it satisfies (3.8) a.e. \(\mu \). It also satisfies (3.7) unless there exists a test of size \(<\alpha \) and with power 1.

Proof. For \(\alpha =0\) and \(\alpha =1\) the theorem is easily seen to be true provided the value \(k=+~\infty \) is admitted in (3.8) and \(0\cdot \infty \) is interpreted as 0. Throughout the proof we shall therefore assume \(0<\alpha <1\).

(i):  Let \(\alpha (c)=P_0\{p_1(X)>cp_0(X)\}\). Since the probability is computed under \(P_0\), the inequality needs to be considered only for the set where \(p_0(x)>0\), so that \(\alpha (c)\) is the probability that the random variable \(p_1(X)/p_0(X)\) exceeds c. Thus \(1-\alpha (c)\) is a cumulative distribution function, and \(\alpha (c)\) is nonincreasing and continuous on the right, \(\alpha (c^-)-\alpha (c)=P_0\{p_1(X)/p_0(X)=c\},\alpha (-\infty )=1\), and \(\alpha (\infty )=0\). Given any \(0<\alpha <1\), let \(c_0\) be such that \(\alpha (c_0)\le \alpha \le \alpha (c_0^-)\), and consider the test \(\phi \) defined by

$$ \phi (x)=\left\{ \begin{array}{lcl} 1 &{}\mathrm{when} &{} p_1(x)>c_0p_0(x),\\ \frac{\alpha -\alpha (c_0)}{\alpha (c_0^-)-\alpha (c_0)} &{} \mathrm{when} &{} p_1(x)=c_0p_0(x),\\ 0 &{}\mathrm{when} &{} p_1(x)<c_0p_0(x). \end{array} \right. $$

Here the middle expression is meaningful unless \(\alpha (c_0)=\alpha (c_0^-)\); since then \(P_0\{p_1(X)=c_0p_0(X)\}=0\), \(\phi \) is defined a.e. The size of \(\phi \) is

$$ E_0\phi (X)=P_0\left\{ \frac{p_1(X)}{p_0(X)}>c_0\right\} +\frac{\alpha -\alpha (c_0)}{\alpha (c_0^-)-\alpha (c_0)} P_0\left\{ \frac{p_1(X)}{p_0(X)}=c_0\right\} =\alpha , $$

so that \(c_0\) can be taken as the k of the theorem.

(ii):  Suppose that \(\phi \) is a test satisfying (3.7) and (3.8) and that \(\phi ^*\) is any other test with \(E_0\phi ^*(X)\le \alpha \). Denote by \(S^+\) and \(S^-\) the sets in the sample space where \(\phi (x)-\phi ^*(x)>0\) and \(<0\), respectively. If x is in \(S^+,\phi (x)\) must be \(>0\) and \(p_1(x)\ge kp_0(x)\). In the same way \(p_1(x)\le kp_0(x)\) for all x in \(S^-\), and hence

$$ \int (\phi -\phi ^*)(p_1-kp_0)\,d\mu =\int _{S^+\cup S^-}(\phi -\phi ^*)(p_1-kp_0)\,d\mu \ge 0. $$

The difference in power between \(\phi \) and \(\phi *\) therefore satisfies

$$ \int (\phi -\phi ^*)p_1\,d\mu \ge k\int (\phi -\phi ^*)p_0\,d\mu \ge 0, $$

as was to be proved.

(iii):  Let \(\phi ^*\) be most powerful at level \(\alpha \) for testing \(p_0\) against \(p_1\), and let \(\phi \) satisfy (3.7) and (3.8). Let S be the intersection of the set \(S^+\cup S^-\), on which \(\phi \) and \(\phi ^*\) differ, with the set \(\{x:p_1(x)\ne kp_0(x)\}\), and suppose that \(\mu (S)>0\). Since \((\phi -\phi ^*)(p_1-kp_0)\) is positive on S, it follows from Problem 2.4 that

$$ \int _{S^+\cup S^-}(\phi -\phi ^*)(p_1-kp_0)\,d\mu =\int _S(\phi -\phi ^*)(p_1-kp_0)\,d\mu >0 $$

and hence \(\phi \) is more powerful against \(p_1\) than \(\phi ^*\). This is a contradiction, and therefore \(\mu (S)=0\), as was to be proved.

If \(\phi ^*\) were of size \(<\alpha \) and power \(<1\), it would be possible to include in the rejection region additional points or portions of points and thereby to increase the power until either the power is 1 or the size is \(\alpha \). Thus either \(E_0\phi ^*(X)=\alpha \mathrm{~or~}E_1\phi ^*(X)=1\).  \(\blacksquare \)

The proof of part (iii) shows that the most powerful test is uniquely determined by (3.7) and (3.8) except on the set on which \(p_1(x)=kp_0(x)\). On this set, \(\phi \) can be defined arbitrarily provided the resulting test has size \(\alpha \). Actually, we have shown that it is always possible to define \(\phi \) to be constant over this boundary set. In the trivial case when there exists a test of power 1, the constant k of (3.8) is 0, and one will accept H for all points for which \(p_1(x)=kp_0(x)\) even though the test may then have size \(<\alpha \).

It follows from these remarks that the most powerful test is determined uniquely (up to sets of measure zero) by (3.7) and (3.8) whenever the set on which \(p_1(x)=kp_0(x)\) has \(\mu \)-measure zero. This unique test is then clearly nonrandomized. More generally, it is seen that randomization is not required except possibly on the boundary set, where it may be necessary to randomize in order to get the size equal to \(\alpha \). When there exists a test of power 1, (3.7) and (3.8) will determine a most powerful test, but it may not be unique in that there may exist a test also most powerful and satisfying (3.7) and (3.8) for some \(\alpha '<\alpha \).

Corollary 3.2.1

Let \(\beta \) denote the power of the most powerful level-\(\alpha \) test \((0<\alpha <1)\) for testing \(P_0\) against \(P_1\). Then \(\alpha <\beta \) unless \(P_0=P_1\).

Proof. Since the level-\(\alpha \) test given by \(\phi (x)\equiv \alpha \) has power \(\alpha \), it is seen that \(\alpha \le \beta \). If \(\alpha =\beta <1\), the test \(\phi (x)\equiv \alpha \) is most powerful and by Theorem 3.2.1(iii) must satisfy (3.8). Then \(p_0(x)=p_1(x)\) a.e. \(\mu \) and hence \(P_0=P_1\).  \(\blacksquare \)

An alternative method for proving some of the results of this section is based on the following geometric representation of the problem of testing a simple hypothesis against a simple alternative. Let N be the set of all points \((\alpha ,\beta )\) for which there exists a test \(\phi \) such that

$$ \alpha =E_0\phi (X),\qquad \beta =E_1\phi (X). $$

This set is convex, contains the points (0,0) and (1,1), and is symmetric with respect to the point \((\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2})\) in the sense that with any point \((\alpha ,\beta )\) it also contains the point \((1-\alpha ,1-\beta )\). In addition, the set N is closed. [This follows from the weak compactness theorem for critical functions, Theorem A.5.1 of the Appendix; the argument is the same as that in the proof of Theorem 3.6.1(i).]

For each value \(0<\alpha _0<1\), the level-\(\alpha _0\) tests are represented by the points whose abscissa is \(\le \alpha _o\). The most powerful of these tests (whose existence follows from the fact that N is closed) corresponds to the point on the upper boundary of N with abscissa \(\alpha _0\). This is the only point corresponding to a most powerful level-\(\alpha _0\) test unless there exists a point \((\alpha ,1)\) in N with \(\alpha <\alpha _0\) (Figure 3.1b).

As an example of this geometric approach, consider the following alternative proof of Corollary 3.2.1. Suppose that for some \(0<\alpha _0<1\) the power of the most powerful level-\(\alpha _0\) test is \(\alpha _0\). Then it follows from the convexity of N that \((\alpha ,\beta )\in N\) implies \(\beta \le \alpha \), and hence from the symmetry of N that N consists exactly of the line segment connecting the points (0,0) and (1,1). This means that \(\int \phi p_o\,d\mu =\int \phi p_1\,d\mu \) for all \(\phi \) and hence that \(p_0=p_1\) (a.e.\(\mu \)), as was to be proved. A proof of Theorem 3.2.1 along these lines is given in a more general setting in the proof of Theorem 3.6.1.

Figure 3.1
figure 1

Possible Values of \((\alpha , \beta )\) for Varying \(\phi \)

Example 3.2.1

(Normal Location Model) Suppose X is an observation from \(N( \xi , \sigma ^2 )\), with \(\sigma ^2\) known. The null hypothesis specifies \(\xi = 0\) and the alternative specifies \(\xi = \xi _1\) for some \(\xi _1 > 0\). Then, the likelihood ratio is given by

$$\begin{aligned} {{p_1 (x)} \over { p_0 (x)}} = {{ \exp [- {{1} \over {2 \sigma ^2}} (x - \xi _1 )^2 ] } \over { \exp [- {{1} \over {2 \sigma ^2}} x^2 ] } } = \exp [ {{\xi _1 x } \over { \sigma ^2}} - {{ \xi _1^2} \over {2 \sigma ^2}} ]~. \end{aligned}$$

Since the exponential function is strictly increasing and \(\xi _1 > 0\), the set of x where \(p_1 (x) / p_0 (x) > k\) is equivalent to the set of x where \(x > k'\). In order to determine \(k'\), the level constraint

$$P_0 \{ X > k' \} = \alpha $$

must be satisfied, and so \(k' = \sigma z_{1- \alpha }\), where \(z_{1- \alpha }\) is the \(1- \alpha \) quantile of the standard normal distribution. Therefore, the most powerful (MP) level \(\alpha \) test rejects if \(X > \sigma z_{1- \alpha }\). Several points are worth mentioning. First, the MP level \(\alpha \) test is unique up to sets of Lebesgue measure 0, by the Neyman–Pearson Lemma, Theorem 3.2.1 (iii). Second, since this test is MP for any alternative \(\xi _1 > 0\), the test is UMP level \(\alpha \) against the composite alternatives \(\xi _1 > 0\). Third, by a similar argument, the test that rejects if \(X < \sigma z_{\alpha }\) is UMP level \(\alpha \) against the composite alternatives \(\xi _1 < 0\). Finally, it follows that no UMP level \(\alpha \) test exists against all two-sided alternatives \(\xi _1 \ne 0\). \(\blacksquare \)

3 p-values

Testing at a fixed level \(\alpha \), as described in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, is one of two standard (non-Bayesian) approaches to the evaluation of hypotheses. To explain the other, suppose that, under \(P_0\), the distribution of \(p_1 (X) / p_0 (X)\) is continuous. Then, the most powerful level \(\alpha \) test is nonrandomized and rejects if \(p_1 (X) / p_0 (X) > k\), where \(k = k ( \alpha )\) is determined by (3.7). For varying \(\alpha \), the resulting tests provide an example of the typical situation in which the rejection regions \(R_{\alpha }\) are nested in the sense that

$$\begin{aligned} R_{\alpha } \subseteq R_{\alpha '}~~~~\mathrm{if~}\alpha < \alpha '~. \end{aligned}$$

When this is the case,Footnote 4 it is good practice to determine not only whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected at the given significance level, but also to determine the smallest significance level, or more formally

$$\begin{aligned} \hat{p} = \hat{p} (X) = \inf \{ \alpha :~ X \in R_{\alpha } \}~, \end{aligned}$$

at which the hypothesis would be rejected for the given observation. This number, the so-called p-value gives an idea of how strongly the data contradict the hypothesis.Footnote 5 It also enables others to reach a verdict based on the significance level of their choice.

Example 3.3.1

(Continuation of Example) 3.2.1 Let \(\Phi \) denote the standard normal c.d.f. Then, the rejection region can be written as

$$R_{\alpha } = \{ X:~ X> \sigma z_{1- \alpha } \} = \{ X:~ \Phi ( {{X} \over { \sigma }} ) > 1- \alpha \} = \{ X:~ 1- \Phi ( {{X} \over {\sigma }} ) < \alpha \}~.$$

For a given observed value of X, the inf over all \(\alpha \) where the last inequality holds is

$$\hat{p} = 1- \Phi ( {{X} \over {\sigma }} )~.$$

Alternatively, the p-value is \(P_0 \{ X \ge x \}\), where x is the observed value of X. Note that, under \(\xi = 0\), the distribution of \(\hat{p}\) is given by

$$P_0 \{ \hat{p} \le u \} = P_0 \{ 1- \Phi ( {X \over {\sigma }} ) \le u \} = P_0 \{ \Phi ( {X \over {\sigma }} ) \ge 1- u \} = u~,$$

because \(\Phi ( X/ \sigma )\) is uniformly distributed on (0,1) (see Problem 3.22); therefore, \(\hat{p}\) is uniformly distributed on (0,1).  \(\blacksquare \)

A general property of p-values is given in the following lemma, which applies to both simple and composite null hypotheses.

Lemma 3.3.1

Suppose X has distribution \(P_{\theta }\) for some \(\theta \in \Omega \), and the null hypothesis H specifies \(\theta \in \Omega _H\). Assume the rejection regions satisfy (3.10).

(i) If

$$\begin{aligned} \sup _{\theta \in \Omega _H} P_{\theta } \{ X \in R_{\alpha } \} \le \alpha ~~~~\mathrm{for~all~} 0< \alpha < 1, \end{aligned}$$

then the distribution of \(\hat{p}\) under \(\theta \in \Omega _H\) satisfies

$$\begin{aligned} P_{\theta } \{ \hat{p} \le u \} \le u~~~\mathrm{for~all~}0 \le u \le 1~. \end{aligned}$$

(ii) If, for \(\theta \in \Omega _H\),

$$\begin{aligned} P_{\theta } \{ X \in R_{\alpha } \} = \alpha ~~~~\mathrm{for~all~} 0< \alpha < 1~, \end{aligned}$$


$$P_{\theta } \{ \hat{p} \le u \} = u~~~\mathrm{for~all~} 0 \le u \le 1~; $$

i.e., \(\hat{p}\) is uniformly distributed over (0, 1).

Proof. (i) If \(\theta \in \Omega _H\), then the event \(\{ \hat{p} \le u \}\) implies \(\{ X \in R_v \}\) for all \(u < v\). The result follows by letting \(v \rightarrow u\).

(ii) Since the event \(\{ X \in R_u \}\) implies \(\{ \hat{p} \le u \}\), it follows that

$$P_{\theta } \{ \hat{p} \le u \} \ge P_{\theta } \{ X \in R_u \}~.$$

Therefore, if (3.14) holds, then \(P_{\theta } \{ \hat{p} \le u \} \ge u\), and the result follows from (i).  \(\blacksquare \)

Example 3.3.2

Suppose X takes values \(1, 2, \ldots , 10\). Under H, the distribution is uniform, i.e., \(p_0 (j) = {1 \over {10}}\) for \(j = 1 , \ldots , 10\). Under K, suppose \(p_1 (j) = j/55\). The MP level \(\alpha = i / 10\) test rejects if \(X \ge 11-i\). However, unless \(\alpha \) is a multiple of 1/10, the MP level \(\alpha \) test is randomized. If we want to restrict attention to nonrandomized procedures, consider the conservative approach by defining

$$R_{\alpha } = \{ X \ge 11 -i \}~~~\mathrm{if~} {i \over {10}} \le \alpha < {{i+1} \over {10}}~.$$

If the observed value of X is x, then the p-value is given by \((11-x)/10\). Then, the distribution of \(\hat{p}\) under H is given by

$$\begin{aligned} P \{ \hat{p} \le u \} = P \{ {{11-X} \over {10}} \le u \} = P \{ X \ge 11 - 10u \} \le u~, \end{aligned}$$

and the last inequality is an equality if and only if u is of the form i/10 for some integer \(i = 0 , 1, \ldots , 10\), i.e., the levels for which the MP test is nonrandomized (Problem 3.21). \(\blacksquare \)

In general, we say a p-value is valid if it satisfies (3.13) for all \(\theta \in \Omega _H\), even if \(\hat{p}\) is not specified through a family of rejection regions. If (3.13) holds, then the test that rejects H if \(\hat{p} \le \alpha \) is level \(\alpha \). A direct approach is given next.

Example 3.3.3

(Constructing P-values for a Simple H) Suppose for a given family indexed by \(\theta \in \Omega \), the problem is to test a simple null hypothesis \(\theta = \theta _0\). Here \(\theta \) is quite general; it can be real-valued, vector-valued, or even be function-valued. (As an example, if \(\theta \) corresponds to a c.d.f. on the real line, \(\theta _0\) could specify the uniform distribution.) Let \(T = T(X)\) be any real-valued test statistic, and let its c.d.f. be denoted by \(F_{\theta } ( \cdot )\). Then, \(\hat{p} = F_{\theta _0} ( T)\) serves as a valid p-value for testing the null hypothesis \(\theta = \theta _0\). To see why, note that if Y is any real-valued random variable with c.d.f. \(G( \cdot )\), then (Problem 3.23)

$$P \{ G( Y) \le u \} \le u~~~\mathrm{for~all~} 0 \le u \le 1~.$$

Hence, for any \(0 \le u \le 1\),

$$P_{\theta _0} \{ \hat{p} \le u \} = P_{\theta _0} \{ F_{\theta _0} (T) \le u \} \le u~,$$

verifying (3.13). A test based on \(F_{\theta _0} (T)\) is appropriate if small values of T indicate departures from H. Similarly, if large values of T indicate departures from H, then \( 1- F^-_{\theta _0} (T)\) is a valid p-value, where \(F^-_{\theta _0} (t) = P_{\theta _0} \{ T < t \}\)\(\blacksquare \)

P-values, with the additional information they provide, are typically more appropriate than fixed levels in scientific problems, whereas a fixed predetermined \(\alpha \) is unavoidable when acceptance or rejection of H implies an imminent concrete decision. A review of some of the issues arising in this context, with references to the literature, are given in Kruskal (1978), Wasserstein and Lazar (2016), and Kuffner and Walker (2019).

4 Distributions with Monotone Likelihood Ratio

The case that both the hypothesis and the class of alternatives are simple is mainly of theoretical interest, since problems arising in applications typically involve a parametric family of distributions depending on one or more parameters. In the simplest situation of this kind the distributions depend on a single real-valued parameter \(\theta \), and the hypothesis is one sided, say \(H:\theta \le \theta _0\). In general, the most powerful test of H against an alternative \(\theta _1>\theta _0\) depends on \(\theta _1\) and is then not UMP. However, a UMP test does exist if an additional assumption is satisfied. The real-valued parameter family of densities \(p_{\theta }(x)\) is said to have monotone likelihood ratio Footnote 6 if there exists a real-valued function T(x) such that for any \(\theta <\theta '\) the distributions \(P_{\theta }\) and \(P_{\theta '}\) are distinct, and the ratio \(p_{\theta '}(x)/p_{\theta }(x)\) is a nondecreasing function of T(x).

Theorem 3.4.1

Let \(\theta \) be a real parameter, and let the random variable X have probability density \(p_{\theta }(x)\) with monotone likelihood ratio in T(x).

(i)  For testing \(H:\theta \le \theta _0\) against \(K:\theta >\theta _0\), there exists a UMP test, which is given by

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (x)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ccl} 1 &{} when &{} T(x)>C,\\ \gamma &{}when&{}T(x)=C,\\ 0&{}when&{}T(x)<C, \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

where C and \(\gamma \) are determined by

$$\begin{aligned} E_{\theta _0}\phi (X)=\alpha . \end{aligned}$$

(ii)  The power function

$$ \beta (\theta )=E_{\theta }\phi (X) $$

of this test is strictly increasing for all points \(\theta \) for which \(0<\beta (\theta )<1\).

(iii)  For all \(\theta '\), the test determined by (3.16) and (3.17) is UMP for testing \(H':\theta \le \theta '\) against \(K':\theta >\theta '\) at level \(\alpha '=\beta (\theta ')\).

(iv)  For any \(\theta <\theta _0\) the test minimizes \(\beta (\theta )\) (the probability of an error of the first kind) among all tests satisfying (3.17).

Proof. (i) and (ii): Consider first the hypothesis \(H_0:\theta =\theta _0\) and some simple alternative \(\theta _1>\theta _0\). The most desirable points for rejection are those for which \(r(x)=p_{\theta _1}(x)/p_{\theta _0} (x)=g[T(x)]\) is sufficiently large. If \(T(x)<T(x')\), then \(r(x)\le r(x')\) and \(x'\) is at least as desirable as x. Thus the test which rejects for large values of T(x) is most powerful. As in the proof of Theorem 3.2.1(i), it is seen that there exist C and \(\gamma \) such that (3.16) and (3.17) hold. By Theorem 3.2.1(ii), the resulting test is also most powerful for testing \(P_{\theta '}\) against \(P_{\theta ''}\) at level \(\alpha '=\beta (\theta ')\) provided \(\theta '<\theta ''\). Part (ii) of the present theorem now follows from Corollary 3.2.1. Since \(\beta (\theta )\) is therefore nondecreasing the test satisfies

$$\begin{aligned} E_{\theta }\phi (X)\le \alpha \qquad \mathrm{for}\quad \theta \le \theta _0. \end{aligned}$$

The class of tests satisfying (3.18) is contained in the class satisfying \(E_{\theta _0}\phi (X)\le \alpha \). Since the given test maximizes \(\beta (\theta _1)\) within this wider class, it also maximizes \(\beta (\theta _1)\) subject to (3.18); since it is independent of the particular alternative \(\theta _1>\theta _0\) chosen, it is UMP against K.

(iii)  is proved by an analogous argument.

(iv)  follows from the fact that the test which minimizes the power for testing a simple hypothesis against a simple alternative is obtained by applying the fundamental lemma (Theorem 3.2.1) with all inequalities reversed.

By interchanging inequalities throughout, one obtains in an obvious manner the solution of the dual problem, \(H:\theta \ge \theta _0,K:\theta <\theta _0\).  \(\blacksquare \)

The proof of (i) and (ii) exhibits the basic property of families with monotone likelihood ratio: every pair of parameter values \(\theta _0<\theta _1\) establishes essentially the same preference order of the sample points (in the sense of the preceding section). A few examples of such families, and hence of UMP one-sided tests, will be given below. However, the main applications of Theorem 3.4.1 will come later, when such families appear as the set of conditional distributions given a sufficient statistic (Chapters 4 and 5) and as distributions of a maximal invariant (Chapters 6 and 7).

Example 3.4.1

(Hypergeometric) From a lot containing N items of a manufactured product, a sample of size n is selected at random, and each item in the sample is inspected. If the total number of defective items in the lot is D, the number X of defectives found in the sample has the hypergeometric distribution 

$$ P\{X=x\}=P_D(x)=\frac{{D\atopwithdelims ()x}{N-D\atopwithdelims ()n-x}}{{N\atopwithdelims ()n}},\max (0,n+D-N)\le x \le \min (n,D). $$

Interpreting \(P_D(x)\) as a density with respect to the measure \(\mu \) that assigns to any set on the real line as measure the number of integers \(0,1,2,\ldots \) that it contains, and nothing that for values of x within its range

$$ \frac{P_{D+1}(x)}{P_D(x)}=\left\{ \begin{array}{lll} \frac{D+1}{N-D}\frac{N-D-n+x}{D+1-x} &{}\mathrm{if}&{} n+D+1-N\le x\le D,\\ 0\mathrm{~or~}\infty &{}\mathrm{if}&{} x=n+D-N\mathrm{~or~}D+1,\end{array} \right. $$

it is seen that the distributions satisfy the assumption of monotone likelihood ratios with \(T(x)=x\). Therefore there exists a UMP test for testing the hypothesis \(H:D\le D_0\) against \(K:D>D_0\), which rejects H when X is too large, and an analogous test for testing \(H':D\ge D_0\)\(\blacksquare \)

An important class of families of distributions that satisfy the assumptions of Theorem 3.4.1 are the one-parameter exponential families.

Corollary 3.4.1

Let \(\theta \) be a real parameter, and let X have probability density (with respect to some measure \(\mu \))

$$\begin{aligned} p_{\theta }(x)=C(\theta )e^{Q(\theta )T(x)}h(x), \end{aligned}$$

where Q is strictly monotone. Then there exists a UMP test \(\phi \) for testing \(H:\theta \le \theta _0\) against \(K:\theta >\theta _0\). If Q is increasing,

$$ \phi (x)=1,\gamma ,0\qquad { as}\quad T(x)>,=,<C, $$

where C and \(\gamma \) are determined by \(E_{\theta _0}\phi (X)=\alpha \). If Q is decreasing, the inequalities are reversed.

A converse of Corollary 3.4.1 is given by Pfanzagl (1968), who shows under weak regularity conditions that the existence of UMP tests against one-sided alternatives for all sample sizes and one value of \(\alpha \) implies an exponential family.

As in Example 3.4.1, we shall denote the right-hand side of (3.19) by \(P_{\theta }(x)\) instead of \(p_{\theta }(x)\) when it is a probability, that is, when X is discrete and \(\mu \) is counting measure.

Example 3.4.2

(Binomial) The binomial distributions b(pn) with

$$ P_p(x)={n\atopwithdelims ()x}p^x(1-p)^{n-x} $$

satisfy (3.19) with \(T(x)=x,\theta =p,Q(p)=\log [p/(1-p)]\). The problem of testing \(H:p\ge p_0\) arises, for instance, in the situation of Example 3.4.1 if one supposes that the production process is in statistical control, so that the various items constitute independent trials with constant probability p of being defective. The number of defectives X in a sample of size n is then sufficient statistic for the distribution of the variables \(X_i\) (\(i=1,\ldots ,n\)), where \(X_i\) is 1 or 0 as the ith item drawn is defective or not, and X is distributed as b(pn). There exists therefore a UMP test of H, which rejects H when X is too small.

An alternative sampling plan which is sometimes used in binomial situations is inverse binomial sampling. Here the experiment is continued until a specified number m of successes—for example, cures effected by some new medical treatment—has been obtained. If \(Y_i\) denotes the number of trials after the \((i-1)\)st success, up to but not including the ith success, the probability that \(Y_i=y\mathrm{~is~}pq^y\mathrm{~for~}y=0,1,\ldots \), so that the joint distribution of \(Y_1,\ldots ,Y_m\) is

$$ P_p(y_1,\ldots ,y_m)=p^mq^{\sum y_i},\qquad y_k=0,1,\ldots ,\quad k=1,\ldots ,m. $$

This is an exponential family with \(T(y)=\sum y_i\mathrm{~and~}Q(p)= \log (1-p)\). Since Q(p) is a decreasing function of p, the UMP test of \(H:p\le p_0\) rejects H when T is too small. This is what one would expect, since the realization of m successes in only a few more than m trials indicates a high value of p. The test statistic T, which is the number of trials required in excess of m to get m successes, has the negative binomial distribution (Problem 1.1(i))

Example 3.4.3

(Poisson) If \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) are independent Poisson variables with \(E(X_i)=\lambda \), their joint distribution is

$$ P_\lambda (x_1,\ldots ,x_n)=\frac{\lambda ^{x_1+\cdots +x_n}}{x_1!\cdots x_n!}e^{-n\lambda }. $$

This constitutes an exponential family with \(T(x)=\sum x_i\), and \(Q(\lambda )=\log \lambda \). One-sided hypotheses concerning \(\lambda \) might arise if \(\lambda \) is a bacterial density and the X’s are a number of bacterial counts, or if the X’s denote the number of \(\alpha \)-particles produced in equal time intervals by a radioactive substance, etc. The UMP test of the hypothesis \(\lambda \le \lambda _0\) rejects when \(\sum X_i\) is too large. Here the test statistic \(\sum X_i\) has itself a Poisson distribution with parameter \(n\lambda \).

Instead of observing the radioactive material for given time periods or counting the number of bacteria in given areas of a slide, one can adopt an inverse sampling method. The experiment is then continued, or the area over which the bacteria are counted is enlarged, until a count of m has been obtained. The observations consist of the times \(T_1,\ldots ,T_m\) that it takes for the first occurrence, from the first to the second, and so on. If one is dealing with a Poisson process and the number of occurrences in a time or space interval \(\tau \) has the distribution

$$ P(x)=\frac{(\lambda \tau )^x}{x!}e^{-\lambda \tau },\qquad x=0,1,\ldots , $$

then the observed times are independently distributed, each with the exponential density \(\lambda e^{-\lambda t}\) for \(t\ge 0\) (Problem 1.1(ii)). The joint densities

$$ p_\lambda (t_1,\ldots ,t_m)=\lambda ^m\exp \left( -\lambda \sum ^m_{i=1}t_i\right) ,\qquad t_1,\ldots ,t_m\ge 0, $$

form an exponential family with \(T(t_1,\ldots ,t_m)=\sum t_i\) and \(Q(\lambda )=-\lambda \). The UMP test of \(H:\lambda \le \lambda _0\) rejects when \(T=\sum T_i\) is too small. Since \(2\lambda T_i\) has density \(\frac{1}{2}e^{-u/2}\) for \(u\ge 0\), which is the density of a \(\chi ^2\)-distribution with 2 degrees of freedom, \(2\lambda T\) has a \(\chi ^2\)-distribution with 2m degrees of freedom. The boundary of the rejection region can therefore be determined from a table of \(\chi ^2\). \(\blacksquare \)

The formulation of the problem of hypothesis testing given at the beginning of the chapter takes account of the losses resulting from wrong decisions only in terms of the two types of error. To obtain a more detailed description of the problem of testing\(H:\theta \le \theta _0\) against the alternatives \(\theta >\theta _0\), one can consider it as a decision problem with the decisions \(d_0\) and \(d_1\) of accepting and rejecting H and a loss function \(L(\theta ,d_i)=L_i(\theta )\). Typically, \(L_0(\theta )\) will be 0 for \(\theta \le \theta _0\) and strictly increasing for \(\theta \ge \theta _0\), and \(L_1(\theta )\) will be strictly decreasing for \(\theta \le \theta _0\) and equal to 0 for \(\theta \ge \theta _0\). The difference then satisfies

$$\begin{aligned} L_1(\theta )-L_0(\theta ) \, {\!\begin{array}{c}>\\<\end{array}\!}\, 0 \qquad \mathrm{as} \quad \theta \, {\!\begin{array}{c}<\\ >\end{array}\!}\, \theta _0. \end{aligned}$$

The following theorem is a special case of complete class results of  Karlin and Rubin (1956) and Brown et al. (1976).

Theorem 3.4.2

(i)  Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.4.1, the family of tests given by (3.16) and (3.17) with \(0\le \alpha \le 1\) is essentially complete provided the loss function satisfies (3.20).

(ii)  This family is also minimal essentially complete if the set of points x for which \(p_{\theta }(x)>0\) is independent of \(\theta \).

Proof. (i): The risk function of any test \(\phi \) is

$$\begin{aligned} R(\theta ,\phi )= & {} \int p_{\theta }(x)\{\phi (x)L_1(\theta )+[1-\phi (x)]L_0(\theta )\}\,d\mu (x)\\= & {} \int p_{\theta }(x)\{L_0(\theta )+[L_1(\theta )-L_0(\theta )]\phi (x)\}\,d\mu (x), \end{aligned}$$

and hence the difference of two risk functions is

$$ R(\theta ,\phi ')-R(\theta ,\phi )=[L_1(\theta )-L_0(\theta )]\int (\phi '-\phi )p_{\theta }\,d\mu . $$

This is \(\le 0\) for all \(\theta \) if

$$ \beta _{\phi '}(\theta )-\beta _\phi (\theta )=\int (\phi '-\phi )p_{\theta }\,d\mu \, {\!\begin{array}{c}>\\ [-8bp]=\\ [-8bp]<\end{array}\!}\, 0\qquad \mathrm{for}\quad \theta \, {\!\begin{array}{c}>\\ [-8bp]=\\ [-8bp]<\end{array}\!}\, \theta _0. $$

Given any test \(\phi \), let \(E_{\theta _0}\phi (X)=\alpha \). It follows from Theorem 3.4.1(i) that there exists a UMP level-\(\alpha \) test \(\phi '\) for testing \(\theta =\theta _0\) against \(\theta >\theta _0\), which satisfies (3.16) and (3.17). By Theorem 3.4.1(iv), \(\phi '\) also minimizes the power for \(\theta <\theta _0\). Thus the two risk functions satisfy \(R(\theta ,\phi ')\le R(\theta ,\phi )\) for all \(\theta \), as was to be proved.

(ii): Let \(\phi _{\alpha }\) and \(\phi _{\alpha '}\) be of sizes \(\alpha <\alpha '\) and UMP for testing \(\theta _0\) against \(\theta >\theta _0\). Then \(\beta _{\phi _\alpha }(\theta )<\beta _{\phi _{\alpha '}}(\theta )\) for all \(\theta >\theta _0\) unless \(\beta _{\phi _\alpha }(\theta )=1\). By considering the problem of testing \(\theta =\theta _0\) against \(\theta <\theta _0\), it is seen analogously that this inequality also holds for all \(\theta <\theta _0\) unless \(\beta _{\phi _{\alpha '}}(\theta )=0\). Since the exceptional possibilities are excluded by the assumptions, it follows that \(R(\theta ,\phi '){{\!\begin{array}{c}<\\>\end{array}\!}}R(\theta ,\phi )\mathrm{~as~}\theta {{\!\begin{array}{c}>\\ <\end{array}\!}}\theta _0\). Hence each of the two risk functions is better than the other for some values of \(\theta \)\(\blacksquare \)

The class of tests previously derived as UMP at the various significance levels \(\alpha \) is now seen to constitute an essentially complete class for a much more general decision problem, in which the loss function is only required to satisfy certain broad qualitative conditions. From this point of view, the formulation involving the specification of a level of significance can be considered a simple way of selecting a particular procedure from an essentially complete family.

The property of monotone likelihood ratio defines a very strong ordering of a family of distributions. For later use, we consider also the following somewhat weaker definition. A family of cumulative distribution functions \(F_{\theta }\) on the real line is said to be stochastically increasing (and the same term is applied to random variables possessing these distributions) if the distributions are distinct and if \(\theta <\theta '\) implies \(F_{\theta }(x)\ge F_{\theta '}(x)\) for all x. If then X and \(X'\) have distributions \(F_{\theta }\) and \(F'_{\theta }\), respectively, it follows that \(P\{X>x\}\le P\{X'>x\}\) for all x so that \(X'\) tends to have larger values than X. In this case the variable \(X'\) is said to be stochastically larger than X. This relationship is made more intuitive by the following characterization of the stochastic ordering of two distributions.

Lemma 3.4.1

Let \(F_0\) and \(F_1\) be two cumulative distribution functions on the real line. Then \(F_1(x)\le F_0(x)\) for all x if and only if there exist two nondecreasing functions \(f_0\) and \(f_1\), and a random variable V such that (a) \(f_0(v)\le f_1(v)\) for all v, and (b) the distributions of \(f_0(V)\) and \(f_1(V)\) are \(F_0\) and \(F_1\), respectively.

Proof. Suppose first that the required \(f_0,f_1\) and V exist. Then

$$ F_1(x)=P\{f_1(V)\le x\}\le P\{f_0(V)\le x\}=F_0(x) $$

for all x. Conversely, suppose that \(F_1(x)\le F_0(x)\) for all x, and let \(f_i(y)=\inf \{x:F_i(x-0)\le y\le F_1(x)\}\), \(i=0,1\). These functions are nondecreasing and for \(f_i=f,F_i=F\) satisfy

$$ f[F(x)]\le x\mathrm{~and~}F[f(y)]\ge y\qquad \mathrm{for~all~}x\mathrm{~and~}y. $$

It follows that \(y\le F(x_0)\) implies \(f(y)\le f[F(x_0)]\le x_0\) and that conversely \(f(y)\le x_0\) implies \(F[f(y)]\le F(x_0)]\) and hence \(y\le F(x_0)\), so that the two inequalities \(f(y)\le x_0\) and \(y\le F(x_0)\) are equivalent. Let V be uniformly distributed on (0,1). Then \(P\{f_i(V)\le x\}=P\{V\le F_i(x)\}=F_i(x)\). Since \(F_i(x)\le F_0(x)\) for all x implies \(f_0(y)\le f_1(y)\) for all y, this completes the proof. \(\blacksquare \)

One of the simplest examples of a stochastically ordered family is a location parameter family, that is, a family satisfying

$$ F_{\theta }(x)=F(x-\theta ). $$

To see that this is stochastically increasing, let X be a random variable with distribution F(x). Then \(\theta <\theta '\) implies

$$ F(x-\theta )=P\{X\le x-\theta \}\ge P\{X\le x -\theta '\}=F(x-\theta '), $$

as was to be shown.

Another example is furnished by families with monotone likelihood ratio. This is seen from the following lemma, which establishes some basic properties of these families.

Lemma 3.4.2

Let \(p_{\theta }(x)\) be a family of densities on the real line with monotone likelihood ratio in x.

(i)  If \(\psi \) is a nondecreasing function of x, then \(E_{\theta }\psi (X)\) is a nondecreasing function of \(\theta \); if \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) are independently distributed with density \(p_{\theta }\) and \(\psi '\) is a function of \(x_1,\ldots ,x_n\) which is nondecreasing in each of its arguments, then \(E_{\theta }\psi '(X_1,\ldots ,X_n)\) is a nondecreasing function of \(\theta \).

(ii)  For any \(\theta <\theta '\), the cumulative distribution functions of X under \(\theta \) and \(\theta '\) satisfy

$$ F_{\theta '}(x)\le F_{\theta }(x)\qquad \mathrm{for~all~}x. $$

(iii)  Let \(\psi \) be a function with a single change of sign. More specifically, suppose there exists a value \(x_0\) such that \(\psi (x)\le 0\) for \(x<x_0\) and \(\psi (x)\ge 0\) for \(x\ge x_0\). Then there exists \(\theta _0\) such that \(E_{\theta }\psi (X)\le 0\) for \(\theta <\theta _0\) and \(E_{\theta }\psi (X)\ge 0\) for \(\theta >\theta _0\), unless \(E_{\theta }\psi (X)\) is either positive for all \(\theta \) or negative for all \(\theta \).

(iv)  Suppose that \(p_{\theta }(x)\) is positive for all \(\theta \) and all x, that \(p_{\theta '}(x)/p_{\theta }(x)\) is strictly increasing in x for \(\theta <\theta '\), and that \(\psi (x)\) is as in (iii) and is \(\ne 0\) with positive probability. If \(E_{\theta o}\psi (X)=0\), then \(E_{\theta }\psi (X)<0\) for \(\theta <\theta _0\) and \(>0\) for \(\theta >\theta _0\).

Proof. (i): Let \(\theta <\theta '\), and let A and B be the sets for which \(p_{\theta '}(x)< p_{\theta }(x)\) and \(p_{\theta '}(x)> p_{\theta }(x)\) respectively. If \(a=\sup _A\psi (x)\) and \(b=\inf _B\psi (x)\), then \(b-a\ge 0\) and

$$\begin{aligned} \int \psi (p_{\theta '}-p_{\theta })\,d\mu\ge & {} a\int _A(p_{\theta '}-p_{\theta })\,d\mu +b\int _B(p_{\theta '}-p_{\theta })\,d\mu \\= & {} (b-a)\int _B (p_{\theta '}-p_{\theta })\,d\mu \ge 0, \end{aligned}$$

which proves the first assertion. The result for general n follows by induction.

(ii): This follows from (i) by letting \(\psi (x)=1\) for \(x>x_0\) and \(\psi (x)=0\) otherwise.

(iii): We shall show first that for any \(\theta '<\theta '',E_{\theta '}\psi (X)>0\) implies \(E_{\theta ''}\psi (X)\ge 0\). If \(p_{\theta ''}(x_0)/p_{\theta '}(x_0)=\infty \), then \(p_{\theta '}(x)=0\) for \(x\ge x_0\) and hence \(E_{\theta '}\psi (X)\le 0\). Suppose therefore that \(p_{\theta ''}(x_0)/p_{\theta '}(x_0)=c < \infty \). Then \(\psi (x)\ge 0\) on the set \(S=\{x:p_{\theta '}(x)=0 \hbox { and } p_{\theta ''}(x)>0\}\), and

$$\begin{aligned} E_{\theta ''}\psi (X)\ge & {} \int _{{\tilde{S}}{}}\psi \frac{p_{\theta ''}}{p_{\theta '}}p_{\theta '}\,d\mu \\\ge & {} \int ^{x_0-}_{-\infty }c\psi p_{\theta '}\,d\mu +\int ^\infty _{x_0}c\psi p_{\theta '}\,d\mu =cE_{\theta '}\psi (X)\ge 0. \end{aligned}$$

The result now follows by letting \(\theta _0=\inf \{\theta :E_{\theta }\psi (X)>0\}\).

(iv): The proof is analogous to that of (iii).  \(\blacksquare \)

Part (ii) of the lemma shows that any family of distributions with monotone likelihood ratio in x is stochastically increasing. That the converse does not hold is shown for example by the Cauchy densities 

$$ \frac{1}{\pi }\frac{1}{1+(x-\theta )^2}\cdot $$

The family is stochastically increasing, since \(\theta \) is a location parameter; however, the likelihood ratio is not monotone. Conditions under which a location parameter family possesses monotone likelihood ratio are given in Example 8.2.1.

Lemma 3.4.2 is a special case of a theorem of Karlin (1957, 1968) relating the number of sign changes of \(E_{\theta }\psi (X)\) to those of \(\psi (x)\) when the densities \(p_{\theta }(x)\) are totally positive (defined in Problem 3.55). The application of totally positive—or equivalently, variation diminishing—distributions to statistics is discussed by  Brown et al. (1981); see also Problem 3.58.

5 Confidence Bounds

The theory of UMP one-sided tests can be applied to the problem of obtaining a lower or upper bound for a real-valued parameter \(\theta \). The problem of setting a lower bound arises, for example, when \(\theta \) is the breaking strength of a new alloy; that of setting an upper bound, when \(\theta \) is the toxicity of drug or the probability of an undesirable event. The discussion of lower and upper bounds is completely parallel, and it is therefore enough to consider the case of a lower bound, say \(\underline{\theta }\).

Since \(\underline{\theta }=\underline{\theta }(X)\) will be a function of the observations, it cannot be required to fall below \(\theta \) with certainty, but only with specified high probability. One selects a number \(1-\alpha \), the confidence level, and restricts attention to bounds \(\theta \) satisfying

$$\begin{aligned} P_{\theta }\{\underline{\theta }(X)\le \theta \}\ge 1-\alpha \qquad \mathrm{for~all~}\theta . \end{aligned}$$

The function \(\underline{\theta }\) is called a lower confidence bound for \(\theta \) at confidence level \(1-\alpha \); the infimum of the left-hand side of (3.21), which in practice will be equal to \(1-\alpha \), is called the confidence coefficient of \(\underline{\theta }\).

Subject to (3.21), \(\underline{\theta }\) should underestimate \(\theta \) by as little as possible. One can ask, for example, that the probability of \(\underline{\theta }\) falling below any \(\theta '<\theta \) should be a minimum. A function \(\underline{\theta }\) for which

$$\begin{aligned} P_{\theta }\{\underline{\theta }(X)\le \theta '\}=\mathrm{~minimum} \end{aligned}$$

for all \(\theta '<\theta \) subject to (3.21) is a uniformly most accurate lower confidence bound for \(\theta \) at confidence level \(1-\alpha \).

Let \(L(\theta ,\underline{\theta })\) be a measure of the loss resulting from underestimating \(\theta \), so that for each fixed \(\theta \) the function \(L(\theta ,\underline{\theta })\) is defined and nonnegative for \(\underline{\theta }<\theta \), and is nonincreasing in this second argument. One would then wish to minimize

$$\begin{aligned} E_\theta L(\theta ,\underline{\theta }) \end{aligned}$$

subject to (3.21). It can be shown that a uniformly most accurate lower confidence bound \(\,\underline{\theta }\,\) minimizes (3.23) subject to (3.21) for every such loss function L. (See Problem 3.49.)

The derivation of uniformly most accurate confidence bounds is facilitated by introducing the following more general concept, which will be considered in more detail in Chapter 5. A family of subsets S(x) of the parameter space \(\Omega \) is said to constitute a family of confidence sets at confidence level \(1-\alpha \) if

$$\begin{aligned} P_{\theta }\{\theta \in S(X)\}\ge 1-\alpha \qquad \mathrm{for~all}\quad \theta \in \Omega , \end{aligned}$$

that is, if the random sets S(X) covers the true parameter point with probability \(\ge 1-\alpha \). A lower confidence bound corresponds to the special case that S(x) is a one-sided interval 

$$ S(x)=\{\theta :\underline{\theta }(x)\le \theta <\infty \}. $$

Theorem 3.5.1

(i)  For each \(\theta _0\in \Omega \) let \(A(\theta _0)\) be the acceptance region of a level-\(\alpha \) test for testing \(H(\theta _0):\theta =\theta _0\), and for each sample point x let S(x) denote the set of parameter values

$$ S(x)=\{\theta :x\in A(\theta ),\theta \in \Omega \}. $$

Then S(x) is a family of confidence sets for \(\theta \) at confidence level \(1-\alpha \).

(ii)  If for all \(\theta _0,A(\theta _0)\) is UMP for testing \(H(\theta _0)\) at level \(\alpha \) against the alternatives \(K(\theta _0)\), then for each \(\theta _0\notin \Omega ,S(X)\) minimizes the probability

$$ P_{\theta }\{\theta _0\in S(X)\}\qquad \mathrm{for~all}\quad \theta \in K(\theta _0) $$

among all level \(1-\alpha \) families of confidence sets for \(\theta \).

Proof. (i) By definition of S(x),

$$\begin{aligned} \theta \in S(x)\qquad \mathrm{if~and~only~if}\quad x\in A(\theta ), \end{aligned}$$

and hence

$$ P_{\theta }\{\theta \in S(X)\}=P_{\theta }\{X\in A(\theta )\}\ge 1-\alpha . $$

(ii) If \(S^*(x)\) is any other family of confidence sets at level \(1-\alpha \), and if \(A^*(\theta )=\{x:\theta \in S^*(x)\}\), then

$$ P_\theta \{X\in A^*(\theta )\}= P_{\theta }\{\theta \in S^*(X)\}\ge 1-\alpha $$

so that \(A^*(\theta _0)\) is the acceptance region of a level-\(\alpha \) test of \(H(\theta _0)\). It follows from the assumed property of \(A(\theta _0)\) that for any \(\theta \in K(\theta _0)\)

$$ P_\theta \{X\in A^*(\theta _0)\}\ge P_\theta \{X\in A(\theta _0)\} $$

and hence that

$$ P_\theta \{\theta _0\in S^*(X)\}\ge P_\theta \{\theta _0\in S(X)\}, $$

as was to be proved.  \(\blacksquare \)

The equivalence (3.25) shows the structure of the confidence sets S(x) as the totality of parameter values \(\theta \) for which the hypothesis \(H(\theta )\) is accepted when x is observed. A confidence set can therefore be viewed as a combined statement regarding the tests of the various hypotheses \(H(\theta )\), which exhibits the values for which the hypothesis is accepted \([\theta \in S(x)]\) and those for which it is rejected \([\theta \in \bar{S}(x) ]\). Such a method of constructing confidence sets for parameters is known as “test inversion”.

Note that a lower confidence bound \(\underline{\theta }\) satisfying (3.21) corresponds to the interval \([ \underline{\theta }, \infty )\). However, one can typically also conclude the open interval \(( \underline{\theta }, \infty )\) contains the true \(\theta \) with probability at least \(1- \alpha \). This occurs under the conditions of Corollary 3.5.1 below. So, the resulting confidence interval may or may not include the endpoint, and those obtained through “test inversion” will include the endpoint or not depending on the exact construction of the tests. The first definition where the confidence set includes the lower endpoint was a convenient way to initiate the discussion. In practice, confidence intervals are usually presented with the endpoints included. Certainly, if the open interval satisfies the coverage constraint, so does its closure.

Corollary 3.5.1

Let the family of densities \(p_{\theta }(x),\theta \in \Omega \), have monotone likelihood ratio in T(x), and suppose that the cumulative distribution function \(F_{\theta }(t)\) of \(T=T(X)\) is a continuous function in each of the variables t and \(\theta \) when the other is fixed.

(i)  There exists a uniformly most accurate confidence bound \(\underline{\theta }\) for \(\theta \) at each confidence level \(1-\alpha \).

(ii)  If x denotes the observed values of X and \(t=T(x)\), and if the equation

$$\begin{aligned} F_{\theta }(t)=1-\alpha \end{aligned}$$

has a solution \(\theta =\hat{\theta }\) in \(\Omega \) then this solution is unique and \(\underline{\theta }(x)=\hat{\theta }\).

Proof. (i): There exists for each \(\theta _0\) a constant \(C(\theta _0)\) such that

$$ P_{\theta _0}\{T>C(\theta _0)\}=\alpha , $$

and by Theorem 3.4.1, \(T>C(\theta _0)\) is a UMP level-\(\alpha \) rejection region for testing \(\theta =\theta _0\) against \(\theta >\theta _0\). By Corollary 3.2.1, the power of this test against any alternative \(\theta _1>\theta _0\) exceeds \(\alpha \), and hence \(C(\theta _0)<C(\theta _1)\) so that the function C is strictly increasing; it is also continuous. Let \(A(\theta _0)\) denote the acceptance region \(T\le C(\theta _0)\), and let S(x) be defined by (3.25). If follows from the monotonicity of the function C that S(x) consists of those values \(\theta \in \Omega \) which satisfy \(\underline{\theta }\le \theta \), where

$$ \underline{\theta }=\inf \{\theta :T(x)\le C(\theta )\}. $$

By Theorem 3.5.1, the sets \(\{\theta :\underline{\theta }(x)\le \theta \}\), restricted to possible values of the parameter, constitute a family of confidence sets at level \(1-\alpha \), which minimize \(P_\theta \{\underline{\theta }\le \theta '\}\) for all \(\theta \in K(\theta ')\), that is, for all \(\theta >\theta '\). This shows \(\underline{\theta }\) to be a uniformly most accurate confidence bound for \(\theta \).

(ii): It follows from Corollary 3.2.1 that \(F_\theta (t)\) is a strictly decreasing function of \(\theta \) at any point t for which \(0<F_\theta (t)<1\), and hence that (3.26) can have at most one solution. Suppose now that t is the observed value of T and that the equation \(F_\theta (t)=1-\alpha \) has the solution \(\hat{\theta }\in \Omega \). Then \(F_{\hat{\theta }}(t)=1-\alpha \), and by definition of the function \(C,C(\hat{\theta })=t\). The inequality \(t\le C(\theta )\) is then equivalent to \(C(\hat{\theta })\le C(\theta )\) and hence to \(\hat{\theta }\le \theta \). It follows that \(\underline{\theta }=\hat{\theta }\), as was to be proved. \(\blacksquare \)

Under the same assumptions, the corresponding upper confidence bound with confidence coefficient \(1-\alpha \) is the solution \(\bar{\theta }\) of the equation \(P_{\theta }\{T\ge t\}=1-\alpha \) or equivalently of \(F_{\theta }(t)=\alpha \).

Example 3.5.1

(Exponential waiting times) To determine an upper bound for the degree of radioactivity \(\lambda \) of a radioactive substance, the substance is observed until a count of m has been obtained on a Geiger counter. Under the assumptions of Example 3.4.3, the joint probability density of the times \(T_i(i=1,\ldots ,m)\) elapsing between the \((i-1)\)st count and the ith one is

$$ p(t_1,\ldots ,t_m)=\lambda ^m e^{-\lambda \sum t_i},\qquad t_1,\ldots ,t_m\ge 0. $$

If \(T=\sum T_i\) denotes the total time of observation, then \(2\lambda T\) has a \(\chi ^2\)-distribution with 2m degrees of freedom, and, as was shown in Example 3.4.3, the acceptance region of the most powerful test of \(H(\lambda _0):\lambda =\lambda _0\) against \(\lambda <\lambda _0\) is \(2\lambda _0 T\le C\), where C is determined by the equation

$$ \int ^C_0 \chi ^2_{2m}=1-\alpha ~. $$

The set \(S(t_1,\ldots ,t_m)\) defined by (3.25) is then the set of values \(\lambda \) such that \(\lambda \le C/2T\), and it follows from Theorem 3.5.1 that \(\bar{\lambda }=C/2T\) is a uniformly most accurate upper confidence bound for \(\lambda \). This result can also be obtained through Corollary 3.5.1\(\blacksquare \)

If the variables X or T are discrete, Corollary 3.5.1 cannot be applied directly since the distribution functions \(F_\theta (t)\) are not continuous, and for most values of \(\theta _0\) the optimum test of \(H:\theta =\theta _0\) is randomized. However, any randomized test based on X has the following representation as a nonrandomized test depending on X and an independent variable U distributed uniformly over (0, 1). Given a critical function \(\phi \), consider the rejection region

$$ R=\{(x,u):u\le \phi (x)\}. $$


$$ P\{(X,U)\in R\}=P\{U\le \phi (X)\}=E_\phi (X), $$

whatever the distribution of X, so that R has the same power function as \(\phi \) and the two tests are equivalent. The pair of variables (XU) has a particularly simple representation when X is integer-valued. In this case the statistic

$$ T=X+U $$

is equivalent to the pair (XU), since with probability 1

$$ X=[T],\qquad U=T-[T], $$

where [T] denotes the largest integer \(\le T\). The distribution of T is continuous, and confidence bounds can be based on this statistic.

Example 3.5.2

(Binomial) An upper bound is required for a binomial probability p—for example, the probability that a batch of polio vaccine manufactured according to a certain procedure contains any live virus. Let \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) denote the outcome of n trials, \(X_i\) being 1 or 0 with probabilities p and q respectively, and let \(X=\sum X_i\). Then \(T=X+U\) has probability density

$$ {n\atopwithdelims ()[t]}p^{[t]}q^{n-[t]},\qquad 0\le t<n+1. $$

This satisfies the conditions of Corollary 3.5.1, and the upper confidence bound \(\bar{p}\) is therefore the solution, if it exists, of the equation

$$\begin{aligned} P_p\{T<t\}=\alpha ~, \end{aligned}$$

where t is the observed value of T. A solution does exist for all values \(\alpha \le t\le n+\alpha \). For \(n+\alpha <t\), the hypothesis \(H(p_0):p=p_0\) is accepted against the alternative \(p<p_0\) for all values of \(p_0\) and hence \(\bar{p}=1\). For \(t<\alpha ,H(p_0)\) is rejected for all values of \(p_0\) and the confidence set S(t) is therefore empty. Consider instead the sets \(S^*(t)\) which are equal to S(t) for \(t\ge \alpha \) and which for \(t<\alpha \) consist of the single point \(p=0\). They are also confidence sets at level \(1-\alpha \), since for all p,

$$ P_p\{p\in S^*(T)\}\ge P_p\{p\in S(T)\}=1-\alpha . $$

On the other hand, \(P_p\{p'\in S^*(T)\}= P_p\{p'\in S(T)\}\) for all \(p'>0\) and hence

$$ P_p\{p'\in S^*(T)\}= P_p\{p'\in S(T)\}\qquad \mathrm{for~all}\quad p'>p. $$

Thus the family of sets \(S^*(t)\) minimizes the probability of covering \(p'\) for all \(p'>p\) at confidence level \(1-\alpha \). The associated confidence bound \(\bar{p}^*(t)=\bar{p}(t)\) for \(t\ge \alpha \) and \(\bar{p}^*(t)=0\) for \(t<\alpha \) is therefore a uniformly most accurate upper confidence bound for p at level \(1-\alpha \).

In practice, so as to avoid randomization and obtain a bound not dependent on the extraneous variable U, one usually replaces T by \(X+1=[T]+1\). Since \(\bar{p}^*(t)\) is a nondecreasing function of t, the resulting upper confidence bound \(\bar{p}^*([t]+1)\) is then somewhat larger than necessary; as a compensation it also gives a correspondingly higher probability of not falling below the true p.

Equivalently, rather than finding the solution to (3.27), first note that for \(x = [t]\),

$$P_p \{ T< t \} \le P_p \{ T < x+1 \} = P_p \{ X \le x \}~.$$

Therefore, a conservative solution is to find the value of p, say \(\hat{p}_U\), satisfying

$$P_p \{ X \le x \} = \alpha ~,$$

where x is the observed value of X. When \(x=n\), there is no solution, but then \(\hat{p}_U =1\) serves as the upper confidence bound. Otherwise, the value \(\hat{p}_U\) of p for which

$$\sum _{j=0}^x {n \atopwithdelims ()j} p^j (1-p)^{n-j} = \alpha $$

serves as an upper \(1- \alpha \) confidence bound for p. For \(x=0\), the solution is \(\hat{p}_U = 1 - \alpha ^{1/n}\). In fact, for \(0< x < n\), \(\hat{p}_U\) can be expressed as the \(1- \alpha \) quantile of the Beta distribution with parameters \(x+1\) and \(n-x\) (Problem 3.48). Similarly, a lower \(1- \alpha \) confidence bound is the value \(\hat{p}_L\) satisfying

$$\sum _{j=x}^n {n \atopwithdelims ()j} p^j (1-p)^{n-j} = \alpha ~.$$

When \(0< x < n\), \(\hat{p}_L\) can be expressed as the \(\alpha \) quantile of the Beta distribution with parameters x and \(n-x+1\). If \(x = 0\), then we take \(\hat{p}_U = 0\), and if \(x = n\), the solution is \(\alpha ^{1/n}\). The interval \([ \hat{p}_L , \hat{p}_U ]\) then serves as a level \(1- 2 \alpha \) confidence interval for p.

The conservative solution \(\hat{p}_U\) dates back to Clopper and Pearson (1934). References to tables for the confidence bounds and a careful discussion of various approximations can be found in  Hall (1982) and Blyth (1986). Two-sided intervals will be discussed in Example 5.5.4. Large-sample approaches will be discussed in Example 11.3.4. \(\blacksquare \)

More generally, when X or T is discrete, a reasonable approach to constructing a \(1- \alpha \) upper confidence bound for some parameter \(\theta \) that avoids randomization is the following (whether or not T is optimal in any sense). Let \(F_{\theta } (t) = P_{\theta } \{ T \le t \}\). Assume, for fixed t, \(F_{\theta } (t) \) is continuous and strictly monotone decreasing in \(\theta \). Suppose \(\bar{\theta }\) satisfies

$$\begin{aligned} F_{ \bar{\theta }} (t) = \alpha ~, \end{aligned}$$

where t is the observed value of T.Footnote 7 Then, \(\bar{\theta }\) serves as a level \(1- \alpha \) upper confidence bound for \(\theta \). In Figure 3.2, \(F_{\theta } (t)\) is plotted as a function of \(\theta \) with \(T =t\) fixed. The solution to (3.28) is shown as \(\bar{\theta }\). Alternatively, Figure 3.3 shows how the confidence bounds may be obtained from the inverse function \(F_{\theta }^{-1} ( \alpha )\). (In Figure 3.3, the functions displayed are linear in \(\theta \), as would be the case in a location model, though this is not generally the case.)

The confidence bounds can also be derived simply from “test inversion”. Indeed, the test of \(H ( \theta _0 )\) against \(\theta < \theta _0\) that rejects \(H( \theta _0 )\) for small values of T has (possibly conservative) p-value given by \(F_{\theta _0} (t)\); see Example 3.3.3. Therefore, any \(\theta _0\) for which \(F_{\theta _0} (t) > \alpha \) should be included in the confidence region, while any \(\theta _0\) for which \(F_{\theta _0} (t) \le \alpha \) should not be included in the confidence region. Such an approach is consistent with the solution to (3.28) when such a solution exists, but it also applies if no solution exists (as can happen in the binomial example). Similarly, a level \(1- \alpha \) lower confidence band for \(\theta \), \(\underline{\theta }\) may be obtained as the solution to the equation \(F^-_{\theta } (t) = 1- \alpha \); if no solution exists, the region consists of all \(\theta _0\) for which \(F^-_{\theta _0} (t) < 1- \alpha \).

Figure 3.2
figure 2

Confidence Bounds from \(F_{\theta }\)

Figure 3.3
figure 3

Confidence Bounds from \(F_{\theta } ^{-1}\)

Let \(\underline{\theta }\) and \(\bar{\theta }\) be lower and upper bounds for \(\theta \) with confidence coefficients \(1-\alpha _1\) and \(1-\alpha _2\) respectively and suppose that \(\underline{\theta }(x)<\bar{\theta }(x)\) for all x. This will be the case under the assumptions of Corollary 3.5.1 if \(\alpha _1+\alpha _2<1\). The intervals \((\underline{\theta },\bar{\theta })\) are then confidence intervals for \(\theta \) with confidence coefficient \(1-\alpha _1-\alpha _2\); that is, they contain the true parameter value with probability \(1-\alpha _1-\alpha _2\), since

$$ P_{\theta }\{\underline{\theta }\le \theta \le \bar{\theta }\}=1-\alpha _1-\alpha _2\qquad \mathrm{for~all~}\theta . $$

If \(\underline{\theta }\) and \(\bar{\theta }\) are uniformly most accurate, they minimize \(E_{\theta }L_1(\theta ,\underline{\theta })\) and \(E_{\theta }L_2(\theta ,\bar{\theta })\) at their respective levels for any function \(L_1\) that is nonincreasing in \(\underline{\theta }\) for \(\underline{\theta }<\theta \) and \(0\mathrm{~for~}\underline{\theta }\ge \theta \) and any \(L_2\) that is nondecreasing in \(\bar{\theta }\) for \(\bar{\theta }>\theta \) and 0 for \(\bar{\theta }\le \theta \). Letting

$$ L(\theta ;\underline{\theta },\bar{\theta })= L_1(\theta ,\underline{\theta })+L_2(\theta ,\bar{\theta }), $$

the intervals \((\underline{\theta },\bar{\theta })\) therefore minimize \(E_{\theta }L(\theta ;\underline{\theta },\bar{\theta })\) subject to

$$ P_\theta \{\underline{\theta }>\theta \}\le \alpha _1,\qquad P_\theta \{\bar{\theta }<\theta \}\le \alpha _2. $$

An example of such a loss function is

$$ L(\theta ;\underline{\theta },\bar{\theta })=\left\{ \begin{array}{ccl} \bar{\theta }-\underline{\theta }&{} \hbox {if} &{} \underline{\theta }\le \theta \le \bar{\theta },\\ \bar{\theta }-\theta &{} \hbox {if} &{} \theta<\underline{\theta },\\ \theta -\underline{\theta }&{} \hbox {if} &{} \bar{\theta }<\theta , \end{array} \right. $$

which provides a natural measure of the accuracy of the intervals. Other possible measures are the actual length \(\bar{\theta }-\underline{\theta }\) of the intervals, or, for example, \(a(\theta -\underline{\theta })^2+b(\bar{\theta }-\theta )^2\), which gives an indication of the distance of the two endpoints from the true value.Footnote 8

An important limiting case corresponds to the levels \(\alpha _1=\alpha _2=\frac{1}{2}\). Under the assumptions of Corollary 3.5.1 and if the region of positive density is independent of \(\theta \) so that tests of power 1 are impossible when \(\alpha <1\), the upper and lower confidence bounds \(\bar{\theta }\) and \(\underline{\theta }\) coincide in this case. The common bound satisfies

$$ P_{\theta }\{\underline{\theta }\le \theta \}=P_{\theta }\{\underline{\theta }\ge \theta \}=\frac{1}{2}, $$

and the estimate \(\underline{\theta }\) of \(\theta \) is therefore as likely to underestimate as to overestimate the true value. An estimate with this property is said to be median unbiased. (For the relation of this to other concepts of unbiasedness, see Problem 1.3.) It follows from the above result for arbitrary \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\) that among all median unbiased estimates, \(\underline{\theta }\) minimizes \(EL(\theta ,\underline{\theta })\) for any monotone loss function, that is, any loss function which for fixed \(\theta \) has a minimum of 0 at \(\underline{\theta }=\theta \) and is nondecreasing as \(\underline{\theta }\) moves away from \(\theta \) in either direction. By taking in particular \(L(\theta ,\underline{\theta })=0\) when \(|\theta -\underline{\theta }|\le \triangle \) and\({}=1\) otherwise, it is seen that among all median unbiased estimates, \(\underline{\theta }\) minimizes the probability of differing from \(\theta \) by more than any given amount; more generally it maximizes the probability

$$ P_{\theta }\{-\triangle _1\le \theta -\underline{\theta }<\triangle _2\} $$

for any \(\triangle _1\), \(\triangle _2\ge 0\).

A more detailed assessment of the position of \(\theta \) than that provided by confidence bounds or intervals corresponding to a fixed level \(\gamma =1-\alpha \) is obtained by stating confidence bounds for a number of levels, for example upper confidence bounds corresponding to values such as \(\gamma =0.05\), 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95. These constitute a set of standard confidence bounds,Footnote 9 from which different specific intervals or bounds can be obtained in the obvious manner.

6 A Generalization of the Fundamental Lemma

The following is a useful extension of Theorem 3.2.1 to the case of more than one side condition.

Theorem 3.6.1

Let \(f_1,\ldots ,f_{m+1}\) be real-valued functions defined on a Euclidean space \(\mathcal{X}\) and integrable \(\mu \), and suppose that for given constants \(c_1,\ldots ,c_m\) there exists a critical function \(\phi \) satisfying

$$\begin{aligned} \int \phi f_i\,d\mu =c_i,\qquad i=1,\ldots ,m. \end{aligned}$$

Let \(\mathcal C\) be the class of critical functions \(\phi \) for which (3.29) holds.

(i)  Among all members of \(\mathcal C\) there exists one that maximizes

$$ \int \phi f_{m+1}\,d\mu . $$

(ii)  A sufficient condition for a member of \(\mathcal C\) to maximize

$$ \int \phi f_{m+1}\,d\mu $$

is the existence of constants \(k_1,\ldots ,k_m\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (x)= & {} 1\qquad \mathrm{when}\quad f_{m+1}(x)>\quad \sum ^m_{i=1}k_if_i(x),\nonumber \\ \\ \phi (x)= & {} 0\qquad \mathrm{when}\quad f_{m+1}(x)<\quad \sum ^m_{i=1}k_if_i(x).\nonumber \end{aligned}$$

(iii)  If a member of \(\mathcal C\) satisfies (3.30) with \(k_1,\ldots ,k_m\ge 0\), then it maximizes

$$ \int \phi f_{m+1}\,d\mu $$

among all critical functions satisfying

$$\begin{aligned} \int \phi f_i \,d\mu \le c_i,\qquad i=1,\ldots ,m. \end{aligned}$$

(iv)  The set M of points in m-dimensional space whose coordinates are

$$ \left( \int \phi f_1 \,d\mu ,\ldots ,\int \phi f_m \,d\mu \right) $$

for some critical function \(\phi \) is convex and closed. If \((c_1,\ldots ,c_m)\) is an inner pointFootnote 10 of M, then there exist constants \(k_1,\ldots ,k_m\) and a test \(\phi \) satisfying (3.29) and (3.30), and a necessary condition for a member of \(\mathcal C\) to maximize

$$ \int \phi f_{m+1}\,d\mu $$

is that (3.30) holds a.e. \(\mu \).

Here the term “inner point of M” in statement (iv) can be interpreted as meaning a point interior to M relative to m-space or relative to the smallest linear space (of dimension \(\le m\)) containing M. The theorem is correct with both interpretations but is stronger with respect to the latter, for which it will be proved.

We also note that exactly analogous results hold for the minimization of \(\int \phi f_{m+1}\,d\mu \).

Proof. (i): Let \(\{\phi _n\}\) be a sequence of functions in \(\mathcal C\) such that \(\int \phi _nf_{m+1}\,d\mu \) tends to \(\sup _\phi \int \phi f_{m+1}\,d\mu \). By the weak compactness theorem for critical functions (Theorem 3.4.2 of the Appendix), there exists a subsequence \(\{\phi _{n_i}\}\) and a critical function \(\phi \) such that

$$ \int \phi _{n_i}f_k \,d\mu \rightarrow \quad \int \phi f_k \,d\mu \qquad \mathrm{for}\quad k=1,\cdots ,m+1. $$

It follows that \(\phi \) is in \(\mathcal C\) and maximizes the integral with respect to \(f_{m+1}\,d\mu \) within \({\mathcal {C}}\).

(ii) and (iii) are proved exactly as was part (ii) of Theorem 3.2.1.

(iv): That M is closed follows again from the weak compactness theorem, and its convexity is a consequence of the fact that if \(\phi _1\) and \(\phi _2\) are critical functions, so is \(\alpha \phi _1+(1-\alpha )\phi _2\) for any \(0\le \alpha \le 1\). If N (see Figure 3.4) is the totality of points in \((m+1)\)-dimensional space with coordinates

$$ \left( \int \phi f_1\,d\mu ,\ldots ,\int \phi f_{m+1}\,d\mu \right) , $$

where \(\phi \) ranges over the class of all critical functions, then N is convex and closed by the same argument. Denote the coordinates of a general point in M and N by \((u_1,\ldots ,u_m)\) and \((u_1,\ldots ,u_{m+1})\) respectively. The points of N, the first m coordinates of which are \(c_1,\ldots ,c_m\), form a closed interval \([c^*,c^{**}]\).

Figure 3.4
figure 4

The sets M and N

Assume first that \(c^*<c^{**}\). Since \((c_1,\ldots ,c_m,c^{**})\) is a boundary point of N, there exists a hyperplane \(\prod \) through it such that every point on N lies below or on \(\prod \). Let the equation of \(\prod \) be

$$ \sum ^{m+1}_{i=1}k_iu_i=\quad \sum ^m_{i=1}k_ic_i+k_{m+1}c^{**}. $$

Since \((c_1,\dots ,c_m)\) is an inner point of M, the coefficient \(k_{m+1}\ne 0\). To see this, let \(c^*<c<c^{**}\), so that \((c_1,\dots c_m,c)\) is an inner point of N. Then there exists a sphere with this point as center lying entirely in N and hence below \(\prod \). It follows that the point \((c_1,\dots c_m,c)\) does not lie on \(\prod \) and hence that \(k_{m+1}\ne 0\). We may therefore take \(k_{m+1}=-1\) and see that for any point of N

$$ u_{m+1}-\sum ^m_{i=1}k_iu_i\le c^{^{**}}_{m+1}-\sum ^m_{i=1}k_ic_i. $$

That is, all critical functions \(\phi \) satisfy

$$ \int \phi \left( f_{m+1}-\sum ^m_{i=1}k_if_i\right) \,d\mu \le \int \phi ^{^{**}}\left( f_{m+1}-\sum ^m_{i=1}k_if_i\right) \,d\mu , $$

where \(\phi ^{^{**}}\) is the test giving rise to the point \((c_1,\ldots ,c_m,c^{^{**}})\). Thus \(\phi ^{^{**}}\) is the critical function that maximizes the left-hand side of this inequality. Since the integral in question is maximized by putting \(\phi \) equal to 1 when the integrand is positive and equal to 0 when it is negative, \(\phi ^{^{**}}\) satisfies (3.30) a.e. \(\mu \).

If \(c^*=c^{^{**}},\mathrm{~let~}(c'_1,\ldots ,c'_m)\) be any point of M other than \((c_1,\ldots ,c_m)\). We shall now show that there exists exactly one real number \(c'\) such that \((c'_1,\ldots ,c'_m,c')\) is in N. Suppose to the contrary that \((c'_1,\ldots ,c'_m,\underline{c}')\)and \((c'_1,\ldots ,c'_m,\bar{c}')\) are both in N, and consider any point \((c''_1,\ldots ,c''_m,c'')\) of N such that \((c_1,\ldots ,c_m)\) is an interior point of the line segment joining \((c'_1,\ldots ,c'_m)\) and \((c''_1,\ldots ,c''_m)\). Such a point exists since \((c_1,\ldots ,c_m)\) is an inner point of M. Then the convex set spanned by the three points \((c'_1,\ldots ,c'_m,\underline{c}')\), \((c'_1,\ldots ,c'_m,\bar{c}')\), and \((c''_1,\ldots ,c''_m,c'')\) is contained in N and contains points \((c_1,\ldots ,c_m,\underline{c})\) and \((c_1,\ldots ,c_m,\bar{c})\) with \(\underline{c}<\bar{c}\), which is a contradiction. Since N is convex, contains the origin, and has at most one point on any vertical line \(u_1=c'_1,\ldots ,\quad u_m=c'_m\), it is contained in a hyperplane, which passes through the origin and is not parallel to the \(u_{m+1}\)-axis. It follows that

$$ \int \phi f_{m+1}\,d\mu =\sum ^m_{i=1}k_i\int \phi f_i\,d\mu $$

for all \(\phi \). This arises of course only in the trivial case that

$$ f_{m+1}=\sum ^m_{i=1}k_if_i\qquad \mathrm{a.e.}~\mu , $$

and (3.30) is satisfied vacuously.  \(\blacksquare \)

Corollary 3.6.1

Let \(p_1,\ldots ,p_m,p_{m+1}\) be probability densities with respect to a measure \(\mu \), and let \(0<\alpha <1\). Then there exists a test \(\phi \) such that \({E_i\phi (X)=\alpha }\) \(({i=1,\ldots ,m})\) and \(E_{m+1}\phi (X)>\alpha \), unless \(p_{m+1}=\sum ^m_{i=1}k_ip_i\), a.e. \(\mu \).

Proof. The proof will be by induction over m. For \(m=1\) the result reduces to Corollary 3.2.1. Assume now that it has been proved for any set of m distributions, and consider the case of \(m+1\) densities \(p_1,\ldots ,p_{m+1}\). If \(p_1,\dots ,p_m\) are linearly dependent, the number of \(p_i\) can be reduced and the result follows from the induction hypothesis. Assume therefore that \(p_1,\ldots ,p_m\) are linearly independent. Then for each \(j=1,\ldots ,m\) there exist by the induction hypothesis tests \(\phi _j\) and \(\phi '_j\) such that \(E_i\phi _j(X)=E_i\phi '_j(X)=\alpha \) for all \(i=1,\ldots ,j-1,j+1,\dots ,m\) and \(E_j\phi _j(X)<\alpha <E_j\phi '_j(X)\). It follows that the point of m-space for which all m coordinates are equal to \(\alpha \) is an inner point of M, so that Theorem 3.6.1(iv) is applicable. The test \(\phi (x)\equiv \alpha \) is such that \(E_i\phi (X)=\alpha \) for \(i=1,\ldots ,m\). If among all tests satisfying the side conditions this one is most powerful, it has to satisfy (3.30). Since \(0<\alpha <1\), this implies

$$ p_{m+1}=\sum ^m_{i=1}k_ip_i\qquad \mathrm{a.e.}\mu , $$

as was to be proved.  \(\blacksquare \)

The most useful parts of Theorems 3.2.1 and 3.6.1 are the parts (ii), which give sufficient conditions for a critical function to maximize an integral subject to certain side conditions. These results can be derived very easily as follows by the method of undetermined multipliers.

Lemma 3.6.1

Let \(F_1,\ldots ,F_{m+1}\) be real-valued functions defined over a space U, and consider the problem of maximizing \(F_{m+1}(u)\) subject to \(F_i(u)=c_i (i=1,\ldots ,m)\). A sufficient condition for a point \(u^0\) satisfying the side conditions to be a solution of the given problem is that among all points of U it maximizes

$$ F_{m+1}(u)-\sum ^m_{i=1}k_iF_i(u) $$

for some \(k_1,\ldots ,k_m\).

When applying the lemma one usually carries out the maximization for arbitrary k’s, and then determines the constants so as to satisfy the side conditions.

Proof. If u is any point satisfying the side conditions, then

$$ F_{m+1}(u)-\sum ^m_{i=1}k_iF_i(u)\le F_{m+1}(u^0)-\sum ^m_{i=1}k_iF_i(u^0), $$

and hence \(F_{m+1}(u)\le F_{m+1}(u^0)\).

As an application consider the problem treated in Theorem 3.6.1. Let U be the space of critical functions \(\phi \), and let \(F_i(\phi )=\int \phi f_i\,d\mu \). Then a sufficient condition for \(\phi \) to maximize \(F_{m+1}(\phi )\), subject to \(F_i(\phi )=c_i\), is that it maximizes \(F_{m+1}(\phi )-\sum k_iF_i(\phi )=\int (f_{m+1}-\sum k_if_i)\phi \,d\mu \). This is achieved by setting \(\phi (x)=1\) or 0 as \(f_{m+1}(x)>\) or \(<\sum k_if_i(x)\).

7 Two-Sided Hypotheses

UMP tests exist not only for one sided but also for certain two-sided hypotheses of the form

$$\begin{aligned} H:\theta \le \theta _1\mathrm{~or~}\theta \ge \theta _2\qquad (\theta _1<\theta _2). \end{aligned}$$

This problem arises when trying to demonstrate equivalence (or sometimes called bioequivalence) of treatments; for example, a new drug may be declared equivalent to the current standard drug if the difference in therapeutic effect is small, meaning \(\theta \) lies in a small interval about 0. Such testing problems also occur when one wishes to determine whether given specifications have been met concerning the proportion of an ingredient in a drug or some other compound, or whether a measuring instrument, for example a scale, is properly balanced. One then sets up the hypothesis that \(\theta \) does not lie within the required limits, so that an error of the first kind consists in declaring \(\theta \) to be satisfactory when in fact it is not. In practice, the decision to accept H will typically be accompanied by a statement of whether \(\theta \) is believed to be \(\le \theta _1\) or \(\ge \theta _2\). The implications of H are, however, frequently sufficiently important so that acceptance will in any case be followed by a more detailed investigation. If a manufacturer tests each precision instrument before releasing it and the test indicates an instrument to be out of balance, further work will be done to get it properly adjusted. If in a scientific investigation the inequalities \(\theta \le \theta _1\) and \(\theta \ge \theta _2\) contradict some assumptions that have been formulated, a more complex theory may be needed and further experimentation will be required. In such situations there may be only two basic choices, to act as if \(\theta _1<\theta <\theta _2\) or to carry out some further investigation, and the formulation of the problem as that of testing the hypothesis H may be appropriate. In the present section, the existence of a UMP test of H will be proved for one-parameter exponential families.

Theorem 3.7.1

(i)  For testing the hypothesis \(H:\theta \le \theta _1\) or \(\theta \ge \theta _2\ (\theta _1<\theta _2)\) against the alternatives\(K:\theta _1<\theta <\theta _2\) in the one-parameter exponential family (3.19) there exists a UMP test given by

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (x)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ccl} 1 &{} \hbox {when} &{} C_1<T(x)<C_2\quad (C_1<C_2),\\ \gamma _i &{} \hbox {when} &{} T(x)=C_i,\quad i=1,2,\\ 0 &{} \hbox {when} &{} T(x)<C_1\ \hbox {or} >C_2 , \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

where the C’s and \(\gamma \)’s are determined by

$$\begin{aligned} E_{\theta _1}\phi (X)=E_{\theta _2} \phi (X)=\alpha . \end{aligned}$$

(ii)  This test minimizes \(E_{\theta }\phi (X)\) subject to (3.34) for all \(\theta <\theta _1\) and \(>\theta _2\).

(iii)  For \(0<\alpha <1\) the power function of this test has a maximum at a point \(\theta _0\) between \(\theta _1\) and \(\theta _2\) and decreases strictly as \(\theta \) tends away from \(\theta _0\) in either direction, unless there exist two values \(t_1,t_2\) such that \(P_{\theta }\{T(X)=t_1\}+P_{\theta }\{T(X)=t_2\}=1\) for all \(\theta \).

Proof. (i): One can restrict attention to the sufficient statistic \(T=T(X)\), the distribution of which by Lemma 2.7.2 is

$$ dP_{\theta }(t)=C(\theta )e^{Q(\theta )t}d\nu (t), $$

where \(Q(\theta )\) is assumed to be strictly increasing. Let \(\theta _1<\theta '<\theta _2\), and consider first the problem of maximizing \(E_{\theta '}\psi (T)\) subject to (3.34) with \(\phi (x)=\psi [T(x)]\). If M denotes the set of all points \(E_{\theta _1}\psi (T), E_{\theta _2}\psi (T))\) as \(\psi \) ranges over the totality of critical functions, then the point \((\alpha ,\alpha )\) is an inner point of M. This follows from the fact that by Corollary 3.2.1 the set M contains points \((\alpha ,u_1)\) and \((\alpha ,u_2)\) with \(u_1<\alpha <u_2\) and that it contains all points (uu) with \(0<u<1\). Hence by part (iv) of Theorem 3.6.1 there exist constants \(k_1, k_2\) and test \(\psi _0(t)\) and that \(\phi _0(x)=\psi _0[T(x)]\) satisfies (3.34) and that \(\psi _0(t)=1\) when

$$ k_1C(\theta _1)e^{Q(\theta _1)t}+k_2C(\theta _2)e^{Q(\theta _2)t}<C(\theta ')e^{Q(\theta ')t} $$

and therefore when

$$ a_1e^{b_1t}+a_2e^{b_2t}<1\qquad (b_1<0<b_2), $$

and \(\psi _0(t)=0\) when the left-hand side is \(>1\). Here the a’s cannot both be \(\le 0\), since then the test would always reject. If one of the a’s is \(\le 0\) and the other one is \(>0\), then the left-hand side is strictly monotone, and the test is of the one-sided type considered in Corollary 3.4.1, which has a strictly monotone power function and hence cannot satisfy (3.34). Therefore, since both a’s are positive, the test satisfies (3.33). It follows from Lemma 3.7.1 below that the C’s and \(\gamma \)’s are uniquely determined by (3.33) and (3.34), and hence from Theorem 3.6.1(iii) that the test is UMP subject to the weaker restriction \(E_{\theta _i}\psi (T)\le \alpha \ (i=1,2)\). To complete the proof that this test is UMP for testing H, it is necessary to show that it satisfies \(E_{\theta }\psi (T)\le \alpha \mathrm{~for~}\theta \le \theta _1\) and \(\theta \ge \theta _2\). This follows from (ii) by comparison with the test \(\psi (t)\equiv \alpha \).

(ii): Let \(\theta '<\theta _1\), and apply Theorem 3.6.1(iv) to minimize \(E_{\theta '}\phi (X)\) subject to (3.34). Dividing through by \(e^{Q(\theta _1)t}\), the desired test is seen to have a rejection region of the form

$$ a_1e^{b_1t}+a_2e^{b_2t}<1\qquad (b_1<0<b_2). $$

Thus it coincides with the test \(\psi _0(t)\) obtained in (i). By Theorem 3.6.1(iv) the first and third conditions of (3.33) are also necessary, and the optimum test is therefore unique provided \(P\{T=C_i\}=0.\)

(iii): Without loss of generality let \(Q(\theta )=\theta \). It follows from (i) and the continuity of \(\beta (\theta )=E_{\theta }\phi (X)\) that either \(\beta (\theta )\) satisfies (iii) or there exist three points \(\theta '<\theta ''<\theta '''\) such that \(\beta (\theta '')\le \beta (\theta ')=\beta (\theta ''')=c\), say. Then \(0<c<1\), since \(\beta (\theta ')=0\) (or 1) implies \(\phi (t)=0\) (or 1) a.e. \(\nu \) and this is excluded by (3.34). As is seen by the proof of (i), the test minimizes \(E_{\theta ''}\phi (X)\) subject to \(E_{\theta '}\phi (X)=E_{\theta '''}\phi (X)=c\) for all \(\theta '<\theta ''<\theta '''\). However, unless T takes on at most two values with probability 1 or all \(\theta ,p_{\theta ',}p_{\theta '',}p_{\theta '''}\) are linearly independent, which by Corollary 3.6.1 implies \(\beta (\theta '')>c\).  \(\blacksquare \)

In order to determine the C’s and \(\gamma \)’s, one will in practice start with some trial values \(C^*_1,\gamma ^*_1\), find \(C^*_2,\gamma ^*_2\) such that \(\beta ^*(\theta _1)=\alpha \), and compute \(\beta ^*(\theta _2)\), which will usually be either too large or too small. For the selection of the next trial values it is then helpful to note that if \(\beta ^*(\theta _2)<\alpha \), the correct acceptance region is to the right of the one chosen, that is, it satisfies either \(C_1>C^*_1\) or \(C_1=C^*_1\) and \(\gamma _1<\gamma ^*_1\), and that the converse holds if \(\beta ^*(\theta _2)>\alpha \). This is a consequence of the following lemma.

Lemma 3.7.1

Let \(p_{\theta }(x)\) satisfy the assumptions of Lemma 3.4.2(iv).

(i)  If \(\phi \) and \(\phi ^*\) are two tests satisfying (3.33) and \(E_{\theta _1}\phi (T)=E_{\theta _1}\phi ^*(T)\), and if \(\phi ^*\) is to the right of \(\phi \), then \(\beta (\theta )<\) or \(>\beta ^*(\theta )\) as \(\theta >\theta _1\) or \(<\theta _1\).

(ii)  If \(\phi \) and \(\phi ^*\) satisfy (3.33) and (3.34), then \(\phi =\phi ^*\) with probability one.

Proof. (i): The result follows from Lemma 3.4.2(iv) with \(\psi =\phi ^*-\phi \). (ii): Since \(E_{\theta _1}\phi (T)=E_{\theta _1}\phi ^*(T),\phi ^*\) lies either to the left or the right of \(\phi \), and application of (i) completes the proof. \(\blacksquare \)

Although a UMP test exists for testing that \(\theta \le \theta _1\) or \(\ge \theta _2\) in an exponential family, the same is not true for the dual hypothesis \(H:\theta _1\le \theta \le \theta _2\) or for testing \(\theta =\theta _0\) (Problem 3.59). There do, however, exist UMP unbiased tests of these hypotheses, as will be shown in Chapter 4.

8 Least Favorable Distributions

It is a consequence of Theorem 3.2.1 that there always exists a most powerful test for testing a simple hypothesis against a simple alternative. More generally, consider the case of a Euclidean sample space; probability densities \(f_{\theta },\theta \in \omega \), and g with respect to a measure \(\mu \); and the problem of testing \(H:f_{\theta },\theta \in \omega \), against the simple alternative K : g. The existence of a most powerful level \(\alpha \) test then follows from the weak compactness theorem for critical functions (Theorem A.5.1 of the Appendix) as in Theorem 3.6.1(i).

Theorem 3.2.1 also provides an explicit construction for the most powerful test in the case of a simple hypothesis. We shall now extend this theorem to composite hypotheses in the direction of Theorem 3.6.1 by the method of undetermined multipliers. However, in the process of extension the result becomes much less explicit. Essentially it leaves open the determination of the multipliers, which now take the form of an arbitrary distribution. In specific problems this usually still involves considerable difficulty. From another point of view the method of attack, as throughout the theory of hypothesis testing, is to reduce the composite hypothesis to a simple one. This is achieved by considering weighted averages of the distributions of H. The composite hypothesis H is replaced by the simple hypothesis \(H_\Lambda \) that the probability density of X is given by

$$ h_{\Lambda }(x)=\int _{\omega }f_{\theta }(x)\,d\Lambda (\theta ), $$

where \(\Lambda \) is a probability distribution over \(\omega \). The problem of finding a suitable \(\Lambda \) is frequently made easier by the following consideration. Since H provides no information concerning \(\theta \) and since \(H_{\Lambda }\) is to be equivalent to H for the purpose of testing against g, knowledge of the distribution \(\Lambda \) should provide as little help for this task as possible. To make this precise suppose that \(\theta \) is known to have a distribution \(\Lambda \). Then the maximum power \(\beta _{\Lambda }\) that can be attained against g is that of the most powerful test \(\phi _\Lambda \) for testing \(H_{\Lambda }\) against g. The distribution \(\Lambda \) is said to be least favorable (at level-\(\alpha \)) if for all \(\Lambda '\) the inequality \(\beta _{\Lambda }\le \beta _{\Lambda '}\) holds.

Theorem 3.8.1

Let a \(\sigma \)-field be defined over \(\omega \) such that the densities \(f_{\theta }(x)\) are jointly measurable in \(\theta \) and x. Suppose that over this \(\sigma \)-field there exists a probability distribution \(\Lambda \) such that the most powerful level-\(\alpha \) test \(\phi _\Lambda \) for testing \(H_\Lambda \) against g is of size \(\le \alpha \) also with respect to the original hypothesis H.

(i)  The test \(\phi _\Lambda \) is most powerful for testing H against g.

(ii)  If \(\phi _\Lambda \) is the unique most powerful level \(\alpha \) for testing \(H_\Lambda \) against g, it is also the unique most powerful test of H against g.

(iii)  The distribution \(\Lambda \) is least favorable.

Proof. We note first that \(h_\Lambda \) is again a density with respect to \(\mu \), since by Fubini’s theorem (Theorem 2.2.4)

$$ \int h_\Lambda (x)\,d\mu (x)=\int _\omega d\Lambda (\theta )\int f_\theta (x)\,d\mu (x)=\int _\omega d\Lambda (\theta )=1. $$

Suppose that \(\phi _\Lambda \) is a level-\(\alpha \) test for testing H, and let \(\phi ^*\) be any other level-\(\alpha \) test. Then since \(E_\theta \phi ^*(X)\le \alpha \hbox {~for all~}\theta \in \omega \), we have

$$ \int \phi ^*(x)h_\Lambda (x)\,d\mu (x)=\int _\omega E_\theta \phi ^*(X)d\Lambda (\theta )\le \alpha . $$

Therefore \(\phi *\) is a level-\(\alpha \) test also for testing \(H_\Lambda \) and its power cannot exceed that of \(\phi _\Lambda \). This proves (i) and (ii). If \(\Lambda '\) is any distribution, it follows further that \(\phi _\Lambda \) is a level-\(\alpha \) test also for testing \(H_{\Lambda '}\), and hence that its power against g cannot exceed that of the most powerful test, which by definition is \(\beta _{\Lambda '}\)\(\blacksquare \)

The conditions of this theorem can be given a somewhat different form by noting that \(\phi _\Lambda \) can satisfy \(\int _\omega E_\theta \phi _\Lambda (X)\,d\Lambda (\theta )=\alpha \mathrm{~and~}E_\theta \phi _\Lambda (X)\le \alpha \) for all \(\theta \in \omega \) only if the set of \(\theta '\)’s with \(E_\theta \phi _\Lambda (X)=\alpha \) has \(\Lambda \)-measure one.

Corollary 3.8.1

Suppose that \(\Lambda \) is a probability distribution over \(\omega \) and that \(\omega '\) is a subset of \(\omega \) with \(\Lambda (\omega ')=1\). Let \(\phi _\Lambda \) be a test such that

$$\begin{aligned} \phi _\Lambda (x)=\left\{ \begin{array}{ccl} 1 &{} \mathrm{if} &{} g(x)>k\int f_\theta (x)\,d\Lambda (\theta ),\\ 0 &{} \mathrm{if} &{} g(x)<k\int f_\theta (x)\,d\Lambda (\theta ). \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$

Then \(\phi _\Lambda \) is a most powerful level-\(\alpha \) for testing H against g provided

$$\begin{aligned} E_{\theta '}\phi _\Lambda (X)=\sup _{\theta \in \omega }E_\theta \phi _\Lambda (X)=\alpha \qquad \mathrm{for}\quad \theta '\in \omega '. \end{aligned}$$

Theorems 3.4.1 and 3.7.1 constitute two simple applications of Theorem 3.8.1. The set \(\omega '\) over which the least favorable distribution \(\Lambda \) is concentrated consists of the single point \(\theta _0\) in the first of these examples and of the two points \(\theta _1\) and \(\theta _2\) in the second. This is what one might expect, since in both cases these are the distributions of H that appear to be “closest” to K. Another example in which the least favorable distribution is concentrated at a single point is the following.

Example 3.8.1

(Sign test) The quality of items produced by a manufacturing process is measured by a characteristic X such as the tensile strength of a piece of material, or the length of life or brightness of a light bulb. For an item to be satisfactory X must exceed a given constant u, and one wishes to test the hypothesis \(H:p\ge p_0\), where

$$ p=P\{X\le u\} $$

is the probability of an item being defective. Let \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) be the measurements of n sample items, so that the X’s are independently distributed with common distribution about which no knowledge is assumed. Any distribution on the real line can be characterized by the probability p together with the conditional probability distributions \(P_-\) and \(P_+\) of X given \(X\le u\) and \(X>u\) respectively. If the distributions \(P_-\) and \(P_+\) have probability densities \(p_-\) and \(p+\), for example with respect to \(\mu =P_-+P_+\), then the joint density of \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) at a sample point \(x_1,\ldots ,x_n\) satisfying

$$ x_{i_1},\ldots ,x_{i_m}\le u<x_{j_1},\ldots ,x_{j_{n-m}} $$


$$ p^m(1-p)^{n-m}p_-(x_{i_1})\cdots p_-(x_{i_m})p_+(x_{j_1})\cdots p_+(x_{j_{n-m}}). $$

Consider now a fixed alternative to H, say \((p_1,P_-,P_+)\), with \(p_1<p_0\). One would then expect the least favorable distribution \(\Lambda \) over H to assign probability 1 to the distribution \((p_0,P_-,P_+)\) since this appears to be closest to the selected alternative. With this choice of \(\Lambda \), the test (3.35) becomes

$$ \phi _\Lambda (x)=1\mathrm{~or~}0\qquad \mathrm{~as}\quad \left( \frac{p_1}{p_0}\right) ^m\left( \frac{q_1}{q_0}\right) ^{n-m}>\mathrm{~or~}<C, $$

and hence as \(m<\mathrm{~or~}>C\). The test therefore rejects when the number M of defectives is sufficiently small, or more precisely, when \(M<C\) and with probability \(\gamma \) when \(M=C\), where

$$\begin{aligned} P\{M<C\}+\gamma P\{M=C\}=\alpha \qquad \mathrm{for}\quad p=p_0. \end{aligned}$$

The distribution of M is the binomial distribution b(pn), and does not depend on \(P_+\mathrm{~and~}P_-\). As a consequence, the power function of the test depends only on p and is a decreasing function of p, so that under H it takes on its maximum for \(p=p_0\). This proves \(\Lambda \) to be least favorable and \(\phi _\Lambda \) to be most powerful. Since the test is independent of the particular alternative chosen, it is UMP.

Expressed in terms of the variables \(Z_i=X_i-u\), the test statistic M is the number of variables \(\le 0\), and the test is the so-called sign test (cf. Section 4.9). It is an example of a nonparametric test, since it is derived without assuming a given functional form for the distribution of the X’s such as the normal, uniform, or Poisson, in which only certain parameters are unknown.

The above argument applies, with only the obvious modifications, to the case that an item is satisfactory if X lies within certain limits: \(u<X<v\). This occurs, for example, if X is the length of a metal part or the proportion of an ingredient in a chemical compound, for which certain tolerances have been specified. More generally the argument applies also to the situation in which X is vector-valued. Suppose that an item is satisfactory only when X lies in a certain set S, for example, if all the dimensions of a metal part or the proportions of several ingredients lie within specified limits. The probability of a defective is then

$$ p=P\{X\in S^c \}, $$

and \(P_-\mathrm{~and~}P_+\) denote the conditional distributions of X given \(X\in S\) and \(X\in S^c\) respectively. As before, there exists a UMP test of \(H:p\ge p_0\), and it rejects H when the number M of defectives is sufficiently small, with the boundary of the test being determined by (3.37). \(\blacksquare \)

A distribution \(\Lambda \) satisfying the conditions of Theorem 3.8.1 exists in most of the usual statistical problems, and in particular under the following assumptions. Let the sample space be Euclidean, let \(\omega \) be a closed Borel set in s-dimensional Euclidean space, and suppose that \(f_\theta (x)\) is a continuous function of \(\theta \) for almost all x. Then given any g there exists a distribution \(\Lambda \) satisfying the conditions of Theorem 3.8.1 provided

$$ \lim _{n\rightarrow \infty }\int _S f_{\theta _n}(x)\,d\mu (x)=0 $$

for every bounded set S in the sample space and for every sequence of vectors \(\theta _n\) whose distance from the origin tends to infinity.

From this it follows as did Corollaries 1 and 4 from Theorems 3.2.1 and 3.6.1, that if the above conditions hold and if \(0<\alpha <1\), there exists a test of power \(\beta >\alpha \) for testing \(H:f_\theta ,\theta \in \omega \), against g unless \(g=\int f_\theta \,d\Lambda (\theta )\) for some \(\Lambda \). An example of the latter possibility is obtained by letting \(f_\theta \) and g be the normal densities \(N(\theta ,\sigma ^2_0)\) and \(N(0,\sigma ^2_1)\) respectively with \(\sigma ^2_0<\sigma ^2_1\). (See the following section.)

The above and related results concerning the existence and structure of least favorable distributions are given in Lehmann (1952b) (with the requirement that \(\omega \) be closed mistakenly omitted), in Reinhardt (1961), and in  Krafft and Witting (1967), where the relation to linear programming is explored.

9 Applications to Normal Distributions

9.1 Univariate Normal Models

Because of their wide applicability, the problems of testing the mean \(\xi \) and variance \(\sigma ^2\) of a normal distribution are of particular importance. Here and in similar problems later, the parameter not being tested is assumed to be unknown, but will not be shown explicitly in a statement of the hypothesis. We shall write, for example, \(\sigma \le \sigma _0\) instead of the more complete statement \(\sigma \le \sigma _0,-\infty<\xi <\infty \). The standard (likelihood ratio) tests of the two hypotheses \(\sigma \le \sigma _0\) and \(\xi \le \xi _0\) are given by the rejection regions

$$\begin{aligned} \sum (x_i-\bar{x})^2\ge C \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\sqrt{n}(\bar{x}-\xi _0)}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1}\sum (x_i-\bar{x})^2}}\ge C. \end{aligned}$$

The corresponding tests for the hypotheses \(\sigma \ge \sigma _0\) and \(\xi \ge \xi _o\) are obtained from the rejection regions (3.38) and (3.39) by reversing the inequalities. As will be shown in later chapters, these four tests are UMP both within the class of unbiased and within the class of invariant test (but see Section 13.2 for problems arising when the assumption of normality does not hold exactly). However, at the usual significance levels only the first of them is actually UMP.

Example 3.9.1

(One-sided tests of variance.) Let \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) be a sample from \(N(\xi ,\sigma ^2)\), and consider first the hypotheses \(H_1:\sigma \ge \sigma _0\) and \(H_2:\sigma \le \sigma _0\), and a simple alternative \(K:\xi =\xi _1,\sigma =\sigma _1\). It seems reasonable to suppose that the least favorable distribution \(\Lambda \) in the \((\xi ,\sigma )\)-plane is concentrated on the line \(\sigma =\sigma _0\). Since \(Y=\sum X_i/n=\bar{X}\) and \(U=\sum (X_i-\bar{X})^2\) are sufficient statistics for the parameters \((\xi ,\sigma )\), attention can be restricted to these variables. Their joint density under \(H_\Lambda \) is

$$ C_ou^{(n-3)/2}\exp \left( -\frac{u}{2\sigma ^2_0}\right) \int \exp \left[ -\frac{n}{2\sigma ^2_o}(y-\xi )^2\right] \,d\Lambda (\xi ), $$

while under K it is

$$ C_1u^{(n-3)/2}\exp \left( -\frac{u}{2\sigma ^2_1}\right) \exp \left[ -\frac{n}{2\sigma ^2_1}(y-\xi _1)^2\right] . $$

The choice of \(\Lambda \) is seen to affect only the distribution of Y. A least favorable \(\Lambda \) should therefore have the property that the density of Y under \(H_\Lambda \),

$$ \int \frac{\sqrt{n}}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma ^2_0}}\exp \left[ -\frac{n}{2\sigma ^2_0}(y-\xi )^2\right] \,d\Lambda (\xi ), $$

comes as close as possible to the alternative density,

$$ \frac{\sqrt{n}}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma ^2_1}}\exp \left[ -\frac{n}{2\sigma ^2_1}(y-\xi _1)^2\right] . $$

At this point one must distinguish between \(H_1\) and \(H_2\). In the first case \(\sigma _1<\sigma _0\). By suitable choice of \(\Lambda \) the mean of Y can be made equal to \(\xi _1\), but the variance will if anything be increased over its initial value \(\sigma ^2_0\). This suggests that the least favorable distribution assigns probability 1 to the point \(\xi =\xi _1\), since in this way the distribution of Y is normal both under H and K with the same mean in both cases and the smallest possible difference between the variances. The situation is somewhat different for \(H_2\), for which \(\sigma _0<\sigma _1\). If the least favorable distribution \(\Lambda \) has a density, say \(\Lambda '\), the density of Y under \(H_\Lambda \) becomes

$$ \int ^\infty _{-\infty }\frac{\sqrt{n}}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma _0}}\exp \left[ -\frac{n}{2\sigma ^2_0}(y-\xi )^2\right] \Lambda '(\xi )~d\xi . $$

This is the probability density of the sum of two independent random variables, one distributed as \(N(0,\sigma ^2_0/n)\) and the other with density \(\Lambda '(\xi )\). If \(\Lambda \) is taken to be \(N(\xi _1,(\sigma ^2_1-\sigma ^2_0)/n)\), the distribution of Y under \(H_\Lambda \) becomes \(N(\xi _1,\sigma ^2_1/n)\), the same as under K.

We now apply Corollary 3.8.1 with the distributions \(\Lambda \) suggested above. For \(H_1\) it is more convenient to work with the original variables than with Y and U. Substitution in (3.35) gives \(\phi (x)=1\) when

$$ \frac{(2\pi \sigma ^2_1)^{-n/2}\exp \left[ -\frac{1}{2\sigma ^2_1}\sum (x_i-\xi _1)^2\right] }{(2\pi \sigma ^2_0)^{-n/2}\exp \left[ -\frac{1}{2\sigma ^2_0}\sum (x_i-\xi _1)^2\right] }>C, $$

that is, when

$$\begin{aligned} \sum (x_i-\xi _1)^2\le C. \end{aligned}$$

To justify the choice of \(\Lambda \), one must show that

$$ P\left\{ \sum (X_i-\xi _1)^2\le C|\xi ,\sigma \right\} $$

takes on its maximum over the half plane \(\sigma \ge \sigma _0\) at the point \(\xi =\xi _1\), \(\sigma =\sigma _0\). For any fixed \(\sigma \), the above is the probability of the sample point falling in a sphere radius, computed under the assumption that the X’s are independently distributed as \(N(\xi ,\sigma ^2)\). This probability is maximized when the center of the sphere coincides with that of the distribution, that is, when \(\xi =\xi _1\). (This follows for example from Problem 7.15.) The probability then becomes

$$ P\left\{ \sum \left( \frac{x_i-\xi _1}{\sigma }\right) ^2\le \frac{C}{\sigma ^2}\,\Big |\,\xi _1,\sigma \right\} =P\left\{ \sum V^2_i\le \frac{C}{\sigma ^2}\right\} , $$

where \(V_1,\dots ,V_n\) are independently distributed as N(0, 1). This is a decreasing function of \(\sigma \) and therefore takes on its maximum when \(\sigma =\sigma _0\).

In the case of \(H_2\), application of Corollary 3.8.1 to the sufficient statistics (YU) gives \(\phi (y,u)=1\) when

$$\begin{aligned}&{C_1 u^{(n-3)/2} \exp \left( -{u\over 2\sigma _1^2}\right) \exp \left[ -{n\over 2\sigma _1^2}(y-\xi _1)^2\right] \over C_0 u^{(n-3)/2} \exp \left( -{u\over 2\sigma _0^2}\right) \int \exp \left[ -{n\over 2\sigma _0^2}(y-\xi )^2\right] \Lambda '(\xi )\,d\xi }\\&\qquad =C'\exp \left[ -{u\over 2}\left( {1\over \sigma _1^2}-{1\over \sigma _0^2}\right) \right] \ge C, \end{aligned}$$

that is, when

$$\begin{aligned} u=\sum (x_i-\bar{x})^2\ge C. \end{aligned}$$

Since the distribution of \(\sum (X_i-\bar{X})^2/\sigma ^2\) does not depend on \(\xi \) or \(\sigma \), the probability \(P\{\sum (X_i-\bar{X})^2\ge C\mid \xi ,\sigma \}\) is independent of \(\xi \) and increases with \(\sigma \) so that the conditions of Corollary 3.8.1 are satisfied. The test (3.41), being independent of \(\xi _1\) and \(\sigma _1\), is UMP for testing \(\sigma \le \sigma _0\) against \(\sigma >\sigma _0\). It is also seen to coincide with the likelihood ratio test (3.38). On the other hand, the most powerful test (3.40) for testing \(\sigma \ge \sigma _0\) against \(\sigma <\sigma _0\) does depend on the value \(\xi _1\) of \(\xi \) under the alternative.

It has been tacitly assumed so far that \(n>1\). If \(n=1\), the argument applies without change with respect to \(H_1\), leading to (3.40) with \(n=1\). However, in the discussion of \(H_2\) the statistic U now drops out, and Y coincides with the single observation X. Using the same \(\Lambda \) as before, one sees that X has the same distribution under \(H_{\Lambda }\) as under K, and the test \(\phi _{\Lambda }\) therefore becomes \(\phi _{\Lambda }(x)\equiv \alpha \). This satisfies the conditions of Corollary 3.8.1 and is therefore the most powerful test for the given problem. It follows that a single observation is of no value for testing the hypothesis \(H_2\), as seems intuitively obvious, but that it could be used to test \(H_1\) if the class of alternatives were sufficiently restricted. \(\blacksquare \)

The corresponding derivation for the hypothesis \(\xi \le \xi _0\) is less straightforward. It turns outFootnote 11 that Student’s test given by (3.39) is most powerful if the level of significance \(\alpha \) is \({}\ge {1\over 2}\), regardless of the alternative \(\xi _1>\xi _0\), \(\sigma _1\). This test is therefore UMP for \(\alpha \ge {1\over 2}\). On the other hand, when \(\alpha <{1\over 2}\) the most powerful test of H rejects when \(\sum (x_i-a)^2\le b\), where the constants a and b depend on the alternative \((\xi _1,\sigma _1)\) and on \(\alpha \). Thus for the significance levels that are of interest, a UMP test of H does not exist. No new problem arises for the hypothesis \(\xi \ge \xi _0\), since this reduces to the case just considered through the transformation \(Y_i=\xi _0-(X_i-\xi _0)\).

9.2 Multivariate Normal Models

Let X denote a \(k\times 1\) random vector whose ith component, \(X_i\), is a real-valued random variable. The mean of X, denoted E(X), is a vector with ith component \(E(X_i)\) (assuming it exists). The covariance matrix of X, denoted \(\Sigma \), is the \(k \times k\) matrix with (ij) entry \( Cov (X_i,X_j)\). \(\Sigma \) is well-defined iff \({E(| X | ^2 )} < \infty \), where \(| \cdot |\) denotes the Euclidean norm. Note that if A is an \(m \times k\) matrix, then the \(m \times 1\) vector \(Y = AX\) has mean (vector) AE(X) and covariance matrix \(A \Sigma A^\top \), where \(A^\top \) is the transpose of A (Problem 3.68).

The multivariate generalization of a real-valued normally distributed random variable is a random vector \( X = (X_1,\ldots , X_k)^\top \) with the multivariate normal probability density

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\sqrt{|A|}}{(2 \pi )^{\frac{1}{2} k}}\exp \left[ -{\textstyle \frac{1}{2}} \sum \sum a_{i j}(x_i-\xi _i)(x_j-\xi _j)\right] , \end{aligned}$$

where the matrix \(A=(a_{ij})\) is positive definite, and |A| denotes its determinant. The means and covariance matrix of the X’s are given by

$$\begin{aligned} E(X_i)=\xi _i,\qquad E(X_i-\xi _i)(X_j-\xi _j)=\sigma _{ij},\quad (\sigma _{ij})=A^{-1}. \end{aligned}$$

The column vector \(\xi = ( \xi _1 , \ldots , \xi _k )^\top \) is the mean vector and \(\Sigma = A^{-1}\) is the covariance matrix of X.

Such a definition only applies when A is nonsingular, in which case we say that X has a nonsingular multivariate normal distribution. More generally, we say that Y has a multivariate normal distribution if \(Y = BX + \mu \) for some \(m \times k\) matrix of constants B and \(m \times 1\) constant vector \(\mu \), where X has some nonsingular multivariate normal distribution. Then, Y is multivariate normal if and only if \(\sum _{i=1}^m c_i Y_i\) is univariate normal for all c, where \(N ( \xi , \sigma ^2 )\) with \(\sigma = 0\) is interpreted to be the distribution that is point mass at \(\xi \). Basic properties of the multivariate normal distribution are given in Anderson (2003).

Example 3.9.2

(One-sided tests of a combination of means.) Assume X is multivariate normal with unknown mean \(\xi = ( \xi _1 , \ldots , \xi _k )^\top \) and known covariance matrix \(\Sigma \). Assume \(a = (a_1 , \ldots , a_k )^\top \) is a fixed vector with \(a^\top \Sigma a > 0\). The problem is to test

$$H:~ \sum _{i=1}^k a_i \xi _i \le \delta ~~~~\mathrm{vs.}~~~~K:~ \sum _{i=1}^k a_k \xi _i > \delta ~.$$

We will show that a UMP level \(\alpha \) test exists, which rejects when \(\sum _i a_i X_i > \sigma z_{1- \alpha }\), where \(\sigma ^2 = a^\top \Sigma a\). To see why,Footnote 12 we will consider four cases of increasing generality.

Case 1. If \(k=1\) and the problem is to test the mean of \(X_1\), the result follows by Problem 3.1.

Case 2. Consider now general k, so that \((X_1 , \ldots , X_k )\) has mean \((\xi _1 , \ldots , \xi _k )\) and covariance matrix \(\Sigma \). However, consider the special case \((a_1 , \ldots , a_k ) = (1, 0, \ldots ,0 )\). Also, assume \(X_1\) and \((X_2 , \ldots , X_k )\) are independent. Then, for any fixed alternative \((\xi _1' , \ldots , \xi _k' )\) with \( \xi _1' > \delta \), the least favorable distribution concentrates on the single point \(( \delta , \xi _2' , \ldots , \xi _k')\) (Problem 3.70).

Case 3. As in case 2, consider \(a_1 = 1\) and \(a_i = 0\) if \(i > 1\), but now allow \(\Sigma \) to be an arbitrary covariance matrix. We can reduce the problem to case 2 by an appropriate linear transformation. Simply let \(Y_1 = X_1\) and, for \(i > 1\), let

$$Y_i = X_i - {{Cov (X_1 , X_i ) } \over {Var (X_1) }} X_1~.$$

Then, it is easily checked that \(Cov ( Y_1, Y_i ) = 0\) if \(i > 1\). Moreover, Y is just a 1:1 transformation of X. But, the problem of testing \(E( Y_1 ) = E( X_1 )\) based on \(Y = (Y_1 , \ldots , Y_k )\) is in the form already studied in case 2, and the UMP test rejects for large values of \(Y_1 = X_1\).

Case 4. Now, consider arbitrary \((a_1 , \ldots , a_k )\) satisfying \(a^\top \Sigma a > 0\). Let \(Z = OX\), where O is any orthogonal matrix with first row \((a_1 , \ldots , a_k )\). Then, \(E(Z_1 ) = \sum _{i=1}^k a_i \xi _i\), and the problem of testing \( E (Z_1 ) \le \delta \) versus \( E ( Z_1 ) > \delta \) reduces to case 3. Hence, the UMP test rejects for large values of \( Z_1 = \sum _{i=1}^k a_i X_i \)\(\blacksquare \)

Example 3.9.3

(Equivalence tests of a combination of means.) As in Example 3.9.2, assume X is multivariate normal \(N( \xi , \Sigma )\) with unknown mean vector \(\xi \) and known covariance matrix \(\Sigma \). Fix \(\delta > 0\) and any vector \(a = (a_1 , \ldots , a_k )^\top \) satisfying \(a^\top \Sigma a > 0\). Consider testing

$$H:~ | \sum _{i=1}^k a_i \xi _i | \ge \delta ~~~~~~vs~~~~~ K:~ | \sum _{i=1}^k a_i \xi _i | < \delta ~~.$$

Then, a UMP level \(\alpha \) test also exists and it rejects H if

$$| \sum _{i=1}^k a_i X_i | < C~,$$

where \(C = C ( \alpha , \delta , \sigma )\) satisfies

$$\begin{aligned} \Phi \left( {{C - \delta } \over {\sigma }} \right) - \Phi \left( {{-C- \delta } \over {\sigma }} \right) = \alpha \end{aligned}$$

and \(\sigma ^2 = a^\top \Sigma a\). Hence, the power of this test against an alternative \((\xi _1 , \ldots , \xi _k )\) with \(| \sum _i a_i \xi _i | = \delta ' < \delta \) is

$$\Phi \left( {{C - \delta '} \over {\sigma }} \right) - \Phi \left( {{ -C - \delta '} \over {\sigma }} \right) ~.$$

To see why, we again consider four cases of increasing generality.

Case 1. Suppose \(k=1\), so that \(X_1 = X\) is \(N( \xi , \sigma ^2)\) and we are testing \(| \xi | \ge \delta \) versus \(| \xi | < \delta \). (This case follows by Theorem 3.7.1, but we argue independently so that the argument applies to the other cases as well.) Fix an alternative \(\xi = m\) with \(| m| < \delta \). Reduce the composite null hypothesis to a simple one via a least favorable distribution that places mass p on \(N( \delta , \sigma ^2) \) and mass \(1-p\) on \(N(- \delta , \sigma ^2 )\). The value of p will be chosen shortly so that such a distribution is least favorable (and will be seen to depend on m, \(\alpha \), \(\sigma \) and \(\delta \)). By the Neyman–Pearson Lemma, the MP test of

$$p N( \delta , \sigma ^2 ) + (1- p) N( -\delta , \sigma ^2 )~~~~~ vs~~~~~N(m, \sigma ^2 )$$

rejects for small values of

$$\begin{aligned} {{p \exp \left[ - {1 \over { 2 \sigma ^2}} (X - \delta )^2 \right] + (1-p) \exp \left[ - {1 \over {2 \sigma ^2}} (X+ \delta )^2 \right] } \over { \exp \left[ - {1 \over {2 \sigma ^2}} (X - m)^2 \right] }}~, \end{aligned}$$

or equivalently for small values of f(X), where

$$f(x) = p \exp [ (\delta - m )X / \sigma ^2] + (1- p) \exp [ - ( \delta +m )X / \sigma ^2 ]~.$$

We can now choose p so that \(f(C) = f (-C)\), so that p must satisfy

$$\begin{aligned} {p \over {1-p}} = {{ \exp [ ( \delta + m ) C / \sigma ^2 ] - \exp [ - ( \delta + m ) C / \sigma ^2 ] } \over { \exp [ (\delta - m)C / \sigma ^2 ] - \exp [ - (\delta -m) C/ \sigma ^2 ] }}. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\delta -m > 0\) and \(\delta + m > 0\), both the numerator and denominator of the right side of (3.46) are positive, so the right side is a positive number. On the other hand, \(p/(1-p)\) is a nondecreasing function of p with range \([0, \infty )\) as p varies from 0 to 1. Thus, p is well-defined. Also, observe \(f'' (x) \ge 0\) for all x. It follows that (for this special choice of C)

$$ \{ X:~ f(X) \le f (C) \} = \{ X:~ |X| \le C \}$$

is the rejection region of the MP test. Such a test is easily seen to be level \(\alpha \) for the original composite null hypothesis because its power function is symmetric and decreases away from zero. Thus, the result follows by Theorem 3.8.1.

Case 2. Consider now general k, so that \((X_1 , \ldots , X_k )\) has mean \((\xi _1 , \ldots , \xi _k )\) and covariance matrix \(\Sigma \). However, consider the special case \((a_1 , \ldots , a_k ) = (1, 0, \ldots ,0 )\), so we are testing \(| \xi _1 | \ge \delta \) versus \(| \xi _1 | < \delta \). Also, assume \(X_1\) and \((X_ 2 , \ldots , X_k )\) are independent, so that the first row and first column of \(\Sigma \) are zero except the first entry, which is \(\sigma ^2\) (assumed positive). Using the same reasoning as case 1, fix an alternative \(m = ( m_1 , \ldots , m_k )\) with \(| m_1 | < \delta \) and consider testing

$$ p N \left( ( \delta , m_2 , \ldots , m_k ) , \Sigma \right) + (1-p) N \left( (- \delta , m_2 , \ldots ,m_k ) , \Sigma \right) $$

versus \( N \left( ( m_1 , \ldots , m_k ) , \Sigma \right) \). The likelihood ratio is in fact the same as (3.45) because each term is now multiplied by the density of \((X_2 , \ldots , X_k )\) (by independence), and these densities cancel. The UMP test from case 1, which rejects when \(|X_1 | \le C\), is UMP in this situation as well.

Case 3. As in case 2, consider \(a_1 = 1\) and \(a_i = 0\) if \(i > 1\), but now allow \(\Sigma \) to be an arbitrary covariance matrix. By transforming X to Y as in Case 3 of Example 3.9.2, the result follows (Problem 3.71).

Case 4. Now, consider arbitrary \((a_1 , \ldots , a_k )\) satisfying \(a^\top \Sigma a > 0\). As in case 4 of Example 3.9.2, transform X to Z and the result follows (Problem 3.71).

10 Problems

Section 3.2

Problem 3.1

Let \(X_1,\ldots , X_n\) be a sample from the normal distribution \(N(\xi ,\sigma ^2)\).

  1. (i)

    If \(\sigma =\sigma _0\) (known), there exists a UMP test for testing \(H:\xi \le \xi _0\) against \(\xi >\xi _0\), which rejects when \(\sum (X_i-\xi _0)\) is too large.

  2. (ii)

    If \(\xi =\xi _0\) (known), there exists a UMP test for testing \(H:\sigma \le \sigma _0\) against \(K:\sigma >\sigma _0\), which rejects when \(\sum (X_i-\xi _0)^2\) is too large.

Problem 3.2

UMP test for \(U(0,\theta )\). Let \(X=(X_1,\ldots , X_n)\) be a sample from the uniform distribution on \((0,\theta )\).

  1. (i)

    For testing \(H:\theta \le \theta _0\) against \(K:\theta >\theta _0\) any test is UMP at level \(\alpha \) for which \(E_{\theta _0}\phi (X)=\alpha \), \(E_\theta \phi (X)\le \alpha \) for \(\theta \le \theta _0\), and \(\phi (x)=1\) when \(\max (x_1,\ldots ,x_n)>\theta _0\).

  2. (ii)

    For testing \(H:\theta =\theta _0\) against \(K:\theta \ne \theta _0\) a unique UMP test exists, and is given by \(\phi (x)=1\) when \(\max (x_1,\ldots ,x_n)>\theta _0\) or \(\max (x_1,\ldots ,x_n)\le \theta _0 \root n \of {\alpha }\), and \(\phi (x)=0\) otherwise.

[(i): For each \(\theta >\theta _0\) determine the ordering established by \(r(x)=p_\theta (x)/p_{\theta _0}(x)\) and use the fact that many points are equivalent under this ordering.

(ii): Determine the UMP tests for testing \(\theta =\theta _0\) against \(\theta <\theta _0\) and combine this result with that of part (i).]

Problem 3.3

Suppose N i.i.d. random variables are generated from the same known strictly increasing absolutely continuous cdf \(F(\cdot )\). We are told only X, the maximum of these random variables. Is there a UMP size \(\alpha \) test of

$$H_0: N\le 5 \;\; \hbox {versus}\;\; H_1: N>5?$$

If so, find it.

Problem 3.4

UMP test for exponential densities. Let \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) be a sample from the exponential distribution E(ab) of Problem 1.18, and let \(X_{(1)}=\min (X_1,\ldots ,X_n)\).

  1. (i)

    Determine the UMP test for testing \(H:a=a_0\) against \(K:a\ne a_0\) when b is assumed known.

  2. (ii)

    The power of any MP level-\(\alpha \) test of \(H:a=a_0\) against \(K:a=a_1<a_0\) is given by

    $$ \beta ^*(a_1)=1-(1-\alpha )e^{-n(a_0-a_1)/b}. $$
  3. (iii)

    For the problem of part (i), when b is unknown, the power of any level \(\alpha \) test which rejects when

    $$ \frac{X_{(1)}-a_0}{\sum [X_i-X_{(1)}]}\le C_1\mathrm{~or~}\ge C_2 $$

    against any alternative \((a_1,b)\) with \(a_1<a_0\) is equal to \(\beta ^*(a_1)\) of part (ii) (independent of the particular choice of \(C_1\) and \(C_2)\).

  4. (iv)

    The test of part (iii) is a UMP level-\(\alpha \) test of \(H:a=a_0\) against \(K:a\ne a_0\) (b unknown).

  5. (v)

    Determine the UMP test for testing \(H:a=a_0,b=b_0\) against the alternatives \(a<a_0,b<b_0\).

  6. (vi)

    Explain the (very unusual) existence in this case of a UMP test in the presence of a nuisance parameter [part(iv)] and for a hypothesis specifying two parameters [part(v)].

[(i) The variables \(Y_i=e^{-X_i/b}\) are a sample from the uniform distribution on \((0,e^{-a/b})\).]

Note. For more general versions of parts (ii)–(iv),  see Takeuchi (1969) and Kabe and Laurent (1981).

Problem 3.5

In the proof of Theorem 3.2.1(i), consider the set of c satisfying \(\alpha (c) \le \alpha \le \alpha (c-0)\). If there is only one such c, c is unique; otherwise, there is an interval of such values \([c_1 , c_2 ]\). Argue that, in this case, if \(\alpha (c)\) is continuous at \(c_2\), then \(P_i ( C) = 0\) for \(i=0,1\), where

$$ C=\left\{ x:p_0(x)>0\mathrm{~and~}c_1<\frac{p_1(x)}{p_0(x)}\le c_2\right\} ~. $$

If \(\alpha (c)\) is not continuous at \(c_2\), then the result is false.

Problem 3.6

Let \(P_0,P_1,P_2\) be the probability distributions assigning to the integers \(1,\dots ,6\) the following probabilities:





























Determine whether there exists a level-\(\alpha \) test of \(H:P=P_0\) which is UMP against the alternatives \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) when (i) \(\alpha =0.01\); (ii) \(\alpha =0.05\); (iii) \(\alpha =0.07\).

Problem 3.7

Let the distribution of X be given by






\(P_\theta (X = x)\)

\(\theta \)

\(2\theta \)

\(0.9-2\theta \)

\(0.1-\theta \)

where \(0< \theta <0.1\). For testing \(H:\theta =0.05\) against \(\theta >0.05\) at level \(\alpha =0.05\), determine which of the following tests (if any) is UMP:

  1. (i)

    \(\phi (0)= 1,\phi (1)=\phi (2)=\phi (3)=0\);

  2. (ii)

    \(\phi (1)=0.5,\phi (0)=\phi (2)=\phi (3)=0\);

  3. (iii)

    \(\phi (3)= 1,\phi (0)=\phi (1)=\phi (2)=0\).

Problem 3.8

A random variable X has the Pareto distribution \(P(c, \tau )\) if its density is \(c\tau ^c/x^{c+1},0<\tau<x,0<C\).

  1. (i)

    Show that this defines a probability density.

  2. (ii)

    If X has distribution \(P(c,\tau )\), then \(Y =\log X\) has exponential distribution \(E(\xi ,b)\) with \(\xi =\log \tau \), \(b=1/c\).

  3. (iii)

    If \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) is a sample from \(P(c,\tau )\), use (ii) and Problem 3.4 to obtain UMP tests of (a) \(H:\tau =\tau _0\) against \(\tau \ne \tau _0\) when b is known; (b) \(H:c=c_0\), \(\tau =\tau \) against \(c>c_0\), \(\tau <\tau _0\).

Problem 3.9

Let X be distributed according to \(P_\theta ,\theta \in \Omega \), and let T be sufficient for \(\theta \). If \(\varphi (X)\) is any test of a hypothesis concerning \(\theta \), then \(\psi (T)\) given by \(\psi (t)=E[\varphi (X)\mid t]\) is a test depending on T only, and its power function is identical with that of \(\varphi (X)\).

Problem 3.10

In the notation of Section 3.2, consider the problem of testing \(H_0:P=P_0\) against \(H_1:P=P_1\), and suppose that known probabilities \(\pi _0= \pi \) and \(\pi _1=1-\pi \) can be assigned to \(H_0\) and \(H_1\) prior to the experiment.

  1. (i)

    The overall probability of an error resulting from the use of a test \(\varphi \) is

    $$ \pi E_0 \varphi (X)+(1-\pi )E_1[1-\varphi (X)]. $$
  2. (ii)

    The Bayes test minimizing this probability is given by (3.8) with \(k = \pi _0/\pi _1\).

  3. (iii)

    The conditional probability of \(H_i\) given \(X = x\), the posterior probability  of \(H_i\) is

    $$ \frac{\pi _ip_i(x)}{\pi _0p_0(x)+\pi _1p_1(x)}, $$

    and the Bayes test therefore decides in favor of the hypothesis with the larger posterior probability.

Problem 3.11

  1. (i)

    For testing \(H_0 :\theta = 0\) against \(H_1 :\theta =\theta _1\) when X is \(N(\theta , 1)\), given any \(0<\alpha < 1\) and any \(0< \pi < 1\) (in the notation of the preceding problem), there exists \(\theta _1\) and x such that (a) \(H_0\) is rejected when \(X = x\) but (b) \(P(H_0\mid x)\) is arbitrarily close to 1.

  2. (ii)

    The paradox of part (i) is due to the fact that \(\alpha \) is held constant while the power against \(\theta _1\) is permitted to get arbitrarily close to 1. The paradox disappears if \(\alpha \) is determined so that the probabilities of type I and type II error are equal [but see Berger and Sellke (1987)].

[For a discussion of such paradoxes, see  Lindley (1957), Bartlett (1957), Schafer (1982, 1988) and Robert (1993).]

Problem 3.12

Let \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) be independently distributed, each uniformly over the integers \(1,2,\ldots , \theta \). Determine whether there exists a UMP test for testing \(H:\theta =\theta _0\), at level \(1/\theta ^n_0\) against the alternatives (i) \(\theta >\theta _0\); (ii) \(\theta <\theta _0\); (iii) \(\theta \ne \theta _0\).

Problem 3.13

The following example shows that the power of a test can sometimes be increased by selecting a random rather than a fixed sample size even when the randomization does not depend on the observations. Let \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) be independently distributed as \(N(\theta ,1)\), and consider the problem of testing \(H:\theta =0\) against \(K:\theta =\theta _1>0\).

  1. (i)

    The power of the most powerful test as a function of the sample size n is not necessarily concave.

  2. (ii)

    In particular for \(\alpha =0.005,\theta _1=\frac{1}{2}\), better power is obtained by taking 2 or 16 observations with probability \(\frac{1}{2}\) each than by taking a fixed sample of 9 observations.

  3. (iii)

    The power can be increased further if the test is permitted to have different significance levels \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\) for the two sample sizes and it is required only that the expected significance level be equal to \(\alpha =0.005.\) Examples are: (a) with probability \(\frac{1}{2}\) take \(n_1=2\) observations and perform the test of significance at level \(\alpha _1=0.001\), or take \(n_2=16\) observations and perform the test at level \(\alpha _2=0.009\); (b) with probability \(\frac{1}{2}\) take \(n_1=0\) or \(n_2=18\) observations and let the respective significance levels be \(\alpha _1=0,\alpha _2=0.01\).

Note. This and related examples were discussed by Kruskal in a seminar held at Columbia University in 1954. A more detailed investigation of the phenomenon has been undertaken by Cohen (1958).

Problem 3.14

If the sample space \(\mathcal X\) is Euclidean and \(P_0\), \(P_1\) have densities with respect to Lebesgue measure, there exists a nonrandomized most powerful test for testing \(P_0\) against \(P_1\) at every significance level \(\alpha \).Footnote 13 [This is a consequence of Theorem 3.2.1 and the following lemma.Footnote 14 Let \(f\ge 0\) and \(\int _Af(x)\,dx=a\). Given any \(0\le b\le a\), there exists a subset B of A such that \(\int _Bf(x)\,dx=b.\)]

Problem 3.15

Fully informative statistics. A statistic T is fully informative if for every decision problem the decision procedures based only on T form an essentially complete class. If \({\mathcal {P}}\) is dominated and T is fully informative, then T is sufficient. [Consider any pair of distributions \(P_0\), \(P_1\in \mathcal P\) with densities \(p_0\), \(p_1\), and let \(g_i=p_i/(p_0+p_1)\). Suppose that T is fully informative, and let \(\mathcal A_0\) be the subfield induced by T. Then \(\mathcal A_0\) contains the subfield induced by \((g_0,g_1)\) since it contains every rejection which is unique most powerful for testing \(P_0\) against \(P_1\) (or \(P_1\) against \(P_0\)) at some level \(\alpha \). Therefore, T is sufficient for every pair of distributions \((P_0,P_1)\), and hence by Problem 2.11 it is sufficient for \(\mathcal P\).]

Problem 3.16

Based on X with distribution indexed by \(\theta \in \Omega \), the problem is to test \(\theta \in \omega \) versus \( \theta \in \omega '\). Suppose there exists a test \(\phi \) such that \(E_{\theta } [ \phi (X) ] \le \beta \) for all \(\theta \) in \(\omega \), where \(\beta < \alpha \). Show there exists a level \(\alpha \) test \(\phi ^*(X)\) such that

$$ E_{\theta } [ \phi (X) ] \le E_{\theta } [\phi ^*(X) ]~, $$

for all \(\theta \) in \(\omega '\) and this inequality is strict if \(E_{\theta } [\phi (X)] < 1\).

Problem 3.17

A counterexample. Typically, as \(\alpha \) varies the most powerful level \(\alpha \) tests for testing a hypothesis H against a simple alternative are nested in the sense that the associated rejection regions, say \(R_\alpha \), satisfy \(R_\alpha \subseteq R_{\alpha '}\), for any \(\alpha <\alpha '\). Even if the most powerful tests are nonrandomized, this may be false. Suppose X takes values 1, 2, and 3 with probabilities 0.85, 0.1, and 0.05 under H and probabilities 0.7, 0.2, and 0.1 under K respectively.

(i) At any level \(< 0.15\), the MP test is not unique.

(ii) At \(\alpha = 0.05\) and \(\alpha ' = 0.1\), there exist unique nonrandomized MP tests and they are not nested.

(iii) At these levels there exist MP tests \(\phi \) and \(\phi '\) that are nested in the sense that \(\phi (x) \le \phi ' (x)\) for all x. [This example appears as Example 10.16 in Romano and Siegel (1986).]

Problem 3.18

Under the setup of Theorem 3.2.1, show that there always exist MP tests that are nested in the sense of Problem 3.17(iii).

Problem 3.19

Suppose \(X_1 , \ldots , X_n\) are i.i.d. \(N ( \xi , \sigma ^2 )\) with \(\sigma \) known. For testing \(\xi = 0\) versus \(\xi \ne 0\), the average power of a test \(\phi = \phi (X_1 , \ldots , X_n )\) is given by

$$\int _{- \infty }^{\infty } E_{\xi } ( \phi ) d \Lambda ( \xi )~,$$

where \(\Lambda \) is a probability distribution on the real line. Suppose that \(\Lambda \) is symmetric about 0; that is, \(\Lambda \{ E \} = \Lambda \{ -E \}\) for all Borel sets E. Show that, among \(\alpha \) level tests, the one maximizing average power rejects for large values of \(| \sum _i X_i |\). Show that this test need not maximize average power if \(\Lambda \) is not symmetric.

Problem 3.20

Let \(f_{\theta }\), \(\theta \in \Omega \), denote a family of densities with respect to a measure \(\mu \). (We assume \(\Omega \) is endowed with a \(\sigma \)-field so that the densities \(f_{\theta } (x)\) are jointly measurable in \(\theta \) and x.) Consider the problem of testing a simple null hypothesis \(\theta = \theta _0\) against the composite alternatives \(\Omega _K = \{ \theta :~\theta \ne \theta _0 \}\). Let \(\Lambda \) be a probability distribution on \(\Omega _K\).

(i) As explicitly as possible, find a test \(\phi \) that maximizes \(\int _{\Omega _K} E_{\theta } (\phi ) d \Lambda (\theta )\), subject to it being level \(\alpha \).

(ii) Let \(h(x) = \int f_{\theta } (x) d \Lambda ( \theta )\). Consider the nonrandomized \(\phi \) test that rejects if and only if \(h(x)/ f_{\theta _0} (x) > k\), and suppose \(\mu \{ x:~ h(x) = k f_{\theta } (x) \} = 0\). Then, \(\phi \) is admissible at level \(\alpha = E_{\theta _0} ( \phi )\) in the sense that it is impossible that there exists another level \(\alpha \) test \(\phi '\) such that \(E_{\theta } ( \phi ' ) \ge E_{\theta } ( \phi )\) for all \(\theta \).

(iii) Show that the test of Problem 3.19 is admissible.

Section 3.3

Problem 3.21

In Example 3.21, show that p-value is indeed given by \(\hat{p} = \hat{p} (X) = (11-X)/10\). Also, graph the c.d.f. of \(\hat{p}\) under H and show that the last inequality in (3.15) is an equality if and only if u is of the form \(0 , \ldots , 10\).

Problem 3.22

Suppose X has a continuous distribution function F. Show that F(X) is uniformly distributed on (0, 1). [The transformation from X to F(X) is known as the probability integral transformation.]

Problem 3.23

(i) Show that if Y is any random variable with c.d.f. \(G ( \cdot )\), then

$$P \{ G( Y) \le u \} \le u~~~\mathrm{for~all~} 0 \le u \le 1~.$$

If \(G^- (t) = P \{ Y < t \}\), then show

$$P \{ 1-G^- ( Y) \le u \} \le u~~~\mathrm{for~all~} 0 \le u \le 1~.$$

(ii) In Example 3.3.3, show that \( F_{\theta _0} (T)\) and \( 1 - F^-_{\theta _0} (T)\) are both valid p-values, in the sense that (3.13) holds.

Problem 3.24

Under the setup of Lemma 3.3.1, suppose the rejection regions are defined by

$$\begin{aligned} R_{\alpha } = \{ X: T(X) \ge k( \alpha ) \} \end{aligned}$$

for some real-valued statistic T(X) and \(k ( \alpha )\) satisfying

$$\sup _{\theta \in \Omega _H} P_{\theta } \{ T(X) \ge k ( \alpha ) \} = \alpha ~.$$

Then, show

$$\hat{p} = \sup _{\theta \in \Omega _H} P \{ T(X) \ge t \}~,$$

where t is the observed value of T(X).

Problem 3.25

Under the setup of Lemma 3.3.1, show that there exists a real-valued statistic T(X) so that the rejection region is necessarily of the form (3.47). [Hint: Let \(T(X) = - \hat{p}\).]

Problem 3.26

(i) If \(\hat{p}\) is uniform on (0, 1), show that \(-2 \log ( \hat{p})\) has the Chi-squared distribution with 2 degrees of freedom.

(ii) Suppose \(\hat{p}_1 , \ldots , \hat{p}_s\) are i.i.d. uniform on (0, 1). Let \(F = -2 \log ( \hat{p}_1 \cdots \hat{p}_s )\). Argue that F has the Chi-squared distribution with 2s degrees of freedom. What can you say about F if the \(\hat{p}_i\) are independent and satisfy \(P \{ \hat{p}_i \le u \} \le u\) for all \(0 \le u \le 1\)? [Fisher (1934a) proposed F as a means of combining p-values from independent experiments .]

Section 3.4

Problem 3.27

Let X be the number of successes in n independent trials with probability p of success, and let \(\phi (x)\) be the UMP test (3.16) for testing \(p\le p_0\) against \(p>p_0\) at the level of significance \(\alpha \).

  1. (i)

    For \(n=6\), \(p_0=0.25\) and the levels \(\alpha =0.05\), 0.1, 0.2 determine C and \(\gamma \), and the power of the test against \(p_1=0.3\), 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7.

  2. (ii)

    If \(p_0=0.2\) and \(\alpha =0.05\), and it is desired to have power \(\beta \ge 0.9\) against \(p_1=0.4\), determine the necessary sample size (a) by using tables of the binomial distribution, (b) by using the normal approximation.Footnote 15

  3. (iii)

    Use the normal approximation to determine the sample size required when \(\alpha =0.05\), \(\beta =0.9\), \(p_0=0.01\), \(p_1=0.02\).

Problem 3.28

  1. (i)

    A necessary and sufficient condition for densities \(p_\theta (x)\) to have monotone likelihood ratio in x, if the mixed second derivative \(\partial ^2\log p_\theta (x)/\partial \theta \,\partial x\) exists, is that this derivative is \(\ge 0\) for all \(\theta \) and x.

  2. (ii)

    An equivalent condition is that

    $$ p_\theta (x)\frac{\partial ^2p_\theta (x)}{\partial \theta \,\partial x}\ge \frac{\partial p_\theta (x)}{\partial \theta }~\frac{\partial p_\theta (x)}{\partial x}\qquad \mathrm{for~all~}\theta \mathrm{~and~}x. $$

Problem 3.29

Let the probability density \(p_\theta \) of X have monotone likelihood ratio in T(x), and consider the problem of testing \(H:\theta \le \theta _0\) against \(\theta >\theta _0\). If the distribution of T is continuous, the p-value\(\hat{p}\) of the UMP test is given by \(\hat{p} =P_{\theta _0}\{T\ge t\}\), where t is the observed value of T. This holds also without the assumption of continuity if for randomized tests \(\hat{p}\) is defined as the smallest significance level at which the hypothesis is rejected with probability 1. Show that, for any \(\theta \le \theta _0\), \(P_{\theta } \{ \hat{p} \le u \} \le u\) for any \(0 \le u \le 1\).

Problem 3.30

Let \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) be independently distributed with density \((2\theta )^{-1}e^{-x/2\theta },x\ge 0\), and let \(Y_1\le \cdots \le Y_n\) be the ordered X’s. Assume that \(Y_1\) becomes available first, then \(Y_2\), and so on, and that observation is continued until \(Y_r\) has been observed. On the basis of \(Y_1,\ldots ,Y_r\) it is desired to test \(H:\theta \ge \theta _0=1000\) at level \(\alpha =0.05\) against \(\theta <\theta _0\).

  1. (i)

    Determine the rejection region when \(r=4\), and find the power of the test against \(\theta _1=500\).

  2. (ii)

    Find the value of r required to get power \(\beta \ge 0.95\) against the alternative.

[In Problem 2.15 the distribution of \([\sum ^r_{i=1}Y_i+(n-r)Y_r]/\theta \) was found to be \(\chi ^2\) with 2r degrees of freedom.]

Problem 3.31

When a Poisson process with rate \(\lambda \) is observed for a time interval of length \(\tau \), the number X of events occurring has the Poisson distribution \(P(\lambda \tau )\). Under an alternative scheme, the process is observed until r events have occurred, and the time T of observation is then a random variable such that \(2\lambda T\) has a \(\chi ^2\)-distribution with 2r degrees of freedom. For testing \(H:\lambda \le \lambda _0\) at level \(\alpha \) one can, under either design, obtain a specified power \(\beta \) against an alternative \(\lambda _1\) by choosing \(\tau \) and r sufficiently large.

  1. (i)

    The ratio of the time of observation required for this purpose under the first design to the expected time required under the second is \(\lambda \tau /r\).

  2. (ii)

    Determine for which values of \(\lambda \) each of the two designs is preferable when \(\lambda _0=1,\lambda _1=2,\alpha =0.05,\beta =9\).

Problem 3.32

Let \(X=(X_1,\ldots ,X_n)\) be a sample from the uniform distribution \(U(\theta ,\theta +1)\).

  1. (i)

    For testing \(H:\theta \le \theta _0\) against \(K:\theta >\theta _0\) at level \(\alpha \), there exists a UMP test which rejects when \(\min (X_1,\ldots ,X_n)>\theta _0+C(\alpha )\) or \(\max (X_1,\ldots ,X_n)>\theta _0+1\) for suitable \(C(\alpha )\).

  2. (ii)

    The family \(U(\theta ,\theta +1)\) does not have monotone likelihood ratio. [Additional results for this family are given in Birnbaum (1954b) and Pratt (1958).]

[(ii) By Theorem 3.4.1, monotone likelihood ratio implies that the family of UMP test of \(H:\theta \le \theta _0\) against \(K:\theta >\theta _0\) generated as \(\alpha \) varies from 0 to 1 is independent of \(\theta _0\).]

Problem 3.33

Let X be a single observation from the Cauchy density given at the end of Section 3.4.

  1. (i)

    Show that no UMP test exists for testing \(\theta =0\) against \(\theta >0\).

  2. (ii)

    Determine the totality of different shapes the MP level-\(\alpha \) rejection region for testing \(\theta =\theta _0\) against \(\theta =\theta _1\) can take on for varying \(\alpha \) and \(\theta _1-\theta _0\).

Problem 3.34

Let \(X_i\) be independently distributed as \(N(i\Delta ,1)\), \(i=1,\ldots ,n\). Show that there exists a UMP test of \(H:\Delta \le 0\) against \(K:\Delta >0\), and determine it as explicitly as possible.

Problem 3.35

Suppose a time series \(X_0 , X_1 , X_2, \ldots \) evolves in the following way. The process starts at 0, so \(X_0 = 0\). For any \(i \ge 1\), conditional on \(X_0 , \ldots , X_{i-1}\), \(X_i = \rho X_{i-1} + \epsilon _i\), where the \(\epsilon _i\) are i.i.d. standard normal. You observe \(X_0 , X_1 , X_2 , \ldots , X_n\). For testing the null hypothesis \(\rho = 0 \) versus a fixed alternative \(\rho = \rho ' > 0\), determine a MP level \(\alpha \) test. Determine whether or not there exists a uniformly most powerful test against all \(\rho > 0\).

Note. The following problems (and some in later chapters) refer to the gamma, Pareto, Weibull, and inverse Gaussian distributions. For more information about these distributions, see Chapters 17, 19, 20, and 25 respectively of Johnson and Kotz (1970).

Problem 3.36

Let \(X_1,\ldots , X_n\) be a sample from the gamma distribution\(\Gamma (g, b)\) with density

$$ \frac{1}{\Gamma (g)b^g}x^{g-1}e^{-x/b},\qquad 0<x,\quad 0<b,g. $$

Show that there exists a UMP test for testing

  1. (i)

    \(H: b \le b_0\) against \(b > b_0\) when g is known;

  2. (ii)

    \(H :g \le g_0\) against \(g > g_0\) when b is known.

In each case give the form of the rejection region.

Problem 3.37

A random variable X has the Weibull distribution W(bc) if its density is

$$ \frac{c}{b}\left( \frac{x}{b}\right) ^{c-1}e^{-(x/b)^c},\qquad x>0, b,c>0. $$

Show that this defines a probability density. If \(X_1,\ldots , X_n\) is a sample from W(bc), with the shape parameter c known, show that there exists a UMP test of \(H: b \le b_0\) against \(b > b_0\) and give its form.

Problem 3.38

Consider a single observation X from W(1, c).

  1. (i)

    The family of distributions does not have a monotone likelihood ratio in x.

  2. (ii)

    The most powerful test of \(H: c = 1\) against \(c = 2\) rejects when \(X < k_1\) and when \(X>k_ 2\). Show how to determine \(k_1\) and \(k_2\).

  3. (iii)

    Generalize (ii) to arbitrary alternatives \(c_1 > 1\), and show that a UMP test of \(H: c = 1\) against \(c > 1\) does not exist.

  4. (iv)

    For any \(c_1>1\), the power function of the MP test of \(H: c = 1\) against \(c = c_1\) is an increasing function of c.

Problem 3.39

Let \(X_1,\ldots , X_n\) be a sample from the inverse Gaussian distribution \(I(\mu , \tau )\) with density

$$ \sqrt{\tau \over 2\pi x^3}\exp \left( -\frac{\tau }{2x\mu ^2}(x-\mu )^2\right) ,\qquad x>0, \quad \tau ,\mu >0. $$

Show that there exists a UMP test for testing

  1. (i)

    \(H:\mu \le \mu _0\) against \(\mu > \mu _0\) when \(\tau \) is known;

  2. (ii)

    \(H:\tau \le \tau _0\) against \(\tau >\tau _0\) when \(\mu \) is known.

    In each case give the form of the rejection region.

  3. (iii)

    The distribution of \(V = r(X_i-\mu )^2/X_i\mu ^2\) is \(\chi _1^2\) and hence that of \(\tau \sum [( X_i - \mu )^2/X_i\mu ^2]\) is \(\chi _n^2\).

[Let \(Y=\min (X_i,\mu ^2/X_i)\), \(Z=\tau (Y-\mu )^2/\mu ^2Y\). Then \(Z=V\) and Z is \(\chi _1^2\) [Shuster (1968)].] Note. The UMP test for (ii) is discussed  in Chhikara and Folks (1976).

Problem 3.40

Let \(X_1 , \cdots , X_n\) be a sample from a location family with common density \(f ( x - \theta )\), where the location parameter \(\theta \in \mathbf{R}\) and \(f( \cdot )\) is known. Consider testing the null hypothesis that \(\theta = \theta _0\) versus an alternative \(\theta = \theta _1\) for some \(\theta _1 > \theta _0\). Suppose there exists a most powerful level \(\alpha \) test of the form: reject the null hypothesis iff \(T = T(X_1 , \cdots , X_n ) > C\), where C is a constant and \(T(X_1 , \ldots , X_n )\) is location equivariant, i.e., \(T( X_1 +c , \ldots , X_n +c ) = T(X_1 , \ldots , X_n ) +c\) for all constants c. Is the test also most powerful level \(\alpha \) for testing the null hypothesis \(\theta \le \theta _0\) against the alternative \(\theta = \theta _1\). Prove or give a counterexample.

Problem 3.41

Extension of Lemma 3.4.2. Let \(P_0\) and \(P_1\) be two distributions with densities \(p_0,p_1\) such that \(p_1(x)/p_0(x)\) is a nondecreasing function of a real-valued statistic T(x).

  1. (i)

    If \(T = T(X)\) has probability density \(p'_i\) when the original distribution of X is \(P_i\), then \(p'_1(t)/p'_0(t)\) is nondecreasing in t.

  2. (ii)

    \(E_0\psi (T)\le E_1\psi (T)\) for any nondecreasing function \(\psi \).

  3. (iii)

    If \(p_1(x)/p_0(x)\) is a strictly increasing function of \(t=T(x)\), so is \(p'_1(t)/p'_0(t)\), and \(E_0\psi (T)<E_1\psi (T)\) unless \(\psi [T(x)]\) is constant a.e. \((P_0+P_1)\mathrm{~or~}E_0\psi (T)=E_1\psi (T)=\pm ~\infty \).

  4. (iv)

    For any distinct distributions with densities \(p_0,p_1\),

    $$ -\infty \le E_0\log \left[ \frac{p_1(X)}{p_0(X)}\right] <E_1\log \left[ \frac{p_1(X)}{p_0(X)}\right] \le \infty . $$

    [(i): Without loss of generality suppose that \(p_1(x)/p_0(x)=T(x)\). Then for any integrable \(\phi \),

    $$ \int \phi (t)p'_1(t)\,dv(t)=\int \phi [T(x)]T(x)p_0(x)\,d\mu (x)= \int \phi (t)tp'_0(t)\,dv(t), $$

    and hence \(p_1'(t)/p'_0(t)=t\) a.e. (iv): The possibility \(E_0\log [p_1(X)/p_0(X)]=\infty \) is excluded, since by the convexity of the function log,

    $$ E_0\log \left[ \frac{p_1(X)}{p_0(X)}\right] <\log E_0\left[ \frac{p_1(X)}{p_0(X)}\right] =0. $$

    Similarly for \(E_1\). The strict inequality now follows from (iii) with \(T(x)=p_1(x)/p_0(x)\).]

Problem 3.42

\(F_0,F_1\) are two cumulative distribution functions on the real line, then \(F_i(x)\le F_0(x)\) for all x if and only if \(E_0\psi (X)\le E_1\psi (X)\) for any nondecreasing function \(\psi \).

Problem 3.43

Let F and G be two continuous, strictly increasing c.d.f.s, and let \(k (u) = G [ F^{-1} (u)]\), \(0< u<1\).

(i) Show F and G are stochastically ordered, say \(F(x) \le G(x)\) for all x, if and only if \(k(u) \le u\) for all \(0< u < 1\).

(ii) If F and G have densities f and g, then show they are monotone likelihood ratio ordered, say g/f nondecreasing, if and only if k is convex.

(iii) Use (i) and (ii) to give an alternative proof of the fact that MLR implies stochastic ordering.

Problem 3.44

Let \(f(x)/[1- F(x)]\) be the “mortality” of a subject at time x given that it has survived to this time. A c.d.f. F is said to be smaller than G in the hazard ordering if

$$\begin{aligned} {{g(x)} \over {1 - G(x)}} \le {{ f(x)} \over {1- F(x)}}~~~~ \mathrm{for~all~}x~. \end{aligned}$$

(i) Show that (3.48) is equivalent to

$$\begin{aligned} {{1 - F(x)} \over {1- G(x)}}~~~\mathrm{is~nonincreasing}. \end{aligned}$$

(ii) Show that (3.48) holds if and only if k is starshaped. [A function k defined on an interval \(I \subseteq [0, \infty )\) is starshaped on I if \(k ( \lambda x ) \le \lambda k (x)\) whenever \(x \in I\), \(\lambda x \in I\), \(0 \le \lambda \le 1\). Problems 3.43 and 3.44 are based on Lehmann and Rojo (1992).]

Section 3.5

Problem 3.45

Typically, lower confidence bounds \(\underline{\theta }(X)\) satisfying (3.21) also satisfy

$$ P_{\theta }\{\underline{\theta }(X) < \theta \}\ge 1-\alpha \qquad \mathrm{for~all~}\theta ~ $$

so that \(\theta \) is strictly greater than \(\underline{\theta }(X)\) with probability \(\ge 1- \alpha \). A similar issue of course also applies to upper confidence bounds. Investigate conditions where one can claim the endpoints are open endpoints. What happens in Example 3.5.2 for both the uniformly most accurate upper confidence bound, as well as the Clopper-Pearson solution?

Problem 3.46

In Example 3.5.2, what is an explicit formula for the uniformly most accurate upper bound at level \(1- \alpha \) when \(X = 0\) and \(U = u\)? Compare it to the Clopper-Pearson bound in the same situation.

Problem 3.47

  1. (i)

    For \(n=5,10\) and \(1-\alpha =0.95\), graph the upper confidence limits \(\bar{p}\) and \(\bar{p}^*\) of Example 3.5.2 as functions of \(t=x+u\).

  2. (ii)

    For the same values of n and \(\alpha _1=\alpha _2=0.05\), graph the lower and upper confidence limits \(\underline{p}\) and \(\bar{p}\).

Problem 3.48

(i) Suppose \(U_1 , \ldots , U_n\) are i.i.d. U(0, 1) and let \(U_{(k)}\) denote the kth largest value (or kth order statistic). Find the density of \(U_{(k)}\) and show that

$$P \{ U_{(k)} \le p \} = \int _0^p \frac{ n!}{ (k-1)!(n-k)! } u^{k-1} (1-u)^{n-k} du~,$$

which in turn is equal to

$$\sum _{j=k}^n {n \atopwithdelims ()j} p^j (1- p )^{n-j}~.$$

(ii) Use (i) to show that, in Example 3.5.2 with \(0< x < n\), the Clopper-Pearson solution \(\hat{p}_U\) for an upper \(1- \alpha \) confidence bound for p can be expressed as the \(1- \alpha \) quantile of the Beta distribution with parameters \(x+1\) and \(n-x\).

Problem 3.49

Confidence bounds with minimum risk. Let \(L(\theta ,\underline{\theta })\) be nonnegative and nonincreasing in its second argument for \(\underline{\theta }<\theta \), and equal to 0 for \(\underline{\theta }\ge \theta \). If \(\underline{\theta }\) and \(\underline{\theta }^*\) are two lower confidence bounds for \(\theta \) such that

$$ P_0\{\underline{\theta }\le \theta '\}\le P_\theta \{\underline{\theta }^*\le \theta '\}\qquad \mathrm{for~all}\quad \theta '\le \theta , $$


$$ E_\theta L(\theta ,\underline{\theta })\le E_\theta L(\theta ,\underline{\theta }^*). $$

[Define two cumulative distribution functions F and \(F^*\) by \(F(u)=P_\theta \{\theta \le u\}/P_\theta \{\underline{\theta }^*\le \theta \}\), \(F^*(u)=P_\theta \{\underline{\theta }^*\le u\}/P_\theta \{\underline{\theta }^*\le \theta \}\) for \(u<\theta \), \(F(u)=F^*(u)=1\) for \(u\ge \theta \). Then \(F(u)\le F^*(u)\) for all u, and it follows from Problem 3.42 that

$$\begin{aligned} E_\theta [L(\theta ,\underline{\theta })]= & {} P_\theta \{\theta ^*\le \theta \}\int L(\theta ,u)dF(u) \\\le & {} P_\theta \{\underline{\theta }^*\le \theta \}\int L(\theta ,u)dF^*(u)=E_\theta [L(\theta ,\underline{\theta }^*)].] \end{aligned}$$

Section 3.6

Problem 3.50

If \(\beta (\theta )\) denotes the power function of the UMP test of Corollary 3.4.1, and if the function Q of (3.19) is differentiable, then \(\beta '(\theta )>0\) for all \(\theta \) for which \(Q'(\theta )>0\).

[To show that \(\beta '(\theta _0)>0\), consider the problem of maximizing, subject to \(E_{\theta _0}\phi (X)=\alpha \), the derivative \(\beta '(\theta _0)\) or equivalently the quantity \(E_{\theta _0}[T(X)~\phi (X)]\).]

Problem 3.51

Optimum selection procedures. On each member of a population n measurements \((X_1,\dots ,X_n)=X\) are taken, for example the scores of n aptitude tests which are administered to judge the qualifications of candidates for a certain training program. A future measurement Y such as the score in a final test at the end of the program is of interest but unavailable. The joint distribution of X and Y is assumed known.

  1. (i)

    One wishes to select a given proportion \(\alpha \) of the candidates in such a way as to maximize the expectation of Y for the selected group. This is achieved by selecting the candidates for which \(E(Y|x)\ge C\), where C is determined by the condition that the probability of a member being selected is \(\alpha \). When \(E(Y|x)=C\), it may be necessary to randomize in order to get the exact value \(\alpha \).

  2. (ii)

    If instead the problem is to maximize the probability with which in the selected population Y is greater than or equal to some preassigned score \(y_0\), one selects the candidates for which the conditional probability \(P\{Y\ge y_0|x\}\) is sufficiently large.

[(i): Let \(\phi (x)\) denote the probability with which a candidate with measurements x is to be selected. Then the problem is that of maximizing

$$ \int \left[ \int yp^{Y|x}(y)~\phi (x)dy\right] p^x(x)dx $$

subject to

$$ \int \phi (x)p^x(x)dx=\alpha .] $$

Problem 3.52

The following example shows that Corollary 3.6.1 does not extend to a countably infinite family of distributions. Let \(p_n\) be the uniform probability density on \([0,1+1/n]\), and \(p_0\) the uniform density on (0, 1).

  1. (i)

    Then \(p_0\) is linearly independent of \((p_1,p_2,\ldots ),\) that is, there do not exist constants \(c_1,c_2,\ldots \) such that \(p_0=\sum c_np_n\).

  2. (ii)

    There does not exist a test \(\phi \) such that \(\int \phi p_n=\alpha \mathrm{~for~}n=1,2,\ldots \) but \(\int \phi p_0>\alpha \).

Problem 3.53

Let \(F_1,\ldots ,F_{m+1}\) be real-valued functions defined over a space U. A sufficient condition for \(u_0\) to maximize \(F_{m+1}\) subject to \(F_i(u)\le c_i(i=1,\ldots ,m)\) is that it satisfies these side conditions, that it maximizes \(F_{m+1}(u)-\sum k_iF_i(u)\) for some constants \(k_i\ge 0\), and that \(F_i(u_o)=c_i\) for those values i for which \(k_i>0\).

Section 3.7

Problem 3.54

For a random variable X with binomial distribution b(pn), determine the constants \(C_i, \gamma \,(i=1,2)\) in the UMP test (3.33) for testing \(H:p\le 0.2\) or \(\le 0.7\) when \(\alpha =0.1\) and \(n=15\). Find the power of the test against the alternative \(p=0.4\).

Problem 3.55

Totally positive families. A family of distributions with probability densities \(p_\theta (x),\theta \) and x real-valued and varying over \(\Omega \) and \(\mathcal X\), respectively, is said to be totally positive of order \(r(\mathrm{TP}_r)\) if for all \(x_1<\cdots <x_n\) and \(\theta _1<\cdots <\theta _n\)

$$\begin{aligned} \triangle _n=\left| \begin{array}{lcl} p_{\theta _1}(x_1) &{} \cdots &{} p_{\theta _1}(x_n)\\ p_{\theta _n}(x_1) &{} \cdots &{} p_{\theta _n}(x_n)\end{array}\right| \ge 0 \qquad \mathrm{for~all}\quad n=1,2,\ldots ,r. \end{aligned}$$

It is said to be strictly totally positive of order r \((STP_r)\) if strict inequality holds in (3.50). The family is said to be (strictly) totally positive of infinity if (3.50) holds for all \(n=1,2,\ldots .\) These definitions apply not only to probability densities but to any real-valued functions \(p_\theta (x)\) of two real variables.

  1. (i)

    For \(r=1\), (3.50) states that \(p_\theta (x)\ge 0\); for \(r=2\), that \(p_\theta (x)\) has monotone likelihood ratio in x.

  2. (ii)

    If \(a(\theta )>0,b(x)>0\), and \(p_\theta (x)\mathrm{~is~}\mathrm{STP}_r\) then so is \(a(\theta )b(x)p_\theta (x)\).

  3. (iii)

    If a and b are real-valued functions mapping \(\Omega \) and \(\mathcal X\) onto \(\Omega '\) and \(\mathcal X'\) and are strictly monotone in the same direction, and if \(p_{\theta } (x)\) is \(\mathrm{STP}_r\), then \(p_{\theta '}(x')\) with \(\theta '=a^{-1}(\theta )\) and \(x'=b^{-1}(x)\) is \((STP)_r\) over \((\Omega ',\mathcal X')\).

Problem 3.56

Exponential families. The exponential family (3.19) with \(T(x)=x\) and \(Q(\theta )=\theta \mathrm{~is~STP}_\infty \), with \(\Omega \) the natural parameter space and \(\mathcal X=(-\infty ,\infty )\).

[That the determinant \(|e^{\theta _ix_j}|,i,j=1,\ldots ,n\), is positive can be proved by induction. Divide the ith column by \(e^{\theta _1x_i},i=1,\ldots ,n\); subtract in the resulting determinant the \((n-1)\)st column from the nth, the \((n-2)\)nd from the \((n-1)\)st, \(\ldots ,\) the 1st from the 2nd; and expand the determinant obtained in this way by the first row. Then \(\triangle _n\) is seen to have the same sign as

$$ \triangle '_n=|e^{\eta _ix_j}-e^{\eta _ix_j-1}|,\qquad i,j=2,\ldots ,n, $$

where \(\eta _i=\theta _i-\theta _1\). If this determinant is expanded by the first column, one obtains a sum of the form

$$\begin{aligned} a_2(e^{\eta _2x_2}-e^{\eta _2x_1})+\cdots +a_n(e^{\eta _nx_2}-e^{\eta _nx_1})= & {} h(x_2)-h(x_1)\\= & {} (x_2-x_1)h'(y_2), \end{aligned}$$

where \(x_1<y_2<x_2\). Rewriting \(h'(y_2)\) as a determinant of which all columns but the first coincide with those of \(\triangle '_n\) and proceeding in the same manner with the columns, one reduces the determinant to \(|e^{\eta _iy_j}|\), \(i,j=2,\ldots ,n\), which is positive by the induction hypothesis.]

Problem 3.57

\(\mathrm{STP_3}\). Let \(\theta \) and x be real-valued, and suppose that the probability densities \(p_\theta (x)\) are such that \(p_{\theta '}(x)/p_\theta (x)\) is strictly increasing in x for \(\theta <\theta '\). Then the following two conditions are equivalent: (a) For \(\theta _1<\theta _2<\theta _3\) and \(k_1,k_2,k_3>0\), let

$$ g(x)=k_1p_{\theta _1}(x)-k_2p_{\theta _2}(x)+k_3p_{\theta _3}(x). $$

If \(g(x_1)-g(x_3)=0\), then the function g is positive outside the interval \((x_1,x_3)\) and negative inside. (b) The determinant \(\triangle _3\) given by (3.50) is positive for all \(\theta _1<\theta _2<\theta _3\), \(x_1<x_2<x_3\). [It follows from (a) that the equation \(g(x)=0\) has at most two solutions.]

[That (b) implies (a) can be seen for \(x_1,<x_2<x_3\) by considering the determinant

$$ \left| \begin{array}{lcc} g(x_1)&{} g(x_2) &{} g(x_3)\\ p_{\theta _2}(x_1) &{} p_{\theta _2}(x_2) &{} p_{\theta _2}(x_3)\\ p_{\theta _3}(x_1) &{} p_{\theta _3}(x_2) &{} p_{\theta _3}(x_3)\end{array}\right| $$

Suppose conversely that (a) holds. Monotonicity of the likelihood ratios implies that the rank of \(\triangle _3\) is at least two, so that there exist constants \(k_1,k_2,k_3\) such that \(g(x_1)=g(x_3)=0\). That the k’s are positive follows again from the monotonicity of the likelihood ratios.]

Problem 3.58

Extension of Theorem 3.7.1. The conclusions of Theorem 3.7.1 remain valid if the density of a sufficient statistic T (which without loss of generality will be taken to be X), say \(p_\theta (x)\), is \(\mathrm{STP_3}\) and is continuous in x for each \(\theta \).

[The two properties of exponential families that are used in the proof of Theorem 3.7.1 are continuity in x and (a) of the preceding problem.]

Problem 3.59

For testing the hypothesis \(H':\theta _1\le \theta \le \theta _2(\theta _1\le \theta _2)\) against the alternatives \(\theta <\theta _1\mathrm{~or~}\theta >\theta _2\), or the hypothesis \(\theta =\theta _0\) against the alternatives \(\theta \ne \theta _0\), in an exponential family or more generally in a family of distributions satisfying the assumptions of Problem 3.58, a UMP test does not exist.

[This follows from a consideration of the UMP tests for the one-sided hypotheses \(H_1:\theta \ge \theta _1\mathrm{~and~}H_2:\theta \le \theta _2\).]

Problem 3.60

Let f, g be two probability densities with respect to \(\mu \). For testing the hypothesis \(H :\theta \le \theta _0\) or \(\theta \ge \theta _1 (0< \theta _0< \theta _1 < 1)\) against the alternatives \(\theta _0<\theta <\theta _1\), in the family \({\mathcal {P}}=\{\theta f(x)+(1-\theta )g(x),0\le \theta \le 1\}\), the test \(\varphi (x)\equiv \alpha \) is UMP at level \(\alpha \).

Section 3.8

Problem 3.61

Let the variables \(X_i(i=1,\ldots ,s)\) be independently distributed with Poisson distribution \(P(\lambda _i)\). For testing the hypothesis \(H:\sum \lambda _j\le a\) (for example, that the combined radioactivity of a number of pieces of radioactive material does not exceed a), there exists a UMP test, which rejects when \(\sum X_j>C\).

[If the joint distribution of the X’s is factored into the marginal distribution of \(\sum X_j\) (Poisson with mean \(\sum \lambda _j\)) times the conditional distribution of the variables \(Y_i=X_j/\sum X_j\) given \(\sum X_j\) (multinomial with probabilities \(p_i=\lambda _i/\sum \lambda _j\)), the argument is analogous to that given in Example 3.8.1.]

Problem 3.62

Confidence bounds for a median. Let \(X_1,\ldots ,X_n\) be a sample from a continuous cumulative distribution functions F. Let \(\xi \) be the unique median of F if it exists, or more generally let \(\xi =\inf \{\xi ':F(\xi ') \ge \frac{1}{2}\}\).

  1. (i)

    If the ordered X’s are \(X_{(1)}<\cdots <X_{(n)}\), a uniformly most accurate lower confidence bound for \(\xi \) is \(\underline{\xi }=X_{(k)}\) with probability \(\rho ,\underline{\xi }=X_{(k+1)}\) with probability \(1-\rho \), where k and \(\rho \) are determined by

    $$ \rho \sum ^n_{j=k}{n\atopwithdelims ()j}\frac{1}{2^n}+(1-\rho )\sum ^n_{j=k+1}{n\atopwithdelims ()j}\frac{1}{2^n}=1-\alpha . $$
  2. (ii)

    This bound has confidence coefficient \(1-\alpha \) for any median of F.

  3. (iii)

    Determine most accurate lower confidence bounds for the 100p-percentile \(\xi \) of F defined by \(\xi = \inf \{\xi ':F(\xi ')=p\}\).

[For fixed \(\xi _0\), the problem of testing \(H: \xi =\xi _0\) to against \(K: \xi >\xi _0\) is equivalent to testing \(H': p =\frac{1}{2}\) against \(K': p <\frac{1}{2}\).]

Problem 3.63

A counterexample. Typically, as \(\alpha \) varies, the most powerful level \(\alpha \) tests for testing a hypothesis H against a simple alternative are nested in the sense that the associated rejection regions, say \(R_\alpha \), satisfy \(R_\alpha \subseteq R_{\alpha '}\), for any \(\alpha <\alpha '\). The following example shows that this need not be satisfied for composite H. Let X take on the values 1, 2, 3, 4 with probabilities under distributions \(P_0,P_1,Q\):





















Then the most powerful test for testing the hypothesis that the distribution of X is \(P_0\) or \(P_1\) against the alternative that it is Q rejects at level \(\alpha =\frac{5}{13}\) when \(X=1\mathrm{~or~}3\), and at level \(\alpha =\frac{6}{13}\) when \(X=1\) or 2.

Problem 3.64

Let X and Y be the number of successes in two sets of n binomial trials with probabilities \(p_1\) and \(p_2\) of success.

  1. (i)

    The most powerful test of the hypothesis \(H:p_2\le p_1\) against an alternative \((p'_1,p'_2)\) with \(p'_1<p'_2\) and \(p'_1+p'_2=1\) at level \(\alpha <\frac{1}{2}\) rejects when \(Y-X>C\) and with probability \(\gamma \) when \({Y-X=C}\).

  2. (ii)

    This test is not UMP against the alternatives \(p_1<p_2\).

[(i): Take the distribution \(\Lambda \) assigning probability 1 to the point \(p_1=p_2=\frac{1}{2}\) as an a priori distribution over H. The most powerful test against \((p'_1,p'_2)\) is then the one proposed above. To see that \(\Lambda \) is least favorable, consider the probability of rejection \(\beta (p_1,p_2)\) for \(p_1=p_2= p\). By symmetry this is given by

$$ 2\beta (p,p) = P\{|Y - X|>C\} + \gamma P\{|Y - X| = C\}. $$

Let \(X_i\) be 1 or 0 as the ith trial in the first series is a success or failure, and let \(Y_1\), be defined analogously with respect to the second series. Then \(Y - X =\sum ^n_{i-1}(Y_i - X_i)\), and the fact that \(2\beta (p, p)\) attains its maximum for \(p=\frac{1}{2}\) can be proved by induction over n.

(ii): Since \(\beta (p, p)<\alpha \) for \(p\ne 1\), the power \(\beta (p_1,p_2)\) is \(<\alpha \) for alternatives \(p_1<p_2\) sufficiently close to the line \(p_1=p_2\). That the test is not UMP now follows from a comparison with \(\phi (x,y)\equiv \alpha \).]

Problem 3.65

Sufficient statistics with nuisance parameters.

  1. (i)

    A statistic T is said to be partially sufficient for \(\theta \) in the presence of a nuisance parameter \(\eta \) if the parameter space is the direct product of the set of possible \(\theta \)- and \(\eta \)-values, and if the following two conditions hold: (a) the conditional distribution given \(T = t\) depends only on \(\eta \); (b) the marginal distribution of T depends only on \(\theta \). If these conditions are satisfied, there exists a UMP test for testing the composite hypothesis \(H:\theta =\theta _0\) against the composite class of alternatives \(\theta =\theta _1\), which depends only on T.

  2. (ii)

    Part (i) provides an alternative proof that the test of Example 3.8.1 is UMP.

[Let \(\psi _0(t)\) be the most powerful level \(\alpha \) test for testing \(\theta _0\) against \(\theta _1\) that depends only on t, let \(\phi (x)\) be any level-\(\alpha \) test, and let \(\psi (t)=E_{\eta _1}[\phi (X)\mid t]\). Since \(E_{\theta _i}\psi (T) = E_{\theta _i,\eta _1}\phi (X)\), it follows that \(\psi \) is a level-\(\alpha \) test of H and its power, and therefore the power of \(\phi \), does not exceed the power of \(\psi _0\).]

Note. For further discussion of this and related concepts of partial sufficiency see Fraser (1956), Dawid (1975), Sprott (1975), Basu (1978), and Barndorff-Nielsen (1978).

Section 3.9

Problem 3.66

Let \(X_1,\ldots ,X_m\) and \(Y_1,\ldots ,Y_n\) be independent samples from \(N(\xi , 1)\) and \(N(\eta , 1)\), and consider the hypothesis \(H: \eta \le \xi \) against \(K: \eta > \xi \). There exists a UMP test, and it rejects the hypothesis when \(\bar{Y}{}- \bar{X}{}\) is too large.

[If \(\xi _1<\eta _1\) is a particular alternative, the distribution assigning probability 1 to the point \(\eta = \xi = (m\xi _1 + n\eta _1)/(m + n)\) is least favorable.]

Problem 3.67

Let \(X_1,\ldots , X_m; Y_1,\ldots , Y_n\) be independently, normally distributed with means \(\xi \) and \(\eta \), and variances a \(\sigma ^2\) and \(\tau ^2\) respectively, and consider the hypothesis \(H:\tau \le \sigma \) a against \(K:\sigma <\tau \).

  1. (i)

    If \(\xi \) and \(\eta \) are known, there exists a UMP test given by the rejection region \(\sum (Y_j - \eta )^2/\sum (X_i - \xi )^2 \ge C\).

  2. (ii)

    No UMP test exists when \(\xi \) and \(\eta \) are unknown.

Problem 3.68

Suppose X is a \(k \times 1\) random vector with \(E(|X|^2) < \infty \) and covariance matrix \(\Sigma \). Let A be an \(m \times k\) (nonrandom) matrix and let \(Y = AX\). Show Y has mean vector AE(X) and covariance matrix \(A \Sigma A^\top \).

Problem 3.69

Suppose \((X_1 , \ldots , X_k )\) has the multivariate normal distribution with unknown mean vector \(\xi = ( \xi _1 , \ldots , \xi _k )\) and known covariance matrix \(\Sigma \). Suppose \(X_1\) is independent of \((X_2 , \ldots , X_k )\). Show that \(X_1\) is partially sufficient for \(\xi _1\) in the sense of Problem 3.65. Provide an alternative argument for Case 2 of Example 3.9.2.

Problem 3.70

In Example 3.9.2, Case 2, verify the claim for the least favorable distribution.

Problem 3.71

In Example 3.9.3, provide the details for Cases 3 and 4.

11 Notes

Hypothesis testing developed gradually, with early instances frequently being rather vague statements of the significance or nonsignificance of a set of observations. Isolated applications are found in the eighteenth century  [Arbuthnot (1710), Daniel Bernoulli (1734), and Laplace (1773), for example] and centuries earlier in the Royal Mint’s Trial of the Pyx [discussed by Stigler (1977)]. They became more frequent in the nineteenth century in the writings of such authors as Gavarret (1840), Lexis (1875, 1877), and Edgeworth (1885). A new stage began with the work of Karl Pearson, particularly his \(\chi ^2\) paper of 1900, followed in the decade 1915–1925 by Fisher’s normal theory and \(\chi ^2\) tests. Fisher presented this work systematically in his enormously influential book Statistical Methods for Research Workers (1925b).

The first authors to recognize that the rational choice of a test must involve consideration not only of the hypothesis but also of the alternatives against which it is being tested were Neyman and Pearson (1928). They introduced the distinction between errors of the first and second kind, and thereby motivated their proposal of the likelihood ratio criterion as a general method of test construction. These considerations were carried to their logical conclusion by Neyman and Pearson in their paper of 1933, in which they developed the theory of UMP tests. Accounts of their collaboration can be found in Pearson’s recollections (1966), and in the biography of Neyman by Reid (1982).

The Neyman–Pearson Lemma has been generalized in many directions, including the results in Sections 3.6, 3.8, and  3.9. Dantzig and Wald (1951) give necessary conditions including those of Theorem 3.6.1, for a critical function which maximizes an integral subject to a number of integral side conditions, to satisfy (3.30). The role of the Neyman–Pearson Lemma in hypothesis testing is surveyed in Lehmann (1985a).

An extension to a selection problem, proposed by Birnbaum and Chapman (1950), is sketched in Problem 3.51. Further developments in this area are reviewed in  Gibbons (1986, 1988). Grenander (1981) applies the fundamental lemma to problems in stochastic processes.

Lemmas 3.4.1, 3.4.2, and 3.7.1 are due to Lehmann (1961).

Complete class results for simple null hypothesis testing problems are obtained in  Brown and Marden (1989).

The earliest example of confidence intervals appears to occur in the work of Laplace (1812), who points out how an (approximate) probability statement concerning the difference between an observed frequency and a binomial probability p can be inverted to obtain an associated interval for p. Other examples can be found in the works of  Gauss (1816), Fourier (1826), and Lexis (1875). However, in all these cases, although the statements made are formally correct, the authors appear to consider the parameter as the variable which with the stated probability falls in the fixed confidence interval. The proper interpretation seems to have been pointed out for the first time by E. B. Wilson (1927). About the same time two examples of exact confidence statements were given by  Working and Hotelling (1929) and Hotelling (1931).

A general method for obtaining exact confidence bounds for a real-valued parameter was proposed by Fisher (1930), who however later disavowed this interpretation of his work. For a discussion of Fisher’s controversial concept of fiducial probability, see Section 5.7. At about the same time,Footnote 16 a completely general theory of confidence statements was developed by Neyman and shown by him to be intimately related to the theory of hypothesis testing. A detailed account of this work, which underlies the treatment given here, was published by Neyman in his papers of 1937 and 1938.

The calculation of p-values was the standard approach to hypothesis testing throughout the nineteenth century and continues to be widely used today. For various questions of interpretation, extensions, and critiques, see Cox (1977), Berger and Sellke (1987), Marden (1991), Hwang et al. (1992), Lehmann (1993), Robert (1994), Berger et al. (1994), Meng (1994), Blyth and Staudte (1995, 1997), Liu and Singh (1997), Sackrowitz and Samuel-Cahn (1999), Marden (2000), Sellke et al. (2001), and Berger (2003).

Extensions of p-values to hypotheses with nuisance parameters are discussed by  Berger and Boos (1994) and Bayarri and Berger (2000), and  the large-sample behavior of p-values in  Lambert and Hall (1982) and Robins et al. (2000). An optimality theory in terms of p-values is sketched by Schweder (1988), and p-values for the simultaneous testing of several hypotheses is treated by  Schweder and Spjøtvoll (1982), Westfall and Young (1993), and  by Dudoit et al. (2003).

An important use of p-values occurs in meta-analysis when one is dealing with the combination of results from independent experiments. The early literature on this topic is reviewed in  Hedges and Olkin (1985, Chapter 3). Additional references are Marden (1982b, 1985), Scholz (1982), and a review article by Becker (1997). Associated confidence intervals are proposed by  Littell and Louv (1981).