What is the goal of perinatal care?

  • The care of women and fetus or newborn given; before, during, and after delivery; from the 28th week of gestation through the seventh day after delivery

  • Fetal health

  • Recognizing diseases and intrauterine treatment

  • First trimester fetal life, detecting major anomalies

  • Second trimester congenital anomalies, syndromes, toxic effects

  • Third trimester fetal well-being

Which methods are being used for perinatal care?

  • Non-stress test (NST)

  • Contraction stress test (CST)

  • Fetal biophysics profile (BPP)

  • Amniotic fluid index (AFI)

  • Doppler ultrasound

  • Counting of fetal movements (kick counting)

Why is perinatal care important?

  • Fetal death is seen in 1% of all third trimester low-risk pregnancies without routine perinatal care.

  • Two thirds of deaths are intrauterine, and this rate increases especially in high-risk patients.

Which pregnancies are considered as high-risk pregnancies in the aspect of uteroplacental insufficiency?

  • Prolonged pregnancy

  • Diabetes mellitus (DM)

  • Hypertension (HT)

  • Isoimmunization

  • Stillbirth in previous pregnancies

  • Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)

  • Advanced mother age

  • Discordant multiple pregnancy, as in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS)

  • Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)

Describe the role of non-stress test (NST) in perinatal care

  • A good test interpreted as reactive. There should be:

    • At least two fetal movements

    • At the same time two accelerations lasting 15 s and not less than 15 beats/min in 20 min of monitoring for reactivity

  • Fetal heart rate: 120–160/min

  • In some fetuses, 110–120/min fetal heart beats can also be considered as normal

  • May be physiologically non-reactive NST before 30th gestational week

What is the role of the stress test (CST) in evaluating fetal well-being?

  • It is the most precious test for the evaluation of fetal well-being.

  • Blood flow to intervillous area decreases during uterine contractions.

  • Blood supply decreases up to 30%.

  • If there is no placental insufficiency, the baby responds to it as acceleration.

  • Responds as deceleration if there is insufficiency.

How would you apply contraction stress test (CST)?

  • Test is done by creating contractions, three contractions within 10 min.

  • Oxytocin is given to form contraction, or nipple stimulation.

  • Should be laid semi-Fowler and 30–45° lateral position to avoid supine hypotension.

  • The CST is used for its high negative predictive value.

What is the meaning of positive CST?

  • Late decelerations present with more than half of the uterine contractions. Generally it shows placental respiratory insufficiency is present.

What is the meaning of negative CST?

  • No late deceleration presents with adequate uterine contractions present. Generally marker of fetal well-being.

What are the contraindications of contraction stress test (CST)?

  • It should not be done to patients who are at risk of premature birth.

  • Premature rupture of membranes (PROM).

  • Multiple pregnancy.

  • Pregnant with vaginal bleeding.

  • Cervical cerclage.

  • Preterm labor.

  • Placenta previa or ablation placenta.

  • Patients who previously had C/S with vertical (classical uterine) incision.

  • Previous history of myomectomy.

What are the evaluation criteria of CST?



Incidence (%)


3 contractions/10 min

No deceleration



Deceleration with 50% contraction



Temporary deceleration



More than 5 times deceleration with contraction in 10 min



Fewer than three contractions occur within 10 minutes, or quality of tracing is inadequate for accurate interpretation. Repeat test on the following day.


What are the parameters of fetal biophysical profile (BPP) evaluation?


Normal (2 points)

Abnormal (0 point)




Fetal respiration

Lasting for 30 s at 30 m

No movement or less than 30 s


At least three fetal movement

Reduced movements


Extension, flexion

Opening and closing of hands

Continuous extension and open fingers

Amnion fluid

At least 2 cm of pocket in two planes

Less fluid

  • If the score is 10, probability of fetal death in 2 weeks is 0%.

  • If the score is 0, probability of fetal death is around 60%.

What are the parameters in the modified fetal biophysical profile (BPP)?

  • NST and Amniotic fluid index (AFI) measurements: also indicators for fetal well-being.

What are the features of the amniotic fluid volume?

  • 200 mL at 16th week.

  • 1000 mL at the beginning of the third trimester.

  • Weekly decreases by 150 mL after 38 weeks.

  • Renewed about 95% per day.

  • It is directly related to uteroplacental blood flow.

  • If uteroplacental blood flow decreases, fetal renal blood flow and fetal renal glomerular filtration rate (GFR) also decreases so oligohydramnios occurs.

  • It is the sum of the deepest pockets on the four uterine quadrants.

  • Perinatal mortality and morbidity increased in patients with Amniotic fluid index (AFI) below 5 cm.

How would you advise your patient to count fetal movements?

  • Fetal movements/kicks indicate fetal well-being.

  • Fetal movements may decrease due to the decrease of amnion fluid in the third trimester.

  • Fetal movements should be at least 10 per day.

Which vessels are measured by Doppler velocimetry?

  • Uterine artery

  • Umbilical artery

  • Fetal middle cerebral artery (MCA)

  • Umbilical vein

  • Ductus venosus (DV)

What are the characteristics of Doppler measurement?

  • Ultrasound sound waves hit the blood, and moving elements like erythrocytes turn back those waves.

  • Frequencies of the outgoing sound waves and returning sound waves are different.

  • This is called the Doppler effect, and the frequency change is called the Doppler frequency.

  • Blood flow in the ultrasound is measured by measuring the movement of blood flow.

  • A sound wave is sent from the transducer to capture blood flow.

  • The echoes obtained from the fixed tissues through which the sound wave passes are always the same.

  • Echoes obtained from moving tissues such as blood vary according to the return of the signal to the recipient.

Which Doppler indexes are used during pregnancy?

  • Systole/diastole (A/B).

  • Pulsatility index (S-D/mean).

    It is difficult to calculate, but it is the most reliable measurement in very small vessels or vessels without diastole flow. It can be easily calculated.

  • Resistance index (S-D/S).

Relationship between fetal circulation and Doppler ultrasound?

  • Diastole flow of umbilical artery increases near term.

  • High S/D ratio is a very important parameter in IUGR.

  • Excessively affected fetuses do not have diastolic flow or have reverse flow.

Explain the importance of Doppler measurement for ductus arteriosus.

  • Doppler measurement of Ductus arteriosus should be considered as primary in the use of indomethacin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, due to the side effect of the prostaglandin inhibitors (PGI) that is early closure of ductus arteriosus. Indomethacin is used for tocolysis and in the treatment of polyhydramnios.

  • Indomethacin causes constriction at ductus arteriosus, to increase in pulmonary flow and reactive pulmonary arteriolar hypertrophy; pulmonary hypertension.

  • If the medication is discontinued before 32nd week, this condition is resolved.

In which case is Doppler measurement of the mid cerebral artery (MCA) used?

  • Peak systolic velocity (PSV) increases (>1.5 MoM) in case of fetal anemia—due to increased cardiac output and decreased blood viscosity.

  • MCA/placental blood flow rate may be used depending on the brain protective effect in the presence of fetal hypoxemia.

In which situations uterine artery Doppler measurement is used?

  • In normal pregnancy, uterine blood flow increases from 50 mL/min to 500–700 mL/min.

  • Uterine blood flow is characterized by high diastolic blood flow.

  • Increased resistance and presence of diastolic notch indicate hypertension.

  • Pregnancies that will develop HT or preeclampsia may be predicted in Doppler measurements performed at 16–20th gestational ages.

What is the most valuable test for evaluating fetal well-being?

  • CST

What is the mechanism of late deceleration in NST or CST?

  • In fetuses with reduced oxygen reserve, periodic decreases in oxygen during contractions reach the critical level, which trigger the carotid chemoreceptors. As a reflex, an alpha sympathetic response that constricts the low-resistance arterial bed is initiated. This results in a systemic arterial hypertension that causes the baroreceptors to produce a vagal response that slows down the fetal heart rate and is seen as a late deceleration.