The idea of making intelligent, sentient, and self-aware machines is not something that suddenly came into existence in the last few years. In fact a lot of lore from Greek mythology talks about intelligent machines and inventions having self-awareness and intelligence of their own. The origins and the evolution of the computer have been really revolutionary over a period of several centuries, starting from the basic Abacus and its descendant the slide rule in the 17th Century to the first general purpose computer designed by Charles Babbage in the 1800s. In fact, once computers started evolving with the invention of the Analytical Engine by Babbage and the first computer program, which was written by Ada Lovelace in 1842, people started wondering and contemplating that could there be a time when computers or machines truly become intelligent and start thinking for themselves. In fact, the renowned computer scientist, Alan Turing, was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, algorithms, and formal language and addressed concepts like artificial intelligence and Machine Learning as early as the 1950s. This brief insight into the evolution of making machines learn is just to give you an idea of something that has been out there since centuries but has recently started gaining a lot of attention and focus.

With faster computers, better processing, better computation power, and more storage, we have been living in what I like to call, the “age of information” or the “age of data”. Day in and day out, we deal with managing Big Data and building intelligent systems by using concepts and methodologies from Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, and Machine Learning. Of course, most of you must have heard many of the terms I just mentioned and come across sayings like “data is the new oil”. The main challenge that businesses and organizations have embarked on in the last decade is to use approaches to try to make sense of all the data that they have and use valuable information and insights from it in order to make better decisions. Indeed with great advancements in technology, including availability of cheap and massive computing, hardware (including GPUs) and storage, we have seen a thriving ecosystem built around domains like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and most recently Deep Learning. Researchers, developers, data scientists, and engineers are working continuously round the clock to research and build tools, frameworks, algorithms, techniques, and methodologies to build intelligent models and systems that can predict events, automate tasks, perform complex analyses, detect anomalies, self-heal failures, and even understand and respond to human inputs.

This chapter follows a structured approach to cover various concepts, methodologies, and ideas associated with Machine Learning. The core idea is to give you enough background on why we need Machine Learning, the fundamental building blocks of Machine Learning, and what Machine Learning offers us presently. This will enable you to learn about how best you can leverage Machine Learning to get the maximum from your data. Since this is a book on practical Machine Learning, while we will be focused on specific use cases, problems, and real-world case studies in subsequent chapters, it is extremely important to understand formal definitions, concepts, and foundations with regard to learning algorithms, data management, model building, evaluation, and deployment. Hence, we cover all these aspects, including industry standards related to data mining and Machine Learning workflows, so that it gives you a foundational framework that can be applied to approach and tackle any of the real-world problems we solve in subsequent chapters. Besides this, we also cover the different inter-disciplinary fields associated with Machine Learning, which are in fact related fields all under the umbrella of artificial intelligence.

This book is more focused on applied or practical Machine Learning, hence the major focus in most of the chapters will be the application of Machine Learning techniques and algorithms to solve real-world problems. Hence some level of proficiency in basic mathematics, statistics, and Machine Learning would be beneficial. However since this book takes into account the varying levels of expertise for various readers, this foundational chapter along with other chapters in Part I and II will get you up to speed on the key aspects of Machine Learning and building Machine Learning pipelines. If you are already familiar with the basic concepts relevant to Machine Learning and its significance, you can quickly skim through this chapter and head over to Chapter 2, “The Python Machine Learning Ecosystem,” where we discuss the benefits of Python for building Machine Learning systems and the major tools and frameworks typically used to solve Machine Learning problems.

This book heavily emphasizes learning by doing with a lot of code snippets, examples, and multiple case studies. We leverage Python 3 and depict all our examples with relevant code files (.py) and jupyter notebooks (.ipynb) for a more interactive experience. We encourage you to refer to the GitHub repository for this book at , where we will be sharing necessary code and datasets pertaining to each chapter. You can leverage this repository to try all the examples by yourself as you go through the book and adopt them in solving your own real-world problems. Bonus content relevant to Machine Learning and Deep Learning will also be shared in the future, so keep watching that space!

The Need for Machine Learning

Human beings are perhaps the most advanced and intelligent lifeform on this planet at the moment. We can think, reason, build, evaluate, and solve complex problems. The human brain is still something we ourselves haven’t figured out completely and hence artificial intelligence is still something that’s not surpassed human intelligence in several aspects. Thus you might get a pressing question in mind as to why do we really need Machine Learning? What is the need to go out of our way to spend time and effort to make machines learn and be intelligent? The answer can be summed up in a simple sentence, “To make data-driven decisions at scale”. We will dive into details to explain this sentence in the following sections.

Making Data-Driven Decisions

Getting key information or insights from data is the key reason businesses and organizations invest heavily in a good workforce as well as newer paradigms and domains like Machine Learning and artificial intelligence. The idea of data-driven decisions is not new. Fields like operations research, statistics, and management information systems have existed for decades and attempt to bring efficiency to any business or organization by using data and analytics to make data-driven decisions. The art and science of leveraging your data to get actionable insights and make better decisions is known as making data-driven decisions. Of course, this is easier said than done because rarely can we directly use raw data to make any insightful decisions. Another important aspect of this problem is that often we use the power of reasoning or intuition to try to make decisions based on what we have learned over a period of time and on the job. Our brain is an extremely powerful device that helps us do so. Consider problems like understanding what your fellow colleagues or friends are speaking, recognizing people in images, deciding whether to approve or reject a business transaction, and so on. While we can solve these problems almost involuntary, can you explain someone the process of how you solved each of these problems? Maybe to some extent, but after a while, it would be like, “Hey! My brain did most of the thinking for me!” This is exactly why it is difficult to make machines learn to solve these problems like regular computational programs like computing loan interest or tax rebates. Solutions to problems that cannot be programmed inherently need a different approach where we use the data itself to drive decisions instead of using programmable logic, rules, or code to make these decisions. We discuss this further in future sections.

Efficiency and Scale

While getting insights and making decisions driven by data are of paramount importance, it also needs to be done with efficiency and at scale. The key idea of using techniques from Machine Learning or artificial intelligence is to automate processes or tasks by learning specific patterns from the data. We all want computers or machines to tell us when a stock might rise or fall, whether an image is of a computer or a television, whether our product placement and offers are the best, determine shopping price trends, detect failures or outages before they occur, and the list just goes on! While human intelligence and expertise is something that we definitely can’t do without, we need to solve real-world problems at huge scale with efficiency.

A Real-World Problem at Scale

Consider the following real-world problem. You are the manager of a world-class infrastructure team for the DSS Company that provides Data Science services in the form of cloud based infrastructure and analytical platforms for other businesses and consumers. Being a provider of services and infrastructure, you want your infrastructure to be top-notch and robust to failures and outages. Considering you are starting out of St. Louis in a small office, you have a good grasp over monitoring all your network devices including routers, switches, firewalls, and load balancers regularly with your team of 10 experienced employees. Soon you make a breakthrough with providing cloud based Deep Learning services and GPUs for development and earn huge profits. However, now you keep getting more and more customers. The time has come for expanding your base to offices in San Francisco, New York, and Boston. You have a huge connected infrastructure now with hundreds of network devices in each building! How will you manage your infrastructure at scale now? Do you hire more manpower for each office or do you try to leverage Machine Learning to deal with tasks like outage prediction, auto-recovery, and device monitoring? Think about this for some time from both an engineer as well as a manager's point of view.

Traditional Programming Paradigm

Computers, while being extremely sophisticated and complex devices, are just another version of our well known idiot box, the television! “How can that be?” is a very valid question at this point. Let’s consider a television or even one of the so-called smart TVs, which are available these days. In theory as well as in practice, the TV will do whatever you program it to do. It will show you the channels you want to see, record the shows you want to view later on, and play the applications you want to play! The computer has been doing the exact same thing but in a different way. Traditional programming paradigms basically involve the user or programmer to write a set of instructions or operations using code that makes the computer perform specific computations on data to give the desired results. Figure 1-1 depicts a typical workflow for traditional programming paradigms .

Figure 1-1.
figure 1

Traditional programming paradigm

From Figure 1-1, you can get the idea that the core inputs that are given to the computer are data and one or more programs that are basically code written with the help of a programming language, such as high-level languages like Java, Python, or low-level like C or even Assembly. Programs enable computers to work on data, perform computations, and generate output. A task that can be performed really well with traditional programming paradigms is computing your annual tax.

Now, let’s think about the real-world infrastructure problem we discussed in the previous section for DSS Company. Do you think a traditional programming approach might be able to solve this problem? Well, it could to some extent. We might be able to tap in to the device data and event streams and logs and access various device attributes like usage levels, signal strength, incoming and outgoing connections, memory and processor usage levels, error logs and events, and so on. We could then use the domain knowledge of our network and infrastructure experts in our teams and set up some event monitoring systems based on specific decisions and rules based on these data attributes. This would give us what we could call as a rule-based reactive analytical solution where we can monitor devices, observe if any specific anomalies or outages occur, and then take necessary action to quickly resolve any potential issues. We might also have to hire some support and operations staff to continuously monitor and resolve issues as needed. However, there is still a pressing problem of trying to prevent as many outages or issues as possible before they actually take place. Can Machine Learning help us in some way?

Why Machine Learning?

We will now address the question that started this discussion of why we need Machine Learning. Considering what you have learned so far, while the traditional programming paradigm is quite good and human intelligence and domain expertise is definitely an important factor in making data-driven decisions, we need Machine Learning to make faster and better decisions. The Machine Learning paradigm tries to take into account data and expected outputs or results if any and uses the computer to build the program, which is also known as a model. This program or model can then be used in the future to make necessary decisions and give expected outputs from new inputs. Figure 1-2 shows how the Machine Learning paradigm is similar yet different from traditional programming paradigms.

Figure 1-2.
figure 2

Machine Learning paradigm

Figure 1-2 reinforces the fact that in the Machine Learning paradigm, the machine, in this context the computer, tries to use input data and expected outputs to try to learn inherent patterns in the data that would ultimately help in building a model analogous to a computer program, which would help in making data-driven decisions in the future (predict or tell us the output) for new input data points by using the learned knowledge from previous data points (its knowledge or experience). You might start to see the benefit in this. We would not need hand-coded rules, complex flowcharts, case and if-then conditions, and other criteria that are typically used to build any decision making system or a decision support system. The basic idea is to use Machine Learning to make insightful decisions.

This will be clearer once we discuss our real-world problem of managing infrastructure for DSS Company. In the traditional programming approach, we talked about hiring new staff, setting up rule-based monitoring systems, and so on. If we were to use a Machine Learning paradigm shift here, we could go about solving the problem using the following steps.

  • Leverage device data and logs and make sure we have enough historical data in some data store (database, logs, or flat files)

  • Decide key data attributes that could be useful for building a model. This could be device usage, logs, memory, processor, connections, line strength, links, and so on.

  • Observe and capture device attributes and their behavior over various time periods that would include normal device behavior and anomalous device behavior or outages. These outcomes would be your outputs and device data would be your inputs

  • Feed these input and output pairs to any specific Machine Learning algorithm in your computer and build a model that learns inherent device patterns and observes the corresponding output or outcome

  • Deploy this model such that for newer values of device attributes it can predict if a specific device is behaving normally or it might cause a potential outage

Thus once you are able to build a Machine Learning model, you can easily deploy it and build an intelligent system around it such that you can not only monitor devices reactively but you would be able to proactively identify potential problems and even fix them before any issues crop up. Imagine building self-heal or auto-heal systems coupled with round the clock device monitoring. The possibilities are indeed endless and you will not have to keep on hiring new staff every time you expand your office or buy new infrastructure.

Of course, the workflow discussed earlier with the series of steps needed for building a Machine Learning model is much more complex than how it has been portrayed, but again this is just to emphasize and make you think more conceptually rather than technically of how the paradigm has shifted in case of Machine Learning processes and you need to change your thinking too from the traditional based approaches toward being more data-driven. The beauty of Machine Learning is that it is never domain constrained and you can use techniques to solve problems spanning multiple domains, businesses, and industries. Also, as depicted in Figure 1-2, you always do not need output data points to build a model; sometimes input data is sufficient (or rather output data might not be present) for techniques more suited toward unsupervised learning (which we will discuss in depth later on in this chapter). A simple example is trying to determine customer shopping patterns by looking at the grocery items they typically buy together in a store based on past transactional data. In the next section, we take a deeper dive toward understanding Machine Learning.

Understanding Machine Learning

By now, you have seen how a typical real-world problem suitable to solve using Machine Learning might look like. Besides this, you have also got a good grasp over the basics of traditional programming and Machine Learning paradigms. In this section, we discuss Machine Learning in more detail. To be more specific, we will look at Machine Learning from a conceptual as well as a domain-specific standpoint. Machine Learning came into prominence perhaps in the 1990s when researchers and scientists started giving it more prominence as a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) such that techniques borrow concepts from AI, probability, and statistics, which perform far better compared to using fixed rule-based models requiring a lot of manual time and effort. Of course, as we have pointed out earlier, Machine Learning didn’t just come out of nowhere in the 1990s. It is a multi-disciplinary field that has gradually evolved over time and is still evolving as we speak.

A brief mention of history of evolution would be really helpful to get an idea of the various concepts and techniques that have been involved in the development of Machine Learning and AI. You could say that it started off in the late 1700s and the early 1800s when the first works of research were published which basically talked about the Bayes’ Theorem. In fact Thomas Bayes’ major work, “An Essay Towards Solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances,” was published in 1763. Besides this, a lot of research and discovery was done during this time in the field of probability and mathematics. This paved the way for more ground breaking research and inventions in the 20th Century, which included Markov Chains by Andrey Markov in the early 1900s, proposition of a learning system by Alan Turing, and the invention of the very famous perceptron by Frank Rosenblatt in the 1950s. Many of you might know that neural networks had several highs and lows since the 1950s and they finally came back to prominence in the 1980s with the discovery of backpropagation (thanks to Rumelhart, Hinton, and Williams!) and several other inventions, including Hopfield networks, neocognition, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, and Q-learning. Of course, rapid strides of evolution started taking place in Machine Learning too since the 1990s with the discovery of random forests, support vector machines, long short-term memory networks (LSTMs), and development and release of frameworks in both machine and Deep Learning including torch, theano, tensorflow, scikit-learn, and so on. We also saw the rise of intelligent systems including IBM Watson, DeepFace, and AlphaGo. Indeed the journey has been quite a roller coaster ride and there’s still miles to go in this journey. Take a moment and reflect on this evolutional journey and let’s talk about the purpose of this journey. Why and when should we really make machines learn?

Why Make Machines Learn?

We have discussed a fair bit about why we need Machine Learning in a previous section when we address the issue of trying to leverage data to make data-driven decisions at scale using learning algorithms without focusing too much on manual efforts and fixed rule-based systems. In this section, we discuss in more detail why and when should we make machines learn. There are several real-world tasks and problems that humans, businesses, and organizations try to solve day in and day out for our benefit. There are several scenarios when it might be beneficial to make machines learn and some of them are mentioned as follows.

  • Lack of sufficient human expertise in a domain (e.g., simulating navigations in unknown territories or even spatial planets).

  • Scenarios and behavior can keep changing over time (e.g., availability of infrastructure in an organization, network connectivity, and so on).

  • Humans have sufficient expertise in the domain but it is extremely difficult to formally explain or translate this expertise into computational tasks (e.g., speech recognition, translation, scene recognition, cognitive tasks, and so on).

  • Addressing domain specific problems at scale with huge volumes of data with too many complex conditions and constraints.

The previously mentioned scenarios are just several examples where making machines learn would be more effective than investing time, effort, and money in trying to build sub-par intelligent systems that might be limited in scope, coverage, performance, and intelligence. We as humans and domain experts already have enough knowledge about the world and our respective domains, which can be objective, subjective, and sometimes even intuitive. With the availability of large volumes of historical data, we can leverage the Machine Learning paradigm to make machines perform specific tasks by gaining enough experience by observing patterns in data over a period of time and then use this experience in solving tasks in the future with minimal manual intervention. The core idea remains to make machines solve tasks that can be easily defined intuitively and almost involuntarily but extremely hard to define formally.

Formal Definition

We are now ready to define Machine Learning formally. You may have come across multiple definitions of Machine Learning by now which include, techniques to make machines intelligent, automation on steroids, automating the task of automation itself, the sexiest job of the 21st century, making computers learn by themselves and countless others! While all of them are good quotes and true to certain extents, the best way to define Machine Learning would be to start from the basics of Machine Learning as defined by renowned professor Tom Mitchell in 1997.

The idea of Machine Learning is that there will be some learning algorithm that will help the machine learn from data. Professor Mitchell defined it as follows.

“A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.”

While this definition might seem daunting at first, I ask you go read through it a couple of times slowly focusing on the three parameters —T, P, and E—which are the main components of any learning algorithm, as depicted in Figure 1-3.

Figure 1-3.
figure 3

Defining the components of a learning algorithm

We can simplify the definition as follows. Machine Learning is a field that consists of learning algorithms that:

  • Improve their performance P

  • At executing some task T

  • Over time with experience E

While we discuss at length each of these entities in the following sections, we will not spend time in formally or mathematically defining each of these entities since the scope of the book is more toward applied or practical Machine Learning. If you consider our real-world problem from earlier, one of the tasks T could be predicting outages for our infrastructure; experience E would be what our Machine Learning model would gain over time by observing patterns from various device data attributes; and the performance of the model P could be measured in various ways like how accurately the model predicts outages.

Defining the Task, T

We had discussed briefly in the previous section about the task, T, which can be defined in a two-fold approach. From a problem standpoint, the task, T, is basically the real-world problem to be solved at hand, which could be anything from finding the best marketing or product mix to predicting infrastructure failures. In the Machine Learning world, it is best if you can define the task as concretely as possible such that you talk about what the exact problem is which you are planning to solve and how you could define or formulate the problem into a specific Machine Learning task.

Machine Learning based tasks are difficult to solve by conventional and traditional programming approaches. A task, T, can usually be defined as a Machine Learning task based on the process or workflow that the system should follow to operate on data points or samples. Typically a data sample or point will consist of multiple data attributes (also called features in Machine Learning lingo) just like the various device parameters we mentioned in our problem for DSS Company earlier. A typical data point can be denoted by a vector (Python list) such that each element in the vector is for a specific data feature or attribute. We discuss more about features and data points in detail in a future section as well as in Chapter 4, “Feature Engineering and Selection”.

Coming back to the typical tasks that could be classified as Machine Learning tasks, the following list describes some popular tasks.

  • Classification or categorization : This typically encompasses the list of problems or tasks where the machine has to take in data points or samples and assign a specific class or category to each sample. A simple example would be classifying animal images into dogs, cats, and zebras.

  • Regression : These types of tasks usually involve performing a prediction such that a real numerical value is the output instead of a class or category for an input data point. The best way to understand a regression task would be to take the case of a real-world problem of predicting housing prices considering the plot area, number of floors, bathrooms, bedrooms, and kitchen as input attributes for each data point.

  • Anomaly detection : These tasks involve the machine going over event logs, transaction logs, and other data points such that it can find anomalous or unusual patterns or events that are different from the normal behavior. Examples for this include trying to find denial of service attacks from logs, indications of fraud, and so on.

  • Structured annotation : This usually involves performing some analysis on input data points and adding structured metadata as annotations to the original data that depict extra information and relationships among the data elements. Simple examples would be annotating text with their parts of speech, named entities, grammar, and sentiment. Annotations can also be done for images like assigning specific categories to image pixels, annotate specific areas of images based on their type, location, and so on.

  • Translation: Automated machine translation tasks are typically of the nature such that if you have input data samples belonging to a specific language, you translate it into output having another desired language. Natural language based translation is definitely a huge area dealing with a lot of text data.

  • Clustering or grouping : Clusters or groups are usually formed from input data samples by making the machine learn or observe inherent latent patterns, relationships and similarities among the input data points themselves. Usually there is a lack of pre-labeled or pre-annotated data for these tasks hence they form a part of unsupervised Machine Learning (which we will discuss later on). Examples would be grouping similar products, events and entities.

  • Transcriptions : These tasks usually entail various representations of data that are usually continuous and unstructured and converting them into more structured and discrete data elements. Examples include speech to text, optical character recognition, images to text, and so on.

This should give you a good idea of typical tasks that are often solved using Machine Learning, but this list is definitely not an exhaustive one as the limits of tasks are indeed endless and more are being discovered with extensive research over time.

Defining the Experience, E

At this point, you know that any learning algorithm typically needs data to learn over time and perform a specific task, which we named as T. The process of consuming a dataset that consists of data samples or data points such that a learning algorithm or model learns inherent patterns is defined as the experience, E which is gained by the learning algorithm. Any experience that the algorithm gains is from data samples or data points and this can be at any point of time. You can feed it data samples in one go using historical data or even supply fresh data samples whenever they are acquired.

Thus, the idea of a model or algorithm gaining experience usually occurs as an iterative process, also known as training the model . You could think of the model to be an entity just like a human being which gains knowledge or experience through data points by observing and learning more and more about various attributes, relationships and patterns present in the data. Of course, there are various forms and ways of learning and gaining experience including supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning but we will discuss learning methods in a future section. For now, take a step back and remember the analogy we drew that when a machine truly learns, it is based on data which is fed to it from time to time thus allowing it to gain experience and knowledge about the task to be solved, such that it can used this experience, E, to predict or solve the same task, T, in the future for previously unseen data points.

Defining the Performance, P

Let’s say we have a Machine Learning algorithm that is supposed to perform a task, T, and is gaining experience, E, with data points over a period of time. But how do we know if it’s performing well or behaving the way it is supposed to behave? This is where the performance, P, of the model comes into the picture. The performance, P, is usually a quantitative measure or metric that’s used to see how well the algorithm or model is performing the task, T, with experience, E. While performance metrics are usually standard metrics that have been established after years of research and development, each metric is usually computed specific to the task, T, which we are trying to solve at any given point of time.

Typical performance measures include accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, sensitivity, specificity, error rate, misclassification rate, and many more. Performance measures are usually evaluated on training data samples (used by the algorithm to gain experience, E) as well as data samples which it has not seen or learned from before, which are usually known as validation and test data samples. The idea behind this is to generalize the algorithm so that it doesn’t become too biased only on the training data points and performs well in the future on newer data points. More on training, validation, and test data will be discussed when we talk about model building and validation .

While solving any Machine Learning problem, most of the times, the choice of performance measure, P, is either accuracy, F1 score, precision, and recall. While this is true in most scenarios, you should always remember that sometimes it is difficult to choose performance measures that will accurately be able to give us an idea of how well the algorithm is performing based on the actual behavior or outcome which is expected from it. A simple example would be that sometimes we would want to penalize misclassification or false positives more than correct hits or predictions. In such a scenario, we might need to use a modified cost function or priors such that we give a scope to sacrifice hit rate or overall accuracy for more accurate predictions with lesser false positives. A real-world example would be an intelligent system that predicts if we should give a loan to a customer. It’s better to build the system in such a way that it is more cautious against giving a loan than denying one. The simple reason is because one big mistake of giving a loan to a potential defaulter can lead to huge losses as compared to denying several smaller loans to potential customers. To conclude, you need to take into account all parameters and attributes involved in task, T, such that you can decide on the right performance measures, P, for your system.

A Multi-Disciplinary Field

We have formally introduced and defined Machine Learning in the previous section, which should give you a good idea about the main components involved with any learning algorithm. Let’s now shift our perspective to Machine Learning as a domain and field. You might already know that Machine Learning is mostly considered to be a sub-field of artificial intelligence and even computer science from some perspectives. Machine Learning has concepts that have been derived and borrowed from multiple fields over a period of time since its inception, making it a true multi-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary field. Figure 1-4 should give you a good idea with regard to the major fields that overlap with Machine Learning based on concepts, methodologies, ideas, and techniques. An important point to remember here is that this is definitely not an exhaustive list of domains or fields but pretty much depicts the major fields associated in tandem with Machine Learning.

Figure 1-4.
figure 4

Machine Learning: a true multi-disciplinary field

The major domains or fields associated with Machine Learning include the following, as depicted in Figure 1-4. We will discuss each of these fields in upcoming sections.

  • Artificial intelligence

  • Natural language processing

  • Data mining

  • Mathematics

  • Statistics

  • Computer science

  • Deep Learning

  • Data Science

You could say that Data Science is like a broad inter-disciplinary field spanning across all the other fields which are sub-fields inside it. Of course this is just a simple generalization and doesn’t strictly indicate that it is inclusive of all other other fields as a superset, but rather borrows important concepts and methodologies from them. The basic idea of Data Science is once again processes, methodologies, and techniques to extract information from data and domain knowledge. This is a big part of what we discuss in an upcoming section when we talk about Data Science in further details.

Coming back to Machine Learning, ideas of pattern recognition and basic data mining methodologies like knowledge discovery of databases (KDD) came into existence when relational databases were very prominent. These areas focus more on the ability and technique to mine for information from large datasets, such that you can get patterns, knowledge, and insights of interest. Of course, KDD is a whole process by itself that includes data acquisition, storage, warehousing, processing, and analysis. Machine Learning borrows concepts that are more concerned with the analysis phase, although you do need to go through the other steps to reach to the final stage. Data mining is again a interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary field and borrows concepts from computer science, mathematics, and statistics . The consequence of this is the fact that computational statistics form an important part of most Machine Learning algorithms and techniques.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the superset consisting of Machine Learning as one of its specialized areas. The basic idea of AI is the study and development of intelligence as exhibited by machines based on their perception of their environment, input parameters and attributes and their response such that they can perform desired tasks based on expectations. AI itself is a truly massive field which is itself inter-disciplinary. It draws on concepts from mathematics, statistics, computer science, cognitive sciences, linguistics, neuroscience, and many more. Machine Learning is more concerned with algorithms and techniques that can be used to understand data, build representations, and perform tasks such as predictions. Another major sub-field under AI related to Machine Learning is natural language processing (NLP) which borrows concepts heavily from computational linguistics and computer science. Text Analytics is a prominent field today among analysts and data scientists to extract, process and understand natural human language. Combine NLP with AI and Machine Learning and you get chatbots, machine translators, and virtual personal assistants, which are indeed the future of innovation and technology!

Coming to Deep Learning , it is a subfield of Machine Learning itself which deals more with techniques related to representational learning such that it improves with more and more data by gaining more experience. It follows a layered and hierarchical approach such that it tries to represent the given input attributes and its current surroundings, using a nested layered hierarchy of concept representations such that, each complex layer is built from another layer of simpler concepts. Neural networks are something which is heavily utilized by Deep Learning and we will look into Deep Learning in a bit more detail in a future section and solve some real-world problems later on in this book.

Computer science is pretty much the foundation for most of these domains dealing with study, development, engineering, and programming of computers. Hence we won’t be expanding too much on this but you should definitely remember the importance of computer science for Machine Learning to exist and be easily applied to solve real-world problems. This should give you a good idea about the broad landscape of the multi-disciplinary field of Machine Learning and how it is connected across multiple related and overlapping fields. We will discuss some of these fields in more detail in upcoming sections and cover some basic concepts in each of these fields wherever necessary.

Let’s look at some core fundamentals of Computer Science in the following section.

Computer Science

The field of computer science (CS) can be defined as the study of the science of understanding computers. This involves study, research, development, engineering, and experimentation of areas dealing with understanding, designing, building, and using computers. This also involves extensive design and development of algorithms and programs that can be used to make the computer perform computations and tasks as desired. There are mainly two major areas or fields under computer science, as follows.

  • Theoretical computer science

  • Applied or practical computer science

The two major areas under computer science span across multiple fields and domains wherein each field forms a part or a sub-field of computer science. The main essence of computer science includes formal languages, automata and theory of computation, algorithms, data structures, computer design and architecture, programming languages, and software engineering principles.

Theoretical Computer Science

Theoretical computer science is the study of theory and logic that tries to explain the principles and processes behind computation. This involves understanding the theory of computation which talks about how computation can be used efficiently to solve problems. Theory of computation includes the study of formal languages, automata, and understanding complexities involved in computations and algorithms. Information and coding theory is another major field under theoretical CS that has given us domains like signal processing, cryptography, and data compression. Principles of programming languages and their analysis is another important aspect that talks about features, design, analysis, and implementations of various programming languages and how compilers and interpreters work in understanding these languages. Last but never the least, data structures and algorithms are the two fundamental pillars of theoretical CS used extensively in computational programs and functions.

Practical Computer Science

Practical computer science also known as applied computer science is more about tools, methodologies, and processes that deal with applying concepts and principles from computer science in the real world to solve practical day-to-day problems. This includes emerging sub-fields like artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, computer vision, Deep Learning, natural language processing, data mining, and robotics and they try to solve complex real-world problems based on multiple constraints and parameters and try to emulate tasks that require considerable human intelligence and experience. Besides these, we also have well-established fields, including computer architecture, operating systems, digital logic and design, distributed computing, computer networks, security, databases, and software engineering.

Important Concepts

These are several concepts from computer science that you should know and remember since they would be useful as foundational concepts to understand the other chapters, concepts, and examples better. It’s not an exhaustive list but should pretty much cover enough to get started.


An algorithm can be described as a sequence of steps, operations, computations, or functions that can be executed to carry out a specific task. They are basically methods to describe and represent a computer program formally through a series of operations, which are often described using plain natural language, mathematical symbols, and diagrams. Typically flowcharts, pseudocode, and natural language are used extensively to represent algorithms. An algorithm can be as simple as adding two numbers and as complex as computing the inverse of a matrix.

Programming Languages

A programming language is a language that has its own set of symbols, words, tokens, and operators having their own significance and meaning. Thus syntax and semantics combine to form a formal language in itself. This language can be used to write computer programs, which are basically real-world implementations of algorithms that can be used to specify specific instructions to the computer such that it carries our necessary computation and operations. Programming languages can be low level like C and Assembly or high level languages like Java and Python .


This is basically source code that forms the foundation of computer programs. Code is written using programming languages and consists of a collection of computer statements and instructions to make the computer perform specific desired tasks. Code helps convert algorithms into programs using programming languages. We will be using Python to implement most of our real-world Machine Learning solutions.

Data Structures

Data structures are specialized structures that are used to manage data. Basically they are real-world implementations for abstract data type specifications that can be used to store, retrieve, manage, and operate on data efficiently. There is a whole suite of data structures like arrays, lists, tuples, records, structures, unions, classes, and many more. We will be using Python data structures like lists, arrays, dataframes, and dictionaries extensively to operate on real-world data!

Data Science

The field of Data Science is a very diverse, inter-disciplinary field which encompasses multiple fields that we depicted in Figure 1-4. Data Science basically deals with principles, methodologies, processes, tools, and techniques to gather knowledge or information from data (structured as well as unstructured). Data Science is more of a compilation of processes, techniques, and methodologies to foster a data-driven decision based culture. In fact Drew Conway’s “Data Science Venn Diagram,” depicted in Figure 1-5, shows the core components and essence of Data Science, which in fact went viral and became insanely popular!

Figure 1-5.
figure 5

Drew Conway’s Data Science Venn diagram

Figure 1-5 is quite intuitive and easy to interpret. Basically there are three major components and Data Science sits at the intersection of them. Math and statistics knowledge is all about applying various computational and quantitative math and statistical based techniques to extract insights from data. Hacking skills basically indicate the capability of handling, processing, manipulating and wrangling data into easy to understand and analyzable formats. Substantive expertise is basically the actual real-world domain expertise which is extremely important when you are solving a problem because you need to know about various factors, attributes, constraints, and knowledge related to the domain besides your expertise in data and algorithms.

Thus Drew rightly points out that Machine Learning is a combination of expertise on data hacking skills, math, and statistical learning methods and for Data Science, you need some level of domain expertise and knowledge along with Machine Learning. You can check out Drew’s personal insights in his article at , where talks all about the Data Science Venn diagram. Besides this, we also have Brendan Tierney, who talks about the true nature of Data Science being a multi-disciplinary field with his own depiction, as shown in Figure 1-6.

Figure 1-6.
figure 6

Brendan Tierney's depiction of Data Science as a true multi-disciplinary field

If you observe his depiction closely, you will see a lot of the domains mentioned here are what we just talked about in the previous sections and matches a substantial part of Figure 1-4. You can clearly see Data Science being the center of attention and drawing parts from all the other fields and Machine Learning as a sub-field.


The field of mathematics deals with numbers, logic, and formal systems. The best definition of mathematics was coined by Aristotle as “The science of quantity”. The scope of mathematics as a scientific field is huge spanning across areas including algebra, trigonometry, calculus, geometry, and number theory just to name a few major fields. Linear algebra and probability are two major sub-fields under mathematics that are used extensively in Machine Learning and we will be covering a few important concepts from them in this section. Our major focus will always be on practical Machine Learning, and applied mathematics is an important aspect for the same. Linear algebra deals with mathematical objects and structures like vectors, matrices, lines, planes, hyperplanes, and vector spaces. The theory of probability is a mathematical field and framework used for studying and quantifying events of chance and uncertainty and deriving theorems and axioms from the same. These laws and axioms help us in reasoning, understanding, and quantifying uncertainty and its effects in any real-world system or scenario, which helps us in building our Machine Learning models by leveraging this framework.

Important Concepts

In this section, we discuss some key terms and concepts from applied mathematics, namely linear algebra and probability theory. These concepts are widely used across Machine Learning and form some of the foundational structures and principles across Machine Learning algorithms, models, and processes.


A scalar usually denotes a single number as opposed to a collection of numbers. A simple example might be x = 5 or xR, where x is the scalar element pointing to a single number or a real-valued single number.


A vector is defined as a structure that holds an array of numbers which are arranged in order. This basically means the order or sequence of numbers in the collection is important. Vectors can be mathematically denoted as x = [x 1, x 2, …, x n ], which basically tells us that x is a one-dimensional vector having n elements in the array. Each element can be referred to using an array index determining its position in the vector. The following snippet shows us how we can represent simple vectors in Python.

In [1]: x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]    ...: x Out[1]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] In [2]: import numpy as np    ...: x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])    ...:    ...: print(x)    ...: print(type(x)) [1 2 3 4 5] <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

Thus you can see that Python lists as well as numpy based arrays can be used to represent vectors. Each row in a dataset can act as a one-dimensional vector of n attributes, which can serve as inputs to learning algorithms.


A matrix is a two-dimensional structure that basically holds numbers. It’s also often referred to as a 2D array . Each element can be referred to using a row and column index as compared to a single vector index in case of vectors. Mathematically, you can depict a matrix as \( M=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}{m}_{11}& {m}_{12}& {m}_{13}\\ {}{m}_{21}& {m}_{22}& {m}_{23}\\ {}{m}_{31}& {m}_{32}& {m}_{33}\end{array}\right] \) such that M is a 3 x 3 matrix having three rows and three columns and each element is denoted by m rc such that r denotes the row index and c denotes the column index. Matrices can be easily represented as list of lists in Python and we can leverage the numpy array structure as depicted in the following snippet.

In [3]: m = np.array([[1, 5, 2],    ...:               [4, 7, 4],    ...:               [2, 0, 9]]) In [4]: # view matrix    ...: print(m) [[1 5 2]  [4 7 4]  [2 0 9]] In [5]: # view dimensions    ...: print(m.shape) (3, 3)

Thus you can see how we can easily leverage numpy arrays to represent matrices. You can think of a dataset with rows and columns as a matrix such that the data features or attributes are represented by columns and each row denotes a data sample. We will be using the same analogy later on in our analyses. Of course, you can perform matrix operations like add, subtract, products, inverse, transpose, determinants, and many more. The following snippet shows some popular matrix operations .

In [9]: # matrix transpose    ...: print('Matrix Transpose:\n', m.transpose(), '\n')    ...:    ...: # matrix determinant    ...: print ('Matrix Determinant:', np.linalg.det(m), '\n')    ...:    ...: # matrix inverse    ...: m_inv = np.linalg.inv(m)    ...: print ('Matrix inverse:\n', m_inv, '\n')    ...:    ...: # identity matrix (result of matrix x matrix_inverse)    ...: iden_m =, m_inv)    ...: iden_m = np.round(np.abs(iden_m), 0)    ...: print ('Product of matrix and its inverse:\n', iden_m)    ...: Matrix Transpose:  [[1 4 2]   [5 7 0]   [2 4 9]] Matrix Determinant: -105.0 Matrix inverse:  [[-0.6         0.42857143 -0.05714286]   [ 0.26666667 -0.04761905 -0.03809524]   [ 0.13333333 -0.0952381   0.12380952]] Product of matrix and its inverse:  [[ 1.  0.  0.]   [ 0.  1.  0.]   [ 0.  0.  1.]]

This should give you a good idea to get started with matrices and their basic operations. More on this is covered in Chapter 2, “The Python Machine Learning Ecosystem ”.


You can think of a tensor as a generic array. Tensors are basically arrays with a variable number of axes. An element in a three-dimensional tensor T can be denoted by T x,y,z where x, y, z denote the three axes for specifying element T.


The norm is a measure that is used to compute the size of a vector often also defined as the measure of distance from the origin to the point denoted by the vector. Mathematically, the pth norm of a vector is denoted as follows.

$$ {L}^p={\left\Vert x\right\Vert}_p={\left(\sum \limits_i{\left|{x}_i\right|}^p\right)}^{\frac{1}{p}} $$

Such that p ≥ 1 and pR. Popular norms in Machine Learning include the L 1 norm used extensively in Lasso regression models and the L 2 norm, also known as the Euclidean norm, used in ridge regression models.

Eigen Decomposition

This is basically a matrix decomposition process such that we decompose or break down a matrix into a set of eigen vectors and eigen values. The eigen decomposition of a matrix can be mathematically denoted by M = V diag(λ) V -1 such that the matrix M has a total of n linearly independent eigen vectors represented as {v (1), v (2), …, v (n)} and their corresponding eigen values can be represented as {λ 1, λ 2, …, λ n }. The matrix V consists of one eigen vector per column of the matrix i.e., V = [v (1), v (2), …, v (n)] and the vector λ consists of all the eigen values together i.e., λ = [λ 1, λ 2, …, λ n ].

An eigen vector of the matrix is defined as a non-zero vector such that on multiplying the matrix by the eigen vector, the result only changes the scale of the eigen vector itself, i.e., the result is a scalar multiplied by the eigen vector. This scalar is known as the eigen value corresponding to the eigen vector. Mathematically this can be denoted by Mv = λv where M is our matrix, v is the eigen vector and λ is the corresponding eigen value. The following Python snippet depicts how to extract eigen values and eigen vectors from a matrix.

In [4]: # eigendecomposition    ...: m = np.array([[1, 5, 2],    ...:               [4, 7, 4],    ...:               [2, 0, 9]])    ...:    ...: eigen_vals, eigen_vecs = np.linalg.eig(m)    ...:    ...: print('Eigen Values:', eigen_vals, '\n')    ...: print('Eigen Vectors:\n', eigen_vecs)    ...: Eigen Values: [ -1.32455532  11.32455532   7.        ] Eigen Vectors:  [[-0.91761521  0.46120352 -0.46829291]   [ 0.35550789  0.79362022 -0.74926865]   [ 0.17775394  0.39681011  0.46829291]]

Singular Value Decomposition

The process of singular value decomposition, also known as SVD, is another matrix decomposition or factorization process such that we are able to break down a matrix to obtain singular vectors and singular values. Any real matrix will always be decomposed by SVD even if eigen decomposition may not be applicable in some cases. Mathematically, SVD can be defined as follows. Considering a matrix M having dimensions m x n such that m denotes total rows and n denotes total columns, the SVD of the matrix can be represented with the following equation.

$$ {M}_{m\times n}={U}_{m\times m}\;{S}_{m\times n}\;{V^T}_{n\times n} $$

This gives us the following main components of the decomposition equation.

  • U m x m is an m x m unitary matrix where each column represents a left singular vector

  • S m x n is an m x n matrix with positive numbers on the diagonal, which can also be represented as a vector of the singular values

  • V T n x n is an n x n unitary matrix where each row represents a right singular vector

In some representations, the rows and columns might be interchanged but the end result should be the same, i.e., U and V are always orthogonal. The following snippet shows a simple SVD decomposition in Python.

In [7]: # SVD    ...: m = np.array([[1, 5, 2],    ...:               [4, 7, 4],    ...:               [2, 0, 9]])    ...:    ...: U, S, VT = np.linalg.svd(m)    ...:    ...: print('Getting SVD outputs:-\n')    ...: print('U:\n', U, '\n')    ...: print('S:\n', S, '\n')    ...: print('VT:\n', VT, '\n')    ...: Getting SVD outputs:- U:  [[ 0.3831556  -0.39279153  0.83600634]   [ 0.68811254 -0.48239977 -0.54202545]   [ 0.61619228  0.78294653  0.0854506 ]] S:  [ 12.10668383   6.91783499   1.25370079] VT:  [[ 0.36079164  0.55610321  0.74871798]   [-0.10935467 -0.7720271   0.62611158]   [-0.92621323  0.30777163  0.21772844]]

SVD as a technique and the singular values in particular are very useful in summarization based algorithms and various other methods like dimensionality reduction.

Random Variable

Used frequently in probability and uncertainty measurement, a random variable is basically a variable that can take on various values at random. These variables can be of discrete or continuous type in general.

Probability Distribution

A probability distribution is a distribution or arrangement that depicts the likelihood of a random variable or variables to take on each of its probable states. There are usually two main types of distributions based on the variable being discrete or continuous.

Probability Mass Function

A probability mass function , also known as PMF, is a probability distribution over discrete random variables. Popular examples include the Poisson and binomial distributions.

Probability Density Function

A probability density function , also known as PDF, is a probability distribution over continuous random variables. Popular examples include the normal, uniform, and student’s T distributions.

Marginal Probability

The marginal probability rule is used when we already have the probability distribution for a set of random variables and we want to compute the probability distribution for a subset of these random variables. For discrete random variables, we can define marginal probability as follows.

$$ P(x)=\sum \limits_yP\left(x,y\right) $$

For continuous random variables, we can define it using the integration operation as follows.

$$ p(x)=\int p\left(x,y\right) dy $$

Conditional Probability

The conditional probability rule is used when we want to determine the probability that an event is going to take place, such that another event has already taken place. This is mathematically represented as follows.

$$ P\left(x\;\left|\;y\right.\right)=\frac{P\left(x,y\right)}{P(y)} $$

This tells us the conditional probability of x, given that y has already taken place.

Bayes Theorem

This is another rule or theorem which is useful when we know the probability of an event of interest P(A), the conditional probability for another event based on our event of interest P(B | A) and we want to determine the conditional probability of our event of interest given the other event has taken place P(A | B). This can be defined mathematically using the following expression.

$$ P\left(A\;\left|\;B\right.\;\right)=\frac{P\left(B\;\left|\;A\right.\right)\;P(A)}{P(B)} $$

such that A and B are events and \( P(B)={\sum}_xP\left(B\;\left|\;A\right.\right)\;P(A) \).


The field of statistics can be defined as a specialized branch of mathematics that consists of frameworks and methodologies to collect, organize, analyze, interpret, and present data. Generally this falls more under applied mathematics and borrows concepts from linear algebra, distributions, probability theory, and inferential methodologies. There are two major areas under statistics that are mentioned as follows.

  • Descriptive statistics

  • Inferential statistics

The core component of any statistical process is data. Hence typically data collection is done first, which could be in global terms, often called a population or a more restricted subset due to various constraints often knows as a sample. Samples are usually collected manually, from surveys, experiments, data stores, and observational studies. From this data, various analyses are carried out using statistical methods.

Descriptive statistics is used to understand basic characteristics of the data using various aggregation and summarization measures to describe and understand the data better. These could be standard measures like mean, median, mode, skewness, kurtosis, standard deviation, variance, and so on. You can refer to any standard book on statistics to deep dive into these measures if you’re interested. The following snippet depicts how to compute some essential descriptive statistical measures.

In [74]: # descriptive statistics     ...: import scipy as sp     ...: import numpy as np     ...:     ...: # get data     ...: nums = np.random.randint(1,20, size=(1,15))[0]     ...: print('Data: ', nums)     ...:     ...: # get descriptive stats     ...: print ('Mean:', sp.mean(nums))     ...: print ('Median:', sp.median(nums))     ...: print ('Mode:', sp.stats.mode(nums))     ...: print ('Standard Deviation:', sp.std(nums))     ...: print ('Variance:', sp.var(nums))     ...: print ('Skew:', sp.stats.skew(nums))     ...: print ('Kurtosis:', sp.stats.kurtosis(nums))     ...: Data:  [ 2 19  8 10 17 13 18  9 19 16  4 14 16 15  5] Mean: 12.3333333333 Median: 14.0 Mode: ModeResult(mode=array([16]), count=array([2])) Standard Deviation: 5.44875113112 Variance: 29.6888888889 Skew: -0.49820055879944575 Kurtosis: -1.0714842769550714

Libraries and frameworks like pandas, scipy, and numpy in general help us compute descriptive statistics and summarize data easily in Python. We cover these frameworks as well as basic data analysis and visualization in Chapters 2 and 3.

Inferential statistics are used when we want to test hypothesis, draw inferences, and conclusions about various characteristics of our data sample or population. Frameworks and techniques like hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression analysis, forecasting, and predictions are typically used for any form of inferential statistics . We look at this in much detail in subsequent chapters when we cover predictive analytics as well as time series based forecasting.

Data Mining

The field of data mining involves processes, methodologies, tools and techniques to discover and extract patterns, knowledge, insights and valuable information from non-trivial datasets. Datasets are defined as non-trivial when they are substantially huge usually available from databases and data warehouses. Once again, data mining itself is a multi-disciplinary field, incorporating concepts and techniques from mathematics, statistics, computer science, databases, Machine Learning and Data Science. The term is a misnomer in general since the mining refers to the mining of actual insights or information from the data and not data itself! In the whole process of KDD or Knowledge Discovery in Databases, data mining is the step where all the analysis takes place.

In general, both KDD as well as data mining are closely linked with Machine Learning since they are all concerned with analyzing data to extract useful patterns and insights. Hence methodologies, concepts, techniques, and processes are shared among them. The standard process for data mining followed in the industry is known as the CRISP-DM model, which we discuss in more detail in an upcoming section in this chapter.

Artificial Intelligence

The field of artificial Intelligence encompasses multiple sub-fields including Machine Learning, natural language processing, data mining , and so on. It can be defined as the art, science and engineering of making intelligent agents, machines and programs. The field aims to provide solutions for one simple yet extremely tough objective, “Can machines think, reason, and act like human beings?” AI in fact existed as early as the 1300s when people started asking such questions and conducting research and development on building tools that could work on concepts instead of numbers like a calculator does. Progress in AI took place in a steady pace with discoveries and inventions by Alan Turing, McCullouch, and Pitts Artificial Neurons. AI was revived once again after a slowdown till the 1980s with success of expert systems, the resurgence of neural networks thanks to Hopfield, Rumelhart, McClelland, Hinton, and many more. Faster and better computation thanks to Moore’s Law led to fields like data mining, Machine Learning and even Deep Learning come into prominence to solve complex problems that would otherwise have been impossible to solve using traditional approaches. Figure 1-7 shows some of the major facets under the broad umbrella of AI .

Figure 1-7.
figure 7

Diverse major facets under the AI umbrella

Some of the main objectives of AI include emulation of cognitive functions also known as cognitive learning, semantics, and knowledge representation, learning, reasoning, problem solving, planning, and natural language processing. AI borrows tools, concepts, and techniques from statistical learning, applied mathematics, optimization methods, logic, probability theory, Machine Learning, data mining, pattern recognition, and linguistics. AI is still evolving over time and a lot of innovation is being done in this field including some of the latest discoveries and inventions like self-driving cars, chatbots, drones, and intelligent robots.

Natural Language Processing

The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a multi-disciplinary field combining concepts from computational linguistics, computer science and artificial intelligence. NLP involves the ability to make machines process, understand, and interact with natural human languages. The major objective of applications or systems built using NLP is to enable interactions between machines and natural languages that have evolved over time. Major challenges in this aspect include knowledge and semantics representation, natural language understanding, generation, and processing. Some of the major applications of NLP are mentioned as follows.

  • Machine translation

  • Speech recognition

  • Question answering systems

  • Context recognition and resolution

  • Text summarization

  • Text categorization

  • Information extraction

  • Sentiment and emotion analysis

  • Topic segmentation

Using techniques from NLP and text analytics, you can work on text data to process, annotate, classify, cluster, summarize, extract semantics, determine sentiment, and much more! The following example snippet depicts some basic NLP operations on textual data where we annotate a document (text sentence) with various components like parts of speech, phrase level tags, and so on based on its constituent grammar. You can refer to page 159 of Text Analytics with Python (Apress; Dipanjan Sarkar, 2016) for more details on constituency parsing.

from nltk.parse.stanford import StanfordParser sentence = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' # create parser object scp = StanfordParser(path_to_jar='E:/stanford/stanford-parser-full-2015-04-20/stanford-parser.jar',                    path_to_models_jar='E:/stanford/stanford-parser-full-2015-04-20/stanford-parser-3.5.2-models.jar') # get parse tree result = list(scp.raw_parse(sentence)) tree = result[0] In [98]: # print the constituency parse tree     ...: print(tree) (ROOT   (NP     (NP (DT The) (JJ quick) (JJ brown) (NN fox))     (NP       (NP (NNS jumps))       (PP (IN over) (NP (DT the) (JJ lazy) (NN dog)))))) In [99]: # visualize constituency parse tree     ...: tree.draw()

Figure 1-8.
figure 8

Constituency parse tree for our sample sentence

Thus you can clearly see that Figure 1-8 depicts the constituency grammar based parse tree for our sample sentence, which consists of multiple noun phrases (NP). Each phrase has several words that are also annotated with their own parts of speech (POS) tags. We cover more on processing and analyzing textual data for various steps in the Machine Learning pipeline as well as practical use cases in subsequent chapters.

Deep Learning

The field of Deep Learning, as depicted earlier, is a sub-field of Machine Learning that has recently come into much prominence. Its main objective is to get Machine Learning research closer to its true goal of “making machines intelligent”. Deep Learning is often termed as a rebranded fancy term for neural networks. This is true to some extent but there is definitely more to Deep Learning than just basic neural networks. Deep Learning based algorithms involves the use of concepts from representation learning where various representations of the data are learned in different layers that also aid in automated feature extraction from the data. In simple terms, a Deep Learning based approach tries to build machine intelligence by representing data as a layered hierarchy of concepts, where each layer of concepts is built from other simpler layers. This layered architecture itself is one of the core components of any Deep Learning algorithm.

In any basic supervised Machine Learning technique, we basically try to learn a mapping between our data samples and our output and then try to predict output for newer data samples. Representational learning tries to understand the representations in the data itself besides learning mapping from inputs to outputs. This makes Deep Learning algorithms extremely powerful as compared to regular techniques, which require significant expertise in areas like feature extraction and engineering. Deep Learning is also extremely effective with regard to its performance as well as scalability with more and more data as compared to older Machine Learning algorithms. This is depicted in Figure 1-9 based on a slide from Andrew Ng’s talk at the Extract Data Conference.

Figure 1-9.
figure 9

Performance comparison of Deep Learning and traditional Machine Learning by Andrew Ng

Indeed, as rightly pointed out by Andrew Ng, there have been several noticeable trends and characteristics related to Deep Learning that we have noticed over the past decade. They are summarized as follows.

  • Deep Learning algorithms are based on distributed representational learning and they start performing better with more data over time.

  • Deep Learning could be said to be a rebranding of neural networks, but there is a lot into it compared to traditional neural networks.

  • Better software frameworks like tensorflow, theano, caffe, mxnet, and keras, coupled with superior hardware have made it possible to build extremely complex, multi-layered Deep Learning models with huge sizes.

  • Deep Learning has multiple advantages related to automated feature extraction as well as performing supervised learning operations, which have helped data scientists and engineers solve increasingly complex problems over time.

The following points describe the salient features of most Deep Learning algorithms, some of which we will be using in this book.

  • Hierarchical layered representation of concepts. These concepts are also called features in Machine Learning terminology (data attributes).

  • Distributed representational learning of the data happens through a multi-layered architecture (unsupervised learning).

  • More complex and high-level features and concepts are derived from simpler, low-level features.

  • A deep neural network usually is considered to have at least more than one hidden layer besides the input and output layers. Usually it consists of a minimum of three to four hidden layers.

  • Deep architectures have a multi-layered architecture where each layer consists of multiple non-linear processing units. Each layer’s input is the previous layer in the architecture. The first layer is usually the input and the last layer is the output.

  • Can perform automated feature extraction, classification, anomaly detection, and many other Machine Learning tasks.

This should give you a good foundational grasp of the concepts pertaining to Deep Learning. Suppose we had a real-world problem of object recognition from images. Figure 1-10 will give us a good idea of how typical Machine Learning and Deep Learning pipelines differ (Source: Yann LeCun).

Figure 1-10.
figure 10

Comparing various learning pipelines by Yann LeCun

You can clearly see how Deep Learning methods involve a hierarchical layer representation of features and concept from the raw data as compared to other Machine Learning methods. We conclude this section with a brief coverage of some essential concepts pertaining to Deep Learning.

Important Concepts

In this section, we discuss some key terms and concepts from Deep Learning algorithms and architecture. This should be useful in the future when you are building your own Deep Learning models.

Artificial Neural Networks

An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a computational model and architecture that simulates biological neurons and the way they function in our brain. Typically, an ANN has layers of interconnected nodes. The nodes and their inter-connections are analogous to the network of neurons in our brain. A typical ANN has an input layer, an output layer, and at least one hidden layer between the input and output with inter-connections, as depicted in Figure 1-11

Figure 1-11.
figure 11

A typical artificial neural network

Any basic ANN will always have multiple layers of nodes, specific connection patterns and links between the layers, connection weights and activation functions for the nodes/neurons that convert weighted inputs to outputs. The process of learning for the network typically involves a cost function and the objective is to optimize the cost function (typically minimize the cost). The weights keep getting updated in the process of learning.


The backpropagation algorithm is a popular technique to train ANNs and it led to a resurgence in the popularity of neural networks in the 1980s. The algorithm typically has two main stages—propagation and weight updates. They are described briefly as follows.

  1. 1.


    1. a.

      The input data sample vectors are propagated forward through the neural network to generate the output values from the output layer.

    2. b.

      Compare the generated output vector with the actual/desired output vector for that input data vector.

    3. c.

      Compute difference in error at the output units.

    4. d.

      Backpropagate error values to generate deltas at each node/neuron.

  2. 2.

    Weight Update

    1. a.

      Compute weight gradients by multiplying the output delta (error) and input activation.

    2. b.

      Use learning rate to determine percentage of the gradient to be subtracted from original weight and update the weight of the nodes.

These two stages are repeated multiple times with multiple iterations/epochs until we get satisfactory results. Typically backpropagation is used along with optimization algorithms or functions like stochastic gradient descent.

Multilayer Perceptrons

A multilayer perceptron , also known as MLP, is a fully connected, feed-forward artificial neural network with at least three layers (input, output, and at least one hidden layer) where each layer is fully connected to the adjacent layer. Each neuron usually is a non-linear functional processing unit. Backpropagation is typically used to train MLPs and even deep neural nets are MLPs when they have multiple hidden layers. Typically used for supervised Machine Learning tasks like classification.

Convolutional Neural Networks

A convolutional neural network, also known as convnet or CNN, is a variant of the artificial neural network, which specializes in emulating functionality and behavior of our visual cortex. CNNs typically consist of the following three components.

  • Multiple convolutional layers, which consist of multiple filters that are convolved across the height and width of the input data (e.g., image raw pixels) by basically computing a dot product to give a two-dimensional activation map. On stacking all the maps across all the filters, we end up getting the final output from a convolutional layer.

  • Pooling layers , which are basically layers that perform non-linear down sampling to reduce the input size and number of parameters from the convolutional layer output to generalize the model more, prevent overfitting and reduce computation time. Filters go through the heights and width of the input and reduce it by taking an aggregate like sum, average, or max. Typical pooling components are average or max pooling.

  • Fully connected MLPs to perform tasks such as image classification and object recognition.

A typical CNN architecture with all the components is depicted as follows in Figure 1-12, which is a LeNet CNN model (Source:

Figure 1-12.
figure 12

LeNet CNN model (Source:

Recurrent Neural Networks

A recurrent neural network, also known as RNN, is a special type of an artificial neural network that allows persisting information based on past knowledge by using a special type of looped architecture. They are used a lot in areas related to data with sequences like predicting the next word of a sentence. These looped networks are called recurrent because they perform the same operations and computation for each and every element in a sequence of input data. RNNs have memory that helps in capturing information from past sequences. Figure 1-13 (Source: Colah’s blog at ) shows the typical structure of a RNN and how it works by unrolling the network based on input sequence length to be fed at any point in time.

Figure 1-13.
figure 13

A recurrent neural network (Source: Colah's Blog)

Figure 1-13 clearly depicts how the unrolled network will accept sequences of length t in each pass of the input data and operate on the same.

Long Short-Term Memory Networks

RNNs are good in working on sequence based data but as the sequences start increasing, they start losing historical context over time in the sequence and hence outputs are not always what is desired. This is where Long Short-Term Memory Networks, popularly known as LSTMs, come into the picture! Introduced by Hochreiter & Schmidhuber in 1997, LSTMs can remember information from really long sequence based data and prevent issues like the vanishing gradient problem, which typically occurs in ANNs trained with backpropagation. LSTMs usually consist of three or four gates, including input, output, and a special forget gate. Figure 1-14 shows a high-level pictorial representation of a single LSTM cell.

Figure 1-14.
figure 14

An LSTM cell (Source:

The input gate usually can allow or deny incoming signals or inputs to alter the memory cell state. The output gate usually propagates the value to other neurons as needed. The forget gate controls the memory cell’s self-recurrent connection to remember or forget previous states as necessary. Multiple LSTM cells are usually stacked in any Deep Learning network to solve real-world problems like sequence prediction.


An autoencoder is a specialized Artificial Neural Network that is primarily used for performing unsupervised Machine Learning tasks. Its main objective is to learn data representations, approximations, and encodings. Autoencoders can be used for building generative models, performing dimensionality reduction, and detecting anomalies.

Machine Learning Methods

Machine Learning has multiple algorithms, techniques, and methodologies that can be used to build models to solve real-world problems using data. This section tries to classify these Machine Learning methods under some broad categories to give some sense to the overall landscape of Machine Learning methods that are ultimately used to perform specific Machine Learning tasks we discussed in a previous section. Typically the same Machine Learning methods can be classified in multiple ways under multiple umbrellas. Following are some of the major broad areas of Machine Learning methods.

  1. 1.

    Methods based on the amount of human supervision in the learning process

    1. a.

      Supervised learning

    2. b.

      Unsupervised learning

    3. c.

      Semi-supervised learning

    4. d.

      Reinforcement learning

  2. 2.

    Methods based on the ability to learn from incremental data samples

    1. a.

      Batch learning

    2. b.

      Online learning

  3. 3.

    Methods based on their approach to generalization from data samples

    1. a.

      Instance based learning

    2. b.

      Model based learning

We briefly cover the various types of learning methods in the following sections to build a good foundation with regard to Machine Learning methods and the type of tasks they usually solve. This should give you enough knowledge to start understanding which methods should be applied in what scenarios when we tackle various real-world use cases and problems in the subsequent chapters of the book.

 Discussing mathematical details and internals of each and every Machine Learning algorithm would be out of the current scope and intent of the book, since the focus is more on solving real-world problems by applying Machine Learning and not on theoretical Machine Learning. Hence you are encouraged to refer to standard Machine Learning references like Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Christopher Bishop, 2006, and The Elements of Statistical Learning, Robert Tibshirani et al., 2001, for more theoretical and mathematical details on the internals of Machine Learning algorithms and methods.

Supervised Learning

Supervised learning methods or algorithms include learning algorithms that take in data samples (known as training data) and associated outputs (known as labels or responses) with each data sample during the model training process. The main objective is to learn a mapping or association between input data samples x and their corresponding outputs y based on multiple training data instances. This learned knowledge can then be used in the future to predict an output y for any new input data sample x′ which was previously unknown or unseen during the model training process. These methods are termed as supervised because the model learns on data samples where the desired output responses/labels are already known beforehand in the training phase.

Supervised learning basically tries to model the relationship between the inputs and their corresponding outputs from the training data so that we would be able to predict output responses for new data inputs based on the knowledge it gained earlier with regard to relationships and mappings between the inputs and their target outputs. This is precisely why supervised learning methods are extensively used in predictive analytics where the main objective is to predict some response for some input data that’s typically fed into a trained supervised ML model. Supervised learning methods are of two major classes based on the type of ML tasks they aim to solve.

  • Classification

  • Regression

Let’s look at these two Machine Learning tasks and observe the subset of supervised learning methods that are best suited for tackling these tasks.


The classification based tasks are a sub-field under supervised Machine Learning, where the key objective is to predict output labels or responses that are categorical in nature for input data based on what the model has learned in the training phase. Output labels here are also known as classes or class labels are these are categorical in nature meaning they are unordered and discrete values. Thus, each output response belongs to a specific discrete class or category.

Suppose we take a real-world example of predicting the weather. Let’s keep it simple and say we are trying to predict if the weather is sunny or rainy based on multiple input data samples consisting of attributes or features like humidity, temperature, pressure, and precipitation. Since the prediction can be either sunny or rainy, there are a total of two distinct classes in total; hence this problem can also be termed as a binary classification problem. Figure 1-15 depicts the binary weather classification task of predicting weather as either sunny or rainy based on training the supervised model on input data samples having feature vectors, (precipitation, humidity, pressure, and temperature) for each data sample/observation and their corresponding class labels as either sunny or rainy.

Figure 1-15.
figure 15

Supervised learning: binary classification for weather prediction

A task where the total number of distinct classes is more than two becomes a multi-class classification problem where each prediction response can be any one of the probable classes from this set. A simple example would be trying to predict numeric digits from scanned handwritten images. In this case it becomes a 10-class classification problem because the output class label for any image can be any digit from 0 - 9. In both the cases, the output class is a scalar value pointing to one specific class. Multi-label classification tasks are such that based on any input data sample, the output response is usually a vector having one or more than one output class label. A simple real-world problem would be trying to predict the category of a news article that could have multiple output classes like news, finance, politics, and so on.

Popular classification algorithms include logistic regression, support vector machines, neural networks, ensembles like random forests and gradient boosting, K-nearest neighbors, decision trees, and many more.


Machine Learning tasks where the main objective is value estimation can be termed as regression tasks. Regression based methods are trained on input data samples having output responses that are continuous numeric values unlike classification, where we have discrete categories or classes. Regression models make use of input data attributes or features (also called explanatory or independent variables) and their corresponding continuous numeric output values (also called as response, dependent, or outcome variable) to learn specific relationships and associations between the inputs and their corresponding outputs. With this knowledge, it can predict output responses for new, unseen data instances similar to classification but with continuous numeric outputs.

One of the most common real-world examples of regression is prediction of house prices . You can build a simple regression model to predict house prices based on data pertaining to land plot areas in square feet. Figure 1-16 shows two possible regression models based on different methods to predict house prices based on plot area.

Figure 1-16.
figure 16

Supervised learning: regression models for house price prediction

The basic idea here is that we try to determine if there is any relationship or association between the data feature plot area and the outcome variable, which is the house price and is what we want to predict. Thus once we learn this trend or relationship depicted in Figure 1-16, we can predict house prices in the future for any given plot of land. If you have noticed the figure closely, we depicted two types of models on purpose to show that there can be multiple ways to build a model on your training data. The main objective is to minimize errors during training and validating the model so that it generalized well, does not overfit or get biased only to the training data and performs well in future predictions.

Simple linear regression models try to model relationships on data with one feature or explanatory variable x and a single response variable y where the objective is to predict y. Methods like ordinary least squares (OLS) are typically used to get the best linear fit during model training.

Multiple regression is also known as multivariable regression . These methods try to model data where we have one response output variable y in each observation but multiple explanatory variables in the form of a vector X instead of a single explanatory variable. The idea is to predict y based on the different features present in X. A real-world example would be extending our house prediction model to build a more sophisticated model where we predict the house price based on multiple features instead of just plot area in each data sample. The features could be represented in a vector as plot area, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, total floors, furnished, or unfurnished. Based on all these attributes, the model tries to learn the relationship between each feature vector and its corresponding house price so that it can predict them in the future.

Polynomial regression is a special case of multiple regression where the response variable y is modeled as an nth degree polynomial of the input feature x. Basically it is multiple regression, where each feature in the input feature vector is a multiple of x. The model on the right in Figure 1-16 to predict house prices is a polynomial model of degree 2.

Non-linear regression methods try to model relationships between input features and outputs based on a combination of non-linear functions applied on the input features and necessary model parameters.

Lasso regression is a special form of regression that performs normal regression and generalizes the model well by performing regularization as well as feature or variable selection. Lasso stands for least absolute shrinkage and selection operator . The L1 norm is typically used as the regularization term in lasso regression.

Ridge regression is another special form of regression that performs normal regression and generalizes the model by performing regularization to prevent overfitting the model. Typically the L2 norm is used as the regularization term in ridge regression.

Generalized linear models are generic frameworks that can be used to model data predicting different types of output responses, including continuous, discrete, and ordinal data. Algorithms like logistic regression are used for categorical data and ordered probit regression for ordinal data.

Unsupervised Learning

Supervised learning methods usually require some training data where the outcomes which we are trying to predict are already available in the form of discrete labels or continuous values. However, often we do not have the liberty or advantage of having pre-labeled training data and we still want to extract useful insights or patterns from our data. In this scenario, unsupervised learning methods are extremely powerful. These methods are called unsupervised because the model or algorithm tries to learn inherent latent structures, patterns and relationships from given data without any help or supervision like providing annotations in the form of labeled outputs or outcomes.

Unsupervised learning is more concerned with trying to extract meaningful insights or information from data rather than trying to predict some outcome based on previously available supervised training data. There is more uncertainty in the results of unsupervised learning but you can also gain a lot of information from these models that was previously unavailable to view just by looking at the raw data. Often unsupervised learning could be one of the tasks involved in building a huge intelligence system. For example, we could use unsupervised learning to get possible outcome labels for tweet sentiments by using the knowledge of the English vocabulary and then train a supervised model on similar data points and their outcomes which we obtained previously through unsupervised learning. There is no hard and fast rule with regard to using just one specific technique. You can always combine multiple methods as long as they are relevant in solving the problem. Unsupervised learning methods can be categorized under the following broad areas of ML tasks relevant to unsupervised learning.

  • Clustering

  • Dimensionality reduction

  • Anomaly detection

  • Association rule-mining

We explore these tasks briefly in the following sections to get a good feel of how unsupervised learning methods are used in the real world.


Clustering methods are Machine Learning methods that try to find patterns of similarity and relationships among data samples in our dataset and then cluster these samples into various groups, such that each group or cluster of data samples has some similarity, based on the inherent attributes or features. These methods are completely unsupervised because they try to cluster data by looking at the data features without any prior training, supervision, or knowledge about data attributes, associations, and relationships.

Consider a real-world problem of running multiple servers in a data center and trying to analyze logs for typical issues or errors. Our main task is to determine the various kinds of log messages that usually occur frequently each week. In simple words, we want to group log messages into various clusters based on some inherent characteristics. A simple approach would be to extract features from the log messages, which would be in textual format and apply clustering on the same and group similar log messages together based on similarity in content. Figure 1-17 shows how clustering would solve this problem. Basically we have raw log messages to start with. Our clustering system would employ feature extraction to extract features from text like word occurrences, phrase occurrences, and so on. Finally, a clustering algorithm like K-means or hierarchical clustering would be employed to group or cluster messages based on similarity of their inherent features.

Figure 1-17.
figure 17

Unsupervised learning: clustering log messages

It is quite clear from Figure 1-17 that our systems have three distinct clusters of log messages where the first cluster depicts disk issues, the second cluster is about memory issues, and the third cluster is about processor issues. Top feature words that helped in distinguishing the clusters and grouping similar data samples (logs) together are also depicted in the figure. Of course, sometimes some features might be present across multiple data samples hence there can be slight overlap of clusters too since this is unsupervised learning. However, the main objective is always to create clusters such that elements of each cluster are near each other and far apart from elements of other clusters.

There are various types of clustering methods that can be classified under the following major approaches.

  • Centroid based methods such as K-means and K-medoids

  • Hierarchical clustering methods such as agglomerative and divisive (Ward’s, affinity propagation)

  • Distribution based clustering methods such as Gaussian mixture models

  • Density based methods such as dbscan and optics.

Besides this, we have several methods that recently came into the clustering landscape, like birch and clarans.

Dimensionality Reduction

Once we start extracting attributes or features from raw data samples, sometimes our feature space gets bloated up with a humongous number of features. This poses multiple challenges including analyzing and visualizing data with thousands or millions of features, which makes the feature space extremely complex posing problems with regard to training models, memory, and space constraints. In fact this is referred to as the “curse of dimensionality ”. Unsupervised methods can also be used in these scenarios, where we reduce the number of features or attributes for each data sample. These methods reduce the number of feature variables by extracting or selecting a set of principal or representative features. There are multiple popular algorithms available for dimensionality reduction like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) , nearest neighbors, and discriminant analysis. Figure 1-18 shows the output of a typical feature reduction process applied to a Swiss Roll 3D structure having three dimensions to obtain a two-dimensional feature space for each data sample using PCA.

Figure 1-18.
figure 18

Unsupervised learning: dimensionality reduction

From Figure 1-18, it is quite clear that each data sample originally had three features or dimensions, namely D(x1, x2, x3) and after applying PCA , we reduce each data sample from our dataset into two dimensions , namely D’(z1, z2). Dimensionality reduction techniques can be classified in two major approaches as follows.

  • Feature Selection methods : Specific features are selected for each data sample from the original list of features and other features are discarded. No new features are generated in this process.

  • Feature Extraction methods : We engineer or extract new features from the original list of features in the data. Thus the reduced subset of features will contain newly generated features that were not part of the original feature set. PCA falls under this category.

Anomaly Detection

The process of anomaly detection is also termed as outlier detection, where we are interested in finding out occurrences of rare events or observations that typically do not occur normally based on historical data samples. Sometimes anomalies occur infrequently and are thus rare events, and in other instances, anomalies might not be rare but might occur in very short bursts over time, thus have specific patterns. Unsupervised learning methods can be used for anomaly detection such that we train the algorithm on the training dataset having normal, non-anomalous data samples. Once it learns the necessary data representations, patterns, and relations among attributes in normal samples, for any new data sample, it would be able to identify it as anomalous or a normal data point by using its learned knowledge. Figure 1-19 depicts some typical anomaly detection based scenarios where you could apply supervised methods like one-class SVM and unsupervised methods like clustering, K-nearest neighbors, auto-encoders, and so on to detect anomalies based on data and its features.

Figure 1-19.
figure 19

Unsupervised learning: anomaly detection

Anomaly detection based methods are extremely popular in real-world scenarios like detection of security attacks or breaches, credit card fraud, manufacturing anomalies, network issues, and many more.

Association Rule-Mining

Typically association rule-mining is a data mining method use to examine and analyze large transactional datasets to find patterns and rules of interest. These patterns represent interesting relationships and associations, among various items across transactions. Association rule-mining is also often termed as market basket analysis , which is used to analyze customer shopping patterns. Association rules help in detecting and predicting transactional patterns based on the knowledge it gains from training transactions. Using this technique, we can answer questions like what items do people tend to buy together, thereby indicating frequent item sets. We can also associate or correlate products and items, i.e., insights like people who buy beer also tend to buy chicken wings at a pub. Figure 1-20 shows how a typical association rule-mining method should work ideally on a transactional dataset.

Figure 1-20.
figure 20

Unsupervised learning: association rule-mining

From Figure 1-20, you can clearly see that based on different customer transactions over a period of time, we have obtained the items that are closely associated and customers tend to buy them together. Some of these frequent item sets are depicted like {meat, eggs}, {milk, eggs} and so on. The criterion of determining good quality association rules or frequent item sets is usually done using metrics like support, confidence, and lift.

This is an unsupervised method, because we have no idea what the frequent item sets are or which items are more strongly associated with which items beforehand. Only after applying algorithms like the apriori algorithm or FP-growth, can we detect and predict products or items associated closely with each other and find conditional probabilistic dependencies. We cover association rule-mining in further details in Chapter 8.

Semi-Supervised Learning

The semi-supervised learning methods typically fall between supervised and unsupervised learning methods. These methods usually use a lot of training data that’s unlabeled (forming the unsupervised learning component) and a small amount of pre-labeled and annotated data (forming the supervised learning component). Multiple techniques are available in the form of generative methods, graph based methods, and heuristic based methods.

A simple approach would be building a supervised model based on labeled data, which is limited, and then applying the same to large amounts of unlabeled data to get more labeled samples, train the model on them and repeat the process. Another approach would be to use unsupervised algorithms to cluster similar data samples, use human-in-the-loop efforts to manually annotate or label these groups, and then use a combination of this information in the future. This approach is used in many image tagging systems. Covering semi-supervised methods would be out of the present scope of this book.

Reinforcement Learning

The reinforcement learning methods are a bit different from conventional supervised or unsupervised methods. In this context, we have an agent that we want to train over a period of time to interact with a specific environment and improve its performance over a period of time with regard to the type of actions it performs on the environment. Typically the agent starts with a set of strategies or policies for interacting with the environment. On observing the environment, it takes a particular action based on a rule or policy and by observing the current state of the environment. Based on the action, the agent gets a reward, which could be beneficial or detrimental in the form of a penalty. It updates its current policies and strategies if needed and this iterative process continues till it learns enough about its environment to get the desired rewards. The main steps of a reinforcement learning method are mentioned as follows.

  1. 1.

    Prepare agent with set of initial policies and strategy

  2. 2.

    Observe environment and current state

  3. 3.

    Select optimal policy and perform action

  4. 4.

    Get corresponding reward (or penalty)

  5. 5.

    Update policies if needed

  6. 6.

    Repeat Steps 2 - 5 iteratively until agent learns the most optimal policies

Consider a real-world problem of trying to make a robot or a machine learn to play chess. In this case the agent would be the robot and the environment and states would be the chessboard and the positions of the chess pieces. A suitable reinforcement learning methodology is depicted in Figure 1-21.

Figure 1-21.
figure 21

Reinforcement learning: training a robot to play chess

The main steps involved for making the robot learn to play chess is pictorially depicted in Figure 1-21. This is based on the steps discussed earlier for any reinforcement learning method. In fact, Google’s DeepMind built the AlphaGo AI with components of reinforcement learning to train the system to play the game of Go.

Batch Learning

Batch learning methods are also popularly known as offline learning methods . These are Machine Learning methods that are used in end-to-end Machine Learning systems where the model is trained using all the available training data in one go. Once training is done and the model completes the process of learning, on getting a satisfactory performance, it is deployed into production where it predicts outputs for new data samples. However, the model doesn’t keep learning over a period of time continuously with the new data. Once the training is complete the model stops learning. Thus, since the model trains with data in one single batch and it is usually a one-time procedure, this is known as batch or offline learning.

We can always train the model on new data but then we would have to add new data samples along with the older historical training data and again re-build the model using this new batch of data. If most of the model building workflow has already been implemented, retraining a model would not involve a lot of effort; however, with the data size getting bigger with each new data sample, the retraining process will start consuming more processor, memory, and disk resources over a period of time. These are some points to be considered when you are building models that would be running from systems having limited capacity.

Online Learning

Online learning methods work in a different way as compared to batch learning methods. The training data is usually fed in multiple incremental batches to the algorithm. These data batches are also known as mini-batches in ML terminology. However, the training process does not end there unlike batch learning methods. It keeps on learning over a period of time based on new data samples which are sent to it for prediction. Basically it predicts and learns in the process with new data on the fly without have to re-run the whole model on previous data samples.

There are several advantages to online learning—it is suitable in real-world scenarios where the model might need to keep learning and re-training on new data samples as they arrive. Problems like device failure or anomaly prediction and stock market forecasting are two relevant scenarios. Besides this, since the data is fed to the model in incremental mini-batches, you can build these models on commodity hardware without worrying about memory or disk constraints since unlike batch learning methods, you do not need to load the full dataset in memory before training the model. Besides this, once the model trains on datasets, you can remove them since we do not need the same data again as the model learns incrementally and remembers what it has learned in the past.

One of the major caveats in online learning methods is the fact that bad data samples can affect the model performance adversely. All ML methods work on the principle of “Garbage In Garbage Out”. Hence if you supply bad data samples to a well-trained model, it can start learning relationships and patterns that have no real significance and this ends up affecting the overall model performance. Since online learning methods keep learning based on new data samples, you should ensure proper checks are in place to notify you in case suddenly the model performance drops. Also suitable model parameters like learning rate should be selected with care to ensure the model doesn’t overfit or get biased based on specific data samples.

Instance Based Learning

There are various ways to build Machine Learning models using methods that try to generalize based on input data. Instance based learning involves ML systems and methods that use the raw data points themselves to figure out outcomes for newer, previously unseen data samples instead of building an explicit model on training data and then testing it out.

A simple example would be a K-nearest neighbor algorithm. Assuming k = 3, we have our initial training data. The ML method knows the representation of the data from the features, including its dimensions, position of each data point, and so on. For any new data point, it will use a similarity measure (like cosine or Euclidean distance) and find the three nearest input data points to this new data point. Once that is decided, we simply take a majority of the outcomes for those three training points and predict or assign it as the outcome label/response for this new data point. Thus, instance based learning works by looking at the input data points and using a similarity metric to generalize and predict for new data points.

Model Based Learning

The model based learning methods are a more traditional ML approach toward generalizing based on training data. Typically an iterative process takes place where the input data is used to extract features and models are built based on various model parameters (known as hyperparameters). These hyperparameters are optimized based on various model validation techniques to select the model that generalizes best on the training data and some amount of validation and test data (split from the initial dataset). Finally, the best model is used to make predictions or decisions as and when needed.

The CRISP-DM Process Model

The CRISP-DM model stands for CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining . More popularly known by the acronym itself, CRISP-DM is a tried, tested, and robust industry standard process model followed for data mining and analytics projects. CRISP-DM clearly depicts necessary steps, processes, and workflows for executing any project right from formalizing business requirements to testing and deploying a solution to transform data into insights. Data Science, Data Mining, and Machine Learning are all about trying to run multiple iterative processes to extract insights and information from data. Hence we can say that analyzing data is truly both an art as well as a science, because it is not always about running algorithms without reason; a lot of the major effort involves in understanding the business, the actual value of the efforts being invested, and proper methods to articulate end results and insights.

The CRISP-DM model tells us that for building an end-to-end solution for any analytics project or system, there are a total of six major steps or phases, some of them being iterative. Just like we have a software development lifecycle with several major phases or steps for a software development project, we have a data mining or analysis lifecycle in this scenario. Figure 1-22 depicts the data mining lifecycle with the CRISP-DM model.

Figure 1-22.
figure 22

The CRISP-DM model depicting the data mining lifecycle

Figure 1-22 clearly shows there are a total of six major phases in the data mining lifecycle and the direction to proceed is depicted with arrows. This model is not a rigid imposition but rather a framework to ensure you are on the right track when going through the lifecycle of any analytics project. In some scenarios like anomaly detection or trend analysis, you might be more interested in data understanding, exploration, and visualization rather than intensive modeling. Each of the six phases is described in detail as follows.

Business Understanding

This is the initial phase before kick starting any project in full flow. However this is one of the most important phases in the lifecycle! The main objective here starts with understanding the business context and requirements for the problem to be solved at hand. Definition of business requirements is crucial to convert the business problem into a data mining or analytics problem and to set expectations and success criteria for both the customer as well as the solution task force. The final deliverable from this phase would be a detailed plan with the major milestones of the project and expected timelines along with success criteria, assumptions, constraints, caveats, and challenges.

Define Business Problem

The first task in this phase would be to start by understanding the business objective of the problem to be solved and build a formal definition of the problem. The following points are crucial toward clearly articulating and defining the business problem .

  • Get business context of the problem to be solved, assess the problem with the help of domain, and subject matter experts (SMEs).

  • Describe main pain points or target areas for business objective to be solved.

  • Understand the solutions that are currently in place, what is lacking, and what needs to be improved.

  • Define the business objective along with proper deliverables and success criteria based on inputs from business, data scientists, analysts, and SMEs.

Assess and Analyze Scenarios

Once the business problem is defined clearly, the main tasks involved would be to analyze and assess the current scenario with regard to the business problem definition. This includes looking at what is currently available and making a note of various items required ranging from resources, personnel, to data. Besides this, proper assessment of risks and contingency plans need to be discussed. The main steps involved in the assessment stage here are mentioned as follows.

  • Assess and analyze what is currently available to solve the problem from various perspectives including data, personnel, resource time, and risks.

  • Build out a brief report of key resources needed (both hardware and software) and personnel involved. In case of any shortcomings, make sure to call them out as necessary.

  • Discuss business objective requirements one by one and then identify and record possible assumptions and constraints for each requirement with the help of SMEs.

  • Verify assumptions and constraints based on data available (a lot of this might be answered only after detailed analysis, hence it depends on the problem to be solved and the data available).

  • Document and report possible risks involved in the project including timelines, resources, personnel, data , and financial based concerns. Build contingency plans for each possible scenario.

  • Discuss success criteria and try to document a comparative return on investment or cost versus valuation analysis if needed. This just needs to be a rough benchmark to make sure the project aligns with the company or business vision.

Define Data Mining Problem

This could be defined as the pre-analysis phase, which starts once the success criteria and the business problem is defined and all the risks, assumptions and constraints have been documented. This phase involves having detailed technical discussions with your analysts, data scientists, and developers and keeping the business stakeholders in sync. The following are the key tasks that are to be undertaken in this phase.

  • Discuss and document possible Machine Learning and data mining methods suitable for the solution by assessing possible tools, algorithms, and techniques.

  • Develop high-level designs for end-to-end solution architecture.

  • Record notes on what the end output from the solution will be and how will it integrate with existing business components.

  • Record success evaluation criteria from a Data Science standpoint. A simple example could be making sure that predictions are at least 80% accurate.

Project Plan

This is the final stage under the business understanding phase. A project plan is generally created consisting of the entire major six phases in the CRISP-DM model , estimated timelines, allocated resources and personnel, and possible risks and contingency plans. Care is taken to ensure concrete high-level deliverables and success criteria are defined for each phase and iterative phases like modeling are highlighted with annotations like feedback based on SMEs might need models to be rebuilt and retuned before deployment.

You should be ready for the next step once you have the following points covered.

  • Definition of business objectives for the problem

  • Success criteria for business and data mining efforts

  • Budget allocation and resource planning

  • Clear, well-defined Machine Learning and data mining methodologies to be followed, including high-level workflows from exploration to deployment

  • Detailed project plan with all six phases of the CRISP-DM model defined with estimated timelines and risks

Data Understanding

The second phase in the CRISP-DM process involves taking a deep dive into the data available and understanding it in further detail before starting the process of analysis. This involves collecting the data, describing the various attributes, performing some exploratory analysis of the data, and keeping tabs on data quality. This phase should not be neglected because bad data or insufficient knowledge about available data can have cascading adverse effects in the later stages in this process.

Data Collection

This task is undertaken to extract, curate, and collect all the necessary data needed for your business objective. Usually this involves making use of the organizations historical data warehouses, data marts, data lakes and so on. An assessment is done based on the existing data available in the organization and if there is any need for additional data. This can be obtained from the web, i.e., open data sources or it can be obtained from other channels like surveys, purchases, experiments and simulations. Detailed documents should keep track of all datasets which would be used for analysis and additional data sources if any are necessary. This document can be combined with the subsequent stages of this phase.

Data Description

Data description involves carrying out initial analysis on the data to understand more about the data, its source, volume, attributes, and relationships. Once these details are documented, any shortcomings if noted should be informed to relevant personnel. The following factors are crucial to building a proper data description document .

  • Data sources (SQL, NoSQL, Big Data), record of origin (ROO), record of reference(ROR)

  • Data volume (size, number of records, total databases, tables)

  • Data attributes and their description (variables, data types)

  • Relationship and mapping schemes (understand attribute representations)

  • Basic descriptive statistics (mean, median, variance)

  • Focus on which attributes are important for the business

Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory data analysis , also known as EDA, is one of the first major analysis stages in the lifecycle. Here, the main objective is to explore and understand the data in detail. You can make use of descriptive statistics, plots, charts, and visualizations to look at the various data attributes, find associations and correlations and make a note of data quality problems if any. Following are some of the major tasks in this stage.

  • Explore, describe, and visualize data attributes

  • Select data and attributes subsets that seem most important for the problem

  • Extensive analysis to find correlations and associations and test hypotheses

  • Note missing data points if any

Data Quality Analysis

Data quality analysis is the final stage in the data understanding phase where we analyze the quality of data in our datasets and document potential errors, shortcomings, and issues that need to be resolved before analyzing the data further or starting modeling efforts. The main focus on data quality analysis involves the following.

  • Missing values

  • Inconsistent values

  • Wrong information due to data errors (manual/automated)

  • Wrong metadata information

Data Preparation

The third phase in the CRISP-DM process takes place after gaining enough knowledge on the business problem and relevant dataset. Data preparation is mainly a set of tasks that are performed to clean, wrangle, curate, and prepare the data before running any analytical or Machine Learning methods and building models. We will briefly discuss some of the major tasks under the data preparation phase in this section. An important point to remember here is that data preparation usually is the most time consuming phase in the data mining lifecycle and often takes 60% to 70% time in the overall project. However this phase should be taken very seriously because, like we have discussed multiple times before, bad data will lead to bad models and poor performance and results.

Data Integration

The process of data integration is mainly done when we have multiple datasets that we might want to integrate or merge. This can be done in two ways. Appending several datasets by combining them, which is typically done for datasets having the same attributes. Merging several datasets together having different attributes or columns, by using common fields like keys .

Data Wrangling

The process of data wrangling or data munging involves data processing, cleaning, normalization, and formatting. Data in its raw form is rarely consumable by Machine Learning methods to build models. Hence we need to process the data based on its form, clean underlying errors and inconsistencies, and format it into more consumable formats for ML algorithms. Following are the main tasks relevant to data wrangling.

  • Handling missing values (remove rows, impute missing values)

  • Handling data inconsistencies (delete rows, attributes, fix inconsistencies)

  • Fixing incorrect metadata and annotations

  • Handling ambiguous attribute values

  • Curating and formatting data into necessary formats (CSV, Json, relational)

Attribute Generation and Selection

Data is comprised of observations or samples (rows) and attributes or features (columns). The process of attribute generation is also known as feature extraction and engineering in Machine Learning terminology. Attribute generation is basically creating new attributes or variables from existing attributes based on some rules, logic, or hypothesis. A simple example would be creating a new numeric variable called age based on two date-time fields—current_date and birth_date—for a dataset of employees in an organization. There are several techniques with regard to attribute generation that we discuss in future chapters.

Attribute selection is basically selecting a subset of features or attributes from the dataset based on parameters like attribute importance, quality, relevancy, assumptions, and constraints. Sometimes even Machine Learning methods are used to select relevant attributes based on the data. This is popularly known as feature selection in Machine Learning terminology.


The fourth phase in the CRISP-DM process is the core phase in the process where most of the analysis takes place with regard to using clean, formatted data and its attributes to build models to solve business problems. This is an iterative process, as depicted in Figure 1-22 earlier, along with model evaluation and all the preceding steps leading up to modeling. The basic idea is to build multiple models iteratively trying to get to the best model that satisfies our success criteria, data mining objectives, and business objectives. We briefly talk about some of the major stages relevant to modeling in this section.

Selecting Modeling Techniques

In this stage, we pick up a list of relevant Machine Learning and data mining tools, frameworks, techniques, and algorithms listed in the “Business Understanding” phase. Techniques that are proven to be robust and useful in solving the problem are usually selected based on inputs and insights from data analysts and data scientists. These are mainly decided by the current data available, business goals, data mining goals, algorithm requirements, and constraints.

Model Building

The process of model building is also known as training the model using data and features from our dataset. A combination of data (features) and Machine Learning algorithms together give us a model that tries to generalize on the training data and give necessary results in the form of insights and/or predictions. Generally various algorithms are used to try out multiple modeling approaches on the same data to solve the same problem to get the best model that performs and gives outputs that are the closest to the business success criteria. Key things to keep track here are the models created, model parameters being used, and their results.

Model Evaluation and Tuning

In this stage, we evaluate each model based on several metrics like model accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and so on. We also tune the model parameters based on techniques like grid search and cross validation to get to the model that gives us the best results. Tuned models are also matched with the data mining goals to see if we are able to get the desired results as well as performance. Model tuning is also termed as hyperparameter optimization in the Machine Learning world.

Model Assessment

Once we have models that are providing desirable and relevant results, a detailed assessment of the model is performed based on the following parameters.

  • Model performance is in line with defined success criteria

  • Reproducible and consistent results from models

  • Scalability, robustness, and ease of deployment

  • Future extensibility of the model

  • Model evaluation gives satisfactory results


The fifth phase in the CRISP-DM process takes place once we have the final models from the modeling phase that satisfy necessary success criteria with respect to our data mining goals and have the desired performance and results with regard to model evaluation metrics like accuracy. The evaluation phase involves carrying out a detailed assessment and review of the final models and the results which are obtained from them. Some of the main points that are evaluated in this section are as follows.

  • Ranking final models based on the quality of results and their relevancy based on alignment with business objectives

  • Any assumptions or constraints that were invalidated by the models

  • Cost of deployment of the entire Machine Learning pipeline from data extraction and processing to modeling and predictions

  • Any pain points in the whole process? What should be recommended? What should be avoided?

  • Data sufficiency report based on results

  • Final suggestions, feedback, and recommendations from solutions team and SMEs

Based on the report formed from these points, after a discussion, the team can decide whether they want to proceed to the next phase of model deployment or a full reiteration is needed, starting from business and data understanding to modeling.


The final phase in the CRISP-DM process is all about deploying your selected models to production and making sure the transition from development to production is seamless. Usually most organizations follow a standard path-to-production methodology. A proper plan for deployment is built based on resources required, servers, hardware, software, and so on. Models are validated, saved, and deployed on necessary systems and servers. A plan is also put in place for regular monitoring and maintenance of models to continuously evaluate their performance, check for results and their validity, and retire, replace, and update models as and when needed.

Building Machine Intelligence

The objective of Machine Learning, data mining, or artificial intelligence is to make our lives easier, automate tasks, and take better decisions. Building machine intelligence involves everything we have learned until now starting from Machine Learning concepts to actually implementing and building models and using them in the real world. Machine intelligence can be built using non-traditional computing approaches like Machine Learning. In this section, we establish full-fledged end-to-end Machine Learning pipelines based on the CRISP-DM model, which will help us solve real-world problems by building machine intelligence using a structured process.

Machine Learning Pipelines

The best way to solve a real-world Machine Learning or analytics problem is to use a Machine Learning pipeline starting from getting your data to transforming it into information and insights using Machine Learning algorithms and techniques. This is more of a technical or solution based pipeline and it assumes that several aspects of the CRISP-DM model are already covered, including the following points.

  • Business and data understanding

  • ML/DM technique selection

  • Risk, assumptions, and constraints assessment

A Machine Learning pipeline will mainly consist of elements related to data retrieval and extraction, preparation, modeling, evaluation, and deployment. Figure 1-23 shows a high-level overview of a standard Machine Learning pipeline with the major phases highlighted in their blocks.

Figure 1-23.
figure 23

A standard Machine Learning pipeline

From Figure 1-23, it is evident that there are several major phases in the Machine Learning pipeline and they are quite similar to the CRISP-DM process model, which is why we talked about it in detail earlier. The major steps in the pipeline are briefly mentioned here.

  • Data retrieval: This is mainly data collection, extraction, and acquisition from various data sources and data stores. We cover data retrieval mechanisms in detail in Chapter 3, “Processing, Wrangling, and Visualizing Data”.

  • Data preparation: In this step, we pre-process the data, clean it, wrangle it, and manipulate it as needed. Initial exploratory data analysis is also carried out. Next steps involved extracting, engineering, and selecting features/attributes from the data.

    • Data processing and wrangling: Mainly concerned with data processing, cleaning, munging , wrangling and performing initial descriptive and exploratory data analysis. We cover this in further details with hands-on examples in Chapter 3, “Processing, Wrangling, and Visualizing Data”.

    • Feature extraction and engineering: Here, we extract important features or attributes from the raw data and even create or engineer new features from existing features. Details on various feature engineering techniques are covered in Chapter 4, “Feature Engineering and Selection”.

    • Feature scaling and selection: Data features often need to be normalized and scaled to prevent Machine Learning algorithms from getting biased. Besides this, often we need to select a subset of all available features based on feature importance and quality. This process is known as feature selection. Chapter 4, “Feature Engineering and Selection,” covers these aspects.

  • Modeling: In the process of modeling, we usually feed the data features to a Machine Learning method or algorithm and train the model, typically to optimize a specific cost function in most cases with the objective of reducing errors and generalizing the representations learned from the data. Chapter 5, “Building, Tuning, and Deploying Models,” covers the art and science behind building Machine Learning models.

  • Model evaluation and tuning: Built models are evaluated and tested on validation datasets and, based on metrics like accuracy, F1 score, and others, the model performance is evaluated. Models have various parameters that are tuned in a process called hyperparameter optimization to get models with the best and optimal results. Chapter 5, “Building, Tuning, and Deploying Models,” covers these aspects.

  • Deployment and monitoring: Selected models are deployed in production and are constantly monitored based on their predictions and results. Details on model deployment are covered in Chapter 5, “Building, Tuning and Deploying Models”.

Supervised Machine Learning Pipeline

By now we know that supervised Machine Learning methods are all about working with supervised labeled data to train models and then predict outcomes for new data samples. Some processes like feature engineering, scaling, and selection should always remain constant so that the same features are used for training the model and the same features are extracted from new data samples to feed the model in the prediction phase. Based on our earlier generic Machine Learning pipeline, Figure 1-24 shows a standard supervised Machine Learning pipeline.

Figure 1-24.
figure 24

Supervised Machine Learning pipeline

You can clearly see the two phases of model training and prediction highlighted in Figure 1-24. Also, based on what we had mentioned earlier, the same sequence of data processing, wrangling, feature engineering, scaling, and selection is used for both data used in training the model and future data samples for which the model predicts outcomes. This is a very important point that you must remember whenever you are building any supervised model . Besides this, as depicted, the model is a combination of a Machine Learning (supervised) algorithm and training data features and corresponding labels. This model will take features from new data samples and output predicted labels in the prediction phase.

Unsupervised Machine Learning Pipeline

Unsupervised Machine Learning is all about extracting patterns, relationships, associations, and clusters from data. The processes related to feature engineering, scaling and selection are similar to supervised learning. However there is no concept of pre-labeled data here. Hence the unsupervised Machine Learning pipeline would be slightly different in contrast to the supervised pipeline. Figure 1-25 depicts a standard unsupervised Machine Learning pipeline.

Figure 1-25.
figure 25

Unsupervised Machine Learning pipeline

Figure 1-25 clearly depicts that no supervised labeled data is used for training the model. With the absence of labels, we just have training data that goes through the same data preparation phase as in the supervised learning pipeline and we build our unsupervised model with an unsupervised Machine Learning algorithm and training features. In the prediction phase, we extract features from new data samples and pass them through the model which gives relevant results according to the type of Machine Learning task we are trying to perform, which can be clustering, pattern detection, association rules, or dimensionality reduction.

Real-World Case Study: Predicting Student Grant Recommendations

Let’s take a step back from what we have learned so far! The main objective here was to gain a solid grasp over the entire Machine Learning landscape, understand crucial concepts, build on the basic foundations, and understand how to execute Machine Learning projects with the help of Machine Learning pipelines with the CRISP-DM process model being the source of all inspiration. Let’s put all this together to take a very basic real-world case study by building a supervised Machine Learning pipeline on a toy dataset. Our major objective is as follows. Given that you have several students with multiple attributes like grades, performance, and scores, can you build a model based on past historical data to predict the chance of the student getting a recommendation grant for a research project?

This will be a quick walkthrough with the main intent of depicting how to build and deploy a real-world Machine Learning pipeline and perform predictions. This will also give you a good hands-on experience to get started with Machine Learning. Do not worry too much if you don’t understand the details of each and every line of code; the subsequent chapters cover all the tools, techniques, and frameworks used here in detail. We will be using Python 3.5 in this book; you can refer to Chapter 2, “The Python Machine Learning Ecosystem” to understand more about Python and the various tools and frameworks used in Machine Learning. You can follow along with the code snippets in this section or open the Predicting Student Recommendation Machine Learning Pipeline.ipynb jupyter notebook by running jupyter notebook in the command line/terminal in the same directory as this notebook. You can then run the relevant code snippets in the notebook from your browser. Chapter 2 covers jupyter notebooks in detail.


You have historical student performance data and their grant recommendation outcomes in the form of a comma separated value file named student_records.csv. Each data sample consists of the following attributes.

  • Name (the student name)

  • OverallGrade (overall grade obtained)

  • Obedient (whether they were diligent during their course of stay)

  • ResearchScore (marks obtained in their research work)

  • ProjectScore (marks obtained in the project)

  • Recommend (whether they got the grant recommendation)

You main objective is to build a predictive model based on this data such that you can predict for any future student whether they will be recommended for the grant based on their performance attributes.

Data Retrieval

Here, we will leverage the pandas framework to retrieve the data from the CSV file. The following snippet shows us how to retrieve the data and view it.

In [1]: import pandas as pd    ...: # turn of warning messages    ...: pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'    ...:    ...: # get data    ...: df = pd.read_csv('student_records.csv')    ...: df

Figure 1-26.
figure 26

Raw data depicting student records and their recommendations

Now that we can see data samples showing records for each student and their corresponding recommendation outcomes in Figure 1-26, we will perform necessary tasks relevant to data preparation .

Data Preparation

Based on the dataset we saw earlier, we do not have any data errors or missing values, hence we will mainly focus on feature engineering and scaling in this section.

Feature Extraction and Engineering

Let’s start by extracting the existing features from the dataset and the outcomes in separate variables. The following snippet shows this process. See Figures 1-27 and 1-28.

In [2]: # get features and corresponding outcomes    ...: feature_names = ['OverallGrade', 'Obedient', 'ResearchScore',                          'ProjectScore']    ...: training_features = df[feature_names]    ...:    ...: outcome_name = ['Recommend']    ...: outcome_labels = df[outcome_name] In [3]: # view features    ...: training_features

Figure 1-27.
figure 27

Dataset features

In [4]: # view outcome labels    ...: outcome_labels

Figure 1-28.
figure 28

Dataset recommendation outcome labels for each student

Now that we have extracted our initial available features from the data and their corresponding outcome labels, let’s separate out our available features based on their type (numerical and categorical). Types of feature variables are covered in more detail in Chapter 3, “Processing, Wrangling, and Visualizing Data”.

In [5]: # list down features based on type    ...: numeric_feature_names = ['ResearchScore', 'ProjectScore']    ...: categoricial_feature_names = ['OverallGrade', 'Obedient']

We will now use a standard scalar from scikit-learn to scale or normalize our two numeric score-based attributes using the following code.

In [6]: from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler    ...: ss = StandardScaler()    ...:    ...: # fit scaler on numeric features    ...:[numeric_feature_names])    ...:    ...: # scale numeric features now    ...: training_features[numeric_feature_names] =                                     ss.transform(training_features[numeric_feature_names])    ...:    ...: # view updated featureset    ...: training_features

Figure 1-29.
figure 29

Feature set with scaled numeric attributes

Now that we have successfully scaled our numeric features (see Figure 1-29), let’s handle our categorical features and carry out the necessary feature engineering needed based on the following code.

In [7]: training_features = pd.get_dummies(training_features,                                            columns=categoricial_feature_names)    ...: # view newly engineering features    ...: training_features

Figure 1-30.
figure 30

Feature set with engineered categorical variables

In [8]: # get list of new categorical features    ...: categorical_engineered_features = list(set(training_features.columns) -                                                  set(numeric_feature_names))

Figure 1-30 shows us the updated feature set with the newly engineered categorical variables. This process is also known as one hot encoding.


We will now build a simple classification (supervised) model based on our feature set by using the logistic regression algorithm . The following code depicts how to build the supervised model.

In [9]: from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression    ...: import numpy as np    ...:    ...: # fit the model    ...: lr = LogisticRegression()    ...: model =,                        np.array(outcome_labels['Recommend']))    ...: # view model parameters    ...: model Out[9]: LogisticRegression(C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=False,                         fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1, max_iter=100,                         multi_class='ovr', n_jobs=1, penalty='l2',                         random_state=None, solver='liblinear', tol=0.0001,                         verbose=0, warm_start=False)

Thus, we now have our supervised learning model based on the logistic regression model with L2 regularization, as you can see from the parameters in the previous output.

Model Evaluation

Typically model evaluation is done based on some holdout or validation dataset that is different from the training dataset to prevent overfitting or biasing the model. Since this is an example on a toy dataset, let’s evaluate the performance of our model on the training data using the following snippet.

In [10]: # simple evaluation on training data     ...: pred_labels = model.predict(training_features)     ...: actual_labels = np.array(outcome_labels['Recommend'])     ...:     ...: # evaluate model performance     ...: from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score     ...: from sklearn.metrics import classification_report     ...:     ...: print('Accuracy:', float(accuracy_score(actual_labels,                 pred_labels))*100, '%')     ...: print('Classification Stats:')     ...: print(classification_report(actual_labels, pred_labels)) Accuracy: 100.0 % Classification Stats:              precision    recall  f1-score   support          No       1.00      1.00      1.00         5         Yes       1.00      1.00      1.00         3 avg / total       1.00      1.00      1.00         8

Thus you can see the various metrics that we had mentioned earlier, like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score depicting the model performance. We talk about these metrics in detail in Chapter 5, “Building, Tuning, and Deploying Models”.

Model Deployment

We built our first supervised learning model, and to deploy this model typically in a system or server, we need to persist the model. We also need to save the scalar object we used to scale the numerical features since we use it to transform the numeric features of new data samples. The following snippet depicts a way to store the model and scalar objects.

In [11]: from sklearn.externals import joblib     ...: import os     ...: # save models to be deployed on your server     ...: if not os.path.exists('Model'):     ...:     os.mkdir('Model')     ...: if not os.path.exists('Scaler'):     ...:     os.mkdir('Scaler')     ...:     ...: joblib.dump(model, r'Model/model.pickle')     ...: joblib.dump(ss, r'Scaler/scaler.pickle')

These files can be easily deployed on a server with necessary code to reload the model and predict new data samples, which we will see in the upcoming sections.

Prediction in Action

We are now ready to start predicting with our newly built and deployed model! To start predictions, we need to load our model and scalar objects into memory. The following code helps us do this.

In [12]: # load model and scaler objects     ...: model = joblib.load(r'Model/model.pickle')     ...: scaler = joblib.load(r'Scaler/scaler.pickle')

We have some sample new student records (for two students) for which we want our model to predict if they will get the grant recommendation. Let’s retrieve and view this data using the following code.

In [13]: ## data retrieval     ...: new_data = pd.DataFrame([{'Name': 'Nathan', 'OverallGrade': 'F',                    'Obedient': 'N', 'ResearchScore': 30, 'ProjectScore': 20},     ...:                          {'Name': 'Thomas', 'OverallGrade': 'A',                    'Obedient': 'Y', 'ResearchScore': 78, 'ProjectScore': 80}])     ...: new_data = new_data[['Name', 'OverallGrade', 'Obedient',                               'ResearchScore', 'ProjectScore']]     ...: new_data

Figure 1-31.
figure 31

New student records

We will now carry out the tasks relevant to data preparation—feature extraction, engineering, and scaling—in the following code snippet.

In [14]: ## data preparation     ...: prediction_features = new_data[feature_names]     ...:     ...: # scaling     ...: prediction_features[numeric_feature_names] =                 scaler.transform(prediction_features[numeric_feature_names])     ...:     ...: # engineering categorical variables     ...: prediction_features = pd.get_dummies(prediction_features,                                      columns=categoricial_feature_names)     ...:     ...: # view feature set     ...: prediction_features

Figure 1-32.
figure 32

Updated feature set for new students

We now have the relevant features for the new students! However you can see that some of the categorical features are missing based on some grades like B, C, and E. This is because none of these students obtained those grades but we still need those attributes because the model was trained on all attributes including these. The following snippet helps us identify and add the missing categorical features. We add the value for each of those features as 0 for each student since they did not obtain those grades.

In [15]: # add missing categorical feature columns     ...: current_categorical_engineered_features =              set(prediction_features.columns) - set(numeric_feature_names)     ...: missing_features = set(categorical_engineered_features) -                                current_categorical_engineered_features     ...: for feature in missing_features:     ...:     # add zeros since feature is absent in these data samples     ...:     prediction_features[feature] = [0] * len(prediction_features)     ...:     ...: # view final feature set     ...: prediction_features

Figure 1-33.
figure 33

Final feature set for new students

We have our complete feature set ready for both the new students. Let’s put our model to the test and get the predictions with regard to grant recommendations!

In [16]: ## predict using model     ...: predictions = model.predict(prediction_features)     ...:     ...: ## display results     ...: new_data['Recommend'] = predictions     ...: new_data

Figure 1-34.
figure 34

New student records with model predictions for grant recommendations

We can clearly see from Figure 1-34 that our model has predicted grant recommendation labels for both the new students. Thomas clearly being diligent, having a straight A average and decent scores, is most likely to get the grant recommendation as compared to Nathan. Thus you can see that our model has learned how to predict grant recommendation outcomes based on past historical student data. This should whet your appetite on getting started with Machine Learning. We are about to deep dive into more complex real-world problems in the upcoming chapters!

Challenges in Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a rapidly evolving, fast-paced, and exciting field with a lot of prospect, opportunity, and scope. However it comes with its own set of challenges, due to the complex nature of Machine Learning methods, its dependency on data, and not being one of the more traditional computing paradigms. The following points cover some of the main challenges in Machine Learning .

  • Data quality issues lead to problems, especially with regard to data processing and feature extraction.

  • Data acquisition, extraction, and retrieval is an extremely tedious and time consuming process.

  • Lack of good quality and sufficient training data in many scenarios.

  • Formulating business problems clearly with well-defined goals and objectives.

  • Feature extraction and engineering, especially hand-crafting features, is one of the most difficult yet important tasks in Machine Learning. Deep Learning seems to have gained some advantage in this area recently.

  • Overfitting or underfitting models can lead to the model learning poor representations and relationships from the training data leading to detrimental performance.

  • The curse of dimensionality: too many features can be a real hindrance.

  • Complex models can be difficult to deploy in the real world.

This is not an exhaustive list of challenges faced in Machine Learning today, but it is definitely a list of the top problems data scientists or analysts usually face in Machine Learning projects and tasks. We will cover dealing with these issues in detail when we discuss more about the various stages in the Machine Learning pipeline as well as solve real-world problems in subsequent chapters.

Real-World Applications of Machine Learning

Machine Learning is widely being applied and used in the real world today to solve complex problems that would otherwise have been impossible to solve based on traditional approaches and rule-based systems. The following list depicts some of the real-world applications of Machine Learning .

  • Product recommendations in online shopping platforms

  • Sentiment and emotion analysis

  • Anomaly detection

  • Fraud detection and prevention

  • Content recommendation (news, music, movies, and so on)

  • Weather forecasting

  • Stock market forecasting

  • Market basket analysis

  • Customer segmentation

  • Object and scene recognition in images and video

  • Speech recognition

  • Churn analytics

  • Click through predictions

  • Failure/defect detection and prevention

  • E-mail spam filtering


The intent of this chapter was to get you familiarized with the foundations of Machine Learning before taking a deep dive into Machine Learning pipelines and solving real-world problems. The need for Machine Learning in today’s world is introduced in the chapter with a focus on making data-driven decisions at scale. We also talked about the various programming paradigms and how Machine Learning has disrupted the traditional programming paradigm. Next up, we explored the Machine Learning landscape starting from the formal definition to the various domains and fields associated with Machine Learning. Basic foundational concepts were covered in areas like mathematics, statistics, computer science, Data Science, data mining, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and Deep Learning since all of them tie back to Machine Learning and we will also be using tools, techniques, methodologies, and processes from these fields in future chapters. Concepts relevant to the various Machine Learning methods have also been covered including supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and reinforcement learning. Other classifications of Machine Learning methods were depicted, like batch versus online based learning methods and online versus instance based learning methods. A detailed depiction of the CRISP-DM process model was explained to give an overview of the industry standard process for data mining projects. Analogies were drawn from this model to build Machine Learning pipelines, where we focus on both supervised and unsupervised learning pipelines.

We brought everything covered in this chapter together in solving a small real-world problem of predicting grant recommendations for students and building a sample Machine Learning pipeline from scratch. This should definitely get you ready for the next chapters, where you will be exploring each of the stages in a Machine Learning pipeline in further details and cover ground on the Python Machine Learning ecosystem. Last but not the least, challenges, and real-world applications of Machine Learning will give you a good idea on the vast scope of Machine Learning and make you aware of the caveats and pitfalls associated with Machine Learning problems.