
1 Introduction

In organisational processes, users and computers interact with information systems to handle cases such as orders, claims and applications. These interactions are logged as events, and process mining utilises such event data in the form of an event log to gain evidence-based insights in the structure and performance of organisational processes. In order to gain insights in a process, typically first a process model is discovered from a log, then this model is evaluated and finally additional perspectives such as performance, costs or resources are projected on the process model such that analysts can identify potential problems and gain insights  [8]. Many processes are highly variable, which may be due to geographically different entities executing the process, different customers interacting with it, or different backgrounds of students being involved in it. Analysing highly variable processes challenges analysts, as conclusions and insights might get watered down or might not hold in all variants  [5, 7].

To address high variability in processes, in a typical process mining project, discussions with stakeholders would be required to identify a set of key attributes, after which these attributes and their values (trace features) can be used to split the log into cohorts. For instance, the trace has two trace attributes, and a trace feature of \(\text {amount} \ge 5000\) applies to this trace. These cohorts can then be analysed separately (drill down) or compared to one another  [7, 21]. To reduce variability, trace features should be chosen such that behavioural variability within cohorts is minimised, while between cohorts it is maximised. We refer to this technique as cohort identification, and automation makes it more objective, enables explorative approaches that might reveal yet-unknown cohorts, and increases feasibility. To the best of our knowledge, cf. data mining  [9], no process mining techniques were published that recommend trace features for drill downs based on behaviour.

In this paper, we introduce a new framework called Cohort Identification (CI) that takes a log as input and outputs a landscape of sets of trace features which maximise between-cohort behavioural variability. Figure 1 shows an overview of the framework: first, CI elicits trace features from the log. Second, CI combines them into feature sets exhaustively and, for each set, quantifies the differences between the cohort defined by the feature set and the other traces in the log. CI can take many aspects of behaviour into account, such as the ordering of activities in traces (control flow), cost of executions, and relative frequency of traces (stochastic perspective  [12]). We evaluate CI on feasibility using real-life public event logs, and we illustrate its applicability using two case studies.

The remainder of this paper discusses related work in Sect. 2, introduces existing concepts in Sect. 3, introduces the framework and an open source implementation in Sect. 4; evaluates our approach using 21 publicly available logs and two illustrative case studies in Sect. 5, and concludes in Sect. 6.

2 Related Work

In this section, we first discuss three types of techniques (trace clustering, concept drift detection, cohort identification) to reduce variance in logs. Second, we discuss how our approach complements process comparison techniques.

Trace Clustering aims to find groups of structurally similar traces, such that these groups can be studied in isolation  [6, 21, 23]. Secondary, the relation between these groups and trace attributes can be analysed using standard data mining techniques. For instance, a recent trace clustering approach  [17] clusters traces based on control flow and performance patterns, and recommends clusters of traces to users, after which users can inspect KPIs of selected clusters. While trace clustering techniques take similar behaviour and search for relations with trace features, our approach does the opposite: it takes trace features and searches for relations with behaviour. Trace clustering inherently cannot consider the frequency of trace variants within groups, typically do not provide an explanation to justify their grouping (“black box”), provide little additional insights into the log, and are challenging to use for drill-down recommendations.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Overview of the Cohort Identification (CI) framework.

Concept Drift Detection aims to identify points in time where the process changed. The behaviour before and after the drift point might have a lower variance, and the changes can be studied comparatively (e.g.   [15]). CI could be seen as a generalisation of concept drift techniques as it can detects changes in behaviour related to trace features, including when traces happened.

Cohort Identification [2] uses decision points in a process model and event attribute clustering to identify groups of traces, and performs significance tests to limit the reported groups. In contrast with our approach, this technique requires a process model and operates on event features (rather than trace features), however it would be interesting to extend CI with similar significance tests in future work.

Attribute clustering techniques first cluster the features of traces, after which the corresponding groups of traces can be studied in isolation. For instance, in  [14], an extensive framework for correlating, predicting and clustering is proposed. This framework supports the splitting of logs based on extensive analyses on event features, however has a different focus than CI: event vs trace features and clustering rather than recommending drill downs.

To the best of our knowledge, no techniques have been published that recommend trace features for drill downs in process mining, based on behaviour. In addition: none of the mentioned techniques considers the relative frequency of behaviour (i.e. the stochastic behaviour recorded in logs) as a source of behavioural differences.

Complementing: Process Comparison. The CI framework recommends feature sets that relate to differences in stochastic behaviour, however does not explain what these differences are, for which a process comparison technique can be used. In a recent literature review of such techniques  [22], three types of techniques were identified: discriminative (pattern extraction), generative (comparison through process models)  [21] and hybrid (a combination of both). For instance, differences between logs have been visualised on their transition systems  [3] or compared simply by hand  [20].

Process cubes provide skeletons for process comparison by selections (cells) of traces based on trace features, and enable slicing and dicing the log to find cohorts of interests. For instance, in  [1, 4], process cubes were used to study differences in students’ online learning activities (similar to one of our case studies). CI recommends which cells might be of interest, based on their behaviour, without having to resort to process discovery techniques.

CI acts as an enabler for these techniques, making them applicable to a single log cf. at least two logs. Finally, these techniques could also be used within CI, if they return a number expressing the equivalence between logs.

3 Preliminaries

In this section, we introduce existing concepts.

3.1 Event Logs

An event log or log L is a collection of traces. A trace represents a case handled by the business process, and is a sequence of events. A trace is annotated with trace attributes, which represent properties of the trace. An event represents the execution of a process step (an activity). An event is annotated with event attributes that denote properties of the event. For instance, the trace , consists of a single trace, which consists of two events, indicating the execution of two process steps (“receive claim” and “decide claim”). This trace has three trace attributes: an ID, a claim amount and the gender of the claimant. The first event has two event attributes: a date that it was executed and the resource that executed it. Given an event , we write \(e^{a_1} = v_1\) to retrieve the value of an attribute that e is annotated with. If e is not annotated with an attribute x, then we define \(e^x = \bot \). Retrieving trace attributes is similar.

3.2 Cohorts

Let L be a log, and let a be a trace attribute. Then, let \(\mathcal {F}^a\) denote all the values of a in L: \(\mathcal {F}^a = \{ v = t^a \mid t \in L \wedge v \ne \bot \}\). We refer to the combination of a trace attribute a and a range of its values \(F \subseteq \mathcal {F}^f\) as a trace feature \(a^F\). Given a log L, we refer to the sub-log of traces that have trace feature \(a^F\) as the projection \(L|_{a^F}\). For instance, let \(L = [ \langle g_1, \ldots g_n \rangle ^{\left[ {\begin{matrix} amount&100 \end{matrix}}\right] }\), \(\langle h_1 \ldots h_m \rangle ^{\left[ {\begin{matrix} amount&50 \end{matrix}}\right] } ] \) be a log. Then, \(L|_{amount^{\ge 70}} = [\langle g_1, \ldots g_n \rangle ^{\left[ {\begin{matrix} amount&100 \end{matrix}}\right] }]\). We refer to such a sub-log of L as a cohort of L.

4 A Framework for Cohort Identification (CI)

Given a log, CI aims to recommend trace features to drill down on, that is, to identify cohorts whose behaviour differs considerably from the other traces in the log in terms of process, frequency of paths and event attributes. The main input of CI is a log, and its output is list of recommendations (that is, a list of feature sets with their cohort distances).

Figure 1 shows an overview of the framework, while Algorithm 1 shows its pseudocode. First, trace features are elicited from the log using an elicitation method E. Second, for each sub-set of features of size at most k and of which the corresponding sub-logs are large enough (according to a cohort imbalance threshold \(\alpha \)), a distance between the cohorts is computed, using a cohort distance \(\delta _c\) parameterised with a trace distance \(\delta _t\), which in turn is parameterised with an event distance \(\delta _e\). Instantiating the framework requires the mentioned functions E, \(\delta _e\), \(\delta _t\), \(\delta _c\) and D. In the remainder of this section, we discuss the steps of CI in more detail and we introduce an instantiation.

figure f

4.1 Feature Elicitation

The first step of CI is to obtain a collection of features from the log. Trace attributes with literal values straightforwardly yield one feature for each value, or could be clustered for reduced complexity. Numerical trace attributes need to be discretised, after which a feature can be added for each discrete value. The framework supports any discretisation, for instance using numerical value clustering or by using quartiles, though it is important that sufficiently large groups of traces remain.

Our instantiation elicits features for numerical attributes by discretising them in two bins, separated by the median. That is, let L be a log and let a be a numerical trace attribute in L. Then, two features are added: \(a^{\ge m}\) and \(a^{<m}\), in which m is the median of \(\mathcal {F}^a\). Finally, for any typed attribute a, a feature \(a^{\bot }\) is added, which expresses that a is missing.

4.2 Measure Cohorts

Second, CI aims to find the cohorts that differ the most from the other traces in the log, in terms of process, frequency of paths and other event attributes. To this end, it considers all possible feature sets S that can be made of combinations of the elicited features. Each such feature set S defines two cohorts: one cohort of traces that possess each feature in S (\(L_1 = L|_S\)) and the other cohort of traces that do not possess any feature (\(L_2 = L \setminus L_1\)).

In the cohort measuring step, CI measures the distance between pairs of such \(L_1\) and \(L_2\), using event and trace distance measures:

Definition 1 (Distance measures)

Let \(\delta _e\) be an event distance measure, such that for all events v, \(v'\) it holds that \(0 \le \delta _e(v, v') \le 1\). Let \(\delta _{t (\delta _e)}\) be a trace distance measure, such that for all traces u, \(u'\) it holds that \(0 \le \delta _{t (\delta _e)}(u, u') \le 1\). Let L, \(L'\) be logs. Then, \(0 \le \delta _{c (\delta _{t (\delta _e)})}(L, L') \le 1\) is a cohort distance measure.

These measures are parameters to CI, and can take any event attribute into account, which makes the CI flexible. Thus, any event, trace and (aggregated) log attribute could contribute to the cohort distance measure given appropriate distance measures. Still, instantiations can opt not to if desired.

On small cohorts, distance measures may be meaningless, as too-small cohorts merely represent outliers. Also, as the number of possible feature sets is exponential in the number of features, CI takes a cohort imbalance threshold \(0 \le \alpha \le \frac{1}{2}\), which sets the maximum imbalance in the two cohorts: if either \(|L_1| < \alpha \times |L|\) or \(|L_2| < \alpha \times |L|\), then the feature set S is discarded.

In our instantiation, we use the Earth Movers’ Stochastic Conformance (EMSC) [12] as the cohort distance measure. EMSC considers both logs as piles of earth, and computes the effort to transform one pile into the other, in terms of the number of traces to be transformed into other traces times the trace distances of these transformations. Thus, the stochastic perspective is inherently taken into account by EMSC. Another option for \(\delta _c\) could be to discover two process models, and cross-evaluating these models with the cohorts  [21], although this has the downsides of incorporating model discovery trade-offs, asymmetry of the cohort distance measure, and the inability to include the stochastic perspective.

For the trace distance, as in  [12], our instantiation uses the normalised Levenshtein distance, which expresses the minimum cost in terms of insertions, deletions and swaps of events to transform one trace into the other. Normalisation is achieved by dividing the minimum cost by the maximum possible cost, which is the length of the longest trace. The cost of insertions, deletions and swaps of events is determined by the event distance. Where EMSC uses unit event distances, we generalise this to any event distance measure \(\delta _e\), thus enabling analysts to compare traces based on any event attribute. Our instantiation allows a user to choose several event attributes, and uses a generic event distance measure for each attribute, based on whether the attribute is textual or numerical.

For a textual attribute a (\(\delta _{e_T}\)) and a numerical attribute b (\(\delta _{e_N}\)), in which m is the difference of the minimum and maximum of b over the entire log:

\({}\quad \delta _{e_T}(v, v') = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll}0 &{} \text {if } v^{a} = v'^{a}\\ 1 &{} \text {otherwise}\end{array}\right. }\) \( \delta _{e_N}(v, v') = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{|v^b - v'^b|}{m} &{} \text {if } v^b \ne \bot \wedge v'^b \ne \bot \\ 0 &{} \text {if } v^b = \bot \wedge v'^b = \bot \\ 1 &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array}\right. }\quad \)

An extension would be to choose multiple attributes and taking their weighted average. Even though any event attribute can be used, one should be careful to avoid the curse of dimensionality: when the number of involved attributes increases, the expected overall distance between arbitrary events approaches 0, which could render the comparison less useful.

4.3 Corrected Cohort Distance

For each feature set S and cohorts \(L_1, L_2\) of log L, a cohort distance measure \(\delta _{c (\delta _{t (\delta _e)})}(L_1, L_2)\) is computed, which is parameterised with a trace measure function \(\delta _t\), which in turn is parameterised with an event measure function \(\delta _e\).

A log with a high variety of traces will in general have higher cohort distances than a log with a low variety of traces, as cohorts of the first will inherently differ more than cohorts of the second. To correct for this, CI scales the computed cohort distance for variance in the log as follows: the traces of L are randomly divided over sub-logs \(L_1'\) and \(L_2'\), such that \(|L_1'| \approx |L_1|\). The distance \(\delta _{c (\delta _{t (\delta _e)})}(L_1', L_2')\) between these sub-logs is measured, the procedure is repeated \(\varphi \) times and the average cohort distance is taken as the corrected cohort distance (see line 8 of Algorithm 1). Intuitively, the corrected cohort distance shows the gain in information about process behaviour of a feature set S: given L, a value of 0 indicates that S provides no extra information over a random division of L, while a value of 1 indicates that S fully distinguishes all behaviour of L.

The output of the cohort measuring step is a list of feature sets annotated with their corresponding corrected cohort distance, sorted on this distance. That is, the feature set that relates the most to differences in stochastic behaviour, thus providing the most information, is on top (see an example in Sect. 5).

4.4 Implementation

CI and our instantiation of it have been implemented as a plug-in of the ProM framework (see, and are open source, SVN revision 43272. On top of the trace attributes present in the log, CI considers the total trace duration as well. To save time computing the corrected cohort distance \(\delta _{c'}\), our implementation caches the cohort distance between randomly divided sub-logs of 10 sub-log sizes, rather than for each feature set separately.

5 Evaluation

We evaluate CI and our instantiation threefold. First, we illustrate its feasibility and use on publicly available logs. Second, we study its explorative and question-driven capabilities, and its embedding in process mining projects in two case studies, with a brief empirical evaluation with stakeholder feedback.

5.1 Public Logs

To illustrate our instantiation, we applied it to 21 real-life publicly available event logs. We applied CI to each of them with the maximum feature set size (k) ranging from 1 to 5. The results show that our implementation of CI is feasible on real-life logs for small k (for \(k=1\), 18/21 logs finished in 74 s or less, with a maximum of 36 h; the maximum feasible number of feature sets was around \(10^7\)). The experimental results indicate that while the number of activities does not seem to have an influence on the run time, an exponentially increasing number of feature sets does. Hence, it suggests that our instantiation of CI could be used to derive initial insights into logs without analysts having to consider models with hundreds of activities. For more details, please refer to  [13].

5.2 Case Study I: Digital Learning Environment Interactions

Course Insights is a learning analytics dashboard (LAD) that provides comparative visualisations of students interacting with a digital learning environment  [18], by filtering on trace attributes such as residential status, gender, program or assessment grade. Drill-downs has been under-utilised: rarely more than one feature is filtered for  [18]. We applied CI to a log from a calculus and linear algebra course offered to 736 undergraduate students at the University of Queensland, containing 18,883 events, 51 activities (per chapter: read material, submit quiz and review solutions), and 2,447 trace feature sets (\(k=4\)). In collaboration with the instructor, who was not otherwise involved in this study, we selected a cohort with a high distance: international students with a high exam grade (9% of the traces, 0.16 distance, IH), and compared it with the other students (\(\lnot \)IH). We found clear differences in their process: while IH alternates between the types of activities troughout the semester, \(\lnot \)IH mainly performs quizzes sequentially at the end of the semester. To verify that these patterns are not also present in IH’s super-cohorts of international students (I) or students with high exam grades (H) (to avoid a drill-down fallacy  [10]), we repeated the analysis on I and H, and did not find these patterns.

The feedback of the instructor can be summarised as follows: (1) the recommendation of filters enables finding the differences between students’ cohorts, while the current number of filtering choices in the LAD is too overwhelming to use; (2) the findings of learning behaviour that have led to successful outcome can be used for positive deviance  [16] purposes. The instructor showed interest in sharing the findings about IH’s learning process as a successful learning pattern with students to encourage early engagement; (3) getting notified (by the system) during the semester of any deviation of cohorts which might lead to learning failure could help with supporting students in-time. Thus, the integration of CI in the LAD has been considered  [19]. This case study illustrates that certain insights might only be found using \(k > 1\).

5.3 Case Study II: Research Student Journeys

The Queensland University of Technology utilises electronic forms (e-forms) to support higher degree research students with milestones. A log was extracted of 1,520 traces (students), 42,426 events, 15 activities (submission of forms, checks, approvals, ...) and 4 trace attributes: faculty, scholarship, study mode (full/part time), and residency. Stakeholders’ questions were whether processing was consistent across (q1) faculties and (q2) other student groups. To answer these questions, we applied CI with \(k=1\). The results showed that faculty B had the highest distance (0.19). In answer to q1, process models  [11] of B and the other traces (\(\lnot {}B\)) are similar, indicating little difference in control flow. However, the likelihoods of choices and rework were different. Second, the results conveyed that there was minimal variation related to other demographic factors such as mode of study or domestic and international students: their distances were close to 0, which indicates that these features contribute no more to behaviour than randomly selected cohorts.

As a brief empirical evaluation, we presented key findings to stakeholders who were otherwise not involved in this study. The results were well-received: (1) insights regarding high variations across faculties were used to propose standardisation of e-forms processing, and (2) objective evidence was found that student demographic factors had no influence on the stochastic behaviour of processing e-forms. In summary, this case study demonstrates the utility of CI in a question-driven context in which its outputs were used to directly answer stakeholders’ questions and can lead to actionable insights.

5.4 Discussion and Limitations

In Sect. 5.1, we showed that CI is feasible on real-life logs, however for higher k, its exponential nature kicks in. Further pruning steps could use monotonicity, which however does not hold for our current instantiation with EMSC: a cohort’s distance is not a bound for the distance of including additional features. Our instantiation could be extended to include smarter elicitation of numerical ranges using e.g. clustering, and to include more elaborate ways to combine several event-distance measures into \(\delta _e\) without hitting the curse of dimensionality.

The two case studies showed that CI can lead to insights by itself, and that CI can assist explorative and question-driven process mining efforts as a first step before existing process comparison techniques are applied (for which the case studies provided examples). Furthermore, the case studies highlight that the recommended cohorts cannot be identified by existing techniques: trace clustering techniques (e.g.  [17]) would not be able to provide clear-cut trace feature drill-down recommendations, and existing cohort identification techniques either require a process model and operate on event features only  [2], or do not provide trace feature recommendations at all  [14]. While there are currently no published techniques to recommend trace attributes for filtering based on behaviour, it would be interesting to compare CI with existing approaches of log variance reduction (using e.g. variance metrics), or commercial feature recommendations (using e.g. user studies) , all of which we leave as future work.

6 Conclusion

Applying process mining techniques to event logs with high variance is challenging, which can be addressed by filtering sub-logs of traces (cohorts) defined by trace attribute value ranges (features), in order to compare behavioural differences between cohorts or to drill down into a particular cohort. To the best of our knowledge, no cohort identification techniques have been published, that is, techniques that recommend feature sets for logs, based on behavioural differences, which may include control flow and frequency of trace variants. In this paper, we proposed the Cohort Identification (CI) framework to automatically recommend feature sets that correspond to the largest differences in behaviour, where users can select what data or information constitutes behaviour. The framework was instantiated and implemented as a plug-in of the ProM framework.

Our evaluation found that CI can be applied in reasonable time to public real-life logs. Furthermore, we reported on two case studies in two Australian universities, showing that question-driven application led to addressing questions from stakeholders that could only be answered using stochastic-aware techniques. Stakeholders who were not otherwise involved in this work verified the findings.

Future extensions of CI could include clustering of numerical values in the feature elicitation step, and further heuristics to prune the feature sets to be considered. Second, it would be interesting to integrate CI in process mining methodologies such as  [8] to assist in drill-down cycles. Third, stochastic log-log comparison techniques could be used to highlight differences in the stochastic behaviour of cohorts. Finally, we intend to perform elaborate user studies into the usefulness of the recommendations, similar to  [17], in combination with an evaluation of, potentially new, log-log comparison techniques.