1 Introduction

The recently proposed reactor model [3, 26, 31] uncovered a new route to composable distributed computing. Instead of composing message protocols across multiple actors, the reactor model advocates protocol composition within a single unit of concurrency called a reactor. This composition is achieved by exposing multiple typed first-class event streams instead of a static receive statement.

The original reactor model proposal [31] dealt only with the programming model, but did not discuss the underlying implementation. The existence of multiple event streams within a single reactor poses a scheduling problem that differs from scheduling in the standard actor model, in which each actor has a single mailbox. In the reactor model, the fundamental constraint is the following: events from different event streams must be scheduled fairly, but serially for any two event streams that belong to the same reactor.

The goal of this paper is twofold. First, we propose a scheduler for the reactor model, identify its properties and show correctness. Second, we make the scheduler pluggable, allowing clients to implement custom scheduling policies.

There are several reasons why a scheduler should be pluggable. First, it is expensive and time consuming to develop an optimal scheduler. A more prudent plan is to develop a system with a sub-optimal scheduler, and then (let clients) improve it incrementally when concrete requirements arise.

Second, not every scheduler is a perfect fit for every situation. A scheduler can be Pareto-optimal, meaning that there is no other scheduler that is equal or better on all workloads. However, there may exist another scheduler that is better on one particular workload, but worse on some other workloads.

For example, in the Ping-Pong benchmark [15], a message is likely to arrive soon, and it helps to keep a (re)actor activated even when there are no pending messages to handle. However, in the Thread Ring benchmark, the same heuristic wastes processor time, as it is in most cases unlikely that a message will arrive soon. In these cases, users should be able to decide which scheduling policy is more appropriate for their workload, or implement adaptive schedulers that can dynamically adjust themselves to the conditions in the program.

Third, certain scheduling policies are application-specific and rely on explicit domain knowledge. For example, if a reactor needs a special system-wide resource (such as a GPU, a DSP or a temperature sensor reading), then the scheduler needs to negotiate the availability of the resource with the OS. A generic scheduler cannot do this, and this warrants a user-defined scheduling policy, which embeds such domain-specific knowledge into the scheduling mechanism.

This paper brings forth the following contributions:

  • Detailed description and implementation of a scheduling algorithm for the reactor programming model (Sect. 3).

  • A list of safety- and progress-related properties that a reactor scheduler must satisfy. We analyze the proposed scheduling algorithm, and show that it satisfies these properties under specific assumptions on the user-defined scheduling policy (Sects. 2.1 and 3.3).

  • A pluggable mechanism for user-defined scheduling policies, which can embed application-specific knowledge (Sect. 4).

  • An overview of optimization techniques used in our implementation, which was added to this extended version of the original paper [24] (Sect. 5).

  • A performance comparison on the Savina benchmark suite [15] with the widely adopted Akka actor framework. We show that our reactor implementation outperforms Akka on 6 out of 8 benchmarks by a factor of \(1.1-3.3\times \), and otherwise has comparable performance (Sect. 6).

This work focuses on scheduling reactors in a single reactor system, on a single shared-memory machine. Scheduling reactor execution in a fault-tolerant distributed setting is not the goal. That problem is based on an entirely different set of assumptions (such as faults, preemptions, network delay, lack of shared memory), and consequently results in different abstractions. In practice, this is the task of the cluster manager [14, 38], and not the reactor scheduler. However, effective single-machine scheduling is likely a prerequisite for efficient distributed computations, since it ensures a better utilization of each machine.

This paper is an extended version of the previous work on pluggable scheduling for the reactor programming model [24]. In this version, we present an overview of optimization techniques that were used to improve the performance of our scheduler: explicit work stealing, lazy task scheduling, reanimation threads, message arrival speculation and actor class profiling (Sect. 5).

Code examples are written in Scala [20], a statically compiled language, primarily targetting the JVM. Syntax is similar to Java, but more concise. Variables and final variables are defined with keywords var and val, respectively, and methods with the def keyword, as in Python. Type annotations come after a : following an identifier, similar to Pascal. Function objects are declared with a list of parameters, followed by => and a body. Partial functions are declared as a list of case statements, and are defined for the values matched by at least one of the cases. Traits and the with keyword are equivalents of Java interfaces and implements. Type parameters are enclosed in square brackets, []. Operators, such as !, are normal methods with symbolic names. Critical sections are delimited with a synchronized block.

We start by describing the reactor model in more detail in Sect. 2, and we then show the proposed scheduling algorithm in Sect. 3.

2 Reactor Model

The reactor programming model [31] is a generalization of the standard actor model [2, 4]. There are three major differences between these models. First, the reactor model exposes multiple first-class event streams instead of a static receive statement. Second, in the reactor model, a computation can wait for events from multiple event streams simultaneously, whereas an actor can be suspended on a single receive statement at a time. Third, targets of message sends are typed channels instead of untyped actor referencesFootnote 1. As argued before [31], these three fundamental differences allow modularity and composition of message protocols within a single reactor, a feature that was previously not possible with actors alone. For example, reactor model allows defining best-effort and reliable broadcasts, failure detectors [10, 18] and CRDTs [34], and exposing them as reusable components, that can be either embedded into a reactor, or further composed into more complex components.

In the reactor model, the principal unit of concurrency is called a reactor. Analogous to how an actor can process at most a single message at once, a reactor can process at most a single event at any point in time. This serializability property is one of the major strengths of (re)actors, as it allows users to access local state without synchronization.

Consider a reactor that counts how many events it received. The following code snippet declares a reactor template AnalysisReactor that tracks how many string events it received. Field numEvents is part of the reactor’s state:

figure a

Defining a reactor template does not yet start a reactor instance. Before we see how to do that, we need to define how the reactor receives events. Entities that allow handling incoming events are called event streams. Every reactor gets a default event stream called main.events when it is created. To receive an event, users need to pass an event handler to the stream’s onEvent method. We extend the body of the previous reactor template with a call to onEvent:

figure b

Generally, an event stream has the type Events[T], indicating that it delivers events of type T. In our case, main.events has the type Events[String], because we declared a reactor of type Reactor[String].

Unlike processes in the \(\pi \)-calculus [19], where a process can block until a message arrives on a channel, or join calculus [8], where a process can decide to block until another process sends a matching message, a reactor is not limited to receiving events on a single event stream. During its lifetime, a reactor can receive from any number of event streams. Effectively, a reactor has multiple synchronous control flows. Concretely, apart from the main event stream, every reactor has a system event stream called sysEvents that delivers lifecycle events – for example, when the scheduler assigns execution time to the current reactor, or the reactor terminates. We can react to a subset of system events by passing a partial function to onMatch method of the event stream. In the following, we expand the earlier reactor template with a variable numSch, and count the number of times the reactor was assigned execution time. We expect that each time the reactor is scheduled, it handles several events. When the reactor terminates, we print the average number of events handled each time it got scheduled:

figure c

Every event stream has a corresponding channel. A channel is the writing end of the event stream. It has the type Channel[T], where T corresponds to the event stream type. Whereas an event stream can be used only by the reactor that owns it, a channel can be shared with any other reactor. The basic operation on a channel is an event send !. In the following, we extend the reactor template to send a message to the main channel when the reactor starts:

figure d

To create additional channels and event streams, a reactor can use the open statement. Given the type of events, say Int for integers, the open statement returns a fresh pair of a channel and the corresponding event stream:

figure e

To create a running reactor instance from a template, we call the spawn method of the reactor system. Spawning a reactor returns its main channel:

figure f

Proto is a wrapper around the specific reactor class, used to set properties such as the textual name of the reactor, or its scheduling policy.

We claimed earlier that reactors generalize actors. To validate this, we encode an Akka-style [1] actor using a reactor from the Reactors.IO framework [3]. The reactor receives events of type Any, which is the top type in Scala. Any event x from the main event stream is forwarded to the partial function receive if the partial function is defined for it. Otherwise, the event is discarded.

figure g

Exact formal semantics of the reactor model can be found in related work [31]. In a nutshell, the reactor model consists of the following components:

  • Defining and starting computations: reactor templates that define reactors, and the spawn method used to start them.

  • Receiving events: event streams and the onEvent method, used to subscribe to incoming events and eventually handle them.

  • Sending events: channels and the ! operator, used to asynchronously send events to other reactors.

  • Modularising protocols: the open method, used to create supplementary channels in the current reactorFootnote 2.

The main difference with the actors is that there are multiple event streams in each reactor, and events can be delivered on any of them. Before examining the proposed scheduling algorithm, we examine its essential properties.

2.1 Properties of a Reactor Scheduler

We now explore important properties that a reactor scheduler should satisfy. In what follows, we say that an event is delivered if it is enqueued on an event queue. We say that a reactor is activated when it becomes scheduled to execute and process some of its delivered events. We say that an event is handled when the event handlers from corresponding event streams get invoked for that event.

Serializability states that a reactor at any point in time runs at most one of its event handlers. Processing events serially, in sequence, prevents data races that would otherwise result from simultaneously manipulating reactor state, and obviates the need for user-level synchronization. Importantly, serializability applies to events received on all event streams belonging to the same reactor – at most one handler across all event streams may be active at a time.

Fairness states that if an event is delivered to the reactor on some event stream, then the corresponding event handler is eventually invoked, unless the event stream gets sealed by user codeFootnote 3. An important assumption that we make is that no reactor executes an infinite loop, i.e. the handling of every event consists of a finite number of steps.

Although fairness ensures that delivered events are eventually handled, a stronger guarantee is sometimes more useful. Whenever possible, a scheduler should avoid a scenario in which a set of events delivered to one event stream grows indefinitelyFootnote 4. This can, for example, occur in a multiple producer, single consumer setting. Fairness only ensures that the single consumer is eventually scheduled, but does not prevent its event queue from growing indefinitely. To be fair, a scheduler must ensure that some event streams get processed more often than others. We formulate bounded delivery time fairness as follows – for any two events x and y, such that x is the \(d_x\)-th event delivered globally and y is \(d_y\)-th, and x is the \(h_x\)-th event handled globally and y is \(h_y\)-th, difference \(h_x - h_y\) must be bound by \(d_x - d_y + C\), where C is a constant. This is essentially a global relaxed FIFO condition.

Aside from being fairly executed, reactors must be able to exploit parallelism in the system. A reactor scheduling system is scalable if it meets the following conditions. First, event handling must not contend with concurrent event delivery. Second, event delivery time must be O(1) when there are P events delivered concurrently on any subset of event streams. Third, event delivery time must be O(1) irrespective of the number of event streams E in the system.

The scheduling sytem must be efficient – the absolute execution time spent in scheduling must be negligible, or be amortized by the execution time of user code. This property is checked with an empirical evaluation.

The last important concern is pluggability. Clients that possess domain knowledge must be able to apply this knowledge to a custom scheduler to make the system more efficient. Pluggability allows manually controlling when a specific reactor is executed, and how much execution time it gets.

Some of these properties, such as serializability, ensure that a program never violates semantics of the reactor model. We refer to them as safety properties, as they guarantee that nothing bad happens. Other properties, such as fairness, bounded delivery time fairness and scalability, improve progress of a reactor-based program. Their absence can in worst case prevent the program from completing, but does not violate semantics or cause incorrect behavior. As we will see in Sect. 3, the proposed pluggable scheduling system enforces safety properties. Progress properties are good-to-have, but not essential for all programs. For such properties, the scheduling system establishes a well-defined foundation, and delegates the decision of fulfilling them to other components.

3 Scheduling Algorithm

In this section, we describe the proposed pluggable scheduling algorithm. We start by describing the internals of our reactor system implementation, and then show the algorithm itself. Finally, we prove that the algorithm satisfies serializability and fairness, and, under specific assumptions, can also achieve bounded delivery time fairness.

3.1 Reactor System Internals

An event queue contains a set of delivered, but not yet processed events for a particular event stream. Since events must be handled serially within a reactor, an event queue serves as a buffer between the reactor and the senders. An event queue is an equivalent of an actor mailbox.

In the following, we show the EventQueue trait. Method enqueue atomically enqueues an event to the event queue and returns the event queue size. It can be called by any number of threads concurrently. Method dequeue atomically removes an event, emits it on an event stream events, and returns the number of remaining elements at the point when the event was removed. Method dequeue is quiescently consistent [13] – it can be called by at most a single thread at a time. When dequeue emits the event on the associated event stream, control transfers from the scheduler to the event handlers installed by the user code.

figure h

A connector of type Connector[T] is a wrapper that binds an event stream, a channel and an event queue together. Calling open creates a new connector.

Different reactors have different textual names, used to retrieve their channels. The set of all possible names comprises the namespace of the reactor system. At any point in time, at most a single reactor can have any single name.

When created, every reactor is assigned a unique numeric ID. The set of all possible UIDs forms the UID space. During the entire lifetime of the system, every UID can be assigned to at most one reactor, and cannot be reused.

A reactor system is an entity that contains a set of reactors, the scheduling system, and a single namespace and UID space. Usually, there is a single reactor system per process, but users can create additional reactor systems if necessary. Configuration properties such as pickling and network resources are set when creating the reactor system. A prototype, represented with the Proto[T] type, is a configurable wrapper around the reactor template. It allows configuring the textual name and the scheduling policies of the reactor instance, and is passed as an argument to spawn. Immediately before the reactor instance starts, the reactor system creates a frame object of type Frame, used to hold internal reactor state – reactor name, UID, scheduling policy, connectors, lifecycle state and information on whether the respective reactor is currently executing.

A reactor’s scheduling policy is captured in a Scheduler object. Method initSchedule is called once when the reactor is created, and schedule is called every time a reactor is activated. Method newPendingQueue creates a queue with a list of active connectors, and allows the scheduler to express a queuing policy.

figure i

Queue exposes standard queue operations enqueue and dequeue. Note that its implementation and queuing policy are different than that of an event queue. A pending queue stores event queues, and the two are separate entities.

As we will see in the next section, user-defined Scheduler objects allow fine-tuning how the scheduling system works.

3.2 Scheduling Algorithm Implementation

From a high-level standpoint, the algorithm works as follows. When a reactor needs to execute, the active field in its frame is set to true, and the scheduler is notified. The reactor then gets execution time. It repetitively removes an event queue from the pending queue, and calls dequeue on the event queue until either the scheduler tells it to stop, in which case a non-empty event queue is placed back to the pending queue, or the event queue becomes empty, in which case the pending queue is polled for the next event queue.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Reactor creation

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Reactor loop

There are two ways that a reactor can get execution time. First is when a reactor instance is created with spawn, and the second is when an event is delivered to a reactor. In both cases, the reactor is activated and sent for execution.

We first consider the spawn operation, shown in Fig. 1. The method starts by reserving a UID in line 4, and the reactor name in line 5. It then creates a Frame object in line 6. In lines 8 through 11, frame is marked as not activated, reference to the scheduler specified in the prototype is copied, the lifecycle state is set to New, and a connector table is created. In line 12, the scheduler’s newPendingQueue method returns the queue data structure that will hold non-empty event queues. The scheduler is asked to set a custom state object in the frame’s schedulerState field. This is done in the call to initSchedule in line 13, and the default connector is allocated in line 14.

At this point, the frame is completely initialized and may begin execution. A call to activate in line 15 activates the frame. This method acquires the frame’s lock in line 23, and checks if the frame is already active in line 24. If not, the active field is set to true in line 25. If the field active was set, the scheduler’s schedule method is called in line 27. This indicates that there is a newly activated frame that should be scheduled on some thread. The scheduler should give the reactor execution time at the earliest opportunity.

When the scheduler assigns execution time on some thread, that thread must call the execute method shown in Fig. 2. This method starts the reactor’s event loop, and has several stages. First, it prepares the reactor context – it asserts that the frame is active in line 2, and optionally sets thread-local state (not shown in the code). Then, it calls lifecycleAndProcessBatch to continue executing the reactor’s lifecycle. After the lifecycle method completes, either exceptionally or normally, execute checks if the reactor should continue executing or not. Line 8 tests if there are any pending event queues with unprocessed events and the reactor did not terminate. If so, the reactor is rescheduled, and otherwise its active field is set to false.

The lifecycleAndProcessBatch method uses the auxiliary methods checkNew and checkStopped to treat newly created and stopped reactors differently. Method checkNew is called before event processing starts, and it atomically changes the state from New to Running. If the state changes to running, it means that this is the first time that the reactor was run, so the checkNew method needs to run the reactor constructor. It is important to run the constructor asynchronously, and not in the spawn method, to ensure non-blocking semantics. The constructor is run in line 17 with a call to the prototype’s create method.

The checkStopped method similarly checks for termination, and is called after handling the events. A reactor must terminate if it is in the Running state, its pending queue is empty, and there are no more live connectors. If the forced argument is set to true, it means that user code threw an exception, and the reactor must be terminated regardless of its execution state. When the state is atomically changed to Stopped, the reactor name is released in line 26. In practice, all these methods emit lifecycle events on the system event stream, but we omit them from Fig. 2 for brevity.

At this point, the reactor can start handling the delivered events. The method lifecycleAndProcessBatch first calls the method processEvents, which in line 34 notifies the scheduler that a batch of events is about to be handled. The processEvents method then calls popPending to dequeue a non-empty connector. If a reactor just started, it is likely that no events were yet delivered, and popPending returns null. In this case, processEvents simply returns. If there is a non-empty connector, processEvents calls the drain.

The drain method calls dequeue on the event queue in line 41. This releases an event on the corresponding event stream, and enters user code. After the event handlers process the event, dequeue returns the number of remaining events at the point in time when the event was removed. The drain method then asks the scheduler if it should continue executing events in line 42. If the scheduler decides that additional events should be batched, drain checks if the event queue is non-empty, and calls itself tail-recursively in line 43, with the same connector. If the current event queue is empty, drain attempts to pop the next non-empty connector if there is one, and calls itself recursively in line 45. If the scheduler denies processing additional events, the drain method puts the non-empty event queue back to the pending queue in line 47.

Using the onBatchEvent method, the scheduler can decide how many events to handle. Usually, a scheduler will handle a batch of events, to amortize the cost of setting up the reactor context, as explained in Sect. 6.1.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Event send

A reactor is also activated when an event is delivered on one of its event streams. This is done by the send method in Fig. 3, which first enqueues the event on the respective event queue in line 3. If the event queue size after calling enqueue is exactly 1, it means that the corresponding event stream was previously dormant, and it became active when the event was enqueued. In this case, the reactor’s lock is acquired in line 5, and the event queue is placed on the pending queue in line 6. If the reactor was not previously active, its active field is set to true, and the reactor is scheduled for execution in line 12. The execute method from Fig. 2 is eventually invoked on some thread.

Note that the implementation of the schedule method must be synchronized, since multiple concurrent reactors can call send at the same time. We will show several implementations of the schedule method in Sect. 4.

3.3 Analysis of the Scheduling Algorithm

Having seen the scheduling algorithm, we state several claims about its properties. We prove that the algorithm is safe with respect to the serializability property. For space reasons, we skip other safety properties such as exactly-once delivery. We then prove fairness and bounded delivery time fairness, with specific assumptions about the Scheduler implementation.

Theorem 1

(Safety). Assume that schedule executes the reactor exactly once. At any point in time, for a specific reactor, there exists at most a single event handler that is executing.


No thread is initially running execute. The first call to schedule occurs in the activate method in Fig. 1, and the second schedule occurs in the send method in line 12 in Fig. 3. If either activate or send calls schedule, then the active field was previously false and was atomically set to true by the same thread. No other thread calls schedule until execute reaches line 11 in Fig. 2.

The execute method calls schedule in line 11 only if active was not set from true to false. It follows that, for a specific reactor, there is always at most one thread that left the active field in the true state, and that thread calls schedule. By assumption, execute is called only once for every schedule call, and execute calls dequeue for every event only once, so it follows that there is at most a single event handler executing at any timeFootnote 5. \(\square \)

Lemma 1

(Deactivation). The reactor’s pending queue never contains an event queue that is empty.


We show this inductively – the claim is initially true, and no operation violates it. The pending queue is initially empty. The send method puts only non-empty event queues to the pending list. Events are only dequeued by the drain method from Fig. 2, and this method never puts an empty event queue back to the pending list. By Theorem 1, no other thread can interfere by concurrently executing drain. \(\square \)

Lemma 2

(Activation). A non-empty event queue is either on the reactors’s pending queue, or is put on the pending queue after a finite number of steps.


An event is delivered to the event stream in line 3 of the send method shown in Fig. 3. If, in line 3, enqueue returns a size greater than 1, then there is another thread T for which enqueue previously returned 1. Between the point in time \(t_0\) when enqueue returned 1 for that other thread T, and the point in time \(t_1\) when T puts the queue on the pending list, no other thread can drain that event queue, because that event queue is not yet on the pending list. By contradiction, assume that the event queue is on the pending list between \(t_0\) and \(t_1\). That would only be possible if, between \(t_0\) and \(t_1\), enqueue returned 1 for some other thread in line 3, which would imply that the event queue size became 0 between \(t_0\) and \(t_1\). That would be a contradiction, because the event queue can only be dequeued after being placed on the pending list, and, by Lemma 1, the event queue was not on the pending list at time \(t_0\).

Now, consider the thread for which enqueue returns size 1 in line 3 of Fig. 3. That thread puts the event queue to the pending list after a finite number of steps. Next, consider the thread that calls popPending. If the event queue is non-empty when that thread subsequently calls dequeue in line 41, the event queue is put back to the pending queue by the same thread after a finite number of steps. By Lemma 1, the queue cannot become empty before this happens. \(\square \)

Theorem 2

(Fairness). Assume that schedule eventually executes the specified reactor, and that every event queue added to the pending list gets removed after calling dequeue on the pending list sufficiently many times. Then, if an event gets delivered to an event stream belonging to some reactor, that event is eventually handled by an event handler.


By Lemma 2, a non-empty event queue is on the pending queue, or will be after a finite number of steps. By assumption, every reactor is eventually executed, and every event queue on the pending queue is eventually dequeued. For each such event queue, at least one event is handled. Consequently, every event is eventually handled. \(\square \)

Achieving bounded delivery time fairness is deferred to the pluggable Scheduler object. Accordingly, the proof of the bounded delivery time fairness makes heavy assumptions on the Scheduler implementation.

Theorem 3

(Bounded delivery time fairness). Let \(\mathbb {S}\) be the set of reactors for which schedule was called. Assume that the scheduler always executes the reactor from \(\mathbb {S}\) with the least recent event \(\xi \), that the dequeue call on the pending queue of the respective reactor returns the event queue that contains \(\xi \), and that onBatchEvent returns true if the argument connector contains the most recent event in the system. Then, the scheduling is fair with respect to the previous definition.


Under the given assumptions, dequeue call in line 41 always returns the oldest event in the system. Therefore, scheduling is fair for the constant \(C = 1\) in the bounded delivery time fairness definition from Sect. 2.1. \(\square \)

4 Scheduling Policies

In this section, we go over several implementations of the Scheduler trait. There are several ways in which a Scheduler governs the scheduling policy. First, it decides when to execute frames submitted with the schedule method. Second, it decides how long a scheduled reactor should execute with schedulerState. Third, it decides which event stream to flush with the newPendingQueue method.

The schedulerState objects expose the onBatchStart and onBatchEvent methods. The former is called when a reactor starts handling a batch of events, and the latter is called after handling each event of that batch. Most schedulers use some variant of the DefaultState, which handles up to BATCH_SIZE events during one scheduled frame execution.

figure j

The newPendingQueue method decides on the queuing policy of the active event queues. Unless specified otherwise, the pending queue implements the FIFO policy, as that trivially achieves the fairness property – at least one event is eventually scheduled from each event queue.

Thread pool scheduler. Task schedulers, such as the Fork/Join pool [17] from the JDK, are designed to multiplex a set of tasks across a set of worker threads. It is useful to reuse the effort put into task schedulers when implementing a reactor scheduler. In the following, we show the ExecutorScheduler, which uses a JDK Executor to schedule reactor frames:

figure k

The initSchedule method, called when the reactor starts, creates a default state with the JDK Runnable interface mixed in, so the scheduler state is simultaneously used as a task. When run by a task scheduler, this task object calls the execute method from Fig. 2. Method schedule passes this task to the Executor, delegating the decision of when to run the reactor to a task-based scheduler.

Dedicated thread or process scheduler. In some cases, we want to give a specific reactor a higher priority by assigning it a dedicated thread or a process. Here, the decision of when to run is delegated to the underlying OS. Such a reactor need not process events in batches, and can simply flush all its event streams until they are empty, as shown in the following scheduler state implementation:

figure l

The ThreadScheduler uses an auxiliary method loop, which calls execute from Fig. 2, and then waits inside a monitor until the reactor terminates or there is a pending event queue. The loop ends when the reactor terminates.

figure m

When the reactor starts, the ThreadScheduler creates a DedicatedState object with a thread that calls loop. The thread is started in schedule the first time that the reactor is supposed to run, triggered by the spawn in Fig. 1.

figure n

The dedicated thread is subsequently notified whenever, during event delivery, the schedule method gets called from the send method from Fig. 3.

Piggyback scheduler. Normal programs are started by executing the main function on the main thread of the program. A reactor-based program has no notion of a main thread. It is therefore convenient to piggyback the existing main thread to one of the reactors in the program. This is the task of the following PiggybackScheduler implementation:

figure o

The first time schedule is called by the spawn method, the piggyback scheduler executes the event loop, thus blocking the current thread. Subsequently, schedule calls in the send method notify the thread that there are new events.

Scheduler with bounded delivery time fairness. The Scheduler implementations shown so far satisfy the fairness property, but they do not necessarily have bounded time delivery. An OS kernel or a task scheduler can satisfy bounded delivery time fairness across a set of threads or tasks. However, neither has information about the number and age of events delivered to different reactors, and cannot give more time to reactors whose load is higher.

In the following, we show a scheduler that is fair according to the definition from Sect. 2.1. We use an event queue factory that assigns a timestamp to an event when it gets enqueued. The event queue itself respects the FIFO policy. The timestamp of the oldest event can be obtained by calling headTime on the queue. We define a pair of helper methods that return the numeric priority of a connector and a reactor frame:

figure p

The pending list implementation is a priority queue that sorts the event queues using cpriority. The fair scheduler maintains another priority queue tasks for the set of activated reactor frames, based on fpriority. When a reactor is started, its event queue factory is replaced by a timestamping queue factory. The scheduler state uses the same connector as long as its priority is higher than the priority of the other activated frames, and other connectors of the current frame. The schedule method enqueues a frame to the tasks queue, and a separate thread dequeues and executes frames.

figure q

This is a proof-of-concept implementation of a fair scheduler, which is neither scalable (because it is single-threaded) nor efficient (because \(C = 1\)). In practice, it is useful to relax this requirement to some degree to achieve higher performance.

Timer scheduler. Real-time computations, such as interactive graphics rendering, must be scheduled at regular intervals. The following implementation is based on the java.util.Timer, and it periodically schedules reactor execution.

figure r

The initSchedule method creates a new TimerTask that periodically executes the frame, or cancels itself if the reactor has terminated.

Resource scheduler. In some cases, a reactor must be scheduled only when a specific resource is available. A resource can be an external hardware sensor, an embedded coprocessor, or a general purpose GPU.

figure s

When schedule gets called, ResourceScheduler requests an OS resource and passes a callback that executes the frame once the resource becomes available.

5 Scheduler Optimizations

The previous sections described the scheduling algorithm, with the emphasis on making it pluggable. The design is sufficient for making the scheduling generic, but we did not explain how we achieve high throughput. In this section, we go over several techniques that we used to improve the performance of the default scheduler implementation in the Reactors framework. The main goal in these techniques is to reduce the amount of time spent in the scheduler compared to the amount of time spent in application code.

5.1 Explicit Work Stealing

In a typical task-based work stealing scheduler [6], there is a set of worker threads, usually corresponding to the number of processors. Each worker thread has an associated work stealing queue. When the program creates a new concurrent task of execution in some thread, it places that task onto the work stealing queue. A task is removed from the queue either after the current task of the corresponding worker thread completes, or when another worker runs out of tasks on its own queue and steals the task from a queue of its peer.

There are several overheads associated with work stealing. First, a task object needs to be created and placed on the queue. Second, inactive worker threads need to be notified that there is work available for them. Third, a previously inactive worker thread must scan the work queues of other threads, and steal an available task. The overhead of having to wait can be reduced by having the active worker thread steal back the tasks it previously submitted as early as possible. Some task-based work stealing schedulers expose the API that allows the client code to explicitly start the work stealing process [17].

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Worker thread piggybacking

In our implementation, the worker thread dequeues the previously submitted tasks immediately after completing event handling. This allows executing a different reactor frame on the active worker thread before context switching the current frame. After the line 35 of the code in Figure 2, the worker calls a special method stealSchedule, shown in Fig. 4, which dequeues and runs frame tasks.

Piggybacking the worker thread can only have a single level of nesting. To ensure this, each worker thread keeps a state field that initially has the value AWAKE, but switches to STEAL_SCHEDULE upon entering the stealSchedule method. Recursive calls to stealSchedule check this field and immediately return. The method then attempts to poll pending tasks up to STEAL_SCHEDULE_COUNT times.

This optimization is usually only beneficial if the time spent in the polling method pollWorkQueueAndRunFrame is short, since the scheduler spends useless cycles and slows the overall execution otherwise. For this reason, we only poll the local queue of the current worker thread in our implementation.

5.2 Lazy Task Scheduling

The optimization in Sect. 5.1 improves throughput by reducing the context switch pauses, but does not eliminate the cost of creating task objects. Compared to starting a thread, spawning a task is much more lightweight, but creating a task and pushing it onto a work stealing queue is still relatively expensive.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Lazy scheduling of frame task objects

In this section, we describe an optimization that drastically reduces the number of tasks in some benchmarks. The optimization is based on the following observation: in most (re)actor programs, an execution of an event handler is relatively short (in fact, this is a recommendation in many frameworks, since monopolizing the worker threads with long event handlers can lead to message overflows). Furthermore, the longer the execution of an event handler is, the more likely it is that it will send messages to other reactors. This means that the time between sending two messages from a single event handler, and the time between sending a message and exiting from an event handler, are both usually short. Sending a message potentially results in scheduling a reactor frame, as shown in Fig. 3, which results in creating a task object. Consequently, postponing the task creation until the next schedule call or until the completion of the event handler usually does not have a negative performance impact.

To exploit the previous observation, we augment each worker thread with an additional one-element queue, which we call a mini-queue, and use it to store reactor frames that were activated, but whose scheduling was lazily postponed. Initially, when a reactor frame gets execution time on some worker thread, the mini-queue is empty, i.e. set to null. When the reactor sends a message, and that message requires scheduling the reactor frame, the reactor frame is instead atomically placed on the mini-queue. If another reactor frame needs to be scheduled, the old reactor is first atomically removed, and then corresponding task object gets created and pushed to the work queue. This is shown in Fig. 5.

The code in Fig. 4 is similarly adjusted to check not only for pending work on the work stealing queue, but also flush the state of the mini-queue.

5.3 Reanimation Thread

The optimization from Sect. 5.2 trades latency for higher throughput. While in most cases, the decrease in latency is not observable, it is possible to write a program in which an event handler sends one message, but then does not return control to the scheduler for a long time. In these cases, an activated frame gets temporarily stuck on the mini-queue, and it cannot be stolen by other worker threads, since it is not on the work stealing queue.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Reanimation thread implementation

To prevent this scenario, our implementation uses an additional non-worker thread, called a reanimation thread, that is usually in the sleep state, but occasionally wakes up and scans the mini-queues of the worker threads. When the reanimation thread finds a non-empty mini-queue, it atomically removes the frame and executes it. This is shown in Fig. 6.

When it is unlikely that there are any benefits from scanning the mini-queues, the reanimation thread should spend the least amount of CPU time possible. For this reason, after the reanimation thread inspects all the worker threads, it adjusts its sleep period to a new value that depends on the previous value, the number of removed frames and the total number of workers, as specified by the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} adjust(period, count, workers) = 2 \cdot period \cdot \frac{workers - count}{workers} \end{aligned}$$

In the above equation, if the count is low, then the new period value is increased by up to \(2\times \). On the other hand, if the count is high, the period is rapidly decreased. The net effect is that when the reanimation thread helps almost all workers, the period is almost immediately reduced to a minimum value, and otherwise slowly decays towards the maximum value. When the benefit of flushing mini-queues is small, this approach reduces the overall CPU time spent by the reanimation thread. The new period is clamped between some minimum and maximum value, which is in our case between 1 ms and 200 ms.

5.4 Message Arrival Speculation

After a reactor executes an event handler, it normally undergoes a context switch and returns the control to the scheduler. In applications in which pairs of reactors exchange values, a message frequently arrives to the reactor shortly after it had begun its context switch. In these cases, it pays off to speculate on the arrival of the message and delay the context switch. This speculation is based on the bet that the message arrival time is lower than the time required for the context switch. To estimate the message arrival time, each reactor does sampling – a reactor occasionally spins before its context switch and counts the number of messages that arrived during spinning. The sampling frequency must be low to avoid slowing down the program. After accumulating a set of samples, the reactor decides whether to regularly spin before the context switch, or not.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Impact of the parallelism level on different benchmarks with message arrival speculation enabled (running time vs. number of reactors)

Importantly, message arrival speculation is dynamic – it is only applied if the scheduler detects that it is likely to improve performance. If during the sampling period, a reactor does not notice any benefits from delaying the context switch, then it will not apply speculative spinning.

Concretely, a reactor decides to speculate that a message will arrive as follows. Define the time period \(\delta \) as the ration between the context switch delay d and the total time required to do the context switch c (which is estimated experimentally, by sending messages to a reactor with an empty event handler). The reactor decides to delay context switches by a relative delay \(\delta \) if and only if the percentage of arrivals \(\hat{p}\) during sampling satisfies:

$$\begin{aligned} \delta \le \hat{p} \end{aligned}$$

The intuition behind this is that delaying the context switch potentially slows down the program. To make up for this slowdown, the relative delay must be smaller than the percentage of cases in which it accurately predicted that a message will arrive, avoiding the full context switch. The reactor must pick the optimal value for \(\delta \), so it collects a sample for a range of values \(\delta _i\) and \(\hat{p}_i\), and picks the one for which the following expression is minimized:

$$\begin{aligned} \delta _i - \hat{p}_i \end{aligned}$$

After deciding on the context switch delay, the reactor continues sampling the delay benefits, and repetitively revisits the speculation decision after collecting new sample sets. This way, if message arrival pattern changes during the execution, the reactor adjust the context switch delay.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Impact of different sampling frequencies on performance for benchmarks that do not benefit from speculation (running time vs. sampling frequency)

In Fig. 7, we show the performance of two benchmarks from the Savina suite [15] for which message arrival speculation is particularly effective. In the Fork Join Throughput benchmark, a reactor allocates K other reactors, and sends each of them a message in a round-robin manner. The performance improvement on the Fork Join Throughput benchmark is high when K is above 8, which is the number of processors on the test machine. The reason is that when there is a higher number of reactors, speculative spinning allows messages to pile up at some of the reactors, so when the reactor gets scheduled, the batch of messages it can process is larger. For K below 8, performance becomes close to that of the Akka framework. The Thread Ring benchmark allocates R reactors that pass a token around in a ring pattern. Here, the situation is reversed – it only makes sense to spin and wait for the next message if each reactor can be pinned to a processor (which is true if the ring size R is small). Otherwise, spinning delays the assignment of a processor to inactive reactors, and slows down the program overall. We show the performance of Reactors compared to Akka, when speculative spinning is disabled, when it is enabled, and when we additionally apply the lazy task scheduling optimization (mini-queue).

For other benchmarks, message arrival speculation does not yield any benefits. Nevertheless, it is important to ensure that the sampling overhead does not compromise overall performance, so the sampling frequency \(\varphi \) is initially kept at a low value, in our case \(0.2\%\). The downside of doing this is that it takes a long time to collect a sample set when speculation is beneficial. To retain the best of both worlds, a reactor adapts the sampling frequency according to the belief that arrival speculation helps. When and if a reactor notices an arrival of a message (but before it has gathered a full sample needed for its speculation decision), it adaptively increases the sampling frequency. A reactor is allowed to do this, since sampling is itself a context switch delay – a higher sampling frequency is therefore not detrimental when context switch delays help.

In Fig. 8, we show some of the benchmarks on which speculation does not help, namely Thread Ring (with \(R \gg \#processors\)), Streaming Ping-Pong, Big and Fibonacci. We plot the running time of the benchmark with respect to the initial sampling frequency \(\varphi _0\). Based on these benchmarks, we decided to keep \(\varphi _0\) at the value \(0.2\%\).

A theoretical model of the message arrival speculation optimization was described recently, along with a more in-depth performance analysis [25]. For more information, we refer the readers to related work.

5.5 Class-Based Reactor Profiling

Speculation described in Sect. 5.4 works well only if the lifetime of a reactor is sufficiently long to gather a sample that estimates the benefits of delaying context switches. In many applications, the average lifetime of a reactor is shorter than that, so reactors do not manage to effectively estimate speculation benefits. This is true even if a reactor adaptively adjusts the sampling frequency as described in Sect. 5.4. To accomodate these cases, our implementation periodically profiles the stable sampling frequency with respect to the class of the reactor. This information is stored in a per-class histogram, and used as the initial sampling frequency when a reactor gets created. This way, the information about the ideal sampling rate gets shared among reactors of the same type, and applications with short reactor lifetimes can also benefit from speculation. In our implementation, the lifetime of the sampling frequency profile is specific to a single execution of a program.

When profiling numeric values such as the sampling frequency, the more recent information must be given a higher importance. The intuition is that the applications are going through phases, and the optimal values may change over time. We use the following expression to update the sampling frequency:

$$\begin{aligned} record(oldRate, newRate) = 0.8 \cdot oldRate + 0.2 \cdot newRate \end{aligned}$$

By using the expression (4), the more recent profiling information quickly starts dominating, and the old value tends to decay and become less important over time. Every profiled value is continuously interpolated in this way.

6 Evaluation

We used standard actor benchmarks from the Savina suite [15] to test the performance of our scheduler (code online [3]) against the industry-standard Akka framework [1]. We used established evaluation methodologies [9, 22]. Benchmarks were done on a quad-core 2.8 GHz Intel i7-4900MQ processor with 32 GB of RAM, and the results are shown in Fig. 9.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Running time on standard actor benchmarks (lower is better)

Ping-Pong. In this benchmark, one (re)actor sends a preallocated ping message to another (re)actor, which then responds with a pong message. This is repeated N times. This benchmark is designed to test how fast the scheduling system exchanges the context between two (re)actors, when it is likely that they each will be reactivated soon after deactivation. Our reactor implementation is around \(1.6\times \) faster when compared to Akka.

Streaming Ping-Pong. The Akka project [1] often uses an alternative form of the Ping-Pong benchmark in which the first actor starts by sending W ping messages, instead of a single one. Whereas in the Ping-Pong benchmark each actor waits for the reply before sending the next message, in Streaming Ping-Pong, the two actors keep a sliding window of messages and usually do not yield control to the scheduler. Our reactor system is \(1.3-1.4\times \) faster than Akka.

Thread Ring. Here, R (re)actors are arranged in a ring, and each waits for a message before sending it to the next (re)actor in the ring. The program ends after the message is forwarded N times. When R is much larger than the processor count, the benchmark tests context switching when it is unlikely that a (re)actor will be reactivated soon after deactivation. When \(R = 1000\), depending on N, our system is in some cases as fast as Akka, and sometimes up to \(1.2\times \) slower. For \(R = 8\), our system is up to \(1.7\times \) faster compared to Akka.

Counting Actor. A producer actor sends N numbers to a counter actor. The counter actor accumulates the sum of the numbers, and terminates. The benchmark is somewhat similar to Streaming Ping-Pong, but also evaluates the efficiency of allocating messages. Reactors have typed channels that can specialize on the message type, and can avoid boxing. In our implementation, we rely on the type specialization optimization in Scala [7] that avoids boxing primitive types such as integers. For this (scheduler-unrelated) reason, our implementation is around \(3\times \) faster than Akka.

Fork Join (Throughput). A single (re)actor allocates K (re)actors that count incoming messages, and sends them N messages in a round-robin manner. The benchmark evaluates messaging throughput, and quality of batching messages. Our system is \(2.5-3.0\times \) faster than Akka.

Fork Join (Creation). Benchmark creates N (re)actors, and sends a message to each of them. After a (re)actor receives a message, it terminates. This benchmark tests actor creation performance. Depending on N, our system is as fast as Akka, and sometimes up to \(1.3\times \) faster.

Fibonacci. This benchmark computes Fibonacci numbers recursively, where each recursive call creates a (re)actor that sends the result to its parent. For sizes \(N < 2\), leaf actors send 1 immediately after creation. This benchmark tests dynamic actor creation performance. Results are shown in logarithmic scale in Fig. 9. Our system is \(1.1-2.0\times \) faster than Akka, depending on N.

Big. This benchmark creates a large set of (re)actors N, each sending P pings to P randomly chosen (re)actors, awaiting a reply for each ping. The benchmark tests many-to-many message passing. Depending on P, our system is in some cases \(1.1-1.6\times \) slower than Akka, and in some cases \(1.1\times \) faster than Akka.

6.1 Effect of Batch Size on Performance

In benchmarks that have high average message count per actor, exchanging contexts between actors frequently can be detrimental. Each context switch requires relatively expensive state checks from Fig. 2, and a call to the schedule method. Amortizing these costs by handling multiple events in one scheduling batch greatly increases performance.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Dependence of the running time on the batch size for benchmarks with a high message load (lower is better)

As argued in Sect. 2.1, batch size must be bound to ensure bounded delivery time – large batch sizes have a negative effect of delaying execution of other reactors. Batching must amortize context switch costs, but also prevent starvation.

In Fig. 10, we show a selection of benchmarks where batch size affects the benchmark running time. In Streaming Ping-Pong and Counting Actor, the inflection point is around batch size 5, but performance converges above 40. We show the Fork Join Throughput benchmark for different choices of the number of reactors K. We leave out out-of-scale points below batch size 10 for \(K = 128\). For \(K = 32\), we can see a steep jump around 7. Here, the batch size is just large enough to give inactive reactors sufficient time to fill their event queues. By the time a reactor is reactivated, it has sufficiently many pending events to benefit from batching. Based on these benchmarks, we keep the BATCH_SIZE constant from Sect. 4, at value 50.

6.2 Event Stream Scalability

The last thing to show is that the system scales with the number of event streams per reactor. In Fig. 11, we show our custom Roundabout benchmark, in which the roundabout actor receives N messages on K different event streams. The running time remains almost constant while increasing the number of event streams – the gentle upward slope is a consequence of decreasing cache-locality.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Roundabout Benchmark (Lower is Better)

7 Related Work

The actor programming model was proposed by Agha [4], and has gone through many variants since then. One of the most notable applications of the actor model is the Erlang programming language [2]. On the JVM, Scala Actors attempted to mimic the Erlang model [11] – since JVM does not have continuations, semantics of the Erlang-style receive statement could not be completely imitated. Akka is a widely adopted actor-based framework [1], which takes a step away from the Erlang model in that it supports only a single top-level receive statement. Kilim [36] is another JVM actor framework that takes a more sophisticated approach by exposing the @pausable annotation, used to mark and transform methods that potentially suspend. The Reactors.IO framework exposes event streams as first-class objects. The advantage of first-class streams is that suspendable computations can be chained as a sequence of callbacks [3, 28, 31].

Selector model is an actor model variant with multiple mailboxes [15]. In this model, there are multiple guarded mailboxes that the actor can programmatically activate or deactivate. Although the abstract selector model allows a dynamic number of mailboxes, the current selector implementation requires specifying the number of mailboxes before the selector starts [16]. The scheduling algorithm is based on the multi-level queue scheduling [35], used to separate mailboxes into priority levels. This separation does not necessarily ensure fairness, so authors mention LRU round-robin scheduling as necessary future work.

The Kilim framework introduced the concept of scheduler hopping. Here, an actor can programmatically change the scheduling policy during the lifetime of an actor. Neither Akka, nor Reactors.IO allow changing the policy after actor creation. We believe that it is easy to add scheduler hopping to Reactors.IO.

Most actor schedulers are built on top of a task scheduler, such as the Fork/Join framework [17]. Depending on the task scheduler implementation, this approach ensures fairness. However, bounded delivery time fairness, as defined in Sect. 2.1, is not necessarily ensured – giving all actors equal execution times can cause starvation when the message-load is non-uniform. We have not yet found programs where this is problematic, and the prebundled schedulers in Reactors are not fair. On the other hand, it is common to have schedulers that extend the Fork/Join task scheduler with domain-specific knowledge, and this was done for actor systems [1], asynchronous programming frameworks [12], streaming frameworks [29], and for data-parallel collections [27, 30].

Many frameworks use pluggability to defer some scheduling decisions to the client. For example, message scheduling in Akka [1] uses the underlying task scheduler to assign equal execution chunks to actors, but this does not guarantee message handling bounded delivery time fairness. It is the client’s job to implement a fair dispatcher if that is necessary. Aside from custom dispatchers, both Akka and Reactors allow users to inject their own message queue implementations. This is advantageous in use-cases such as message persistence, for which more efficient queue data structures exist [23, 32]. Parallel actor monitors [33] for the AmbientTalk language [21] expose a user API that can optionally enable parallelism within an actor. Ensuring scalability is thus deferred to the client-side. The Mesos cluster runtime [14] has a very thin scheduler based on resource offers, which does not even guarantee fairness. This may be an indication that programs where fairness is an issue are in practice rare, and can be dealt on a case-by-case basis. At the same time, pluggable schedulers are useful, as they allow clients to deal with pathological edge cases when they occur.

8 Conclusion

We described a scheduler algorithm for the reactor programming model, and presented its implementation. We showed that the scheduler satisfies safety properties such as handling at most one message in a reactor at a time, and also guarantees fairness and bounded delivery time fairness with specific guarantees from the scheduling policy. Scheduling policies are pluggable – in addition to the default policies shown in Sect. 4, users can define their own custom policies. We empirically showed that the scheduler is scalable and efficient by comparing our implementation against the industry-standard Akka framework, on the Savina actor benchmark suite.

An interesting area of future work is scheduling reactor programs that additionally use heterogeneous resources of the host system, such as GPUs, DSPs and external sensors. Achieving scalability and good performance in such non-uniform computations is more challenging, but also potentially more rewarding. We believe that our pluggable scheduler infrastructure is well suited for this task.