
1 Introduction

A subject doing a job function plays a role [1, 2] in an enterprise. In the role-based access control (RBAC) model [1,2,3], a role is a set of access rights. An access right is given in a pair \(\langle o, op \rangle \) of an abject o [4] and a method op. A subject granted a role including an access right \(\langle o, op \rangle \) can manipulate the object o through the method op by issuing a transaction. A transaction [5, 6] is an atomic sequence of methods issued by a subject to manipulate objects. Conflicting methods [6] issued by multiple transactions have to be serialized on an object to keep the object mutually consistent. There are various ways to serialize multiple conflicting methods like timestamp ordering (TO) [5] and FIFO [5, 6].

In our previous studies, the role ordering (RO) scheduler [3] is proposed to serialize multiple conflicting transactions in the significant order of roles granted to subjects and \(authorization\,relation\) [1, 2, 7] of roles. The RO scheduler does not consider to reduce the total electric energy consumption of servers to perform methods on objects. The energy-efficient role ordering (EERO) scheduler [8] is proposed to not only serialize multiple conflicting transactions in the significant order of roles granted to subjects but also reduce the total electric energy consumption of servers by omitting meaningless methods. In the RO and EERO schedulers, a subject granted more significant roles is more significant than other subjects granted less significant roles. Then, a method issued by a more significant subject is performed prior to other methods issued by less significant subjects. However, this assumption is not true in some types of applications. For example, suppose a president would like to access to a bank account just for checking but a manager would like to access to the bank account for transferring money to make payment. The purpose payment is more significant than the purpose check in a purpose point of view. Hence, a method issued by the manager should be performed prior to a method issued by the president.

In this paper, a subject assigns a transaction with a purpose which is a subset of roles granted to the subject. We first define the purpose-oriented dominant relation among subjects. Then, the energy-efficient purpose ordering (EEPO) scheduler is proposed to not only serialize multiple conflicting transactions in the significant order of purposes but also reduce the total electric energy consumption of servers by omitting meaningless methods. We evaluate the EEPO scheduler in terms of the total electric energy consumption of servers and the execution time of each transaction compared with the RO and EERO schedulers.

In Sect. 2, we discuss the significancy of transactions, meaningless methods, and power consumption model of a server. In Sect. 3, we propose the EEPO scheduler. In Sect. 4, we evaluate the EEPO scheduler compared with the RO and EERO schedulers.

2 System Model

2.1 Object-Based Systems with RBAC Model

A server cluster S is composed of multiple servers \(s_1\), ..., \(s_n\,(n \ge 1)\) and multiple clients \(cl_1, ..., cl_l\, (l \ge 1)\) interconnected in reliable networks. Let O be a set of objects \(o_1, ..., o_m\, (m \ge 1)\) [4]. Each object \(o_h\) is a unit of computation resource like a file and is an encapsulation of data and methods to manipulate the data. Objects are distributed on multiple servers. A pair of methods \(op_1\) and \(op_2\,conflict\) if and only if (iff) the result obtained by performing the methods depends on the computation order. Otherwise, \(op_1\) and \(op_2\) are compatible. A transaction is an atomic sequence of methods [5]. A transaction \(T_i\) is initiated in a client \(cl_s\) and issues methods to servers to manipulate objects. In this paper, we assume each transaction \(T_i\) serially issues methods. Each transaction \(T_i\) initiated in a client \(cl_s\) is given an identifier \(tid(T_i) = \langle V(T_i), id(cl_s)\rangle \) where \(V(T_i)\) is a logical time of the client \(cl_s\) when \(T_i\) is initiated and \(id(cl_s)\) is an identifier of the client \(cl_s\). For every pair of transaction identifiers \(tid(T_i)\, (= \langle V(T_i), id(cl_1)\rangle )\) and \(tid(T_j)\, (= \langle V(T_j), id(cl_2)\rangle )\), \(tid(T_i)\) \(<\,tid(T_j)\) iff 1) \(V(T_i)\) \(<\,V(T_j)\) or 2) \(id(cl_1)\) \(<\,id(cl_2)\) and \(V(T_i)\) \(\Vert \,V(T_j)\). A role R is a collection of \(access\,rights\) in the role-\(based\,access\,control\) (RBAC) model [1, 2]. An access right is specified in a pair \(\langle o\), \(op \rangle \) of an object o and a method op. If a subject Sub is granted a role R including \(\langle o\), \(op \rangle \), the subject Sub is allowed to invoke a method op on an object o. Let Srole be a family {\(R_1\), ..., \(R_q\)} of roles granted to a subject Sub. Let \(Sub_i\) denote a subject which initiates a transaction \(T_i\).

2.2 Significancy of Methods

Class methods are ones for creating and dropping an object. Object methods are ones for manipulating data in an object. Object methods are furthermore classified into change and output types. In an output type method, data is derived from an object. Change type methods are furthermore classified into full and partial types. In a full type method, whole data in an object is fully changed. In a partial type method, a part of data in an object is changed. A method \(op_1\,semantically\,dominates\,op_2\) on an object o \((op_1 \succeq \succeq op_2)\) iff an application considers \(op_1\) to be more significant than \(op_2\). \(op_1\) is \(semantically\,equivalent\) with \(op_2\) \((op_1\,\cong \,op_2)\) if \(op_1 \succeq \succeq op_2\) and \(op_2 \succeq \succeq op_1\). \(op_1\) is \(more\,semantically\,significant\) than \(op_2\) \((op_1\,\succ \succ \,op_2)\) if \(op_1 \succeq \succeq op_2\) and \(op_1\,\not \cong \,op_2\). \(op_1\) and \(op_2\) are \(semantically\,uncomparable\) \((op_1\,\Vert \,op_2)\) iff neither \(op_1 \succeq \succeq op_2\) nor \(op_2 \succeq \succeq op_1\).


A method \(op_1\) is \(more\,significant\) than another method \(op_2\) on an object o \((op_1\,\succ \,op_2)\) iff (1) \(op_1\) is a class type and \(op_2\) is an object type, (2) \(op_1\) is a change type and \(op_2\) is an output one, (3) \(op_1\) is a \(full\,change\) type and \(op_2\) is an partial one, or (4) \(op_1\) and \(op_2\) are a same object type and \(op_1\,\succ \succ \,op_2\).

A method \(op_1\) is \(significantly\,equivalent\) with \(op_2\) \((op_1\,\equiv \,op_2)\) iff \(op_1\) and \(op_2\) are a same type and \(op_1\,\cong \,op_2\). \(op_1\,significantly\,dominates\,op_2\) \((op_1 \succeq op_2)\) iff \(op_1\,\succ \,op_2\) or \(op_1\,\equiv \,op_2\). \(op_1\) and \(op_2\) are \(significantly\,uncomparable\) \((op_1\,\Vert \,op_2)\) iff neither \(op_1 \succeq op_2\) nor \(op_2 \succeq op_1\).

Suppose a file object F supports six methods create, drop, modify, insert, delete, and read as shown in Fig. 1. modify \(\succ \,insert\) since modify is a full change type method and insert is a partial change type method.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Significancy of methods.

2.3 Significancy of Roles

In object-based systems, subjects and objects are referred to as entities. Each entity \(e_i\) is given one security class \(sc(e_i)\) [9]. A security class \(sc_1\) can \(flow\,into\,sc_2\) \((sc_1\,\mapsto \,sc_2)\) iff the information in an entity \(e_1\) of a security class \(sc_1\) can flow into another entity \(e_2\) of a security class \(sc_2\). \(sc_1\) and \(sc_2\) are equivalent \((sc_1\,\equiv \,sc_2)\) iff \(sc_1\,\mapsto \,sc_2\) and \(sc_2\,\mapsto \,sc_1\). \(sc_1\) precedes \(sc_2\) \((sc_1\,\prec \,sc_2)\) iff \(sc_1\,\mapsto \,sc_2\) but \(sc_2\,\not \mapsto \,sc_1\). \(sc_2\) dominates \(sc_1\) \((sc_1\,\preceq \,sc_2)\) iff \(sc_1\,\prec \,sc_2\) or \(sc_1\,\equiv \,sc_2\).


An object \(o_1\) is \(more\,significant\) than \(o_2\) \((o_1\,\succ \,o_2)\) iff \(sc(o_1)\) \(\succ \,sc(o_2)\).

A pair of objects \(o_1\) and \(o_2\) are \(significantly\,equivalent\) \((o_1\,\equiv \,o_2)\) iff \(sc(o_1)\) \(\equiv \,sc(o_2)\). \(o_1\,significantly\,dominates\,o_2\) \((o_1 \succeq o_2)\) iff \(o_1\,\succ \,o_2\) or \(o_1\,\equiv \,o_2\). \(o_1\) and \(o_2\) are \(significantly\,uncomparable\) \((o_1\,\Vert \,o_2)\) iff neither \(sc(o_1)\) \(\succeq sc(o_2)\) nor \(sc(o_2)\) \(\succeq sc(o_1)\).


Let \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\) be a pair of access rights \(\langle o_1, op_1 \rangle \) and \(\langle o_2, op_2 \rangle \). An access right \(\alpha _1\) is \(more\,significant\) than \(\alpha _2\) \((\alpha _1\,\succ \,\alpha _2)\) iff (1) \(o_1\,\succ \,o_2\), (2) \(op_1\,\succ \,op_2\) and \(o_1\,\equiv \,o_2\), or (3) \(\alpha _1\,\succ \,\alpha _3\) and \(\alpha _3\,\succ \,\alpha _2\) for some access right \(\alpha _3\).

A pair of access rights \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\) are \(significantly\,equivalent\) \((\alpha _1\,\equiv \,\alpha _2)\) iff (1) \(op_1\,\equiv \,op_2\) and \(o_1 = o_2\), or (2) \(o_1\,\equiv \,o_2\) and \(o_1\,\ne \,o_2\). \(\alpha _1\,significantly\,dominates\,\alpha _2\) \((\alpha _1 \succeq \alpha _2)\) iff \(\alpha _1\,\succ \,\alpha _2\) or \(\alpha _1\,\equiv \,\alpha _2\). \(\alpha _1\) and \(\alpha _2\) are \(significantly\,uncomparable\) \((\alpha _1\,\Vert \,\alpha _2)\) iff neither \(\alpha _1 \succeq \alpha _2\) nor \(\alpha _2 \succeq \alpha _1\).

Let A be a set of access rights. An access right \(\beta \) is \(maximally\,reachable\) from another access right \(\alpha \) \((\beta \,\leftharpoonup \,\alpha )\) iff \(\beta \succeq \alpha \) and there is no access right \(\gamma \) such that \(\gamma \succeq \beta \) in A.


A role \(R_1\,significantly\,dominates\,R_2\) \((R_1 \succeq R_2)\) iff (1) for some access right \(\alpha \) in \(R_2\), there is an access right \(\beta \,\in \,R_1\) - \(R_2\) such that \(\beta \,\leftharpoonup \,\alpha \) in \(R_1\,\cup \,R_2\) and (2) for every access right \(\beta \,\in \,R_1\), there is no access right \(\alpha \,\in \,R_2\) such that \(\alpha \,\leftharpoonup \,\beta \) in \(R_1\,\cup \,R_2\).

A role \(R_1\) is \(significantly\,equivalent\) with \(R_2\) \((R_1\,\equiv \,R_2)\) iff \(R_1 \succeq R_2\) and \(R_2 \succeq R_1\). \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) are \(significantly\,uncomparable\) \((R_1\,\Vert \,R_2)\) iff neither \(R_1 \succeq R_2\) nor \(R_2 \succeq R_1\). A \(least\,upper\,bound\,R_1\,\sqcup \,R_2\) is a role \(R_3\) such that \(R_3 \succeq R_1\) and \(R_3 \succeq R_2\) and there is no role \(R_4\) such that \(R_3 \succeq R_4 \succeq R_1\) and \(R_3 \succeq R_4 \succeq R_2\). A \(greatest\,lower\,bound\,R_1\,\sqcap \,R_2\) is similarly defined. Here, \(R_1\,\sqcap \,\cdots \,\sqcap \,R_m\,\preceq \,R_i\,\preceq \,R_1\,\sqcup \,\cdots \,\sqcup \,R_m\) holds but \(R_1\,\cap \,\cdots \,\cap \,R_m\,\preceq \,R_i\,\preceq \,R_1\,\cup \,\cdots \,\cup \,R_m\) may not hold.


Let \(\mathbf{R}_1\) and \(\mathbf{R}_2\) be families of roles. \(\mathbf{R}_1\,significantly\,dominates\,\mathbf{R}_2\) \((\mathbf{R}_1 \succeq \mathbf{R}_2)\) iff \(\sqcap _{R \in \mathbf{R}_1}R \succeq \sqcup _{R \in \mathbf{R}_2}R\). \(\mathbf{R}_1\) and \(\mathbf{R}_2\) are \(significantly\,equivalent\) \((\mathbf{R}_1\,\equiv \,\mathbf{R}_2)\) iff \(\mathbf{R}_1 \succeq \mathbf{R}_2\) and \(\mathbf{R}_2 \succeq \mathbf{R}_1\). \(\mathbf{R}_1\) and \(\mathbf{R}_2\) are significantly uncomparable \((\mathbf{R}_1\,\Vert \,\mathbf{R}_2)\) iff neither \(\mathbf{R}_1 \succeq \mathbf{R}_2\) nor \(\mathbf{R}_2 \succeq \mathbf{R}_1\).

2.4 Significancy of Transactions

We first define the dominant relation of subjects with respect to the significancy of roles and authorized relation:


A subject \(Sub_i\,precedes\,Sub_j\) on a role R \((Sub_i\,\Rightarrow _R\,Sub_j)\) iff \(Sub_i\) grants R to \(Sub_j\) or \(Sub_i\,\Rightarrow _R\,Sub_k\,\Rightarrow _R\,Sub_j\) for some subject \(Sub_k\).

A pair of subjects \(Sub_i\) and \(Sub_j\) are equivalent on R \((Sub_i\,\equiv _R\,Sub_j)\) iff \(Sub_i\,\Rightarrow _R\,Sub_j\) and \(Sub_j\,\Rightarrow _R\,Sub_i\). A pair of subjects \(Sub_i\) and \(Sub_j\) are independent with respect to R \((Sub_i\,\Vert _R\,Sub_j)\) iff neither \(Sub_i\,\Rightarrow _R\,Sub_j\) nor \(Sub_j\,\Rightarrow _R\,Sub_i\).

Subject-oriented (SO) Dominant Relation. A subject \(Sub_i\,subject\)-oriented (SO) \(dominates\,Sub_j\) \((Sub_i \succeq ^{SO}\,Sub_j)\) iff (1) \(Srole_i \succeq Srole_j\), (2) \(Sub_i\,\Rightarrow _R\,Sub_j\) for some role \(R\,\in \,Srole_{ij}\) and \(Sub_j\,\not \Rightarrow _R\,Sub_i\) for every \(R\,\in \,Srole_{ij}\) if \(Srole_i\,\Vert \,Srole_j\), or (3) \(Sub_i \succeq ^{SO}\,Sub_k \succeq ^{SO}\,Sub_j\) for some subject \(Sub_k\).

Suppose each subject \(Sub_i\) issues a transaction \(T_t\) with purpose \(Prole_t\) \((\subseteq \,Srole_i)\). We define the dominant relation of subjects with respect to the significancy of purposes of transactions.

Purpose-oriented (PO) Dominant Relation. For a pair of transactions \(T_t\) and \(T_u\) issued by subjects \(Sub_i\) and \(Sub_j\), respectively, the subject \(Sub_i\,purpose\)-oriented (PO) dominates \(Sub_j\) \((Sub_i \succeq ^{PO}_{tu}\,Sub_j)\) with respect to the purposes of transactions \(T_t\) and \(T_u\) iff (1) \(Prole_t \succeq Prole_u\) or (2) \(Sub_i\,\Rightarrow _R\,Sub_j\) for some role \(R\,\in \,Prole_{tu}\) and \(Sub_j\,\not \Rightarrow _R\,Sub_i\) for every \(R\,\in \,Prole_{tu}\) if \(Prole_t\,\Vert \,Prole_u\).

The SO-dominant relation \(\succeq ^{SO}\) is transitive. However, the PO-dominant relation \(\succeq ^{PO}_{tu}\) is not transitive since the PO-dominant relation \(\succeq ^{PO}_{tu}\) is only defined for a pair of transactions \(T_t\) and \(T_u\).

We define the SO- and PO-dominant relations of transactions based on the SO- and PO-dominant relations of subjects issuing the transactions, respectively.


For a pair of conflicting transactions \(T_i\) and \(T_j\),

  • \(T_i\,SO\)-\(dominates\,T_j\) \((T_i \succeq ^{SO}\,T_j)\) iff \(Sub_i \succeq ^{SO}\,Sub_j\).

  • \(T_i\,PO\)-\(dominates\,T_j\) \((T_i \succeq ^{PO}\,T_j)\) iff \(Sub_i \succeq ^{PO}_{tu}\,Sub_j\).

Let \(\succeq ^{D}\) show a dominant relation of transactions for a dominant type \(D\,\in \) {SO, PO}. A pair of transactions \(T_i\) and \(T_j\) are equivalent \((T_i\,\equiv ^D\,T_j)\) iff \(T_i \succeq ^D\,T_j\) and \(T_j \succeq ^D\,T_i\). A pair of transactions \(T_i\) and \(T_j\) are independent \((T_i\,\Vert ^D\,T_j)\) iff neither \(T_i \succeq ^D\,T_j\) nor \(T_j \succeq ^D\,T_i\).

2.5 Meaningless Methods

Let T be a set \(\{T_1, ..., T_k\}\) \((k \ge 1)\) of transactions. Let SH be a schedule of the transactions in a set T where every transaction in the schedule SH is serially performed in the following serial precedent relation:


A transaction \(T_i\) serially precedes \(T_j\) in a schedule SH \((T_i\,\rightarrow _{SH}\,T_j)\) iff (1) \(T_i \succeq ^D\,T_j\), or (2) \(tid(T_i)\) \(<\,tid(T_j)\) if \(T_i\,\Vert ^D\,T_j\) or \(T_i\,\equiv ^D\,T_j\).

A schedule SH is a totally ordered set \(\langle \mathbf{T}, \rightarrow _{SH}\rangle \). A schedule SH is serializable iff the serial precedent relation \(\rightarrow _{SH}\) is acyclic. A schedule \(SH = \langle \mathbf{T}, \rightarrow _{SH} \rangle \) is legal iff \(T_1\,\rightarrow _{SH}\,T_2\) if \(T_1 \succeq ^D\,T_2\), or \(tid(T_1)\) \(<\,tid(T_2)\) if \(T_1\,\Vert ^D\,T_2\) or \(T_1\,\equiv ^D\,T_2\) for every pair of \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) in T. In order to make a schedule legal, methods from transactions are required to be buffered until all the transactions are initiated.


A schedule \(SH = \langle \mathbf{T}, \rightarrow _{SH} \rangle \) is RS-partitioned into the subschedules \(SH_f = \langle \mathbf{T}_f, \rightarrow _{SH_f} \rangle \) (f = 1, ..., d):

  1. 1.

    \(\mathbf{T}_f\,\cap \,\mathbf{T}_g = \phi \) for every pair of subschedules \(H_f\) and \(H_g\) and \(\mathbf{T}_1\,\cup \,\cdots \,\cup \,\mathbf{T}_d\) = T.

  2. 2.

    \(T_1\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}\,T_2\) if \(T_1 \succeq ^D\,T_2\), or \(tid(T_1)\) \(<\,tid(T_2)\) if \(T_1\,\Vert ^D\,T_2\) or \(T_1\,\equiv ^D\,T_2\) for every pair of transactions \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) in each \(SH_f\).

  3. 3.

    \(T_1\,\rightarrow _{SH}\,T_2\) if \(T_1\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}\,T_2\) for every pair of transactions \(T_1\) and \(T_2\) in each \(SH_f\).

  4. 4.

    For every pair of subschedules \(SH_f\) and \(SH_g\), if \(T_{f1}\,\rightarrow _{SH}\,T_{g1}\) for some pair of transactions \(T_{f1}\) in \(SH_f\) and \(T_{g1}\) in \(SH_g\), there is no pair of transactions \(T_{f2}\) in \(SH_f\) and \(T_{g2}\) in \(SH_g\) such that \(T_{g2}\,\rightarrow _{SH}\,T_{f2}\).


A schedule SH of T is RS-serializable with respect to subschedules \(SH_1\), ..., \(SH_d\) iff SH is RS-partitioned into the subschedules \(SH_1\), ..., \(SH_d\).

It is straightforward for the following theorem to hold.


A history SH is serializable if SH is RS-serializable with respect to some RS-partition \(SH_1\), ..., \(SH_d\) of SH.

Suppose a schedule SH is RS-partition into the subschedules \(SH_1\), ..., \(SH_d\).


A method \(op_1\) serially precedes \(op_2\) in a subschedule \(SH_f\) \((op_1\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}\,op_2)\) iff (1) the methods \(op_1\) and \(op_2\) are issued by a same transaction \(T_i\) and \(op_1\) is issued before \(op_2\), (2) the methods \(op_1\) and \(op_2\) are issued by a pair of transactions \(T_i\) and \(T_j\), respectively, and \(T_i\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}\,T_j\), or (3) \(op_1\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}\,op_3\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}\,op_2\) for some method \(op_3\).

Let \(SH_f^{o_h}\) be a \(local\,subschedule\) of methods which are performed on an object \(o_h\) in a subschedule \(SH_f\).


A method \(op_1\) serially precedes another method \(op_2\) in a local subschedule \(SH_f^{o_h}\) \((op_1\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}^{o_h}\,op_2)\) iff \(op_1\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}\,op_2\).

Suppose an object \(o_h\) supports six methods as shown in Fig. 1 and a method insert serially precedes another method modify in a local subschedule \(SH_f^{o_h}\) \((insert\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}^{o_h}\) modify) on the object \(o_h\). Here, the insert method is not required to be performed on the object \(o_h\) if the modify method is surely performed on the object \(o_h\), i.e. the modify method can absorb the insert method.


  • A full change method \(op_1\,absorbs\) another partial change method \(op_2\) in a local subschedule \(SH_f^{o_h}\) on an object \(o_h\) if \(op_2\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}^{o_h}\,op_1\), and there is no class or output method \(op'\) such that \(op_2\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}^{o_h}\,op'\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}^{o_h}\,op_1\), or \(op_1\) absorbs \(op''\) and \(op''\) absorbs \(op_2\) for some method \(op''\).

  • An output method \(op_1\,absorbs\) another output method \(op_2\) in a local subschedule \(SH_f^{o_h}\) on an object \(o_h\) if \(op_2\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}^{o_h}\,op_1\), and there is no class or change method \(op'\) such that \(op_2\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}^{o_h}\,op'\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}^{o_h}\,op_1\), or \(op_1\) absorbs \(op''\) and \(op''\) absorbs \(op_2\) for some method \(op''\).

  • A class method \(op_1\) for dropping an object \(o_h\,absorbs\) another change method \(op_2\) in a local subschedule \(SH_f^{o_h}\) on an object \(o_h\) if \(op_2\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}^{o_h}\,op_1\), and there is no class or output method \(op'\) such that \(op_2\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}^{o_h}\,op''\,\rightarrow _{SH_f}^{o_h}\,op_1\), or \(op_1\) absorbs \(op''\) and \(op''\) absorbs \(op_2\) for some method \(op''\).

A method op is not required to be performed on an object \(o_h\) if the method op is absorbed by another method \(op'\) in a local subschedule \(SH_f^{o_h}\).


A method op is meaningless iff the method op is absorbed by another method \(op'\) in the local subschedule \(sh_f^{o_h}\) of an object \(o_h\).

2.6 Power Consumption Model of a Server

In class methods and change type methods, data is written into an object. On the other hand, in output type methods, data is read from an object. In this paper, methods are classified into read (r) and write (w) types of methods. Methods which are being performed and already terminate are current and previous at time \(\tau \), respectively. Let \(RP_t(\tau )\) and \(WP_t(\tau )\) be sets of current r and w methods on a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \), respectively. Here, \(P_t(\tau )\) = \(RP_t(\tau )\) \(\cup \,WP_t(\tau )\). Let \(r_{ti}(o_h)\) and \(w_{ti}(o_h)\) be methods issued by a transaction \(T_i\) to read and write data in an object \(o_h\) on a server \(s_t\), respectively. By each method \(r_{ti}(o_h)\) in a set \(RP_t(\tau )\), data is read in an object \(o_h\) at rate \(RR_{ti}(\tau )\) [B/sec] at time \(\tau \). By each method \(w_{ti}(o_h)\) in a set \(WP_t(\tau )\), data is written in an object \(o_h\) at rate \(WR_{ti}(\tau )\) [B/sec] at time \(\tau \). Let \(maxRR_t\) and \(maxWR_t\) be the maximum read and write rates [B/sec] of r and w methods on a server \(s_t\), respectively. The read rate \(RR_{ti}(\tau )\) \((\le \,maxRR_t)\) and write rate \(WR_{ti}(\tau )\) \((\le \,maxWR_t)\) are given as \(fr_t(\tau )\,\cdot \,maxRR_t\) and \(fw_t(\tau )\,\cdot \,maxWR_t\), respectively. Here, \(fr_t(\tau )\) and \(fw_t(\tau )\) are degradation ratios for read and write methods, respectively. 0 \(\le \,fr_t(\tau )\) \(\le \) 1 and 0 \(\le \,fw_t(\tau )\) \(\le \) 1. The degradation ratios \(fr_t(\tau )\) and \(fw_t(\tau )\) are given as \(\frac{1}{|RP_t(\tau )| + rw_t \cdot |WP_t(\tau )|}\) and \(\frac{1}{wr_t \cdot |RP_t(\tau )| + |WP_t(\tau )|}\), respectively. Here, 0 \(\le \,rw_t \le \) 1 and 0 \(\le \,wr_t \le \) 1. The \(read\,laxity\,lr_{ti}(\tau )\) [B] and \(write\,laxity\,lw_{ti}(\tau )\) [B] of methods \(r_{ti}(o_h)\) and \(w_{ti}(o_h)\) show how much amount of data are read and written in an object \(o_h\) by the methods \(r_{ti}(o_h)\) and \(w_{ti}(o_h)\) at time \(\tau \), respectively. Suppose that a pair of methods \(r_{ti}(o_h)\) and \(w_{ti}(o_h)\) start on a server \(s_t\) at time \(st_{ti}\), respectively. At time \(st_{ti}\), the read laxity \(lr_{ti}(\tau )\) is \(rb_h\) [B] where \(rb_h\) is the size of data in an object \(o_h\). The write laxity \(lw_{ti}(\tau )\) is \(wb_h\) [B] where \(wb_h\) is the size of data to be written in an object \(o_h\). Here, \(lr_{ti}(\tau ) = rb_h\) - \(\varSigma _{\tau = st_{ti}}^{\tau } RR_{ti}(\tau )\) and \(lw_{ti}(\tau ) = wb_h\) - \(\varSigma _{\tau = st_{ti}}^{\tau } WR_{ti}(\tau )\).

Let \(E_t(\tau )\) be the electric power consumption [W] of a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \). \(maxE_t\) and \(minE_t\) show the maximum and minimum electric power consumption [W] of the server \(s_t\), respectively. The power consumption model for a storage server (PCS model) [10] is proposed. According to the PCS model, the electric power \(E_t(\tau )\) [W] of a server \(s_t\) to perform multiple r and w methods at time \(\tau \) is given as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} E_t(\tau ) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} WE_t &{} \text { if}~|WP_t(\tau )| \ge 1~\text {and}~|RP_t(\tau )| = 0.\\ WRE_t(\alpha ) &{} \text { if}~|WP_t(\tau )| \ge 1~\text {and}~|RP_t(\tau )| \ge 1.\\ RE_t &{} \text { if}~|WP_t(\tau )| = 0\text { and}~|RP_t(\tau )| \ge 1.\\ minE_t &{} \text { if}~|WP_t(\tau )| = |RP_t(\tau )| = 0. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

The server \(s_t\) consumes the electric power \(RE_t\) [W] if \(|WP_t(\tau )|\) = 0 and \(|RP_t(\tau )| \ge \) 1. The server \(s_t\) consumes the electric power \(WE_t\) [W] if \(|WP_t(\tau )| \ge \) 1 and \(|RP_t(\tau )|\) = 0. The server \(s_t\) consumes the electric power \(WRE_t(\alpha )\) [W] = \(\alpha \,\cdot \,RE_t\) + (1 - \(\alpha )\) \(\cdot \,WE_t\) [W] where \(\alpha = |RP_t(\tau )|\) / \((|RP_t(\tau )|\) + \(|WP_t(\tau )|)\) if \(|WP_t(\tau )| \ge \) 1 and \(|RP_t(\tau )| \ge \) 1. Otherwise, a server \(s_t\) consumes the minimum electric power \(minE_t\). Here, \(minE_t \le \,RE_t \le \,WRE_t(\alpha )\) \(\le \,WE_t \le \,maxE_t\). The processing power consumption \(PE_t(\tau )\) [W] of a server \(s_t\) at time \(\tau \) is \(E_t(\tau )\) - \(minE_t\). The total processing energy consumption \(TPE_t(\tau _1\), \(\tau _2)\) of a server \(s_t\) from time \(\tau _1\) to \(\tau _2\) is given as \(TPE_t(\tau _1, \tau _2) = \varSigma _{\tau = \tau 1}^{\tau _2} PE_t(\tau )\).

3 Energy-Efficient Purpose Ordering (EEPO) Scheduler

We discuss energy efficient purpose ordering (EEPO) scheduler to not only make transactions RS-serializable with PO-dominant relation but also reduce the total energy consumption of a server cluster S. A transaction \(T_i\) first sends a begin request \(b_i\) to every target object. Then, the transaction \(T_i\) issues methods and lastly issues either a commit \((cm_i)\) or abort \((ab_i)\) request to the objects. Each client \(cl_s\) manipulates a variable \(cf_s\) where initially \(cf_s\) = 1. Each client \(cl_s\) periodically sends a fence message k to make an RS-partition, which carries k.f (= \(cf_s)\). Each time a client \(cl_s\) sends a fence message k, \(cf_s = cf_s\) + 1 in the client \(cl_s\). Each object \(o_h\) has a variable \(f_h\) where initially \(f_h\) = 1. Each time an object \(o_h\) receives a fence message k where k.\(f = f_h\) from every client, \(f_h = f_h\) + 1 in the object \(o_h\). Transactions whose begin requests are received before a fence message k compose an RS-partition and are sorted in the serial precedence relation \(\rightarrow _{SH_f}\).

There are a set \(RQ_h\) of local receipt queues \(RQ_{h1}\), ..., \(RQ_{hl}\), a global receipt queue \(GRQ_h\), and an auxiliary global receipt queue \(AGRQ_h\) for each object \(o_h\). On receipt of a method \(op_i\) from a transaction \(T_i\) initiated on a client \(cl_s\), the method \(op_i\) is enqueued into a local receipt queue \(RQ_{hs}\) for the client \(cl_s\) (s = 1, ..., l) on an object \(o_h\). Begin requests and fence messages are moved to \(AGRQ_h\) to make an RS-partition. Transactions in an RS-partition are serialized in the serial precedence relation \(\rightarrow _{SH_f}\). Methods are moved to \(GRQ_h\) and are performed in the serial precedence relation \(\rightarrow _{SH_f}\). The following conditions have to be satisfied to realize the RS-serializability:

Role-Based Serializability (RS) Conditions

  1. 1.

    Methods in every global receipt queue \(GRQ_h\) are sorted in the serial precedence relation \(\rightarrow _{SH_f}\).

  2. 2.

    For a method \(op_i\) from a transaction \(T_i\), if \(op_i\) precedes a method \(op_j\) conflicting with \(op_i\) from another transaction \(T_j\) in some \(GRQ_h\), \(op'_i\) from \(T_i\) precedes a method \(op'_j\) conflicting with \(op'_i\) from \(T_j\) in every \(GRQ_{h'}\).

The EEPO scheduler for an object \(o_h\) handles methods to realize the RS-serializability by the RS procedure as shown in Algorithm 1.

figure a

Suppose an RS-partition \(SH_f\) is composed of begin requests preceding a fence k where k.f is the minimum in \(AGRQ_h\) of an object \(o_h\). Each begin request \(b_i\) of a transaction \(T_i\) holds a transaction identifier \(tid(T_i)\) and list \(L_i\) of methods issued by the transaction \(T_i\). Here, begin requests in the RS-partition \(SH_f\) can be totally ordered in the serial precedent relation \(\rightarrow _{SH_f}\) of transactions. Hence, a local subschedule \(SH_f^{o_h}\) of methods can be created on an object \(o_h\) by sorting lists of methods held in begin requests according to the serial precedent relation \(\rightarrow _{SH_f}\). Methods in \(GRQ_h\) are performed on an object \(o_h\) by the Delivery procedure as shown in Algorithm 2.

figure b

4 Evaluation

We evaluate the EEPO scheduler in terms of the total electric energy consumption [J] of a server cluster S and the average execution time [msec] of each transaction compared with the RO [3] and EERO [8] schedulers. We consider a homogeneous server cluster S composed of five servers \(s_1, ..., s_5\). Every server \(s_t\) \((t = 1, ..., 5)\) follows the same data access model and power consumption model as shown in Table 1. Parameters of each server \(s_t\) are given based on the experimentations [10]. There are five objects \(o_1\), ..., \(o_5\) in a system. Each server \(s_t\) holds one object \(o_h\) \((t = h)\). The size of data in each object \(o_h\) is randomly selected between 50 and 80 [MB]. Each object \(o_h\) supports six types of methods as shown in Fig. 1. There are five subjects \(Sub_1\), ..., \(Sub_5\). There are three roles \(R_1\), \(R_2\), and \(R_3\) owned by \(Sub_1\), where \(R_1 \succeq R_2 \succeq R_3\). Here, \(Sub_1 \succeq _{R_i}\,Sub_2\), \(Sub_1 \succeq _{R_i}\,Sub_3\), \(Sub_1 \succeq _{R_i}\,Sub_4\), \(Sub_1 \succeq _{R_i}\,Sub_5\) for every role \(R_i\) (i = 1, ..., 3). \(Sub_2 \succeq _{R_3}\,Sub_4\) and \(Sub_3 \succeq _{R_3}\,Sub_5\). \(Srole_1\) = {\(R_1\), \(R_2\), \(R_3\)}, \(Srole_2 = Srole_3\) = {\(R_2\), \(R_3\)}, and \(Srole_4 = Srole_5\) = {\(R_3\)}. Here, \(Srole_1 \succeq ^{SO}\,Srole_2 = Srole_3 \succeq ^{SO}\,Srole_4 = Srole_5\). The subject \(Sub_1\) issues transactions with a purpose \(Prole_1\) = {\(R_3\)} \((\subseteq \,Srole_1)\). Other transactions are assigned with purposes as \(Prole_2 = Prole_3\) = {\(R_2\), \(R_3\)} and \(Prole_4 = Prole_5\) = {\(R_3\)}. Here, \(Prole_2 = Prole_3 \succeq ^{PO}\,Prole_1 = Prole_4 = Prole_5\). Each subject \(Sub_i\) (i = 1, ..., 5) initiates a same number l (0 \(\le \,l \le \) 1,200) of transactions on each of five clients \(cl_1\), ..., \(cl_5\). The total number tn (= \(l\,\cdot \) 5) (0 \(\le \,tn \le \) 6,000) of transactions are issued to manipulate objects. We assume each transaction issues full change, partial change, and output methods. The total amount of data of an object \(o_h\) are fully written and read by each full change and output methods, respectively. On the other hand, a half size of data of an object \(o_h\) are written into the object \(o_h\) by partial change methods. Each transaction issues three methods randomly selected from twenty methods on the five objects. The starting time of each transaction \(T_i\) is randomly selected in a unit of one second between 1 and 3600 [sec].

Table 1. Homogeneous cluster S.

Figure 2 shows the average total electric energy consumption [KJ] of the server cluster S to perform the number tn of transactions in the RO, EERO, and EEPO schedulers. The average total electric energy consumption of the server cluster S in the EEPO algorithm is almost the same as the EERO scheduler. In the EERO and EEPO schedulers, meaningless methods which are not required to be performed on each object are omitted. As a results, the average total electric energy consumption of the server cluster S can be more reduced in the EERO and EEPO schedulers than the RO scheduler.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Average total energy consumption [KJ] of a server cluster.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Average execution time \(AET_i\) in the RO scheduler.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Average execution time \(AET_i\) in the EERO scheduler.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Average execution time \(AET_i\) in the EEPO scheduler.

Suppose a transaction \(T_i\) starts at time \(st_i\) and commits at time \(et_i\). Here, the execution time \(ET_i\) of the transaction \(T_i\) is \(et_i\) - \(st_i\) [msec]. Figures 3, 4, and 5 show the average execution time \(AET_i\) of each transaction issued by the same subject \(Sub_i\) in the server cluster S to perform the total number tn of transactions in the RO, EERO, and EEPO schedulers, respectively. In the RO and EERO schedulers, transactions are ordered based on the SO-dominant relations. As a result, the average execution time \(AET_1\) of transactions issued by the subject \(Sub_1\) is the minimum in the RO and EERO schedulers since the subject \(Sub_1\) is more significant than the other subjects. Following Figs. 3 and 4, the more significant subject is, the shorter average execution time a transaction issued by the subject implies in the RO and EERO schedulers. On the other hand, transactions are ordered based on the PO-dominant relations in the EEPO scheduler. As a result, the average execution time of \(AET_1\) of transactions issued by the subject \(Sub_1\) is the same as the average execution times \(AET_4\) and \(AET_5\) issued by subjects \(Sub_4\) and \(Sub_5\), respectively, since \(Prole_1 = Prole_4 = Prole_5\). Following Fig. 5, the more significant transaction with respect to purpose is, the shorter average execution time a transaction implies in the EEPO scheduler.

Following the evaluation, the more significant transactions with respect to purposes, the earlier performed in the EEPO scheduler. The average total electric energy consumption of a server cluster can be more reduced in the EEPO and EERO schedulers than the RO scheduler. The average total electric energy consumption of a server cluster in the EEPO scheduler is the same as the EERO scheduler.

5 Concluding Remarks

In this paper, we newly proposed the EEPO scheduler to not only serialize multiple conflicting transactions in the significant order of purposes assigned to transactions but also reduce the total electric energy consumption of a server cluster by omitting meaningless methods. We evaluated the EEPO scheduler compared with the RO and EERO schedulers. The evaluation results show the total electric energy consumption of a server cluster in the EEPO scheduler is the same as the EERO scheduler. The total electric energy consumption of a server cluster can be more reduced in the EEPO and EERO scheduler than the RO scheduler. In addition, the more significant transactions with respect to purposes, the earlier performed in the EEPO scheduler.