This chapter discusses master data—the foundational elements crucial for managing assets effectively—in SAP Enterprise Asset Management.

8.1 SAP Intelligent Asset Management Suite

SAP Intelligent Asset Management (IAM) is a comprehensive solution that leverages digital technologies to optimize the management of physical assets within an organization. It encompasses a set of tools, applications, and capabilities designed to enhance asset performance, reduce downtime, improve maintenance practices, and drive operational efficiency.

SAP IAM constitutes an essential element of the SAP Intelligent Enterprise framework. Within the realm of SAP IAM, SAP’s interconnected digital twin ecosystem synchronizes the virtual, physical, condition-related, and commercial definitions of assets and products in real time. This synchronization expedites innovation, optimizes operational performance, anticipates service needs, enhances diagnostic capabilities, and elevates decision-making quality.

This network of digital twins facilitates a cooperative end-to-end digital transformation spanning the stages: design and manufacturing, operations and maintenance, and service and end-of-life management. This, in turn, supports the following.

  • The seamless exchange of digital twin data across all organizational departments

  • Collaborative interaction with suppliers, customers, and service providers throughout the entire lifecycle

  • Pioneering innovative business models for products and services

You see the following advantages on the enterprise level.

  • Leverages data assets for expedited achievement of desired outcomes with reduced risk

  • Enables employees through the automation of processes

  • Foresees and takes initiative-taking actions to address customer requirements

  • Innovates novel business models and sources of revenue

The SAP IAM portfolio (see Figure 8-1) encompasses a range of deployment options, including cloud-based, on-premise, and mobile solutions. This variety of deployment models caters to diverse customer preferences.

Figure 8-1
An infographic of the SAP Intelligent Asset Management portfolio includes intelligent asset management, asset management on precise, multi-resource scheduling, resource scheduling, asset manager, work manager, and asset management cloud.

SAP IAM portfolio

The following is included in the portfolio.

  • SAP Cloud Solutions for Intelligent Asset Management

  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud Asset Management

  • SAP S/4HANA On-Premise Asset Management

  • SAP ERP Asset Management

  • SAP Asset Manager

  • SAP Work Manager

  • SAP Multiresource Scheduling

  • SAP S/4HANA Asset Management for Resource Scheduling

8.2 SAP IAM Cloud Solutions

SAP IAM portfolio includes cloud-based solutions that aim to enhance asset management practices using intelligent technologies. Figure 8-2 illustrates some SAP IAM Cloud Solutions.

  • SAP Asset Intelligence Network: This cloud-based solution provides a collaborative platform for connecting manufacturers, operators, and maintenance personnel. It offers a digital representation of assets, enabling stakeholders to share and access information about asset specifications, documentation, and maintenance requirements.

  • SAP Predictive Asset Insights: This solution utilizes predictive analytics and machine learning to forecast equipment failures and suggest maintenance actions before issues arise. It helps organizations optimize maintenance schedules and reduce unplanned downtime.

  • SAP Asset Performance Management: This solution assists in developing asset management strategies based on historical data, performance goals, and industry best practices. It helps align maintenance strategies with business objectives and optimize asset performance.

  • SAP Asset Central: This solution provides a centralized platform for managing asset information, maintenance records, and documentation. It aims to improve collaboration among maintenance teams and streamline maintenance processes.

  • SAP Mobile Asset Management: While not exclusively part of the IAM portfolio, this cloud-based solution integrates with SAP Intelligent Asset Management to manage field service operations efficiently. Features include scheduling, resource allocation, and mobile access for field technicians.

Figure 8-2
An infographic gives an overview of SAP Mobile Asset Management which involves asset performance, asset health prediction and optimization, maintenance and service management, and business network asset collaboration.

SAP IAM overview

8.3 SAP Business Network Asset Collaboration

SAP Business Network Asset Collaboration focuses on leveraging digital platforms and networks to facilitate collaboration and information exchange among various stakeholders involved in the lifecycle of assets. This collaborative approach connects manufacturers, suppliers, operators, maintenance teams, service providers, and other relevant parties through a shared digital ecosystem. The goal is to enhance visibility, communication, and coordination throughout the asset’s lifecycle, from design and manufacturing to operation, maintenance, and even end-of-life stages.

The following are key features of SAP Business Network Asset Collaboration.

  • Digital twin sharing: A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical asset or product. In asset collaboration, stakeholders can share and access digital twin data, specifications, documentation, and performance information. This fosters a collective understanding of the asset’s characteristics and requirements.

  • Real-time data exchange: Through connected sensors and IoT devices, real-time data about asset conditions, performance, and usage can be collected and shared among relevant parties. This enables initiative-taking decision-making and timely responses to maintenance needs.

  • Supplier collaboration: Manufacturers and suppliers can collaborate to ensure that asset components and parts are high quality and meet specifications. Supplier collaboration can also involve sharing maintenance and service information for the assets they provide.

  • Maintenance and service coordination: Maintenance teams, both in-house and external service providers, can collaborate to optimize maintenance schedules, share diagnostic data, and execute maintenance tasks more efficiently.

  • Lifecycle transparency: All stakeholders gain transparency into the asset’s lifecycle stages, including design, production, installation, operation, maintenance, and eventual retirement or replacement. This transparency aids in making informed decisions at every stage.

  • Risk mitigation and compliance: Collaborative asset management can help organizations ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and safety standards. It also enables identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with asset operation.

  • Innovation and continuous improvement: Collaboration can lead to innovative solutions and continuous improvement efforts as different stakeholders bring their expertise to the table. This can result in enhanced asset performance and extended asset lifecycles.

Business Network Asset Collaboration often involves using digital platforms, cloud-based solutions, and emerging technologies such as the IoT, artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics. By bringing together various stakeholders and data sources, organizations can optimize asset management strategies, reduce downtime, and achieve better operational outcomes.

SAP Asset Intelligence Network, an Internet of Things (IoT) application, is seamlessly integrated into SAP BTP. It is a global equipment registry employing standardized definitions shared among various business partners, including manufacturers, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), operators, and service providers. This collaborative sharing leads to the development of innovative business models that drive real operational excellence.

SAP Asset Intelligence Network offers a virtual platform for fostering collaboration on products and assets. The interconnected network of digital twins facilitates secure access, sharing, and governance of data on a global scale.

The following are some notable features.

  • Facilitating secure collaboration within your business network

  • Enabling collaboration among manufacturers, operators, and service providers across the network regarding asset information

  • Streamlining collaborative efforts through a unified view

  • Establishing a single network channel for the electronic transfer of technical assets and maintenance data

  • Enhancing the reliability of data

  • Reducing the need for frequent master data updates

Manufacturers contribute by releasing models with the desired content, encompassing manuals, drawings, installation instructions, repair guides, spare parts information, attributes, and counters. Suppliers play a role by providing spare parts data and other relevant content.

Asset data and associated information can be collaboratively exchanged through the SAP Asset Intelligence Network, referred to as “shared data,” and synchronized with interconnected SAP ERP systems. Shared data updates are seamlessly integrated into the SAP ERP system upon equipment sharing or the publication of revised shared equipment models.

  • Designing and generating equipment models

  • Ensuring equipment synchronization between the cloud and back end

  • Utilizing the Lookup feature

  • Employing Smart Matcher for maintenance processes

  • Initiating model requests

  • Creating equipment requests

SAP Asset Intelligence Network offers a virtual platform for fostering collaboration on products and assets. The interconnected network of digital twins facilitates secure access, sharing, and governance of data on a global scale. Notable features include the following.

  • Facilitating secure collaboration within your business network

  • Enabling collaboration among manufacturers, operators, and service providers across the network regarding asset information

  • Streamlining collaborative efforts through a unified view

  • Establishing a single network channel for the electronic transfer of technical assets and maintenance data

  • Enhancing the reliability of data

  • Reducing the need for frequent master data updates

Manufacturers contribute by releasing models with the desired content, encompassing manuals, drawings, installation instructions, repair guides, spare parts information, attributes, and counters. Suppliers play a role by providing spare parts data and other relevant content.

Asset data and associated information can be collaboratively exchanged through the SAP Asset Intelligence Network and synchronized with interconnected SAP ERP systems. Shared data updates are seamlessly integrated into the SAP ERP system upon equipment sharing or the publication of revised shared equipment models.

The following object data can be shared.

  • Equipment

  • Functional Location

  • Model

  • Spare Part

  • System

  • Announcement

  • Document

  • Improvement Request

  • Instruction

  • Failure Mode (with Cause and Effect)

  • Indicator

  • Group

  • Template

  • Function

  • Alert Type and Alert Type Group

  • Maps and Geospatial data

  • Notification

  • Work order

8.3.1 Business Benefits

SAP Asset Intelligence Network provides several business benefits (see Figure 8-3) for manufacturers, asset owners, and service providers.

The following are some of the advantages to manufacturers.

  • Enhanced collaboration: Manufacturers can collaborate more effectively with various stakeholders, such as asset owners and service providers, which improves communication and alignment.

  • Product visibility: They can showcase their products more comprehensively by sharing detailed information like manuals, drawings, installation instructions, and repair guides, enhancing customers’ understanding and confidence in their products.

  • Faster time-to-market: Manufacturers can expedite the introduction of new products by streamlining the distribution of technical data, which accelerates the equipment’s integration and deployment.

  • Market expansion: By participating in a collaborative network, manufacturers can access new markets and customers, expanding their reach and potential revenue streams.

  • Data-driven insights: The network enables manufacturers to gather insights from shared data to inform product improvements and innovation based on real-world usage and performance.

The following are some of the advantages to asset owners.

  • Centralized information: Asset owners benefit from having a single, unified platform for managing and accessing information related to their assets, reducing the complexity of maintaining multiple data sources.

  • Optimized maintenance: Access to up-to-date technical information, maintenance instructions, and spare parts details helps asset owners optimize their maintenance processes, reducing downtime and operational disruptions.

  • Improved decision-making: Real-time access to asset data enables more informed decision-making, supporting strategies like predictive maintenance and lifecycle management.

  • Collaborative network: Asset owners can interact directly with manufacturers and service providers on the platform, fostering collaboration and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

  • Data accuracy: By utilizing standardized data shared on the network, asset owners can improve the accuracy and reliability of their asset information, reducing errors and minimizing risks.

The following are some of the advantages to service providers.

  • Efficient service delivery: Service providers can access accurate and detailed information about assets, enabling them to offer better and more targeted maintenance and repair services.

  • Proactive maintenance: With access to real-time data, service providers can transition from reactive to proactive maintenance strategies, addressing potential issues before they lead to costly breakdowns.

  • Collaboration: Collaboration with manufacturers and asset owners allows service providers to better understand clients’ needs and offer tailored solutions, fostering stronger customer relationships.

  • Reduced downtime: Quick access to relevant technical information and spare parts details contributes to faster service delivery, minimizing asset downtime and improving overall operational continuity.

  • Business growth: By participating in a collaborative ecosystem, service providers can expand their customer base, improve service quality, and ultimately grow their business.

Figure 8-3
An infographic lists the benefits of SAP business network asset collaboration which includes the PAI, SAP E R P, A P M, and O E M.

SAP Business Network Asset Collaboration benefits

In summary, the SAP Asset Intelligence Network facilitates enhanced collaboration, streamlined information sharing, improved maintenance practices, and greater business opportunities for manufacturers, asset owners, and service providers, leading to operational excellence and mutual growth.

8.4 SAP Predictive Asset Insights

SAP Predictive Asset Insights is a predictive maintenance and asset management solution. It is designed to help businesses proactively manage their assets and equipment by utilizing advanced analytics and predictive modeling techniques (see Figure 8-4).

SAP Predictive Asset Insights is built to address the following key aspects.

  • Predictive maintenance: The solution uses data collected from various sources, such as sensors and operational systems, to analyze the performance and condition of assets in real time. Predictive analytics aims to forecast when maintenance is needed, allowing organizations to perform maintenance activities before equipment failures occur. This approach helps prevent unexpected downtime, reduces maintenance costs, and enhances operational efficiency.

  • Anomaly detection: Using machine learning algorithms, the solution identifies anomalies or deviations from normal asset behavior. It can detect patterns that indicate potential issues or irregularities in asset performance, alerting maintenance teams to investigate and take necessary actions.

  • Data visualization and insights: SAP Predictive Asset Insights provides visualizations and insights based on the analyzed data. These insights help maintenance teams and decision-makers understand asset health, usage trends, and potential risks more easily, enabling them to make informed decisions.

  • Integration: The solution is typically integrated with various data sources, such as the IoT sensors, historical maintenance data, and other operational systems. This integration ensures that it has access to relevant and up-to-date information for accurate predictive modeling.

  • Cloud-based solutions: SAP Predictive Asset Insights is a cloud-based solution that allows organizations to deploy and manage it more easily without significant on-premises infrastructure requirements.

SAP Predictive Asset Insights is an IoT application with an array of functions accessible via the SAP Fiori launchpad. The associated business advantages encompass the following.

  • Mitigating costly disruptions through anticipating equipment malfunctions is achieved by processing extensive volumes of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) data using advanced machine learning algorithms

  • Harnessing insights from sensor data enhances product quality, reliability, and overall customer satisfaction

  • Effective management of intricate asset (equipment) structures

  • Establishment of an asset network collaboration, promoting enhanced service and maintenance processes

SAP PAI offers the following functionalities.

  • Sensor integration and alert management

  • Utilization of machine learning techniques

  • Analytical capabilities

Figure 8-4
An infographic depicts the SAP PAI capabilities which include the sensors and alerts, machine learning, and analytics.

SAP PAI capabilities

8.5 SAP Asset Performance Management

SAP Asset Performance Management is a software solution provided by SAP that aims to help organizations effectively manage their asset strategies, optimize maintenance processes, and enhance overall asset performance. The following are key components and features typically associated with SAP Asset Performance Management.

  • Strategy formulation: The solution assists in creating asset management strategies by considering factors such as asset criticality, risk assessment, and regulatory compliance. It helps organizations develop maintenance plans and strategies that align with business goals.

  • Performance monitoring: It enables real-time monitoring of asset performance and health. The solution offers insights into asset conditions and performance metrics by integrating data from various sources, including sensors and operational systems.

  • Predictive analytics: The solution incorporate spredictive analytics to anticipate potential asset failures and issues. Analyzing historical data and utilizing machine learning algorithms can forecast when assets might require maintenance or replacement.

  • Condition-based maintenance: Based on real-time data and predictive insights, organizations can shift from traditional time-based maintenance to condition-based maintenance. This approach ensures maintenance is performed when necessary, reducing downtime and unnecessary maintenance activities.

  • Risk management: The solution helps identify and assess risks associated with assets. By understanding potential risks, organizations can make informed decisions about maintenance priorities and resource allocation.

  • KPI tracking: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are tracked to evaluate the effectiveness of asset management strategies and processes. This assists in measuring the impact of decisions on asset performance and overall business outcomes.

  • Integration: SAP Asset Performance Management can be integrated with other enterprise systems, such as Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, to ensure seamless data flow and synchronization of asset-related information.

  • Data visualization: The solution offers dashboards and visualizations that enable users to monitor asset performance, view historical trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Overall, SAP Asset Performance Management aims to empower organizations to make proactive and informed decisions regarding their asset management strategies, leading to improved reliability, reduced operational costs, and enhanced operational efficiency. It is designed to optimize asset performance, extend asset lifecycles, and align asset management with broader business objectives.

SAP Asset Performance Management (see Figure 8-5) empowers reliability engineers to evaluate asset health indicators and ongoing performance, aiding in assessing maintenance strategy efficacy.

Figure 8-5
A flow diagram depicts the steps involved in SAP asset performance management as follows. Manage asset information, asset risks and criticality assessments, maintenance strategy development, asset management monitoring, and evaluation of strategy and optimization.

SAP Asset Performance Management

SAP APM encompasses the following functionalities.

  • Identification of vital assets

  • Generation of risk scores

  • Development of assessments

  • Selection of the optimal analytical approach (RCM, FMEA, PM Review)

  • Provision of maintenance recommendations rooted in RCM and FMEA insights

Criticality is contingent upon the level of risk. Risk is conventionally computed by multiplying the probability of failure by the consequence of said failure. Consequently, heightened risk corresponds to heightened equipment criticality. The assessment of criticality relies on the definition of predetermined thresholds. This process accommodates the definition of technical and financial risks, which can be specified at the dimension level within an assessment template.

Normalized risk is a percentage figure that represents risk. Its purpose is to enable reliability engineers to compare the risk associated with an “air compressor” against that of an “electrical bulb.” The intention is to equalize the evaluation for both objects.

The following describes risk type scores across the risk lifecycle.

  • Current/existing/initial risk: This constitutes the risk assumed during the installation of new equipment or when conducting an initial risk assessment.

  • Mitigated risk: This quantifies the amount of risk that has been reduced after executing actions like work orders, redesigns, replacements, or training.

  • Unmitigated risk: This signifies the residual risk between the other two stages.

Figure 8-6 illustrates the steps to implement SAP APM.

Figure 8-6
An infographic lists the steps to implement the SAP A P M as follows. Define systems and assets to analyze, identify critical assets, perform analysis, develop maintenance strategies, execute maintenance strategies, and monitor and improve.

Steps to implement SAP APM

  1. 1.

    Specify systems and assets for analysis. Asset Central Foundation facilitates the structuring of asset data using templates aligned with established ISO standards such as ISO 14224. This encompasses models, equipment, locations, systems, groups, spare parts, documents, and failure modes, all integrated within Asset Central Foundation.

  2. 2.

    Determine critical assets. Through risk and criticality assessment, assets are arranged in order of risk and criticality, serving as a foundation for subsequent analysis. This entails constructing a matrix that juxtaposes the consequence of failure against the probability of failure. Following the execution of assessments (e.g., for specific equipment), the risk score and risk type score difference can be accessed within the Assessment tab’s Highlights screen.

  3. 3.

    Conduct an analysis. Employ well-established methodologies such as reliability-centered maintenance (RCM), failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), risk-based inspection (RBI), and root cause analysis (RCA) to discern the most suitable maintenance approaches for your assets.

  4. 4.

    Formulate recommended actions. The outcome of RCM/FMEA yields suggestions for preventive and/or corrective tasks. The Preventive Maintenance Review (PMR) application oversees these recommendations, facilitating the creation of published instructions.

  5. 5.

    Generate recommendations as the conclusive phase of the RCM or FMEA assessment based on the following options.

    • Existing Instructions

    • Imported Preventive Maintenance Tasks (Task Lists “filtered” by Technical Object Maintenance Plans)

    • Placeholder Instructions (utilize existing or generate new ones)

    • Imported Tasks (Task Lists)

  6. 6.

    Construct or associate instructions with the recommendations.

  7. 7.

    Upload them to S/4HANA using a .csv file.

  8. 8.

    Execute maintenance strategies. Enact the instructions within the maintenance management system.

  9. 9.

    Monitor and enhance. Continuously oversee the performance and efficacy of the maintenance strategies.

8.6 SAP Mobile Asset Manager

SAP Mobile Asset Manager or Asset Manager is a mobile application developed by SAP. It is designed to enable organizations to effectively manage and maintain their assets using mobile devices. This application is typically integrated with SAP’s broader asset management solutions, such as EAM or PM modules, to extend asset management capabilities to field technicians and mobile users.

The following are key features and functions associated with SAP Mobile Asset Manager.

  • Mobile asset management: The application allows field technicians and maintenance personnel to access critical asset information and perform various asset management tasks directly from their mobile devices. This includes viewing equipment details, recording maintenance activities, and updating asset status.

  • Work management: Field technicians can receive and manage work orders on mobile devices. This enables them to view work order details, access relevant documentation, update work order status, and report the completion of tasks in real time.

  • Asset inspections: The application supports asset inspections, allowing users to perform routine inspections, capture inspection data, and report any issues or anomalies directly from the field.

  • Offline capabilities: SAP Mobile Asset Manager offers offline functionality, enabling users to continue working even in areas with limited or no internet connectivity. Data captured offline can be synchronized with the central system once a connection is restored.

  • Barcode and QR code integration: The application could integrate with barcode or QR code scanning capabilities, making it easier for users to quickly identify and access asset details by scanning asset labels.

  • User-friendly interface: The user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, accommodating field workers with varying technical expertise.

Integration with SAP EAM/PM: SAP Mobile Asset Manager is designed to seamlessly integrate with SAP’s EAM or PM modules, ensuring that data captured through the mobile app is synchronized with the central asset management system.

SAP Asset Manager emerges as our cutting-edge mobile application, centered around assets, effectively leveraging the digital core. It seamlessly integrates with SAP EAM, SAP S/4HANA Asset Management (On-Premise), and SAP IAM solutions.

The architecture of SAP Asset Manager relies on the Mobile Development Kit, coupled with SAP BTP SDK for iOS and Android. These frameworks follow the Fiori for iOS and Fiori for Android guidelines, culminating in a streamlined user experience.

SAP Asset Manager is a metadata-driven application that generates code supporting deployment across various platforms. This deployment is facilitated through middleware utilizing SAP BTP, managing data interactions between the back end and mobile devices while offering offline capabilities.

Why might a customer opt for SAP Asset Manager over SAP Work Manager? SAP Asset Manager facilitates digital transformation by harnessing the advanced capabilities of SAP BTP, coupled with the user-centric design language embodied by Fiori for iOS and Fiori for Android.

The SAP Asset Manager application efficiently oversees tasks encompassing work orders, notifications, condition monitoring, material consumption, time management, and failure analysis.

SAP Asset Manager provides the following benefits.

  • Secure the capture and retrieval of precise, up-to-date information, whether online or offline, to effectively address rising market demands, globalization, and pressures related to regulations, social aspects, and the environment.

  • Enhance the management of intricate assets and dependencies on external parties.

  • Safeguard and expand your organization’s knowledge repository while mitigating employee turnover’s impact.

8.6.1 SAP Mobile Add-On

The SAP Mobile Add-On is the back-end system responsible for processing all data related to the SAP Asset Manager application.

This “mobile add-on” refers to supplementary components that provide additional functionalities beyond the primary SAP product. These components are incorporated later by external, independent entities or by SAP itself, tailoring them to customers’ specific requirements.

Positioned above the core, this mobile add-on interfaces with the same dictionary or repository objects while executing the necessary operations.

From a user perspective, there is no noticeable distinction on your mobile device when utilizing a system integrated with a mobile add-on versus one that is not. Nonetheless, understanding the terminology is valuable.

The fundamental capabilities of Standard Asset Management encompass the following.

  • Installation and dismantling of equipment

  • Management of work order and notification lifecycles

  • Clock In and Clock Out functionalities for multiple users collaborating in the same order

  • Documenting measurement points

  • Adding and issuing components

  • Support for object lists

  • Recording Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS) time reports

  • Confirmations for preventive maintenance (PM)

  • Implementation of classifications

  • Incorporation of business partner and warranty details for equipment

8.6.2 SAP Mobile Development Kit (MDK)

A constituent of SAP BTP Mobile Services, the mobile development kit empowers customers to create fresh native mobile applications and tailor specific intricate mobile applications from SAP. This augmentation of our mobile services introduces a metadata-driven approach to mobile app development.

SAP Asset Manager takes the lead as the inaugural app to leverage the SAP Enterprise App Modeler tool. The initial release of the SEAM (SAP Enterprise App Modeler) is primarily geared toward personalizing SAP Asset Manager. At the same time, subsequent iterations are poised to encompass support for novel complex mobile applications. Additionally, they aim to enable the swift creation of customized applications.

In this development mode, developers operate at a significantly higher level of abstraction than crafting applications using Java or Swift. The intricacies of low-level system details are alleviated. This framework facilitates a broader spectrum of resources for application development, offering an abstraction layer conducive to cross-platform development.

8.7 SAP Asset Central Foundation

SAP Asset Central Foundation is a component of SAP’s suite of asset management solutions that aims to provide a comprehensive and unified platform for managing and maintaining a wide range of assets within an organization (see Figure 8-7). It is designed to support various industries and sectors, enabling organizations to effectively manage their assets throughout their lifecycle.

Figure 8-7
An infographic of the SAP asset central master data includes the following layers. Asset classification, asset modeling, asset representation, asset information, and organization from the top to bottom.

SAP Asset Central master data

The following are key features and aspects typically associated with SAP Asset Central Foundation.

  • Unified asset management: SAP Asset Central Foundation offers a centralized platform to manage diverse types of assets, such as equipment, machinery, vehicles, and infrastructure, regardless of industry or location.

  • Data modeling: The solution facilitates the structuring of asset-related data using templates based on standardized schemas and models. This ensures consistency in asset data representation across the organization.

  • Metadata driven: Asset Central Foundation is often driven by metadata, allowing organizations to define attributes, relationships, and behaviors of assets. This enables flexible adaptation to specific asset management requirements.

  • ISO standards: The solution may support integration with ISO standards such as ISO14224, which provides guidelines for collecting and exchanging reliability and maintenance data for equipment in various industries.

  • Integration: Asset Central Foundation is designed to integrate with other SAP solutions, such as Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), PM, and other asset-related modules. This integration ensures seamless data flow between asset management processes and other business functions.

  • User-friendly interface: Asset Central Foundation offers an intuitive user interface that allows users to easily navigate and interact with asset data. This contributes to improved user adoption and efficiency.

  • Reporting and analytics: The solution may provide tools for generating reports and performing analytics on asset data. This helps organizations make informed decisions and identify areas for improvement in asset management.

  • Lifecycle management: Asset Central Foundation supports the management of assets throughout their entire lifecycle, from acquisition and installation to operation, maintenance, and eventual disposal.

8.8 SAP IAM Integration

SAP IAM Integration refers to integrating SAP’s IAM solutions with other systems, applications, and data sources within an organization’s technology landscape. SAP IAM solutions are designed to optimize asset performance, maintenance processes, and operational efficiency through the use of advanced technologies such as the IoT, predictive analytics, AI, and machine learning. The SAP system landscape is illustrated in Figure 8-8.

Figure 8-8
An infographic of the Fiori launchpad in the SAP cloud platform. It includes the SAP Fieldglass, S by 4 HANA Cloud, PAI, AIN, A S P M, A C F, Kafka, E R P adaptor, I oT Services, I o T and Edge, and SAP cloud connectors.

SAP system landscape

The following are key aspects and benefits of SAP IAM integration.

  • Data integration: Integration involves connecting SAP IAM solutions with various data sources, including IoT sensors, operational systems, historical maintenance data, and more. This enables comprehensive and real-time insights into asset health, usage patterns, and performance metrics.

  • Predictive maintenance: By integrating IoT data and predictive analytics, SAP IAM solutions can anticipate potential equipment failures and maintenance needs. This proactive approach helps organizations perform maintenance tasks optimally, reducing downtime and operational disruptions.

  • Work order management: Integrating SAP IAM with other systems, such as Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), allows organizations to seamlessly manage work orders, notifications, and maintenance tasks. This integration streamlines communication between field technicians, maintenance personnel, and asset management systems.

  • Data analytics: Integration enables the correlation of asset performance data with business and operational data from other systems. This holistic view supports data-driven decision-making and helps organizations identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.

  • Resource allocation: Integrating SAP IAM with resource planning systems can optimize the allocation of personnel, equipment, and materials for maintenance tasks, leading to better resource utilization and cost savings.

  • Collaboration: SAP IAM integration facilitates collaboration across different departments, such as maintenance, operations, finance, and procurement. It ensures that all relevant stakeholders have access to up-to-date asset information.

  • Mobile access: Integration can extend SAP IAM capabilities to mobile devices, allowing field technicians to access asset information, perform inspections, and update maintenance records in real time.

  • Regulatory compliance: Integrating SAP IAM with compliance and regulatory systems helps ensure that asset management practices adhere to industry standards and regulations.

  • Asset lifecycle management: Integration supports seamless data flow throughout the asset lifecycle, from acquisition and installation to operation, maintenance, and eventual disposal.

8.9 Summary

This chapter offered a comprehensive overview of SAP’s advanced asset management solutions, encompassing key chapters such as SAP IAM, SAP Business Network with Asset Collaboration, SAP Asset Predictive Insights, SAP Asset Performance Management, SAP Mobile Asset Management, and SAP IAM integration. The chapter began by highlighting the significance of SAP IAM, showcasing how it harnesses IoT and AI technologies to optimize asset utilization and maintenance. It then delved into SAP Business Network with Asset Collaboration, illustrating how collaborative platforms facilitate streamlined stakeholder communication for improved asset productivity. The discussion extends to SAP Asset Predictive Insights, emphasizing its role in utilizing predictive analytics to forecast maintenance needs and mitigate downtime.

Furthermore, the chapter explored SAP Asset Performance Management, elucidating its importance in continuously monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing asset performance throughout its lifecycle. The inclusion of SAP Mobile Asset Management underscores the flexibility and efficiency offered by mobile applications in asset management processes. The chapter concluded with insights into SAP IAM Integration, demonstrating how these solutions seamlessly integrate with existing systems to create a holistic asset management framework. Overall, this chapter provided a comprehensive look at SAP’s innovative approaches to modern asset management.