
1 Introduction

Emotion cause analysis is an important task in natural language processing. It has gained increasing attention in recent years and been applied to many real-world applications. Emotion cause extraction (ECE) is a fine-grained task of emotion cause analysis, which intends to discover the possible causes behind emotions. However, [1] mentioned that the ECE task has two flaws: 1) its application in real world is limited because of few documents with the annotation of emotions, 2) the way of first annotating emotions and then detecting causes ignores the intrinsic relationship between them. Therefore, they proposed a new task of emotion-cause pair extraction (ECPE) and constructed a new corpus based on the ECE benchmark corpus [2]. The object of the ECPE task is to extract all emotion-cause pairs of emotions and their corresponding causes in a document. The Fig. 1 shows the difference between ECE and ECPE. In ECPE, emotion-cause pairs (\( c_{4} \), \( c_{2} \)) and (\( c_{4} \), \( c_{3} \)) in this document are extracted directly without providing the annotation of emotion clause.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Examples of the ECE task and the ECPE task.

The previous studies of emotion cause analysis are generally rule-based methods [3,4,5,6,7,8] and machine learning methods [2, 9,10,11]. They need a lot of manual work to define linguistic rules or features. In recent years, due to the powerful learning ability of neural networks, many deep learning methods are proposed to solve the ECE task [12,13,14,15,16,17]. For solving the ECPE task, [1] proposed methods based on two-step framework, which first complete emotion extraction and cause extraction individually and then conduct pairing and filtering.

Although this two-step strategy performs well in the ECPE task, there are some disadvantages. At first, this method is not natural enough. Humans usually get emotions and their causes according to the correspondence between them, but in the two-step strategy, it first extracts emotions and causes and then pairs them, which ignores the intrinsic relationship of emotions and causes as a whole unit. Secondly, the false prediction of the first step will directly affect the performance of the second step.

Emotion is the demonstration of the potential cause and cause is the source of the emotion expression. Cause and emotion should be regarded as a whole unit, rather than being separated into two independent parts. Consequently, we propose an end-to-end neural network model, which directly extracts all emotion-cause pairs in a document. Besides the main task emotion-cause pair extraction, we also introduce emotion extraction and cause extraction as the auxiliary tasks. They not only increase the interaction between emotions and causes, but also provide a more appropriate semantic representation for the main task. In addition, the causes usually occur on positions very close to the emotion word for an emotion event [17]. Therefore, we propose the scope controller based on the relative position of emotions and causes, which can capture the position of emotion-cause pairs more accurately.

There is not much research on the ECPE task because it is a new task. We take the methods of two-step strategy as our baselines, one of which is the state-of-the-art. Compared with them, the F-measure of our method on the emotion-cause pair extraction task is increased by 2.24% at least.

In summary, the main contributions of our work are as follows:

  • We propose a novel end-to-end neural network model for ECPE task. It effectively solves the issues of two-step framework.

  • Based on the position correlation between emotions and causes, we propose a scope controller to control the scope of emotion-cause pair predictions.

  • Considering the mutual interaction between emotions and causes. We introduce two auxiliary tasks: emotion extraction and cause extraction and demonstrate the efficiency of multi-task learning on emotion-cause pair extraction.

2 Related Work

As a new task developed by ECE, ECPE has a strong correlation with ECE. Following, we describe the study of ECE and ECPE. Since [3] proposed the emotion cause extraction task, it has been extensively studied in recent years. They defined this task as a word-level sequence labeling problem. [4] designed two sets of linguistic patterns to extract emotion cause, including manually generalized patterns and automatically generalized patterns. [18] proposed a rule-based emotion cause detection method which used 25 manually complied rules. [9] built a conditional random fields (CRFs) learner to detect the emotion stimulus spans in emotion sentences. [2, 19] released a Chinese emotion cause corpus and redefined the ECE task as a clause-level binary-classification problem. [11] proposed to identify causes by ranking candidate clauses from the perspective of information retrieval.

With the rise of neural network, deep learning models and attention mechanisms have been widely applied in ECE task. [20] used long short-term memory for emotion cause extraction. [12] regarded emotion cause extraction as a question-answering task and used the memory network to store context information. [13, 16] presented the attention-based neural network to capture the mutual influences between emotions and causes. [15] proposed a three-level hierarchical network to model clause representation. From discourse and some prior knowledge on text understanding, [17] proposed a method based on knowledge regularization for emotion cause prediction.

All of the above methods are used to solve the traditional ECE task, which is to extract the potential causes for the given annotated emotions. However, the emotions of a real-world document are generally not labeled. Therefore, [1] proposed the emotion-cause pair extraction (ECPE) task and a two-step strategy to address this task.

In order to satisfy real-word scenarios, model the mutual interactions between emotions and causes, and avoid the cascading errors from two-step models, we propose an end-to-end model for ECPE task, which directly extracts emotion-cause pairs.

3 Approach

3.1 Task Definition

Firstly, we describe the definition of the ECEP task. Given a document \( d = \left\{ {c_{1} ,c_{2} , \cdots ,c_{n} } \right\} \) consisting of \( n \) clauses, where each clause \( c_{i} = \left\{ {w_{i,1} ,w_{i,2} , \cdots ,w_{i,m} } \right\} \) consists of \( m \) words, the goal of ECPE is to extract a pair set \( P = \left\{ { \cdots , \left( {c^{e} ,c^{c} } \right), \cdots } \right\} \) containing all emotion-cause pairs in the document \( d \), where \( c^{e} \) is an emotion clause and \( c^{c} \) is a cause clause.

3.2 Overall Architecture

The RNN-Based Hierarchical Network with Scope Controller (RHNSC) model will be described in this section. The overall architecture of RHNSC is shown in Fig. 2. It includes four parts: clause encoder, emotion extraction, cause extraction and pair extraction. Firstly, we obtain the clause representation and then we introduce emotion extraction and cause extraction to learn more informative representation and enhance the mutual influence between emotions and causes. Lastly, the goal of emotion-cause pair extraction is achieved by pair extraction and the scope controller further constrains the result. Following, we will introduce each part in detail.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The overall architecture of RHNSC.

3.3 Clause Encoder

In the ECPE task, a document consists of several clauses, which is the basic unit. The significance of each word to a clause semantic representation is different. So we adopt an attention-based network to obtain an effective clause representation. Specifically, we first feed embedding vector of each word into a Bi-LSTM and concatenate the hidden states of the two directions as the word representation. Then, we assigning different weights to word representations by the attention mechanism and finally the weighted sum of them is the clause representation.

3.4 Two Auxiliary Tasks

We have mentioned that emotions and causes have strong correlation. To utilize the influence between them for the later emotion-cause pair extraction task, we add two auxiliary tasks into the model: emotion extraction and cause extraction. By these two auxiliary tasks, we can get a clause representation combining interactive information between emotions and causes. In the final main task, we further explore the impact of them for emotion-cause pairs.

Emotion Extraction.

The goal of emotion extraction is to identify each clause whether it is an emotion clause in a document. This is a simple binary classification problem. Formally,

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {h_{i}^{e} = BiLSTM_{e} \left( {h_{i} } \right),} \\ \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {\widehat{y}_{i}^{e} = \text{softmax}\left( {W_{e} h_{i}^{e} + b_{e} } \right),} \\ \end{array} $$

where \( h_{i} \) is the clause representation of clause \( c_{i} \). \( h_{i}^{e} \) is concatenation from the hidden states of the two directions, \( W_{e} \) and \( b_{e} \) are learning parameters. Then we get the emotion prediction \( \widehat{y}_{i}^{e} \) by the softmax function.

Cause Extraction.

In the same way, we introduce the cause extraction, which is to detect whether the clause \( c_{i} \) is the cause clause. It is different from emotion extraction that we expect that the predictions of emotion can help the cause detection and the results of the cause prediction influence emotion identification. Therefore, we use the prediction of emotion extraction as a part of the input in cause extraction. Formally,

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {h_{i}^{c} = BiLSTM_{c} \left( {\left[ {h_{i}^{e} ,\widehat{y}_{i}^{e} } \right]} \right),} \\ \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {\widehat{y}_{i}^{c} = \text{softmax}\left( {W_{c} h_{i}^{c} + b_{c} } \right),} \\ \end{array} $$

where the two directional hidden states are concatenated as \( h_{i}^{c} \), \( W_{c} \) and \( b_{c} \) are learning parameters, \( \widehat{y}_{i}^{c} \) is the predicted cause class distribution.

3.5 Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction

Emotion-cause pair extraction is our main task. We use the representation after two auxiliary tasks mining more semantic expression as the input. Emotion-cause pair is regarded as a whole unit and we cannot ignore its correlation with emotion and cause. Analogously, we append the prediction results of two auxiliary tasks as the input.

It is natural that an emotion-cause pair contains two factors: one is the emotion factor, the other is the cause factor. By two auxiliary tasks learning, we have obtained the representation containing emotion and cause features. But we need separate it into the emotion factor and the cause factor for pairing task. Formally,

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {h_{i}^{p} = BiLSTM_{c} \left( {\left[ {h_{i}^{c} ,\widehat{y}_{i}^{e} ,\widehat{y}_{i}^{c} } \right]} \right),} \\ \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {h_{i}^{{p_{e} }} = W_{{p_{e} }} h_{i}^{p} + b_{{p_{e} }} ,} \\ \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {h_{i}^{{p_{c} }} = W_{{p_{c} }} h_{i}^{p} + b_{{p_{c} }} ,} \\ \end{array} $$

where \( W_{{p_{e} }} \), \( W_{{p_{c} }} \), \( b_{{p_{e} }} \), \( b_{{p_{c} }} \) are parameters, \( h_{i}^{p} \) is the concatenation of two directional hidden states at time step \( i \), \( h_{i}^{{p_{e} }} \) and \( h_{i}^{{p_{c} }} \) are obtained through two linear layers. They represent the emotion factor and cause factor for each clause.

Then \( h_{i}^{{p_{e} }} \) and \( h_{i}^{{p_{c} }} \) at time step \( i \left( {1 \le i \le n} \right) \) are concatenated to get emotion factor matrix \( H^{{p_{e} }} = \left[ {h_{1}^{{p_{e} }} ,h_{2}^{{p_{e} }} , \cdots ,h_{n}^{{p_{e} }} } \right] \) and cause factor matrix \( H^{{p_{c} }} = \left[ {h_{1}^{{p_{c} }} ,h_{2}^{{p_{c} }} , \cdots ,h_{n}^{{p_{c} }} } \right] \),

where \( n \) is the total number of clauses in a document. Finally, we multiply the two matrices and pass the result through the sigmoid function to gain the prediction of each pair:

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {\widehat{Y}^{p} = sigmoid\left( {H^{{p_{e} }} H^{{p_{c}^{T} }} } \right),} \\ \end{array} $$

where \( \widehat{Y}^{p} = \left\{ { \cdots ,\widehat{y}_{i,j}^{p} , \cdots } \right\} \), \( \widehat{Y}^{p} \in R^{n \times n} \), \( \widehat{y}_{i,j}^{p} = sigmod\left( {h_{i}^{{p_{e} }} h_{j}^{{p_{c}^{T} }} } \right) \) indicates that the probability of pair \( \left( {c_{i} ,c_{j} } \right) \) is an emotion-cause pair. In other words, it represents the pairing score of the emotion factor of clause \( c_{i} \) and the cause factor of clause \( c_{j} \).

3.6 Scope Controller

We have mentioned that the cause usually occurs near the emotion expression in a document. In Table 1, we report the proportion of emotion-cause pairs with different relative position in the dataset. We can observe that when the relative position is less than 2, it already contains 95.85% emotion-cause pairs. However, unlike the relative position in the ECE task, we cannot determine the relative position by the emotion labels. Hence, we define the scope as the description of likely position for emotion-cause pairs. If the scope equals to 2, we expect that our model pays more attention to the predicted pairs with the relative position of two clause less than 2 and ignores other predicted pairs with larger relative position.

Table 1. The proportion of emotion-cause pairs with different relative positions in the dataset.

After observation, we find an issue that the predicted distribution of \( \widehat{Y}^{p} \) may not be concentrated enough. Therefore, we want to take advantage of such a position correlation to address this issue. We propose a scope controller to narrow the difference between the predicted distribution and the true distribution of emotion-cause pairs. We assume that the expected pair position value is 1 and the uncorrelated position is 0. Then, we define a matrix \( P = \left\{ { \cdots ,p_{i,j} , \cdots } \right\} \), \( P \in R^{n \times n} \), that is the same size as \( \widehat{Y}^{p} \). The definition of \( p_{i,j} \) is expressed as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {p_{i,j} = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} 1 & {if \left| {i - j} \right| \le s} \\ 0 & {otherwise} \\ \end{array} } \right.,} \\ \end{array} $$

where \( s \) is the scope of the expected pairs, that is, the relative position \( \left| {i - j} \right| \) of the pair (\( c_{i} ,c_{j} \)) is less than scope \( s \) and the \( p_{i,j} \) equals 1 in the matrix \( P \). The matrix \( P \) and \( \widehat{Y}^{p} \) are regarded as the target and prediction respectively.

When training, we use cross entropy to measure the difference between them:

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {L_{pc} = - \mathop \sum \limits_{i} \mathop \sum \limits_{j} p_{i,j} \cdot \,\log \left( {\widehat{y}_{i,j}^{p} } \right),} \\ \end{array} $$

the decrease of \( L_{pc} \) make the position of predicted emotion-cause pairs in \( \widehat{Y}^{p} \) more concentrated near the diagonal, in other words, the pairs in this area with a small relative position. Under the restriction of the matrix \( P \), the predicted emotion-cause pairs of our model are more concentrated in the high probability area.

4 Experiments and Results

4.1 Datasets and Metrics

We select the ECPE corpus [1] which is constructed based on the benchmark ECE corpus [2]. The ECPE corpus consist of 1945 documents, where each document contains one or more emotion-cause pairs. We use 10-fold cross-validation to evaluate our model and report the average result of 10 times. The precision (P), recall (R) and F1 score are employed to measure the performance in ECPE task.

4.2 Experiments Setting

The size of the vocabulary is 24165, where 12151 word vectors are pre-trained on the corpus from Chinese Weibo with Word2vec [21]. The remaining word vectors, all parameter matrices and bias use uniform distribution of random initialization on (−0.01, 0.01). The word embedding dimension is 200 and all Bi-LSTM hidden state dimension in the model is 100. When training the model, we adopt the Adam optimizer [22]. Learning rate and batch size are set to 0.005 and 32 respectively. In addition, we add L2 regularization on the output layer. For all three tasks, we use the cross entropy as a loss function during model training. We first train two auxiliary tasks and then train all loss together, including \( L_{pc} \).

4.3 Evaluation of the ECPE Task

The number of researches on the ECPE task is not extensive because it is a new task proposed recently. We select three methods: Indep, Inter-CE, Inter-EC [1] as our baselines, which are based on two-step framework. In the first step, these methods regard emotion-cause pair extraction as two individual tasks:

  • Indep completing emotion extraction and cause extraction independently.

  • Inter-CE using the predictions of cause extraction to improve emotion extraction.

  • Inter-EC using the predictions of emotion extraction to improve cause extraction.

In the second step, these methods share the same strategy, which first apply Cartesian product to the emotion set and the cause set from the first step to get a pair set, and then filter the pair set by a classifier to get the final emotion-cause pairs.

As shown in Table 2, we compare our RHN and RHNSC model with baselines, where RHN is RHNSC without scope controller. Obviously, our models outperform these two-step methods in precision, recall and F1 score. In particular, the performance of baselines increases significantly after filtering pairs, while our models are almost no improvement. This phenomenon proves the efficiency of our end-to-end model. The reason will be detailed in the next subsection. Here we only focus on the performance of RHNSC without pair filter, which still outperforms baselines. In addition, we notice that Inter-CE and Inter-EC perform better than Indep. As mentioned earlier, emotions and causes are not completely independent. Using emotion or cause predictions to help identify another one can enhance interaction between them.

Table 2. Experimental results of models on the ECPE with or without the pair filter.

Comparing Inter-CE and Inter-EC, the result of Inter-EC is better. The emotion extraction task is less difficult than the cause extraction task, hence emotion predictions can provide more improvement to the cause extraction task. That is why we select emotion extraction as lower-level auxiliary task.

4.4 Effect of End-to-End Approach

Inter-CE model and Inter-EC model are based on two-step framework. To prove the effectiveness of end-to-end approach, we take the same filtering method for RHN and RHNSC model. In Table 2, we display the result of emotion-cause pair extraction with and without pair filter, where keep_rate indicates that the final result retains the proportion of emotion-cause pairs after filtering. Obviously, the performance of RHN and RHNSC is almost not impacted by filtering, and the keep_rate reaches 99.83% for RHNSC. The F1 score and precision of these two-step models are improved significantly, but the recall is slightly reduced. Because applying the Cartesian product will contain all possible pairs, which may include some extra pairs that are not correct, especially the predicted emotions and causes are not unique in the first step.

For example, there are five clauses. We first get one predicted emotion clause c1 and two predicted cause clauses \( c_{2} \) and \( c_{3} \), while \( c_{3} \) is a wrong prediction. We get two emotion-cause pairs \( \left( {c_{1} , c_{2} } \right) \) and \( \left( {c_{1} , c_{3} } \right) \) by applying Cartesian product, but \( \left( {c_{1} , c_{3} } \right) \) is a wrong result. Similarly, as long as the emotion clause and cause clause in the first step are not unique or wrong, extra pairs will exist in the second step. This is the two-step framework shortcoming: the result of first step will affect the next step performance and the final result cannot guide the previous learning.

In Fig. 3, we categorize documents into 5 groups on the number of emotion-cause pairs in each document. The number of documents in other cases is too few to consider. Comparing the number of documents in each group using the results of Inter-CE, Inter-EC, RHNSC prediction without filtering and ground truth. The display of the chart is consistent with our analysis. Inter-CE model and Inter-EC model predict more two-pair and four-pair documents than reality. Therefore, they need filter the extra pairs in the second step. However, our RHNSC model is closer to the true distribution. In addition, in the zero-pair group, the number of documents is low than the two-step methods. It is the advantage of the end-to-end approach that our model directly extracts emotion-cause pairs, which tackle the problem of predicting extra pairs to a certain extent.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The number of documents with different number of emotion-cause pairs in Inter-CE, Inter-EC, RHNSC prediction and ground truth.

4.5 Effect of Multi-task Learning

In this section, we describe the effectiveness of two auxiliary tasks in detail. We compare the performance of different models: RHNSC(P), RHNSC(CEP), RHNSC(ECP), where CEP means cause extraction as the lower layer, emotion extraction as the middle layer, and emotion-cause pair extraction as the upper layer. ECP can be interpreted as the same way.

In Table 3, compared with RHNSC(P), RHNSC(CEP) and RHNSC(ECP) get significant improvement. We are amazed at the impact of the two auxiliary tasks on the pairing results. When observing the training process, we find that there are always one or two results that are abnormally low among the ten results using 10- fold cross-validation method. After many experiments, we believe that this is not an accidental phenomenon, because this phenomenon disappears completely after adding the two auxiliary tasks. We guess that the clause representation trained by the two auxiliary tasks implies more useful information for the pairing task. As we mentioned before, emotion factor and cause factor are required for pairing task. The learning of these two auxiliary tasks can extract these two corresponding factors better. In addition, the mutual interaction of these three tasks is fully utilized in a holistic model. Therefore, the model can learn more rapidly.

Table 3. The result of models. P, E, C represent emotion-cause pairs extraction, emotion extraction and cause extraction.

Comparing RHNSC(CEP) and RHNSC(ECP), we observe that if the lower layer is emotion extraction task and the middle layer is cause extraction task, the performance of emotion-cause pair extraction task is better, because the emotion prediction is sim-pler than the cause prediction. In ECP, the three tasks are sorted from simple to difficult, which is in line with the characteristics of the learning process.

4.6 Effect of Scope Controller

We explore the performance of our model with or without using the scope controller. In Table 2, RNH is a hierarchical neural network without a scope controller. Compared with RHN, the scope controller brings 3.94% improvement in F1 score. Indeed, the relative position of emotions and causes is a very important factor in the emotion-cause pair extraction task. We add a scope controller to capture the correlation, which can effectively narrow the predicted emotion-cause pairs in a high probability scope.

The left part of Fig. 4 displays the matrices of prediction with or without scope controller. After using the scope controller, the predicted emotion-cause pairs are concentrated near the diagonal of the matrix, which is an area where emotion-cause pairs frequently occur. Contrastively, the matrix of not using scope controller is less prominent near the diagonal. In particular, the upper right near the diagonal is usually of a high probability, but there is almost the darkest color. This explains why using the scope controller can gain better performance.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The impact of scope controller. The left part is the prediction matrices of emotion-cause pair. The right part is the F1 in different scopes.

We further investigate the effect of different scopes. The result is reported in the right part of Fig. 4. The performance is best when the scope is 2. Since it has almost covered all the emotion-cause pairs. If enlarging the scope, the performance decreases. When the scope is 12, which means containing all emotion-cause pairs in the dataset, the result still does not increase. Because the area with wide scope contains more irrelevant pairs, we should control the predicted emotion-cause pairs in the high probability area. A large scope allows the model to learn predictions of pairs farther away from the high probability area.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we propose an end-to-end RNN-Based Hierarchical Network with Scope Controller (RHNSC) model for emotion-cause pair extraction. Our model takes emotion-cause pair extraction as main tasks and adds two auxiliary tasks: emotion extraction, cause extraction for mutual interaction between emotions and cause. The experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance and addresses issue of the two-step framework to a certain extent. We exa-mine and analyze the effectiveness of end-to-end approach for ECPE tasks.