
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

“I would have written a shorter book, but I did not have the time.” Freely adapted from Blaise Pascal (French mathematician, logician, physicist, and theologian).

Software Version

This book is based on Doctrine 2.3; however, most of its content will still be valid for later versions.

Database System

All examples in this book are based on MySQL.Footnote 1 However, Doctrine 2 supports other database management systems (DBMS) such as PostgreSQL Footnote 2 and SQLite.Footnote 3 Most examples will work with other DBMS right away; some may need to be adapted.

Code Downloads

Most of the code shown in this book can be found in a public repository on GitHub.Footnote 4 While the code of Chapter 3 (“A Self-Made ORM”) can be found on the “master” branch,Footnote 5 there is another branch available, called “doctrine,” Footnote 6 which holds the modifications made in Chapter 4 (“Hello, Doctrine 2!”). There is a third branch called “application” Footnote 7 holding the modifications made in the later chapters. As the demo application grows throughout the book, the application branch also includes a basic model-view-controller (MVC) framework, called Slim,Footnote 8 to better structure the application’s code, as well as Twitter’s Bootstrap Footnote 9 for some basic UI styling.

Conventions Used in This Book

Code listings are highlighted and have line numbering. Listings that start with a $ symbol represent the command line, lines stating with a ➤ symbol represent command output. New terms are written in italic on first usage.