7.1 The Data Mountain

7.1.1 Why Does Serial Femtosecond Crystallography Produce So Much Data?

Serial crystallography represents a paradigm shift in macromolecular crystallography from the rotation method for data collection. It brings many benefits as described elsewhere in this book; however, it also brings a steep increase in the data volume. The main reason for this is simple statistics. Systematic rotation of a single crystal allows all the Bragg peaks, required for structure determination, to be swept through and recorded. Serial collection is a rather inefficient way of measuring all these Bragg peak intensities because each snapshot is from a randomly oriented crystal, and there are no systematic relationships between successive crystal orientations. In this chapter, we will elaborate on the quantities of data required, and how one can climb this data mountain to yield valuable and meaningful results.

Consider a game of picking a card from a deck of all 52 cards until all the cards in the deck have been seen. The rotation method could be considered as analogous to picking a card from the top of the deck, looking at it and then throwing it away before picking the next, i.e., sampling without replacement. In this analogy, the faces of the cards represent crystal orientations or Bragg reflections. Only 52 turns are required to see all the cards in this case (Fig. 7.1 top), or analogously to acquire a complete dataset where all the symmetrically unique reflections (up to some resolution limit) have been measured. Serial collection is akin to randomly picking a card and then putting the card back in the deck before choosing the next card, i.e., sampling with replacement (Fig. 7.1 bottom). How many cards are needed to be drawn before all 52 have been seen? Intuitively, we can see that there is no guarantee that all cards will ever be observed. However, statistically speaking, the expected number of turns to complete the task, c, is given by:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} {c} = {n}\ \sum_{k=1}^n \frac{1}{k}, \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

where n is the total number of cards. For large n, c converges to \(n \log {(n)}\). That is, for n = 52, it can reasonably be expected that all 52 cards will be observed only after about 236 turns! The problem is further exacerbated because a fraction of the images obtained in an SFX experiment will be blank because the X-ray pulse did not hit a crystal. This fraction varies depending on the sample preparation and delivery methods (see Chaps. 3–5), but is often higher than 60%. The random orientation of crystals and the random picking of this orientation on every measurement represent the primary reasons why SFX data volumes are inherently larger than rotation series data.

Fig. 7.1
figure 1

Sampling without replacement (top) vs sampling with replacement (bottom) for a deck of cards. The expected number of turns to observe all cards by sampling one card at a time is 52 and 236, respectively. Figure ⒸThe Author, licensed under CC-BY-4.0

The second reason why SFX data volumes are so high is the high variability of many experimental parameters. The self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) process, by which the X-ray pulses are generated in the FEL, essentially amounts to amplifying a random fluctuation in the electron bunch by many orders of magnitude. This randomness becomes imprinted on the X-ray pulses, such that each one of them has a different intensity profile and photon energy spectrum. There may also be a wide variability in the crystals: their size, shape, crystalline order, and even their crystal structure. In effect, each frame in an SFX experiment is from a completely separate experiment to the others. As described later in this chapter, great progress has been made in compensating for this variation, but the main method for mitigating it is still to average intensity measurements from a large number of crystals.

Over the years, FEL facilities have been built or upgraded with higher repetition rates and larger detectors which help reduce the data collection time, but do nothing to reduce the data quantity required.

7.1.2 Facilities, Data Rates, and Detectors

In 2005, a series of proof-of-principle studies were performed at the Free electron LASer in Hamburg (FLASH) facility in Hamburg, Germany, demonstrating “diffraction-before-destruction” [2, 6, 15], the concept of side-stepping classical radiation damage limits by using X-ray pulses shorter than the damage processes (See Chap. 6). These results motivated high resolution experiments using shorter wavelength X-rays. In 2009, the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) in Stanford, USA, started producing X-rays in the sub-nanometer range, and the first SFX experiments on protein crystals were performed [16], starting at a rate of 30 X-ray pulses per second. Shortly after, the LCLS repetition rate was increased to 120 pulses per second with the data acquisition infrastructure capable of reading out 5 GB/s per instrument. Table 7.1 shows the repetition rates of the currently operating (and soon to be operating) X-ray FEL facilities. In 2011, SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron LAser (SACLA) in Japan soon followed as a compact X-ray FEL facility that can be operated below 1 Å wavelength. In 2017, the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory XFEL (PAL-XFEL) in Korea and the European XFEL in Germany started user operation. Superconducting accelerator technology has led to much higher repetition rates that exceed the detector read-out rates. The European XFEL produces bursts of 2,700 pulses with only a few hundred nanoseconds between them, ten times a second, for a total of 27,000 pulses per second. LCLS-II, which is still a few years away, will produce a constant rate of X-ray pulses at a rate approaching one million pulses per second. Chapter 16 will present an outlook of X-ray FELs and discuss these new machines further.

Table 7.1 Photon pulses per second at facilities around the world

Data rates will also increase with improvements in detector technology. Detectors will become larger and be able to read out data at higher rates. The short femtosecond pulses from X-ray FELs require the use of integrating detectors. Single-photon-counting detectors, such as the PILATUS [39] and the EIGER [14] detectors used at synchrotrons, offer many excellent features such as essentially zero background noise, but cannot be used with femtosecond pulses. The reason for this is that the ability to count photons requires that the electronic pulse from each photon be distinguishable from the others. When all the photons arrive within a few femtoseconds, a counting detector can only count zero or one photon. Instead, integrating detectors are used, in which the total charge created by the photons in the detector sensor is summed and read out after the pulse. Detectors used for crystallography are typically of multi-megapixel scale, which makes for formidable data rates at the repetition rates achievable for X-ray FELs. Detectors for SFX experiments need to have low noise and high dynamic range capable of capturing the Bragg peak intensities. The first detector specifically developed for LCLS was a 2.3-megapixel Cornell-SLAC Pixel Array Detector (CSPAD) which has a dynamic range of >2500 photons at 8 keV in low gain mode (Fig. 7.2) [10, 13, 50]. Even with the high dynamic range, the Bragg spots produced from the ultra-intense FEL pulses can saturate the detector pixels and Fourier amplitude of the protein structure cannot be determined in this case. The Rayonix (MX225-HS) detector at PAL-XFEL uses scintillators coupled to fiber optics that indirectly transmit signal to a light-sensitive camera to boost the dynamic range up to 45,000 photons at 12 keV. The European XFEL is equipped with a smarter detector that can adjust the gain depending on the charge deposited on the pixel, called Adaptive Gain Integrating Pixel Detector (AGIPD), giving it both single-photon sensitivity and a dynamic range of more than 10,000 photons at 12.4 keV [1]. Similarly, SwissFEL will have the adJUstiNg Gain detector FoR the Aramis User station (JUNGFRAU) which also automatically adjusts the gain depending on signal [45].

Fig. 7.2
figure 2

The Cornell-SLAC Pixel Array Detector (CSPAD) is an example of a PAD designed to operate at the conditions of a hard X-ray FEL. Photon-counting PADs are not usable for femtosecond pulses unless the expected signal is ≤1 photon per shot. The CSPAD has a dynamic range of > 2500 photons at 8 keV in low gain mode with a total of 2.3 megapixels

Instead of using a beam stop placed in front of the detector, X-ray FEL detectors typically allow the beam to go through a central gap. This allows the beam to be stopped far downstream of the detector, where due to its typical divergence it will be much larger and cause less damage. It further allows the “spent” beam to be reused for a second experiment in a downstream position, as shown in Fig. 7.3. The CXI beamline at LCLS operates in this configuration to double the number of experiments [11, 32]. A similar serial setup is planned for the SPB/SFX beamline at the European XFEL [43]. There are also other ways that make more efficient use of the X-ray beam, such as splitting the beam using a monochromator into “monochromatic” and “rejected” components, both of which can be used for SFX or other types of experiments [67]. Since an SFX experiment is not very sensitive to pauses in the data acquisition, the pauses leading only to wasted sample as it flows past, the beam can be switched between an SFX experiment on a timescale of seconds. A common application of these multiplexing techniques is to “screen” sample batches in parallel to data collection on a primary sample. Of course, all this acts to further increase the amount of SFX data.

Fig. 7.3
figure 3

Overview of the serial SFX setup at the CXI beamline, LCLS. (a) Data are collected simultaneously in two sample chambers using a serial SFX setup. (b) The X-rays are focused only using Be lenses with the Kirkpatrick–Baez mirrors (KB1) moved out. The X-rays enter the first sample chamber (SC1) and scatter from the protein crystal. The unscattered X-rays exit through the central hole in the CSPAD detector, and are then refocused for another scattering experiment in the downstream sample chamber (SC3) followed by the diagnostic (Diag). Reproduced from Yoon [65]

In an SFX experiment, the meeting of a crystal with an X-ray pulse is a chance event. As a result, there will be blank shots in an SFX dataset. The fraction of detector readouts that correspond to a crystal interacting with the pulse and producing a diffraction pattern is known as the hit rate and can be controlled by altering parameters such as the concentration of crystals or the thickness of the liquid jet, for example. To ease the data processing, we normally aim to maximize the number of “single hits,” where only one crystal is hit by the X-ray pulse. The theoretical maximum for this rate is 37%, given by Poisson statistics as shown in Fig. 7.4, at which 23% of the hits will contain more than one overlapping diffraction pattern to produce an overall hit rate of 60% [31]. In most SFX experiments performed to date, the actual hit rate has been much lower, with a large fraction of blank shots. The first stage of data processing, described in the next section, is to identify the hits so that the blank frames can be ignored in the later stages of processing. In the high-throughput regime of future X-ray FELs, it may become necessary to perform hit finding prior to writing it to persistent storage, i.e., immediately and permanently deleting the blank frames.

Fig. 7.4
figure 4

Optimum hit rate for most single hits assuming Poisson statistics [31]. Image ⒸTakanori Nakane, reproduced by kind permission

7.2 Reducing the Mountain to a Hill: Hit Finding

7.2.1 Realities of Experimental Data

The aim of hit finding in SFX is to determine whether the snapshot contains Bragg spots or not. All the later processing stages are based on Bragg spots, and so frames which do not contain any of them are useless, at least as far as crystallographic data processing is concerned. Conceptually, hit finding seems trivial. However, in practice it can be challenging.

In an ideal case shown in Fig. 7.5a, the peaks are intense and there is no background noise. In this case, even a simple thresholding algorithm can locate the peaks. Unfortunately, real life is not so simple, and there are many additional features on the detector. The medium in which the crystals are embedded, necessary for them to stay hydrated, leads to coherent scattering. X-ray fluorescence from the sample can be significant for some elements and some photon energies, as can parasitic scattering from X-ray apertures and focusing optics. These effects all combine to give an overall background as shown in cyan in Fig. 7.5b. The detector will inevitably contain a small number of defective pixels, producing either very high or very low readouts.

Fig. 7.5
figure 5

Illustration of challenges associated with peak finding. (a) Ideal case, the Bragg spots (magenta) have no background noise apart from the detector noise due to pedestal (gray) and common mode (red). (b) Background scattering (cyan) from optics/crystal buffer/fluorescence can be significant. Bad pixels can often be brighter than the Bragg spots. Shadowing due to the chamber setup such as upstream aperture/camera wires add abrupt changes, nonuniform noise to the background (green). Multiple crystals in the beam can introduce extra Bragg spots that influence the local noise estimation (blue). Figure ⒸThe Author, licensed under CC-BY-4.0

Fluctuations due to beam fluence, photon energy and crystal size affect both the signal and background which makes it hard to set the right peak-finding parameters that will work for all the images. Given that each event is unique, peak-finding parameters will also be unique for each event. Indeed, a grid search over the peak-finding parameter space for each individual image can yield better results than a one-size-fits-all approach [41]. Shadowing due to particular experimental setup, such as upstream apertures or diagnostics including viewing camera optics close to the beam, can add abrupt nonuniform changes to the background, as shown in green in Fig. 7.5b. Multiple crystals in the beam can introduce extra Bragg spots that influence the local noise estimation (Fig. 7.5b). Some of these artifacts can be reduced by a series of calibration steps, as described below.

7.2.2 Correcting Detector Artifacts and Removing Background

Raw pixel values are read out by the detector for each event and calibrated in the following order: pedestal correction, common-mode correction, and gain correction. Pedestal refers to a large additive noise due to the electronic readout that is fairly constant over time (which slowly drifts during the course of an experiment); pedestals are independent of signal being measured. Before and during an experiment, the so-called dark images are collected (detector on, X-ray off) to measure the average pedestal. Dark runs also provide information about bad pixels.

Common mode is another form of additive noise that arises when a detector tile is bombarded by many photons producing a “common” offset for all pixels in the tile (Fig. 7.5a shown as red). Since this is signal-dependent noise, each tile has to be corrected per event basis by evaluating the offset experienced by the pixels with no photons. If all the pixels are illuminated, the common mode cannot be evaluated. A way to avoid this problem was devised in the CSPAD detector where unbonded pixels are strategically placed to read out the offset. Unbonded pixels are pixels where the X-ray sensor material is not connected to the electronics of the pixel and therefore cannot detect photons but still experience the common offset. It is important to carefully mask out the unbonded pixels during analysis.

Gain correction normalizes the response of the individual pixel. This is multiplicative noise that is proportional to the photons seen by the pixels.

For an ith event, the calibration step can be expressed as:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} C_{\mathrm{i}} = \frac{ R_{\mathrm{i}} - P - CM_{\mathrm{i}} }{G}, \end{aligned} $$

where C i is the ith calibrated image, R i is the ith raw image, P is the pedestal, CM i is the common mode due to R i, and G is the gain factor.

The calibrated images are (to first approximation) devoid of electronic noise. However, the diffraction patterns still contain other forms of noise, such as the solvent scattering from crystal buffer, secondary scattering from experimental components around the interaction region, fluorescence and jet streaks from the injector that all contribute to the background noise making peak finding difficult. The term background noise used here is defined as any photons on the detector that are non-Bragg reflections. In severe cases, background subtraction algorithms are used to suppress slowly varying noise. There are largely two approaches: radial background subtraction and median background subtraction. Given that the dominant background comes from solvent scattering, the isotropic component of the background noise can be removed by subtracting the radial average of all pixels that are equidistant from the detector center. This algorithm requires a priori knowledge of the beam center and detector pixel positions which may not be available. Median background subtraction takes a different approach where a 2D sliding window of pixels is used to calculate the median intensity inside this window and subtracted from the pixel value at the center of the window. This algorithm suppresses both the isotropic and non-isotropic components of the background noise, and also does not require any geometric information.

7.2.3 Finding Peaks and Identifying Hits

There are several software packages that can perform peak finding at FEL facilities, most notably (in alphabetical order) CASS [21], cctbx.xfel [29], Cheetah [7, 46], and psocake [57]. All these packages implement their own unique algorithms that share common image processing ideas:

  1. 1.

    Locate all local maxima in a detector tile as potential Bragg spots. Brightest connected pixels of the local maxima are counted as signal and surrounding pixels as the estimation of local background noise.

  2. 2.

    Calculate peak properties, such as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), area of the spot, and sum of pixel values. The SNR is often evaluated to determine whether the peak found is significant enough to be a Bragg spot or just spurious noise:

    $$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} {\mathrm{SNR}} = {I} / \sigma({I}) = \mu_{s}/ \sigma_{n}, \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

    where μ s is the mean of the signal S and σ n is the standard deviation of noise estimate N. This SNR should not be confused with I∕σ(I) used in crystallography tables for data collection and refinement statistics. Poisson statistics of photon arrival dictates the noise associated with the measurement of a Bragg spot intensity (I):

    $$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} {I} = {var(I)} = \sigma^2(\text{I}). \end{array} \end{aligned} $$
  3. 3.

    Return centroid of the peaks as peak positions if the peak properties meet the user-defined criteria.

A diffraction pattern is considered to be a hit if it has more than some significant number of peaks, typically around 15. A much lower number of reflections, as low as 2, may in principle be sufficient to determine the orientation of the crystal. However, 15 is a heuristically determined practical minimum number. Accurate peak finding is important; erroneous peak detection with many false negatives (i.e., unable to find Bragg peaks that are present) obviously leads to less hits being found ultimately leading to a poorer protein structure. On the other hand, peak detection with many false positives (i.e., finding peaks that are not Bragg peaks) artificially increases the number of hits found, giving an illusion of having collected more crystal data.

In Fig. 7.6, the peaks found are indicated by cyan squares. Note that some Bragg spots may have intensities close to zero, because the Bragg spot intensities are modulated by the molecular transform of the protein, which have zero intensities, and also systematic absences due to a screw axis of the unit cell can make certain Bragg spots disappear. Predicted lattice points are also shown in magenta rings which will be discussed later (Sect. 7.3.1). Identification of hits is an active area of research required for rapid structure solution during beamtime and may one day be performed more accurately and efficiently with machine learning techniques.

Fig. 7.6
figure 6

Representative peak-finding (cyan) and indexing results (magenta) from a selenobiotinyl streptavidin crystal [65] at the CXI instrument, LCLS. Figure ⒸThe Author, licensed under CC-BY-4.0

The peak-finding software packages mentioned above interface with various FEL facilities to access the diffraction patterns and save the crystal hits in a predefined data format that is easily accessible by the user regardless of where the data was collected.

7.2.4 Facility Frameworks and Data Formats

The large data volumes and high rates of acquisition calls for dedicated systems for recording, storing, and accessing the data. Instead of simply providing the data on disk in a familiar file format, most X-ray FEL facilities provide a software framework for accessing the data. The access may be “online”—during the data acquisition process itself on shared memory with minimal delay—or “offline,” sometime afterwards when the data arrives on disk. LCLS provides a graphical online monitoring tool called the Analysis Monitoring Interface (AMI) [57], and a software framework “psana” (Photon Science ANAlysis) [18] for online and offline analysis. Psana offers programming interfaces in both C++ and Python and allows access to all data generated by the data acquisition system. Software packages such as Cheetah [7], OnDA [44], IOTA [41], and cctbx.xfel [29] use these interfaces to access the data and perform tasks such as calculating “live” hit rates and Bragg spot saturation levels, online, or writing the hits out to separate files, offline. The European XFEL is the other facility that has developed a dedicated software framework, Karabo [30], for accessing and analyzing data. SACLA offers its users a crystallography data processing pipeline through the SACLA data acquisition application programming interface (API) [46].

For storing hits, the HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format, version 5) file format is commonly used across all of FEL science. This is a “container format” allowing a large amount of flexibility in the layout and representation of the data structures. For scattering data, a predefined schema by CXIDB [42] or NEXUS [38] is often used.

7.3 Indexing, Integration, and Merging

Having brought the data volume under control by isolating the patterns containing apparently useful diffraction signal, the next steps of data processing are concerned with turning those diffraction patterns into structure factor estimates which can be used by established crystallography software. Several software packages are now available to perform the processing, notably CrystFEL [60, 61], cctbx.xfel [29], nXDS [35], and cppxfel [26]. These packages have differences in their implementation, for instance, in how they interface with the facility’s data processing framework, but are alike in more ways than they are different. They all sequentially perform the essential processing steps of indexing, integration, merging, and finally evaluating the data quality. Each of these steps is described below.

7.3.1 Indexing

Indexing a diffraction pattern means assigning Miller indices to the Bragg peaks in the diffraction pattern. Implicitly, this involves determining the lattice parameters of the crystal and its orientation relative to a reference (“laboratory”) frame. It also acts as a powerful filter of data, because it is very unlikely that a frame containing only spurious peaks will pass through this process successfully.

Several algorithms and pieces of software exist for indexing rotation series data in macromolecular crystallography [20, 34, 51]. It has been found that the same algorithms and software are able to index snapshot diffraction patterns, without the advantage of recording a three-dimensional wedge of reciprocal space [37].

In a serial crystallography experiment, we can usually assume that each crystal has very similar lattice parameters. However, the indexing algorithms usually determine the parameters ab initio for each diffraction pattern. Each indexing result must therefore be checked for consistency with a reference set of lattice parameters provided by the user. If the parameters are unknown, they can be determined by plotting histograms of each of the parameters (a, b, c, α, β, and γ) and finding the most common values for a representative part of the dataset. SFX data processing programs provide graphical tools to assist this process. The indexing process can then be repeated using the parameters so determined. Some indexing algorithms can make use of prior information about the lattice parameters to increase their success rate [24], or even require this information to work [28].

Once the lattice parameters and orientation of the crystal have been determined, they can be used to calculate the positions where Bragg peaks are expected to appear on the detector. Successful indexing relies on having an accurate description of the detector geometry, which means that the positions of the detector panels (see Sect. 7.1.2) must be known accurately and precisely. Provided that the initial geometry is accurate enough to index at least a few patterns, it can be refined by comparing the observed and calculated positions of peaks on the detector. Since the indexing solution uses information about spot positions from the entire detector, the calculated peak positions can be taken as a reference, and a mispositioned panel will show a systematic offset between the observed and calculated peak locations [29]. After correcting the panel locations, the indexing process can be repeated until the detector geometry is known with high precision [64]. This process is made easier by the use of a strongly diffracting and readily available calibration sample such as lysozyme or thermolysin.

If the distance between the sample and detector (the “camera length”) is set incorrectly in the description of the detector geometry, this will manifest as a systematic offset in the spot positions [64]. Small offsets of the camera length can also be seen in the histograms of lattice parameters. The peaks will be sharpest for the correct values, and become wider or even bimodal as the camera length deviates further from the true value [48].

If the concentration of crystals in the delivery medium is high, there may be a significant number of frames that contain multiple diffraction patterns (see Sect. 7.1.2). Most indexing algorithms assume that all the peaks in the diffraction pattern come from one lattice, and so can fail when presented with two or more overlapping lattices. As a result of this, algorithms for indexing multiple lattices have recently been developed. Some of these are based on the “delete and retry” method. Here, the pattern is indexed assuming that it is a single lattice, and the peaks which could be accounted for by the resulting lattice removed from the peak list prior to making another indexing attempt using the remaining peaks. This algorithm has been available in cctbx.xfel since the earliest released versions [29] and has been extended to larger numbers of lattices [24, 28].

This “delete and retry” method has an advantage of simplicity, not requiring much extra code to be added to software; however, it relies on the first indexing attempt succeeding in finding one of the lattices despite the extra peaks from other lattices. Another algorithm, called “FELIX,” has recently been developed which operates on completely different principles [9]. Instead of treating the image as if it contained only one lattice at the outset and finding subsequent lattices in sequence afterwards, the FELIX algorithm assumes that there are multiple lattices present and searches for them simultaneously. It can index large numbers of overlapping lattices from a single snapshot: ten or more depending on the resolution of the patterns and the unit cell parameters.

The process for determination of the lattice parameters, described above, is quite a coarse one. Populations of crystals with different parameters will be identified only if at least one of the parameters is different from the rest of the population by more than the width of the distribution of that parameter. A Data Exploration Toolkit has been written [66], which, among other operations, can perform hierarchical clustering according to the Andrews–Bernstein distance metric to compare lattice parameters. Clustering the crystals in this way can reveal populations of crystals with subtly different lattice parameter, and appeared to reduce the number of outlying intensity values.

Some crystal symmetry classes produce an extra complication with serial data acquisition. These are the classes which allow the crystal structure to be rotated, usually by 90 or 180 degrees, in such a way as to overlap the reciprocal lattice points with their original locations while the structure itself does not look the same. Tables of which symmetry classes are affected can be found elsewhere [60]. As well as exact overlaps, there can also be approximate overlaps for certain unit cell parameters [3]. In these cases, the indexing solution is ambiguous between two (or, rarely, more) possibilities. While indexing is usually a purely geometrical procedure, which uses only the positions of the reflections, indexing ambiguities can only be resolved by additionally comparing the intensities of the reflections. Because of the large amounts of noise in the individual measurements, this was a significant problem in the first SFX experiments. However, the Brehm–Diederichs algorithm was later developed, which applies a clustering scheme to the intensities and effectively resolves the ambiguities [12]. This algorithm, or a simplified variant of it [27, 61], has now been implemented in all SFX data processing software packages.

7.3.2 Integration and Merging

The main aim of data processing in this chapter is to measure the structure factor moduli, which manifest themselves in the intensities of the Bragg peaks. There are many confounding factors affecting the relationship between the two, some of which were mentioned in Sect. 7.1.1. Nevertheless, the process begins by measuring the intensity above the background level at a location determined using the reciprocal lattice basis vectors (lattice parameters and orientation) determined by the indexing algorithm. There are several methods for doing this, the simplest of which, and the most commonly used one in SFX, being to estimate the background level from an annular region around the peak location and the intensity from a circular region inside it, as discussed in Sect. 7.2.3 and shown in Fig. 7.7. The average background level is subtracted from each pixel value in the peak region, and their sum calculated. Several other techniques have been used. These include two-dimensional profile fitting, where the shape of each peak is fitted using either an average of the shapes of the strong peaks [52] or a shape calculated from the properties of the crystals [40], or even using the crystal parameters to calculate exactly which pixels should contain signal [29].

Fig. 7.7
figure 7

Detailed view of a reflection integration “shoebox.” Detector pixels are shown as squares in a grid, and pixel intensity values by the darkness of their shading. Note that the integration fiducial, which is the calculated location of the reflection, is not aligned with the pixel grid. Note further that it does not necessarily coincide with the centroid of the actual peak, because the detector geometry, cell parameters, crystal orientation, and other geometrical parameters may not be perfectly determined. Figure ⒸThe Author, licensed under CC-BY-4.0

Since the structure factor moduli can have very small values as well as large ones, this integration procedure must be performed even when no obvious peak is present. This introduces some additional considerations. The diffraction model, which includes the indexing solution as well as estimates of crystal parameters such as mosaicity and crystal size, must be as accurate as possible to avoid missing the true reflection locations. It also needs to be accurate to avoid making a large number of false measurements, integrating reflections which are not truly excited in the diffraction pattern (regardless of their structure factors). Most current software therefore performs a refinement stage, where these parameters are refined before integrating the reflections [27, 55, 61].

Compared with single-particle X-ray imaging, as described in Chap. 14, crystallography has the great advantage that the indices for each intensity measurement can be calculated geometrically, as described in the previous section. The intensities themselves are not important for indexing. The intensity measurements can be averaged together in “buckets” according to their indices (except for the indexing ambiguities previously discussed), and this averaging process is very powerful: apart from certain types of systematic effect, any confounding factor reducing the precision of the individual measurements can be overcome by using more measurements. For the initial experiments, hardly any attempt was made whatsoever to overcome any of these factors, and this approach was referred to as “Monte Carlo Integration” [37] because of its similarity to the numerical Monte Carlo integration procedures for calculating integrals. Since then, many techniques have been developed to compensate for the factors affecting the intensity of each peak, which are described in the next section.

The progress of the Monte Carlo procedure can be tracked by plotting a self-consistency figure of merit such as R split (described in Sect. 7.3.5) against the number of crystals, n. R split is proportional to \(1/\sqrt {n}\), with the constant of proportionality depending on the dataset.

7.3.3 Scaling the Intensity Measurements

Getting the most out of the data means modeling and accounting for as many aspects of crystal and X-ray pulse variation, mentioned in Sect. 7.1.1, as possible. Perhaps the most obvious way to begin doing this is to scale the intensities to account for variations in the pulse intensity and crystal size. The weaker intensities from smaller crystals can be scaled up, and the stronger intensities from larger crystals scaled down, to bring everything to a common scale. This can be done using similar algorithms to rotation crystallography with a synchrotron or home source. Some extra considerations are needed because of the large crystal-to-crystal variations between frames, such as using logarithms of scaling factors instead of the scaling factors themselves, to make the calculation more numerically stable [35]. These methods can be extended to determine an effective Debye–Waller parameter for each crystal. This accounts for the falloff of intensity as resolution increases, which is greater for less well-ordered crystals. The high-resolution reflections from less ordered crystals can then be scaled up relative to others [54, 58, 61].

As was mentioned above, accurate values are needed for the parameters affecting which spots are to be integrated, to avoid “overprediction” or “underprediction.” Automatically determining or refining these parameters for each crystal is another way to improve the modeling of the diffraction process, and has been found to improve the data quality [54, 58]. If the orientation of the crystal is not accurate, it is common to find that the prediction parameters, such as the spectral bandwidth of the X-ray pulse, are overestimated by the software in an attempt to fit the visible peaks despite the inaccurate orientation. These parameters have therefore been successfully used as a figure of merit in a grid search technique to determine the optimum processing parameters [41]. Combining geometrical refinement and parameter auto-determination techniques with scaling produces a significant combined improvement [61].

7.3.4 Partiality and Post-refinement

The idea of compensating for reflection partiality has seen a lot of discussion since the first X-ray FEL SFX experiments [16]. The “partiality” of a reflection in a given diffraction pattern is a quantity which describes the fact that not all regions of the crystal, nor all the X-rays in the beam, contribute simultaneously to the reflection. A partiality of 1 would mean that the entire crystal and all of the X-rays contribute to the reflection. The ideal situation, leading to the most straightforward data processing, would be for all reflections to have the same partiality. However, there are several reasons why they are not all equal.

Alongside the factors mentioned in Sect. 7.3.3, partiality is suspected to be a strong determiner of data quality in SFX. However, several schemes for modeling the diffraction conditions have been proposed, and do not yet appear to agree on the most appropriate model. The simplest model is shown in Fig. 7.8, and has been used in the nXDS software [35] and cctbx.prime [58]. In this model, the X-ray pulses are assumed to be monochromatic, so the Ewald sphere is an infinitely thin shell. The partiality of a reflection is simply related to the distance between the reciprocal lattice point and the Ewald sphere. To compensate for the partiality, reflections which are further away from the Ewald sphere must be scaled up by a larger factor than ones closer to the exact Bragg condition. The model can be extended by including a description of the disorder of the crystal. Protein crystals are usually modeled as being made up of a large number of mosaic blocks, each perfectly ordered within itself, but with an orientational disorder between them. In this case, not all of the mosaic blocks need be in the Bragg condition at the same time. Small rotations of the crystal, as performed during rotation crystallography, would allow all the mosaic blocks to be sampled and therefore can record the intensity from the entire crystal. However, with X-ray pulses on the femtosecond timescale, there is no possibility to do this. Therefore, the partiality model includes an angular “smearing” of the reciprocal lattice points, which become larger with increasing distance from the origin of reciprocal space.

Fig. 7.8
figure 8

Simple model of reflection partialities using a monochromatic X-ray beam. Point “O” is the origin of reciprocal space, and the small discs represent reciprocal lattice points. Point A is closer to the Ewald sphere than point B, therefore point A has a higher partiality than B. If the two reflections were to have the same structure factor, point A would produce a brighter reflection in the diffraction pattern. Figure Ⓒ The Author, licensed under CC-BY-4.0. Reproduced from T. A. White, “Processing of XFEL data,” in “Protein Crystallography,” Wlodawer, Dauter and Jaskolski (eds), Methods in Molecular Biology 1607 (2017)

The X-ray beam used for SFX experiments is typically not monochromatic, but has a small bandwidth of around 0.1%. In this case, not all the wavelengths may satisfy the Bragg condition. The same applies if the incident X-ray beam is not completely collimated and therefore has a convergence or divergence angle, which is also usually the case due to the focusing optics. Furthermore, these effects may be convoluted with those mentioned above in a single snapshot. For example, a subset of mosaic blocks may be at the exact Bragg condition for one wavelength, while another subset of mosaic blocks may satisfy it for a different wavelength. A model based on a finite bandwidth X-ray beam has also been used successfully with X-ray FEL data [27].

Partialities are different for each reflection and each diffraction pattern. However, we can assume that the underlying structure factors should be the same among all patterns for each symmetrically unique reflection. The partialities are strongly affected by geometrical parameters such as the orientation of the crystal. This allows a refinement procedure to be performed where the geometrical parameters are optimized for each diffraction pattern in turn, aiming to maximize the fit between the underlying structure factor estimates derived from each pattern by modeling the partialities. This process is called post-refinement. Post-refinement has been implemented for rotation crystallography for many years [53]. For snapshot data, the first step was to determine whether the process could be performed stably with simulated data, which was found to be the case [59]. The first implementation of post-refinement aimed at experimental SFX data was by Sauter [54] in cctbx.xfel. This was followed by the software cctbx.prime, which interfaces with cctbx.xfel and is developed specifically for post-refinement and merging, including scaling steps as well. Partiality modeling and post-refinement has also been implemented in cppxfel [25]. Whereas cctbx.xfel and cctbx.prime assume, at least in the versions described by recent literature, that the X-ray pulses are monochromatic, cppxfel uses a different geometrical model of the diffraction process where the spectral bandwidth of the X-ray pulse is the dominant resolution-dependent effect.

Finally, comparing intensity values is not the only way to refine the factors affecting partiality. The EVAL15 software [56] instead compares simulated and experimental peak shapes and positions for each reflection, using a ray tracing method to model the diffraction geometry. This approach has been successfully tested on snapshot data from a laboratory source [40], and is now being investigated for SFX data.

7.3.5 Evaluating the Data Quality

Many of the conventional figures of merit for a crystallographic dataset also apply to SFX data. These include the intensities compared to their estimated errors (Iσ(I)) and the number of measurements per symmetrically unique reflection, for example. Due to the large errors in an individual intensity measurement, arising from all the causes mentioned above including SASE fluctuations, difficulties in accurately indexing snapshots, and un-modeled partialities, the minimum number of measurements per reflection considered acceptable in SFX is much higher than in rotation crystallography, where a single measurement can suffice.

The most widely used figures of merit for SFX data are those based on the self-consistency of the dataset. In the ideal case, all the factors introducing noise into the individual intensity measurements would be corrected for, thereby obtaining “perfect” data from only one measurement per symmetrically unique reflection. In this case, repeating the experiment and data processing under identical conditions would produce an identical set of intensity measurements. In practice, some amount of variation between separate measurements of the same reflection must be accepted. By quantifying this variation, we can estimate how much random error is contained in the data, which places a limitation on how well the model can fit the data. The variation can be quantified by splitting the experimental dataset into two halves, alternating patterns to avoid systematic variations between the start and end of the experiment, merging each one separately, then comparing the two half-datasets using a correlation coefficient, R-factor or other metric. \(CC_{\frac {1}{2}}\), the name given to the correlation coefficient between two half-datasets, was introduced and is closely related to CC for conventional crystallography [36]. R split expresses the same correlation as an R-factor, given by:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} R_{\mathrm{split} }= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\frac{\sum{|I_{\mathrm{even}} - I_{\mathrm{odd}}|}}{\frac{1}{2}\sum{(I_{\mathrm{even}} + I_{\mathrm{odd}})}}. \end{aligned} $$

This formula divides the total absolute difference between the intensity from the “odd” and “even” half-datasets by the total of their mean values. Dividing by \(\sqrt {2}\) aims to adjust the figure of merit to account for the half-datasets containing only half the amount of data as the full dataset, to give an estimate of the error in the complete dataset. As has been described earlier, R split usually decreases in inverse proportion to the square root of the number of diffraction patterns.

Several different methods have been proposed for estimating the standard error in each individual merged intensity. In CrystFEL, this is done by measuring the standard deviation of the individual measurements for one symmetrically unique reflection, then dividing this by \(\sqrt {N}\), where N is the number of measurements for that reflection. This gives an estimate of the standard deviation of the mean value, which would hypothetically be found if the experiment were to be repeated many times under the same conditions and many mean values calculated. A problem with this method is that the standard deviation can only be calculated accurately when the number of measurements for the reflection is large. Unfortunately, this is precisely the case in which the merged intensity itself would be the most precise, and therefore when we least need a good estimate of the error!

The ease with which these metrics can be calculated means that they are very commonly used. However, it is much better to use figures of merit which measure the accuracy as well as the precision of the data. For these, the fit between the final model and the data (R work and R free) and the anomalous measurability [19] are useful.

7.3.6 Solving the Structure

Once the final set of reflection intensities has been produced by merging the individual measurements from all the diffraction patterns, solving the structure can follow the same procedure as for conventional rotation crystallography. As for conventional macromolecular crystallography, molecular replacement is the most commonly used structure solution method. This method relies on a “search model” which is similar in structure to the macromolecule under investigation. Because the search model provides a large amount of information itself, needing only small modifications to arrive at the final structure, this method has relatively low requirements on the data quality.

Experimental phasing techniques such as single anomalous diffraction (SAD) have now been applied successfully to SFX data. These methods have much more stringent requirements on the data quality, because they are based on differences between intensities that are small fractions of the absolute intensities, and therefore can provide a useful independent validation of the data quality in SFX. In SAD, these are the differences between intensities of reflections with inverse indices (hkl and \(\overline {hkl}\)). These differences can be made larger by incorporating atoms of a strongly scattering species into the structure, and recording data using an X-ray wavelength close to the resonance condition for that species. Improvements in SFX data acquisition and processing can be traced by following the progression of SAD phasing results, starting with the observation of an anomalous signal from sulfur atoms [5] progressing to phasing using a very strong anomalous signal from gadolinium atoms [4], phasing of a well-ordered protein using the weak anomalous signal from sulfur and chlorine atoms natively present in the protein [47], and then arriving at the native phasing of a membrane protein [8]. Along the way, it has been found that single isomorphous replacement with anomalous scattering (SIRAS), in which two sets of data are compared, with and without the additional heavy atom, gives a large reduction in the number of patterns required for successful phasing [63]. It has also been found that the number of patterns required can be significantly reduced by careful calibration of the detector geometry [48].

The most commonly used strongly scattering species for SAD phasing in conventional crystallography is selenium. It would be very useful to establish conditions for Se-SAD phasing at X-ray FEL facilities, because techniques for incorporating selenium atoms into macromolecular structures are widely understood. The resonance condition for selenium is at a wavelength of just less than 1 Å, which is currently difficult to achieve at LCLS, but routinely available at SACLA. However, Se-SAD phasing was recently demonstrated using LCLS [32] and SACLA [62], and is expected to be possible at future XFEL facilities including LCLS-II, PAL-XFEL, and the European XFEL.

The radiation damage mechanisms are quite different for FEL data as for synchrotron data (see Chap. 6). In FEL data, electronic damage processes such as “bleaching” of atoms dominate over disintegration of the crystal due to processes such as free radical diffusion, which occur on a timescale much longer than the FEL pulse length. The degree of ionization of atoms is expected to depend on the X-ray pulse fluence, with more bleaching expected at high intensities. This principle may lead to a new experimental phasing method similar to radiation-induced phasing (RIP). The heaviest atoms should be more ionized and hence scatter less strongly at high intensity than at low intensity. A pair of diffraction datasets at low and high intensities could therefore be used similarly to the datasets in single isomorphous replacement (SIR). These differences have been observed experimentally for heavy atoms [22] and natively occurring atoms [23].

Other aspects of FEL data, such as Fourier truncation fringes arising from the use of very small crystals and coherent X-rays, may give additional information as discussed in Chap. 8.

7.4 Conclusion

Data processing for SFX, as well as other related techniques using X-ray FELs and synchrotrons, has become an active research field in its own right. There are several themes to this research, including addressing the technical challenges of storing and archiving data, understanding the fundamental physics underlying the diffraction and radiation damage processes, and the software engineering challenges of creating processing software that meet these challenges while at the same time being accessible to a rapidly growing number of nonexpert users.

The amount of X-ray FEL beamtime available worldwide is oversubscribed several times over. The amount of data required per experiment has been reduced over the years, using the techniques described in this chapter. However, this is unlikely to translate to a reduction in the size of the data mountain. Instead, more experiments will be performed, each using a smaller amount of measurement time. This has already been seen at LCLS, which since 2013 has offered “protein crystal screening” shifts of only six hours to allow crystals to be tested in the LCLS beam before applying for time for a more ambitious experiment. Although intended only for a quick check that the crystals produce sufficient diffraction signal for the more ambitious experiment, several of these shifts have led to protein structures being determined, for example [17, 33].

Another factor affecting the future size of the data mountain is the type of experiment. In the past years, determination of static protein structure has dominated. However, dynamic experiments with many time points are on the rise, involving as many as 14 individual data sets [3]. When looking for small intensity differences between the datasets, consistency of acquisition conditions is paramount, and so all the time points should be recorded during one block of experiment time. This can result in hundreds of thousands of diffraction patterns (corresponding to many million detector frames) being processed for a single experiment [49].

Finally, there are high hopes that the next generation of high repetition rate X-ray FELs will allow us to record an entire data set in a matter of seconds. At this speed, the experimenters themselves would become the limiting factor for the speed of the experiment, and automated systems for injecting a lineup of samples would be useful. This could produce a whole new data mountain, consisting not just of carefully acquired individual datasets but instead of systematic parameter space investigation, for example, of different crystallization or ligand-binding conditions. The data mountain climbers will not be able to return to base camp for a long time yet!