
6.1 Introduction

With the rapid development of the Internet field, the traditional single-service architecture is facing huge challenges. Micro-service architecture [1] has become extremely popular today. The core of the micro-service is to implement separate deployment, operation and maintenance, and expansion according to the business module. Unfortunately, there are many new problems in micro-services compared to traditional single-service architectures. Among them, distributed transaction in micro-services is one of the most common challenge [2].

In the traditional single-service architecture, whole the business modules are concentrated on the same data source. Therefore, it is convenient to implement the local transaction mechanism to ensure data consistency within the system, such as 2PC [3], MVCC, etc. However, in the micro-service architecture, service modules often straddle heterogeneous distributed system, and they are deployed across services and resources [1]. With the rapid growth of the number of micro-service nodes, 2PC and MVCC exist in their performance bottlenecks. So that 2PC and MVCC are hard to reach the processing performance of micro-services. In the evaluation experiment in Section 4, the latency of 2PC dropped below 35% of its maximum as contention increased.

In this paper, a distributed transaction concurrency control optimization protocol 2PC+ is proposed, which can extract more concurrency in the case of high competition than previous methods. 2PC+ is based on the traditional two-phase commit protocol, combined with transaction thread synchronization blocking optimization algorithm SAOLA.

We apply proposed 2PC+ protocol to the case of MSECP micro-service platform. Through experimental result, 2PC+ has obvious improvement in RT and TPS performance compared to 2PC for distributed transaction.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 elaborates the basic concepts and knowledge background in distributed transactions. In Section 3, we introduce the design details of the 2PC+ protocol and an optimization algorithms SAOLA based on 2PC protocol. The TLA+ verification process of the SAOLA is given in Section 4, and its feasibility is verified by running the results of TLC. Section 5 gives a comparison experiment between 2PC+ and 2PC. Section 6 discusses some related work, and Section 7 summarizes this paper.

6.2 Preliminaries

2PC and OCC Low-Performance Approaches

Developers prefer the strongest isolation level serializability, in order to simplify the process of controlling distributed transactions. To guarantee the rules in transaction, traditional distributed systems (e.g. relational database) typically run standard concurrency control schemes, such as two-phase commit (2PC) combined with optimistic concurrency control (OCC) [11]. However, in many conflict transaction scenarios, 2PC combined with OCC measures perform poorly under highly competitive workloads.

For example, Table 6.1 shows a snippet of a new order transaction that simulates a customer purchasing two items from the same store. The transaction consists of two threads working on fragments P1 and P2, each of which reduces the inventory of different materials. Although each fragment can be executed automatically on its own machine, distributed control is still required to prevent fragmentation of the fragments between services. For example, suppose we keep the inventory of goods a and b constants and always sell the two together. In the absence of distributed transaction control, one customer can buy a but not b, while another customer can buy b but not a. This is due to the presence of locks in 2PC, so transactions can be aborted or even fail due to long thread blocks.

Table 6.1 A fragment of new-order transaction containing two pieces

X/Open DTP

X/Open [4] is the most widely used distributed transaction solution model in the single architecture. The key point is to provide a distributed transaction specification protocol: XA protocol. It uses the 2PC protocol to manage distributed transactions. The XA protocol specifies a set of communication interfaces between the resource manager (RM) and the transaction manager (TM). It is mainly composed of three main modules, i.e., RM, TM, and application (AP). Among them, RM is specifically responsible for the resource groups actually involved in the system, such as database resources and system operation platform resources. TM controls the distributed transaction process globally within the system, including the execution cycle of distributed transactions and coordination of RM resources.

6.3 Design

Based on the defects in the distributed transaction solution under the 2PC protocol, and optimizing the processing performance in the micro-service architecture for its problem, we propose an optimized 2PC+ protocol. It highly reduces the time cost of thread synchronization blocking when the service node processes distributed transaction in the system.

In the process based on the 2PC protocol, the thread participating in the transaction needs to be blocked after the two commits. When all the participants have completed the commit transaction, the blocking lock can be released. Thread synchronization blocking optimization in resource manager is the key to improving the performance of the original solution. In this section, the algorithm SAOLA is proposed and given the specific design and implementation.

Percolator Transaction

Percolator is developed by Google to handle incremental web indexing and provides a strong and consistent way to update indexing information in a cluster of machines under distributed systems [5]. Two basic services are provided in percolator transaction, namely, a timestamp identifying the order of transactions and a distributed lock that detects the state of the process. It applies a single-row atomicity mechanism in big table. The commit and rollback operations in the original multi-row, multi-column distributed transaction are converted to simple single-line transactions [6]. Percolator uses lock, data, and write to execute the process, lock to store data information, write to save the final write data, and data to save the current timestamp version.

The Two-Level Asynchronous Lock Mechanism

Converting synchronous blocking in a transaction commit process to asynchronous non-blocking is key in the optimization process. We refined the fine-grained of the lock into a second-level optimistic lock [7, 8] and proposed this optimization algorithm SAOLA (Secondary Asynchronous Optimistic-Lock Algorithm). The specific implementation of the SAOLA algorithm is shown below:

  1. 1.

    Initialize settings in the transaction properties. It includes value, which is the current actual value of the transaction; beginVersion, which is the version serial number of the transaction at beginning; commitVersion, which is the version serial number of the transaction commit; and lock, which stores the uncommitted transaction, and lock is divided into two different level locks, namely, firstLock and secondLock. They represent the two phases of the lock, respectively. And specify that the secondLock includes the firstLock information.

  2. 2.

    BeginTransaction. As shown in Table 6.2. At the beginning, transaction object T 1 obtains the value of beginVersion as b_v and then determines whether there is a lock in the transaction object. If it does not exist, try to obtain some latest version directly from b_v. And the committed transaction obtains its current latest data value through its beginVersion. Otherwise, if there is a lock, the following three cases will occur:

    • There is another transaction object T 2 is committing, the data value of T 2 is locked, and then it is necessary to wait for T 2 to complete the commit, finally polling for retry (the number of polling can be configured).

    • In the first case, if the T 1 wait time has passed a certain threshold WAIT_TIME, the value of T 2 is still locked. It can be determined that T 2 has network fluctuations or unforeseen exceptions such as service downtime, and it is directly considered that T 2 has been interrupted. In this condition, T 1 can release the lock.

    • The lock in T 2 may be abnormally cleared without exception. T 2’s firstLock has completed committing and has been successfully released. However, an exception occurred in secondLock that caused unsuccessful commit and remains. At this condition, it can release the lock directly.

  3. 3.

    PreCommit. The algorithm is shown in Table 6.3. At this time, T 1 has obtained all the latest values and can start executing transaction precommit. The process is divided into the following three branches:

    • The first case is for all transaction objects (only T 1 and T 2 transaction objects are assumed). The value of T 1 and T 2 is after the version sequence b_v, and it is judged whether there is a write operation of other transaction objects T x. If it exists, then T x has updated the latest data value, and the current T 1 and T 2 are directly rolled back, so the process can be ended.

    • The second case is to judge whether the locks in T 1 and T 2 are locked. If they match, both T 1 and T 2 need to be rolled back.

    • The third case is that there is no write of the new object T x; T 1 and T 2 do not exist lock. The firstLock of them is set to locked, and the latest data value is written, so the transaction group can be committed.

  4. 4.

    Second-Commit. The algorithm is shown in Table 6.4. After completing the precommit, all transaction objects (assuming that there are still only T 1 and T 2) can perform the final two-phase commit step. First, T 1 and T 2 will judge whether their firstLock is in the locked state. If they match, they can commit the transaction. Otherwise, it represents that another has cleared the firstLock of T 1 or T 2 and then execute the rollback operation.

    The transaction’s main process has been completed. For secondLock, it can be completely separated from the main process, using thread asynchronous mode to clear secondLock and commit the transaction. Thus, even if an exception occurs in the operation step, T next for the next transaction object, it finds that firstLock in T 1 or T 2 has been cleared, but secondLock still exists; T next will automatically clear secondLock for T 1 or T 2 and commit the transaction.

Table 6.2 Algorithm of BeginTransaction
Table 6.3 Algorithm implementation of PreCommit
Table 6.4 Algorithm implementation of Second-Commit

6.4 Correctness

The formalized method TLA+ language is applied for verify the optimized scheme, and the rigorous mathematical logic is used to detect the logical feasibility of the optimized algorithm SAOLA. We give the TLA+ verification steps as follows:

  1. 1.

    Set the two invariants in the distributed transaction to constant: the current actual value of all participating transaction and all participant transaction RMs. TLA+ can be expressed as:


  2. 2.

    Set variables in the process: transaction status of the occurrence of RM, represented by the variable rm_status, i.e., “beginning,” “preparing,” “precommit,” “committed,” “cancel,” etc.; The variable rm_v represents RM’s current version and the global version sequence ascend_v. For the two locks of the control version in RM, i.e. firstLock and secondLock, represented by the variable rm_lock, two versions of the sequence appearing successively in the transaction flow beginVersion and commitVersion are represented by the variables begin_v and commit_v; respectively, the variables first_val and second_val are used to represent the RM values corresponding to the two versions; the variable rm_data is used to save the current actual value in the RM. Finally, the committed_v is used to save the committed transaction version.

    VARIABLES rm_status VARIABLES rm_v VARIABLES rm_lock VARIABLES begin_v VARIABLES commit_v VARIABLES rm_value VARIABLES ascend_v VARIABLES committed_v

  3. 3.

    Next, initializing the values of the individual variables. At the beginning, all variables are staying at initial value.

    Init == /\ rm_status = [r \in RM|-> "beginning"] /\ rm_v = [r \in RM| -> [begin_v |-> 0, commit_v |-> 0]] /\ rm_value = [r \in RM| -> [first_val|-> "",]] /\ second_val|->""]] /\ rm_lock = [v \in VALUE |->{}] /\ rm_data = [v \in VALUE |-> {}] /\ ascend_v = 0 /\ committed_value = [v \in VALUE |-> <<>>]

  4. 4.

    When the process begins, the variable transaction state rm_status is “beginning,” and the next state of rm_status does not contain “preparing.” The ascend_v is in an ascending state, as shown in line 3. And the next state of the constraint rm_value cannot satisfy the getVal condition. In the next state of the current version of the RM, the start versionbegin_v is not equal to the next state of the version, as shown in the last line in TLA+.

    Begin(r) == /\ rm_status[r] = "beginning" /\ rm_status' = [rm_status EXCEPT ![r] = "preparing "] /\ ascend_v' = ascend_v + 1 /\ rm_value' = [rm_value EXCEPT ![r] = getVal] /\ rm_v' = [rm_v EXCEPT !. begin_v = ascend_v']

  5. 5.

    The TLA+ below indicates that the transaction initially loads the process. At this time, rm_status stays at the “preparing” state. If the preCommit can be executed in the stage, and the next state of the rm_status cannot be “precommit”; otherwise, it is judged whether the resettable lock isResetLock condition is satisfied: if so, the reset lock can be executed.

    Loading(r) == /\ rm_status[r] = "preparing" /\ IF isPreCommit(r) THEN /\ rm_status ' = [rm_status EXCEPT ![r] "] /\ = "precommit"] ELSE IF isResetLock (r) THEN /\ resetLock(r) ELSE /\ rm_status' = [rm_status EXCEPT ![r] /\ = "cancel"]

  6. 6.

    TLA+ statement of the transaction precommit process. At this time, rm_status is the “precommit” state. If the final commit process canCommit can be executed, the global version ascend_v is incremented. The next state of rm_v is not allowed to be ascend_v, and the next state of the constraint rm_status does not contain “committing.” Then it determines whether the RM can lock all values, i.e., isAllLock: if it matches, lock it. Otherwise, the constraint rm_status next step state does not contain “cancel” state. The TLA+ language in Commit is shown below, representing the two-phase commit step of the algorithm.

    PreCommit(r) == /\ rm_status[r] = " precommit " /\ IF canCommit(r) THEN /\ ascend_v' = ascend_v + 1 /\ rm_v' = [rm_v EXCEPT !. commit_v = ascend_v'] /\ rm_status ' = [rm_status EXCEPT ![r] "committing"] ELSE IF isAllLock(r) THEN /\ allLock(r) ELSE /\ rm_status ' = [rm_status EXCEPT ![r] = "cancel"]

    Commit(r) == /\ rm_status[r] = "committing" /\ IF isCommitFirstVal(r) THEN /\ commitFirstVal(r) /\ rm_status '=[rm_status EXCEPT ![r]="committed"] ELSE /\ rm_status '=[rm_status EXCEPT![r]= "cancel"]

  7. 7.

    Finally, we define the Next operation in the process. Obviously, it must complete four processes in sequence, as shown in the following TLA+:

    Next == \E r \in RM: Begin(r) \/ Loading(r) \/ preCommit(r) \/ commit(r)

We run the complete TLA+ program statement on TLC and get the result as shown in the Fig. 6.1. This algorithm generates a total of 1296 states, 324 different states have been found, and “no errors are found,” which can verify the correctness of the algorithm SAOLA.

Fig. 6.1
figure 1

TLA+ result with running in TLC

6.5 Evaluation

6.5.1 Experimental Setup

Unless otherwise mentioned, all experiments are conducted on the Kodiak test bed. Each machine has a single core 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 with 8GB RAM and 500GB SSD. Most experiments are bottlenecked on the server CPU. We have achieved much higher throughput when running on a local testbed with faster CPUs.

6.5.2 Experimental Case

We evaluate 2PC+’s performance under the data consistency of the Ctrip e-commerce platform (MSECP). As shown in the Fig. 6.2 below, the experimental case of MSECP contains a total of three micro-service modules: COMS, CSMS, and AMS. In the beginning, the customer initiates a request to create a new order. As the initiator of COMS, RPC remotely calls the gateways in CSMS and AMS to complete the order delivery and deduction. The CSMS and AMS then return the results of the operations in the respective service units. Finally, COMS returns the final response to the customer based on the returned results. If the operation is all successful, the order is created successfully. Otherwise, the order creation fails and the data is rolled back immediately. The MSECP is based on the spring cloud micro-services framework [24]. Finally, we deploy three micro-service module clusters.

Fig. 6.2
figure 2

A case of Ctrip MSECP

6.5.3 RT Experiment

The SAOLA algorithm in 2PC+ needs to determine the performance improvement after optimization based on the response time (RT) of the service. In this test experiment, the createOrder interface was called concurrently with 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 500 sets of threads. A result of ten sets of comparison experiments was performed to calculate the RT mean values. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 6.2.

According to the analysis of the experimental results, when the number of threads concurrency is between 10 and 50, 2PC+ does not show a significant advantage on RT. However, when the thread concurrency reaches 100, it is shortened from the original 241.7ms to 83.4ms, which is 34.5% of the original RT duration. As thread concurrency continues to grow, the RT performance of the optimization scheme becomes more apparent. When the number of thread concurrency reaches 300, the RT value of the original 2PC is 820.5ms, and the RT value of 2PC+ is only 217.6ms, which is 26.5% of 2PC time. When the number of thread concurrent requests reaches 500, the 2PC’s RT value is 1357.8ms, and 2PC+ is shortened to 473.6ms, which is 34.8% of the original time.

In summary, in the higher concurrent thread request scenario, the optimization algorithm in 2PC+ performs well in RT performance. Compared with 2PC, the RT performance is improved by 2.87 times to 3.77 times.

6.5.4 TPS Experiment

Similarly, transactions per second (TPS) is also one of the indicators for evaluating performance. The experimental results are shown in Fig. 6.3 below.

Fig. 6.3
figure 3

RT experiment comparison result

Through the experimental results, it can be known that when the number of concurrent threads is less than 50, 2PC+ has no obvious advantage in TPS performance. However, as the concurrency of threads increases, the TPS performance advantages of the optimization scheme gradually emerge. When the number of concurrent threads is between 100 and 200, 2PC+ can be maintained at TPS between 627.0 and 545.3, which is about 60.5% to 68.0% higher than that of 2PC’s 390.6 and 324.5. When the number of concurrent threads reaches 300 to 500, the TPS of 2PC+ can be maintained at 392.3 to 264.8, which is 323.7% to 514.4% higher than the TPS of 92.6 and 43.1 in 2PC (Fig. 6.4).

Fig. 6.4
figure 4

TPS experiment comparison result

As a summary, 2PC+ performs equally effective in TPS performance in higher concurrent thread request scenarios. Especially when the number of concurrent threads reaches 300 to 500, the TPS performance optimization is roughly 4.24 times to 6.14 times that of 2PC.

6.5.5 Related Work

Transaction of distributed database

In academia, Kallman R et al. implement distributed transactions in H-Store memory data through serialization methods [9]. Later, Bailis P et al. developed a high availability solution to solve common faults such as network delays and partitions in distributed transactions [9]. In 2014, Mu S et al. developed a more concurrency control protocol ROCOCO [10] based on 2PL protocol and OCC, which has higher performance in dealing with distributed transaction conflicts. Guerraoui R et al. pointed out that the core rules for distributed transaction commit [11], that is, atomicity, must meet the conditions for the final agreement of all nodes in a distributed system. In the industry, Internet companies including Google, eBay, Alibaba, and PingCAP have been developing transaction solutions in distributed systems in recent years. In 2012, Google released the Spanner distributed database [12] and then in 2017 released the world’s first commercial cloud data support for distributed transactions Cloud Spanner. Since then, Alibaba has developed the distributed database OceanBase [13] based on Spanner’s design ideas, which solves the problem of data consistency and cross-database table transactions in distributed systems. It has extremely high processing performance. PingCAP [14] also released a distributed database VoltDB [15], which supports horizontal elastic extension, ACID transaction, standard SQL, and MySQL syntax and protocol, with high data consistency and high availability, and can support distributed transactions.

6.6 Conclusion

This paper presented 2PC+, a novel concurrency control protocol for distributed transactions in micro-service architecture. 2PC+ optimizes the synchronization blocking situation of transaction threads and reduces the probability of conflict between transactions due to high concurrency in micro-service architecture. And through the specific experimental data verification, compared to 2PC, 2PC+ has more efficient performance in RT and TPS.