
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

In this chapter, I will discuss the T-SQL functions that allow developers to query JSON data. I will then discuss how JSON data can be indexed.

Querying JSON Data

SQL Server has introduced the JSON_VALUE(), JSON_QUERY(), JSON_MODIFY(), and ISJSON() functions to help developers interrogate and interact with JSON data. The following sections will discuss each of these functions.

Using ISJSON( )

Because JSON data is stored in NVARCHAR(MAX) columns , as opposed to using its own data type, it is very useful to ensure that a tuple contains a valid JSON document, before calling a JSON function against it. The ISJSON() function will evaluate a string to check if it is a valid JSON document. The function will return a value of 1 if the string is valid JSON and 0 if it is not. Therefore, a common usage of the function is within an IF statement . For example, consider the query in Listing 9-1.

Listing 9-1 Incorrectly Formatted JSON

DECLARE @JSON NVARCHAR(MAX) ; SET @JSON = '{"I am not:"Correctly formatted"}' ; SELECT * FROM OPENJSON(@JSON) ;

Because the name of the key is missing a closing double quotation mark, the query will fail, with the error shown in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1
figure 1

Error thrown by invalid JSON

Instead of our script failing, we could instead use the ISJSON() function in an IF statement, as demonstrated in Listing 9-2.

Listing 9-2 Use ISJSON() in an IF Statement

DECLARE @JSON NVARCHAR(MAX) ; SET @JSON = '{"I am not:"Correctly formatted"}' ; IF ISJSON(@JSON) = 1 BEGIN         SELECT *         FROM OPENJSON(@JSON) ; END

This time, the script will complete without errors, as the query against the OPENJSON() function will never run.


A full description of the usage of OPENJSON() can be found in Chapter 8.

The ISJSON() function could also be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. For example, consider the script in Listing 9-3. The script creates a simple temporary table and inserts two values into an NVARCHAR(MAX) column. One of the values is valid JSON data, and the other is not. The script then calls the OPENJSON() function against the column.

Listing 9-3 Filter Results That Are Not JSON

--Create a temp table CREATE TABLE #JsonTemp (         JSONData        NVARCHAR(MAX) ) ; --Populate temp table with one JSON value and one non-JSON value INSERT INTO #JsonTemp VALUES ('{"I am JSON":"True"}'),        ('I am JSON - False') ; --Call OPENJSON() against only rows where data is JSON SELECT JSON.* FROM #JsonTemp Base OUTER APPLY OPENJSON(Base.JSONData) JSON WHERE ISJSON(Base.JSONData) = 1 ; --Drop temp table DROP TABLE #JsonTemp ;

Because the WHERE clause removes any rows that do not contain valid JSON data, before the OPENJSON() function is applied, the script completes successfully and returns the results shown in Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-2
figure 2

Results of filtering non-JSON data


The JSON_VALUE() function can be used to return a single scalar value from a JSON document. The function accepts two parameters. The first parameter is the JSON document, from which to retrieve the data. The second is a path expression to the value you wish to return. As described in Chapter 8, when using path expressions with OPENJSON() , path expressions can be used in either lax mode or strict mode. When lax mode is used, if there is an error in the path expression, NULL results will be returned, and no error will be raised. When used in strict mode, if there is an error in the path expression, an error will be thrown.

The value returned is always of data type NVARCHAR(4000). This means that if the value exceeds 4000 characters, JSON_VALUE() will either return NULL or throw an error, depending on whether lax mode or strict mode has been used.

To look more closely at the JSON_VALUE() function, let’s consider the Warehouse.StockItems table in the WideWorldImporters database. The CustomFields column of this table contains a JSON document that includes a key called Tags, which has a value of an array, containing product tags.

The script in Listing 9-4 will first populate a variable with the content of CustomFields for a single product. Subsequently, it will check that the variable contains a valid JSON document, by using the ISJSON() function, before passing the document into the JSON_VALUE() function.

The path expression of the JSON_VALUE() function starts by specifying that we wish to use the path expression in lax mode. It then uses a $ to represent the context, before using a dot-separated path to the node we wish to extract. Because the Tags node is an array, and the JSON_VALUE() function can only return a scalar value, we will use square brackets to denote the element within the array that we would like to extract. This is mandatory syntax, even if there is only a single element in the array.


The array is always zero-based.

Listing 9-4 UsingJSON_VALUE() Against a JSON Document

DECLARE @JSON NVARCHAR(MAX) ; --The CustomFields column for StockItem ID 61 contains the following JSON document: --'{ "CountryOfManufacture": "China", "Tags": ["Radio Control","Realistic Sound"], "MinimumAge": "10" }' SET @JSON = (SELECT CustomFields FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE StockItemID = 61) ; IF ISJSON(@JSON) = 1 BEGIN         SELECT JSON_VALUE(@Json,'lax $.Tags[0]') ; END

This script produces the results illustrated in Figure 9-3.

Figure 9-3
figure 3

Results of using JSON_VALUE() against a JSON document

So, what if we want to use the JSON_VALUE() function against a column in a table? Where it is a scalar function, we cannot use OUTER APPLY or CROSS APPLY. Instead, we must include it in the SELECT list of our query. This is demonstrated in Listing 9-5.

Listing 9-5 Using JSON_VALUE() in a SELECT List

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT           StockItemName         , JSON_VALUE(customfields,'lax $.Tags[0]') FROM Warehouse.StockItems ;

You will notice that instead of passing in a variable, we simply pass in the name of the column that contains the JSON document. Partial results of this query can be found in Figure 9-4.

Figure 9-4
figure 4

Results of using JSON_VALUE() against a table

Our original JSON document referred to Stock Item ID 61, which is a remote-controlled car. We could also use JSON_VALUE in the WHERE clause of our query, to filter the result set, so that only rows in which the first tag contains the value Radio Control are returned. This is demonstrated in Listing 9-6, in which we have also enhanced the query, to ensure that only valid JSON documents are returned, by using the ISJSON() function.

Listing 9-6 Using JSON_VALUE() in a WHERE Clause

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT           StockItemName         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') AS Tag0 FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') = 'Radio Control'         AND      ISJSON(CustomFields) = 1 ;

The results of this query are illustrated in Figure 9-5.

Figure 9-5
figure 5

Results of using JSON_VALUE() in a WHERE clause

The third tag of remote-controlled car products denotes if the item is vintage. There are two vintage cars in the product table. Therefore, in Listing 9-7, we will further filter the result set to include only products for which the third tag has a value of Vintage. We will also enhance the SELECT list, to contain the first three tags in the array. Finally, we will change the JSON_VALUE() functions in the WHERE clause , to use strict path expressions, so that an error will result in the query failing.

Listing 9-7 Enhancing the Query

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT           StockItemName         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') AS Tag0         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[1]') AS Tag1         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[2]') AS Tag2 FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'strict $.Tags[0]') = 'Radio Control'         AND JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'strict $.Tags[2]') = 'Vintage'         AND      ISJSON(CustomFields) = 1 ;

Unfortunately, this time, even though the ISJSON() function is ensuring that any non-valid JSON documents are not in the result set, the query returns the error shown in Figure 9-6. This is because not all JSON documents in the CustomFields column have a Tags key. From those that do, not all documents have three tags. Therefore, the path expressions for two JSON_VALUE() calls in the WHERE clause are not valid. Because we have changed from lax mode to strict mode, the query fails.

Figure 9-6
figure 6

Error thrown by the query

If we were to change back to lax mode path expressions, the query would return the results displayed in Figure 9-7.

Figure 9-7
figure 7

Query results with lax mode path expressions

With SQL Server 2017 and later versions, it is also possible to pass in a path expression as a variable. Therefore, the query in Listing 9-8 will return the same results as shown in Figure 9-7.


You must use SQL Server 2017 or later versions, to run the query in Listing 9-8.

Listing 9-8 Using a Variable As a Path

USE WideWorldImporters GO DECLARE @Path NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'lax $.Tags[2]' ; SELECT           StockItemName         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') AS Tag0         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[1]') AS Tag1         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,@Path) AS Tag2 FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') = 'Radio Control'         AND JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[2]') = 'Vintage'         AND      ISJSON(CustomFields) = 1 ;


Unlike JSON_VALUE(), which returns a scalar value, JSON_QUERY() can be used to extract a JSON object, or an array, from a JSON document. For example, consider the script in Listing 9-9. The script uses the same JSON document that we used in Listing 9-4, which extracted a single array element from the Tags array for Stock Item ID 61. This time, however, instead of extracting a single array element, we will extract the entire Tags array. Because we are extracting the entire array, there is no need to specify the array element number in square brackets, as we did when using JSON_VALUE() against the document.

Listing 9-9 Using JSON_QUERY() Against a JSON Document

DECLARE @JSON NVARCHAR(MAX) ; --The CustomFields column for StockItem ID 61 contains the following JSON document: --'{ "CountryOfManufacture": "China", "Tags": ["Radio Control","Realistic Sound"], "MinimumAge": "10" }' SET @JSON = (SELECT CustomFields FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE StockItemID = 61) ; IF ISJSON(@JSON) = 1 BEGIN         SELECT JSON_QUERY(@Json,'lax $.Tags') ; END

The results of this script are illustrated in Figure 9-8.

Figure 9-8
figure 8

Results of using JSON_QUERY() against a JSON document

As with JSON_VALUE(), if we want to use JSON_QUERY() against a column in a table, we will use it in the SELECT list , as opposed to using a CROSS APPLY or OUTER APPLY operator. The difference between JSON_VALUE() and JSON_QUERY() is demonstrated in Listing 9-10. Here, we use the same query as in Listing 9-7 but enhance it to include a column in the result set that includes the whole Tags array, using JSON_QUERY().

Listing 9-10 Using JSON_QUERY() in a SELECT List

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT           StockItemName         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') AS Tag0         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[1]') AS Tag1         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[2]') AS Tag2         , JSON_QUERY(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags') AS TagsArray FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') = 'Radio Control'         AND JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[2]') = 'Vintage'         AND      ISJSON(CustomFields) = 1 ;

This query returns the results shown in Figure 9-9.

Figure 9-9
figure 9

Results of using JSON_QUERY() in a SELECT list

The JSON_QUERY() function can also be used in a WHERE clause . Consider the query in Listing 9-11, which has been rewritten, so that the JSON_QUERY() function is used to filter out any rows in which the JSON document does contain an empty Tags array. You will notice that the query uses a mix of lax mode and strict mode.

Listing 9-11 Using JSON_QUERY() in a WHERE Clause

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT           StockItemName         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') AS Tag0         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[1]') AS Tag1         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[2]') AS Tag2         , JSON_QUERY(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags') AS TagsArray FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE JSON_QUERY(CustomFields,'strict $.Tags') <> '[]'         AND      ISJSON(CustomFields) = 1 ;

If only the document context ($) is passed to the path expression, the entire JSON document will be returned. It is also worth noting that a variable can be used to pass the path, from SQL Server 2017 onward, just as it can for OPENJSON() and JSON_VALUE(). Both these concepts are demonstrated in Listing 9-12, which uses a variable to pass only the document context , as the path expression, to an additional column in the result set.


You must be running SQL Server 2017 or later versions to run the query in Listing 9-12.

Listing 9-12 Using Path Variables and Document Context

USE WideWorldImporters GO DECLARE @Path NVARCHAR(MAX) = '$' ; SELECT           StockItemName         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') AS Tag0         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[1]') AS Tag1         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[2]') AS Tag2         , JSON_QUERY(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags') AS TagsArray         , JSON_QUERY(CustomFields, @Path) AS EntireDocument FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE JSON_QUERY(CustomFields,'strict $.Tags') <> '[]'         AND      ISJSON(CustomFields) = 1 ;

The partial results of this query can be seen in Figure 9-10.

Figure 9-10
figure 10

Results of using path variables and document context


So far, all the JSON functions that we have examined have allowed us to interrogate JSON documents. The JSON_MODIFY() function, however, as its name suggests, allows us to modify the contents of the JSON document. To explain this further, let’s once again use the CustomFields JSON document for Stock Item ID 61, as used in Listing 9-4 and Listing 9-9.

The script in Listing 9-13 will modify the second element of the Tags array, so that the second element is updated to read 'Very Realistic Sound'. The output of the function is the complete, modified document.

Listing 9-13 Updating a Value

DECLARE @JSON NVARCHAR(MAX) ; --The CustomFields column for StockItem ID 61 contains the following JSON document: --'{ "CountryOfManufacture": "China", "Tags": ["Radio Control","Realistic Sound"], "MinimumAge": "10" }' SET @JSON = (SELECT CustomFields FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE StockItemID = 61) ; IF ISJSON(@JSON) = 1 BEGIN         SELECT JSON_MODIFY(@Json,'lax $.Tags[1]', 'Very Realistic Sound') ; END

This script returns the results in Figure 9-11.

Figure 9-11
figure 11

Results of updating a value

You can see how the output from this function could be used subsequently to update a row in a table containing a JSON document, as demonstrated in Listing 9-14. Here, instead of passing in a variable as the JSON document, we pass in the CustomFields column from the table.

Listing 9-14 Using MODIFY_JSON() to Update a Row in a Table

USE WideWorldImporters GO UPDATE StockItems         SET CustomFields = JSON_MODIFY(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[1]', 'Very Realistic Sound') FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE StockItemID = 61 ;

The MODIFY_JSON() function can also be used to add an element to an array. Consider the query in Listing 9-15, which marks Stock Item ID 61 as being vintage, by adding an additional element to the Tags array. You will notice that because we are adding an additional value to an array, as opposed to updating an existing value, we have used the append keyword at the beginning of the path expression. Note, too, that because we are updating the array, rather than a single element, the array element in square brackets is not included.

Listing 9-15 Adding an Additional Array Element

USE WideWorldImporters GO UPDATE StockItems         SET CustomFields = JSON_MODIFY(CustomFields,'append lax $.Tags', 'Vintage') FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE StockItemID = 61 ;

Let’s now use the query in Listing 9-16, to examine the updated record.

Listing 9-16 Examining the Updated Record

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT           StockItemName         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') AS Tag0         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[1]') AS Tag1         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[2]') AS Tag2         , JSON_QUERY(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags') AS TagsArray FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE StockItemID = 61 ;

This query returns the results in Figure 9-12 . You will notice that the second array element now reads "Very Realistic Sound", and the array now contains a third element, marking the product as vintage.

Figure 9-12
figure 12

Results of examining the modified row

As you might expect, the MODIFY_JSON() function can also be used to delete data . This is achieved by updating a value with a NULL. For example, imagine that marking Stock Item ID 61 as vintage was a mistake. We could correct that mistake by using the query in Listing 9-17.

Listing 9-17 Deleting Data with MODIFY_JSON()

USE WideWorldImporters GO UPDATE StockItems         SET CustomFields = JSON_MODIFY(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[2]', NULL) FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE StockItemID = 61 ;

Rerunning the query in Listing 9-16 now returns the results shown in Figure 9-13.

Figure 9-13
figure 13

Results of reexamining the modified row

Alternatively, we could delete the entire Tags array , by using the query in Listing 9-18.

Listing 9-18 Deleting the Tags Array

USE WideWorldImporters GO UPDATE StockItems         SET CustomFields = JSON_MODIFY(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags',NULL) FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE StockItemID = 61 ;

The query in Listing 9-19 allows us to examine the modified JSON document . You will notice that the Tags array no longer exists.

Listing 9-19 Examining the Modified Document

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT           StockItemName         , JSON_QUERY(CustomFields,'lax $') AS EntireDocument FROM Warehouse.StockItems WHERE StockItemID = 61 ;

The results of this query are shown in Figure 9-14.

Figure 9-14
figure 14

Examining the modified JSON document

Indexing JSON Data

When querying a table and filtering, grouping, or ordering by properties within a JSON document, you can improve the performance of your queries by indexing the data. Because JSON doesn’t have its own data type, as XML does, there are no JSON indexes, as there are XML indexes. Instead, to index JSON properties, you must create a computed column that includes a JSON_VALUE() call, which mirrors the logic in the query you are optimizing. You can then create an index on the computed column, and SQL Server will use this index when optimizing the query.


Actual query performance depends on many factors, including system hardware, and other resource constraints, such as other queries that may be running simultaneously. The performance analysis in this section is meant to illustrate potential impacts, but performance should always be tested on your own servers, under realistic workloads.

Before demonstrating this technique, let’s first take a baseline of query performance against the Warehouse.StockItems table. We will do this by turning on TIME STATISTICS in our session, before running the query that we are trying to optimize. Prior to this, however, we will first copy the data from the StockItems table to a new table. The reason for this is twofold. First, the StockItems table already has a number of indexes, which could potentially influence our results. The second reason is because the StockItems table is system-versioned with indexes. This means that when we alter the table, to add computed columns, instead of a simple ALTER TABLE script , we would be required to script out the data to a temp table, drop and re-create both the table and the archive table, and then script the data back in. This amount of code would distract from how to add a computed column, which is the point of this exercise. This is demonstrated in Listing 9-20.


We use DBCC FREEPROCCACHE to drop any existing plans from the plan cache. We then use DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS to remove pages from the buffer cache that have not been modified. This helps make it a fair test.

Listing 9-20 Creating a Performance Baseline

USE WideWorldImporters GO --Copy data to a new table SELECT * INTO Warehouse.NewStockItems FROM Warehouse.StockItems --Clear plan cache DBCC FREEPROCCACHE --Clear buffer cache DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS --Turn on statistics SET STATISTICS TIME ON SELECT           StockItemName         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') AS Tag0         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[1]') AS Tag1         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[2]') AS Tag2         , JSON_QUERY(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags') AS TagsArray FROM Warehouse.NewStockItems WHERE JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') = 'Radio Control' ;

The results in Figure 9-15 show that the query took 6ms to execute.

Figure 9-15
figure 15

Time statistics

Let’s now create a computer column on the Warehouse.StockItems table, using the same logic as in our WHERE clause . This can be achieved by using the script in Listing 9-21.

Listing 9-21 Creating a Computer Column

USE WideWorldImporters GO ALTER TABLE Warehouse.NewStockItems         ADD CustomFieldsTag0 AS JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') ;

We can now index the computed column (which will also cause the column to be persisted, as opposed to calculated on the fly, when queried), by using the script in Listing 9-22.

Listing 9-22 Indexing the Computed Column

USE WideWorldImporters GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX NCI_CustomFieldsTag0         ON Warehouse.NewStockItems(CustomFieldsTag0) ;

Let’s now check the performance of our query, once again, by using the simplified script in Listing 9-23.

Listing 9-23 Checking Index Performance

USE WideWorldImporters GO --Clear plan chahe DBCC FREEPROCCACHE --Clear buffer cache DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS --Turn on statistics SET STATISTICS TIME ON SELECT           StockItemName         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') AS Tag0         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[1]') AS Tag1         , JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[2]') AS Tag2         , JSON_QUERY(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags') AS TagsArray FROM Warehouse.NewStockItems WHERE JSON_VALUE(CustomFields,'lax $.Tags[0]') = 'Radio Control' ;

You can see from the time statistics shown in Figure 9-16 that the query executed in 3ms. That’s a 50% performance improvement!

Figure 9-16
figure 16

Results of checking index performance


Because the NewStockItems table is so small, there is a chance that the query optimizer will choose not to use your index. If this happens, you can force it to use the index, by adding the WITH (INDEX(NCI_CustomFieldsTag0)) query hint. It is very important to note, however, that on a general basis, the optimizer is smart and rarely should be given hints. If you do need to use hints, then you should always work with the optimizer, rather than against it. For example, if the optimizer is incorrectly choosing a LOOP JOIN physical operator, force it to use either MERGE JOIN or HASH JOIN. Do not choose for it which is better!


SQL Server provides the ability to interrogate and modify JSON data with the ISJSON(), JSON_VALUE(), JSON_QUERY(), and JSON_MODIFY() functions. The ISJSON() function provides a simple validation that the document has a valid JSON format. It returns 1 if the document is JSON and 0 if not.

The JSON_VALUE() function can be included in the SELECT list, WHERE clause, ORDER BY clause, or GROUP BY clause of your query. It returns a single scalar value from a JSON document that is passed to it, based on a path expression.

The JSON_QUERY() function can also be included in the SELECT list, WHERE clause, ORDER BY, or GROUP BY, but instead of returning a single scalar value, it returns a JSON object or array. As with JSON_VALUE(), the object returned is based on a path expression that is passed to the function.

The MODIFY_JSON() function can be used to update, insert, or delete key values. A JSON document and a path expression are passed to the function, and the complete modified document is returned, making it easy to use in a standard UPDATE statement. The optional append keyword in the path expression is used to denote that the intention is to add an additional value to an array, as opposed to modifying an existing value. Updating a key value with NULL deletes the key.

Query performance can be improved by indexing the properties of a JSON document. This is achieved by creating a computed column, based on the path expression that you wish to optimize. You can then create an index on the computed column. This allows the query optimizer to use the index when the column containing the JSON data is queried.