
1 Introduction

Technological changes in many areas require people to constantly adapt to new civilizational and social conditions. The most cautious learn to meet the challenges that the future will bring. The consequence is the growing need to change, update and improve the originally acquired qualifications. The accession of Poland to the European Union allows for the launch of significant financial resources intended to support the development of human capital. These funds will allow for a greater involvement in the creation and development of training activities, including in the field of railway transport and issues related to railway traffic control.

Scientific and technical progress in many areas of life forces technical universities to constantly improve the level of education. Universities competing in the education market must take into account the expectations of future entrepreneurs. They should emphasize both the teaching of practical applications (laboratory) and prepare students in the field of independent thinking as well as innovation and entrepreneurship [6, 19].

Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom has a modern and developed laboratory base. Collected here models of railway traffic control devices and systems, which are currently produced and operated on modernized railway lines in Poland. Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering has been cooperating with many railway companies for many years, for example: Bombardier Transportation (ZUS) Poland from Katowice, KOMBUD from Radom (Poland) and Scheidt & Bachmann Poland from Luboń. In recent years, it has enriched its research infrastructure with modern and unique on the European scale laboratories. They are extensively used to develop and test railway traffic control systems and devices [7].

Implementation of modern methods and IT tools in railway transport requires additional equipment of its infrastructure with many technical elements related to the acquisition, processing and distribution of data. They are composed of complementary modules [4, 25]:

  • sensors providing source data on the traffic and condition of railway routes (cameras, satellite receivers, etc.);

  • transport information transmission devices (stationary and mobile communication, long-distance and short-range systems, specialized communication systems, e.g. GSM-R);

  • transport information processing devices (computer systems);

  • devices for the distribution and presentation of data for control, management and communication with users (digital radio frequency GSM-R, man machine interface MMI, etc.).

Thanks to such innovations, the creation of simulators of railway traffic control devices is simple and provides an appropriate level of education for future railway transport employees.

2 Local Control Centers as a Special Place for Integration of Railway Traffic Control Systems and Devices

The railway traffic control systems are becoming more and more complex and perform more and more functions. They allow for integration many systems and devices for various purposes. It enables managing from one place cooperation, among others of control devices at the railway traffic station with track occupancy control systems, line block systems, automatic crossing signaling systems, teletransmission, wired and wireless communication, broadcasting systems, closed circuit television, platform lighting, etc. The Local Control Center is such a place [11, 18].

The Local Control Center manages the function of remote control of railway traffic on separate sections of the railway line. It allows conducting railway traffic from one control station in the area of several railway traffic operation position. Local Control Centers are developed under the following assumptions: area size, number of railway traffic operation position, type and technical and technological level of basic railway traffic control devices, communication and power systems, track devices and other. Remote control devices in the Local Control Centers are therefore intended to control and supervise, from a distance, railway traffic control devices located at the railway traffic operation positions and railway routes of the monitored area [3, 13, 21] (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

View of the dispatcher’s station in the Local Control Center equipped with various functional control and railway traffic diagnostics systems: (a) in Drzewica [30]; (b) at the railway station Wrocław Nadodrze [29]

The principle of remote control consists in transmitting controlling commands and reports between remote railway control traffic rooms and objects. The commands entered by the railway operator are verified for syntax and the existence of a real controlled object. When selecting railway route variants, you can also select an appropriate railway line. The commands are coded and sent to the remote control objects, where they are decoded by the interface and further transmitted to the control suitable devices at the railway traffic station. Verification of devices operation is carried out on the basis of control reports, which are sent from remote control facilities together with their status changes. For proper information processing in the remote control room is a dependency computer used [13, 15].

3 The Classic Simulators of Railway Transport Devices

The process of training and professional development of employees in the transport sector is of great importance in the organization of safe transport. It enables creating competences, expanding previously acquired skills and behaviours. It also determines the improvement of the quality and efficiency of the company management as well as the technological capabilities of the organization.

The dynamic technical development of computers and the increasing possibilities of creating realistic images affect a new approach to the design of simulators of railway transport devices.

The classic form of a railway simulator was created as a result of many years of evolution of individual components. Generally, the simulator consists of two basic parts, i.e. physical and graphic. The physical part usually reflects physical devices (e.g. railway traffic control), for example, a typical cabin of a real rail vehicle. The graphic part is the image on the monitor displayed to the trainee person. Its task is to provide the highest possible realism of simulation and create the impression of realism. Among new solutions, an interesting concept is a simulator desktop type. It is a compromise between a full simulator and simulation on a computer screen. This type of simulator including simplified control devices and a screen designed to display a simulation image can be mounted on the ordinary desk [2, 5, 17, 24].

The device simulators can be used to support training in all types of transport, i.e. both in classical railway transport, as well as in metro systems or trams [1, 4].

In 2012, there was a major railway disaster in Szczekociny in Poland. After this incident, the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy, existing in the years 2011–2013, has started the implementation of a program to improve safety on Polish railways. The effect of this program was to build new or improve existing computer simulators, among others by PKP PLK, Koleje Mazowieckie and Przewozy Regionalne (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Simulator of railway traffic control devices of PKP PLK [28]

Currently, all professional simulators intended for train drivers in Poland (Fig. 3) must meet the requirements set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Development of October 23, 2014. (Dz. U. z 2014 r., Poz. 1566) concerning training and examination centres’ for train drivers and candidates for train drivers [28].

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Simulator of traffic control devices and TREsim railway infrastructure modelling [26] and view of the interior of the locomotive simulator of Koleje Mazowieckie [27]

4 Laboratory Base of Railway Traffic Control Devices at the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom

The Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering uses three laboratories equipped with modern solutions railway systems and devices for railway traffic control (Fig. 4):

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Selected laboratory stations intended for testing railway traffic control systems and devices from various manufacturers used in Polish railways [own study]:

  • Laboratory of Railway Traffic Control Elements and Devices (equipped by KOMBUD company and Bombardier Transportation ZWUS Poland),

  • Laboratory of Railway Traffic Control Systems (equipped by Bombardier Transportation ZWUS Poland),

  • Laboratory of Railway Automation Systems (equipped by Scheidt & Bachmann Poland).

4.1 Selected Simulations Carried Out in Laboratories of Railway Traffic Control at the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom

  • designed by Bombardier Transportation ZWUS Poland: automatic crossing signaling SPA-5 type (a); track occupancy counter control system SOL-21 type (b);

  • designed by Scheidt & Bachmann Poland: automatic crossing signaling BUES 2000 type (c); traffic operator position in the control system at the railway traffic station ZSB 2000 type (d);

  • designed by KOMBUD: track occupancy counter control system SKZR type (e); automatic crossing signaling RASP-4Ft type (f).

In the face of the increasing complexity of railway traffic control systems, more and more important are device simulators (using their visual presentation) and simulations installed on them. Most often they contain a complete set of possible equipment variants and situations that may actually exist. Real data from railway traffic control devices significantly improve the accuracy of the simulation and reflect real railway traffic situations and train behaviour.

Laboratory model of the control system at the railway traffic station type Ebilock 950 with STC object controllers (manufactured by Bombardier Transportation ZWUS Poland) and traffic operator position type EbiScreen 2 (Fig. 5) were designed for the example railway station LABORATORY. Its executive elements have been included in the computer application simulating all railway traffic control devices, with the exception of one signalling light and one railway drive, that are real physical objects.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Laboratory stand of railway traffic operator with the EbiScreen 2 system (a) and installation of the control system at the railway traffic station EbiLock 950 type together with the stand of STC object controllers (b) [own study]

The simulator of the TD 950 railway station (Fig. 6) is a program that runs on a dependency computer and simulates a whole system. The TD 950 station simulation system is based on the Ebilock 950 system’s dependency computer. The simulator programme is loaded into one of the dependency computers and emulates the events on the railway station object [23].

Fig. 6.
figure 6

View of the TD 950 simulator screen for train running and shunting [6, 7]

The TD 950 simulator allows you to:

  • simulate railway station objects and enables changing the state of these objects,

  • simulate train movement (route, length, speed, etc.).

The TD 950 station simulator system consists not only of software but also of hardware. For its needs were developed special TD-PLC controllers, which replace programmable loop controllers [12, 14].

The TD 950 simulator used has the ability to control the system via the CLT console, which works in “online” mode. It has several important application commands, such as: loading the system, activating the system, shutting down the system, changing the state of the object [6].

The computer SHL-12 line block system is designed for automatic regulation of train consequences on the railway line. The model of SHL-12 line block system is placed between the virtual LABORATORY railway station and the N station.

Connection to the LABORATORY station is physically realized for the needs of didactics, while the N station is operated using the computer simulator of a line block (Fig. 7). Under laboratory conditions, the function of the actual steering panel is taken over by a computer programme simulating the operation of the SHL−12 line block system (Fig. 8a), which uses analogous graphic symbols like the original EAB−61401 desktop [16].

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Logical combination of train routes between the LABORATORY station (the desktop with the EbiScreen system) and the N station by the SHL-12 automatic line block system (simulator of the SHL-12 line block system) [own study]

Fig. 8.
figure 8

View of the SHL-12 line block system simulator (a) and contactors steering the work of railway traffic control devices on the N station in logical connection with in this railway line block system (b) [own study]

In the case of SHL-12 line block devices, it is possible to retrieve diagnostic data remotely which provide information needed to monitor the work of the system and efficiently remove any defects [9, 20].

After preparing and setting the direction of the line block system SHL-12 type, it is possible to carry out train running tests through the railway route in both directions using the simulator of railway axle counters, shown in Fig. 8a. Railway station N is preceded by an entry signalling lights C, where information on possible speeds (colours of displayed signals) are used for the needs of the Railway Traffic Control Systems’ Laboratory using contactors (Fig. 6b). Since it is a computer-type line block system, data must be provided in a redundant manner using two channels [6].

On the model of automatic crossing signalling SPA-5 type (Fig. 4a), after setting the signalling lights in the automatic mode and using the simulation desk of this signalling, it is possible to verify all functional possibilities of the system with its activation and switching off by a passing simulated train. The simulator of SPA-5 automatic crossing signalling is equipped with a number of different colour LEDs and stable two-state switches (Fig. 9). Among the devices intended to safety the level crossing, one set consists of physical devices placed in the laboratory (N1, S1, Top1).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

View of stand of the control panel for simulation of the level crossing signalling devices SPA-5 type (a) and only control panel (b) [6]

Using the SPA-5 level crossing signalling simulator, it is possible to carry out train driving tests in both directions, with dependence on control devices at the railway traffic station or without addiction. When simulating the train running through a railway level crossing, one must remember about the proper sequence of occupying the zones of individual railway sensors and about the proper order of closing and opening the railway barrier drives located on the right and the left side of the road [8, 10].

The next laboratory exercise involves the functional testing of control system at the railway traffic station of the ZSB 2000 type manufactured by Scheidt & Bachmann Poland. The main plane of connections in the ZSB 2000 system is the route logic. The route is a collection of elements (Fig. 10). Each element fulfils its special task in route. All logical dependencies between elements are implemented using routes. Thus, the main task of the route is to select elements for their proper use according to the user’s requirements [22].

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Monitors with a detailed railway station image and messages (alarms) of the ZSB 2000 control system [own study]

The simulation model of the ZSB 2000 system includes the following components:

  • control cabinet for a diagnostic/control computer and a management plane,

  • control panel,

  • ZSB 2000 simulation computer (logic panel of the ZSB 2000 system) with the possibility of the modular setting of the route (Fig. 11),

    Fig. 11.
    figure 11

    Simulation computer for setting routes for the ZSB 2000 system [own study]

  • signalling light with LED light points.

The track occupancy control counter system SKZR-2 type (manufactured by KOMBUD from Radom) replaces track circuits while providing more information about the railway traffic situation. To operate laboratory stand of the SKZR system (Fig. 4f), the operator panel is used (Fig. 12). The industrial computer monitor presents the configuration of SKZR devices, which is used to functional test the system and check the system’s response to selected faults [8].

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Simulation (control) panel of the level crossing signalling devices RASP-4Ft type [own study]

The wheel sensors (Ci – markings on the desktop – Fig. 12) define limits of the section in the controlled area of impact of the rolling stock. The wheel sensor is a device detecting the movement of the train’s wheel above the sensor’s head. The operation of these sensors has been simulated through switches on the control panel. They enable simulation of the train running with the coded number of axes. The train movement simulation is implemented out by moving the switch in the direction of the train movement. The order of the track sections occupied is important.

5 Conclusion

The paper presents the characteristics of selected simulators of modern railway devices, including the traffic control devices. All test stands in the railway traffic control laboratories at the Faculty of Transport and Electrical Engineering at the Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom correspond to real systems and devices operated on Polish railways. Based on the presented railway traffic control laboratories, there are didactic classes with students in the field of railway transport education and many scientific research studies. Models of railway traffic control systems have been designed and constructed in such a way that in the future they may constitute a didactic and training base for railway traffic dispatchers.

Simulators of railway traffic control devices can be used in a wide range of scenarios, ranging from trainings on railway traffic dispatchers to validation of new solutions. Trainings on these simulators allow raising the qualifications of the traffic dispatchers and employees responsible for railway traffic safety (manual and psychophysical capability). They enable scenarios to be carried out on many difficult situations related to devices operation and with train traffic controlling. Employees’ training without consequences and verification of behaviour in difficult situations allows for better preparation for work. Also thanks to such simulators it is possible to check whether the planned modernizations or investments will bring the expected results [5, 26].

The latest solutions of simulators already use the so-called virtual reality and a virtual three-dimensional environment. Virtual reality solutions allow reducing the space for the simulator, while providing the greatest possible immersion.