Introduction to the Symposium

It was with great pride and joy we welcomed a wide range of scientists (Table 1) to the 13th International Symposium in Spermatology at the conference venue Skogshem and Wijk on the suburban island of Lidingö, just outside central Stockholm. The symposium took place on 9–13 May 2018, and focussed on any aspect involving the Spermatozoon (Fig. 1). Of special interest was the variability in solutions for basically the same task: to transfer half the genetic material of a new individual and to deliver this genetic material to a gamete of another individual. Looking at both animals and plants, there is a huge variability in challenges to accomplish the mission. Therefore, there was also a wide range of species represented (Table 2).

Table 1 Origins (work address) of registered participants
Fig. 1
figure 1

The rural venue of the 13th International Symposium on Spermatology on the suburban island of Lidingö outside central Stockholm, Sweden. (Photo L. Björndahl)

Table 2 Examples of species represented at the symposium

A Long Series of International Symposia on Spermatology

The series of Spermatology Symposia has a long history (Table 3) but always with the purpose to bring scientists from different fields together—to encourage discussions, interaction, networking and time to enjoy and contemplate. The proceedings attempts to summarise key points and also form a basis for young scientists for further exploration of the field of spermatology. One main point we know from the symposia is how much can be learnt from understanding differences and similarities between spermatozoa from different species where dissimilar challenges for reproduction have led to divergent solutions. The first 50 years of Spermatology Symposia is described by Professor Hideo Mohri in the next chapter of these Proceedings.

Table 3 Venues and hosts of past and next coming International Symposia on Spermatology

A Personal Dedication of the 13th Symposium

For me personally, three Swedish dedicated scientists have been immensely important for my way into sperm science. Therefore, this symposium was dedicated to them.

Björn Afzelius (1925–2008; Fig. 2) generously took time to introduce me to the fascinating world of cilia and sperm tails when I did an advanced course in physiology on cilia in the human body (Björndahl 1980). His enthusiasm was contagious, and I still have a keen interest in the propeller of the sperm (Holmberg et al. 2018). Björn also facilitated my interest in sperm nuclear chromatin stability and zinc content by introducing me to Godfried M. Roomans and allowing me to work with X-ray microanalysis in his laboratory (Roomans et al. 1982).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Professor Björn Afzelius (1925–2008). (Photo provided by the family)

Leif Plöen (1941–2003; Fig. 3) was not only an interested and thorough opponent at my public doctoral dissertation, but he also introduced me to a wider range of mammalian spermatology, electron microscopy with further X-ray microanalysis investigations (Björndahl et al. 1986, 1991; Björndahl and Kvist 1990), general science philosophy, and last but not the least, the philosophy of Piet Hein.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Professor Leif Plöen (1941–2003). (Photo provided by the family)

Last, but not the least, Ulrik Kvist (1947–; Fig. 4), my Ph.D. supervisor (Björndahl 1986), mentor and friend—for inviting me to the world of physiology, enticing me into the field of sperm biology and male reproductive medicine, introducing me to Björn and Leif and an ever-encouraging visionary inspiration to critical thinking and development. It is a great pleasure to have Ulrik as co-organiser and presenter at this Spermatology Symposium.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Emeritus Associate Professor Ulrik Kvist. (Private photo)

Structure of the Symposium

This symposium had 7 main themes with invited speakers, 17 free oral presentations and 44 poster presentations. Morning sessions were separated from afternoon sessions by a 2-hour lunch break to inspire spontaneous interaction among participants. The long, bright evenings of early May with generous weather also contributed to the intended atmosphere of scientific and social interchange.


  • Are Sperm at the Verge of Extinction?

  • Sperm DNA—protection and delivery of a complete and undamaged genome

  • Sperm Competition, Evolution and Sperm–Egg Interaction

  • Genetic aspects of sperm production and performance and its effects on the offspring

  • CASA—Advances and Challenges

  • Challenges for Sperm Function In Vitro

  • Heterogeneity of Sperm Morphology and Laboratory Techniques to Overcome Assessment Challenges

  • Sperm Motility (Free Poster Theme)

  • Fertility and Infertility (Free Poster Theme)

Much Appreciated Support for the Meeting

The 13th International Symposium on Spermatology could not have been organised without the grant from the Swedish Research Council (grant 2017-06369) and the commercial sponsorship from Nidacon International, Microptic, Hamilton Thorne and Nordic Cell (Table 4). Also, the full support from our ANOVA and its originator and director, Associate Professor Stefan Arver, is thankfully acknowledged.

Table 4 Commercial sponsors of the 13th International Symposium on Spermatology

ANOVA is a multi-disciplinary centre dedicated to Andrology, Sexual Medicine and Transgender Medicine. It is a part of the Stockholm Public Health within the Karolinska University Hospital and research wise part of the Department of Medicine Huddinge, Karolinska Institutet.

ANOVA performs investigations of men in infertile couples, men with hypogonadism or other endocrine disorders affecting male sexual and fertility functions. Among other responsibilities are investigations and medical treatments of erectile dysfunction and follow-up of vasectomy operations. ANOVA is also a certified Swedish Tissue Establishment with the commission to cryo store spermatozoa as a means of male fertility preservation.

ANOVA started to develop from a basic clinical semen laboratory in 1987, a few years later evolved into an Andrology Centre with a clinical andrology practice. The unit for Sexual Medicine was added to serve an increasing need for psychological and psychotherapeutic care for men with sexual problems. This unit now also investigates and treats women with sexual problems as well as individuals with risk behaviour of sexual violence and abuse of children. The name of the unit was changed to Centre for Andrology and Sexual Medicine (CASM). The Transgender Medicine unit was included in 2016 and handles psychiatric, psychological, social welfare matters, as well as endocrine and legal issues related to transgender problems—supporting individuals suffering from Gender Dysphoria. To celebrate the inclusion of Transgender Medicine, the name of the combined unit became ANOVA.