FormalPara Important Proving Symptoms and Themes Noted by the Investigators

Frequent symptoms associated with alternations of the menstrual cycle. Uterine cramping and copious menstrual flow. Mood alteration causing sadness, irritability, despair, and weeping. Breast swelling and tenderness. Bloating and distension of the abdominal area that affect both the uterine and intestinal systems.

FormalPara Mind

Anger, alternating with weeping. Biting nails. Concentration difficult. Delusions that mind and body are separated, one is odd-looking and unattractive. Despair; as if in a dream. Irritability. Irritability before menses. Dullness during menses. Disturbed emotions before menses. Aversion to company before menses. Fearful before menses. Sadness before menses. Sensitivity before menses. Forsaken and isolated feeling. Indifference. Reproaches self. Desire for sympathy. Amorous thoughts. Tranquility. Weeping before menses; weeping during menses, causeless.

FormalPara Vertigo

Dizziness on moving the head quickly, particularly when lying in bed.

FormalPara Head

Constriction like a band or hoop. Pain drawing, tightening; localized in the forehead; in the forehead extending to the occiput. Right-sided; pressing pain on waking.

FormalPara Eye

Twitching, left-sided.

FormalPara Nose

Discharge and sneezing in the morning.

FormalPara Face

Eczematous eruptions. Premenstrual eruptions. Pimples. Tingling in forehead and nose, numbness in cheek and forehead. Heat in the morning.

FormalPara Mouth

Aphthae on lips. Numbness of lips. Stitching pain under the tongue.

FormalPara Throat

Inflammation with pain of the tonsils. Pain on swallowing. Swelling of the tonsils.

FormalPara External Throat

Swelling of left-side cervical glands.

FormalPara Stomach

Nausea. Insatiable appetite. Burning pain after waking. Thirst during menses. Bitter vomiting.

FormalPara Abdomen

Distension, after eating and during menses. Flatulence. Hardness after eating. Pain, burning, cramping. Cramping of the colon. Cramping with diarrhea. Cramping of the hypogastrium, lancinating on the right side; also dull and pressing, throbbing.

FormalPara Rectum

Constipation. Offensive flatus. Relaxed anus. Urging for stool suddenly.

FormalPara Stool


FormalPara Female

Stitching pain in labia; burning of the labia. Coldness of the vagina. Vaginal dryness. Vaginal itching. Leukorrhea, between the menses, offensive, stringy. Menses copious, clotted, copious with large clots. Delayed onset of menses. Menses stops and restarts (menses intermittent). Menses sour, pungent offensive menstrual flow. Dysmenorrhea. Menses flow shorter than usual. Aching of uterus and vagina. Uterine cramping, especially during menses, also before menses. Uterine contractions like a pulling sensation; sense of prolapse of the uterus. Ovarian pain at ovulation and during urination. Increased sexual desire.

FormalPara Urethra

Cold, contracted feeling with pain on urination.

FormalPara Urine

Dark yellow.

FormalPara Respiration

Difficult after exertion.

FormalPara Chest

Painful sore mammae, especially before the onset of menstruation. Right- and left-sided soreness, swelling of the mammae. Awakes after midnight with rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.

FormalPara Back

Pain, with constriction in the sacrum, in the lumbar region extending to the thighs; with a soreness and tearing pain of the sacral region, especially while sitting.

FormalPara Extremities

Awkwardness. Red eruptions on the thigh. Stiffness of the fingers and joints. Aching of joints and elbow. Generalized neuralgic pain; in the groin. Tearing in the hip while sitting; tearing in the joints.

FormalPara Fever & Perspiration

Fever alternating with perspiration.

FormalPara Skin

Red, blotchy eruptions; eczematous eruptions; itchy, hard, inflamed pimples.

FormalPara Sleep

Deep sleep. Unrefreshing sleep. Waking from dreams and waking with the sensation of chest palpitations.

FormalPara Dreams

Dreams, amorous, of angry quarrels, that breasts appear bruised, nightmarish, prophetic.

FormalPara Generalities

Desire for open air in the morning. Desire for sugar. Sensation of heat; influenza-like feeling. Faintness. Motion or rubbing aggravates. Weakness, before eating, before menses, with nausea. Weariness, during menses, in the morning.