
FormalPara Key Points
  • Preoperative assessment is paramount for planning intraoperative strategies.

  • Careful induction of anesthesia is essential to avoid cardiovascular collapse.

  • Transesophageal echocardiography is an invaluable intraoperative tool.

  • Perioperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support is beneficial for patients but provides new challenges for the anesthesiologist.

  • Reduction in early postoperative complications confers a long-term survival benefit.


Lung transplantation (LT) is the treatment of choice for some patients with end-stage lung disease or pulmonary vascular disease [1]. The term “lung transplantation” encompasses a group of operations, comprised of lobar transplant, single-lung transplant (SLT), double-lung transplant, bilateral sequential lung transplant (BSLT), and heart-lung transplant (HLT). The first reported human LT was undertaken in 1963 [2], but outcomes were poor until the introduction of ciclosporin (also spelled cyclosporin) and the development of newer surgical techniques in the 1980s. The first reported successful LT was performed in 1983 at Toronto General Hospital [3]. The number of LT has increased significantly over the last 30 years (Fig. 47.1) and outcomes have gradually improved; median survival for LT is now approximately 6 years (Fig. 47.2) [1].

Fig. 47.1
figure 1

Number of lung transplants reported by year. (From the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, with permission)

Fig. 47.2
figure 2

Survival for adult lung transplantation. The median survival is the estimated time point at which 50% of all of the recipients have died. The conditional median survival is the estimated time point at which 50% of the recipients who survive to at least 1 year have died. Because the decline in survival is greatest during the first year following transplantation, the conditional survival provides a more realistic expectation of survival time for recipients who survive the early post-transplant period. (From the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, with permission)

Donor Organ Management

The potential donor patient is often cared for in a nontransplant critical care unit [4]. After the diagnosis of brain stem death (BSD), the pathophysiological sequelae must be appropriately managed to effectuate organ preservation [5,6,7,8,9]. This includes intravenous fluid administration and vasoactive drug therapy to achieve a mean arterial pressure (MAP) above 70 mmHg, heart rate 60–120 beats per minutes, and a central venous pressure (CVP) or pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) between 6 and 10 mmHg [10, 11]. Intravenous fluid restriction and judicious use of diuretics help to reduce fluid accumulation in the lungs. The use of “hormonal” therapy, comprised of thyroxine, methylprednisolone, and vasopressin, has been shown to increase the number of transplantable organs. Ventilatory settings are altered to protect the potential donor lungs. This includes the use of pressure-controlled ventilation with appropriate positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to give tidal volumes of 6–8 mL/kg. Bronchoscopic pulmonary toilet is used to clear retained secretions. Basic critical care therapies, including normothermia, antimicrobial use, nutrition, correction of electrolyte imbalance, and treatment of diabetes insipidus are essential [12,13,14,15].

During procurement, the donor receives systematic heparinization, and the pulmonary artery is flushed with a cold preservation solution. Prostaglandin is infused into the donor pulmonary circulation to inhibit the vasoconstrictive response to the cold pneumoplegia solution and to inhibit platelet aggregation. The donor lungs are ventilated throughout the flush and are inflated to a pressure of 10–20 cmH2O prior to dividing the airways. The harvested allograft is then stored at 4 °C for transfer to the recipient center [16,17,18].

Less than 20% of donors of other solid organs have lungs that are suitable for transplantation. This may be related to the etiology of BSD or secondary to pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents at the time of brain injury [12, 19]. Due to the imbalance between the number of candidates awaiting transplantation and the availability of suitable donor organs, the “standard” criteria for donor lung acceptance have been extended to include “marginal” donors (Table 47.1). The survival of recipients from these “marginal” donors may be decreased to those from standard donors, and a higher incidence of primary graft dysfunction (PGD) has been reported [20,21,22,23]. Several strategies have been developed in an attempt to increase the donor organ pool. This includes the use of patients in Maastricht category III: donation after cardiac death (DCD). Donors are typically patients in a critical care environment, who are expected to die within 60–90 min of withdrawal of active treatment. Ethical considerations mandate the use of two separate teams: one for therapy withdrawal and the second for organ harvesting. Lung preservation interventions are withheld until cardiac death has been certified [10, 24,25,26]. The lungs are unique in their ability to tolerate a warm ischemia time of at least 1 h [27]. Outcomes of recipients from DCD are comparable to those from BSD donors [26, 28]. Ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) and reconditioning are techniques that allow assessment and optimization of potential donor lungs outside of the donor. After organ harvesting, the lungs are perfused on an external circuit and ventilated (Fig. 47.3). The lungs can then be optimized and assessed for adequate function prior to transplantation [29,30,31]. Patient outcomes are similar to those with conventional transplants [32, 33]. The role of EVLP is now being extended: assessment of lungs from uncontrolled circulatory death; standard donor organs can be evaluated ex vivo to allow for exclusion of functionally impaired lungs; and the extension of graft perfusion time may facilitate better timing of transplant operations [34,35,36].

Table 47.1 Donor lung criteria
Fig. 47.3
figure 3

Donor lungs inside a sterile plastic dome undergoing ex vivo perfusion. During ventilation via an endotracheal tube in the donor trachea, the lungs are perfused with a crystalloid solution. The yellow cannula is in the main pulmonary artery and the green cannula in the cuff of the donor left atrium

Recipient Candidates

Transplantation is indicated for patients with end-stage lung disease who are failing medical therapy, with the goal to provide a survival benefit. Due to the relative shortage of donor organs, it is necessary to list only patients with realistic beneficial outcomes. Listing for transplantation should occur when life expectancy after transplant exceeds life expectancy without the procedure. Donors and recipients are matched according to blood group and size [37,38,39]. The common underlying pathologies responsible for LT referral include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD), cystic fibrosis (CF), pulmonary hypertension (PHT), and interstitial lung disease (ILD), incorporating usual interstitial pneumonitis (UIP), fibrosing non-specific interstitial pneumonitis (NSIP), and non-idiopathic interstitial pneumonitis (non-IIP) (Fig. 47.4). Contraindications to LT are listed in Table 47.2.

Fig. 47.4
figure 4

Indications for lung transplantation. AATD alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, CF cystic fibrosis, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ILD interstitial lung disease, PHT pulmonary hypertension, Re-Tx re-transplantation. (Based on data form the International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation <> accessed May 2017)

Table 47.2 Contraindications to lung transplantation [39]

Disease-specific indications for referral and listing for transplantation are summarized in Table 47.3 [39]. Patients suffering from emphysematous diseases are assessed using the BODE index, which involves scoring body mass index, airflow obstruction, degree of dyspnea, and exercise capacity on a scale from 0 to 10. A BODE index ≥7 is associated with lower survival than would be expected after transplantation. Three or more severe exacerbations within 1 year are associated with increased mortality, and an episode of acute hypercapnic respiratory failure carries a 43% 1-year mortality [39, 40]. Lung volume reduction surgery may provide an alternative or a bridge-to-transplant in some emphysema patients [41, 42]. Cystic fibrosis patients are prone to colonization with resistant pathogens. Infection with Burkholderia cenocepacia and non-tuberculous Mycobacterium is associated with increased morbidity and mortality and confers a contraindication in some centers [39, 43]. Patients with ILD have the worst prognosis of those referred for LT. The introduction of the lung allocation score (LAS) system, designed to prioritize patients with the highest mortality on the waiting list, has increased the number of ILD candidates receiving transplantation [44, 45]. Significant developments in targeted medical therapy for pulmonary hypertension had led to improvements in management and a postponement in referral for LT listing in this population [39]. Patients with PHT secondary to pulmonary veno-occlusive disease should be referred for LT assessment at the time of diagnosis, as there is no established medical therapy, and the prognosis is poor [46]. The incidence of re-transplantation has increased since the introduction of the LAS system. The same criteria for initial LT listing are used. Whether SLT or BSLT is planned, removal of the failed allograft is recommended to reduce infection risk and ongoing stimulation of the immune system. Patients requiring re-transplant after 2 years of their original procedure have better outcomes than those who are re-transplanted within 30 days [39, 47,48,49]. Previously, patients in a critical condition, supported with mechanical ventilation or extracorporeal life support (ECLS) were deemed unsuitable candidates [50]. However, improvements in technology and expanded experience in the management of ECLS have allowed for such patients to be bridged to transplantation with ECLS, with acceptable outcomes [51,52,53].

Table 47.3 Disease-specific criteria for lung transplantation listing [39]

Anesthesia for Lung Transplantation

Preoperative Assessment

Due to the nature of LT, the anesthesiologist usually has limited time for preoperative assessment [54]. In some centers the listed candidates are reviewed in an assessment clinic by an anesthesiologist to highlight pertinent anesthetic considerations. Patients are typically debilitated, with poor cardiorespiratory reserve. Latent ischemic heart disease and right ventricular (RV) dysfunction are not uncommon, especially in elderly patients, although the presence of noncritical coronary artery disease does not appear to influence postoperative outcomes [55,56,57,58]. After admission to hospital for surgery, there is limited time to optimize the patient: chest physiotherapy to clear secretions, bronchodilator therapy, and drainage of significant pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. In addition to a standard preoperative evaluation, anesthetic assessment should focus on [59]:

  • Underlying diagnosis: obstructive, restrictive, or suppurative pathology. This facilitates selection of appropriate ventilator settings.

  • Pulmonary artery (PA) pressure: this will dictate the likelihood of undertaking the procedure without the use of ECLS.

  • Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scan: the differential perfusion to each lung (in BSLT) will determine which lung initially will better tolerate PA clamping and pneumonectomy.

  • Arterial blood gases (ABGs): baseline pO2/pCO2 helps define acceptable intraoperative limits.

  • Echocardiography: knowledge of RV and left ventricular (LV) function will influence the requirement for ECLS.

Standard premedication involves immunosuppressant drugs, bronchodilator therapy, and supplemental oxygen. The routine use of anxiolytic medication is not recommended, and any sedative agents should be administered with caution, as they can exacerbate hypoxemia and hypercapnia, leading to worsening PHT and RV failure.


Routine monitoring includes electrocardiography (ECG), pulse oximetry, invasive arterial and central venous pressure (CVP) measurements, pulmonary artery catheterization (PAC), temperature measurement, capnography, and inhalational agent monitoring. Minimally invasive cardiac output monitoring has been used extensively in the nontransplant perioperative setting and in nonpulmonary transplantation with mixed conclusions [60,61,62,63]. Mixed venous oximetry has been used successfully intraoperatively, and cerebral oximetry has been shown to improve outcomes in cardiac surgery [64,65,66,67]. The use of depth of anesthesia monitoring may reduce the incidence of awareness, and when used in combination with a closed-loop anesthesia, delivery system provides better titration of drugs, giving the anesthesiologist more time to focus on intraoperative hemodynamic and surgical events [68, 69]. Early detection and prevention of intraoperative hypothermia is important to prevent cardiac dysrhythmias, coagulopathy, and altered drug metabolism and to reduce the risk of postoperative infection [70, 71].

Transesophageal Echocardiography

The value of intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in LT surgery is well established [72,73,74,75]. TEE is more accurate at determining preload and volemic status compared to PAC [76]. It facilitates rapid diagnosis of hemodynamic instability, including evaluation of RV function after PA clamping, LV dysfunction, detection of gaseous emboli, and assessment of surgical anastomotic sites [75, 77,78,79]. Significant stenosis of pulmonary vein anastomoses is more commonly seen on the left (Fig. 47.5) and can result in pulmonary venous congestion and graft failure. However, TEE can overestimate pulmonary vein Doppler peak velocities, and caution is required when interpreting findings [80, 81]. The presence of an interatrial septal defect or patent foramen ovale can lead to a significant right-to-left shunt during periods of increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) or when increased PEEP is employed. Prompt detection by TEE can aid in diagnosing this cause of worsening hypoxemia [82]. With the expansion of intraoperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support in LT surgery, TEE is also beneficial in assisting in positioning of cannulae and differentiating between hypovolemia and cannula obstruction when low ECMO flows are encountered (Fig. 47.6) [83, 84].

Fig. 47.5
figure 5

Transesophageal echocardiography showing turbulence on color flow Doppler imaging (arrow) in a stenotic left pulmonary vein anastomosis. LA left atrium

Fig. 47.6
figure 6

Transesophageal echocardiography midesophageal (a) and transgastric (b) views showing right ventricular dilatation and flattening of the interventricular septum with leftward shift. LV left ventricle, RV right ventricle

Induction of Anesthesia

Thorough preoxygenation of the patient is prudent. Induction of anesthesia may precipitate cardiovascular collapse due to a combination of factors: systemic vasodilation and negative inotropic effects of anesthetic drugs, reduced venous return due to an increase in intrathoracic pressure secondary to positive pressure ventilation and PEEP, and RV failure caused by an increase in PVR due to hypoventilation and subsequent hypercapnia [85,86,87].

In patients with obstructive lung pathologies, it is important to allow sufficient time for the expiratory phase to occur and to avoid PEEP, in order to reduce the risk of dynamic hyperinflation. Overenthusiastic manual ventilation after induction of anesthesia can lead to severe gas trapping in emphysematous lungs, resulting in reduced venous return and direct cardiac compression: “pulmonary tamponade” [88, 89]. Profound hypotension ensues, and correct management is to disconnect the patient from the breathing circuit to allow sufficient time for expiration of trapped gases [90].

Patients with restrictive lung disease typically require higher ventilatory pressures to deliver an adequate tidal volume and often benefit from the application of increased levels of PEEP. Adoption of a ventilation strategy similar to that used in acute lung injury (ALI) is more appropriate for this group of patients [91, 92].

Recipients with suppurative pathologies may have mixed obstructive/restrictive respiratory defects, so appropriate ventilation should be individualized. Thorough bronchial lavage after intubation of the patient may reduce intraoperative sputum plugging and assist in maintaining adequate ventilation throughout the procedure.

In patients with pulmonary vascular disease, smooth induction of anesthesia is critical to prevent systemic hypotension, PA hypertensive crises, myocardial depression, hypoxemia, and hypercapnia. It may be useful to obtain central venous access before induction of anesthesia for administration of vasopressors. Anesthetic goals include [93]:

  • Avoid acute increases in RV preload: RV dilatation increases RV wall tension, increasing oxygen demand; elevates RV end-diastolic pressure (RVEDP), reducing oxygen delivery; and worsens tricuspid regurgitation (TR), exacerbating volume overload.

  • Maintain RV perfusion: avoid systemic hypotension and increases in RVEDP.

  • Maintain sinus rhythm and positive chronotropy.

  • Augment RV contractility with inotropic support when necessary.

  • Decrease PVR: avoid hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and acidemia.

Ketamine may be a more appropriate induction agent in severe cases, with vasoactive infusions commenced prior to induction. The use of inhaled pulmonary vasodilators and preinduction ECLS has been described [94, 95]. The anesthesiologist should be prepared for emergency institution of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) after induction.

Disease-specific intraoperative anesthetic considerations are summarized in Table 47.4.

Table 47.4 Disease-specific intraoperative considerations

Following induction, the airway is secured with either a single-lumen or double-lumen tube (DLT). A single-lumen tube in combination with an endobronchial blocker provides an alternative technique to DLT [96, 97]. In BSLT, the blocker will need repositioning under bronchoscopic guidance to allow surgery on the opposite side. A left-sided DLT is preferred to a right-sided DLT, which may interfere with the right-sided bronchial anastomosis. In patients with significant suppurative pathologies (e.g., cystic fibrosis), it is common to initially insert a single-lumen tube in order to facilitate bronchoscopic toilet and suctioning of thick secretions, prior to exchanging for a DLT. Bronchoscopic lavage samples can be sent for microbiological analysis to direct postoperative antimicrobial therapy. Prophylactic antibiotic regimens are institution-related but must provide adequate gram-positive and gram-negative cover. Patients with CF often require alternative antimicrobials, depending on their history of allergies, microbe colonization, and presence of drug-resistant organisms [98, 99].

Maintenance of Anesthesia

Maintenance of anesthesia is achieved with either inhalational or intravenous agents [100, 101]. Nitrous oxide should be avoided as it may increase PVR [102]. SLT can be performed through a standard posterolateral thoracotomy, with the patient in the lateral position, or via an anterior thoracotomy, in the supine position. This latter approach provides easier surgical cannulation access if urgent ECLS is needed. BSLT may be performed either via a midline sternotomy, bilateral thoracotomies, or “clamshell” incision [103].

Initiation of one-lung ventilation (OLV) will initially cause an increase in shunt with worsening hypoxemia until surgical stapling of the PA. During OLV pressure-controlled ventilation may proffer some benefits over volume-controlled ventilation, by reducing peak airway pressures [104, 105]. Patients unable to tolerate OLV will require CPB or ECMO support [106].

Optimal fluid management is paramount during the intraoperative period. Patient hemodynamics are influenced by volemic status and preload optimization is essential. However, the lung allograft is prone to low-pressure pulmonary edema, secondary to re-expansion injury, ischemia-reperfusion microvascular leak, and the absence of lymphatic drainage. A restrictive fluid regimen is recommended, with surgical blood loss replaced by boluses of colloid or blood products as indicated [107, 108].

Management of RV Dysfunction

Surgical clamping of the PA during OLV will reduce shunt and improve oxygenation but will result in an acute increase in PA pressures. In patients with pre-existing PHT, it is prudent for the surgeon to apply temporary PA clamping to determine the effect on PA pressures and RV function [109]. Early diagnosis of RV failure by TEE allows for prompt management and potential avoidance of ECLS [78]. Recipients with severe PHT rarely tolerate PA clamping, and the elective use of ECLS is employed [110].

An acute elevation in PVR causes a combination of detrimental effects, which may ultimately result in RV failure. The increase in RV afterload will initially reduce RV stroke volume, leading to a rise in RVEDV. RV dilatation can worsen the severity of TR, exacerbating volume overload, further raising RVEDV and consequently RVEDP. There is a leftward shift of the interventricular septum, inhibiting LV diastolic filling and decreasing LV stroke volume. The subsequent fall in cardiac output leads to systemic hypotension and, coupled with an increase in RVEDP, a reduction in RV perfusion pressure. RV ischemia follows, with further RV decompensation and failure [93].

The use of selective pulmonary vasodilators, inhaled nitric oxide (iNO), and prostacyclin therapy reduces PVR, improves oxygenation, and can reverse RV failure [111,112,113,114]. Catecholamines and phosphodiesterase inhibitors (PDE-I) will provide positive inotropy and improve RV contractility. PDE-I may reduce PVR but also have the less desirable side effect of systemic vasodilatation and hypotension, often necessitating the addition of vasopressor support to maintain coronary perfusion [115,116,117,118]. Levosimendan restores RV-PA coupling by decreasing PVR and increasing RV contractility but is also associated with systemic vasodilatation [119]. Norepinephrine is the initial vasoconstrictor of choice: it improves ventricular systolic interaction and coronary perfusion and may also improve RV-PA coupling. Vasopressin can be added in cases of refractory hypotension [118].

Extracorporeal Support

There is institutional and surgical variation in preference for utilization of CPB. Elective use of ECLS, either full CPB or ECMO, is indicated in recipients with severe PHT and in HLT [120]. SLT is typically performed “off-pump” via a thoracotomy. When BSLT is performed “off-pump,” the lung receiving less perfusion (from the preoperative V/Q scan) should be replaced first. For BSLT with CPB, the heart remains warm and beating. After implantation of the first allograft, the heart is allowed to eject a little, and the lung is gently ventilated.

In recent years, the use of full CPB has been replaced by other forms of ECLS: veno-venous (VV) and venoarterial (VA) ECMO support [121,122,123]. VA-ECMO, like full CPB, provides both cardiac and respiratory support but requires less heparinization. Central cannulation sites, right atrium (RA) and ascending aorta, are generally preferred, as higher ECMO flows can be achieved, necessitating less anticoagulation. Peripheral cannulation, usually femoral vein (FV) to femoral artery, allows for continued ECLS support into the postoperative period in cases of severe PGD, and the chest can be closed [124, 125]. However, the anesthesiologist must remain vigilant during the intraoperative period, as lower ECMO flows permit more blood flow through the heart and lungs, which may be significantly deoxygenated: ECMO Harlequin syndrome may occur, resulting in cerebral hypoxia with peripheral VA cannulation. Pulse oximetry and arterial pressure monitoring should be placed on the right upper limb to ensure adequate oxygenation, and cerebral oximetry is advantageous [126, 127]. VV-ECMO provides only respiratory support, but the correction of hypoxemia and hypercapnia can markedly enhance RV function, leading to improved hemodynamics. Cannulation is typically peripheral and can be achieved with either a single dual-lumen cannula or by two cannulae [128, 129]. Fluid management is more challenging during ECMO support: ECMO flows are highly dependent on patient venous pressures, so sufficient fluid must be administered to maintain adequate ECMO flows without causing fluid overload and “wet” lungs. The utilization of ECMO support instead of CPB has led to better patient outcomes [130,131,132,133,134]. If postoperative VV-ECMO is probable, it may be useful to avoid using the right internal jugular vein for central access during surgery.

Organ Reperfusion

Reperfusion of the allograft should occur gradually, over a period of 5–10 min, as it may result in significant hypotension due to release of stored pneumoplegia, inflammatory mediators, and gas emboli into the systemic circulation [135]. Simultaneously, gentle alveolar recruitment and ventilation are commenced with limited peak airway pressures, moderate PEEP (5–10 cmH2O), and initially with a fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) less than 40% [136,137,138,139]. In BSLT the residual native lung can be ventilated with a high FiO2 to maintain arterial oxygenation, while the new allograft is reperfusing with protective ventilation. After this initial period of reperfusion, the FiO2 to the allograft is increased as necessary, while ventilation to the native lung is stopped to enable surgical explantation. Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) presents as hypoxemia despite increasing FiO2, reduced lung compliance, PHT, and, in severe cases, pulmonary edema. PGD due to IRI is associated with an increased mortality [140]. The administration of iNO is effective in improving oxygenation in cases of IRI, but its routine use to prevent IRI is of less benefit [141,142,143]. Severe PGD can be managed with ECLS, usually VV-ECMO, with acceptable outcomes [144, 145].


In the postoperative period, insufficient pain control hinders spontaneous deep breathing, adequate coughing, and sputum clearance. Analgesic options comprise paracetamol, intravenous opiates, and regional techniques, including epidural and paravertebral analgesia. Opioid-sparing regimens are encouraged to reduce respiratory depression. Epidural insertion can be performed prior to surgery, to facilitate earlier postoperative extubation, or postoperatively, after coagulopathy has been excluded [146, 147]. Paravertebral catheters can be placed by the surgeon at the end of a SLT as an alternative to epidural analgesia [148]. There may be a role for low-dose intravenous ketamine as an adjunct to reduce postoperative opiate requirements [149, 150]. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are avoided due to the increased risk of renal dysfunction in patients receiving calcineurin inhibitors for immunosuppression [151].

Postoperative care

Early extubation in the operating room is feasible, especially after SLT [152, 153]. The advantages include avoidance of positive pressure ventilation, with potential barotrauma, reduced extravascular lung water, decreased PA pressures, lower requirements for vasoactive drugs, and early mobilization with physiotherapy. This is facilitated by the use of short-acting anesthetic agents, epidural analgesia, and the absence of intraoperative complications [153, 154]. For patients returning to the intensive care unit for postoperative ventilation, the DLT is changed to a single-lumen tube, and a nasogastric tube is passed to permit early administration of enteral immunosuppression.

Ventilatory support involves a lung protective strategy and potential differential lung ventilation in patients with SLT for emphysema. Tracheostomy is considered if prolonged ventilation is anticipated [155,156,157,158].

Early complications include PGD, hemorrhage, iatrogenic surgical anastomotic anomalies, infection, cardiac dysrhythmias, renal failure, and venous thromboembolism [159,160,161,162,163,164,165]. Early complications have a negative impact on long-term survival [166]. Prevention of acute rejection is managed with a combination of steroids, calcineurin inhibitors, antiproliferatives, and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors. The routine use of induction therapy with monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies is controversial but may confer some survival benefit in BSLT [167]. Late complications include chronic rejection, presenting as bronchiolitis obliterans, infection, renal dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, and malignancy [1, 168].