
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

A constant is a variable with a value that cannot be changed by the script. Therefore, such a value must be assigned at the same time that the constant is created. PHP provides two methods for creating constants: the const modifier and the define function.


The const modifier is used to create class constants. Unlike regular properties, class constants do not have an access level specified because they are always publicly visible. They also do not use the dollar sign parser token ($). The naming convention for constants is all uppercase, with underscores separating each word.

class MyCircle {   const PI = 3.14; }

Constants must be assigned a value when they are created. Like static properties, a constant may only be initialized with a constant value, and not with an expression. Class constants are referenced in the same way as static properties, except that they do not use the dollar sign.

echo MyCircle::PI; // "3.14"

The const modifier may not be applied to local variables or parameters. However, as of PHP 5.3, const can be used to create global constants. Such a constant is defined in the global scope and can be accessed anywhere in the script.

const PI = 3.14; echo PI; // "3.14"


The define function can create both global and local constants, but not class constants. The first argument to this function is the constant’s name and the second is its value.

define('DEBUG', 1);

Just like constants created with const, define constants are used without the dollar sign and their value cannot be modified.

echo DEBUG; // "1"

Like constants created with const, the value for define may be any scalar data type: integer, float, string, or bool. Unlike const, however, the define function allows an expression to be used in the assignment, such as a variable or the result of a mathematical expression.

define('ONE', 1);     // 1 define('TWO', ONE+1); // 2

Constants are case sensitive by default. However, the define function takes a third optional argument that may be set to true to create a case-insensitive constant.

define('DEBUG', 1, true); echo debug; // "1"

To check whether a constant already exists, the defined function can be used. This function works for constants created with const or define.

if (!defined('PI'))   define('PI', 3.14);

PHP 7 made it possible to create constant arrays using the define function. Support for constant arrays created with const has existed since PHP 5.6.

const CA = [1, 2, 3];    // PHP 5.6 or later define('DA', [1, 2, 3]); // PHP 7 or later

Const and define

The const modifier creates a compile-time constant, so the compiler replaces all usage of the constant with its value. In contrast, define creates a run-time constant that is not set until run-time. This is the reason why define constants may be assigned with expressional values, whereas const requires constant values that are known at compile-time.

const PI = 3.14;   // compile-time constant define('E', 2.72); // run-time constant

Only const may be used for class constants and only define for local constants. However, when creating global constants, both const and define are allowed. In these circumstances, using const is generally preferable, as compile-time constants are slightly faster than run-time constants. The main exception is when the constant is conditionally defined, or an expressional value is required, in which case define must be used.

Constant Guideline

In general, it is a good idea to create constants instead of variables if their values do not need to be changed. This ensures that the variables are not changed anywhere in the script by mistake, which in turn helps to prevent bugs.

Magic Constants

PHP provides eight predefined constants, as shown in Table 13-1. These are called magic constants because their values change, depending on where they are used.

Table 13-1. Magic Constants

Magic constants are especially useful for debugging purposes. For example, the value of __LINE__ depends on the line in which it appears in the script.

if(!isset($var)) {   echo '$var not set on line ' . __LINE__; }