
1 Introduction

The use of the applications on mobile devices Android is extremely high for its popularity, that is why it is increasingly increase the people who use this type of devices for entertainment and as a tool of work [13, 14, 28]. When conducting mobile banking transactions, users are not aware that they may be victims of any of the insecurities in banking services indicated in [10], so this paper is a systematic literature review of the vulnerability in banking transactions with Android mobile applications, in order to know the current situation of research carried out according to the research questions:

  • RQ1: What frequent vulnerabilities exist in banking transactions for Android mobile devices?

  • RQ2: How do these vulnerabilities affect users?

In addition, according to [4] there is a top 10 of vulnerabilities in the mobile platform that is of great importance as related work.

The SLR was based on the protocol of [5, 12], where RQ1 and RQ2 were raised. These questions were considered in order to systematize the findings of studies with vulnerable impact on mobile device users when performing tasks such as: online payments, news review, games and entertainment in general.

In Sect. 2, the SLR is executed, the result of which is described in Table 2. On the basis of these results, Sect. 3 presents the most notable details and the synthesis argued and discussed in the 18 primary studies and Sect. 4 concludes as research questions the consequences of the review, and specific lines of research for the future.

Table 1. Bibliographic sources and search strings.

2 Review Protocol Development

2.1 Research Identification

The criterion for the choice of search sources was based on web accessibility and the inclusion of search engines that allow to carry out advanced queries, in this way the following were used: IEEE library [1], SCOPUS Library [8], Google Scholar [2] and OWASP [3].

For the choice of keywords it was considered: research questions and keywords of previously reviewed articles: Vulnerability, mobile applications, Bank transactions, mobile vulnerabilities, Android vulnerabilities, mobile Banking, security assessment, Potential Vulnerability, Banking applications, security risks, mobile device.

Searches were performed using logical operators: (AND) and (OR) and the following inclusion criteria were considered for the search:

  • Include as relevant the existing publications from 2012 onwards, as a result of the exponential indication of the Use of mobile devices.

  • Search results in the area of science and computation, by the close relationship of technical analysis for further mitigation.

  • Documents in Spanish and English language.

  • Search the Abstract of the article for keywords.

The Table 1 correspond to the search chains (B01...B09) in the different bibliographic sources.

2.2 Selection of Primary Studies

Once the results were obtained with the searches, the following criteria were established for the selection and evaluation of primary studies:

  • In the summary, you should be aware of the vulnerabilities and/or incidents that occur in the Mobile devices with ANDROID operating system.

  • The title must be related to the investigation.

  • The document must respond to RQ1 and/or RQ2.

  • The conclusion must have relevant information for the investigation.

2.3 Data Extraction

The Table 2 presents the relevant information for each of the selected articles (S01...S18) according to the search by pointing out elements such as: type of vulnerability (RQ1) and incidence (RQ2) as research questions, study/article title, and findings as Relevant conclusions. These are the results:

Table 2. Data extraction from the primary studies.

2.4 Data Synthesis

Table 3 shows the searches that generated 123 articles, of which 72 coincidences were recorded, where the number of articles reviewed was 51, of which 18 articles were selected according to the aforementioned search criteria.

Table 3. Summary of reviewed studies.

3 Discussion

What reflects [S01] is the unbridled increase of mobile users for its great features to perform online tasks (payments or purchases, transactions, news, games, etc.) and with this the change in the routine of users that has affected positive and negative way worldwide in terms of health education, history and many other factors that are already known by users. [S02] mentions the growing development of smartphones and with it the use that users give them to perform online tasks, specifically banking transactions, also points out some types of vulnerabilities to which users are exposed as the distributed denial of service attack (DDOS) called the third highest threat according to the FBI, in which the attacker plays the role of network for the scanning of open ports and thereby perpetrate the theft of information, also mention is made of other vulnerabilities such as malware (malicious software), Spoofing of TCP-IP in which the pirate gets access to the phone in an unauthorized way, backdoors installed by the same developers, modifications in applications, pieces of spy code (exploits) and the knowledge of social engineering with banking Trojans. Because of the lack of security in the servers, attackers can make contact with unencrypted data; it also mentions some protocols used by smartphones for information security, there are also some encryption algorithms that are used in the mobile data flow and a security method for banking systems in which authentication and the authorization. In [S03] it is clearly understood the vulnerability that exists when using different clouds to manage user information, it is referred to four (OneDrive, Box, GoogleDrive and Dropbox) that when used in different ANDROID and IOS devices, is It is easy to retrieve information using forensic techniques based on this article in the NIST 10 forensic guide and Martini’s four-step forensic framework, demonstrating how you can retrieve information from mobile devices depending on your operating system version (ANDROID version 2.2. 2 and IOS version 4.3.5), this information is recorded in different files of the internal memory of the phone independently if it is restored to the device for later recovery, showing a complete history of task management performed by the user in that moment.

Regarding the permissions that the user gives to the ANDROID applications, [S04] finds: the normal, the dangerous, the signature and the system, of which the dangerous category is the one associated to the banking applications in which users could naively give permission without knowing the risk they run when their data are intercepted by attackers. In short, there are different types of licenses that users can give to ANDROID mobile applications, each allows with a degree of danger in terms of leakage that can be caused by misuse of them, causing severe damage when installed. Harmful applications in smart devices. Likewise, it is mentioned in [S05] the great ability that hackers have to introduce themselves to smartphones using sophisticated techniques (up to ANDROID version 4.4) for the theft of information, for this they use the so-called attack of tapjacking that is exploited by the Android/BadAccents, consists of the superposition of cloned windows that appear on the screen of the device, and that ask to enter personal data for an update required by the operating system in order to obtain super user permissions (ROOT), it is worth mentioning that they introduce this malware to the SMARTPHONES by means of text messages making fun of the security of servers with intersection of messages or voice calls.

In [S06] we detail the access that mobile applications have to the different types of data that the user has installed on their smartphone as very private information (bank accounts, passwords etc.). An application called ASTRAEA that is responsible for the mitigation of vulnerabilities in information leakage, which has its own security proxy, which makes the flow of data according to the application very secure by examining the information that passes from the end to the extreme.

At work [S17] the use of smart phones worldwide is highlighted, due to their banking services among others, which in turn classifies threats as broad, from telephone to telephone, and online, on the other hand that most malware is on google and the Android platform. Consequently, it explains that mobile users increase day by day so they can enter at any time the mobile banking to perform various tasks, this leads to the attackers to invent new methods (more sophisticated Trojans and malware in general as the forms to introduce them to the SMARTPHONES) in order to circumvent the security of said banking entities, likewise recommend the updates due to their equipment.

The authors of [S18] emphasize security in mobile applications and for this they refer to a study based on mining BLOG (method blog mining) that is about the search for blogs that contain information on security applications of banking mobile, encountering many coincidences such as threats and vulnerabilities (trojans, rootkits and viruses), phishing as insecure Wi-Fi networks; and with these a range of countermeasures such as data encryption, antivirus application updates, among others. They also talk about some malwares like: Zitmo, Banker, Perkel/Hesperbot, Wrob, Bankum, ZertSecurity, DroidDream and Keyloggers. Regarding threats from third-party applications they secretly alter a banking application, so the author recommends the constant updating of applications from reliable sources, another huge vulnerability found is the famous phishing that deals with fraudulent applications (application clones)), unencrypted WIFI networks in popular places which allows the attacker to violate these networks due to its weak security and reverse engineering. For their part, they recommend integrating mobile security based on biometrics as well as intelligent technology based on monitoring in mobile banking applications.

4 Conclusion and Future Work

With the growing development of smart terminals (SMARTPHONES) and its extensive benefits to the user to improve the lifestyle, a number of vulnerabilities arise for both mobile platforms and operating systems in general, so that the desire for computer criminals steal confidential information from users, who for different reasons do not use their smartphone properly.

As mobile vulnerabilities are mitigated in different versions of the Android operating system, the attacker is at the forefront to take advantage of the minimum flaw that is in the current versions and thus act deliberately and especially violate banking applications.

The systematic review allowed to know the frequent vulnerabilities in the banking transactions by Android mobile devices, usually the user is not aware of what they happen, the ones that stand out are: Banking Phishing, Trojans and injections, unsafe storage in the cloud, campaigns to violate the ANDROID platform, insufficient protection when circulating data, insecurity in servers, lack of protection in the transport layer, involuntary data leakage, poor authentication and authorization, broken cryptography, ROOT users.

With respect to the incidence of use of banking transactions with smartphones in users, the increase in technology has partly facilitated their way of life due to the great benefits that smartphones have generated in their daily performance, the change in routine of users who use SMARTPHONES, has had a positive and largely negative impact, simply because they do not know deeply the good use of these smartphones and therefore are the victims of many bank frauds and information leakage.

Consequently, future work is needed to establish models of trust in mobile transactions and person-mobile research that minimizes the effects of the user when data security is concerned. Also, that from these results are generated recommendations for the mitigation of these incidents.