4.1 Standard Maintenance Process

In SAP S/4HANA EAM, the standard maintenance process refers to the established and predefined series of activities that organizations follow to effectively manage their assets and equipment. This process ensures that assets are properly maintained, monitored, and repaired to optimize their performance and lifespan. The standard maintenance process typically encompasses the following key phases.

  • Planning: This phase involves defining the maintenance requirements for assets, including scheduling maintenance tasks, determining resource needs (e.g., labor, materials, tools), and establishing the necessary budget.

  • Scheduling: Once the maintenance tasks are planned, they are scheduled based on factors such as asset criticality, availability of resources, and operational impact. This step aims to minimize downtime and disruptions.

  • Execution: During this phase, the actual maintenance activities are carried out. It includes inspections, repairs, preventive maintenance, corrective maintenance, and other relevant tasks.

  • Documentation: Accurate and thorough documentation of maintenance activities is crucial. It includes recording details of work performed, parts used, labor hours, and any issues encountered. Proper documentation helps in historical tracking, compliance, and future decision-making.

  • Completion and Reporting: The relevant data is entered into the system after the maintenance tasks are completed. It includes updates on asset status, maintenance costs, and any changes to asset condition. These reports contribute to performance analysis and decision-making.

  • Analysis: Organizations analyze maintenance data to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for improvement. This step supports decision-making regarding optimizing maintenance strategies, resource allocation, and asset replacement.

  • Optimization: Organizations refine their maintenance processes and strategies based on the analysis. This might involve adjusting maintenance schedules, improving resource allocation, and implementing best practices to enhance asset performance and reduce downtime.

SAP S/4HANA EAM provides a comprehensive suite of tools and features to streamline and automate these processes. It enables organizations to manage their assets efficiently, reduce operational costs, extend asset lifecycles, and improve overall business performance. The system allows integration with other SAP modules and external systems, providing a holistic view of asset management across the organization.

It’s important to note that while the standard maintenance process provides a structured framework, organizations can customize and adapt it to their specific industry, asset types, and business needs.

4.1.1 Modeling Maintenance Process

Various methods are employed to model the maintenance process (see Figure 4-1), contingent on factors such as the nature of the task, the software ecosystem, and the utilization of pre-existing configurations. When responding to unexpected breakdowns or damage, the reactive maintenance process typically operates more swiftly with minimal planning. Conversely, for routine inspections or maintenance, the proactive maintenance process can be pre-planned and executed to a certain degree automatically.

Figure 4-1
A three-part process flow illustrates the standard on top, phase-based in the middle, and streamlined maintenance process on the bottom.

Model maintenance process

As shown in Figure 4-1, there are three process variations based on diverse needs.

  • Standard process: This method employs conventional notifications and orders. It offers adaptability and can be adjusted for various demands like sudden failures or planned tasks.

  • Phase-based process: This approach features meticulous and refined planning. It encompasses multiple phases and subphases, suitable for use in regulated settings. It can be augmented with preconfigured content if associated Best Practices scope items are implemented.

  • Simplified process: Utilizing a SAPUI5 foundation, this process permits the complete procedure to be executed within a single Fiori app. This version is generally employed for straightforward repair work, where intricate planning isn’t necessary.

The standard maintenance process undergoes the following stages.

  1. 1.

    Create notification. Malfunctions and other requirements are documented within notifications. Notifications are accessible and manageable through the notification list editing.

  2. 2.

    Plan maintenance order. During this stage, orders are generated and scheduled based on reported needs. The planning involves defining necessary steps, required materials, and any pertinent PRTs, such as measurement instruments or cranes.

  3. 3.

    Check and release maintenance order. This stage subjects the order to various checks, including material availability and capacity planning, which are crucial for order release. The system examines permit approval, safety plans, and compliance with work clearance criteria in specific areas. If these checks raise no issues, the order progresses into the processing stage. Typically, shop papers are printed at this juncture.

  4. 4.

    Execute maintenance order. The actual execution of the order occurs here. The necessary materials, even those not initially planned or reserved, are retrieved for the order’s execution.

  5. 5.

    Confirm maintenance order. This stage involves inputting time and technical confirmations into the system.

  6. 6.

    Complete maintenance order. In this stage, the order is marked as technically complete. The order’s settlement by the controlling (CO) department can occur before or after the technical completion. Eventually, the controlling department designates the maintenance order as “business complete.”

4.2 Notification

In SAP EAM, notification is a critical element in the maintenance and service management process. This formal communication within the system indicates a situation that requires attention, action, or response related to assets, equipment, or processes. Notifications can initiate various maintenance activities, such as repairs, inspections, preventive maintenance, and more.

The following are some key points about notifications in SAP EAM.

  • Initiation of work: Notifications are the starting point for maintenance work. When a problem or issue is identified with an asset or equipment, a notification is created to document the issue and trigger the appropriate actions.

  • Information capture: Notifications contain detailed information about the issue or situation, such as the description of the problem, location of the asset, priority, affected equipment, and more. This information helps maintenance teams understand the nature of the issue and respond accordingly.

  • Types of notifications: There are different types of notifications in SAP EAM, including maintenance notifications, service notifications, quality notifications, and more. Each type of notification serves a specific purpose and may follow a different workflow.

  • Workflow and processing: Notifications in SAP EAM typically follow predefined workflows. Once a notification is created, it can be assigned to responsible parties, such as maintenance technicians or teams. The workflow involves assessment, planning, scheduling, execution, and completion of the required maintenance activities.

  • Integration with other processes: Notifications are closely integrated with other processes in SAP EAM, such as work orders, maintenance plans, and purchase requisitions. When a notification requires maintenance work, it can be converted into a work order to ensure the proper execution of tasks.

  • Tracking and reporting: Notifications provide a way to track and monitor the progress of maintenance activities. This data can be used for reporting, analysis, and continuous improvement of maintenance processes.

  • Notification types: Different notification types may have distinct attributes and fields based on their specific purpose. For example, a service notification might include information about a customer issue, while a maintenance notification might focus on an equipment malfunction.

  • Prioritization: Notifications often include a priority designation to help maintenance teams determine the issue’s urgency and prioritize their workload accordingly.

Overall, notifications play a crucial role in SAP EAM by streamlining communication, facilitating efficient maintenance processes, and ensuring that assets and equipment are properly maintained to minimize downtime and optimize performance.

In corporations, the initial step involves generating maintenance needs within the system by creating notifications. This process aims to enhance prioritization and coordination efforts. These notifications must encompass comprehensive data to retain a historical record and facilitate subsequent assessments.

The inception of the corrective maintenance procedure hinges on generating a notification concerning issues such as damage, malfunctions, or modification requests. Generally, this notification pertains to a technical entity and describes the malfunction or requisites. Furthermore, supplementary data can be inputted into the notification to establish a historical record, encompassing factors like damages and causes.

Maintenance tasks can be strategized based on notifications, often leading, though not invariably, to formulating a maintenance order.

4.2.1 Notification Structure

Maintenance notifications (see Figure 4-2) include header data to identify and manage them. This information remains consistent across the entire notification.

Figure 4-2
A flow diagram depicts the maintenance notifications structure. It represents notifications, notification items, activities, and tasks from top to bottom.

Notification structure

Data is entered and maintained in notification items to provide a more detailed account of problems, damages, or activities. Notifications (see Figure 4-3) can consist of multiple items.

Activities within a notification document the work carried out, especially crucial for inspections as they are evidence of completed tasks. Tasks, on the other hand, outline pending activities. This encompasses tasks arising after the maintenance task, such as creating a report. In some cases, tasks can also aid in planning, particularly when order processing is inactive. Different individuals can be designated for notification processing during such instances, and task execution can be monitored over specific timeframes. However, it’s important to note that certain processes, like cost monitoring, material planning, or capacity requirements planning, are not feasible with this type of processing.

The notification interface is customizable, allowing the adjustment of tabbed pages and their content through Customizing to align with specific requirements.

Figure 4-3
A screenshot of the request maintenance notification structure. It includes technical object, type, description, long text, current location, effect, date and time, and reported by.

Request maintenance notification

4.3 Customizing Settings for Notifications

This section describes the Customizing settings for Notifications. Table 4-1 lists and describes IMG Settings for Notifications.

Table 4-1 IMG Settings for Notifications

4.3.1 Catalogs

The catalog finds applications while managing notifications, facilitating the systematic input of outcomes and tasks using codes. This coded approach proves especially valuable for analytical purposes (see Figure 4-4). Within the Plant Maintenance Information System (PMIS), specific predefined analyses exist that leverage these codes for in-depth examination.

Figure 4-4
An illustrative flow diagram presents the catalog structure on the left and the example on the right. The left consists catalog, code group, and code, and the right depicts the damage catalog, mechanical damage, and code.


The following describes the catalog’s features.

  • Catalog: This is an aggregation of code groups united by their content (such as types of damages and their causes).

  • Code groups: These are clusters of codes organized based on their associated content (for instance, damages to vehicles, pumps, and motors or distinctions between mechanical and electrical damage).

  • Codes: These are descriptions encompassing damages, activities, causes of damage, parts of objects, tasks, etc. This approach substantially minimizes the likelihood of inaccurate entries. Codes can serve as the initial stage for workflows and subsequent processes. Standard analyses within the PMIS enable statistical assessments to be conducted.

Within a catalog profile, it’s possible to stipulate the code groups utilized while handling a particular entity. The benefit lies in presenting solely those code groups pertinent to the given entity. Catalog profiles can be linked to either a technical object or a notification type.

4.4 Maintenance Orders

In SAP EAM, a maintenance order is fundamental in planning, executing, and monitoring maintenance activities on assets and equipment. It is a formal document outlining the tasks, resources, materials, and timelines required to perform maintenance work. Maintenance orders play a central role in managing maintenance processes efficiently and effectively.

The following are the key aspects of maintenance orders in SAP EAM.

  • Planning and scheduling: Maintenance orders are created based on notifications, work requests, or maintenance plans. They provide a structured way to plan and schedule maintenance tasks, ensuring that the right resources are allocated and available when needed.

  • Work execution: A maintenance order contains detailed information about the work to be performed, including the scope of tasks, labor requirements, required tools and materials, safety instructions, and other relevant information. This information guides technicians during the execution of maintenance activities.

  • Resource allocation: Maintenance orders allow allocating personnel, equipment, and materials to specific tasks. This ensures the necessary resources are organized and utilized efficiently, reducing downtime and improving productivity.

  • Cost tracking: Maintenance orders facilitate cost tracking by capturing labor hours, materials used, and other expenses incurred during the maintenance process. This data helps organizations analyze maintenance costs and make informed decisions about resource allocation.

  • Status tracking: Throughout the maintenance process, the order’s status is updated to reflect its progress, from planning and scheduling to execution and completion. This real-time status tracking enables better communication and coordination among teams.

  • Integration with notifications: Maintenance orders often originate from notifications. Once a maintenance notification is created and assessed, it can be converted into a maintenance order to initiate the work.

  • Measurement and documentation: Maintenance orders allow for recording measurements, observations, and notes related to the maintenance activities. This documentation helps maintain a historical record of work performed and can be useful for future reference or audits.

  • Follow-up actions: After maintenance work is completed, the order can trigger follow-up actions, such as creating service reports, updating asset history, or generating maintenance history for reporting purposes.

  • Integration with financial processes: Maintenance order data, including costs incurred, can be integrated with financial systems for accurate cost allocation, budgeting, and reporting.

  • Performance evaluation: Analyzing maintenance orders and their associated data enables organizations to evaluate their maintenance strategies’ effectiveness, identify improvement areas, and optimize maintenance processes.

In summary, maintenance orders in SAP EAM provide a structured framework for planning, executing, and managing maintenance tasks. They help organizations streamline their maintenance processes, reduce downtime, manage costs, and maintain assets and equipment to achieve optimal operational performance.

4.4.1 Corrective/Reactive Maintenance Process

The effective execution of maintenance tasks on a technical object necessitates meticulous pre-planning to enhance efficiency and optimize resource utilization. Subsequently, a maintenance order (see Figure 4-5) is orchestrated from a notification, constituting the second phase of the process. Typically, planning activities encompass formulating order operations, predetermined work efforts, and preserving pertinent materials or spare parts.

Figure 4-5
A screenshot of the display maintenance order central header. The details of order, system status and headerdata option are selected.

Display maintenance order

4.4.2 Breakdown Maintenance Process

Breakdown maintenance involves the instantaneous generation and authorization of a maintenance order, condensing the process into a single step right after a malfunction has been reported, often by a production employee. Depending on the procedural model, this step can be done through the SAP GUI (transaction) or via the web (SAP Fiori launchpad or Business Client). Alternatively, the notification can be initiated using a mobile device.

The breakdown maintenance process consists of the following steps.

  1. 1.

    The process initiates with a maintenance order’s inception and a malfunction notification. Subsequently, the maintenance order is set into motion.

  2. 2.

    The execution phase involves retrieving spare parts from inventory and the direct execution of the order.

  3. 3.

    During the completion phase, actual time expended is validated, and technical confirmations are inputted to document the repair and condition of the technical system within the notification.

  4. 4.

    Further into the completion phase, the order (including the notification) reaches technical finality. The order is settled within controlling (CO) and marked as business complete.

4.4.3 Maintenance Order with Notification

The following describes the tools accessible for managing maintenance tasks.

  • Orders serve to strategize maintenance tasks and plan and oversee incurred costs. It’s not obligatory to execute planning functions; orders can also be generated as immediate orders devoid of planning.

  • Notifications are employed to communicate maintenance requisites, document technical findings, and record performed activities. Orders and notifications can be utilized distinctly. Nevertheless, they are frequently integrated to leverage the benefits of both tools, as shown in Figure 4-6.

Figure 4-6
An illustrative data flow of the order and notification. It consists of the planning and cost collection.

Order and notification

In approach A, the initial stage involves crafting a malfunction notification (see Figure 4-7) containing pertinent particulars to delineate the malfunction. Subsequently, a breakdown order is formulated in connection with the malfunction notification. Typically, the order pertains to a technical entity (e.g., a functional location or equipment). In the initial order operation, the malfunction is briefly described.

Figure 4-7
An infographic chart presents the ways to process the maintenance order. It also entails the breakdown on the left and the processing on the right.

Approaches to process maintenance order

Alternatively, approach B shows a breakdown order can be directly initiated alongside a malfunction notification. This method’s advantage lies in the simultaneous display of both the Report and Order tabs on the interface.

4.4.4 Order Structure

Figure 4-8 illustrates the core components of a maintenance order.

Figure 4-8
A chart of the maintenance order structure. It consists of an order header, object lists, operation, material list, production resources and tools, settlement rule, and cost. The solid line denotes the header costing, and the dotted line denotes operation costing.

Maintenance order structure

  • Order header: The order header data includes information for identifying and managing the maintenance order. This data holds throughout the entire order and comprises details like order number, description, order type, scheduled execution dates, task priorities, creator, last modifier, and more.

  • Object list: The object list enumerates the entities to be processed (e.g., functional locations, equipment, assemblies, serial numbers). It is utilized when the same activity needs to be executed across multiple objects of the same kind.

  • Operation: Order operations outline the tasks to be accomplished, the individuals responsible for these tasks, and the guidelines they must adhere to.

  • Materials list (components list): This list records spare parts utilized during order execution.

  • Production resources and tools: Resources such as tools, protective gear, and vehicles that are essential for order execution, are necessary but not consumed as they can be reused.

  • Settlement rule: The settlement rule data specifies the account assignment object for settling costs. The suggested account assignment object comes from the reference object’s master record, which can be changed when the initial settlement rule is established for the order.

  • Cost: The cost view presents the order’s estimated, planned, and actual costs across value categories. Both a technical view and a controlling view are accessible.

The following are options for creating maintenance orders.

  • Scenario 1: Orders can be created with a single operation (quick entry) or more complex planning with multiple operations. Operations can be listed in the order’s operations list.

  • Scenario 2: Direct creation of a maintenance order (e.g., a breakdown order).

  • Scenario 3: Maintenance notification is submitted by a requester, and a maintenance order is then created by the planner referencing the notification.

  • Scenario 4: A maintenance order can feature multiple technical objects in the Object List tab, with individual notifications assigned to each object.

  • Scenario 5: A maintenance order can be generated without referencing a maintenance notification. A technical confirmation in the form of an activity report is created for this order.

  • Scenario 6: A maintenance order can be automatically generated from a maintenance item within a maintenance plan.

4.5 Customizing Settings for Maintenance Order

This section describes the Customizing settings for Maintenance Order. Table 4-2 lists and describes IMG Settings for Maintenance Order.

Table 4-2 IMG Settings for Maintenance Order

4.5.1 Controlling

Let’s compare cost calculations and postings between the header level and the operation level.

By default, the computation of costs for maintenance orders occurs at the header level. However, the operation account assignment (OAA) solution introduces the capability to compute maintenance order costs at the operation level. The summation of header totals is performed dynamically as needed, with no cost storage on the OAA order object database.

Similarly, when it comes to cost postings, conventional practice involves settling costs for maintenance orders at the header level. However, the OAA approach empowers you to post maintenance order costs at the operation level. A maintenance order must adopt either header-based or operation-based costing; a mixed-mode costing approach is not permissible. While certain maintenance order types, such as PM01 and PM02, predominantly employ header-level postings, there arises a need to both compute and post costs at the operation level.

To activate OAA or operation-level costing (OLC), you configure the Customizing settings for a specific combination of maintenance order type and the maintenance planning plant.

It’s crucial to note that an order must unequivocally adopt either header-based or operation-based costing, with mixed-mode costing being infeasible.

Ordinarily, orders subjected to header-based costing automatically generate their settlement rule based on the account data of the reference object present in the order header.

Conversely, orders employing OAA adhere to a similar logic—relying on the reference object within the order header—but each operation creates an individual settlement rule.

In scenarios where a technical object is linked to an operation, the settlement rule for said operation takes its cues from the data associated with this object.

4.5.2 Planning Material and Services

When creating a maintenance order in SAP EAM, you can plan and allocate both internal and external materials and services to ensure the successful execution of maintenance tasks. Let’s look at how to do it.

The following steps address internal materials.

  1. 1.

    In the maintenance order creation screen, navigate to the Materials tab or a similar section dedicated to materials.

  2. 2.

    Select the option to add internal materials.

  3. 3.

    Search for and select the required materials from your organization’s material master or inventory.

  4. 4.

    Specify the quantities and units needed for the maintenance task.

  5. 5.

    Assign the materials to the appropriate order operations if the order contains multiple operations.

  6. 6.

    The system may provide information about the availability of materials based on your organization’s inventory.

The following steps address external services.

  1. 1.

    On the maintenance order creation screen, navigate to the Services tab or an equivalent section.

  2. 2.

    Add external services by searching for the required services using a service catalog or predefined service entries.

  3. 3.

    Provide details such as the service description, quantity, unit of measure, and specific requirements.

  4. 4.

    Assign the services to the relevant order operations if necessary.

The following steps address external materials.

  1. 1.

    External materials are typically handled similarly to internal materials but might require additional procurement steps.

  2. 2.

    You can create a purchase requisition or purchase order to procure the required external materials from vendors.

The following steps address service entry sheets.

  1. 1.

    After the maintenance work is completed and the external services are provided, you can create a service entry sheet to verify the services rendered by external vendors.

  2. 2.

    The service entry sheet confirms the completion of the services and initiates the invoice verification process.

The following steps address integration with procurement.

  1. 1.

    SAP EAM can be integrated with procurement modules like SAP MM (Materials Management) and SAP SRM (Supplier Relationship Management).

  2. 2.

    For external materials and services, the procurement process can involve creating purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and tracking the procurement lifecycle.

The following steps address cost tracking and settlement.

  1. 1.

    By planning and allocating materials and services to maintenance orders, you facilitate accurate cost tracking.

  2. 2.

    After execution, the actual costs incurred for materials and services can be compared to the planned costs.

  3. 3.

    Settlement processes can be used to allocate costs from maintenance orders to cost centers or other relevant accounts.

Finally, let’s address scheduling and availability checks. During the planning phase, the system might perform an availability check as shown in Figure 4-9 to ensure that the required materials are available in stock or can be procured in time. This helps prevent delays due to material shortages.

Figure 4-9
A screenshot of the details of the material availability check. The change material M R P 3 tab is selected with the order setting options mentioned below.

Material availability check

It’s important to note that the specific steps and terminology could vary slightly based on your organization’s SAP EAM configuration and version. Always refer to the documentation and training materials specific to your SAP system for accurate guidance.

4.6 Customizing Settings for Material Planning

This section describes the Customizing settings for Material Planning. Table 4-3 lists and describes IMG Settings for Maintenance Planning.

Table 4-3 IMG Settings for Maintenance Planning

4.6.1 Resource Scheduling for Maintenance Planners

SAP S/4HANA offers an additional feature for scheduling resources, known as SAP S/4HANA Asset Management for Resource Scheduling (RSH), as shown in Figure 4-10.

Figure 4-10
A flow chart depicts the 4 steps in resource scheduling namely plan, finalize, track, and review. Each phase is described in detail, with subfactors listed below.

Resource scheduling steps

The Fiori group titled Resource Scheduling for Maintenance Planner includes the following tiles.

  • Resource Scheduling for Maintenance Planners

  • Schedule Management

  • Maintenance Scheduling Board

  • Allocation of Maintenance Order Operations

  • Schedule Management - Under Review Fiori App

The Fiori Resource Scheduling for Maintenance Planners application provides several functions or cards.

  • Outstanding maintenance orders prioritized by the due date, featuring operations scheduled within the upcoming four weeks

  • Outstanding maintenance orders with operations scheduled within the upcoming four weeks

  • Work center usage based on maintenance plans and order operations

  • Pending maintenance orders with operations concluded over the previous six months

  • Unassigned work

  • Schedules

4.6.2 Utilization Analysis for Work Centers

Within the Utilization Analysis app for work centers, you have the capability to assess the capacity status of your work centers. The utilization chart empowers you to display utilization based on several attributes, including the following.

  • Work center

  • Priority

  • Order type

  • Activity type

  • Processing status

  • Control key

Furthermore, you can perform the following actions within the app.

  • Schedule, modify, and dispatch order operations as well as suboperations

  • Possibility to cancel dispatch operations

  • To balance work center utilization, you can alter the work center assigned to order operations and suboperations

  • Adjust the start date and time for order operations

The app provides the following functionalities.

  • Setting specific start dates for order operations

  • Modification of the processing status of order operations, with visualization through distinct colors

  • Simulation feature for rescheduling planned dates

  • Dispatching of scheduled order operations, incorporating simulated outcomes

  • Availability of multiple views for utilization forecasting, organized according to work centers and days

4.7 Customizing Settings for Order Scheduling

This section describes the Customizing settings for Order Scheduling. Table 4-4 lists and describes IMG Settings for Order Scheduling.

Table 4-4 IMG Settings for Order Scheduling

4.7.1 Checking and Release Maintenance Order

The maintenance planner holds the responsibility of ensuring the timely processing of orders. This entails guaranteeing the availability of materials, generating shop papers, and authorizing orders for further processing.

This phase within the corrective maintenance process encompasses the following actions.

  • Selection of maintenance orders earmarked for execution

  • Examination of material availability

  • Capacity assessment for available resources

  • Assessment and issuance of relevant permits

  • Risk evaluation and formulation of a safety plan

  • Tagging of pertinent areas (applies when using WCM)

  • Release of orders and printing of shop papers

The following are some key aspects.

  • Reviewing outstanding notifications yet to be processed and unassigned to maintenance orders.

  • Analyzing maintenance orders that remain in the planning phase without being released for processing.

  • Assessing unreleased purchase requisitions or purchase orders for non-stock materials essential as spare parts in maintenance orders.

  • Displaying approved purchase requisitions for non-stock materials lacking corresponding purchase orders.

  • Identifying non-stock materials ordered but potentially unavailable by the required date.

  • Evaluating released maintenance orders that have passed their end date but are still awaiting final confirmation.

  • Analyzing confirmed maintenance orders whose stipulated end date falls within the chosen reference period but remain incomplete both technically and from a business standpoint.

The following methods are used for material availability verification.

  • Verification via order list for multiple orders.

  • Verification through a background job for a considerable number of orders.

  • Individual order verification.

For stock materials planned to be used in order operations, the system can conduct a comprehensive availability check in one step. This function, known as the Availability Check, verifies whether all materials in the maintenance order are sufficiently available. Depending on system settings and data entered in material master records, the system carries out an availability check for all materials linked to operations within the maintenance order. The system promptly notifies you of the outcome through an online message. In the event of scarcity, the system presents an error log containing detailed check results.

Upon releasing a maintenance order, the system performs an availability check for planned materials per your customizing configurations. If certain planned materials are insufficiently available, you may release the order if your system settings permit.

Worker safety within EAM involves the following aspects.

  • Ensuring worker safety (Web functions)

  • Integration with the risk management system (GRC)

These functionalities enable the establishment of a secure work environment by stipulating safety protocols (such as protective gear and safety briefings). These protocols can be linked to maintenance order operations. The cumulative effect of all safety protocols associated with a maintenance order constitutes the safety scheme.

4.7.2 Maintenance Order Release

Upon releasing a maintenance order, the system verifies the accessibility of materials, production resources, and tools. Material reservations become pertinent to material planning no later than the release point, facilitating the withdrawal of materials and the initiation of purchase requisitions.

After order release, the following tasks can exclusively be executed.

  • Printing shop papers

  • Material withdrawal

  • Recording goods receipts (GRs)

  • Inputting time confirmations

  • Finalizing the task

4.7.3 Maintenance Order Printing

The act of generating shop papers yields the following outcomes.

  • Job ticket: This document provides a comprehensive overview of the maintenance order for the personnel engaged in the maintenance task. If your system is linked to the document management system (DMS), graphic elements can also be included on the job ticket, such as engineering or design drawings of the pertinent technical system.

  • Operation control ticket: The operation control ticket furnishes the designated maintenance engineer with a comprehensive outline of the maintenance order, incorporating permit information.

  • Material pick list: The material pick list guides the warehouse clerk in identifying the materials designated for each operation within the order.

  • Object list: The object list presents an inclusive view of the technical objects and notifications involved in the order.

  • Time ticket: For operations adhering to the specific control key, the time ticket encompasses the standard time and duration for the order operations. It is produced only when manual workers are involved, and each worker’s time required for executing the operation is recorded on the ticket.

  • Completion confirmation slip: Utilized by workers, this slip serves as a record of their work times.

  • Material issue slip: Issued to the maintenance workers, this slip authorizes the retrieval of necessary materials from the warehouse. A separate material issue slip is printed for each material component.

  • Delta printing: Through delta printing, all unprinted shop papers for a maintenance order can be generated collectively. This functionality is applicable only if the required Customizing setting is configured by your system administration. The outcomes of delta printing encompass.

    • Display of new operations (those not previously printed) on the job ticket and operation control ticket.

    • Printing of time tickets only if they haven’t yet been marked as Printed.

    • Printing of components solely if they haven’t been previously printed on a component slip, such as the material withdrawal slip.

    • Identification of printouts as delta printouts. Once shop papers are printed for a maintenance order, the system automatically designates the order status as Printed and generates a print log.

  • Print log usage: The print log serves to determine the following.

    • Shop papers already printed for a given maintenance order

    • Initiator of the printing process

    • Timing of the print activities

  • Internal Transaction (IW3D): An internal transaction (IW3D) exists for employees who possess the printing capability for orders but lack authorization to modify the overall order.

4.8 Customizing Settings for Maintenance Order Printing

This section describes the Customizing settings for Maintenance Order Printing. Table 4-5 lists and describes IMG Settings for Maintenance Order Printing.

Table 4-5 IMG Settings for Maintenance Order Printing

4.8.1 Execute Maintenance Orders

During the corrective maintenance process’s implementation stage, spare parts are retrieved from the warehouse, and the actual order execution takes place. Manual workers access materials from the warehouse to conduct maintenance activities.

Two withdrawal approaches exist.

  • Intended retrieval of stock materials

  • Unscheduled retrieval of stock materials

Alternatively, materials can be obtained externally. The movement of goods for a maintenance order is traceable within the order’s document flow. To assess the planned and unplanned withdrawals for a material, the material’s usage list (IW13) is available for reference.

4.8.2 Confirming Notifications and Orders

Before a maintenance task can be considered technically concluded, the input of working times is registered in the time confirmation, and details encompassing activities, damages, and causes of damage are logged in the technical confirmation. Figure 4-11 shows the confirmation screen.

Figure 4-11
A screenshot of the S A P initial screen to enter the P M order confirmation.

Enter confirmation

4.8.3 Time Confirmation

There are various methods to validate the time needed for work on a maintenance order.

  • Collective input through direct entry or operation list utilization

  • Comprehensive completion confirmation for times, activities, measurement values, etc., via a combined interface

  • Entry facilitated by the cross-application time sheet (CATS)

Upon inputting completion confirmations for operations or suboperations within a maintenance order, the system automatically designates a partially confirmed (PCNF) status for these operations or suboperations. The Configuration settings under Customizing can trigger an automatic proposal for final completion confirmation instead. Once all operations or suboperations within a maintenance order receive full confirmation, the order itself attains a finally confirmed (CNF) status. The possibility of errant assignment or incorrect data entry for completion confirmations exists. Therefore, the system permits the reversal of completion confirmations when necessary. If multiple orders, each with multiple operations, are confirmed with errors, a mass reversal can be executed from the confirmation list (transaction IW47).

Activities conducted as maintenance notifications can be recorded using the activity report notification type and linked to the corresponding order. Alternatively, confirmation texts can be entered along with time confirmations. However, confirmation texts might lack the same structural organization and analytical ease as activity reports. Measurement values and counter readings are input as measurement documents for the reference object. Technicians employ the confirmation list to validate their orders, often employing a preset query (referred to as a selection variant) that typically employs the operation’s work center as a selection criterion. The confirmation list furnishes two confirmation methods.

  • Confirm as Planned is direct confirmation without additional processing steps (Confirm function).

  • Confirm by Entering/Adjusting Actual Times allows editing and confirmation of actual times (Edit and Confirm function).

4.9 Customizing Settings for Completion Confirmations

This section describes the Customizing settings for completion confirmations. Table 4-6 lists and describes IMG Settings for Completions Confirmations.

Table 4-6 IMG Settings for Completions Confirmations

4.9.1 Technical Confirmation

When maintaining technical objects, the most comprehensive technical findings serve as the foundation for subsequent evaluations. Technical findings can encompass the following details.

  • Causes of damage

  • Performed work (activities and tasks)

  • Specific damages and their locations

  • Equipment downtimes and system availability during and post-maintenance (system availability)

Technical findings can be recorded either within the malfunction report (which constitutes the basis of the order, if present) or within an activity report created after the order’s establishment. Upon completing the maintenance notification, data is transferred to the notification history. This history forms a component of the maintenance record, housing information pertinent to each technical object (e.g., damage, malfunctions, causes, findings, and performed maintenance work).

4.9.2 Complete Notifications and Orders

Once a maintenance task is confirmed, both the order and the notification are subsequently marked as completed. The process of order completion consists of two distinct stages: technical completion and business completion.

  • Technical completion: A maintenance order is considered technically complete when there are no further tasks left to be fulfilled from a maintenance standpoint.

  • Settlement and business completion: The Controlling function is responsible for settling maintenance orders and designating them as business complete. This signifies the final step within the corrective maintenance business process. The range of permissible business processes available is notably limited.

  • Technical completion and order: For the technical completion of a maintenance order, the following options are available.

    • Completing the maintenance order and notification individually

    • Simultaneously completing the maintenance order along with the associated notifications

Upon completing the maintenance order, its status is altered to TECO (technically completed). Essentially, this denotes fulfilling all maintenance-related tasks outlined by the order. Once a maintenance order achieves the TECO status, further modifications can only be made in specific ways, including the following.

  • Locking or unlocking the order

  • Applying a deletion flag

  • Entering confirmations, invoicing receipts, and outstanding goods movements

  • Modifying the settlement rule

If no settlement rule has been established for the maintenance order, the system automatically generates one. In cases where data is insufficient for this process, the system guides you to the point where you can create the settlement rule. Any purchase requisitions lacking corresponding purchase orders are flagged for deletion. Open reservations and capacities are likewise closed. Business Completion

In SAP maintenance orders, business completion signifies the comprehensive fulfillment of all tasks, resources, and objectives outlined within the order, validating successful execution, and enabling accurate performance evaluation and historical documentation. This milestone ensures operational efficiency and informed decision-making for future maintenance endeavors. Technical Completion Data and Notification

During technical completion, a reference date and time must be provided, contingent on the periods assigned to the order in the PMIS. This reference date does not impact the determination of location and account assignment data; these details are established based on the order’s creation date.

If, for instance, there are changes to the equipment’s cost center during order processing, the Update Reference Object Data entry in the context menu can be utilized to effect these changes.

The maintenance history incorporates order data, data from maintenance notifications, and usage histories. This collective data pool serves for retrospective assessment of past work and the formulation of future.

To conclude both the order and notification together, there must be no pending tasks within the notification. If outstanding tasks (marked as OSTS) are present in a notification, completion is hindered until these tasks are resolved. The order linked to the notification can be completed even in the presence of outstanding tasks, as these tasks might not necessarily pertain to the performed order (a new order could be needed in certain instances). The notification status is updated to NOCO (notification completed) upon completion.

Reversing the TECO status is feasible, should the need arise. Reverting a technical completion restores the order to its status before technical completion, recalibrates capacity requirements and reservations, and resets the deletion indicator for unconverted purchase requisitions. Completing a Notification

Before finalizing a maintenance notification, several factors should be considered.

  • Availability and accuracy of data pertaining to the notification’s reference object

  • Availability and accuracy of relevant item data

  • Availability and accuracy of pertinent task data

  • Completion or release of all tasks without any outstanding items

  • Availability and accuracy of technical data related to the technical object’s breakdown and availability

Upon the completion of a maintenance notification, the following consequences ensue.

  • The reference date and time define the periods assigned to the notification in PMIS.

  • The maintenance notification becomes locked for alterations, rendering further changes to notification data impossible.

  • The notification status is updated to NOCO.

4.10 Simplified Maintenance Process

Malfunction Reporting and Repair

This application assists maintenance technicians throughout the breakdown, guiding them from the initial stages to the conclusion in a responsive design, as shown in Figure 4-12.

Figure 4-12
A chart with a screengrab depicts the report and repair malfunction. The home page denotes the employee, organization, technical objects, notification, and corrective maintenance.

Report and repair malfunction

The following are the supported steps in the process.

  1. 1.

    Generate a malfunction report encompassing all necessary and pertinent information.

  2. 2.

    Locate pre-existing malfunction records within a comprehensive list.

  3. 3.

    Strategize the repair process, considering all required resources.

    1. a.

      Work items designated to the responsible work center

    2. b.

      Spare parts needed for the repair task

  4. 4.

    Document and confirm the repair work.

  5. 5.

    Finalize the malfunction report.

The following explains how to create a malfunction report.

  1. 1.

    Identify the affected technical object.

  2. 2.

    Access technical object details by navigating to the master data or the Asset Viewer.

  3. 3.

    Review a list of recently generated malfunction reports concerning the relevant technical object.

  4. 4.

    Draft a detailed description of the issue using an extended text.

  5. 5.

    Specify the present location of the technical object.

  6. 6.

    Choose an effect from the drop-down menu to evaluate the significance of the repair work, such as its impact on safety or environmental compliance.

  7. 7.

    Utilize the camera icon to capture an image of the damage, which is automatically linked to the notification (applicable only on mobile devices).

  8. 8.

    Include a URL for supplementary information.

The following explains how to plan the repair work.

  1. 1.

    Allocate responsibilities to tasks.

  2. 2.

    Define new work items or modify existing ones.

  3. 3.

    Attach spare parts to the designated work items.

  4. 4.

    Add work items.

    1. a.

      Input the corresponding work center.

    2. b.

      Specify the responsible person for task completion.

    3. c.

      Describe the nature of the work to be conducted.

    4. d.

      Estimate the required time.

  5. 5.

    Assign spare parts for the repair work.

    1. a.

      Search within the technical object’s bill of materials.

    2. b.

      Browse a list of recently used parts commonly required for repairs on this technical object.

    3. c.

      Utilize a comprehensive search encompassing all materials.

    4. d.

      Evaluate whether the material is available at a suitable storage location.

The following steps address repairing malfunctions in the My Jobs List.

  1. 1.

    Display a comprehensive list of all tasks assigned to you or your team.

  2. 2.

    Configure the display of jobs within the work list.

    • Mine only: Tasks linked to your number

    • My team’s only: Tasks for other technicians within your work center

    • Mine and my team’s: All tasks for your work center technicians

    • To be assigned in my team: Unassigned tasks within your work center

  3. 3.

    Apply filters to narrow down the scope of the list based on factors like status or priority.

    In Material Provisioning

    • Inventory Manager executes the goods issuance of the reserved material.

    • Maintenance Technician displays the barcode.

The following explains how to document and confirm work.

  1. 1.

    Validate the malfunction duration.

    1. a.

      Confirm the start of the malfunction.

    2. b.

      Determine the end of the malfunction.

    3. c.

      Indicate whether the machine experienced a breakdown.

  2. 2.

    Record malfunction details.

    1. a.

      Specify the impacted object parts.

    2. b.

      Select relevant damage codes.

    3. c.

      Include cause codes accompanied by explanations.

    4. d.

      Enter executed activities.

  3. 3.

    Confirm job details.

    1. a.

      Initiate the job.

    2. b.

      Pause the job with the reasons provided.

    3. c.

      Captured job time is proposed for use.

    4. d.

      Confirm the work item.

The Comprehensive Status - An Innovative Status Concept

  • Reveals the specific phase of individual tasks

  • Chronicles the advancement of the complete malfunction report

  • Merges system status and user status into a unified overall status

4.11 Phase-Based Maintenance Process

A holistic phase-based process facilitates technical object maintenance. This comprehensive phase-based procedure provides invaluable support in managing technical objects’ maintenance. The process encompasses the treatment of maintenance requests and orders across nine distinct phases, as shown in Figure 4-13.

Figure 4-13
A phase-based maintenance data model diagram. From left to right, it outlines the initiation, screening, planning, approval, preparation, scheduling, execution, post-execution, and closure.

Phase-based maintenance

For both reactive maintenance and proactive maintenance order types, additional planning, approval, preparation, scheduling, and execution steps are executed, all reflected in supplementary system statuses.

The maintenance process accommodates the following order types.

  • Reactive maintenance empowers you to conduct maintenance on technical objects when a breakdown or malfunction occurs. This approach minimizes asset downtime, enhancing productivity.

  • Proactive maintenance enables preemptive measures to avert asset failures or breakdowns. Implementing preventive maintenance and proactive strategies ensures optimal asset utilization and availability. This results in improved asset performance and cost reduction by curtailing breakdowns.

4.11.1 Phases

For both the reactive maintenance and proactive maintenance order types, an enriched series of planning, approval, preparation, scheduling, and execution phases occur, manifesting in supplemental system statuses.

The first phases are initiation and screening.

  • Initiation phase: Maintenance requests are created for technical objects, such as equipment or functional locations, facilitated by the Create Maintenance Request app. All essential data is input for screening, processing, planning, and execution of the request. Attachments and links can be included. Open requests are presented for review until submission.

    Prioritization is achieved by selecting from a priority list or evaluating priority based on consequence categories, consequences, and likelihoods. This assessment requires maintained prioritization profiles for a combination of maintenance plant and notification type. Upon request submission, the latest draft is accessible in the My Maintenance Requests app, categorized based on processing statuses.

  • Screening phase: Submitted maintenance requests progress to the screening phase, where screening and acceptance occur. Supervisors review open maintenance requests through the Screen Maintenance Requests App. Inadequate information can prompt the return of the request to the initiator. Upon the provision of necessary details, supervisors review the request once more. The app groups maintenance requests according to their statuses.

The next phases involve planning, approval, preparation, and scheduling.

  • Planning phase: Upon acceptance, a maintenance request transitions into the planning phase, becoming a maintenance notification. As a maintenance planner, you can create and plan orders. The planning phase includes creating orders requiring cost approval based on configuration. Workflow steps for approval are applicable based on the order type’s configuration. Workflow approval can be automatic or manual, affecting the order’s progression. Orders can be submitted for approval through various apps. The Preparation phase follows approval, enabling the division of maintenance effort, resource, and material planning.

  • Approval phase: Maintenance order approval involves a flexible workflow process managed through the Manage Workflows for Maintenance Orders app. Workflow configuration includes step conditions, sequences, and approvers. Workflow steps with true conditions are executed, leading to order approval or rejection. Approved orders can be released, progressing to the Preparation phase.

  • Preparation phase: Orders approved for execution enter the preparation phase, where resources, spare parts, and services are coordinated. This phase ensures efficient workload distribution and availability checks. Subsequently, orders proceed to the scheduling phase.

  • Scheduling phase: Orders are dispatched for execution, signifying readiness. Resource Scheduling, available with an additional license, can be used to manage specific work centers. Material availability checks can be conducted through various apps.

The final phases are execution, post-execution, and completion.

  • Execution phase: In this phase, maintenance technicians execute tasks. Preliminary (PRE) and main (MAIN) operations are typically performed in this phase. After task completion, the order’s status is updated to Main Work Completed.

  • Post-execution phase: Technicians conduct post-execution tasks, such as time recording, malfunction detail preparation, and confirmation. Supervisors review failure data and approve orders for technical completion, which leads to the Completion phase.

  • Completion phase: This phase entails comprehensive review, financial settlement, and eventual business completion of the maintenance orders. This phase concludes the maintenance process, achieving a closed order status. Phase Control Codes

Phase control codes are employed to regulate phase transitions. By activating a phase control code to block a specific phase in a maintenance order, the phase transition is disallowed until the corresponding code is deactivated. These codes can be activated for both order headers and operations.

4.12 Customizing Settings for a Phase-Based Maintenance Process

This section describes the Customizing settings for a phase-based maintenance process. Table 4-7 lists and describes IMG Settings for Phase-Based Maintenance Process.

Table 4-7 IMG Settings for Phase-Based Maintenance Process

4.13 SAP GUI Maintenance Process

Your organization aims to introduce asset management using SAP S/4HANA and has chosen to collaborate with SAP GUI for the user interface, opting for it instead of web-based UIs. You want to understand the process of generating notifications and orders through the conventional SAP GUI user interface.

4.13.1 Performing Maintenance Tasks through SAP GUI

From a procedural standpoint, the sequential stages for planning and executing maintenance tasks in SAP GUI mirror those in web-based interfaces. However, SAP GUI transactions stand apart from web applications not only in terms of user interface but sometimes also in functionality.

Therefore, delving into the SAP GUI-centric process is valuable, especially for proficient users or application consultants primarily engaged in backend activities like master data creation or system configuration.

The following sections briefly outline the procedure for planning and executing a maintenance task via SAP GUI, occasionally highlighting specific functions exclusively accessible through SAP GUI.

4.13.2 Order Hierarchies

Maintenance orders can be organized in a hierarchical structure. Subsequent orders can be generated in relation to an existing maintenance order using a dedicated transaction. The initial order crafted becomes the apex node of the hierarchy and is referred to as the main order.

An order hierarchy can prove immensely useful when disparate work centers collaborate on the same maintenance task while necessitating separate cost considerations and processing.

To create a sub-order for an existing main order, you can employ transaction IW36.

4.13.3 Material Planning

Within the scope of a maintenance order, you can select spare parts directly from a 3D model utilizing the SAP 3D Visual Enterprise viewer. This process necessitates linking the appropriate document, categorized as document type SP.

SAP Visual Enterprise Author assigns valid material numbers to the model’s spare parts.

When a valid SAP material number cannot be identified, it becomes unfeasible to associate the spare part with the spare part list.

Access to the graphical representation is possible through the Operations tab and the operation-specific details when utilizing SAP GUI transactions within the maintenance order. In the task list, the VE-Viewer button is accessible via the component overview, serving as a gateway to display the visual representation of the spare parts.

4.13.4 Visual Task Lists

Visual task lists depict sequential work processes founded on a document featuring an animated 3D file (RH file). This sequence of operational steps can be presented comprehensively through the Visual Enterprise Viewer or in a step-by-step manner.

Within maintenance orders and task lists, each operation can be linked to a visual task list (on either the operation screen or the operation-specific detail screen). Upon successfully linking a visual task list at the operation level to the maintenance order or task list, the task list’s content can be played and viewed.

4.13.5 Material Availability Verification

When scheduling stock materials for order operations, the system can perform a comprehensive check to determine whether all required materials within the maintenance order are available in sufficient quantities. The Availability Check function fulfills this task.

Depending on the system configurations and the data entered in material master records, the system conducts an availability check for all materials linked to the operations in the maintenance order. The outcome of this check is communicated to you through an automated online message. In cases where materials are insufficiently available, the system generates an error log containing detailed information about the check’s outcome.

Upon releasing a maintenance order, the system can execute an availability check for planned materials, subject to your customized settings. If the check reveals that certain planned materials lack enough, it’s possible to proceed with order release based on your system’s settings.

The material availability list furnishes insights into the availability of materials planned for an order.

  • For non-stock items, this list informs whether the planned goods receipt (GR) date aligns with the operation’s earliest or latest start date. It also provides reasons for any potential inability to meet the GR deadline.

  • In the case of stock items, the quantity is determined and confirmed as available or unavailable through the material availability check.

In SAP S/4HANA, an additional transaction, IW38A, is available for performing a material availability check.


The list presents valid material availability data based on available system records. It doesn’t display simulation data used for calculating appropriate start dates.

You also have the option to mark specific order components as irrelevant for planning. This signifies that no reservation or purchase requisition is generated for such components.

The material availability list can be initiated within an order or from the order list editing function. If accessed from the list editing function, the list can be displayed at various summarization levels, including order level, orders with operations, and material items.

4.13.6 Capacity Planning

Capacity planning within the SAP system empowers you to regulate and supervise the capacity load across your various workshops, facilitating the synchronization of capacity supply with demand. The maintenance work center (workshop) defines the capacity supply in the master record, while the planned maintenance orders serve as indicators of capacity demand.

Capacity planning encompasses the following components.

  • Capacity evaluation

  • Capacity leveling

During capacity evaluation, the capacity requirements are compared to the available capacity, which is what is accessible per working day and is maintained within the maintenance work center.

Capacity requirement delineates the capacity demanded by orders at a specific point in time.

Capacity leveling aims to equalize exceeded and unutilized capacities of work centers, enabling optimal utilization of employees, machinery, and appropriate resource selection.

In addition to capacity planning for maintenance work centers (workshops), detailed planning at the individual level is achievable. When planning at this level, individuals can be scheduled and organized based on a graphical or tabular planning board, facilitated through integration with human capital management (HCM), which provides data like qualifications and attendance records.

4.13.7 Worker Safety

Worker safety encompasses various aspects.

  • Permits

  • Worker Safety (web functions)

  • Integration with Risk Management System (GRC)

  • Work Clearance Management (WCM)

4.13.8 Permits

Order release can also be contingent upon permits to adhere to health and safety regulations and oversee order processing. Permits can be automatically assigned to the order header based on predefined criteria, determining order release timing.

Technical permits, like welding permits, are manually assigned to technical objects and aren’t classified. When an order is generated for the technical object, these permits are copied to the order and can influence release based on specific settings.

Process-oriented permits are automatically determined based on order header attributes, such as planned costs, potentially influencing order release. This automatic determination hinges on permit classification.

4.13.9 Work Clearance Management

Essential maintenance tasks on technical objects require implementing safety measures before execution, ensuring a secure working environment. These measures include lockout/tagout, fire protection, and radiation protection.

Work Clearance Management (PM-WCM) oversees these safety measures, ensuring safe working conditions for maintenance staff, compliance with environmental regulations, and technical system reliability.

4.13.10 External Services

In maintenance orders, external operations are initiated by assigning control key PM02. The description of the external service is integrated into the order operation as a long text. Planning external services generates a purchase requisition in the background, which the purchasing department converts into a purchase order.

External services aren’t confirmed with time entries; instead, GR for the purchase order serves as confirmation. The service is assigned the value of the purchase price, entered in financial accounting. The debiting of the maintenance order with this value is recorded in financial accounting.

Within the maintenance order, the external processing screen for each operation indicates whether a GR has been posted for the purchase order (PO), displaying the posted GR quantity.

Vendor invoices typically follow deliveries, with offsetting entries recorded in a goods receipt/invoice receipt clearing account (GR/IR clearing account), automatically adjusted upon invoice receipt. Any discrepancies between PO and invoice values are adjusted in order.

4.13.11 Technical Confirmation

Detailed technical findings during maintenance activities form the basis for subsequent evaluations. These findings encompass details like the cause of damage, executed tasks, exact damage location, machine downtimes, and system availability.

Technical findings can be recorded in the malfunction report (if applicable) or an activity report post-order creation. Upon completing the maintenance notification, the system transfers data to the notification history, containing information about each technical object’s damage, malfunctions, causes, findings, and performed maintenance work. The TECO status can be reversed as needed.

4.13.12 Document Flow

The document flow overviews all document types generated during order processing, including notifications, time confirmations, goods issue/receipt, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, quotations, service entry sheets, and invoices.

4.13.13 Action Log

The action log chronologically documents changes to notifications, orders, equipment, and functional locations. It offers insights into who altered data or statuses in various fields and when. Activating change document creation for relevant objects is a prerequisite for using this function.

4.14 Refurbishment Maintenance Process

Your company possesses valuable components that aren’t viable for internal repair or restoration. As a result, you intend to dispatch them to a service company staffed by qualified experts for refurbishment. Concurrently, you aim to maintain constant visibility into the condition and status of these components. Hence, you need to comprehend the external refurbishment process for spare parts, as shown in Figure 4-14.

Figure 4-14
A flow diagram of the maintenance planner at the top and the storage manager at the bottom. The steps include the refurbishment order creation for faulty material, issue of faulty material, return repaired, order confirmation, and work order.

Refurbishment process

Refurbishing valuable components encompasses the following.

  • Derived from a designated inventory

  • Forwarded to an external subcontractor

  • Initiated by a maintenance directive

  • Interlinked with Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and procurement

The merits of refurbishment encompass the following.

  • Enhanced identification of faulty components

  • Closer integration of Materials Management and Plant Maintenance

  • Distinct inventory for externally processed components

  • Fusion of subcontracting with procurement

  • Inclusion of serial numbers within purchase orders

4.14.1 External Refurbishment through Subcontracting

Subcontracting involves sending refurbishment parts to external subcontractors with or without serial numbers. A service provider obtains a part (also known as a rotable) from a client for upkeep or repair. Initially, the service provider incorporates the defective part into its inventory. Subsequently, it conducts internal repair or forwards the part to another subcontractor for refurbishment, repair, or maintenance. Upon completion of the work, the subcontractor returns the part to the service provider, who then returns it to the customer.

The genesis of the external refurbishment process can be traced to the rotables and subcontracting business process within the aerospace and defense industry solution. Various process variations are available. From a maintenance perspective, the external refurbishment process is activated through a refurbishment order.

The following explains the process of subcontracting with a direct order reference.

  1. 1.

    Initiation involves generating a maintenance order with subcontracting as the target, accompanied by a subcontracting task featuring the relevant part and material provision indicator.

  2. 2.

    The subcontracting task bears the characteristics of an external activity (control key PM02) with a subcontracting flag. This task leads to creating a purchase requisition upon order saving or release.

  3. 3.

    The PO is formulated in the purchasing department, referencing the purchase requisition from the maintenance order. The PO contains the serial number (the defective unit), any other necessary spare parts, and a specification of the expected state (batch) upon delivery.

  4. 4.

    The subcontracting monitor facilitates the creation of a delivery associated with the PO. Following this, a goods issue (GI) is recorded concerning the delivery. Once the GI is logged, the defective component is physically transferred to the service partner. This component is stored within a distinct inventory in the system (material provision to the vendor), ensuring its visibility during external refurbishment.

  5. 5.

    Repair is undertaken either by the service partner or its subcontractor.

  6. 6.

    The GR for the refurbished component is logged in the spare parts warehouse using a new valuation type.

  7. 7.

    The refurbished component is now ready for use. A maintenance order pertaining to subcontracting is marked as technically complete. Subcontracting via MRP with Indirect Order Reference

Subcontracting facilitated by MRP is based on separate inventory management in different storage locations. In this scenario, faulty parts are housed in a dedicated inventory linked to their corresponding state. The storage location for defective parts is designated as irrelevant to MRP. The material master contains a subcontracting special procurement indicator. When regular stock is insufficient, MRP can opt for either conventional procurement or subcontracting.

In a subcontracting scenario, parts are sourced from the defective parts inventory.

  1. 1.

    The maintenance order serves as an indirect trigger for subcontracting. Although it lacks a direct subcontracting task, it outlines a routine maintenance activity associated with the spare part.

  2. 2.

    The reservation initiated by the maintenance order results in stock shortfall.

  3. 3.

    MRP’s planning process generates a planned order. This order can be transformed into a purchase requisition/purchase order or an internal refurbishment order. The planned PO features a subcontracting item linked to the defective unit.

  4. 4.

    The subcontracting monitor aids in creating and selecting a delivery for the PO. A goods issue (GI) is then recorded for the delivery. Subsequently, the defective component is physically transferred to the service partner. This component remains in a specialized inventory within the system (material provision to the vendor), ensuring its visibility during the external refurbishment process.

  5. 5.

    The service partner or its subcontractor performs the repair.

  6. 6.

    The GR for the refurbished component is registered in the spare parts warehouse, utilizing a new valuation type.

  7. 7.

    The revitalized component is now available for use. The maintenance order related to subcontracting is marked as technically completed.

4.15 Preventive Maintenance Process

To minimize downtime and reduce maintenance expenses, it’s imperative to regularly inspect and uphold the technical systems within a company. This underscores the importance of grasping the preventive maintenance process (see Figure 4-15).

Figure 4-15
An infographic classification chart represents the 4 preventive maintenance namely time, performance, condition, and predictive.

Various types of preventive maintenance

Preventive maintenance can be classified into the following four distinct categories.

  • Time-based: Within time-based preventive maintenance, maintenance tasks are initiated following the passage of a specified duration. For instance, every six months.

  • Performance-based: In performance-based preventive maintenance, maintenance tasks are initiated upon reaching a specific performance level (counter reading); for instance, after every 10,000 km.

  • Condition-based: This type of preventive maintenance triggers maintenance tasks when a condition deviates from a predetermined value range. For example, when thread depth falls below 15 mm or temperature exceeds 85°C.

  • Predictive maintenance: Also known as machine control, it is cloud-based and real-time, utilizing collected data to anticipate machine failures (IoT applications). The preventive maintenance process encompasses the planning and execution of periodic inspection and maintenance activities.

The steps within the preventive maintenance process are outlined as follows.

  1. 1.

    The task list delineates the process steps to be executed, which can either be reliant on the specific object or independent thereof.

  2. 2.

    A maintenance plan is generated for the object, automatically generating orders, notifications, and service entry sheets in alignment with designated guidelines.

  3. 3.

    Scheduling is responsible for regularly calling up orders, notifications, and service entry sheets while recalculating planned dates.

  4. 4.

    The maintenance order is automatically generated by scheduling the maintenance plan and is recorded within the order list for subsequent processing alongside other orders.

  5. 5.

    Technical completion marks the order and its corresponding planned date within the maintenance plan as concluded. This date of technical completion plays a role in calculating the next planned date within the maintenance plan. Further insights into preventive maintenance are covered in the upcoming unit.

4.16 Inspection Checklists

Checklists find frequent utility in Plant Maintenance for executing inspections and assessments of assets. These checklists also carry the weight of legally binding documentation.

The inspection checklist process represents a comprehensive cycle encompassing the creation of inspection plans, recording results, and follow-up steps within Plant Maintenance.

Given that inspections are conducted at regular intervals, maintenance orders are initiated based on predefined maintenance plans. The initiation of an inspection checklist linked to a maintenance order occurs under the following triggers.

  • Classification data allocated to a technical object along with an inspection plan

  • Checklist type associated with a maintenance order operation

Quality Management (QM) inspection lots are established and matched with the corresponding inspection checklists during the inspection checklist process.

By configuring the inspection checklist process within your system, you benefit from streamlined efforts in maintaining master data and executing operational tasks.

To facilitate a recurring checklist process, you must regularly establish the following master data components.

  • PM Technical Object

  • PM Work Center

  • PM Maintenance Plan

  • PM Task List

  • QM Inspection Plan

Inspections are predicated on work orders, which are automatically generated through maintenance planning. Matching the inspection plan’s classification characteristics occurs with the technical object classification and the maintenance order operation’s checklist type (or with business add-ins).

  • Generating object lists: Upon or after creating a Plant Maintenance (PM) work order, an object list can be created from the order’s header object and objects from the maintenance plan item. Subsequently, during inspection checklist generation, all technical objects within the order’s object list are examined for congruent inspection plans.

  • Manual generation in maintenance order transactions: The Generate button on the Objects tab in transactions like IW31 or IW32 can manually create an object list based on a reference object. After manually generating the object list, press the Generation Log button to display new or removed objects.

  • Automatic generation when saving a maintenance order: When a maintenance order is generated using transaction IW31 and specific criteria (order type and plant) configured for the inspection checklist process are met, an object list is automatically created upon order save.

  • Automatic generation when scheduling a maintenance plan: If a maintenance order originates from a maintenance plan and relevant criteria are met, an object list is generated automatically when the order is saved.

  • Generating inspection checklists and inspection lots: Inspection checklists can be created manually or automatically. To generate inspection checklists, certain prerequisites must be met.

    • An object list must be generated, and the OLGE (object list generated) system status must be set at the order header level.

    • The classification characteristic of the inspection plan must align with the checklist type of the maintenance order operation.

    • The inspection plan and the technical object must share the same class name.

    • During checklist generation, the system scans for matching values of classification characteristics in the QM inspection plan and the technical object.

    Based on the located inspection plan, new inspection lots are formed and presented on the Checklists tab. The inspection lot origin is set as 89 by default, with the material number of the inspection plan transferred to the inspection lot.

  • Inspection checklist results recording: Transaction IW91 (Checklists: Result Overview) can be used to view inspection checklist results. The results can be displayed at different levels.

    • Inspection characteristics

    • Inspection lots

    • Order operations

    • Technical objects

    The ability to include or exclude deactivated checklists in the results list is provided, and navigation from the results list to corresponding display transactions is possible.

  • Closing inspection checklists and maintenance orders: Using the results list in transaction IW91, navigation to transactions QA13 (Display Usage Decision) and QA11 (Record Usage Decision) can be done to view or record the usage decision for an inspection lot. This is achieved by selecting the glasses icon or pen icon in the Usage Decision column.

  • Transaction IW93 (Checklists: Collective Usage Decisions) enables collective usage decisions, along with follow-up actions like creating measurement documents.

In closing, setting a usage decision triggers follow-up actions defined in Customizing for the selected maintenance orders and inspection lots.

4.17 Mobile Maintenance

In SAP S/4HANA EAM, Asset Manager and Work Manager are mobile applications designed to enhance asset management and work execution processes. These applications enable users to perform various tasks, inspections, and maintenance activities while being mobile, thereby increasing efficiency and effectiveness. However, there are differences in terms of their focus and functionalities.

4.17.1 SAP Asset Manager

SAP Asset Manager is a next-generation, asset-centric mobile application that is tightly integrated with the SAP S/4HANA digital core and SAP Business Technology Platform. It is available for both iOS and Android platforms. The primary focus of SAP Asset Manager is on managing and maintaining assets in a more efficient and streamlined manner. It offers features that allow users to do the following.

  • View and manage technical objects/assets

  • Perform inspections, readings, and measurements related to assets

  • Create and manage work orders for maintenance, repairs, and service tasks

  • Handle notifications for unexpected events or issues related to assets

  • Record time spent on different tasks

  • Manage spare parts and components needed for maintenance tasks

  • Utilize maps for geolocation and tracking

  • Access and view relevant documents and attachments

SAP Asset Manager provides a user-friendly interface with integration to native device features, offering a holistic solution for managing assets, maintenance, and related processes on the go.

The following are the prerequisites to implement SAP Asset Manager.

  • SAP S/4HANA on-premises 1610 FPS01 or higher

  • Implementation of SAP S/4HANA Asset Management

  • SAP Business Technology Platform

  • macOS development environment

  • iPads for deployment of the mobile app

4.17.2 SAP Work Manager

SAP Work Manager is an application for mobile asset management that evolved from the former Syclo Work Manager. It is also available for both on-premise and cloud editions. While SAP Asset Manager focuses on a broader range of asset-related activities, SAP Work Manager specifically targets work order management and execution. Users can utilize SAP Work Manager to do the following.

  • Receive, manage, and execute work orders

  • View detailed task lists and instructions for work orders

  • Capture time and labor details

  • Record completed tasks and update task statuses

  • Request and manage spare parts and materials for work orders

  • Access relevant documents and attachments for work orders

  • Perform follow-up actions on work orders

4.17.3 Key Differences

The main difference between SAP Asset Manager and SAP Work Manager lies in their focus and scope of functionality.

  • SAP Asset Manager offers a broader range of capabilities, encompassing asset management, inspections, readings, maintenance, notifications, and more. It’s suitable for users who need to manage various aspects of assets beyond just executing work orders.

  • SAP Work Manager is more narrowly focused on work order management and execution. It caters specifically to users responsible for carrying out tasks and activities outlined in work orders, such as maintenance technicians, field workers, and service personnel.

In essence, while SAP Asset Manager covers a wider array of asset-related activities, SAP Work Manager specifically addresses the needs of workers involved in executing work orders and related tasks. Organizations can choose the application that best aligns with their specific requirements and the roles of their mobile workforce.

4.18 Summary

This chapter explored various maintenance processes within SAP S/4HANA EAM. You gained an overview of the standard maintenance process, which establishes a fundamental framework for maintenance activities, and insight into a simplified maintenance process, offering streamlined approaches for swift task execution.

The phase-based maintenance process was introduced, illustrating how tasks are segmented into phases, aligning with the specific needs of each project phase. Transitioning to the SAP GUI maintenance process, the integration of graphical user interfaces was examined, enhancing user experience.

Next, the refurbishment maintenance process was covered, showcasing the process of rejuvenating valuable components through external services and you learned about the significance of preventive maintenance process, elucidating strategies to anticipate and manage asset issues proactively.

The chapter progressed to explore inspection checklists, highlighting how these comprehensive lists streamline inspection and recording activities. Concluding the chapter, the integration of was unveiled, enabling on-the-go task execution and data management through dedicated mobile applications. Collectively, these diverse processes cater to a spectrum of maintenance needs within SAP S/4HANA EAM, optimizing efficiency and effectiveness.