1 Introduction

Classification tasks aim to create a model, called a classifier, from labeled examples of the problem. The classifier is then used to predict the class label of new examples from the value of their attributes. Thus, the characteristics of the data used to build the classifier directly influence it, affecting its complexity and classification performance. Moreover, the presence of some undesirable properties in the data, which are usually quantified using well-known metrics, may negatively affect classifier learning, causing problems broadly studied in the literature [6, 9, 12]. For instance, data that are characterized by an unequal distribution of the examples among the classes (which is usually measured using the imbalance ratio) results in the imbalanced classification problem [6]. Data that are characterized by a large quantity of unknown attribute values (which is usually measured as the percentage of these values in the data) results in the missing values problem in classification [9].

In order to build a classifier from data heavily characterized by these undesirable characteristics, many techniques have been proposed in the literature. In these works, new algorithms are typically compared against existing ones considering a set of datasets, which should be representative of the issues being addressed [14] (degree of imbalance between classes, presence of missing values, errors, etc.). In such a way, it is possible to analyze the effects of these properties on the classifiers built by all these methods. However, the selection of the datasets must be done carefully, since some of them may be much more representative of the problematic characteristic than others.

In the last decade, the analysis of results has been closely related to the usage of statistical tests [3, 15], which are needed to confirm whether a new method provides a significant improvement with respect to existing ones. Among them, Wilcoxon’s signed-ranks test [3] (hereafter called Wilcoxon’s test) is commonly used in the machine learning literature to perform pairwise comparisons. It is a non-parametric statistical test that, in the context of classification algorithms, compares the performance of two methods when they are applied to a set of problems to find differences between them. In this test, each problem (i.e. dataset) has the same relevance. However, the relevance of each dataset when determining the output of the test should be different, according to the degree to which a dataset reflects the characteristic of interest. Datasets in which the presence of the characteristic being addressed is stronger should have a stronger influence on the result of the test, as they are more representative of such characteristic.

This study proposes an hybrid system which weights each one of the datasets used in the comparison performed by Wilcoxon’s test according to its representativeness with respect to the characteristic under study. To the best of our knowledge, this approach has not been previously used in the context of pairwise statistical comparisons between classifiers. Weighting schemes do have been applied to statistical comparisons between multiple classifiers (not pairwise). Quade’s test [11] considers that some problems are more difficult than others, and proposes scaling each problem depending on the differences observed in the algorithms’ performances. However, there are two main differences between Quade’s test and our proposal. First, our weighting scheme is for pairwise comparisons, whereas Quade’s test is aimed at detecting differences between more than two classifiers and requires the usage of post-hoc procedures to characterize these differences. Second, Quade’s test only allows a weighting scheme based on the performance of the classifiers, whereas our proposal can be used with the performance of the methods, but also with any other metric computable from the data, as explained in Sect. 3.

The novel approach proposed implies a modification of Wilcoxon’s test in order to include information about the relevance of each dataset in the comparison, giving more importance to those problems that are interesting from the point of view of the metric under study. When comparing supervised classification algorithms, experiments are usually conducted to show that one of the algorithms is better than some others. However, it is well-known that no algorithm can be better than any other for any condition (no free lunch theorem [17]). Thus, instead of this kind of comparisons trying to find the best overall algorithm, experiments should be conducted to show which characteristics of the problem (such as the class imbalance, missing values, noisy data, etc.) lead to a better or worse performance of a classification algorithm. The weighting scheme enables us to easily focus on the exploration of such conditions, which is recommended when proposing new methods [14]. For this reason, the modification of Wilcoxon’s test presented in this study is an interesting analysis tool that allows to include additional information about the characteristics of each classification problem in order to deal with the comparison of two classification algorithms and better identify the conditions that are most favorable for each of them.

To assess the feasibility of our proposal, Wilcoxon’s test and its weighted version will be experimentally compared in different scenarios in the framework of the noisy data in classification [12]–note that the proposal is not exclusively applicable to this task, but can be used in any comparison of classification methods. In them, different metrics that can be computed from the data will be studied and the performance of several classifiers will be compared using the unweighted and weighted Wilcoxon’s test. The output of both tests will be compared with findings already published in the literature about noisy data.

The rest of this research is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of metrics to characterize datasets and the description of Wilcoxon’s test. Section 3 introduces the hybrid version of Wilcoxon’s test for classifier comparison, including data weighting. Then, Sect. 4 includes the comparison of the unweighted and weighted versions of Wilcoxon’s test. Finally, Sect. 5 points out some concluding remarks.

2 Background

2.1 Measuring Data Characteristics

Each dataset has particular characteristics that define it, such as its size, the generality of the data and the inter-relationships among the variables. These properties are generally quantified defining numerical metrics directly computable from the data, with the aim of increasing the knowledge about the problem and determining the best way to deal with the data.

Classification datasets are composed by examples that are described by several attributes (numerical or nominal) and a class label (always nominal). This formation enables one to compute any numerical measure that summarizes the full data or a concrete part of these, such as relative or absolute frequencies of concrete values, means and medians, correlations among variables and so on.

Among the simplest metrics that can be computed from a dataset are the number of examples, attributes and classes. These are traditionally used to quantify, in a simple way, data characteristics such as the size and complexity of a dataset. Thus, higher values of these metrics usually represent a higher size and complexity of the corresponding dataset, resulting in some of the most studied problems within the framework of classification tasks - a clear parallelism among the characteristics of the data, the metrics employed to quantify them and the type of problems studied can be established. For example, some works focus on datasets with a high number of attributes, a fact that results in the curse of dimensionality problem [1]. The presence of unknown attribute values (which can be quantified by the ratio of missing values) for some examples results in missing values problems [9]. Big data problems [2] are characterized, among other factors, by the presence of a high number of attributes and examples simultaneously. Datasets with a highly unequal number of examples in each class (quantified using the imbalance ratio) lead to imbalanced data problems [6].

Another recent trend proposes more sophisticated data complexity measures [5] to quantify more subtle characteristics of the data which are considered difficult in classification tasks, such as the overlapping among classes, their separability or the linearity of the decision boundaries. Among the metrics estimating the overlapping existing in a dataset, one can find the F1 metric, which computes the maximum Fisher’s discriminant ratio; the F2 metric, which estimates the volume of the overlapping region; and the F3 metric, representing the maximum feature efficiency, which is the maximum fraction of examples within the overlapping region distinguishable with only one attribute. Class separability measures include the N2 metric, which is used to estimate whether the examples of the same class lie close in the feature space, and the N3 metric, which denotes how close the examples of different classes are. Other metrics, such as L3 or N4, are used to estimate the linearity of the decision boundaries.

Finally, other artificial mechanisms have been proposed in the literature to build synthetic datasets from the modification of real-world ones, controlling the presence of a particular characteristic of the data [9, 12]. These schemes enable one to extract conclusions based on the properties of the data which are modified. Examples of these mechanisms are, for example, the introduction of errors into the data (resulting in noisy data problems [12]) or the introduction of missing values [9]. In all these cases, the metric to study usually represents the amount (commonly, a percentage) of the property modified in the data. In this research, we consider both the computation of data complexity metrics and the use of artificial mechanisms to modify the datasets in two different experiments related to the problem of noisy data in classification.

2.2 Wilcoxon’s Signed-Ranks Test

Wilcoxon’s signed-ranks test [3] is a simple, yet safe and robust, nonparametric procedure that aims to detect whether two related samples come from two different populations. When applied to classification algorithms comparison, it performs an statistical comparison between the performance of two techniques X and Y when they are applied to a common set of n problems. Let \(x_1, \ldots , x_n\) and \(y_1, \ldots , y_n\) be the performance results of X and Y in the n datasets considered in the comparison. Wilcoxon’s test proceeds as follows:

  1. 1.

    Compute the difference between the performance results of X and Y for each one of the n datasets, that is, \(d_i = x_i - y_i, i = 1, \ldots , n\).

  2. 2.

    Rank the differences from the lowest value of \(|d_i|\) (with \(rank(d_i) = 1\)) up to the highest one (with \(rank(d_i) = n\)), by increments of 1. If there are t tied differences \(|d_i|, \ldots , |d_{i+t}|\), they are sorted in any order, but the final rank of all of them is computed as the average rank \((rank(d_i) + \ldots + rank(d_{i+t}))/t\).

  3. 3.

    Let \(R^+\) be the sum of ranks for the datasets in which X outperforms Y (\(d_i > 0\)), and \(R^-\) the sum of ranks for the opposite (\(d_i < 0\)). Those \(rank(d_i) \mid d_i = 0\) are evenly splitted between \(R^+\) and \(R^-\) and, if there is an odd number of them, one is ignored –note that \(R^+ + R^- = n\cdot (n+1)/2\):

    $$\begin{aligned} R^+ = \sum _{d_i > 0}{rank(d_i)}\,+\,\frac{1}{2}\sum _{d_i = 0}{rank(d_i)} \quad \quad R^- = \sum _{d_i < 0}{rank(d_i)}\,+\,\frac{1}{2}\sum _{d_i = 0}{rank(d_i)} \end{aligned}$$
  4. 4.

    Let \(W = min(R^+, R^-)\) be the Wilcoxon statistic. If this value is less than or equal to the theoretical value of the specific distribution this statistic is known to follow (Table B.12 in [18]), the null hypothesis of mean equality is rejected. This fact implies that a given method outperforms the other one, with the corresponding p-value associated.

Note that Wilcoxon’s test is analogous to the paired t-test, but it does not require any parametric assumption. It is more sensitive; thus, higher differences \(|d_i|\) have a greater influence than in the t-test when determining the final result of the comparison, which is probably desired, although the absolute magnitudes of these differences are ignored. This means that two differences \(d_i, d_j\) can be equal, but we lose the information about the magnitudes of the performance values of the classifiers \(x_i, y_i, x_j, y_j\) they come from. This fact is one of the reasons that motivates the proposal of a weighting scheme for the data considered.

3 Hybridizing Wilcoxon’s Signed-Rank Test with Dataset Weighting Based on Data Characteristics

When applying Wilcoxon’s test to compare two methods over a set of problems, only the performance results of each algorithm in each dataset are considered. The intrinsic properties of these datasets are not usually taken into account in the statistical comparison, and each one of the problems receives the same importance for determining the result of the test. As mentioned previously, sometimes we are interested in comparing methods which explicitly address a specific problematic characteristic of the data, such as noise, class imbalance, missing values, etc. However, the datasets considered may present this characteristic to different degrees, which can be quantified by an appropriate metric. Consequently, each dataset should have a different influence on the test result.

Our novel hybrid proposal in this scenario is to weight each one of the datasets of the comparison depending on its relevance with respect to the characteristic being studied when applying Wilcoxon’s test: the higher the value of the metric in the dataset, the higher the weight, that is, the importance of the dataset when determining the test result. Therefore, the test conclusions are based on the representativeness of each dataset with respect to the metric used.

The weighting proposed for Wilcoxon’s test is based on the following steps:

  1. 1.

    Computation of the metric to study on each dataset. A metric of interest is computed over each one of the n datasets considered in the comparison of the methods X and Y, resulting in the values \(m_i\), \(i = 1, \ldots , n\).

  2. 2.

    Computation of the weight associated to each dataset. The values \(m_i\) are normalized to obtain a weight \(w_i\) for each dataset as follows:

    $$\begin{aligned} w_i = m_i / \sum _{j=1}^{n}{m_j} \end{aligned}$$

    Note that the aforementioned equation is used to maximize the weight of those datasets with higher values \(m_i\). In case we want to maximize the weight of the datasets having lower values, the equation of the weights is \(w_i = (M - m_i) / \sum _{j=1}^{n}{(M - m_j)}\), being \(M = \underset{i}{\max }\{m_i\}\).

    Due to the large variety of metrics that can be computed from the data, this paper proposes the calculation of weights linearly distributed across the domain of the metric (as shown by Eq. 1). However, other schemes are also possible, such as logarithmic or exponential. The choice of a concrete scheme should be made by the data analyst based on the problems involved in the comparison and the distribution of values \(m_i\). In any case, it is important to remark that we do not manipulate the weight of each dataset arbitrarily, since the weights are determined by the values \(m_i\) of the metric.

  3. 3.

    Modification of the performance values of the methods to compare. The performance results \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) of the two algorithms X and Y involved in the comparison are replaced by their weighted versions \(x^w_i\) and \(y^w_i\) as follows:

    $$\begin{aligned} x^w_i = x_i \cdot w_i\quad \quad \quad \quad y^w_i = y_i \cdot w_i \end{aligned}$$
  4. 4.

    Application of Wilcoxon’s test over the weighted results. Finally, Wilcoxon’s test is applied to the weighted data \(x^w_i\) and \(y^w_i\), \(i = 1, \ldots , n\).

Note this weighting scheme is not a new statistical test; it requires a modification of the original data samples based on the relevance of each dataset with respect to the characteristic of interest. It neither intends to be a substitute of Wilcoxon’s test, but a complementary tool to be used when analyzing the results obtained in experiments. Even though a classifier should show differences against another one when using unweighted Wilcoxon’s test, the use of its weighted version enhances this issue. Unlike the unweighted Wilcoxon’s test, the weighting can capture the relevance of those data more representative with respect to the property of interest. Our novel proposal modifies (considering the property of the data) the differences in performance on the two methods, which determine the rankings assigned to each method and, thus, the final test result.

Although in some works the only goal of new proposals is to improve the classification performance of existing methods (without focusing on particular data characteristics), the use of the weighting scheme for statistical comparisons could be also interesting. Several metrics could be computed from the data and applied to the statistical comparisons to obtain another batch of results. With them, we could check whether giving more importance to some property of the data makes a particular algorithm stand out. Thus, the weighting approach can be useful to uncover properties of the algorithms, that is, their better behavior in datasets presenting a particular characteristic to a high degree, even when they were not specifically designed for dealing with this type of data.

Finally, even if we are not studying any specific characteristic of the data, a relevance metric based on the accuracy itself can still be defined. The weighting procedure can be applied to assign more importance to those datasets that are intrinsically more difficult for constructing a model (and therefore every classifier performs poorly on them in terms of accuracy), since those are more interesting from a classification point of view. This would partially remedy the fact that Wilcoxon’s signed-ranks test does not consider absolute magnitudes of the samples to reach the final result, which in our scenarios may often represent an omission of valuable information. In these cases, datasets could be weighted, for example, depending on the intrinsic difficulty of the problem to be learnt by any classifier, which can be quantified, for instance, as the minimum theoretical error achievable in the dataset by the Bayes classifier. Other option could be the minimum error obtained experimentally by any known classifier in that dataset.

4 Combining Data Weighting and Wilcoxon’s Test in the Framework of Noisy Data in Classification

In this section we assess the differences of applying Wilcoxon’s test with or without the weighting scheme proposed in Sect. 3. Two scenarios are studied focusing on a common problem in classification, namely, the existence of errors or noise in the data [12]. These scenarios are not aimed at showing that the weighted version allows to reach statistically significant results, neither if it is better or worse than the unweighted version, but showing that giving more importance to more representative datasets for the comparison of algorithms leads to different conclusions that are closer to those claimed in the literature.

4.1 Robustness of Different Classifiers to Noise

This scenario considers the results of two classification algorithms, C4.5 [8] and SVM [16], over a collection of 30 datasets taken from the UCI repository [4], which are affected by different amounts of noise (added artificially).

These algorithms are known to behave differently dealing with noisy data [10]. On the one hand, C4.5 is a well-known robust learner, which is less affected by the presence of noise thanks to the pruning mechanisms which reduce the chances that the trees overfit the data [8]. On the other hand, SVM usually obtains better results when data have little or no noise at all, but performs poorly in presence of severe noise [10].

Ideally, Wilcoxon’s test without weights should be able to find statistically significant differences in this setting, as already noted in existing literature. Furthermore, since we are focusing on noisy data, the amount of noise present in each dataset should be considered when drawing a conclusion.

The performance of the methods is calculated as the average of the accuracy in test sets of five independent runs of 5-fold stratified cross validation (SCV).

To control the presence of noise, different noise levels \(l\%\) are introduced into each training set. To this end, the uniform class noise scheme [12] is used, in which \(l\%\) of the examples are corrupted randomly changing their class labels by other randomly chosen one. For each one of the 30 datasets used we introduce a different random noise level \(l \in [5,50]\%\), in steps of 5%. The procedure to introduce a noise level \(l\%\) in the original dataset is the following:

  1. 1.

    A noise level \(l\%\) is introduced into a copy of the full original dataset.

  2. 2.

    The original dataset and the noisy copy are partitioned into 5 folds, maintaining the same examples in each one.

  3. 3.

    The training sets are built from the noisy copy, whereas the test sets are built from the original dataset.

The algorithms have been executed with the following configurations:

  • C4.5: confidence = 0.25, instances per leaf = 2, prune after the tree building.

  • SVM: C = 100, tolerance = 0.001, \(\epsilon = 10^{-12}\), kernel = PUK (\(\sigma = 1\), \(\omega = 1\)).

Table 1 shows the datasets considered in the experiments, their noise levels and the performance of C4.5 and SVM. The usage of unweighted Wilcoxon’s test over the results shown above, comparing C4.5 versus SVM in the 30 datasets, provides a total sum of ranks \(R^+ = 289\) in favor of C4.5 and a sum of ranks \(R^- = 176\) for SVM. These results show that C4.5 presents, as expected, a better behavior than SVM dealing with this type of data (since it obtains a sum of ranks higher than that of SVM). However, this difference is not statistically significant to a significance level of 0.05 since the p-value obtained is 0.241.

In order to include information about the noise level of each dataset, the weighting scheme of Eq. 1 is used. In this case, we want to give more importance to those datasets with higher amount of noise when determining the outcome of the test. The weight \(w_i\) in this problem is computed by dividing each noise level \(l_i\) in Table 1 by the sum of noise levels, \(S = 10 + 25 + \ldots + 15 + 15 = 635\). The weighted version of Wilcoxon’s test provides \(R^+ = 333\) for C4.5 and \(R^- = 132\) for SVM, with an associated p-value \(= 0.038420\).

As these results show (Table 2), C4.5 obtains a higher sum of ranks than SVM when using the weighting scheme (like in the first comparison without using weights), but in this case the p-value obtained is much lower and now determines statistical significance, which is consistent with the results published in the literature [10]. Thus, by weighting each dataset based on the noise level, we were able to uncover a particular property of C4.5 versus SVM, that is, a better behavior when dealing with datasets affected by severe noise.

Table 1. Datasets, noise levels and accuracy of C4.5 and SVM.
Table 2. Wilcoxon’s test with and without weights using the results of Table 1.

4.2 Noise Filtering Efficacy

This scenario focuses on using noise filters in classification problems [12]. These are preprocessing methods to identify and remove noisy data before building a classifier. The removal of noisy examples has shown to be beneficial in many cases, improving the performance of the classifiers used later [12]. However, examples containing valuable information may also be removed, which implies that filters do not always provide an improvement in performance [13].

The work of Sáez et al. [13] show that the efficacy of noise filters, i.e., whether their usage causes an improvement in classifier performance, is somehow related to the characteristics of the data. The authors show that the overlapping among the classes, measured with the F2 metric, is important to determine whether filters will improve classifier performance. Thus, when the amount of overlapping is high enough, filters usually improve classifier performance. The F2 metric computes the volume of the overlapping region among the examples of two different classes \(C_1\) and \(C_2\), by means of the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} \small F2 = \prod _{i=1}^d \frac{minmax_i-maxmin_i}{max(f_i,C_1 \cup C_2)-min(f_i,C_1 \cup C_2)}, \end{aligned}$$

being d the number of attributes, \(max(f_i,C_j)\) and \(min(f_i,C_j)\) the maximum and minimum values of the feature \(f_i\) in the set of examples of class \(C_j\), \(minmax_i\) the minimum of \(max(f_i,C_j)\) and \(maxmin_i\) the maximum of \(min(f_i,C_j)\).

In this case, we compare a well-known noise filter, Edited Nearest Neighbor (ENN) [7], versus not considering any preprocessing of the data. As in [13], the classifier used in both cases is the Nearest Neighbor (NN) rule [8], known to be sensitive to noise. ENN is run considering \(k = 3\), and both ENN and NN consider the HVDM distance, which is valid for nominal and numerical attributes.

These two methods are compared over 20 datasets taken from the UCI repository [4]. The performance is measured using AUC, which is an evaluation metric less sensitive to class imbalance, an issue posed by some of the data used. The AUC shown in Table 3 is the average of 5 independent runs of a 5-fold SCV, when no preprocessing is done before NN (None) and when ENN is used prior to NN.

Table 3. Datasets, F2 metric and performance of ENN and None.

The results of the tests are summarized in Table 4. Regarding the unweighted version, the test slightly favors ENN as it has a larger \(R^- = 117\) than None, \(R^+ = 93\), but no statistically significant differences are found (p-value \(= 0.640744\)). To sum up, no interesting conclusions can be drawn about the efficacy of ENN when the only information is the AUC.

When the data are weighted by their F2 metric, the output of the test is the same, but it is closer to statistical significance. Thanks to such additional information, ENN is now clearly favored, with \(R^- = 141\) versus a much smaller value \(R^+ = 69\) obtained when no preprocessing is done. The p-value corresponding to this comparison is 0.189340, closer to the significance threshold.

Table 4. Wilcoxon’s test with and without weights using the results of Table 3.

This fact shows that, giving more importance to datasets with higher degrees of overlapping, the preprocessing can work better than not considering it, which is in concordance with the results claimed in [13]. This conclusion can be drawn from the great decrease in the p-value when the weighted version of Wilcoxon’s test is employed instead of the conventional one, even though the new p-value is still larger than the significance threshold. It is important to note that the conclusions claimed in [13] on the data properties that determine in which cases the filtering is statistically beneficial are based on a combination of several data complexity metrics considered simultaneously, among which F2 is included. This fact can explain why the weighting scheme does not show significant differences in the comparison, since we only consider the isolated metric F2 in our study.

5 Concluding Remarks

This research proposes a hybrid approach to weight data before using Wilcoxon’s test and give more or less importance to the different data in a comparison. The weights of the datasets are computed using characteristics of the datasets used in the comparison. The conclusions reached by the statistical test consider the property that determines the weighting, which constitutes additional information not exploited by the unweighted version of Wilcoxon’s test.

We have evaluated our proposal in two scenarios related to the problem of noisy data. In the first scenario, we have compared the C4.5 robust learner and the noise-sensitive SVM classifier when they are trained over data with different noise levels. The results revealed that the weighting scheme based on the noise ratio of each dataset leads to statistically significant differences that the unweighted Wilcoxon’s test could not find. Such differences support the claims done in the existing literature about the superiority of C4.5 over SVM on noisy data, particularly when the amount of noise is high enough [10].

In the second scenario, we have compared the efficacy of the ENN filter versus not-preprocessing. In the literature, it is claimed that noise filters are usually useful when the overlapping among the classes is noticeable. Neither of the tests were able to detect such differences, but the weighted version showed a clear advantage towards the use of ENN, supported by a large decrease of the p-value. This can be considered additional information which the unweighted version could not uncover, in accordance with the existing literature [13].

As a final note, it is clear that the information returned by the weighted Wilcoxon’s test is a revenue for the weights we have computed at the input of the test, but this constitutes a desirable approach: we are orienting our analysis and conclusions to be based on the properties of the data we are interested in.