Security monitoring is the automated process of collecting and analyzing potential security threats and taking appropriate actions to create secure applications. Nowadays, more and more companies are entering the market with cloud adoptions. Monitoring this cloud workload is a must in order to create secure and safe applications.

The previous chapter took a quick tour of threat modelling and securing infrastructure deployment, including security testing, key management, and disaster recovery.

This chapter covers the following topics:

  • Setting up security policies

  • Advanced observability

  • Azure Monitor

  • Azure Sentinel

Setting Up Security Policies

Microsoft Defender applies security initiatives to Azure subscriptions. These initiatives contain security policies that can be enforced at a subscription level or resource group level. Every security policy includes things like the type of resources that can be deployed and enforces the tags for all resources. As shown in Figure 7-1, you can view policy definitions and initiatives on the Azure Portal.

Figure 7-1
A screenshot represents the policy definitions, initiative definitions, export definitions, refers, diagnostic settings sentinel, and diagnostic settings of security policies and initiatives.

Security policies and initiatives

  • Security policy: An Azure security policy is a rule about the specific security conditions that the security team wants to control. There are also various built-in definitions available to control what type of resources can be deployed or enforce tags on various resources. Apart from the built-in policies, you can also create custom security policies . See Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2
A screenshot depicts the policy getting started, real time control and compliance assessment, assignment of policies in that view definitions, and assessment of compliance in the overview of security policies.

Overview of security policies

In order to implement policy definitions, you need to create them and assign the policies. You can assign these policies using Azure CLI, PowerShell, or the Azure Portal.

  • Security policy initiative: Azure policy initiative is a collection of policy definitions or rules that are grouped together for a specific goal. This simplifies the management of policies by grouping policies together into a single item. It also helps ensure the security requirements of the regulators. Figure 7-3 shows an example overview of the security initiatives .

Figure 7-3
A screenshot depicts the policy, initiative, export definitions, and refresh contains scope, definition type, and category as well as a name, definition location, and policies of the overview security initiative.

Overview of security initiative

  • With security initiatives, you can define the desired configurations of the workloads to ensure the security compliance of the company. You can use Azure Policy to manage policies and initiatives and assign them to subscriptions or management groups.

  • Security recommendations : Defender for cloud periodically analyzes the compliance status of the resources to identify potential security misconfigurations and weakness. Azure Defender for cloud also provides recommendations to fix these security issues. These recommendations mainly come by validating the policies against the resources that don't meet the requirements. See Figure 7-4.

  • You can take required actions based on the recommendations from the Defender cloud. Each recommendation has the following information:

    • Short description

    • Steps to implement the recommendation

    • Impacted resources

Figure 7-4
A screenshot depicts the Microsoft defender for cloud recommendations, which contains a C S V report, open query, governance report, guides and feedback, active recommendations, and resource health.

Recommendations by Defender for cloud

The main goals of Microsoft Defender are to:

  • Understand the current security situation

  • Effectively and efficiently improve the security

You can achieve this using the secure score. Defender for cloud checks the cloud resources for security issues and then groups them to determine a single score . See Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5
A screenshot represents the Microsoft defender for cloud, overview, security posture, 10 by 10 unassigned, and 0 by 0 overdue recommendations, secure score is 0 percent, azure, A W S, and G C P.

Posture score

Once you open the overview page of Microsoft Defender for cloud, you can view the secure score for the security posture. The secure score is represented as a percentage.

If you want to understand the score at a granular level, click Explore Security Posture from the Overview page. See Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6
A screenshot represents the azure environment, secure score N by A, the environment contains management groups 8, subscriptions 12, unhealthy resources 28 by 288, and recommendations 33.

Security posture details

Advanced Observability

In order to proactively monitor applications, you need to monitor resources to maintain security posture and check the vulnerabilities. You can enable alerts for suspicious activities to find security issues and events.

You need to consider the following points to monitor security related events:

  • Use Azure Native tools to monitor the application, infrastructure, and workload

  • Create a security operations center or SecOps team

  • Monitor the traffic and access requests for the application

  • Identify and discover common risks to improve the security score in Microsoft Defender

  • Use industry standard protocols and benchmarks to improve the security posture of an organization

  • Send logs and alerts to the central log management system

  • Enable frequent internal and external audit compliance

  • Regularly test security design and implementation

Microsoft Azure provides various monitoring tools to observe the operations and detect behavior:

  • Microsoft Defender for cloud : This is a cloud security posture management and cloud workload protection platform for on-premises as well as public cloud resources. See Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7
Three model diagrams represent the continuous assessment, security, and defence of Microsoft Defender for the cloud lifecycle.

Microsoft Defender for cloud lifecycle

Defender for cloud maintains the following information to assess your cloud application:

  • Defender for cloud secure score: It continuously assesses the security posture so that you can track and improve security efforts.

  • Defender for cloud recommendations: It secures the application or workload by providing step-by-step actions that can protect the application from known security risks.

  • Defender for cloud alerts: This defends your workload in real-time so your team can act immediately and prevent security events. See Figure 7-8.

Figure 7-8
A screenshot represents the Microsoft defender for cloud, overview, inventory, unmonitored V M s 0, total resources 439, unhealthy 210, healthy 42, and not applicable 187.

Microsoft Defender for cloud

  • Microsoft Sentinel: Sentinel uses native security information event management (SIEM) and security orchestration solutions in Azure. It provides a bird’s eye view across the enterprise to monitor and detect volumes of alerts and resolution of the issues. See Figure 7-9.

Figure 7-9
A circular model reads, responds, collects, detects, and investigates Microsoft sentinel cloud native S I E M plus S O A R.

Microsoft Sentinel

Microsoft Sentinel performs the following activities to improve the overall security of the application. With Microsoft Sentinel, you can perform security orchestration, automation, and response for any security threats:

  • Collect data at a scale

  • Detect undetected threats if any

  • Check threats with artificial intelligence

  • Act on the incidents rapidly

  • Azure DDOS protection , which mainly focuses on defending against distributed denial of service attacks; see Figure 7-10.

Figure 7-10
A screenshot represents the firewall manager, clear all filters, virtual networks, azure firewall policy, D D o S protection plan, and subscription is multiple select.

Azure DDOS Protection

  • Azure Rights Management : Protects files and emails across multiple devices.

  • Azure Governance Visualizer : Collects insights and information into the policies, and includes role-based access control, Azure blueprints, and subscriptions

Most cloud architecture has compute, networking, data, and identity components and each of these components needs to be monitored closely in terms of security and related issues. Microsoft Defender for cloud has built-in features that monitor the security posture of all these services. You can follow these best practices to configure Microsoft Defender for various services:

  • IaaS and PaaS Security: In the IaaS model, you can create various infra services and they will be hosted on Azure. Microsoft Azure provides assurance that the resources will be isolated and security patches and updates will be done in a timely manner. In order to control this in a better manner, you can host the complete IaaS solution on-premises or in a data center. For example, you can create your own virtual network, storage, and host entities. You have a shared responsibility when you consider the reference of PaaS components . See Figure 7-11.

Figure 7-11
A model diagram depicts the P a a S, S a a S, and I a a S, which contain quickly deployed, unique apps, rapidly scalable, connected factories, customizable, enhanced flexibility, and lower overhead.

Azure PaaS/SaaS responsibility

  • Virtual machines : For Windows and Linux VMs , use Microsoft Defender to take the advantage of free services for missing OS patching, security misconfigurations, and network security. For example, virtual machines don’t have vulnerability scanning solutions to check for security threats. Microsoft Defender for servers watches network movement to and from these virtual machines.

Observability means how well you understand what is happening in the system by collecting logs, metrics, and traces. Observability in the cloud is very hard to achieve.

Azure Monitor

Azure Monitor maximizes the availability and overall performance of the application . See Figure 7-12.

Figure 7-12
A model diagram depicts the data platform including metrics, logs, traces, experiences containing application, container, V M, network, visualize contains workbooks, dashboards, power B l, Grafana, and Analyze.

Azure Monitor: Applications

All data collected by Azure Monitor is stored in two formats (see Figure 7-13):

  • Metrics

  • Logs

Figure 7-13
A model diagram depicts the data platform including metrics, logs, traces, experiences containing application, container, V M, network, visualize contains workbooks, dashboards, power B l, Grafana, and Analyze.

Azure Monitor metrics and logs

Metrics are numerical values that describe the system at a particular point in time. Metrics are lightweight and efficient and store near real-time logs. Logs contain different kinds of data that is stored in the form of records with sets. For many Azure resources, data is collected by Azure Monitor in the Overview page. For example, you can view the chart and dashboards interactively. See Figure 7-14.

Figure 7-14
An illustration of Azure monitor metrics explorer flows from azure resources, applications, virtual machine agents, data collector A P I to the logs database, log query, and finally to insights, dashboards, workbooks, log analytics, log alerts, and services.

Azure Monitor metrics explorer

Logs collected by Azure Monitor will be analyzed with queries to get, consolidate, and collect data. You can create and test queries using log analytics. You can use the kusto query language, which is similar to the SQL language, to log queries.

Azure Monitor collects data from various sources. It mainly consists of the following information :

  • Application monitoring data: Collects data about the performance and functionality of the source code written on various Azure services.

  • Operating system logs: Collect all the logs of the guest operating system data running on Azure, on-premises, or on another public cloud.

  • Azure service monitoring data: Contains all the monitoring data from various Azure services.

  • Azure subscription monitoring data: Contains all data about the operation and management of the Azure subscription and related information. You can enable diagnostics to extend the data you collect by Azure Monitor. You can also enable logging with Application Insights to collect exceptions, requests, and page views. See Figure 7-15.

Figure 7-15
A flow diagram depicts the web page's client apps, your web service, S Q L, external, and background services to application insights to alerts, power B l, visual studio, rest A P I, and continuous export.

Application Insights

With Application Insights , you can monitor extensible application performance. Application Insights supports various platforms like .NET, Node.Js, Java, and Python. Application Insights can be used with on-premises or public cloud sources. You can also easily integrate application insights with DevOps processes.

Container Insights monitor the performance of the container workload that’s deployed to the Kubernetes cluster. You can improve the performance of the cluster by collecting metrics from controllers, nodes, and containers. Once the container logs are connected, you can enable the monitoring of the Kubernetes clusters. See Figure 7-16.

Figure 7-16
A model diagram depicts the container, operating system, observability, diagnostic, metrics, logs insights, visualize, respond, A K S control plane data, and azure monitor for containers observability and monitoring.

Container Insights

VM Insights helps organizations monitor the Azure VMs at scale. Overall health and performance are monitored for the Windows and Linux VMs to identify different processes and interdependencies. See Figure 7-17.

Figure 7-17
A screenshot represents the monitoring, insights, resource group, and Azure monitoring, running diagnostics, refreshing, and getting more visibility into the health and performance.

VM Insights

Alerts in Azure Monitor help detect and address issues before they are identified by end users. See Figure 7-18.

Figure 7-18
A block diagram represents the alert azure monitor, which includes the alert processing rule to action group plus alert condition or monitor condition and user response or alert state.


You can create alerts, either on metrics or on log data, based on the Azure Monitor Data platform. Alert rules monitor the operational logs. Alert rules capture the signal and check if the criteria is met. If the conditions are met, an alert will be triggered. See Figure 7-19.

Figure 7-19
A screenshot represents the azure monitor alerts, total alerts are 8, critical is 0, the error is 0, a warning is 0, informational is 0, verbose is 8, and the time range is past 24 hours.

Azure Monitor Alerts

You can create alert rules using the following combinations:

  • Resources to be monitored

  • Signal from the resource

  • Conditions

Once an alert is triggered, the following sequence of events will unfold:

  • The alert processing rule applies the fired alerts. With alert processing rules, you can add or suppress the action groups and apply filters or rules based on a predefined schedule.

  • Actions groups trigger the notification based on the workflow to inform the users that alerts have been triggered.

    • Notifications methods such as email, SMS, or push notifications

    • Automation Runbooks

    • Azure functions

    • ITSM incidents

    • Logic apps

    • Webhooks

    • Secure webhooks

    • Event hubs

  • An alert condition is set by the system. When the alert is fired, the alert monitor’s condition is set to fired.

Azure Monitor also supports integration with various partners to collect data. With auto-scale, you can set the right amount of resources to handle the application workload. By enabling this feature, you can save on the cost by removing idle resources. While configuring auto-scaling , you can specify the minimum and maximum number of instances and logic to increase or decrease resources. See Figure 7-20.

Figure 7-20
A model diagram represents the processor time is greater than 80 percent, minimum equal to 2, current capacity equal to 3, and maximum equal to 5 of auto-scaling.


Azure Dashboards allows you to combine different types of data into a single pane. Once the dashboard is ready, you can share it with the end users. For example, you can create a dashboard that combines tiles that shows metrics, activity logs, and the output of the log query. See Figure 7-21.

Figure 7-21
A screenshot depicts the two spike graphs transactions by A P I name with four curves of append block, entity group transaction, create a container, get blob properties, and ingress with two curves ingress, and egress.

Azure Dashboards

Azure also has a feature called a workbook , which provides a flexible way to perform data analysis and create rich visuals using the Azure Portal. See Figure 7-22.

Figure 7-22
A bar graph represents the two bars, whereas deny 1.24 M and allow 201 K of the azure workbook.

An Azure workbook

You can use an Azure workbook with Insights or create your own predefined templates.

Power BI is a business analytics service that provides interactive visualizations using various data sources. It is an effective way to make the data available within and outside your organization. You can also automatically import data from Azure Monitor. See Figure 7-23.

Figure 7-23
Two model diagrams represent the dummy plus active nodes containing dummy 38424 and active 501216, and missing relations containing missing 205827 and expected 1325029 of the power B i reports.

Power BI reports

Azure Sentinel

Azure Sentinel is a cloud-native, security information, and event management (SIEM) solution, as well as a security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) solution.

Microsoft Sentinel has many connectors available for Microsoft solutions, which are out-of the box solutions and provide real-time integration with external tools including Microsoft 365 Defender, Azure AD, and Microsoft Defender for cloud apps. In addition, you can use the REST API to connect various data sources from Azure Sentinel. Microsoft Sentinel can run its workspaces in almost every region where log analytics is generally available. There might be regions where log analytics become generally available and it can take some time for Sentinel to become generally available. See Figure 7-24.

Figure 7-24
A screenshot represents products, nonregional, azure stack hub, South Africa north, east Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia central, Australia east, Australia southeast, and Brazil south in columns.

Azure Sentinel regional availability

Before you set up Microsoft Sentinel , you need to have the following prerequisites and resources in place:

  • Log analytics workspace

  • Azure subscription

  • Contributor permission for the subscription where you want to deploy Microsoft Sentinel

  • Contributor or reader permission to the resource group

  • Additional permission to connect to the data sources

If you want to enable Microsoft Sentinel, you need to go to the Azure Portal and select the subscription where Sentinel will be created. See Figure 7-25.

Figure 7-25
A screenshot represents the Azure services in that create a resource, sentinel contains all, services, marketplace, documentation, resource groups, and services contain Microsoft sentinel.

Enable Azure Sentinel

Click the Add button and then select the existing workspace that you want to use or create a new workspace. It is also possible to run Microsoft Sentinel from more than one workspaces, but data is always isolated to a single workspace. See Figure 7-26.

Figure 7-26
A screenshot depicts choosing a workspace to add to Microsoft Sentinel, previewing, searching workspaces, and creating a new workspace to enable Azure Sentinel.

Enable Azure Sentinel

Select Add Microsoft Sentinel. Microsoft Sentinel ingests data from various services by connecting services and sending the events and logs to itself. For physical and virtual machines, you can install a log analytics agent, which will collect the logs and forward them to Microsoft Sentinel.

You can also integrate Microsoft Sentinel with various security services. It is empowered by the components that will send the data to the workspace and becomes stronger through interactions. Logs can be ingested directly into Microsoft Sentinel to provide a full picture of events and incidents. For example, Microsoft Sentinel ingests data from other Microsoft services and partner platforms. See Figure 7-27.

Figure 7-27
A model diagram represents the multi-cloud, S I E M Microsoft sentinel, third party and partners, Microsoft 365 defender, Microsoft defender for cloud, and X D R.

Azure Sentinel with Microsoft Defender

Apart from sending data, Microsoft Sentinel has various other features :

  • Uses information with machine learning

  • Creates visualizations with workbooks

  • Runs playbooks with alerts

  • Integrates with partner platforms

  • Integrates and fetches enrichment feeds from threat intelligence platforms

Figure 7-28
Five model diagrams represent the triage, preparation, remediation, eradication, and post-incident incident management and response process.

Incident management and response process

You can also use Microsoft Sentinel to manage incidents and respond to responses in case of failures. See Figures 7-28 and 7-29.

Figure 7-29
A circle diagram of the incident management and its responses. It includes incident identification, logging and clustering, incident tracking and notification, creating policies and diagnosis, incident recovery, and incident resolution and closure.

Incident management and response process

Content in Microsoft Sentinel includes the following:

  • Data connectors: Microsoft Sentinel has many out-of-the-box connectors to start ingesting data to Microsoft Sentinel. For example, Microsoft 365 Defender connector is a service to the service connector that integrates data from Office 365, Azure AD, and so on. See Figure 7-30.

Figure 7-30
A value chain diagram of the incident response lifecycle. It includes detection and analysis, containment, forensics investigation, eradication and recovery, and learning.

Azure Sentinel connectors

  • Parsers: These parsers provide log formatting in the Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM) formats to support their use across Microsoft Sentinel.

  • Workbooks: These provide monitoring , visualization, and interactivity with data using Microsoft Sentinel. See Figure 7-31.

Figure 7-31
Five symbols represent the events 4.5 M, alerts 89, new 29, investigated 3 and closed 9.

Workbooks visualization

  • Hunting queries: These queries are used by the Security Operations Team (SOC) team to hunt for threats in Microsoft Sentinel. See Figure 7-32.

Figure 7-32
A screenshot represents the Microsoft sentinel, hunting, active by total queries is 224 by 249, result count by queries run is 0 by 0, queries, Livestream, and bookmarks.

Microsoft Sentinel hunting queries

Hunting dashboards provide built-in, ready-made queries to get started and familiar with tables and query language. Queries run on the data stored in the log tables. These built-in queries are developed by the Microsoft security researchers. See Figure 7-33.

Figure 7-33
A screenshot depicts the queries, Livestream, and bookmarks, which contains values of preattack 1, initial Ac 36, execution 31, persiste 57, privilege 31, query, provider, and changes made to A W S.

Microsoft Sentinel hunting custom queries

You can also create custom queries or modify existing queries and then share them with users who belong to the same tenant.

To create a new query, select New Query and then select Create. Click the Create Entity Mapping and then select the entity type, identifiers, and columns.

Typical hunting queries start with the table or parser name followed by the operators, separated by the pipe character. See Figure 7-34.

Figure 7-34
A screenshot depicts the delete query, name, description, custom query, view query results, azure resource, cloud application, D N S, file, file hash, host, I P, mailbox, a mail cluster, and message.

Microsoft Sentinel hunting create new queries

  • Playbooks and Azure Logic App custom connector: This provides features for the automated investigations, remediations, and response scenarios in Microsoft Sentinel. Playbooks in Microsoft Sentinel are based on workflows, like Azure logic apps, which can be used to schedule, automate, and orchestrate workflow across the enterprise.

Azure Logic app communicates with other systems and services using these connectors:

  • Custom connectors

  • Managed connectors

  • Microsoft Sentinel connectors

  • Triggers

  • Actions

  • Dynamic fields


This chapter explained how to secure data stored in the cloud and how to provide secure access to that data. You also learned about the various ways to classify data and make it available for downstream users and applications in a secure manner. Finally, you also learned about the various data encryption patterns and related models used while working with public cloud providers, such as Azure, Google, AWS, and so on.