FormalPara Important Proving Symptoms and Themes Noted by the Investigators

Feeling of sadness, despair and aloneness. Feeling of isolation. Fearfulness that focuses on health, elicited by symptoms of chest pain and headache. Either hot and feverish or colder than usual. Aching pains, especially of chest and legs. Premenstrual constipation.

FormalPara Mind

Sadness. Confusion (about street directions). Despair; feels alone in the world. Remembers dream and the sadness that is causeless. Sadness remembering the past. Sensitive to criticism. Fear; fear about own health; fear from heart pain.

FormalPara Head

Constriction or tightness like a band. Left-sided dullness, localized to the forehead with nausea.

FormalPara Eye


FormalPara Ear

Ringing noise.

FormalPara Nose

Clear discharge in the morning.

FormalPara Mouth

Dryness, sticky.

FormalPara Throat

Itching of the palate and pharynx.

FormalPara Stomach

Ravenous appetite not ameliorated by eating. Stomach churning; eructations. Nausea. Cramping pain, better from eructations and when passing flatus. Diminished thirst.

FormalPara Abdomen

Pain and distension, better when passing flatus. Sensation of fullness in the hypogastric region. Cramping pain with urging for stool.

FormalPara Rectum

Premenstrual constipation. Diarrhea. Offensive flatulence. Urging before stool.

FormalPara Stool

Hard, mucus-filled.

FormalPara Female

Leukorrhea that is thick and pasty, milky and offensive. Premenstrual uterine cramping. Intermenstrual bleeding. Scanty, light menses.

FormalPara Cough

Productive of clear mucus from the throat.

FormalPara Chest

Aching pain, right-sided.

FormalPara Extremities

Aching legs, left-sided, in the calves, or extending to the abdomen. Foot pain from localized pressure, better for walking. Shooting pain, in hip and shoulder area. Throbbing pain.

FormalPara Sleep

Sleepiness with heaviness of the body.

FormalPara Skin

Blisters, herpetic eruption with burning pain.

FormalPara Generalities

Symptoms better with cold bathing, worse from standing. Internal coldness or flushes of heat. Weariness. Desire for juice.