Modeling and working with data hierarchies have long been requirements for SQL Server developers. Traditionally, hierarchical data has been modeled using a self-join on a table, between two columns. One column contains the ID of the hierarchical member, and the other, the ID of its parent hierarchical member. Newer versions of SQL Server (2008 and later versions) offer HierarchyID, however. HierarchyID is a data type written in .NET and exposed in SQL Server. Using HierarchyID can offer performance benefits and simplified code, compared to using a table with a self-join. The data type exposes many methods that can be called against the data, to allow developers to easily determine the ancestors and descendants of a hierarchical member, as well as determine other useful information, such as the level of a specific hierarchical member within the hierarchy.

In this chapter, we will examine first the use cases for hierarchical data. I will discuss how to model a traditional hierarchy, before explaining how we can remodel it using HierarchyID. Finally, we will look at the methods that are exposed against the HierarchyID data type.

Hierarchical Data Use Cases

There are many data requirements that need a hierarchy to be maintained. For example, consider an employee hierarchy, modeled from an organizational chart (see Figure 12-1). A human resources department may have reporting requirements, to determine how many staff directly or indirectly report to a manager. It may also have to report on more complex requirements, such as how much revenue has been generated by staff reporting to each group head.

Figure 12-1
figure 1

Sales department organization chart

Another classic use case for hierarchical data is a bill of materials (BoM) . A BoM defines a hierarchy of parts that are required to produce a product. For example, Figure 12-2 illustrates a simple BoM for a home computer. A computer manufacturer would have to maintain a hierarchy of these parts for stock reporting.

Figure 12-2
figure 2

Bill of materials

In this chapter, we will be working with the example of a sales area hierarchy. As illustrated in Figure 12-3, we will be modeling global sales regions. The hierarchy is ragged, meaning that there can be a varying number of levels in each branch of the hierarchy.

Figure 12-3
figure 3

Sales area hierarchy

Maintaining a sales area hierarchy is important to many companies, as it allows them to report on many factors, from revenue taken in each region to the number of salespeople in each region to average revenue per salesperson and region, etc. In this example, as well as in standard sales regions, there are areas of the hierarchy that are aggregation areas. This means that no salespeople exist, and sales are not directly taken for these regions. Instead, they are reporting levels, to allow lower levels of the hierarchy to be rolled up. These aggregation areas are highlighted in blue.

Modeling Traditional Hierarchies

Let’s look at how we might model a sales area hierarchy, using a traditional approach. To do this, consider the data in Table 12-1.

Table 12-1 Sales Area Hierarchy

In the preceding table, the SalesAreaID column would be the primary key of the table, and the ParentSalesAreaID column would be a foreign key, which references the SalesAreaID column, creating what is known as a self-join.


The ParentSalesAreaID column is NULL for the GlobalSales area, because it does not have a parent. This is known as the root of the hierarchy.

The SalesAreaName column describes the sales area, while the CountOfSalesPeople and SalesYTD columns detail how each sales area is performing. We will use these columns to explore how to work with hierarchical data. You will notice that the CountOfSalesPeople and SalesYTD columns are populated with NULL values for aggregation areas. This is because they are “virtual” areas, where no salespeople are based.

This table can be created by using the script in Listing 12-1.

Listing 12-1 Creating a Traditional Hierarchical Table

USE WideWorldImporters GO CREATE TABLE Sales.SalesAreaTraditionalHierarchy (         SalesAreaID        INT    NOT NULL    PRIMARY KEY,         ParentSalesAreaID  INT    NULL                                        REFERENCES Sales.SalesAreaTraditionalHierarchy(SalesAreaID),         SalesAreaName            NVARCHAR(20)    NOT NULL,         CountOfSalesPeople       INT             NULL,         SalesYTD                 MONEY           NULL ) ; INSERT INTO Sales.SalesAreaTraditionalHierarchy (           SalesAreaID         , ParentSalesAreaID         , SalesAreaName         , CountOfSalesPeople         , SalesYTD ) VALUES (1, NULL, 'GlobalSales', NULL, NULL), (2, 1, 'Europe', NULL, NULL), (3, 1, 'America', NULL, NULL), (4, 2, 'UK', 3, 300000), (5, 2, 'Western Europe', NULL, NULL), (6, 2, 'Eastern Europe', NULL, NULL), (7, 3, 'Canada', 4, 350000), (8, 3, 'USA', NULL, NULL), (9, 3, 'LATAM', NULL, NULL), (10, 5, 'Germany', 3, 150000), (11, 5, 'France', 2, 100000), (12, 6, 'Hungary', 1, 50000), (13, 6, 'Slovakia', 2, 80000), (14, 8, 'Eastern', 4, 140000), (15, 8, 'Western', 3, 280000), (16, 9, 'Brazil', 1, 100000), (17, 9, 'Agentina', 2, 70000), (18, 14, 'New York', 2, 120000) ;

Let’s imagine that we must answer a business question, using this traditional hierarchy . For example, we may have to answer the question, “What is the total of SalesYTD for the America region?” To determine this, we would have to write a query that joins the table to itself and rolls up the SalesYTD column for all subregions under the America region.

The best way of achieving this is to use a recursive CTE (common table expression). A CTE is a temporary result set that is defined within the context of a SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, or CREATE VIEW statement and can only be referenced within that query. It is similar to using a subquery as a derived table but has the benefit that it can be referenced multiple times and also reference itself. When a CTE references itself, it becomes recursive.

A CTE is declared using a WITH statement, which specifies the name of the CTE, followed by the column list that will be returned by the CTE, in parentheses. The AS keyword is then used, followed by the body of the CTE, again within parentheses. This is shown, for our example, in Listing 12-2.


The queries in Listings 12-2 to 12-14 are not meant to be run separately. Listing 12-15 brings them all together, into a useable script.

Listing 12-2 CTE Structure

; WITH AreaHierarchy (SalesAreaID, SalesYTD, ParentSalesAreaID) AS (         [Body of CTE] )

The definition of a recursive CTE has two queries, joined with a UNION ALL clause. The first query is known as the anchor query and defines the initial result set. The second query is known as the recursive query and references the CTE. The first level of recursion will join to the anchor query, and subsequent levels of recursion will join to the level of recursion immediately above them.

Therefore, in our example, the anchor query will have to return the SalesAreaID of the America sales area. Because all queries joined with UNION ALL must contain the same number of columns, our anchor query must also return the ParentSalesAreaID and SalesYTD columns, even though these values will be NULL.

The query in Listing 12-3 shows the required anchor query.

Listing 12-3 Anchor Query

SELECT           SalesAreaID         , SalesYTD         , ParentSalesAreaID FROM Sales.SalesAreaTraditionalHierarchy RootLevel WHERE SalesAreaName = 'America'

The recursive query will return the same column list as the anchor query but will include a JOIN clause, which joins the ParentSalesAreaID column in the recursive query to the SalesAreaID column of the CTE, as demonstrated in Listing 12-4.

Listing 12-4 Recursive Query

SELECT           Area.SalesAreaID         , Area.SalesYTD         , Area.ParentSalesAreaID FROM Sales.SalesAreaTraditionalHierarchy Area INNER JOIN AreaHierarchy         ON Area.ParentSalesAreaID = AreaHierarchy.SalesAreaID

Following the declaration of this CTE, we will be able to run a SELECT statement, which rolls up the SalesYTD, to return the total of SalesYTD for the whole of America. The script in Listing 12-5 brings all these components together.

Listing 12-5 Bringing It All Together

WITH AreaHierarchy (SalesAreaID, SalesYTD, ParentSalesAreaID) AS (         SELECT                   SalesAreaID                 , SalesYTD                 , ParentSalesAreaID       FROM Sales.SalesAreaTraditionalHierarchy RootLevel       WHERE SalesAreaName = 'America'       UNION ALL       SELECT                 Area.SalesAreaID         , Area.SalesYTD         , Area.ParentSalesAreaID       FROM Sales.SalesAreaTraditionalHierarchy Area       INNER JOIN AreaHierarchy         ON Area.ParentSalesAreaID = AreaHierarchy.SalesAreaID ) SELECT SUM(SalesYTD) FROM AreaHierarchy ;

Modeling Hierarchies with HierarchyID

When modeling hierarchical data using HierarchyID, there is no need to perform a self-join against a table. Therefore, instead of having a column that references its parent area’s primary key, we will instead have a HierarchyID column, which defines each area’s position within the hierarchy. To explain this concept further, let’s consider the data in Table 12-2.

Table 12-2 Sales Area Hierarchy with HierarchyID

In Table 12-2, you will notice that the hierarchy is represented by the format /[Node]/[Child Node]/[GrandchildNode]/, in which a row containing just / is the root of the hierarchy. For example, we can see that the value /1/2/1/ for Germany tells us that Germany is a child of /1/2/ (Western Europe), which in turn is a child of /1/ (Europe). /1/ is the child of / (Global Sales), which is the root of the hierarchy.

We can create and populate this table by using the script in Listing 12-6.

Listing 12-6 Create Table with HierarchyID

USE WideWorldImporters GO CREATE TABLE Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID ( SalesAreaID               INT                       NOT NULL    PRIMARY KEY, SalesAreaHierarchy   HIERARCHYID     NOT NULL, SalesAreaName           NVARCHAR(20)    NOT NULL, CountOfSalesPeople    INT                        NULL, SalesYTD                     MONEY                 NULL ) ; INSERT INTO Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID (           SalesAreaID         , SalesAreaHierarchy         , SalesAreaName         , CountOfSalesPeople         , SalesYTD ) VALUES (1, '/', 'GlobalSales', NULL, NULL), (2, '/1/', 'Europe', NULL, NULL), (3, '/2/', 'America', NULL, NULL), (4, '/1/1/', 'UK', 3, 300000), (5, '/1/2/', 'Western Europe', NULL, NULL), (6, '/1/3/', 'Eastern Europe', NULL, NULL), (7, '/2/1/', 'Canada', 4, 350000), (8, '/2/2/', 'USA', NULL, NULL), (9, '/2/3/', 'LATAM', NULL, NULL), (10, '/1/2/1/', 'Germany', 3, 150000), (11, '/1/2/2/', 'France', 2, 100000), (12, '/1/3/1/', 'Hungary', 1, 50000), (13, '/1/3/2/', 'Slovakia', 2, 80000), (14, '/2/2/1/', 'Eastern', 4, 140000), (15, '/2/2/2/', 'Western', 3, 280000), (16, '/2/3/1/', 'Brazil', 1, 100000), (17, '/2/3/2/', 'Agentina', 2, 70000), (18, '/2/2/1/1/', 'New York', 2, 120000) ;

Even though we have inserted human-readable strings into the SalesAreaHierarchyID column, SQL Server converts these strings and stores them as hexadecimal values. This makes the column extremely compact and efficient. The size of the HierarchyID column and that of the INT column used for the ParentSalesAreaID column in the traditional hierarchy can be compared using the query in Listing 12-7.

Listing 12-7 Comparing the Size of a Traditional Hierarchy to HierarchyID

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT           SUM(DATALENGTH(salesareahierarchy)) AS SizeOfHierarchyID         , SUM(DATALENGTH(parentsalesareaid)) AS SizeOfTraditional FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID SalesAreaHierarchy INNER JOIN sales.SalesAreaTraditionalHierarchy SalesAreaTraditional         ON SalesAreaHierarchy.SalesAreaID = SalesAreaTraditional.SalesAreaID ;

The results of this query are shown in Figure 12-4. You can see that the HierarchyID column is less than half the size of the INT column used for the ParentSalesAreaID.

Figure 12-4
figure 4

Results of size comparison


In Chapter 1, you learned that it is important to use the correct data type, and if I had chosen to use a SMALLINT for the ParentSalesAreaID column, the two columns would be about the same size. This is, however, a minor example, provided for the purpose of explaining HierarchyID, but if you are implementing hierarchies on a large scale, this example is a fair representation.

If we run a normal SELECT statement against the SalesAreaHierarchyID table, we can see the hexadecimal values in their raw form. For example, consider the query in Listing 12-8.

Listing 12-8 SELECT Statement Against HierarchyID Column

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT           SalesAreaName         , SalesAreaHierarchy FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID ;

The results of this query are displayed in Figure 12-5 . You will notice that the contents of the SalesAreaHierarchy column are returned as hexadecimal values, instead of human-readable strings. In order to view the human-readable strings that we entered, we must use the ToString() method, which is discussed in the “Working with HierarchyID Methods” section of this chapter.

Figure 12-5
figure 5

Results of SELECT statement against HierarchyID column

HierarchyID Methods

A number of methods are exposed against the HierarchyID data type, allowing developers to quickly write efficient code when working with hierarchies. Table 12-3 details these methods.

Table 12-3 Methods Exposed Against the HierarchyID Data Type


HierarchyID methods are case-sensitive. For example, calling tostring() will throw an error; calling ToString() will succeed.

Working with HierarchyID Methods

The following sections describe how to use the methods exposed against the HierarchyID data type.

Using ToString( )

If you run a SELECT statement against a column with the HierarchyID data type, the value returned will be a hexadecimal representation of the node. To see a textual representation of the node, you must use the ToString() method. For example, consider the query in Listing 12-9.

Listing 12-9 Using ToString()

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT           SalesAreaName         , SalesAreaHierarchy         , SalesAreaHierarchy.ToString() AS SalesAreaHierarchyString FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID ;

The results of this query are displayed in Figure 12-6. You will see that the column becomes human-readable, once the ToString() method is called against it.

Figure 12-6
figure 6

Results of using ToString()

Using Parse( )

The Parse() method is called implicitly when a string representation of a node is inserted into a HierarchyID column. Essentially, the Parse() method performs the reverse function of the ToString() method. It attempts to convert a string formatted representation to the HierarchyID representation. If it fails, an error is thrown. For example, consider the script in Listing 12-10.

Listing 12-10 Using the Parse() Method

--Returns Hexidecimal Representation Of Node SELECT HierarchyID::Parse('/1/1/2/2/') ; --Throws An Error Because Trailing / Is Missing SELECT HierarchyID::Parse('/1/1/2/2') ;

The Results tab displayed by running this script can be seen in Figure 12-7. While the first query displays the expected result, the second query returns no results.

Figure 12-7
figure 7

Using Parse() Results tab

Checking the Messages tab, displayed in Figure 12-8, will detail the error thrown by the .NET framework.

Figure 12-8
figure 8

Error thrown by .NET framework

Using GetRoot( )

The GetRoot() method will return the root node of a hierarchy, as demonstrated in Listing 12-11.

Listing 12-11 Using GetRoot()

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT            SalesAreaName         ,  SalesAreaHierarchy.ToString() FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID WHERE SalesAreaHierarchy = HierarchyID::GetRoot() ;

The results of this query can be viewed in Figure 12-9.

Figure 12-9
figure 9

Results of using GetRoot()

Using GetLevel( )

The GetLevel() method allows you to determine at what level of the hierarchy a particular node resides. For example, the query in Listing 12-12 will return all nodes that reside on the bottom level of the hierarchy. In our case, this is just New York.

The subquery will determine the maximum level within the hierarchy, and the outer query will return all sales areas that are at that level.

Listing 12-12 Using GetLevel()

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT         SalesAreaName FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID WHERE SalesAreaHierarchy.GetLevel() =         (         SELECT                 MAX(SalesAreaHierarchy.GetLevel())         FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID         ) ;

The results of this query can be found in Figure 12-10.

Figure 12-10
figure 10

Results of using GetLevel()

Read( ) and Write( )

Because this chapter focuses on how to use HierarchyID within your T-SQL code and the Read() and Write() methods are only applicable to using SQLCLR (the technology that allows for managed objects to be created inside SQL Server), a full description of the Read() and Write() methods is beyond the scope of this book.

Using GetDescendant( )

Of course, a developer could insert a new node into the hierarchy, between existing nodes, but the GetDescendant() method helps a developer do this pragmatically. The method accepts two parameters, both of which can be NULL and represent existing children. The method will then generate a node value, using the following rules:

  • If the parent is NULL, then a NULL value will be returned.

  • If the parent is not NULL, and both parameters are NULL, the first child of the parent will be returned.

  • If the parent and first parameter are not NULL, but the second parameter is NULL, a child of parent greater than the first parameter will be returned.

  • If the parent and second parameter are not NULL but the first parameter is NULL, a child of parent smaller than the second parameter will be returned.

  • If parent and both parameters are not NULL, a child of parent between the two parameters will be returned.

  • If the first parameter is not NULL and not a child of the parent, an error is thrown.

  • If the second parameter is not NULL and not a child of the parent, an error is thrown.

  • If the first parameter is greater than or equal to the second parameter, an error is thrown.

For example, imagine that we want to create with the parent of America a new sales area called Spain. We want the node value to be between Canada and USA. We could achieve this with the query in Listing 12-13.


Obviously, Spain should be included under Western Europe, not under America. Don’t worry, this is a deliberate error, which we will resolve in the “Using GetReparentedValue” section of this chapter.

Listing 12-13 Generating a New Hierarchy Node

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT NewNode.ToString() FROM ( SELECT         SalesAreaHierarchy.GetDescendant(0x6AC0,0x6B40) AS NewNode FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID WHERE SalesAreaName = 'America' ) NewNode ;

The results produced by this query are illustrated in Figure 12-11. You will see that the lowest level contains a period (1.1). This is because Canada has a value of 1 and USA has a value of 2. Therefore, to generate a node value between the two, an integer cannot be used. This guarantees that a new node can always be inserted between two existing nodes.

Figure 12-11
figure 11

Results of using GetDescendant()

To programmatically add the Spain sales area to the hierarchy, we could use the query in Listing 12-14.

Listing 12-14 Insert a New Node into the Hierarchy

USE WideWorldImporters GO INSERT INTO Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID         (                   SalesAreaID                 , SalesAreaHierarchy                 , SalesAreaName                 , CountOfSalesPeople                 , SalesYTD                 ) SELECT         (SELECT MAX(SalesAreaID) + 1 FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID)               ,  SalesAreaHierarchy.GetDescendant(0x6AC0,0x6B40)         , 'Spain'         , 2         , 200000 FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID WHERE SalesAreaName = 'America' ;

Using GetReparentedValue( )

As you probably noticed in the “Using GetDescendant()” section, the Spain sales area was incorrectly created under the America aggregation area, as opposed to the Western Europe aggregation area. We can resolve this issue by using the GetReparentedValue() method.

Consider the script in Listing 12-15. First, we declare two variables, with the type HierarchyID. These will be passed as parameters into the GetReparentedValue() method. The @America variable is populated with the sales area hierarchy node pertaining to the original parent sales area, and the @WesternEurope variable is populated with the sales area hierarchy node pertaining to the target parent sales area.

Listing 12-15 Use GetReparentedValue()

USE WideWorldImporters GO DECLARE @America HIERARCHYID = (     SELECT SalesAreaHierarchy     FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID     WHERE SalesAreaName = 'America' ) ; DECLARE @WesternEurope HIERARCHYID = (     SELECT SalesAreaHierarchy     FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID     WHERE SalesAreaName = 'Western Europe' ) ; SELECT Area.ToString() FROM ( SELECT SalesAreaHierarchy.GetReparentedValue(@America,@WesternEurope) AS Area FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID WHERE SalesAreaHierarchy = 0x6B16 ) NewNodePath ;

The results of this script can be seen in Figure 12-12. You will notice that the leaf node value has remained the same, while the path (parent nodes) have been changed, so that the node sits under the Western Europe aggregation area.

Figure 12-12
figure 12

Results of using GetReparentedValue()

We could update the ancestry of the Spain sales area, in the Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID table, by using the script in Listing 12-16.

Listing 12-16 Updating the Ancestry of the Spain Sales Area

USE WideWorldImporters GO DECLARE @America HIERARCHYID = (     SELECT SalesAreaHierarchy     FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID     WHERE SalesAreaName = 'America' ) ; DECLARE @WesternEurope HIERARCHYID = (     SELECT SalesAreaHierarchy         FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID         WHERE SalesAreaName = 'Western Europe' ) ; UPDATE Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID SET SalesAreaHierarchy = ( SELECT SalesAreaHierarchy.GetReparentedValue(@America,@WesternEurope) FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID WHERE SalesAreaHierarchy = 0x6B16 ) WHERE SalesAreaHierarchy = 0x6B16 ;

Using GetAncestor( )

The GetAncestor() method can be used to return the ancestor node of a given hierarchical node at the number of levels based on an input parameter to the method. For example, consider the query in Listing 12-17. This query will return the grandparent of Spain, the parent of Spain, and Spain itself, by passing different parameters into the GetAncestor() method.


For this query to work as expected, you first must have run the previous examples in the chapter. Specifically, the insert and update queries in the “Using GetDescendant()” and “Using GetReparentedValue()” sections, as well as Listing 12-2, which creates and populates the table.

Listing 12-17 Using GetAncestor()

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT                 CurrentNode.SalesAreaName AS SalesArea         , ParentNode.SalesAreaName AS ParentSalesArea         , GrandParentNode.SalesAreaName AS GrandParentSalesArea FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID Base INNER JOIN Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID CurrentNode         ON CurrentNode.SalesAreaHierarchy = Base.SalesAreaHierarchy.GetAncestor(0) INNER JOIN Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID ParentNode         ON ParentNode.SalesAreaHierarchy = Base.SalesAreaHierarchy.GetAncestor(1) INNER JOIN Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID GrandParentNode         ON GrandParentNode.SalesAreaHierarchy = Base.SalesAreaHierarchy.GetAncestor(2) WHERE Base.SalesAreaName = 'Spain' ;

Using IsDescendantOf( )

The IsDescendantOf() method evaluates if a node within the hierarchy is a descendant (at any level) of a node that is passed to it as a parameter. It is this method that we can use to rewrite the query in Listing 12-5, which rolled up the SalesYTD for all sales areas under the America aggregation area, using a traditional hierarchy.

You will remember, that when using a traditional hierarchy, we had to implement a recursive CTE, which rolled up the SalesYTD column, for all hierarchical levels, which are descendants of America. When using a HierarchyID column to maintain the hierarchy, however, our code is greatly simplified, as demonstrated in Listing 12-18.

Listing 12-18 Using IsDescendantOf()

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT     SUM(SalesYTD) AS TotalSalesYTD FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID WHERE SalesAreaHierarchy.IsDescendantOf(0x68) = 1 ;

Instead of a recursive CTE, the functionally equivalent code is a simple query with a WHERE clause that filters hierarchical nodes , based on whether they are descendants of the America aggregation area. Listing 12-19 shows a more complex example. Here, we are parameterizing the sales area and calculating not only the total SalesYTD but also the TotalSalesPeople and the regions AverageSalesPerSalesPerson.

Listing 12-19 Parameterizing IsDescendantOf() Queries

USE WideWorldImporters GO DECLARE @Region NVARCHAR(20) = 'America' ; DECLARE @RegionHierarchy HIERARCHYID =     (          SELECT SalesAreaHierarchy          FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID          WHERE SalesAreaName = @Region         ) ; SELECT       SUM(SalesYTD) AS TotalSalesYTD     , SUM(CountOfSalesPeople) AS TotalSalesPeople     , SUM(SalesYTD) / SUM(CountOfSalesPeople) AS AverageSalesPerSalesPerson FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID WHERE SalesAreaHierarchy.IsDescendantOf(@RegionHierarchy) = 1 ;

You can clearly see how the Region parameter could be passed into a stored procedure, so that this code could be accessed by an application.

Let us now add a SalesAreaName to the SELECT list, and group by this column, as demonstrated in Listing 12-20.

Listing 12-20 Adding a GROUP BY

USE WideWorldImporters GO DECLARE @Region NVARCHAR(20) = 'America' ; DECLARE @RegionHierarchy HIERARCHYID =     (          SELECT SalesAreaHierarchy          FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID          WHERE SalesAreaName = @Region         ) ; SELECT       SUM(SalesYTD) AS TotalSalesYTD     , SUM(CountOfSalesPeople) AS TotalSalesPeople     , SUM(SalesYTD) / SUM(CountOfSalesPeople) AS AverageSalesPerSalesPerson     , SalesAreaName FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID WHERE SalesAreaHierarchy.IsDescendantOf(@RegionHierarchy) = 1 GROUP BY SalesAreaName ;

The results of this query are illustrated in Figure 12-13.

Figure 12-13
figure 13

Results of using IsDescendantOf() with GROUP BY

The interesting behavior exposed by the results of this query is that America is included. This is because HierarchyID regards America as a descendant of itself. This does not create an issue for us, because the aggregations are not pre-calculated. However, in some instances, you may have to exclude America from the result set. This can easily be achieved by adding an additional filter to the WHERE clause, as demonstrated in Listing 12-21.

Listing 12-21 Filtering the Current Node from Descendants

USE WideWorldImporters GO DECLARE @Region NVARCHAR(20) = 'America' ; DECLARE @RegionHierarchy HIERARCHYID =     (          SELECT SalesAreaHierarchy          FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID          WHERE SalesAreaName = @Region         ) ; SELECT       SUM(SalesYTD) AS TotalSalesYTD     , SUM(CountOfSalesPeople) AS TotalSalesPeople     , SUM(SalesYTD) / SUM(CountOfSalesPeople) AS AverageSalesPerSalesPerson     , SalesAreaName FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID WHERE SalesAreaHierarchy.IsDescendantOf(@RegionHierarchy) = 1         AND SalesAreaHierarchy <> @RegionHierarchy GROUP BY SalesAreaName ;

This query filters the result set to exclude the sales area, the hierarchical node of which is equal to the hierarchical node that is being passed to the IsDescendantOf() method. This technique allows us to use the WITH ROLLUP clause on the GROUP BY, in conjunction with wrapping SalesAreaName in an ISNULL() function, to produce a subtotal row for the whole of America. This is demonstrated in Listing 12-22.

Listing 12-22 Producing a Total Row for America

USE WideWorldImporters GO DECLARE @Region NVARCHAR(20) = 'America' ; DECLARE @RegionHierarchy HIERARCHYID =     (          SELECT SalesAreaHierarchy          FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID          WHERE SalesAreaName = @Region         ) ; SELECT       SUM(SalesYTD) AS TotalSalesYTD     , SUM(CountOfSalesPeople) AS TotalSalesPeople     , SUM(SalesYTD) / SUM(CountOfSalesPeople) AS AverageSalesPerSalesPerson     , ISNULL(SalesAreaName, @Region) FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID WHERE SalesAreaHierarchy.IsDescendantOf(@RegionHierarchy) = 1         AND SalesAreaHierarchy <> @RegionHierarchy GROUP BY SalesAreaName  WITH ROLLUP ;

The results of this query can be seen in Figure 12-14.

Figure 12-14
figure 14

Results of adding a total row

Indexing HierarchyID Columns

There are no “special” index types that support HierarchyID, as there are for XML or geospatial data types. Instead, the performance of HierarchyID columns can be improved by using traditional clustered and nonclustered indexes. When creating indexes to support HierarchyID, there are two strategies that can be employed, depending on the nature of the queries that will use the indexes.

By default, creating an index on a HierarchyID column will create a depth-first index . This means that descendants will be stored close to their parents. In our example, New York would be stored close to Eastern, which in turn would be stored close to USA, and so on. The script in Listing 12-23 demonstrates how to create a clustered index on the SalesAreaHierarchy column, which uses a depth-first approach.


The script first drops the primary key on the SalesAreaID column, which implicitly drops the clustered index on this column. The primary key name, in this case, is system-generated, however. Therefore, to run this script, you must change the name of the constraint, to reflect your own system.

Listing 12-23 Creating a Depth-First Clustered Index

USE WideWorldImporters GO ALTER TABLE Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID         DROP CONSTRAINT PK__SalesAre__DB0A1ED5D7B258FB ; GO CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX SalesAreaHierarchyDepthFirst         ON Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID(SalesAreaHierarchy) ; GO

We can see how SQL Server has organized this data, by running the query in Listing 12-24 . This query uses the undocumented sys.physlocformatter() function to return the exact location of each record, in the format FileID:PageID:SlotID.

Listing 12-24 View Location of Rows

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT       SalesAreaName     , sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter(%%physloc%%) AS PhysicalLocation FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID ;

This query returns the results shown in Figure 12-15 . You can see that each node is stored under its parent. This is even true for Spain, despite us adding it after the other regions, which means its original location would have been the final used slot in the page.

Figure 12-15
figure 15

Results of viewing row locations


The row’s physical location is likely to be different when you run the query yourself.

The other possible indexing strategy is a breadth-first technique. Here, sibling nodes will be stored close to each other, instead of storing descendants close to each other. To implement a breadth-first indexing strategy, we must add to our table an additional column that stores the hierarchical level of each node. This column can be created and populated by using the script in Listing 12-25.

Listing 12-25 Adding a Level Column to Support Breadth-First Indexing

USE WideWorldImporters GO ALTER TABLE Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID ADD         SalesAreaLevel INT NULL ; GO UPDATE Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID SET SalesAreaLevel = SalesAreaHierarchy.GetLevel() ;

Using the script in Listing 12-26 , we can now create a clustered index, which is first order by the hierarchical level of the node and then by the HierarchyID column. This will cause siblings to be stored close to one another.


The script first drops the existing clustered index, because a table can only support a single clustered index.

Listing 12-26 Creating a Breadth-First Index

USE WideWorldImporters GO DROP INDEX SalesAreaHierarchyDepthFirst ON Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID ; GO CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX SalesAreaHierarchyBredthFirst         ON Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID(SalesAreaLevel, SalesAreaHierarchy) ;

Listing 12-27 demonstrates how we can use the same technique as in Listing 12-24, to view the actual location of each node within the hierarchy. This time, as well as returning the sales area name, we will also return the SalesAreaLevel for easy analysis.

Listing 12-27 View Rows Location with a Breadth-First Strategy

USE WideWorldImporters GO SELECT       SalesAreaName     , SalesAreaLevel     , sys.fn_PhysLocFormatter(%%physloc%%) AS PhysicalLocation FROM Sales.SalesAreaHierarchyID ;

The results of this query can be found in Figure 12-16 . You will notice that the order of rows has changed and that UK, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Canada, USA, and LATAM are now next to one another, as they are all at Level 2 of the hierarchy.

Figure 12-16
figure 16

Results of viewing row locations in a breadth-first hierarchy


HierarchyID is created as a .NET class and implemented as a data type in SQL Server. Using HierarchyID over a traditional approach to modeling hierarchies in SQL Server has the benefits both of reducing code complexity and improving performance. The HierarchyID data type exposes several methods that can be used by developers to easily navigate a hierarchy, insert new hierarchical nodes, or update existing nodes so that they sit under a new parent.

The two most commonly used methods, in my experience, are the ToString() method, which allows a developer to format a hierarchical node as a human-readable string representation, and IsDescendantOf(), which performs an evaluation of hierarchical node lineage and returns 1 when a node is a descendant of an input parameter and 0 if it is not.

The Read() and Write() methods offer data type conversion functionality to SQLCLR, but these are not implemented in T-SQL, as the CAST and CONVERT functions can easily be used instead.

When indexing HierarchyID columns, either a depth-first strategy or a breadth-first strategy can be applied. Depth-first is the default option and stores child nodes close to their parents. A breadth-first strategy requires an additional column in the table, which stores the node’s level with the hierarchy. This allows a multicolumn index to store sibling nodes close to one another. The indexing option that you choose should reflect the nature of the queries run against the HierarchyID column.