You have already completed two parts of this book. In the next two parts, you will learn about more complicated topics, such as dealing with conditions and loops. So that you properly understand these topics, in this chapter I will cover some tools that can be of great help to you in your programming.


You know the first tool I will cover: Visual Studio IntelliSense. Whenever you start typing anything, Visual Studio immediately offers you options for completing the text. When you choose one of the options, the development environment shows you further details about the option in a tooltip—what the option does, what parameters it requires, and so on.

I am covering IntelliSense in this chapter because it is often underused by beginning programmers. I recommend you get used to completing virtually every word you type using IntelliSense. You will spare yourself of a huge number of typos.

Exploring the Possibilities

Using IntelliSense is also a way to explore all the possibilities that every contemporary computing platform offers.

In former days, you had to study the possibilities in manuals or books. Some of them were capable enough to cover almost all the questions a programmer had. Today, however, there are so many possibilities that even a 1,000-page book cannot show them all.

You still need books (definitely this one!) to give you reliable and systematic instruction so you can understand the principles, but you will probably want to explore further possibilities not mentioned there. IntelliSense is a tool that can show you many of them.


Are you looking for possibilities of how you can manipulate text? Create a variable of the string type and enter its name followed by a dot (see Figure 14-1).

Figure 14-1
figure 1

Entering a variable name and a dot

You can find even more possibilities when you directly enter string followed by a dot (see Figure 14-2).

Figure 14-2
figure 2

Entering a data type and a dot

Are you looking for actions you can perform with dates? Enter the DateTime variable and then a dot (see Figure 14-3).

Figure 14-3
figure 3

Entering DateTime and a dot

Like with text, you can enter DateTime and a dot and get some tips on what might be useful to use (see Figure 14-4).

Figure 14-4
figure 4

Getting some tips from IntelliSense


The list of possibilities that IntelliSense offers you can be narrowed down using the icons at the bottom of the list. Click an appropriate icon if you want to see just properties, just methods, and so on.

Keyboard Shortcuts

It happens sometimes that you do something and IntelliSense disappears. In this case, you may find Ctrl+J or other keyboard shortcuts useful. To get a list of them, in Visual Studio’s menu bar, select Edit ➤ IntelliSense ➤ List Members (see Figure 14-5).

Figure 14-5
figure 5

Shortcut for List Members


IntelliSense can give you many tips. It can also show you the basic usage of the feature you search for. However, the place where you can find all the detailed information is the online documentation.

MSDN Portal

The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN ) at is the best place to start looking for anything concerning C# and other Microsoft technologies (see Figure 14-6).

Figure 14-6
figure 6

Microsoft Developer Network


You can work with the MSDN portal using the links on the home page. However, more frequently you are going to search for specific things. In the upper-right corner of the home page, you’ll see a search text field that you can bring into view by clicking the magnifying glass icon.

For example, enter Console class in the text field and press the Enter key (see Figure 14-7).

Figure 14-7
figure 7

Searching for “Console class ”

The link you are interested in is often the first one returned (see Figure 14-8).

Figure 14-8
figure 8

Viewing documentation for “Console class”

In the search results, always note what web site is featured. For example, is on MSDN, and is a well-known forum about programming.

Specific Class Page

After clicking the correct link, you will find all the things about a specific class, such as Console in this example.

You’ll see a Properties list (see Figure 14-9), Actions list, Methods list, and so on.

Figure 14-9
figure 9

Properties list

When I am getting acquainted with some class I do not know yet, I usually look for a “Remarks” section, which covers basic information about the class usage and entry points to further details (see Figure 14-10).

Figure 14-10
figure 10

Getting more details in the Remarks section

Common Search

To conclude this section about documentation, note that you can perform your searches outside of the MSDN portal, too. Simply use your favorite web browser to search.

However, contrary to an MSDN search, a common search displays irrelevant results more frequently. To compensate for this, you can refine your query using the programming language name, such as entering Console class C# in your favorite web browser’s search field.

Debugging Tools

Besides IntelliSense and documentation, there are other tools that you are going to find helpful. Specifically, you can use debugging tools that allow you to look inside a computer, so to speak. You can use them to see how the computer executes individual commands, what values are stored in memory, and so on.

These are the tools you are going to study now. Originally they were developed to facilitate program debugging, in other words, searching for and removing errors. However, they are probably even more useful as illustrative tools to facilitate your understanding of various programming constructions.


It is best to try all the tools in practice, so please open the “Treating incorrect input” project in Visual Studio from Chapter 8. The program adds two numbers and treats possible input errors using try-catch.

Stepping Through the Code

A computer works so fast that it is impossible to follow it with its gigahertz speed. That is why it’s often helpful to step through the code, which forces the computer to execute one statement at a time, upon your command.

Go to your opened “Treating incorrect input ” project and launch it using the F10 key instead of the usual F5. Of course, selecting Debug ➤ Step Over menu does the same thing (see Figure 14-11).

Figure 14-11
figure 11

Launching a program using the F10 key

The individual program statements are now being executed one at a time whenever you press F10. All the while, using a yellow arrow and yellow background, the development environment denotes the statement that is to be executed in the next step.

Now just play with the stepping. Try the case when the user enters correct data and also the case of wrong input. The IDE will show you how try-catch or anything else works. This allows you to see how the program runs with your own eyes.

Terminate Stepping

When you find what you were looking for, you do not have to step through the program to the last statement. There are other choices.

  • Using the F5 key (or Debug ➤ Continue), you can continue the regular program execution (no stepping).

  • Using the Shift+F5 key (or Debug ➤ Stop Debugging), you can terminate program execution.


I have covered what to do if you do not want to step through your code after you have passed the point you are interested in. There is another situation. Say you do not want to do any stepping before you get to the place of interest. In that case, you can use a breakpoint .

Click the statement where the computer is to stop and press F9 (alternatively, right-click and choose Breakpoint ➤ Insert Breakpoint). The fact a breakpoint has been placed is indicated with a dark red background and a dark red bullet at the beginning of the line (see Figure 14-12).

Figure 14-12
figure 12

Inserted breakpoint

Using a Breakpoint

If your program is still running from the previous exercise, terminate it by using the Shift+F5 key combination. Now launch the program the regular way, in other words, using the F5 key. It will run normally, and it will stop when it reaches the breakpoint. Visual Studio pops up in front of the program’s window.

After that, you can step through the code or just look at something and use the F5 key to run your program further until its end or until the next breakpoint.

Removing a Breakpoint

To remove a breakpoint that you do not need any longer, press F9 again on a particular line, or right-click choose Breakpoint ➤ Delete Breakpoint from the context menu.

Memory Inspection

Whenever your program is suspended (from a breakpoint, stepping, and so on), you can inspect the memory that is available to your program and explore the values of individual variables.

To facilitate memory inspection, Visual Studio shows the Autos, Locals, and Watch panes at the bottom of its window. If those panes are not there, you can display them using the Debug ➤ Windows menu.

While the Autos and Locals panes automatically select the variables to display, the Watch pane is populated manually according to what you want to see. You can enter a particular variable’s name in the pane, or you can right-click the variable in the code and select Add Watch from the context menu (see Figure 14-13).

Figure 14-13
figure 13

Selecting Add Watch

The current value of the selected variable appears in the Watch window (see Figure 14-14).

Figure 14-14
figure 14

Using the Watch window

C# Interactive

The last tool to help you that I will mention here enables you to study C# statements in interactive mode.

What Is It?

Up to now, you have always had to write a program with several statements and then launch it to see it in action. The interactive mode allows you to enter individual C# statements and run them immediately. You can explore some C# features much faster this way.

How to Launch It?

You can start the interactive mode by selecting View ➤ Other Windows ➤ C# Interactive (see Figure 14-15). You do not even need to have a project created/opened.

Figure 14-15
figure 15

Switching to interactive mode

Figure 14-16 shows an example interactive session—I have declared a numeric variable, augmented it by ten, and displayed its value.

Figure 14-16
figure 16

Example interactive session


Note the following:

  • If you need to enter a multiline statement, you can terminate lines with Shift+Enter instead of simply Enter.

  • Using #help displays concise information about how to work with the interactive mode.


This chapter introduced you to the tooling that you can use in your programming, including IntelliSense, the documentation, debugging tools, and the interactive mode.

IntelliSense shows a list of available possibilities and corresponding tooltips when you type in the Visual Studio editor. You already know how to use it. Here I introduced IntelliSense as a way of exploring the huge C# universe. For example, if you want to manipulate text and you do not know precisely how a corresponding method is called, you can append a string variable with a dot and browse through the possibilities. You can also append the type’s name with a dot to get still more possibilities.

You learned about the MSDN web site, which contains the documentation for all Microsoft programming technologies, including the C# language and the .NET platform. You usually perform full-text searches on this web site, which also includes links to a big programming forum called Stack Overflow.

In the chapter, I uncovered some debugging tools, which allow you to see “inside the computer.” You can watch how individual statements are executed, check the variable values, and so on. Specifically, you learned how to step through your code, set breakpoints, and inspect the memory.

The interactive mode is a way to quickly enter C# statements and see what they do. It is a fine tool to explore new features.