
1 Introduction

Software applications that engage with users through text-based conversations using natural languages, usually called “chatbots”, have been making headlines recently and have captured the interest of major tech companies [17].

Chatbots have a long history, which includes attempts at emulating human language patterns as seen in the conversational mechanisms of ELIZA [25]. These early experiments arguably fueled many of the later tries at playing Turing’s “Imitation Game” and to make natural language conversation with a computer possible. ALICE is one of the noteworthy systems developed with this aim: a chatbot based on the AIML language and capable of responding based on pattern matching, which allowed it to achieve the Loebner prize multiple times [24].

While exchanging messages through a teletype console could appear as an interesting contraption in 1966, almost fifty years later the majority of the human population is accustomed to daily sending and receiving SMS or using online messaging. Top messaging apps nowadays reach a vast audience, rivalling that of the most popular social networks [22]. These highly popular messaging platforms have shown to be the ideal ground for chatbots: over the course of the last years, starting in 2014, many of these platforms have added support to chatbots, in the form of third-party software that can conduct text conversations with their users. Thanks to their quickly rising prominence, chatbots have been announced as the new platform aimed at replacing mobile apps and Web sites [10]. Most messaging platforms also allow chatbots to access features that go beyond simple text exchanges: bots can now exchange messages with pictures, sounds, or geographical positions. Some platforms also include advanced UI elements that can enhance the look or the functionality of chatbot messages, using buttons, quick replies, or special representations for common online transactions [12].

Users show a growing interest in chatbots, not only for small talk, but also as aids for productivity tasks, entertainment, and communication [4]. Successful chatbot applications in real-world usage include customer assistance, conversational commerce, ELIZA-like “chatterbot” conversations [14], virtual assistants, which may exploit contextual information or known personal preferences [1], multiplayer games [13], or emphatic learning companions for kids [26].

Major tech companies have also started focusing heavily on conversational interfaces. Many chatbot middleware systems open to third-party developers are now on offer, including a multi-platform connector with procedural dialogues and NLP capabilitiesFootnote 1, machine learning systems for virtual assistantsFootnote 2, intent-detection text processorsFootnote 3, hosting platforms for AIML-based chatbotsFootnote 4, and solutions with graphical dialogue building and NLP supportFootnote 5.

Conversational interfaces in literature often rely on pattern matching systems (such as the AIML syntax originally used by ALICE) or different natural language processing (NLP) techniques, which attempt to extract the user’s intent from text. Some recent attempts make use of deep learning techniques [11]. Chatbot systems can be categorized into retrieval-based or generative-based (whether they pick predefined responses or generate new ones) and into their application to an open or closed domain [20]. Many chatbots can make use of external linguistic resources or knowledge ontologies, they can extract answers from knowledge bases using information retrieval techniques, or they can be integrated with existing systems in order to provide access to services [21].

However, conversational interfaces often fall short of their user’s expectations. Current systems generally have poor social skills, with limited capabilities for the reuse of previous knowledge and context [2]. While most chatbots and virtual assistant promise a natural and human-like interaction, they often fail at clearly revealing their effective capabilities and in correctly processing the full context of a conversation [16]. A very careful design and user interaction (UX) effort must be made to ensure success, suggesting conversational UX design to be a distinctive and emerging discipline focused on replicating human conversation [19].

1.1 Contribution

Most common messaging platforms provide programming interfaces and software development kits for easy chatbot development. Many middleware solutions allow development of chatbots for a multitude of messaging platforms. However, development platforms either require advanced programming skills or they provide generic chatbot templates that offer limited customization—especially for unskilled users. In this work, this issue is tackled by proposing a flexible and easy-to-use system for creating modern chatbots based on Bottery, a prototyping system for generative contextual conversations modelled as finite state machines, which is specifically designed for non-technical users.

In the next section, an operative overview of Bottery is provided. A thorough presentation of its design and syntax helps in filling the lack of an adequate documentation of the system in previous literature. A novel system for creating chatbots is proposed, illustrating how it combines the flexibility of Bottery-based conversational agents and the UX features of modern messaging platforms. In the last section, advantages and shortcomings of the proposed system are discussed, along with possible future developments and extension to the existing Bottery syntax.

2 Conversational Agents with Bottery

Bottery is a conversational agent prototyping platform [7]. Originally released in 2017, it takes inspiration from Tracery and provides a syntax, an editor, and an integrated simulator that allows for interactive testing of an agent. To the best of our knowledge, this paper provides Bottery’s first documentation in literature.

In the following sections, we will introduce the two systems mentioned above and describe the process of adapting them to be used as an online messaging chatbot. The design choices in transforming conversational agent interactions into a message-based conversation are outlined, together with a proposed software architecture.

2.1 Tracery and Generative Text

Tracery is an easy-to-use and lightweight grammar system that enables users to generate any kind of texts or stories [9]. Syntax and authoring tools were published in 2014 [5]. An online editor is available and allows users to create and test Tracery grammars interactively [8].

The system is based on a standard context-free grammar, defined by a set of rewrite rules that operate on the input text. Symbols within the text, which are enclosed in ‘#’ hashtags, are replaced with a string. Replacement strings can, in turn, be terminals (strings on which no further rewrite rules can be applied) or they can be composed by more symbols. When multiple replacement strings apply to a symbol, the system picks one at random. Other rewrite rules can perform simple but desirable text transformations, such as word capitalization or switching between “a” and “an” depending on how a symbol is expanded.

Context-free grammars exhibit strong limitations and have been shown to be inadequate to generate complex stories, since they generally lack the ability to maintain contextual history and formal causality [3], even though Tracery includes the ability to keep a limited form of context while processing rewrite rules [5]. These limitations notwithstanding, the system has been successfully adopted in games and more elaborate story generation tools [6, 15, 23].

A Tracery grammar is expressed in JSON format as a simple list of rewrite rules that associate symbols with one or more expanded strings.

figure a

This grammar can, for instance, generate the following text:

figure b

2.2 Bottery Agent Syntax

The Bottery syntax allows authors to create an agent by specifying 4 components:

  1. (a)

    A set of states in which the agent can be, with information that describes the conditions in which the agent moves from one state to another;

  2. (b)

    A memory that can be read and manipulated freely, giving a “blackboard”-style representation of the agent’s state for dialogue and text generation [18];

  3. (c)

    An optional set of global transitions, that allow the agent to switch to a given state in response to certain conditions;

  4. (d)

    An optional Tracery-based grammar. Text produced by the agent is used as an input string for text generation through the grammar. The expanded text is used as the agent’s final output for the user.

Agent States. States describe the agent’s position within the dialogue, as defined by the script. Each state is uniquely identified by an identifier. A state contains instructions about the agent’s behavior (its output) and its reactions to user input.

In particular, states of the agent are composed of the following:

  1. (a)

    An alphanumeric ID, unique within the same chatbot script (the initial state must have the ID “origin” by convention);

  2. (b)

    A list of actions that are executed when the state is entered by the bot;

  3. (c)

    A list of exits that describe transitions to another state and the conditions they require;

  4. (d)

    A set of suggestion chips: suggested text inputs that are provided by the agent.

Actions. On entering a state, the agent will perform a set of actions. These can be expressed in a variety of ways. For instance, “onEnter” actions are always performed when the state is entered. On the contrary, “onEnterDoOne” actions are prefixed by conditions: the agent will only perform the first action whose condition is satisfied, if any. Actions expressed as “onEnterSay” provide simple text strings that are always output by the agent. Additionally, agents may also play audio files through “onEnterPlay” actions or execute arbitrary Javascript functions through “onEnterFxn”.

Actions executed by “onEnter” and “onEnterDoOne” are expressed using action syntax: a space-delimited sequence of expressions that are executed in order. Expressions can rely on a very limited set of operations using a Javascript-inspired syntax, that allows to operate on variables in the agent’s blackboard (e.g., “counter++” increments a variable). String expressions or constants are evaluated using the Tracery grammar and output by the agent.

Conditions for “onEnterDoOne” actions can also be written using a limited syntax, which includes basic arithmetic and logical operators, that accesses variables in the blackboard (e.g., “counter>4”). Simple strings are directly matched against the last user input. The asterisk character ‘*’ matches any user input. When no condition is given, the condition is always verified.

Exits. All states have one or more exits that describe possible transitions of the agent to other states. Exists are expressed following this syntax:

figure c

Conditions and actions are expressed using the same syntax as above. The target state is referenced by its ID. The ‘@’ character can be used to reference the agent’s current state (i.e., the agent re-enters the same state).

Executing an Agent. An agent based on this system acts like a finite state machine (FSM). It can be displayed as a graph, with states connected by arcs, each of which marked with a condition that must be satisfied to transition the agent from one state to another.

On entering a state, the agent will: (1) execute all available actions; (2) display suggestion chips to the user, if any; (3) wait for user input; (4) evaluate exits and pick the first that satisfies its condition; (5) execute actions associated with the picked exit; (6) move to the target state; repeat.

2.3 Adapting Bottery to Online Messaging Platforms

The basic mechanism animating the FSM-based execution flow of a Bottery agent can be adapted to the reactive nature of online messaging: (1) receive new user input; (2) evaluate exits on the current state (including global exits) and pick the first whose conditions are satisfied; (3) execute all actions associated with the exit; (4) move agent to the target state; (5) execute all actions of the new state; (6) display suggestions chips, if any.

The direct interface between the target messaging platform and the conversational agent simulation is limited to sending and receiving text messages. When receiving a text message, the conversational agent will handle the input by performing a state change, executing actions, and/or outputting any number of text responses, before returning to a waiting state.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Software architecture of the proposed system.

The proposed system’s architecture is shown in Fig. 1: a messaging module (a specialized software module that interacts with an online messaging platform) receives messages from users and forwards them to the Bottery engine. Any output generated by the agent is returned back to the user in the form of text messages.

While the system in development only includes a messaging module for the Telegram platform (chosen for ease of development), any number of messaging modules can be added, making the system multi-platform.

The Bottery agent is composed by: an agent script (specified in JSON using the syntax described in Sect. 2.2), a pointer to the agent’s current state, a blackboard memory (as a map of variable names and values).

In order to keep the system’s state for multiple concurrent users, the system will store the current state pointer and the blackboard for each conversation (e.g., in a database system, identifying each conversation with a unique chat ID), while the agent’s scripts can be stored once in static JSON files. On receiving a new message the system will load the agent’s script and restore the conversation context, by moving the agent to the last state and loading its blackboard into memory.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Simple weather chatbot implemented using Bottery (left), states graph (top right) and example conversation (bottom right).

Figure 2 describes a simple chatbot providing access to weather information. The chatbot offers a guided conversation allowing users to pick a city and a date for which the forecast must be fetched. The conversation is structured over a set of 7 states, depicted as a graph on the right. The forecast generation makes use of Tracery to generate random weather information and of an array to keep a memory of past queries. An actual implementation of the chatbot could of course retrieve real weather information within the ask_forecast state by calling an arbitrarily complex Javascript function.

2.4 Advanced Messaging Features

Most current online messaging platforms are not limited to the exchange of simple text messages, but also allow users and bots to exchange pictures, audio messages, and locations. Chatbots in particular have the ability to use advanced UI elements, such as buttons, commands, and structures messages on some platforms (e.g., Telegram and Facebook Messenger) [12]. The basic Bottery-based system described previously provides some extension points that would allow chatbot authors to make use of these features.

Audio Output: actions marked as “onEnterPlay” instruct the chatbot to play a given audio file. On supported platforms (such as Telegram) the audio file can be sent and received by the user as a voice note.

Suggestion Chips: one of the optional components of a Bottery state. They take the form of one or more strings that are shown to users as suggestions while waiting for the next input. When a suggestion chip is clicked, the chatbot behaves just as if the user sent its content as a message. Chips perfectly map to “quick replies” (on Facebook Messenger) or an “inline keyboard” (on Telegram, shown in Fig. 3), both features providing a list of buttons that can be tapped to provide a preset reply to the chatbot.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Comparison of “suggestion chips” in Bottery (left) and the equivalent “inline keyboard” in a Telegram bot conversation (right).

Global Exits: just like normal exits from a state, they are defined providing a condition, a target state, and optional actions to execute. However, while local exits are evaluated only on the state where they are defined, global ones are evaluated every time the chatbot receives input. This provides a straightforward opportunity to provide support for top-level always-on interface elements, such as “commands” in Telegram (messages that start with ‘/’ and are shown in the bot’s UI) or “persistent menus” in Facebook Messenger.

3 Discussion

Bottery is a complete conversational agent system that provides a full-featured editing and simulation environment. In its adaptation for online messaging, it is well suited to implement chatbots with a structured conversation flow—given its internal representation as an FSM—while retaining the capability to generate rich and varied responses, thanks to a grammar-based text generator, and the ability to keep track of the conversation’s context.

3.1 Future Work

The proposed system is currently in development and is available under an open source license on GitHubFootnote 6. While the development version of the system supports Telegram as a messaging platform, integration with additional platforms is highly desirable. These additions would also provide additional opportunities for making use of advanced messaging platform features, outlined in Sect. 2.4. The Bottery grammar could also be extended in order to introduce support for pictures, locations, and other data types that are not contemplated by the original syntax.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Proposed weather chatbot implementation using extensions to Bottery for enhanced pattern matching.

Pattern matching capabilities provided by Bottery are very limited, being constrained to using the ‘*’ character to match the whole user input. Future versions of the system will introduce AIML-like pattern matching, where the asterisk can match a sequence of any length. The matched sequence will be available to the agent as a variable for further processing.

Similarly, pattern matching will be further extended to exploit the agent’s generative text capabilities: user input will positively match if it can be generated by any symbol expansion in the pattern, according to a given Tracery grammar. The ability of using Tracery to easily express variations of the same concept (including typos) would allow even unskilled chatbot authors to flexibly match user inputs.

Both these enhancements to pattern matching are shown in Fig. 4, describing a possible weather chatbot implementation similar to the one in Fig. 2. In this example user input is processed using global exits, using both partial ‘*’ and Tracery expansions matching, thus providing a very concise implementation and a more natural conversation for users.

The introduction of a more capable pattern matching mechanism would make the system potentially equivalent to AIML-based interpreters. Efforts will be made to formally map the capabilities of the proposed system to AIML constructs, with the purpose of providing a way of automatically transforming an AIML-based bot into a Bottery agent.

Finally, while the transactions between states provided by Bottery allow the agent to freely jump from one branch of dialogue to another, keeping track of the switch is left to the script author. The system can be extended to allow “context digressions” that maintain a stack-based context of the conversation, in a fashion similar to function calls in a programming language. This would make it easier for authors to keep track of dialogue state and to structure conversations into bite-sized sections, for instance providing procedures that handle specific sub-questions or general conversations for when the chatbot needs to ask for clarification [1].

3.2 Conclusions

Online messaging chatbots based on the proposed system have several significant capabilities. They can: (a) easily define a structured dialogue tree, using states connected by exits; (b) perform question-answer dialogues using a pattern matching system based on categories (correspondence between user input and a string), in particular if extended with capabilities described in Sect. 3.1; (c) rely on a general-purpose memory that can be used to guide conversation, provide context, or drive more advanced “business” logic; (d) make use of a Tracery grammar for text generation, either to make chatbot output more variegated or for more advanced story generation; (e) make use of logical and arithmetic conditions; (f) call any procedural function, using the power of a Turing complete language like Javascript with access to the chatbot’s memory.

Tracery’s text generation features can be used in this context to provide distinctive and various output with minimal programming expertise. The system’s elementary text generation capabilities gain much higher potential thanks to the interaction with Bottery’s states graph and the adoption of a general-purpose memory. Both measures allow the agent to maintain a detailed knowledge of the state of the conversation, which can easily be used to model more complex agent behavior and more appropriate text generation.

While the proposed system places itself firmly among other retrieval-based closed-domain chatbot systems, such as those based on AIML, there are some noteworthy improvements that Bottery provides. According to the categories established by Augello et al., the use of tree-structured dialogues provides facilities to support context management at practice level: independent branches of conversation can be assigned to a specific situation and can be split up into scenes, thus granting a much more powerful alternative to AIML “topics”. At a functional level, while AIML and ChatScript offer the “that” tag or “rejoinder” rules to manage small one-level conversation trees, the same functionality can be replicated using a dialogue branch [2]. Structured memory, that can be accessed by the chatbot’s logic, offer a powerful alternative to the “get” and “set” tags in AIML. On the other hand, while AIML offers the ability to add new rules (through the “learn” tag), the proposed system offers no such option to dynamically extend the chatbot’s intelligence.

The overall syntax used to define a chatbot is mostly declarative and can be expressed in simple, structured JSON. The option to make use of imperative Javascript code provides a powerful extension point, which can be also exploited to provide service integration or access to external knowledge bases [21]. However, it weakens the declarative nature of the chatbot’s JSON-only script.

A graph-based chatbot script provides several options for visualization, which allow users to more easily explore and edit the flow of a conversation. The system’s ease of use—especially if compared with editing complex XML files with pattern matching strings or unfathomable NLP rules—harks back to Tracery’s long history of making advanced text generation tools available to technically unskilled users [5].